The game was mid to late 90s for either PC or Mac. I remember it was an role-playing game. I remember it had bad graphics but it was fun gameplay. I remember you could get a really sweet boomerang early in the game by bribing a guard in a large castle that had a king sitting on a throne. After bribing the guard, you had to solve a puzzle of switches to get the boomerang. You could also buy an item called "Wish for anything" in the castle. When you died, you went to hell and had to find an exit while avoiding a very OP devil character. You could fight anyone, including vendors. Even if you killed the vendors, you could still buy from the shop. Does this sound familiar to anyone?
I'm trying to remember a game
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Probably Ultima
Many people worldwide eat horse. It's still used in dog food.
I don't think so. The graphics were a little better than that. Also you had several stats you could boost and could wear various pieces of armor.
Only if you want YHWH to destroy you
I eat rabbit at least once a week, but I've never had horse. Also
Yeah, good point. Fucking heathens.
crpg or jrpg abomination? Isometric or what?
CRPG from a point of view. It was directly above like a chess board, where you moved one square and the sprites also moved one square at a time.
Honestly, looking at Ultima, it looked a lot like it, but better than the early versions.
All the stuff you mentioned doing sounds like Ultima style game start. Maybe it was a clone.
When you died, did you go to hell where there was a puzzle made of fire with squares labelled exit?
That doesn't sound familiar but I haven't played all of the Ultima games, maybe Ultima 8.
I am honestly wondering if this was some low profile independent game.
Where the fuck do you find rabbit? The only way I could get it is if I shipped it in frozen from 100s of miles away, or raised it myself. The first one is expensive and the second sounds expensive and a hassle.
It looks a lot more like Dragon Quest 2/3 from the looks of it.
Dink Smallwood
The game looked like a perfect match for this, but a prototype.
I actually remember the game I seek, but It's nigh on impossible to find.
Gravity well Version 4:
No. It looked like Dragon Quest. I'm actually interested because I had this game as a kid and wanted to play the full version.
This is what the game looked like in the world. You would step on a town and go to it.
Girl detected. You'll never be a princess and prance around in olympics, dyke.
Rabbit has fuckall nutritional value
Rabbit is common as fuck in the States, only slightly less common than venison. Oddly, so is Ostrich, recently. You'd think Ostrich would be white meat like chicken, but it's actually closer to baby cow meat and pretty delicious.
Bear is pretty rare to see on a menu here, but it does happen depending on where you are.
Tastes deliciously though.
It fills the stomach, doesn't it?
Then it's food
By that logic cum is food.
Then I guess a strawberry isn't food either ?
do you eat dog and cat as well, you savage fucking nog?
>not wanting to pet the horse
If all it has to do is fill a stomach then what about that guy who ate a fucking plane?
Rabbits are vermin, *that's* why you shouldn't eat them, that they're 'cute' (they're ugly fucks once their mouths are open) should have no baring on their role as dinner.
Find 2 rabbits at a pet store.
You now have infinite rabbits.
You might want to delete this thread and try again without that image, OP. You've derailed your own thread.
Rabbit, Pheasant, Quail, Geese, Duck, Deer - these are all commonly hunted and eaten things in North America.
Hell, my grandparents used to hunt and eat squirrel on a regular basis as well. Such is life in 1940s Midwestern America. The chicken they would eat on the farm were beheaded and plucked themselves. They still have the bloody tree stump from those days in their back yard, it's used as a small table now.
I don't understand how America functions
You just put corn in the ground. And it grows. For free.
I didn't know this image would be that upsetting to people. It shows an economic crises as reason to eat horse and rabbit. I figured that would have been self explanatory.
Honestly it sounds like you understand exactly how America functions.
Rabbit has so little fat as to be non existent and unless you eat viscera too you'll get no real nutrients either. Rabbit starvation / protein poisoning is a thing, particularly in a long term survival situation. You'd be better off shooting the rabbit to keep it out of you garden and tanning it fur than to intentionally hunt a rabbit for food after the apocalypse.
If you only knew the fucking struggle.
Corn requires a large amount of work, actually, you ignorant fool who has never been on a farm. First, it requires a process called filling, where you turn the soil. Second, it requires adding nutrition to the soil, typically in the form of manure or compost, which costs money. This is done because corn is bad about stripping nutrients from soil. Third, corn takes watering ever day, which also costs money. Finally, you have to ward off pests like grubs, rabbits, and deer. It isn't as easy as you think, fuck face.
Actual farmer here, it really takes no work at all. You can literally just dump an uncooked bag of microwave popcorn in the ground and have corn WITHIN DAYS for YEARS. Git gud sprout.
please get on my level scrub lord, I ate corn once and shat it out, and worked the shit into the ground have had corn for literally millenniums
You're a fucking retard. You can literally eat a handful of unpopped kernels and they'll continuously grow inside your stomach and automatically feed you fresh, tasty corn on the hour, every hour. I can't help but jerk off in sadistic, capitalistic greed whenever I think about the poor, stupid suckers who I trick into thinking I have to put any effort into growing the stuff when in reality I just shit out any excess corn into a bag then seal it and send it to market. The only problem are the intellectual free-thinking heroes of the Marxist revolution like>>12735056 who could put a stop to my eeeeeeevil plans by transcending America into a multicultural, socialist society where Marx himself reincarnates as a living god and ends hunger, poverty, and CIS privilege for all eternity under his benevolent rule.
Look at this hillbilly. Just the vague concept of corn has kept me fed for generations no actual eating required.
Rabbit is high in protein though. It's great as a supplement to fattier meats. Saying "rabbit is high in protein and low in fat so it's useless" is stupid. It's just useless if it's the only part of your diet.
I actually know about farming, not just pretending to. Without even rotating/tilling your fields or watering the corn? Where can I find this magic corn? Also, popcorn is not sweet corn or maize. It's only good for popcorn. Also, microwave popcorn has been treated with chemicals that keep them from germinating. Also, if you were going to do this, you would need to germinate untreated kernels out of the ground and then plant the seedlings.
I've got one I've been asking for nearly 10 years now in these threads with no luck.
Not holding my breath but hey, might as well.
I laughed harder than I should've.
I found the game. It's Taskmaker.
Nice try, Monsanto