Let's have a fucking Age of Empires thread.
What's the best civilization to play as? Does anybody remember AoE3?
AoMfags are also welcome
Let's have a fucking Age of Empires thread.
What's the best civilization to play as? Does anybody remember AoE3?
AoMfags are also welcome
I know everyone complains about the home cities mechanic of Ao3 but the thing that pissed me off the most was their gay fucking campaign storyline. Nobody cares about their stupid fucking fanfic.
Also china is bretty gud because cheaper techs. Mongols have the right combination of powder and cavalry. Goths are shit tier because they cant into stone walls
I had AoE3 for a week, when my mom's new boyfriend that worked as a sailor asked me if he could borrow it. I said yeah sure, because he was a cool dude.
He stayed away for 3 months, and when he came back he told me he lost the game.
feels bad
Goths don't need stone walls when meat walls do the trick. What was AoE 3 about, again? The fountain of youth or something?
Why haven't you pirated it since then?
Can't quite bring myself to do it
What are you, some kind of fag?
I think it's really pertinent to note that his father got cuckolded by a pirate.
Why the Chinese of course.
Plus some secret ancient pseudomasonic thing called the "bone guard." It was a retarded shit tier historical fantasy without any believable tie ins
Pirate it. Theirs some crippling flaws like build limits, but some of the building mods fix a lot of that. I think the home cities/shipments mechanics was fine considering the setting, and the AI's tendency to use coherent armies was good too. But the bad campaigned, removal of the stone resource, build limits on towers, and villagers not delivering goods by hand were all bad. Over all it's casualized from AoK
They're the one thing I don't like about the chinese. I prefer longbowmen because they train faster. I really wish china had hand cannoneers instead of chukonu
Really? Chu Ko Nu are really solid, they have a different role from hand cannoneers - cannoneers blow apart infantry, scorpions, and mangonels, while the Chu Ko Nu melt rams and other archers.
What game are you playing? Longbowmen are my favourite archers, they will beat Chu Ko Nu handily, and when you get them massed up enough they are unstoppable: pic related is me as Britons in a 3v3 war of attrition
Wheres that M&B map from that one user. That was pretty great.
will anyone buy me aoe2?
Just find the downloads for the non-HD version, it's easy to find… In English, that is. I'm still searching for other languages for the original, since I have friends asking for the Spanish, French and Italian versions.
comfy as fuck
I really, really liked AoE3. The French in particular were the best civ.
You make a good point, but the Coureurs des Bois + Curaissiers were the reason why I like the French the most. The Japs are easily the most OP civ however.
It's no cuckolding when they are divorced.
Aztec is overrated to be honest, Its those shitty Iroquois cunts that can push out single pop ranged infantry with over a thousand health that are the problem
Also They get cannons, something the other native civs don't get
And China is probably the strongest Asian civ, even if they are weird to fucking play, Japan and India on the other hand are still pretty fucking good, Except whilst Japans units are generally all around superior and practically OP, India has to buy workers with wood
If you fought someone who knew how to play China user you would be surprised
No one wants to play china, not because their shit but rather because who wants to build whole set out armies?
I tried playing China a couple of times, though I was generally shit at them. It was a pretty interesting concept they had with the armies though.
ayo hol up, where the BBC at nigga.
It happens to men too.
Have fun becoming more feminine while your wife becomes more like a black man.
Enough with the cuckolding and more with the converting priests, please. These kind of things are cancerous enough out of vidya.
If i'd have to put them in tiers it would be:
Godlike: China
Great: Japan
Very Good: India, Germany, Portuguese, Ottomans,
Good: Iroquis, dutch, French
average: Russians, Spanish, British
Shit: Sioux
Sioux might sound interesting, but theres only been one level where they excelled, and that was on custom map which was 10 times larger than the normal largest maps, Otherwise they're cannon fodder
also Uhlans are fucking great
That 'interesting concept', as you put it, put off a lot of old players, which is why i think they buffed them ridiculously to try and not make them more played
Instead they made them absurdly good for someone who knew how to play them
Isn't that for balance reasons? Or does the Chinese need a buff since the African and the other packs have come out?
