What did you think of anything announced at E3 so far?
Favorite cringe moments?

Other urls found in this thread:

Guilty Gear
F-Zero X OST
Holla Forums posts
crackers. They're pretty dry.
n/a These crackers are making me thirsty though. I need a good drink.
EA's conference is everything you should expect from a EA conference: sports, jews on stage, and no video games, but we got normalfag wars on stage again this year.
Nothing too Cringy yet. It's all pretty boring right now.

How about fucking no. Stop making these threads god damn.

Planetside 2. Upgrading my harasser and going to rip around in one of those for a while.
Future funk.
Stranger in a Strange Land. Might be reading this one for a while though.
New espresso and chocolate ganache kitkats
I missed it but I hear Ren Hoek turned out to be Kylo Ren and channeled his anger into the dark side of the force instead of a terrorist attack so that's a bit disappointing.

I'll add mine.
Not sure yet. Might dick around in a random assortment of games, but maybe some Suicide Barrels in Gmod.
Nothing, but just finished House of Cards season 5.
Frank had better fucking kill Claire.
My roommate rage about how shit he is in fucking Planetside 2 or something. JFC just fucking GIT GUD. Also STFU.
Had some good ol' meat & cheese sandwiches.
Pretty meh.

Parks & Rec
New Alt-J album
Gatorade and Dew
all rite


Madden story mode from E3. YIKES.

Zelda: Baby Wankers
Nothing right now. mixes, trying to finish the album
Some libertarian shit, I'm trying to skim through different ideologies, next up is "The Holocaust Industry" or some shit like that where rich men profit from anti-semitism they themselves created.
Also, tumblr apologists. Jesus christ, awful.
Some stew
W a t e r
Not tonight
Somewhat sleepy, suspicious of activity.

no, thanks fam bye

Did you say meat and cheese sandys.


Such is summer.

Please end yourself, kike.

Final Fantasy XII
The game i'm playing
The game's soundtrack
Drawing techniques books
Already ate a sandwich, maybe some pizza later
I don't masturbate anymore, porn is disgusting be it 2D or 3DPD and I don't want to have anything to with that anymore. If the need's too strong then my imagination will suffice.
I am confident about getting a job as a cook next year, that encourages me to keep going even if i'm sick right now.

You are a special kind of retarded.

tekken 7, siege, maybe a little goywatch
not even e3 right now
made myself some slow cooker curry tonight, was pretty good
delicious beer
tomboy hentai, light bondage hentai, business lady hentai, all my jam lately
i was annoyed because i spent almost my entire day off cleaning my apartment because my childish roommates are messy as fuck but now i'm over it and i'll stay up late playing games and getting drunk

lmao reminds me when i used to hear my brother yell at DOTA when i still lived with my folks


Nigger fuck off. I remember seeing these threads immediately after the First Exodus.
This shit isn't new, I'm just trying to revive it. And you'll notice I'm not using a tripcode like a faggot.
Why? Because it doesn't fucking matter who starts these.

Check out Double Deck, the artist.

you'd see them sometimes on halfchan back in the day too, might be a little excessive to be honest but right now i wouldn't mind a friday night style thread cuz every other thread i have open is slow as shit right now

I am glad that's dead
Anyways, I suggest we keep these thread but move them over to Tuesday.

So the most exciting day, and the most BORING.

I looked him up and all I'm seeing is grotesquely proportioned furshit.
Not my thing, sorry.

Fuck off and stop derailing

Oh. It's a shame to hear that then. Time to report.
show me the thread btw

Not that, there's one where some dude is looking through a telescope and gets abducted by ayy lmaos.

Keep trying, won't stop others from posting.

I figure it's fine since we're still waiting on the bulk of E3 news.

Yeah I'm not holding my breath for anything great or at all on any days.

Top kek

I never understood how people can pick out newfags tbh, maybe they just don't like the thread, report anyways.
Well, shit. i need to see it myself, I didn't know that.

