2 days till E3
Other urls found in this thread:
That's nice
ehehehehe, I will post something alright
You think Scorpio will be pretty? The dev kit is pretty.
Do you think Microsoft will manage to get more than 1 game on it this time?
video games are for children.
That looks fucking horrible and it won't have any games on it.
This looks absolutely fucking beautiful. Too bad it has no games. Also LOL
Made a new bingo sheet for E3 Coliseum that I didn't want to stick in the OP, only included the fun sounding conferences.
more like pretty ugly
How can one person be so retarded?
But diversity.
Also it looks like a DVD player from the early 00's
It's nice, unless you meant the redditor who wiped the devkit.
Did we bring back bubsy with meme magic?
If so how do we make our powers more potent? do we get coinciding dubs? Do we get dubs then guess the singles of the next post?
You know what im talking about.
You're a meanie.
Death Stranding won't be shown. That's basically 50% of my anticipation thrown away in the trash can. God I hope Ace Combat doesn't suck.
Kojima said he wouldn't talk about his new game a day before the DS trailer came out.
Don't believe this man.
It WILL be shown and it will be so disappointing that it will be complete damage control from kojimadrones for months
please stop. I want to believe.
dubs and the building collapses on itself due to poor structural integrity.
Please no.
no, religion of peace
I can't wait, fucking hate Kojimo.
hey that's not a xbox, it has way too many USB ports.
Yeah, it's no longer an xbox.
It happens to be was dev kit you faggot.
you act like thats crazy user.
Might as well be 3 days.
you will be
too believe as kojima jumps from your computer sceen into your room and rams his
up your asshole as norman redus, mad mikkelsen, and the rest of the sony audience raughs at you
Oh my god.
Oh but he will
Is that a VCR player? I didn't know that Microsoft is making those old players still.
Motion control is the future of gaming.
TRIPS FAILED. You wish Kojima-kun was like that. But in reality he loves us all.
No he doesn't. Your life is a lie.
Why does that CDI look better than a scorpio?
This thing looks comfy as fuck
no, right-wing death squads
Or.. maybe no fire. That's okay.
no, mentally unstable redditors and antifa goons
Is this the shitposting thread?
My dad works for steam and he says half life 3 is cancelled
No, the shitposting thread is the very event itself.
There will be bloodshed
face to bloodshed
Can't cancel that which never existed or was ever worked on in the first place.
Because it looks like it would fit in with stereo equipment and it looks like a solid piece of hardware, rather than the flat 'futuristic' cheap looking plastic garbage that stands out a country mile.
It'll be explosive.
user, you don't need your dad to tell us that.
I'd like to use that but it's 2small4me
No he told me they can't figure out how to properly implement hat-based gameplay so they scrapped it yesterday
I'd believe it.
Designated shitting panels?
From Call of Duty: WWII to Destiny 2 to the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, check out everything that Activision has going on at E3
Man what happened to this industry. Im actually sitting here thinking about googling if the CDI maybe had some good games.
i doubt it did
So the carpet does match the drapes?
no, ren
A thought just came to me right now; What are the chances that Sony will shill for the Emoji movie at E3 this year?
The what?
What the fuck is E3 Colosseum?
also that bingo looks lovely, but too small to read.
Do not google it user. It's better not to know.
Why couldn't they leave Crash the fuck alone. I know that journos are gonna shit on it and claim that the gameplay is dated and it already infuriates me. Nevermind that the redesign looks ugly but thats not the problem here.
Only if you like 30 versions of Go.
What they don't want you to know yet is that there's a game tie-in that they're going to announce at E3
Your innocence is to be torn apart.
It looks like brick.
It'd have more games if it was.
It's a set of talks that come during/after Nintendo Treehouse Live, some of them will be pure lels like the Randy Pitchford and James Gunn and Neill Degrasse Tyson panel. And I might see about upscaling it, dunno why it is so small on here.
Brown bricks?
Well shit.
Were you living under a rock for the past 8-9 months?
I can see that happening. K-Kill me
It's going to be awful.
No, I've just been playing video games and shitposting on here. Guess I got lucky and never heard of it. I'm gonna keep it that way for as long as possible.
What are your predictions show wise?
Archive of prior thread:
Last time, it was a VCR. This time, it's a DVD player. What will the next one be? A turntable?
Kojima is a liar and an attention whore. Believe me, he won't miss the opportunity to talk about himself and his new movie/game at E3.
From what I've heard, he's supposed to show a trailer revealing the actress who will play one of the characters.
Toddjima OTP
The man in the mirror nods his head
Birds of a feather flock together fam.
Bigger version of the bingo sheet, should be readable now.
This tbh fam
You guys are meanies!
But i like you all anyway~
See you next E3 ❤
Good one. From Microshit I never expected anything good.
That too.
Meteor hits E3 building.
True manlet.
Have never played bingo in your life?
Slutposter has done nothing wrong and shouldn't have been banned.
It's e3 tic-tac-toe.
It just works.
there just wasn't as much to say as with the main conferences
PC Gaming Show namedrops reddit, i'm fucking calling it.
