Losing control?
Whats the hardest game you've ever played?
Losing control?
Whats the hardest game you've ever played?
Evenin' folks.
Probably double dragon 2. That stage with the spikes is bullshit.
real life
Best answer.
Uh, I'll just say DMC on a higher difficulty.
Morning all.
Had my birthday dinner today. Had some fluffy-as-hell white chocolate chip pancakes and copious amounts of bacon. It was bliss and I could feel myself regaining all the weight I lost
Morning everyone
I was right about getting off of work because of weather yesterday. Was pretty comfy. Watched vids with my bud, beat mgs3 AGAIN, started up DaS.
Dread going into work today though it should be really easy. I can't wait until the end of the week so I can see how much longer I have until nippon.
Was it worth it?
Gotta treat yourself every once in a while or you'll fall off the diet anyway fam.
Do anything else for your bday?
How goes anons?
kill yourselves
Work was shit, but at least the toilets were fixed. Got tomorrow off. Gonna mow some lawns, deposit my paycheck, and play some frisbee with some m8s.
Can't think of a good answer, so I'll just say HL2: Ep1 when trying to get the One Free Bullet achievement. That was the first time I learned that Alyx could die.
Happy birthday, user.
Nice. What kind of run did you do?
Jealous tbh, wish it were that easy to get bad weather days here
At least you're exercising so it'll all go away right?
Workin' on it.
Do you guys own professional grade frisbees or what?
Again because that power outage thing yesterday.
And I did the "haven't played mgs3 in almost a decade" run. Where I just used whatever was most fun at the moment and enjoyed the story.
Its because tourists don't show on rainy days.
Gonna get a huge amount of money in a couple of days, dunno what to get with it. Thinking of waiting until e3 ends and seeing if any EO games come out this year so i can preorder them. I just finished EO4 a couple days ago, and now im waiting for fucking EO5 to come out.
Finally figured out what the fuck was up with my universal remote and DVD player. Turns out the navigation buttons only work when "VCR" is the active setting on the remote.
Started watching Wild Arms: Twilight Venom. Pretty entertaining. Episode 5 is disgusting though.
I don't think many people can win at that one, really.
They made a wild arms anime?
Apex taste.
Guess I gotta make some calls tomorrow and see if anybody in town can do it. It's not a dealbreaker but it's annoying. On the other hand, I've been playing Mega Man Powered Up and it's pretty good. Runs okay for being a PSP game.
Eryi's Action. It's one of those gag difficulty games where there's literally nothing you can do other than memorize everything to eventually win.
How much is a "huge amount" of money?
That doesn't make sense. What vcr even had that kind thing.
Why would anyone mow a lawn when they could just do drugs
Neither do most professors, amirite haha xd
Besides, I think I overextended the tendon in my left arm/irritated it. It hurts anytime I extend my arm, so I can't do much of anything in the way of working out today anyway.
Damn straight! Totally worth it. I haven't had pancakes in ages either.
besides the stuff I bought myself on Amazon, nah.
it was back on June 2nd but thank you very much user.
starting tomorrow.
I gotta mow the grass tomorrow too, so I'll sweat off some already. If my arm is still hurting i'll just have to do some squats and crunches instead of muh arms.
70 bucks, which to me is a fuck ton.
Right, i remember you now. Birthday user a few days back.
Didn't your emulator thing get fixed not that long ago? Or you just bought a new one?
They hang first.
I don't really like pancakes tbh Everytime I crave them I'm like fuck yeah pancakes and I make a bunch then eat like 2 and I'm done.
Yeah. We play a few games on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at the field at a local middle school. Then we go get dinner afterwards. It's /comfy/ as fuck.
I get paid to mow a few lawns around town every week. Shit's great.
Chronic thing or did you just sleep wrong?
Yeah, made in late 1999 by Bee Train (who would also make .hack//Sign and .hack//Roots, as far as vidya related anime goes), and apparently not brought west until 2003 or so. It's an original work as well, rather than an adaptation of one of the games. Does have some cameos and shout outs to WA1 and 2 though, for fans of the series.
It's a dual DVD/VCR combo, but for whatever reason, it doesn't respond to trying to use anything but "on/off" with the remote set to DVD mode. I suspect maybe it's because the device uses the same buttons regardless.