WoW Legion. Tried an actually fun class and liking the expac way more than I did at launch.
E3 shit
shit beer
Battlefront just looks like a slightly better version of the first EA one. Probably gonna squeeze a week or two out of it, if I even buy it. Prison game looks like a decent idea they will manage to fuck up.
They held for claps a lot.

Shit what the fuck was this called again

so im here late, someone give me a rundown of everything thats happened so far

Good goy.

one user gets mad over a thread's existence. That's all you've missed so far.

If you haven't noticed some of your other comments have been removed. Did you delete them yourself or is it because anons actually like these threads enough and are calling you on your shit?

Worl of Wowcraft
Some Bollywood film a friend told me to watch
The Fellowship of the Ring soundtrack
Retarded reactions to the British General Election
Taco Bell
Glenfiddich 15 year. I normally like a slight bit more bite in my whisky and a whiff of spice/wood/river in the smell, but it's not bad at all. The smell is flowery and sweet, and the taste is more sweetness. It's certainly an easy drink to down. ~$45-Don't buy it.
bready good
Announcing games and content before the conference even starts is retarded. I'll look up summaries after the conferences to see what cancer is coming out. Bioware should change their name because its important and talented staff has all been replaced by this point. I'm not concerned about the new Bioware game because that last 5 or so games have been rubbish.

English doesn't seem like your first language, chaim.
Also, stay mad.

Just filter the retard, he'll just be screaming to himself in his little echobox.

True enough.

Might play some Guilty Gear later
Had pizza earlier
Bretty gud, working on my Gyan revive kit

not a gyan fan myself but thumbs up to any gunpla fans

you've missed the entire point of these threads. It's the weekend. chill. relax. calm down.

Overwatch and Lichdom Battlemage
Ed,Edd,'n Eddy
The Catechism of Saint Pius X
BBQ chicken
Better, since next week will be an easier work week, and tomorrow is Church.

Why are you niggers still playing the shitshow that is WoW?

Legion is pretty damn fun, tbh

Legion is alright, definitely redeemed WoW in a lot of ways since the shitshow that was Warlords of Draenor.
I play it mostly for running old content with friends.
Also, the Death Knight campaign in Legion is pretty sick.

I for one play on a roleplay server. Roleplay servers are not strong on third party servers, and I still like the lore of the world. I used to play Guild Wars 1 and later 2, but they fucked the lore.

Because I don't listen to Holla Forums and I play games I like.

Eh, fair enough I suppose. I tried to play it once but Blizzard fucked me in the ass by locking my account after I just made and registered WoW to it.

I wish I could find decent rp multiplayer games tbh.

Reported. :^)

May I ask why you're still playing the shitshow that is Overwatch

Skyrim, heavily modded with lewd mods and everything inbetween
The trainwreck that is the EA play for E3.
Chasing the sun nightcored
Holla Forums. If you mean actual books, just started rereading the GOT books. Probably going to read the bible inbetween too.
meat wrapped around cheesesticks.
Hot coffee, Diet RC Cola, and Energy drink.
Maybe later, maybe skyrim
or some kind of hentai. Don't wanna say what, you guys bully me when I do.
Pretty good. Tired out, relaxed and content. Probably starting summer job next week too.

This art is akin to an artist who is JUST improving, though, It's really good, the neck is a little weird, like she's stretching it out like a giraffe.

Symphony of the Night if I can get my damn emulator to work
Twin Peaks
/tg/ and Holla Forums
Mac and Cheese
Grape soda
Kon-Kit doujins Is it bad that I like his ntr shit? Because I feel bad for liking it
not too bad. Just finished work for the school year and I'm off work until August so hopefully I'll be able to put a dent in my backlog. I expect a lot of late nights going forward.

Just pretend you're the guy doing the cucking.

Earlier I was watching E3 coverage but whatever -sucked
Otaku USA
Some sort of flat noodle
Ice water
p. good

Probably just played a bit too much bloodborne and it influenced his style.