Who fucking needs stone walls when you can crank out a unit that shrugs off arrows, is relatively fast for a foot unit and when massed can absolutely facefuck anyone else into oblivion?
don't remind me user
Those shitty new expansion packs never happened
He's talking about those studies that found that certain genetic material from previous people the woman fucked ended up in the child
at least we have slavs
Age of Mythology was better
no clue how much it's updated, i don't have the files anymore
It's quite fascinating watching the map movement.
Against normal archers, not super-roided Bong archers.
Speaking of which, how are the new civs anyway? I've looked at some overviews on them and they seem fairly interesting.
i have a cd version of the game, but voobly is horseshit to play on.
also, i have french and spanish version of the game if you want.
siege towers were a neat addition
portuguese have the passive gold income in the lategame if they're willing to sacrifice villager count, and they also have a great gunpowder unit
all i remember from the malyans/berbers is the stone thrower, who ended up not being as powerful as i'd thought he'd be
and i have no idea which other civs were in there
steam tends to lag equally bad/worse
at least voobly has support for multiple versions of the game
I was eyeing the Khmer, personally. I'm not big on elephants, but DUDE TWO CROSSBOW LMAO
Plus the Angkor Wat is pretty cool. And Pol Pot did nothing wrong
but playing on voobly, i can never find an australian host and i'm always playing on +300-400ms. luring boars is the hardest thing ever
my only problem with aztec is running out of wood. they can be so wasteful
Huh that's strange that game sounds familiar but doesn't look like the videogame I used to play. It also looks pretty gay tbqh. Anyway in the non-fag version of the game my favorite race would have to be the Wookies.
Star Wars is for children, user.
Naboo purely for the ascetics. Lucas Arts actually did a good job building a star wars RTS from the AoE 2 engine.
Back to Holla Forums you cunt.
All people with glasses are degenerate and should be made to work the fields until they drop dead. Elephant production must be maintained at all times.
Do you have a halberd so far up your ass that you can't recognize jokes anymore? Did you get stomped by Ballista Elephants one too many times?
Please, kill yourself famalam.
If you can drop them to Mega, I can use the files to force language changes on the English version, so no problems with that.
Who needs walls when you can pump out a gorillion infantry units (one of them eating arrows for breakfast) until you hit the pop cap?
oh the asscries of assanguish
Bumping in hopes of being helped.
It's Celts and AOE3 was shit, but I'm shit in AOE2 so I don't play either.
I will remove you like your kebab neighbors.
Well we got a campaign. It's not uncommon to lump together different historical kingdoms into one neutral civ, or completely replacing them as was the case with Russia in the Mongol campaign. Also is it me or did the HD devs change the balance of the game?
Funny that the 3D models look ugly as sin, but the sprites are beautiful, RTS was born to be in 2D. I wish they saved all the models and animations tho.
Just come and try, I'll put my chink hordes behind the great wall.
Here are some of the balance changes they've made since the African campaign:
Teuton Knights actually had relative weak armor against ranged attacks. They only were rape machines in melee, assuming your opponent was stupid enough to let them get into melee range.
Also, who the fuck thought it was a good idea to put the very limited population limits onto AoM?
I liked playing the demo for this on a Rollercoaster Tycoon cd more
Watch youtube videos and play the game. Alternately, ask Holla Forums for help.
how do i turn this thing on
I don't know about best but I like playing Magyars (or any civilization that doesn't rely heavily on gold)
I think they're cool, with the free blacksmith damage tech, murdering wolves with a single punch and generally being cheap as fuck
I remember when I first played it, I always stuck to the Byzantines. Later on, I swapped to the Teutons as I got bored of the Byzantines. I quickly came to respect/love those walking tanks. Just out of curiosity, what units do you guys like pairing them with when you play Teutons?
I tend to like using them as a defensive wall when creeping on the enemy base with bombard cannons in the rear alongside some handcannons + a few monks for support.
