Every user is MGD, Bart.
Chiri's music pics, happening now.
I wish I could become the person I was before the person I was with changed me into the person I am now
More than you think.
Thanks gurl
How're you?
Lol what?
I think it's best not to worry about being this or that and just be natural~
Batmetal (Dethklok reanimated)
I like to overthink on stuff like that
Brings into the question of what makes a person a person right?
Maybe for me a bit more personally
who even is 'bard' anyways
Is it me? Am I 'Bard'?
As the years change so does the answer I suppose
Evern as the seconds change i suppose it does
It's fun to think on things like this
How we interact with each other and what makes us do what we do
kitty kat lady neko
How do you do
Well it's a Sanskrit word so if has the same meaning in Buddhism
I'm pretty well, I've got a huge night shift to work tomorrow
How about you?
Right, for the most part I am only Chiri in a pocket universe which is this place, and it seldom overlaps into anything else I do aside from very few people who have had the priviledge to get to know me at a deeper level.
As for what makes a person right- it is a complex question, for there is no morality in the universe, it was only developed as a social instrument to control the chaotic nature of the world; in short, order is a human-made concept therefore 'who is right' is usually determined by a unanimous social construct (local or national) where moral laws and universally accepted ideas/practices put in place, so that somebody can be more easily placed as being 'wrong';
as a human, though- your individialism lends to your own sense of right and wrong but is highly influenced by the society that teaches you.
Right and Wrong only apply within human societies and their members.
It's Neiko fucking Sayuki.
she's a character from Sodium Eyes.
I'm currently trying to get comfortable to go to sleep but it's difficult
blink your eyes a lot for several minutes.
your sleepy eye muscles will trigger sleep if you stay still and relax.
also, try stretching for 5 minutes, nothing strenuous. that should help you get comfortable as your muscles will relax.
Thats a relatable one
maybe a nice glass of milk
"Bard" is just a name. You made it yourself and chose to type it in your name field. But the essense of the self is beyond names.
Surface personality develops and changes, but I think you get a clearer image of who you really are the more you break from and rise above external influences and let your deepest desires and personality surface.
Well I think the word literally just means "I bow to you," but it probably carries that "divine" connotation in both religions. I know they interpret the nature of that "divine" differently than I did, though. :3
Do you like night shifts? They seem like a good idea to me since I prefer night and they generally pay more.
That's not comfortable
Do you have any chloroform in your parents' bathroom cabinet?
interesting way to look at it
I don't dispute
but from my own experience I feel like external influece of a good friend or family tcan just as well contribute to the self
From what I understand, it's the concept of "you"ness because bodies are seen as impermanent with an immortal soul, so to bow to you would be to bow to your soul, because you're not defined by your body
Or something like that
namaste is a connection deeper than brothers
To understand, to respect, to be one with the soul of another
and in that moment they recognize, undertand, and respect the spiritual being that is you
In that moment
you are one
What about bleach and windex?
You could mix those in a cup and put your face over it, inhaling the gas being released.
It can be a quick way to get 'high' enough that you will feel dizzy and want to go to sleep, but you would have to breathe it in for about ten minutes.
They stopped making windex with ammonia
Not at the dollar store.
but that's not windex
apologies for branding.
let me just get a kleenex to dry these tears and a q-tip to collect the salt for later.
gonna sleep
just sayin if youre trying to coerce someone into killing themself you gotta be specific
givin yall nothin but the lick like two broads
got more lyrics than the church got ooh lawds
But if that part of you is from them, is it really you? They could influence you in the sense of guiding you to discover yourself, though.
Yeah, something like that. You're Therevada Buddhist, right?
In some sense of comraderie or subjective self-identification with humanity as a whole, but that said, you're always essentially alone in your own mind. Is that depressing? Or is it freedom? :3
It was an amateur effort on my part, it's not like teaching them how to grow crystals at home was going to help them to get to sleep, I improvised.
i will forgive you this one time
she's cute
I like this train of thought here
I can't say for sure
This has been a nice back and forth
My best friend has exuded some pull over me and influenced me alot in the past 2 or 3 years I've kept company with him
And just as he's influenced me I have influenced him
I can't quite see the influences on my self so well as it's looking at myself
But He's developed a passion for music and Is kind of a weeb now
Two things that he was absoluteley not about when I met him
Maybe thats not even my influence
but I feel like it is
And he is able to use these traits in his own life to get by even if I'm not there
when I go to his house, or since hes away from his house when he visits mine
we talk alot about how he gets by in his days and he tlells me all these cool lessons he learned and all this new music he listens to and stuff
I think that is kind of him even though it might be my influence
I like this train of thought
your turn please , how you feel about this?
any stories?
what's this?