Also, someone on the audience yells "WHERE ARE THE VIDEOGAMES" out loud at the Microsoft Conference
A meteor big enough to kill the planet
Tripfags should be banned on the basis that they're tripfags.
I'll raise ya to someone shouting that during all the conferences.
Hey guess what: It won't be just fucking Sony. FUCKING UBISOFT has JUST DANCE in their fucking movie. This gives them EVERY REASON to shill that shitshow of a movie
E3 collapses from density of all hamplanets inside it.
E3 is gonna be a BLAST!
now edit the gates to nuclear bombs
You know, at this point I just anything other than disappointment, Muhammad.
I am sorry. I failed.
I forgot that Just Dance My Shit Up was in the Emoji movie as well.
That can't be fucking real a panel consisting a movie director, an astronomy tv guy and whatever that hack Randy is supposed to represent.
Why is fan-fiction tier theories about interactive fiction needed at E3?
God i cant wait for the new love live game
I started being banned before using a trip, so i figured why not.
I guess i gave the mods an awkward boner huhuhu~
why is there no porn of smol nozomi? she's super cute, yet there's like maybe one good piece of porn with her
There's a good chance we'll be able to see the new Smash Bros. and possibly a glimpse into more gameplay from Sonic Mania.
I'm excited for Nintendo this year, the Switch is off to a good start - plus it's a good console. Though, I'd celebrate if they finally announce the 3DS is going to be their shovelware platform and dedicate all the first party games to the Switch.
Working on a little E3-themed video for Holla Forums and I have about 5 seconds of dead air that I'm looking to fill
All your getting from now on is less stuff over greater periods of time. Due to the retarded focus on visuals game dev time increases exponentially. I've been doing some 3D shit and holy fuck does that take a lot of time and in the end they still look like shit because they focus on texture resolution over actually knowing how to make something look good. Also the glorified movies still feel like shit because no matter how much time is spent a shit animator is a shit animator. Excuse my autism.
Where the fuck do you think we are?
everyday my shitty oc must endure, I must get a new game
Are you using blender?
Dubs/better predicts a good or even great game will actually be showcased, lack of digits means everything will be shit, even the stuff that might look promising.
By the will of Kek… *posts reply*
The presenter of EA has a heart attack on stage
I tried ;_;
The same could be said for most of the garbage at E3.
You tried, user, you tried.
They'd be fools to even bring it up in passing, even if they support it.
Don't have any good Squilliams in that pose, unfortunately, but I'll give you a smug one instead.
Has anyone noticed the closer we get to e3 the less dubs there are?
Explain these digits then.
It seems that Kek frowns upon the corporate developer complex.
Given the result of my last post, I guess I'll just have to keep playing the tried and tested older games that were actually good. Would be nice to have some novelty to experience in something new and well-done for once…
Maybe if you guys weren't such fags you could get dubs.
Nevermind turns out I'm a fag too.
Dubs for this E3 being a failuer
Kek isn't real
The cosplayers are whores
May as well roll for digits.
Dubs confirm Cruis'n Trilogy Remastered.
But what if a fag gets dubs?
Time to see Micro$hit promote social justice
He is so fucking ugly, Jesus Christ.
Who does he think he's fooling?
That's not a cosplayer user
I'll use my meme magic to will it to happen this time.
I see that I am cursed.
Holla Forums 404s forever and we will finally be free to experience life to it's fullest.
Could the reason why people are not getting as many dubs is because we're losing site of what's important the close it is that we come to our goal?
here's hoping to everyone here having a great e3!
Desperate, sad, lonely pathetic nerds.
It's just the anons running around trying to get dubs. Dubs comes to you like a goddess about to give you blowjob.
Maybe it's a test of dedication like in the Book of Job.
Eww, I hate girls :^)
Well obviously you know how it is, user.
I see now
this. dubs come when they wish to.
Get your memes and report cards ready.
How about traps?
Fun fact about the book of Job, it confirms the existence of dinosaurs and dragons (Yes, the fire breathing kind).
I'm already filling mine out, these are the few I've started on so far.
No I like manly men who wrestle, leatherman.
Fuck me too dude, I hate these faggots who lie to themselves. If you wanna fuck someone that looks like a girl, then fuck a girl. Don't settle for mentally unstable knockoffs.
Today is the life i live
I'm not gay and yet I can understand a gay dude's love for manly baras. It makes a lot of sense to love a masculine manly man if you're gay. If you like femininity, fuck girls.
What do you think birds are, user?
Still sad Austin went full good goy.
Why does Iori look like she has fetal alcohol syndrome?
I understand now
Enjoy your blowjob, user
Wisdom of the falcon
Hopefully I haven't jumped the gun by starting on my bingo cards early, I just felt that those were certain
Will Con Man show up?
Did you get that one user's Nioh squilliam?
Nice good job
IT'S pretty shitty tbh but I spent 5 hours working on it and my rig isn't optimized for video editing at all so might as well post it and move on with my life
Thanks to the dudes who participated and sorry to those who didn't make it!