Lichdom is easily the worse of those two games though.

That makes me feel almost as bad destroying a relationship.

I fapped to real little japanese boys on some obscure russian website, once you go real, to 2D you can't reel.
I get guilty when going in there because there's also CP and I don't roll that way
Weird how certain non-tor sites have these things, but they're not in english.

Please take your pedo shit and leave, we don't need another decent thread nuked because some retard decides to start posting japanese CP

I don't wanna get permabanned. Holla Forums is harder on CP than halfchan. Also, I don't save it because the site doesn't let me



Report negated. It's one post. Fuck off.

Cunny is gross.

The report isnt to ban you stupid, it's to let jim know, so he can report you to the fbi who then subpeona your vpn, if you're actually smart enough to be using one
Have fun in gen pop when they find out what you are.

I'm okay with this.


Because I have a gambling addiction that Overmeme satisfies.

It could be worse, I could be "playing" the fucktons of VNs I bought yesterday instead.

Just in from work. I think i'm gonna go join a 24hr gym tomorrow, start getting my shit together.

Senran Kagura Estival Versus and Star Ocean 3
My Hero Academia
Chicken quesadilla
haven't decided yet. I'm feeling wolf girls tonight though.
Good, like I could take on the world. No idea why i've got this high, but i feel great. I'm gonna use this feeling to spring myself into trying to make better habits for myself.
only got to watch the first hour or so of the EA conference before heading into work. It was shit from what I saw though. I expected nothing from them, and yet i'm somehow still let down.
I guess that's just E3 in a nutshell though.

fucking nice! I was listening to that while I worked earlier to day actually. Good shit mang.

what activity user?

so a typical FNMF/SNMF thread then?

good taste user

pedoscum plz go

Samurai Champloo
David Bowie and Captain Beefheart
Batman: Dark Victory
Not right now
Like I definitely shouldn't give EA my money with Battlefront II but feeling like I may down the line and hating myself for it

Profligates like you belong on a cross.

Starcraft, smash 4, Shantae half genie hero
random things like e3 cringe compilations, Starcraft streams, random porn.
Mellow video game music like video related
re-reading 1984
water tfw Javs have english subtitles now, i can finally understand the silly story arcs.
i've only seen one cringe compilations of it, it really doesn't seem like they're trying appeal to people who want games. Esports for sports games, and EA things.
That missed hivefive at the start of the "men in blazers" sports thing



Girls Bravo

When i looked up earthbound's soundtrack i couldn't find a few songs.
I wish you luck, i'm kind of in the same place.



Strider the PC remake, not the original It's really fun
Jewtube garbage
Nothing besides the occasional Moonman song for some fun
Holla Forums
Had a steamed cheeseburger before
Beer, black tea + whiskey
Fapped too many times today, no more. Dunno why I feel the need to fap so much in one day on a weekend
pretty relaxed

Battlefront 2 looks like boring garbage, I don't know about Need for Speed because no ACTUAL gameplay was shown
Favorite cringe moments?
e-celebs forgetting their rehearsed improvisational lines and generally being faggots


That reminds me. I need to get fit so I can throw around my gf and modestly beat her during sex and have her actually enjoy it.

What about the second picture reminded you of that?

Who gives a shit about the wolf girl if you don't have an adventure to go on? Something to strive for, something tangible and yet seemingly impossible at the same time.

Just the look in her eyes and that slender body. Holo looks like she likes to fight and lose.

Super Mario RPG streamed on twitch, met some pretty cool people
Nothing at the moment
couple boards
chips ahoy
Vess Soda
Nah, Im good
Bretty gud, E3 time, ready for new vidya or see everything burn
EA with the Live Marriage proposal, dear god please tell me she said no later.