The movie your avatar is from was an unfunny Didney hype train that ultimately wanted to teach children not to be racist.
Damn right.
I have found only one program that does what I need it to. But it only does 8 images at a time and the full version is 50 fucking dollars. The rest of them use shitty ass processes and don't let you mess with each individual image to crop them to my liking.
Well, if he developed a deep passion for those things, you probably guided him to things he had a natural inclination for and he just didn't realize it yet.
And conveniently my brother's computer won't connect to the internet right now so i can't even fucking try to find more
Didn't mean to post that.
Anyway, I guess one person I've influenced a lot to be interested in certain things is Blood-chan, but I could always tell she had a natural resonance with those things.
you have bad opinions
Pirate it?
I had a really close friend for a while, and while I was a very docile and shy person they were outgoing but often got angry because people couldn't understand them or would belittle them if they found out about their illiteracy; however it was music that brought us together and we shared a world of drugs and music in private.
While I hoped I could help provide better suggestions to help them deal with their life, taking rational approaches to confrontations, I don't know if I ever helped or not. But what I took away was more confidence in myself, you ever have a close friendship where you start to know someone so well you want to be like them? ..and after they're gone, you remember how they would have reacted to something, and you can channel them into a situation and become confident where you weren't before?
But let's go farther back in history
To our childhood
The nature vs nurture thing
At a young age we are influenced so heavily by our parents or the ones who raise us
and the company we keep
when do we become the self and break free from those influences?
The time I spent with my brother Malachi influenced me like this
I'll find myself in a situation and then the way he would react comes to my mind as if he were there saying it all
Good kid, really miss him
And I apologie for you missing your friend as well
Everyone has opinions.
You have a short fuse to have gotten triggered by something so unrelated to your ego. I only stated my opinion of a grossly-budgeted hollywood money milking production and not you as a person,
and now I see how that avatar suits you perfectly well, you're very emotive- smug at times when you hold a bit of conversational leverage over someone, and immediately snappy when the tables turn.
I've tried looking up a full version to download but they keep giving me other programs that i dont want or need.
Almost surprising how well alot of the people's avatars fit them here
But srsly this would be like a dream come true if the creators weren't such fucking jews
always fun when chiri is in town.
hello chiri.
What if they made a game about Fry's dog from Futurama..
and you basically stayed in one place the whole game and people would occasionally feed you and stuff, and you'd just watch procedurally generated characters walking by and going about their lives, and every so often it would pop up 'CONTINUE? Y/N' and the dog would get older and older and older...
I feel like the people actually take traits from their avatars to be honest
to fit the mold as it were
that would break my heart
There is no god.
Town aint big enough
well then
Mindfulness is important; paying attention to what really drives you to say and do things, whether it's fear, a call to conformity, trying to be a certain way that you think you should be, etc.
I guess those early things are the hardest to undo, but if something really comes from pure desire within you with no negative emotion such as fear spurring it on, or the remnants of past external influence (which would manifest as psychological structures you feel you need to conform to out of some subtle fear), I'd say that's something from what you could call the real "you."
Maybe just do something else for a while and wait for his computer to connect to the internet again so you can look into other things. ^^
I forget who you are but that's fine.
I rarely hear anyone say my name who I haven't already met, it's strange to have a reputation that preceeds me.
Yes, I think that was the idea when I created Chiri/Matoi. the bipolar character split allowed me to speak and represent different emotions, where any other screengrab character may not have fit what I wanted as a single range of emotions.
Also it was trolltastic.
You're not suppose to be this mean
I remember you well from the old Holla Forums anime threads. we had our fair share of arguments, but of course that has zero importance any more, and barely had any at the time.
last time we spoke was a few weeks ago, you were posting food porn, and I had not dug out my old tripcode yet.
This was nice
remembering why I used to talk to you all the time
I enjoyed it
I used to eb against different avatars but having multiple ones is a pretty good way to express a varying deegree of personalities
it's called a joke.
Growing up is a different experience for everyone, it's just that at a certain age you realize you aren't like your parents, and the future looks like a big box of choices set out for you that may not be anything you fit into, or want to fit into.
Hello thread!
Good morning!
Happy... Thursday...
Well it hurt me and gave me PTSD. Now apologies.
Allo green bean
I am sorry.
Yes, Tetora was my third and probably my most favorite and dynamic one as Matoi had limited positive expression and Chiri had a lengthy extent of negative expression.