Garbage unit. Build rams instead.
I would but they don't go on horses
Unlike your mum
uploading now. i also have aoe2 in german if you want
That's what I meant
No need for the german version. Thanks for the upload, though.
Yeah It's not me, they did change the game, quite a lot actually. I noticed this while replaying the old campaigns on moderate and they were hard as shit for some reason.
I'd love the Deutsche version user if not too much trouble
i'll have it up in a couple hours. even though its only around 400-500mb just uploading the french version has taken me over an hour.
here are those links. i didnt want to use mega though
test them both out to see if they'll work
The same jackass who put population limits into Aoe3
Thanks a lot, both will be very useful
Thank bro, appreciate it
heres the german version m8
Heard the civs from that new xpac supposedly are overpowered af.
They are
Everyone of them is as good or better then the old best teams
None of them are on any levels with the previous shit teams which means that the previous shit teams just got even more shit by comparison
Uhlans are best light cavalry
don't only build one barracks
the faster you're pumping out troops the better
slav halberdiers are a thing of beauty
Wuji and Horse of colors are objectively the best finngolian music
anything by hanggai is great in general
Just tested both, they work flawlessly.
Thanks a lot.
AoE 3
AoE3's biggest weakness was probably the campaigns
They weren't awful, its just not what i wanted
That and the shitty build limits coupled with ridiculous pops for certain units
Like why the fuck does my Indian elephant, which i can only build one of, require more than 10 pop?
Also why the fuck does it take me forever to build fucking skeleton (skull) knights?
I could be putting those dancers on numerous other things such as build rate, attack, navy ect…
Instead i have to sit around for around 1/2 - 1 minutes waiting for each skeleton knight and thats with all the villages on the dancing fire, with the priests its a little bit faster but regardless it makes the skeleton knight useless
Not to mention for such a high-tier unit japan and Germany beat them out with doppelsoldners and samurai due to that ridiculous pop they take up
And don't get me started on how inferior the natives are against European nations in naval, and Siege if you discount the Iroquois who end up with subpar cannons and absurdly buffed infantry
Asian teams took the opposite approach and ended up superior in most cases to most of the European nations and Chinese walls have have several tens of thousands of health, which makes its quicker to build them than they can be destroyed, although the siege dance for the natives actually can be pretty fucking good, when combined with the Siouxs fast moving horses if you plan on making suicidal raids, Which is the only time they're ever useful and even then they can easily be repelled
The maps were also pretty small but there's a mod that gives you really large custom maps if you want
I made mind absurdly large and it took my units 10 minutes to get from 1 side of the screen to the other, Sioux surprising actually excelled here
otherwise apart from that the game was pretty gud, even if endless food/gold didn't quite fit in an AoE game
Byzantines, of course.
AoE 2 Conquerors best game. I always liked the Byzantines the most since the Cataphracts were fucking stupid OP, though the Nips and Chinks were also very good.
What killed me was the "story"
boyars aren't as good against archers
What'd you think those cheaper Onagers were for?
Wait a minute, Boyars have MORE PIERCE ARMOR than Cataphracts, too, what the fuck are you talking about?
What civ has the best pikemen?
oh, guess i'm confusing the stats with paladins
slav infantry does damage to adjacent units, so their halberdiers are great
aztecs had a few buffs to infantry damage, so their pikemen become pretty deadly. but they don't have halberdiers to compensate
Paladins do have the highest pierce armor of the three, you're right.
Boyars are still stupid strong.
Didn't Cataphracts get nerfed in Forgotten Empires? Anyway in Conquerors they negated the halberdiers/spearmen with trample damage, destroyed any other infantry (other than maybe Samurai due to their bonus vs special units) and could rush down even ChoKoNu and win with fewer numbers. The only real balancing factor was the cost and the fact that the civ was so defense focused.
It doesnt work, mongols can hit feudal fast too but the scouts won't reach the enemy before your opponent can pump out spears.