Played about five minutes of combo training on Rev 2 then got bored. Might play Grandia in a bit.
Some Miles Davis stuff I've had on my computer for God knows how long.
Not hungry yet.
A slurpee. Might crack open a beer once I'm done with it.
Probably nothing tonight.
Bretty gud. I'm quitting my shitty job tomorrow.


user, you do understand a rule that if there's a consumer, there's always a suplier? If there's demand in such degenerate goods, you will find somebody who will profit off people like you.
The more there are people masturbating on such degeneracy, the more there will be victims.

Kill yourself, or contain your stupid sexual urges and retrace them towards adult women. Pedos are first to be gassed.

You know the rules, user.

sounds like some pretty get motivation.
Go join a gym as soon as you can then.
at least you have a gf to get fit for. Don't let that motivation go to waste user

i feel you there user. But all we can do is make ourselves the best we are able to, since those things are beyond us, even beyond the next generation probably.

of course she does. She's cheeky, smug, but ultimately loving and in need of being "defeated."


A bit of Xenoverse 2, probably going to start another run of Soul Silver ronight
Something something Machiavellianism. I want to [girl with half a mask] [girl with half a mask]'s [girl with half a mask]s.
Chiinibyou's LN
had some fish burgers earlier in the night
I've been drinking shitty beer for a good portion of the night, so I'm a bit toasted
trap, maybe some thicc
Like shit, but a bit better. I'm a fucking mess and I'm amazed I've been able to function up to this point

Legit had no idea E3 even happened yet. Any good cringe I should know about (save for EA #HeforShe)?

thank you, I was looking for my webm of it


Never ever.


Inferno cop
Music library on shuffle, Welcome to Nightvale p10
Ackermanthology an eh tier collection of sci-fi, some good, some not so good, might wanna read "a complete idiot's guide to hypnosis**
Steak, medium rare.
Semifrozen water
Trying to start no-fap, at least only once every day
Sad, maybe a little bored.


They, like the communist, are not human and should be treated as such. The only "treatment" they need is a potassium chloride injection.

oh my

Holy fucking shit

It's because of this you'll fall back into your old ways. Do things for yourself, not for a woman.

Holla Forums tournament when?

works on my machine.

PAYDAY 2 is free so I might as well try it.
Holla Forums
tired as fuck. I was stuck on a plane with a screaming child in front of me for half the flight.

Godspeed, user.

This is the dumbest meme ever. Getting fit for a woman is great motivation, and the same person who fails that is the same person who will fail getting fit for himself.

Pokemon Prism
Some Fast and the Furious movie with chink subtitles and horrendous compression.
Fash the Nation
Holla Forums
Frozen pizza and a bagel
Did it earlier
Like taking the night shift was a fucking mistake. At least our break is an hour long.
Jewtube stream didn't work so I didn't watch. Knowing EA I'm sure it was shit.

It's a public holiday for me tomorrow
It's shit being poor though

Isn't it dead

nah they're back now. first new episode was last weekend I think

It came back last week, this is the second episode and they haven't lost their edge.

Are they away from TRS and are they calling us Antifa again

They're still hosted on TRS. Jazzhands was a guest host for Daily Shoah like a month ago too.

I haven't heard them mention 8ch other than to say they met some guys at some rallies who were from there. They didn't say it in a way that implied anything derogatory.

No and no, Jazzhands namedrops 8/pol/ in the latest episode.
I think the antifa narrative is legitimate in that thanks to anonymity antifa can walk among us and sow discord between different nationalist factions. Be wary of anyone that has a hateboner for one specific group or person but never suggests someone better.

Women leave, or get fat, or the relationship goes to shit. External factors as well as basing your self improvement on the approval of anothers, instead of the desire to be better for yourself is a recipe for failure. But tell yourself whatever makes it easier to delude yourself into making mistakes that feel nice, the consequences will be your own.

Well that's kind a shit I thought Jazz would of learned from the whole incident
Seeing as Enouch is more Jewish than Mark

Trust this man, Satan is right.

I know there was a huge issue between us and them around the time they got doxxed, but for me it really doesn't matter. I don't have much patience for that D&C drama bullshit.