But I always post food porn..
that wasn't something I knew about you until a few weeks ago. I've only been back and active for about a month and a week or so. the last time I was active was back in 2013 on 4chan. was that easy? I thought you was rebel for lyph, dogg.
The more the merrier I would imagine
I've limited myself to 3 though as It seems ou have too
3 is a prettty good number
sorry, meant to say
I am sorry that your feelings are made of spun sugar and that you take things too seriously online.
Hey bardo.
the Bardman.
Aaaaah, there it is. You deceptive snake, you.
I post Chiri/Matoi less, and mostly Tetora and Neiko these days.
Oddly enough, same sort of bipolar duality between the two, one being emotionless and deadpan while the other has many happy/positive faces.
that's me, baby.
I like you scoots
I'm glad you stuck around thank you
Do Pokémon dream of Electric Sheep?
kewl meme pic
And I feel the same for Bardo.
Bardo is a nice guy.
Makes threads nice.
The dark knight of the Holla Forums Asylum.
Haven't heard any news regarding pokemon go playing in a while. Guess the dust has finally settled down.
You are officially my second wife.
My next step?
Crashing this thread.....
I think I might be the only person who uses only one avatar these days. Unless you count edgy art and Trump memes I post sometimes.
Maybe a lot of people don't realize how many choices there really are.
I don't consider memes as an avatar personally
good on you Erio
single avatar use is legit
what happened 2 ur stockingu avatar?
I am almost tempted to buy the full version because it works so beautifully but it's way too fucking expensive for what it is.
suicide squad irl
internet edition
My avatar is a monument.
I don't know; gone with an old harddrive at some point. Maybe I still have it uploaded in an email account or something.
I think it actually sort of connects with this one well; her name is Stocking Anarchy, she's an angel, and now my avatar is THE ANGEL OF LAWLESSNESS. It was a prophecy. : ^ )
I guess that's how price works. They have no good competition, so they can make the price somewhat ridiculous.
Everyone refers to me as Chiri despite my callsign at the time actually being 'ChiriMatoi'.
Considering my choices of 'bipolar' avatars, I felt it reflects a basic need to match an ingrained duality within human sociology.
While replacing the archaic good vs. evil religious social constructs, the modern duality is reality vs. fantasy; where a personality is split between the mundane world where everybody is a stranger and thus 'fear' rules one's inevitable personality and social choices, and the exhibitionistic side of the psyche when in a comfortable setting where an entirely different personality comes out during interactivity.
For many of us, it's about escapism; even the traditional smoke break at work, surrounded by other smokers, we lapse out of our traditional roles and exhibit the other side of our 'selves' amongst those we are comfortable with sharing those aspects, in between periods of acting in a prescribed manner chosen by our social constructs.
tl;dr- in accordance with the animus drinking game, everyone takes a drink when Chiri textwalls.
hi stevan
For you!!!!
Huehue hows the week been, Bardle-B?
It's fucking bullshit.
Oh yeah, CHIRI, I recently got my hands on the Start Together Boxset.
After finally having enough money to just splurge.
Shit is legit amazing.
Are the shitpost gems!
We're here to ruin the thread
And if you think we can't,
We'll ruin your day instead!
That's why the peeholes of this crew
Believe in..
Chiri, Scootaloo, and Boo!
(and SteveAn!)
Damn dude you're more into SK than I am :x
I don't have the money to be that devoted.
Been pretty cool I saw an old friend and did some shrooms
what about you scoot workin like a dog for that skrilla huh
s-sorry y autism doesnt let me read peoples faces
you obviously dont know me if you think i have a short fuse
i was ironically harshly disapproving of your opinions at 4 in the morning and you took it seriously?
please stop with your pseudointellectual rambling on a chinese animation sharing forum
Don't get your jimmies in a rustle.
Speaking of Chinese Animation.
I highly reccommend Monkey King: Hero Is Back.
It starts off with a little poking at disney titles, but the story really picks up. It's pretty epic.
Rest well Cuppers
it's too late, im too upset--!
you scare me
friggin floreat is a scary guy man
This description of Monsterkitten is so far off the mark as to be comical.
also that is very chinese
Truth be told, I had that day just been paid and was looking online to buy some music. I am trying to buy atleast get one album of music a month because... I dunno.
And as I went online it said Things you might be interested in...'
And well. I just instantly went "YES".
welp ive had to be good the rest of this month though heh
You know it, working hard, but I feel like I hardly been working, had 2 whole days off.