It looks sharp.
Good job, user, very very good!
I love this. This is very comfy. Thank you user. Now I have to make mine.
Does anyone else miss wood grain electronics? Or matte light grey plastic?
I smirked. I'm going to miss Aisha "Girlwood" Tyler though. The Ubi conference won't be nearly as cringy.
How well will the Sega conference go?
Isn't E3 going to be blown up by the religion of peace this year?
what happen to girl wood?
Not mine, they're from old E3 archives.
Gone, not going to be at E3 this year.
SEGA won't have a conference.
I'm expecting Sonic Forces to become even more of an embarassment, one or two new PC ports, something related to Yakuza, and hopefully a public demo for Mania.
If we're going into full impossible dream mode, all I want is Jet Set Radio 3.
Pc gamer in this E3
They deserve a conference more than Ubisoft. But whatever.
Death to Sakurai.
Masahiro Sakurai, Creator of Smash Bros.
Sakarai is going down in flames. I hope he take smash brothers with him.
Mashed Potato Sack of Fries, Creator of Sony All Stars
5mash is saved!
Is that chainmail, BROTHER?
Brought to you by GamerGate,
ESA ESRB redpill distribution IS GO
Half-Life 3.
This is gonna be the year, lads.
i'm sorry but it won't be
Yes it will be.
Even if it were, I'm sure I wouldn't give a slightest fuck when it happened.
dubs and bully 2
Post 'em if you got 'em.
yep and they already dropped 5 trailers for E3.
Muh diversity
Hopefully I don't fall down the stairs and get a concussion after the first event so I can't look at a screen for more than 5 minutes or even fucking remember watching anything like last year.
While I don't have hopes for e3, at least I'll get to enjoy it with you guys.
Her song called 4am is pretty good.
I guess I'll post my slightly updated expectations.
Use these as you observe the event too, anons.
Fucking glorious
You mean that the western games market has been overrun and is now ruled by a bunch of SJW faggots who will promote diversity over such things as good games?
Say it isn't so, who could of possibly have known this.
Looking for higher quality versions of these, if you can help, that'd be great.
Here you go.
You monster.
Half the fun of E3 is getting drunk and shitposting on here about how many hip niggers are shilling bad games on stage.
Sorry I was just meme'ing. Here you go friend.
Thanks, this is perfect.
Also, these.
Fucking download managers.
Finally, these.
Thanks in advance, I'll add them ASAp.
Here you go, mate.
Alright. The Squilliam "I Will Survive" video will be finished tomorrow. Putting the finishing touches, stay tuned!
you better use i killer version for it
>All this diversity
You have got to be shitting me
Fuck off with your shit not even Holla Forums wants.
master! how can we lowly artists ever hope to reach such level of perfection?
So inclusivity means having exclusive meeting areas for certain races, sexes and sexualities?
Well at the rate he smokes…
I think the dubs gods are tired of all the negativity. I think E3 will be very comfy and nice, with many great announcements.
No way, fag.
Teach me your ways wise one
On a side note, I'm curious how Koei Tecmo will implement the open-world shit in Dynasty Warriors 9.
Oh boy, I can't wait to see what the worst publisher has in store for us!
You forgotten that white spot between his arms
We could handle the election and the 10 millionth get, we can handle this.
I'm hyped for Bubsy.
i ruv u, geoff
pong remastered or this generation is doomed
pong doesn't have enough people of color
This is nice but the dog model isnt from E3.
Where will you be watching the stream anons? I want some company
Does anyone have the squilliam template?
Here you go user
youtube, we can make a room on stream.be or how is it called
You're cancer.
I'll either watch the BroTeam stream to drink at a steady pace, or just watch it in infinity.
TheBestGamersUSA are doing their annual stream. Their streams have guests too so it's usually a barrel of laughs. It might be somewhat fucky this year since a couple of the guys are now co-stars on OneyPlays, which probably means the Grumpy Dumpy fags will be shitting it up
hahah heres a look at last one
i hope its good
Phew, nothing of value lost, then. I'm not getting up early to watch that shit.
Sans is human fite me no really why else would he bleed red blood if he wasn't
Poorly thought out way of showing how injured he was?
Bubba is a human with a shitting problem so the theory still holds water. Bubba created sans by shitting out his skeleton. Prove me wrong
Any one of these would save E3 for me.
Why must you hurt me so.
I'd even take Dead Souls if it meant they'd consider porting over the main series.
Don't worry fag, DMC5 it's happening this year.
Just think about some of the characters we could have, too. Especially if they dropped the transforming vehicles from Transformed.
Same. I'd love to play them but my eyes aren't very good so console gaming doesn't work for me.
Enjoy your literally godlike blowjob, user!
>Alicia's All Star is getting off the tank and going on foot
I'd prefer The entire squad jumps out of the tank, gets in formation, and shoots any other racers you get close to
Everyone at E3 this year is doomed.
Frankly, I don't even care about the IPs. I just want another beautiful, fast paced, awesome sounding arcade kart racer.
Is there a video of this like webm related?
Is this bait?