The multiplayer was probably the best part
However the bot AIs were sort of predictable after you've played around enough and sometimes really shitty
the worse part is that they always know where you spawn
Still thats why i always played multiplayer with others
Boyars can't smash spearmen quite as well as Cataphracts can, but that base 6 armor and 14 attack is better at crushing infantry. They also excel at annihilating most other cavalry units, including the Cataphract itself.
Do not underestimate Slavic might.
Why would he automatically know you're sending light cavalry when you hit feudal? Plus, you'd have to hit feudal in time to even have access to spears, so that knocks out most other civs right there. Plus, you could just send archers instead since you can build whatever the fuck you want.
Would archers be there in time before the enemy can actually send up a defense, though?
Well, like many things about this game, that depends on the situation. On a big map or one that's closed, probably not. On something small and open? Maybe. It depends on who you're playing against as well.
Regardless, sending a troupe of archers towards your enemy 10 minutes into the game has its uses, if you can recognize the time for them. The Khmer are pretty versatile - you could just go for a fast castle instead because you can skip the blacksmith/market phase of building.
To be honest, I think they ran out of potential niches to fill with the new xpac and the new civs consequently have completely insane traits.
maybe they'll eventually add traps like pitfalls or tar fields
Fat chance.
To their defense, IIRC lots of stuff in AoE II is hardcoded, so it probably wouldnÄt be easy in the first chance.
well siege towers were a thing
I kinda like them, but I don't have the expansion pack so I have no idea how they actually play in a game.
Although, garrisoning your villages in houses would be nice if everyone could do it, it just makes sense. That would make rushing nearly impossible though, so I probably have no idea what I'm talking about.
Good shit lad. Thanks for introducing me
By the time you can build enough scouts to do anything effective your opponent will have reached feudal. This is true even for the Mongols. Most people will build a barracks by the time they hit feudal so once they see you using scouts they'll already have the building required for spears. And they will know your scouts are coming if they actually use their own scout and spot your stables. And it's not too late to build spears even if they don't see it until after you attack.
Hope that's bait
it had it's good moments
What is cavalry?
You mean siege onagers?
How accurate are the first two AoE games when it comes to historical events/battles?
it was about the settlement of the new world. not too much of interest going on at the time
I don't think you understand what kind of game AoE is.
What the fuck man?
reinstal it?
check for updates?
is it crashing on startup or when you're trying to start a game?
It keeps crashing when I'm trying to fuck the French. I tried reinstalling it but it didn't do shit.
I still remember how i had almost or more than twice the amount of deaths compared to other players in games despite winning the game. Huskarls are great but any game lasting more than an hour and you find yourself short on gold at some point so that's where the neverending army of halberdiers just pissing your opponent off comes to play.
Longbowmen will crush them before they can even fire a shot.
Hey, this sounds pretty nea- ARGH, MY EYES
i thought it looked alright until i saw
I enjoy playing as the Magyars for their unique unit. The upgrade to make it cost no gold makes it really excellent in the late game and really fun for raiding. It's amazing that the game is still going strong so long after its release.
I still think it's good, though not as good as AOE2 or AOM. I enjoyed playing as the Russians because there was a home city shipment that turned all of your shitty cheap infantry into musketeers that could rape the competition.
These are fun to put in rams. Ram crushes what it can until the enemy destroys it, at which point it "pops" like a pinata and surprise vulting ensues.
It never gets old.
I mean the concept of putting infantry into rams alone is just too much fun, but when you have access to arguably the best infantry in the game, why not go all out.
It's especially effective because archers are a great counter to the slow as fuck Teutonic knights. So the rams cover them from archer fire too.
Not to speak of the fact that TKs in rams move significantly faster than TKs on foot if the ram is full.
The only things I remember about AoE2 are monk rushes and spamming those voice commands.
8/10 it was okay
Anyone played 0 A.D.? Is it any good? Or at least, does it have potential to become good after further development?
runs poorly once you get a decent amount of population
there also feels like there's a lack of variety among units
i like that some of the soldiers can work as workers though, and that you can destroy your own buildings so that the enemy doesn't capture them
Interesting. Hopefully they optimize.