Shit is unheard of.
i am safely behind the internet
not 4 u tho
ur fucked
I keep forgetting who worked for the like, doggy daycare place
I can't sleep anymore
That was TP
Eric Andre did.
I was pretty confused by that assessment
benzo nap in 6 hours
Ranch it up
Chiri is how I imagine a chatbot would sound if people linked to it from spirituality websites.
Well now, I can't believe you're genuinely upset after you've pulled out that extravagant 'it was a ruse' card.
He's correct that I don't know anything about him, but he seemed tickled enough to go along with a half-assed tit for tat. I'm sure he knows I wasn't being serious either.
China's catching up, this is a markedly good film that while rough around the edges is some strong competition for american high-budget snorefests. I did say I reccommend this movie. It's not the best movie in existence but it's worth watching. Disney just believes that its movies are flawless, without question.
tbh having a fresh pressed copy of their older material will age over time like a fine wine.
Only to get a watered-down, anime-faced Hitchslap.
If that is truly the case, which I doubt, your tit-for-tat game is not your strong suit. Or even your coherent suit. It just didn't make any sense and was completely out of left field.
sleater-kinney is aight
I don't have the time to photoshop a pair of sunglasses on this avatar as a rebuke to poorly-constructed antagonizing.
something like that
tbh they usually are pretty flawless
If my antagonizing is merely poorly constructed, yours is a Kenyan building in an earthquake.
spoiler alert: because they have oodles of money and thousands of people working on each movie, but Monkey King: Hero is Back was produced under some pretty poor conditions and after a producer backed out, had to be basically crowd funded and paid out of the director's pocket to finish the film.
We both know Kenya doesn't have earthquakes, so I'm not sure what you aimed to achieve with that remark.
Too tasty, I know that for sure.
Carrie ages like a fine wine, as well.
good for them, they made the best of what they had
i like movies based upon how good they are not based upon a goodness-to-investment ratio
it's also in chinese so
So you're happy with movies that basically try to mold their plots into political relevancy for the sake of the company owner's ideals to sway generations of children into a socially acceptable mindset?
C'mon. Zootopia is about racism.
You can spend a lot of money and still get a shit movie. It's not like good things can be made without talent. It's just that high talent often demands a high price. Disney is a strong studio at the moment that has put out financially and critically successful movies.
they didn't have abos sniffing petrol and playing the musical sticks doe
i mean it's not really a bad message i don't know why you're talking about its being about racism like it is an inherently bad trait
So you don't like Disney because "Zootopia is about racism"? I don't really understand your stance here.
Building on their successes and investments, of course.. the modern age is the time of large-scale buyouts and monopolies, Disney is pretty beefy and as long as they keep turning out big moneymaking politically-correct movies they'll keep making money.
If princesses go out of 'style' they'll adapt by bending over to create new modern princesses, they'll even include a black one because they don't want to appear to be noninclusive and racist, as long as they stick to the basic conservative archetypes or whatever the social normal demands, in order to offend the least amount of people, sell the most movie tickets and direct-to-dvd sequels, and never tarnish their beautiful shiny name.
I prefer outsider art and film. Mainstream doesn't engage me anymore. I understand that large-budget productions are created to make money, people research this stuff through statistics and demographics and they're basically consumer products like anything else. You can't pretend it isn't.
Zootopia is about trying everything.
All of you are wrong.
i've lost count of the number of strawmen created tonight
Direct to DVD movies from Disney are usually made to give the newer people in the studio experience while still using a well known IP. It isn't exactly a budgetary thing.
i thought it was ironically sjw
like trying to highlight that niggers are in fact violent by nature and then constructing a narrative that showed how retards dance around that
I am not sure what's going on.
I just want to be involved.
monkey king isn't mainstream? wasn't it really fucking massive in china?
It's about scams.
i won't be happy until the message of a kids movie is just blatantly "gas the kikes"
everything else is blatant cultural marxist propaganda
like ed edd and eddy
Do you really think disney would go there?
they made that movie but it was about dirty muslims it was called The Angry Birds Movie
It's about fox cox and bunny pussy
Wow, Disney isn't making the exact same movies as in the 70s? What is this political correctness gone mad? We already have our black Disney princess, and his name is Uncle Remus! Just because it's mainstream doesn't mean that it's artistically invalid.
No, that was about chasing your dreams.
Then allow me to expound further since you're so inquisitive; Because of the perceived racial tensions in the media, the film was worked into a scenario with various animals representing minorities who have dealt with persecution for being a species who have racially prejudiced traits attached to them, and during the movie the characters overcome those and show everyone that they are just as capable as anyone else.
