Is it weird for a man to choose girl characters in games where you have a choice like wow, Pokemon, bloodborne, etc. I just like women's clothing options and body type.
Men playing as women
The answer is no. It's always no. Play whatever the fuck you want.
Now check em.
There's really no reason not to.
Even the nips laugh the faggots out of their MMOs when they find out.
"What you do" and "what you are" are completely different realms. Reading or simulating a story about the other gender for there are only 2 genders is just an activity.
It takes a mentally unstable leftist, to believe that gender identity gets warped by the mere thought of controlling a vidya character.
I will never understand the kind of person that makes a male character. It's one think to craft your perfect waifu, but to me there's something terribly pathetic about the kind of wish fulfillment faggot who makes an infinitely better male to pretend to be.
Not unless you can read rune. It's mostly the 2ch threads that laugh that they are more than likely played by "newhalves", aka trannies and faggots. Hell, the 2ch FFXIV community has an official blacklist of shitters and erp garbage. Big shock, a sizable amount of the catgirls on that list are played by guys.
Roleplaying as the opposite sex in a roleplaying game is weird to you? What is actually weird is doing it in real life.
Yes it is, 100% weird and gay. If you're not playing a totally unfeasible character that couldn't even live in real life, you're not creating a character.
The only people that play female characters in Japan are women and faggots. This is pretty well known.
hot pic
I usually just make an average-looking guy or a really ugly monster-type because I have absolutely no desire to project myself onto a character or create an idealized self for the former (nor a desire to roleplay as a fucking waifu) and for the latter dicking around or adventuring as a chromosome hoarding downie or as an unimaginably ugly non-human is fucking hilarious.
a tragic fate
I'm not the person you are responding to. But who gives a fuck what people in Japan do, though? I'm not Japanese.
I also like playing girls, because I enjoy watching the female form, being able to dress them up is a plus.
This is provided that the girl is attractive. There are games like the Souls series where ladies are just ugly or unsavory out of select setups. So I rather play a male who can look good with almost any armor
No you're a faggot is denial trying to find some approval. Just accept it
We get it, you are defensive about playing as a girl in a video game. It's okay, this is an anonymous board.
I think I would have realized by now if I were gay.
I play male/female about 50/50 in most games.
The shit thread plan I just filed with the hotpockets list me, dubsposters, OP here, but only one of you!
First one to check em gets to stay in my thread!
We call guys like you Crossplayers.
More like crossdressers.
Your low-effort derail didn't fly so good. Who wants to try next?
Son if you ain't playing the biggest be-titted, sluttiest, bondage whore you can, you don't know shit about video games.
I thought crossplayers were people who cosplay as characters of the opposite sex.
completely wasted what is the point
I play as a fat, ugly, balding old man. If I can't then I make a badass veteran old man. If I have to be young then I make an edgelord OC donut steel.
Perhaps he is wondering who would willingly play as the opposite sex while claiming there is nothing wrong with it.
What is your point nigga?
It mean you're fucking gay.
Now check my dubs, faggot.
A cute girl is always the best option when available.
I have always found it weird for a man to choose a female MC when there is an option for male. The ones that do are feminine men, to me when I play as a man its an extension of the desire of the masculine, to fight, impose, destroy, build, overcome. The dumb gay nerds here of course would disagree since they haven't been raised in a healthy society and don't know how female nature works since they have never interacted with any of them.
Suspension of disbelief can only go so far. Most games are very egalitarian with usually the female being just as strong as the man. This will always break immersion for me. Another weird thing that I will never get is most Japanese hentai games will not only have you play as females, but you need to deliberately lose to see the sex scenes. This is counter to the male psyche of wanting challenge, overcoming it and then getting rewarded/fucking.
Some other user had a good explanation as to why this is, and it basically boils down to there being a lot of faggots lately raised by single moms, when you look at the statistics, this suggestion doesn't seem far off.
Is this the only double in the whole thread? That seems improbable. I guess bateman must be cursed :^)
I play whatever has better animations usually.
my point is moths are the best holes
It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is this thread. Nobody cared who I was until I hit "New Thread."
Only mentally ill trannies play as their opposite sex
Moths are not holes.
What about women playing as little boys?
When there's no difference in the gameplay, it's stupid to do so. In games where certain classes and abilities are sex-gated, then no. When I made a bunch of female characters for Ragnarok Online, I gave them names like Ratchet, Slamdance, Perceptor, Brawn, Kickback, and Ratbat.
If I pull that off will this thread die ?
You can do all this with a female character. Of course it doesn't fit with how actual women behave. That's one of the benefits of fiction. You can experiment with concepts that don't/can't work in reality (not to imply that there's anything wrong with fiction that doesn't do this, fiction can do lots of things).
Most games I play are already unrealistic. If people are slinging fireballs around I'm not going to get upset if sexual dimorphism works differently than in reality.
I've never heard from anyone who actually likes this.