Recently I've played Megaman ZX series, Zero Series, Megaman 4 on PS3 and I just got done beating Catlevania Dawn of Sorrow on DS. What game do you guys recomment I play?
What game should I play next?
Play with my peanus weenus ha ha!
Other igavanias duh
Ecclesia probably.
Aria of Sorrow's pretty good, but assuming you didn't play it prior to Dawn already, you've already spoiled the plot for yourself.
Portrait of Ruin
Order of Ecclesia
Thanks guys
honestly, the ds castlevanias except sorrow are fucking shit. Harmony of dissonance and circle of the moon is way better than that
You kidding me? Sorrow is the worst of the DS games imo.
Circle of the Moon had a nifty little card system that made the game really fun to me. The original GBA not having a backlit screen made playing it a chore in low light though.
you best be joking nigger
I fucking loved order of ecclesia and the hard mode&level 1 mode that you unlock after beating it makes it even more amazing. Not only that but it actually had a great art style compared to portrait & sorrow's fairly weak generic anime characters
I didn't like Dawn of Sorrow as much as others.
Also, Soma is very unfun character to play as in Harmony of Despair. Really overpowered and the entire game revolves around his boring playstyle.
you should try Bloorstained Ritual of Night, when it comes out.
i dont know
the gameplay itself was pretty fun but the artstyle didnt stand out at all. interesting and varied areas as well
I don't remember it being bad, all I remember is
Casual faggot.
This, I beat it but I don't remember much about it outside of the team-up supers. I don't remember disliking it, or thinking it was particularly good, it just was. It's the Castlevania equivalent of a shrug.
If you like RPGS on the DS, id recommend the digimon world games for the DS, which are World DS and World Dawn/Dusk. I finished World Dawn a few days ago, and its fun if you like grinding just to make your digimon fucking destructive.
Etrian Odyssey
Dark Spire
Advanced Wars
Play the real Castlevanias, filthy casual.
I recently replayed Aria of Sorrow for the first time in fucking years and that'd be the obvious next step if you beat dawn. all the shit I remember from the sorrow games was in dawn though, minus the underground graveyard and this giant waterfall room
I remember portrait had really fucking good environments if you pay attention at all to the areas you're in.
Stay the fuck away from Harmony though.
fuckin wot. Any casual who picked that game up would drop it within 5 seconds because of the floaty as fuck controls.
Why does everyone on here shill Order so much? I remember playing it and getting bored as soon as I got partially through Dracula's castle.
Nigger it has possibly the easiest bosses in any Metroidvania. That whole game's a cakewalk, even more so than Symphony.
You're one to talk.
I'll never understand why they threw out their portraits for generic weebshit though.
Supposedly it was to make the game more "accessible", so read: kid-friendly. Check the full-body shots for characters sometime, the sheer loss of even big details going from the original portraits to the anime portraits is fucking hilarious.
Also what they did to Julius in both games is a goddamned crime because they'd nailed a Belmont-in-a-Metroidvania formula perfectly with Richter already, then immediately scrapped it to force Julius to work off of level-ups and made Grand Cross a selectable subweapon. AND NO KNIFE OR BIBLE IN SIGHT
fucking lol whats wrong with you
Shit opinion.
Dawn of Sorrow is the worst of the 3, but that doesn't mean it's bad, is just more of Aria of Sorrow with a shitty anime style and forced DS gimmicks
PoR anime style is fitting with the tone of the game and that's honestly the only bad part of it besides the skill grinding. Honestly I think it's better than OoE
OoE is really fucking lacking and I don't know why it is praised so much, but again is a pretty damn good game for what it is. Wish itbhad more collectibles like PoR with all the spells, weapons and sub-weapons. The art is nice, though.
Also, CotM is the fucking worst metroidvania.
Why are you discussing video games in a shitposting thread?
I remember having to fight 2 Frankenstein's monsters in that closed room and crying furiously for hours because god damn.
Other than that, there's a couple of good ideas but it was never built upon.
One boss that stood out, if you got hit by a certain attack, Johnathan would be controlled by the boss and attack you. Even Death required the two characters to be out but sadly I don't remember many other bosses doing that.
I had a lot of time without coming to shit shithole. I actually wanted to discuss about the Bloodstained gameplay but found no thread about it, so I was pissed.
You can easily beat those faggots with Dark Rift. Although the lighting attack is still fucking bullshit.
The game had pretty damn good ideas, it could have been a pretty great co-op game and it would have been nice if Charlotte could use 2 spells simultaneously. Dracula and Death fight was really cool, and the multiple allegory to past castlevania games was really nice, and the unlockable modes were pretty good.
Shame the ai was dumb as fuck, and that Charlotte wasn't used to her max potential, Jonathan was a pretty good character all in all. Between the 2 they had a lot of variety, but individually they both lacked a lot of things, Jonathan had a lot of good weapons but lacked subweapons other than the classics. Charlotte had plenty of spells but lacked books. Equipment was lacking as well.
I actually finished it again like a week ago and I must admit it's pretty good, better than I remember, the paintings worlds were a pretty good idea underused as well.
Did you play the X series? And if so, the zero series? Those two are the best of the megaman series
Get gud faggots. Try playing Castlevania Chronicles without dying once. Or any 64 Castlevanias.
It's the most innovated Castlevania yet with its hack and slash, dodge mechanics, that dark souls later stole.
If you want good games try:
Its a good rogue like, I was surprised.
Essentially a diablo clone on the DS, graphics aren't to good but its a decent game
Real time first person RPG like dagger fall
Turn based first person dungeon crawler RPG
Side scroller beat em up with 3d graphics
Those are the only games I'm willing to recommend for the DS at the moment because its all I've played and liked. By the way I hope you have an R4I cartridge and get roms from emu paradise because DS games are expensive and most of them suck but have no demos.
You must be thinking of some other game, because O&E was turn-based. It was also really boring because the game was so over-balanced that every enemy and every drop and every item was planned out in such a way that there was always only one way to do things (aside from obviously bad choices of course). It was like one of those "paint by numbers" things where you do what you are told and then a nice picture comes out, but in the end it wasn't really you who painted that picture.