It's bullshit. Disney has to spell it out to people, they literally wrote and released a major hollywood picture to tell idiot children that racism is wrong.
No actually it was a love story
don't talk like you know
come watch local australian non mainstream films, i'm sure you'd be super impressed. right.
Well yeah, it's a large company just like everything is. If you're good you might get to be an animation supervisor or an assistant director.
nah that plot is about getting rid of the muslims
not the people who were advocating bringing in the muslims, who are the real problem
it's a step in the right direction though
maybe i'll get a reply one day
bad boy bubby is a gr8 movie
Would you rather the alternative that we get another princess movie about getting a man?
What if love was their dream?
It isn't like all the direct to DVD movies were bad. I personally liked some.
I thought Zootopia was about fucking the bunny..?
She is just something else
Only because it was made in China, so yeah of course it's massive in China because it's heralded as the pinnacle of 3D movie tech to have come out of China recently.
Get some bunny poon.
Oh, you already know Disney is following the social norms and would never portray a female princess as needing a man.
wow that movie e.t. had a bunch of subtext about learning to be empathetic and compassionate lynch the fucking director for poisoning the children's miiiiiiinds
it doesn't have to be either or
you can have movies like toy story which gets the message across of "don't be a dick" without being political
isn't that still.. kind've mainstream?
lol i've never watched it yo
Not 2 day
wow you ever think about how their need for jawbreakers is actually a stand in for their need to choke on eachother's throbbing meattools
Your sarcasm stings, babe.
This to be honest.
The movie wasn't exactly in your face about it. I mean, major plat point, but it didn't feel too preachy.
I thought the Toy Story movies were about being yourself.
I didn't say it was artistically invalid; but the corporation has a few too many cooks in the kitchen as one might say, or that the pretty stone is being polished a mighty bit too hard these days..
I would abhor sending them a good script and have to hear about all the little changes they want to make to it until it's barely a skeleton of what it was, but as long as it's a polished skeleton the idea will sell..
i can only remember the first one and can barely remember it at that
Toy Story 3 was a prison camp.
I was appalled.
helloooo t there squashy
only pixar movie that's burned into memory is fucking finding nemo, didn't have to fucking watch it over and over and over again at all
Never saw it.
Morning, Bard.
nemo is differently abled, dad's neurotic, they get separated, dad meets a retard, nemo has a good time, everyone gets back together
Wow, a movie plot had topical undertones? Are you serious? I'm outraged. This will not stand.
I hope your day goes well
do you have any plans?
Uwah I just wanna lay flat out naked on my bed and do nothing but it's noon already
Someone on Growlr wants me to hang out at the local card shop today.
It's bad. It's not Toy Story 1 or 2. They put some dark shit into Toy Story 3 and I really dislike that it has high votes on imdb and rotten tomatoes like there were bots propagandizing it to seem like the greatest of the trilogy but it's downright scary and I would never show it to children.
It's a fucking Jew prison camp movie. They put the toys in a prison camp.
Hi there Squash!
Your Movies Suck did something on this.
They talked about how anytime Disney makes a movies people regard it as infallible simply because it's Disney.
Honestly I'm kind of disinterested in movies from them now because of how little they have to really try to get sales.
It's starting to show.
Well, the shock is that this corporation, as large as it is, has an influence over a large majority of children, so when certain powers that be need to send a message to the youth of tomorrow, we get politically charged cartoon movies with underlying messages about racism to follow with the narrative that the media's rolling with.
Wait, you don't actually get this at all, do you?
Too many cooks in the kitchen? You can not like Zootopia, that's fine, but it was a major critical and financial success. Seems like the right amount of cooks to me.
The script might not be revolutionary or edgy, but it is a good, solid script. They did what they set out to do exceptionally well. When you say the script was a piece of garbage when it pretty clearly wasn't it really does sound like you're calling mainstream work invalid in a very arbitrary way.
Laziest morning ever and I love it.
Oh, I never said I disliked the movie.
I'm just stating that its adherence to the general sway of politics was showing.
not drinking coffee 24/7
uh oh, race wars in the media
Disney: Kids, don't be racists!
The third movie was made with the audiences that had grown up with the first two in mind as well. It's also not at all inappropriate for little kids if you ask me. Seemed fine.
I just woke up. Might clan or something when everyone else gets up. Got a bunch of fillings yesterday. 3 hours of painful drills and shit. 4 more in a month.
You're a girl, not a bear.
I don't have an unlimited coffee supply so twice a day is plenty.
Silly Canadians.