For me it comes down to just a few simple questions: Are they arguing in favor of white identity and white nationalism? Do I find their analysis and viewpoints interesting? The moment the answer to either of those questions is "no" is the moment I stop listening to them. Until then I don't have a problem with them.

The issue is that while they say somethings we agree with it's that they're working as a trap to people who would of taken the redpill and are stuck on "I hate Niggers", I mean the heads think 9/11 was Muslims and some think the Holocaust is real with some thinking that Israel can be our ally which is fucking ridiculous
I'm not defending shitskins though as at the other end you have Iron March trapping people too, trying to get them to convert to Islam
Jewish White Nationalism is not a thing neither is Islamic White Nationalism

I've never heard the TRS guys suggest allying with Israel would be a good idea. IIRC either this last TDS episode or the one before it Enoch specifically called out the people who were in favor of that and said it was a stupid idea. TRS has also always been really good about the JQ and pointing them out as they see them.

As for the other stuff, I guess it's all a matter of how you want to approach your goals. The Overton Window is not prone to sudden radical shifts and I think there's a lot more to be gained by attempting to help gradually push it in our direction. Trying to convince normalfags that the Holocaust isn't real, or that Jews did 9/11, isn't really going to meet with any success right now, but I think the political atmosphere makes it possible to convince people there's a united effort to disenfranchise whites.

SimCity 2000
Sex with 3D waifu

Crusader Kings 2
I've started watching Game of Thrones. Finished part of my anime backlog, searching for more.
Battle Brother's OST, it has a really good LoTR theme to it.
I'm thinking of reading a book this summer. Only one I have that I haven't read is Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
Ajvar and bread.
Ice cold water.
Oh god no. My dick was itching for days and yesterday I decided to see what the problem was. I got fucking smegma underneath my foreskin. Shit was so uncomfortable to clean it all out. Nofap until I can cleanse my soul.
Complicated. On one hand I finished high school and are finally free to enjoy life and start fulfilling my ambitions. On the other I got two more exams left and then I need to look for a decent collage to get into, and with my grades? Not happening.
Nothing, so far really boring. Except the marriage proposal, that was the highlight of last night.
The fucking montage with the e-celebs and god awful song.

You just signed your own prison rape warrant.

Final Fantasy type-0
Eletrodynamics book. Fuck exams.
Milk. White pride
Like shit. E3 is garbage so im down.

Training mode in Smash 4, practiced fox movement mainly. Also installing NieR: Automata, pretty excited to get playing that
E3 and some animus
Kvelertak. Too bad their latest 2 albums haven't quite lived up to the greatness that is the first (self-titled) album
E3 Thread
Uncensored 60fps JAV. Caribbeancom 052317-433
Sad about the state of vidya, but otherwise pretty good

Start date, start location, mod, and playthrough goals?
For what purpose
Oh that explains it

Very beginning, Serbia, no mods and basically trying to not get raped at the moment by bulgars and blind people.
Got it as a present, hesitated to read it for years. Finally wanna know what the book is about.
If you're implying I take classical, german idealist philosophy seriously, then wew lad. Also I'm 19, but I've lurked on imageboards for the past 10 years.


Sunday but..
John Wick
Made a pizza
I don't know yet
looking forward to the summer tbqhf
That one where the guy says how incredible it is that he blew up a truck with a grenade in BF1

That could mean 1066, 867, or 769 depending on your DLC
I'm not, it's just banter lad

What's your build for BB?

Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood, with mods
Tenhi - Näkin Laulu, Sins of the Father, and whatever else comes up
Holla Forums E3 threads. It will be just as depressing as the EA one.
Bread, burgers and maybe some ice cream
Water and soda
Right now, pretty good. Once the E3 begins, it will all become horrible again

Planescape: Torment

"A Date With Judy" (old movie from the 40's)


"Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton's Doomed Campaign"

Homemade pizza

Natty Boh


Ok. Was a little depressed earlier, but went for a big walk. Ran into some friends who cheered me up.