Hard to write a historical campaigns (like previous games where they fluff the ages/evolution because nobody knows the history well enough). There would either be no aging up or they'd have aging and it would seem stupid.
Shit, i just noticed my gameplay in RTS games across the board from AoE to Red Alert has allways been to overwhelm the opponent with literal trash from the get go. Maybe i should get back to RTS multiplayars a little, how "autistic" is your typical AoE multiplayer games these days anyway?
Back in the days the moment i eventually grew bored of AoE was when everyone started using Huns/Mongols for Fast Castles+knight rush which gets pretty stale quickly, is it still prevalent?
people still do autistic tactics
I swear I had no idea.
It's a Windows Store Windows 10 exclusive.
anyone wanna play on steam? i'm reinstalling it right now
Is there a re-release of 3?
never mind then
Can't believe nobody mentioned the turks, guns + early castles.
I'll fight everyone.
they're too gold reliant
a swarm of lategame halberdiers are always better than 10 jannisaries
so anyone wanna play? preferably more than 1v1 otherwise it gets very onesided fast
>not playing the Vietnamese for those sick teamwide skirmisher units
are you serious
it's gonna end up failing as bad as AOE online
a shame, i liked the option to zoom
one of the most fun matches i've had in a while
entire thing was an intense game of cat and mouse
the guy was leading me economically for the early part of the game since i was focusing more on raiding him than getting my economy going+i had no clue how to play the kangs so i was reading their tech trees. really confused how they're supposed to be played, they lack halberdiers and paladins. my lategame army ended up being a ragtag group of every kind of unit i can get
after that failed he started trying to raid me and things turned around
this guy sucked at ambushes - either i accidentally see a few of his troops mobilizing around my base, or i just have a hunch he's gonna be near my weak spots, but every single time he tries to attack my base i somehow know he's there and easily repel him
he did pretty poorly with his military too. he had lots of archers since i didn't bother with skirmishers for the first half of the game. so i just went and made knights/light cavalry to counter them which worked out great until he got pikemen. at that point i had to start making skirmishers.
by then i had 2 castles so i also started spamming the malay unique unit. This thing is surprisingly decent, does good damage and moves eagle warrior tier fast, and it's melee ranged.
in turn the enemy built longbowmen, pikemen and onagers
however he totally doesn't use them right. he tries to attack my base, my scouts see him, i send light cavalry and cavaliers around him and then charge his onagers and archers. he completely ignores me and continues marching towards my skirmishers/infantry. by the time his infantry reaches my troops, his rear is completely obliterated.
after a while we both just sat waiting for imperial since we couldn't breach each other's defenses without trebuches
luckily i got to imperial a lot faster than him, and by the time he reached it i was already at his gates with 2 trebuches firing on his castles.
while this was happening he tried to kill my trebuches with longbowmen but i had my whole army protecting my trebuches, even if he wanted to he probably couldn't click them.
once his castles were down i sent my troops to fight him. again, he's disorganized so my cavalry easily goes through his defenses and charges his siege weapons/archers. my skirmishers/unique units are skewering his pikemen.
at that point i had pretty much won, was just clearing out his base
he did rebuild a bit to the east, had a castle and probably 40 longbowmen, with a wall of houses protecting them
once i found them i had my army smash through the defenses, pushed towards the castle so that his archers. this way they couldn't get close enough to hit my trebuches. after his castle went down and his troops died he finally surrendered
i think if he had bothered to make some cavalry he could have done a lot better. during the mid-game ambushes he was using cavalry archers+pikemen but gave up on them since my cavaliers were somehow faster
How many barracks and stuff did you have going? Watching the video, it looked like there was constant pings and masses of units getting shit out
the pings were farms, i didn't bother queing them for a long time
3 barracks, 5 archeries, 3 stables, 4 castles
most the fighting went to the skirmishers and cavalry though. pikemen were more of a staple