I don't see what's fun about getting trapped in a prison camp.
oh, at work it's free, I don't drink it after I finish work cuz I wanna sleep. Free coffee at work is a common thing right? productivity and stuff.
what the HECK!! is Growlr
Toy Story 1 and 2: oh no! things are changing and we need to have a madcap adventure chase scene to remind Andy we mean something in his life!
Toy Story 3: oh no! we're trapped in a prison camp! our only hope is to break out of prison camp and find Andy!
Gay hookup app.
furry sex meetup
sounds like some furry tindr?
This is a good thing
movies should teach some sort of lesson
my bad you know more about it than I
Make sure to always use protection
Everyone thinks this when they first hear the name.
white men can't jump combats the fundamental issues of life today.
I will play a white deck and cast protection spells.
They should, but there's no reason to just straight up follow the media narrative and basically put out a movie that is aimed to teach children how to discern minorities and be nice to them. It's very forced.
I mean, the message in the movie was pretty tame. I get it, I just don't see it as a mass brainwashing of the youth of tomorrow as much as I see it as a typical children's message of tolerance, and growing up to be whoever you want to be, and all that jazz. Pretty toothless.
It's a mainstream movie, it's not strange for it to adhere to mainstream politics. It's also not necessarily a bad thing. It didn't seem to hurt the movie or anything.
I never said getting trapped in a prison camp was fun. Only that it was made for adults and children in mind. And it seemed to do just fine with both demographics.
This is seems like a pretty strange takeaway from the film.
didn't read
didn't read
didn't read
deal with it.
Like you didn't know the fox is a nigger and the rabbit is a gook.
Yes it is.
0.40 EUR / coffee tho at school
better be free while im interning
Oh shit the dentist. Did you have any anaesthetics?
I need to get my upper wisdom teeth removed they aren't hurting yet and I think I'm more afraid of the damn bill
Some, but it wore off again at the end.
I would rather the pain from the drill than the needles. I've had 30 some shots in my mouth so far.
I had to get my wisdom and a molar out a bit ago.
molten core
meowlr~ ♥
i got mine out ended up costing me 2k after insurance, but they did some other work as well. friggin ripoff
hit me up on meowlr
You're so boring it's offensive.
Do you think Disney should do a movie about how we need to deport the apes out of Zootopia back to the continent of Oogboogastan? Would that be outsider art? A brave artistic message to get children thinking? I don't know what you want here man.
I don't understand.
If yeen talking guala nigga adios
Ah well, I guess drills aren't bad. Wisdom teeth removal tho, that'd be hell.
Cute kitty.
I like that you've devolved into being a dick about this.
I'm not really feeling any reciprocation here, your points aren't really validly countering my points as they're more or less just mocking them, so I feel I have to withdraw on the subject as there aren't any actual master debators present.
While I am a cunning linguist, I can only perform orally for those willing to delve further into pressing issues.
It is. I'm just glad I only have to go in 2 more times.
potg's are fun
soo many...
Started listening to migos again lol
They crack me the fuck up
brb nom or something
Get them removed in one time.
Good kitty!
well that was the greatest imageswap v. text I have seen this decade..
Anything worth doing is worth doing while being a dick.
Countering your points? What point? "Like you didn't know the fox is a nigger and the rabbit is a gook." Great point, man. How can I counter something that is so well constructed?
As a support main I don't get those.
I just need filings now.
4 more. They didn't have time last night so I'm doing it half and half.
Counter this point, then.
Kaybe scares me because he has a joke for everything and can still rip your ass in a conversation.
i got one last week on mercy
You scare me because you are so wrong.
I have garnered that he is the type who is a stalker-predator, waiting in the bushes for the right moment.
But if all he attacks is just some inflated bullshit, then he doesn't really have much of a point himself, and can't defend himself once out in the open and must retreat back into hiding.
It's best when you are stoned
i'm not scared by kaybe because my life is a joke and it rips my ass every day
Mercy is alright.
All her potgs are just ream rezes though.
I am eating a vanilla wafer.
It's tasty.
Want to cuddle?
+1 Ava's Demon
You're a living, breathing joke. God put you on earth so that other people he cared about would have something to laugh about.
Squash, if you don't make any jokes, you have no bait to lure people in so that you can grab them and rip their asses apart. It's all in my book on the art of online image board seduction: How to Get Poop On Your Dick In 11 Easy Steps.
rez are good
contest with a full rez last moment
Stop chewing on sweets and drop some weight, you big fuck.
Try cardio. Start running. Increase your endurance. You want endurance in bed, right?
