You don't get it, man. It's a completely new game because of the graphics.
Gameplay is irrelevant. People just want to watch video games, right?
Honestly, they only did anything with Crash because it's one of the few PlayStation games that can be used to grab the nostalgiafags by the balls, and they are always closely followed by the posers, so it does make a lot of money, and it doesn't take that much effort. Just make the graphics MODERN. The fact that they are good games is not very relevant. Hell, it's not even like the original Crash games look bad. They look really damn good. Remaking them is just more consumerist crap.
Other than that, Sony only cares about new games, and mostly games that are really just shitty trashy American movies with some shallow gameplay in there, just so that they can call it a game.
There are a few good games on the PS4, but they don't care very much about those, and whenever they do, it's only because Jews are to money what flies are to shit. If it makes money, they will be around.
Because America occupied and destroyed it after WW2. Especially Germany. Your propaganda did this to the Germans. Good job there.
Every single country in Europe would have all been unironically better off with the Soviets and their poison. And that's crazy, but it's also true.
At least America also poisoned itself and is inevitably going to die off, so I guess it's all good. Fitting punishment for a country that exists with the sole purpose of hating on the entirety of white history, and all European ethnicities, and entirely rejecting all glory and value, and instead adopting a purely Jewish, consumerist spirit.
Get a PS2 and pirate the games, at least if you can't emulate, or don't want to.
I own the slim model and just burn the games. I will mod it when it inevitably stops reading discs, but until then I will be lazy and keep burning my games. I don't like replacing parts that still work. It feels like such a waste. And I bought 100 DVDs a few years ago anyway. I have to use them for something.
Buying the games is not very convenient. Mostly for collectors, if you ask me. If I owned them, I wouldn't want to actually use them, so I avoid that.
My personal rule is that I emulate everything older than the Dreamcast, though I would still like to own a Saturn because of emulation issues. Troublesome N64 games are played on the Wii, which I am ashamed to own, but I really wanted a GameCube, and piracy is easier on the Wii. However, it's not an issue because I have nothing left to play on the N64, because it has no gaems.