look what got updated
who cares it's shit
Nobody fucking cares about Chucklefuck or it's games. Especially this dumpster fire.
Fuck off.
Oh look, it's shit that should have been in the game on release.
There are mods with mechs that have been around for years, and these guys still couldn't get mechs right. They probably think its the epitome of hilarity, too. Why do something cool, when they can do something goofy?
That IS the problem. They coulsnt make mechs that looked like modded mechs.
Post your face when you didn't even pirate this garbage, let alone wasting money on it.
Look which game still isn't good.
Let's be real here for a second just so that we're all on the same level:
Starbound is irredeemable shit.
Chucklefuck are irredeemably shit.
SB will never be good because Chucklefish lack the talent to create actual improvements. All they have left is a bunch of artfags and, SURPRISE, all updates have been centered on new assets with no use behind them.
Compare the number of new ASSETS to the amount of actual fixes in this patch.
Looks interesting. The rest of the game still shallow, proceduraly generated shit content?
They fixed the game being shit yet?
Must be about time for Terraria to drop another update then.
i dont think the mod mechs have swappable limbs or really any customization aspect to them. at the very least this might give mech mods a better framework to use
of course, i could be totally wrong, i havent played since around release
Starbound is shit, has always been shit, will always be shit.
Chucklefuck is a corrupt company staffed by post-modern hipster twats who wouldn't be able to point to 'talent' if they sucked its cock daily.
Post-modernism. Adherence to a style, trope, philosophy, guideline, tradition, rationale or reason is anathema to these people. They don't even realize or care that their ideology is inherently self-contradictory.
These are the sorts of people who wear underwear on the outside of their pants, or throw rocks at the police screaming for anarchy now, and then run to the police when someone punches them in the fucking face.
Most of these hipster faggots don't even know that they're post-modernists. The brainwashing at work is pretty crazy.
It's funny how this is one of those few games where listening to the soundtrack has better gameplay and enjoyment than playing the damn game.
At least the soundtrack I got was really good, and is enjoyable to listen to outside of the game when doing different shit around my apartment or on my PC.
Yes indeed they have.
Look up terraria.
Chucklefish should just own up to the fact that Starbound is an ERP platform and start making porn updates.
Seriously, nobody cares about combat, mechs and whatever the fuck else.
All I wanted out of this piece of shit was to be able to go around getting raped and impregnated by everything. years of waiting and there still isn't a mod for it. Fuck this shit game.
Shit id play it pretty hard
pls don't bully
Summer sure is hitting hard this year.
If you want normal posts for normal people such as yourself then this is not the place for you.
I'm sorry
I had a coupon so I did too
People only play starbound for the vore mod.
brb reinstalling
It has no interesting weapons on top of combat being shit.
Having ship killed any need for base building.
All ships are shit and you might as well download aryan mod because it make eq and you ship look 10 times better.
Entire world is as stale as Skyrim but randomly generated and with little to no actual story or interesting things in it.
Grab Aryan mod also.
Explain the features
That's the issue. Basically all of the content in this update is incredibly moddable. You can basically already experience all of the content on offer in an afternoon. This game is basically what TES players joke about skyrim as being. It's literally a platform for modders to make content for. They just didn't get the memo that you can't polish a turd.
Just gotta wait for it to attract enough autists to increase the chance that one of them will put in the blood and sweat needed to make that one mod that fixes everything. Somehow it still hasn't done that despite being prime autism-bait.
That's a picture of a polished poo, right?
How did things go so right with Terraria and so, so wrong with this heaping shitfestival.
Terraria was built and designed by a seemingly rational-minded programmer with an interesting idea - and it was built on a "mechanics-first aesthetics-last" philosophy.
Starbound was built and designed by an artfag whose biggest life accomplishment was being a sub-par pixel artist with a stolen idea - and it was built on an "aesthetics-first what-the-fuck-are-mechanics" philosophy.
everything is a turd in various states of polishing
Like pottery
They finally getting around to adding shit that should have been in the release game I see.
I actually enjoy Starbound to a degree, but I agree it's a shit game with shit developers that lost their minds once the money rolled in. Now I have to wait 20 years for a complete game. Thanks Chucklefuck.
Bought it when it was 5 bucks on sale.
About what it's worth.
I'm a fag and backed the game on their website a while back (it was the second time I did this along Project Zomboid and now the last time).
This update made me remember I still have this crap lying in my backlog so I started playing it. So far it feels like there isn't even more stuff locked behind tech tier than Terraria but maybe I'm wrong. The digging feels easier though so that's a plus since it's the most boring thing in these kind of games in my opinion. I hope there's enough content to keep it interesting while I'm trying to finish the game.
"There is" not "isn't". Time for bed.
Did they ever fix this? It got to the point where I didn't want to play because of the exponentially increasing time it was taking to sort and store whatever stuff I found.
Not enough furry porn tbh, where's my vore mod update?
Dont blame the baiter, blame baited. Look at the bumping faggots ITT.
There is a containers mod that makes storing shit much easier, it's pretty much essential, however, the main reason this game got hyped on Holla Forums never really materialized: no porn mods.
Wasn't it dirt?
Forgot webum.
i was excited for it because it seemed like terraria but more ambitious.
terraria didnt make a bunch of empty promises and ask for a kajillion dollars. the only lies i can recall going on with terraria are "this is the last update".
>tfw you thought Starbound would surpass Terraria in leaps and bounds upon hearing that Terraria wouldn't receive anymore updates years ago
Time makes fools of us all. At least I can run around with as a nude glitch lady playing random songs while ftl travelling.
What song mod was used on the first webm?
I love that guys content.
Terraria is still better.
I thought the Aryan mod stopped getting updated ages ago.
You forgot the part where they replaced the only competent programmer on their team, Bartwe, with subpar modders from the community.
Or hired some Russian guy to do it all for them, then got themselves screwed over by not paying him.
I did too.
I regret everything.
you know what is funny?
It's not even a week since the update and the modders already did a way better job than them using their own system.
How incompetent you have to be to end like this?
Do they still make you start out as a space communist good goy? If so, then fuck that.
For all the Starblunder buyers, there's a little hope of solace for you.
At least you didn't buy shit like Edge of Space or "Lords of Uberdark".