But if you're already well-muscled with a layer of fat over your body, then it's hard to say if you'd lose any weight especially if the muscles you have are being actively used, say through a profession that involves labor.. but you can always 'cut', and improving cardio is always good, and if you lose fat % you'll feel lighter and everything you do will feel easier
Reminds me of the book i had as a kid.
Nobody Poops But You.
I'm glad God really has a plan then.
I'm glad you recognized me as the great comedienne that I am.
It is supremely ironic that you're saying this while one of your posts was literally .
Just don't rez only one person.
I've worked hard labor jobs for 4 years. I think I'm ok.
Well, if someone does it to you, you can do it back.
4 years!
what doing? shoulda become a sparky like me, twitch wires all day
I would die.
I have to think that you're a comedian, because it's much less depressing than thinking that you're being sincere.
Yeah, you got me, I didn't read any of your masterfully constructed points. That's where my problem was. If only I had read them, and responded to them. But obviously I didn't. So you can just type out "lul didn't evn respnd kid" and it's justified. I can't wait for your hilarious and kooky response.
Squash is pretty damn skinny.
at least i don't purposely
unless it's the important contesting tank
no way
How dare you.
Makes sense.
holy fuck, that is chiri, i thought they died
Me and wires don't get along.
As skinny as Hoover Dam, maybe.
We should be so lucky.
If Chiri's response is not kooky I will feel cheated.
so you prefer hauling crap all day?
shouldn't expect a response, never get cheated
I guess I just dare.
Morning. Been less present a few days because I'm getting school sorted. Class starts at 8 today.
I'm glad you've had less strenuous jobs for the remainder of your life, and not labourous ones.
Me, I chose labor specifically because I didn't want jobs that would suck my mind dry and leave me feeling like a zombie, I wanted low stress shit I could do during the day and then relax and think.
But I've done that all my life so, I guess that's 15 years of labour jobs as opposed to menial-task mental/social work such as call centres, data filing, basic design, programming.. I decided choosing a profession that made use of my talents was inevitably going to drain me and stress me out.
I'm both, that's why I'm the best comedian. I'm being funny as well as being sincere.
The joke is on you because I read your posts, I just thought it would be humorous to reply to your post that had three consecutive replies to simply repeat 'didn't read' cause I'm getting to understand how sensitive you are about being neglected and how much attention you need.
Aw. I've missed hanging out with ya.
sometimes after we wipe enemy team i rez to snowball our advantage with full
cause with how much i heal when all grouped payload i'll be halfway to my next rez already
and i need to master on mercy now is good kiting spots to fly like a pro inbetween team mate while avoiding enemy skills
still living the minimalist 10k life?
hell yeah but my projections are going to put me around 15k this year.
Still in the bottom tax bracket!
I'll try and actually get put together so that I don't end up only showing on the weekends or something like I did last semester.
S: how do you survive
I lack the skills to have anything else.
I picked up a job for a moving company after I got laid off. I'm going to get a job at Walmart along with it.
Should work something simple.
Sadly Mercy is being pushed out as a healer. Lucio and Ana can out heal her now. And her rez is the only majorly good thing she has comparativly.
Studies come first.
Very exciting. And in a week's time, very, very depressing and crushing. Good luck.
Oh, okay, so you were only pretending to be retarded. Sorry that I misjudged you. You really got me with that pointed joke. I sure do feel dumb and look like a total tool asshole now. Boy, are my cheeks red and are my pants ever around my ankles. Yep. Me. Because I'm the one who just did something mind-bogglingly retarded. Good one man.
Sorry man, I tried to give him some stuff to work with, but I guess it didn't work out in the end.
ana has a long range heal, yeah
but in certain maps and situations mercy's is more stable connection to provide that extra stamina to push in.
a nice game of rock paper scissors on healers.
Well, I got a bike from a used store, was a police auction donation so I took it away for $125 but for summer riding it shortens my pedestrian walks to work to 25% of the commute time and saves me $45/month on transit fare.
Unfortunately the crankshaft has a stripped pedal and I'm gonna have to drop like $50 on it to replace that shit.
Mercy just got some nice buffs.
+Genji nerfs
Zenyatta is better honestly.
3 seconds to stay connected is enough time to dodge to cover if you need and keep the heals and debuffs on. I can't recall the rate of heal for each though.
Oh thank god.
I hold no animosity to other posters, man.
You know you'd never say the shit you say here in person, this is just escapism; but reality and fantasy are getting tied together by the big powers that be, so no fun is going to be allowed soon.
I mean, you do realize that right? like you're not actually a dumb person trying to sound smart?
ur gr8 m8
bleh still... I live with my little sister at a place my parents friggin owe and they still charge me 200 a week (which is pretty cheap here) and that on it's on is like 10.4
I was gonna say the price conversion, but currently 1 CAD = 1.01 AUD .. Prices are fucked in Perth though. But then shit like food, clothing, booze, weed, water, electricity.. do you live in like a basement D:
mercy and zen have around the same heal rate i feel.
ana can't headshot crit like the others unfortunately
Zen's ult isn't quite invincibility for his team either :\
but most the healers are good in their own ways at least.
i h8 the ir8 b8 that stagn8s in these rel8ted ber8tments l8tely
Zen has 30 per second with 40 meter range.
Mercy has 50, but with a 15 meter range.
Zen can heal from a safer distance.
Mercy heals more, but needs to be close.
Preference I guess.
Heal rate is
Lucio > Ana > Mercy > Zenyatta
Single target and actually being able to keep someone up through damage of course drops Lucio out of that.
Ana's heals are gr8 but unreliable.
how about you just stick to being funny ay
preference is everything
l8 m8 tr8
fuck it's cold man
no, I live in a rooming house with old people, transients, and stoners on welfare.
The wifi is shit but the price is right. Everything I buy is an investment, even if it's a shitty bike, I know how to fix bikes, I'll work it into my budget to get a new crankshaft and pedals and DIY.
I'm not poor, I'm employed and housed.
I don't care who you have animosity toward.
What does it matter what I'd say in person? Or what you'd say in person? We're not in person. The part about reality and fantasy being tied together by big powers is just more of your insano political and spiritual babble, and every time it dribbles out of your mouth I lose respect for you. And that's quite a feat, considering where my level of respect for you started out. It's not a particularly lofty high water mark.
I did not get this conclusion from the body that you just wrote. You are a moron and you have no idea how to even basically formulate a though. I'm not good at arguing, but I love to do it. And it just so happens that I have the grand fortune of living in a world with tons of people, hundreds of thousands, millions even, who are even worse at arguing than I am. And as luck would have it I have one in front of me right now. Truly I did something right in a previous life.
goddamn imageswaps
All depend on the player really.
If I could trust an Ana to be good I would prefer her over everyone.
what do you do again? That's cool. I'm currently on public transport because I lost my fucking license for .. a fair while
I got some shit bike I found in a ditch but the pedal broke off so I left it in some bush, It's probably still there...
im best ana au btw guys
im a pretty big deal
subscribe 2 my twitch
Want to play?
nah i'm the best cunt plz
I know, I know, I'm sorry.
I meant to type "thought" not "though". What an embarrassing typo.
oh jimmy jones you bipolar fuck, you didn't vote for fucking greens did you
Well, when I spelled it out the first time it may not have made sense to you, but that's fine. I don't mind, or care, in this case, if anyone disagrees with my viewpoints. I have some interesting, independant ideas and I know that people out there are either going to understand them or they're going to love to turn it into ammunition for a potential character assassination.
But you know why I'm still alive? because you're still using dummy bullets. they're blanks.
aus sex party #1
aw sheesh, not H.E.M.P, puleaaase. to be honest though I voted Malc cuz I hate Shorten, still a mistake. Half my friends didn't even register, I didn't know that was possible.
I clean houses and apartments from the floors to the ceiling and everything in between, whether it's hoarder rat infestations or crime scenes, however bad it is we turn properties so that they can be re-livable and re-rented.
im not even an australian citizen
but i still voted
im like a fucking sleeper agent
bringing down ur country
Please clap.
huh, that's not possible dude.
The only non-Australian citizens who are eligible to vote are British subjects who were on the Commonwealth electoral roll immediately before 26 January 1984, at which time the eligibility requirements were altered.
kkkk, unless you're super fucking old
you'd think that
lol, go back to iraq ahmed
Oh, don't get the wrong idea, I know that you don't. That's how your type always gets to the point where you are right now.
If only they were interesting and independent in a good kind of way, instead of an insano bananas cuckoo-clock-bird-on-a-spring kind of way.
So either they'll agree with you and you'll sit in your safe space echo chamber, or they'll disagree with you and you'll shut down in the middle of the conversation and find solace in your "interesting" and "independant [sic]" ideas. Sounds like a good way to live a life dude.
Because Canada doesn't euthanize those with no prospects. Though you're certainly making your case for it.
You got me. Better go off and pat yourself on the back for being so different and brave in the face of mainstream thought. All those sheep are just too afraid of being independent and thoughtful like you.
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