I spend more than that on onaholes each month tbh
How goes user
I was just joking mostly. Whats the difference between it and a normal frisbee?
I also dont have a job.
I bought a new one late last year. These things are cheaply made but the software's solid. Most of the problems with the last one were my fault because I tried to fix it myself. If it's just a volume button I can live with it but it's annoying as fuck. I can turn the volume up (with a lot of pressure) but not down.
I think I slept wrong, and too long. It's killing me today. I'm 26 and just falling apart at the seams, I swear.
It's a bit heavier and engineered for distance. The sweet spot seems to be 175 grams.
Boy I sure am glad that my idea of treating yourself which was mine and not yours panned out in a good way like I knew it would because it was my idea and not yours (^:
Think your arm is too fucked or will it be better by tomorrow?
Hi how are you
Could be worse. You could have arthritis.
I'm not dead but I wish I was.
But my professors are cool. In fact I think I only ever had one bad professor, and that was just because she wouldn't give me an "A" even though I was only .15 points away from getting it.
Why not user?
You a bum?
That sucks. Should get a better one maybe next time.
And my back is shot too user and I'm only 27. Constantly have big knots in the back of it.
Only semi related but I've always wanted to get a quality boomerang and learn to throw it
I wouldn't know if I did. Hands are kind of wacky sometimes, bad knee, messed up ankle, shoulder's been bugging me the past couple months, and now my back's acting up. Gonna be dead by 35.
Do you pretend to be Hank Hill when no one's looking?
Im butt problems user. Its kinda hars to get a job when it hurts to leave the house.
Rip. Hope you get fixed soon
Also have to add that Sheyanne's entrance into the series is pretty hilarious.
Nothing some exercise can't fix!
Anyone know what to do when there's nothing to do?
Listen to shitty fanfictions on youtube.
Watch cowboy movies.
I had my college degree shipped because I was too lazy to go to graduation.
right-o i was really in a funk at the time
eh, to each their own.
you can freeze them and reheat them though, they do pretty well frozen even after a month. Anything beyond a month is really pushing it though.
heh. I would've wound up treating myself somehow anyway.
dunno. I hope it'll be better. I already feel off not doing my curls tonight. The ice pack i've been keeping on it helps it for a bit, but the pain just comes back. I think I fucked it when I was trying to do some tricep dips and didn't have a good grip on the edge of the bed when I dipped.
play videogames
I'd honestly love a quality audio reading of Tengen Toppa Gurren Jesus.
My back'll be fine tomorrow and the other stuff comes and goes. The shoulder is (I think) from getting beaten up a while back.
Yeah, I might take up bowling again. My knee problems have been persistent for years and bowling really helped it. First week of the league it would basically lock up for a couple days afterwards but once things got underway it felt better than ever.
That made me laugh too hard user. Thats a hell of a name to go by.
When I was in college I had one really awesome teacher who taught a few different history classes. Dude really knew his shit and always liked me cause I aced his very hard classes without studying. Brought in stuff like civil war guns and sabers sometimes too which was neat as fuck.
Onahole for an hour then listen to music in the afterglow.
Well I do enjoy my steaks medium rare.
Waiting when my mother buys me beer and searching for a job. Deleted vidya from PC that takes away too much of my spare time. Getting disappointed in everything and have desire for nothing. E3 is going to kill me.
Probably original megaman series on nes
I don't even plan on going to mine, a huge waste of time tbh. What's next for you, now that you have your degree?
Im not exactly the one who chose it, but it fits.
You mean one of the butt problems anons. More than just you here.
P5 is getting hard.
God I hate birthdays so much. Tired of getting older. Hate picturing myself at like 40 being some autistic weeb shut in.
But the megaman games on NES aren't even that hard. Besides like 1 and thats only because it doesn't have basic shit like sliding.
Uh-huh, sure, bullshit nigga you know it was my glorious idea that saved you in the end!
Maybe a hot shower/bath would help
I doubt there is more than one that comes here. If youve been here for a year i stopped coming for about 4 or 5 months before coming back like a month or 2 ago.
No thanks
Wait until you play SMT3.
Exactly why NES ones are the hardest. You had to plan your route, remember all obstacles and figure out how to beat every boss.
The more active you are the more resistant your body becomes to the wear and tear of aging, you should totally pick it back up fam. Great for killing time, get to have fun, and helps you stay in shape, what's not to love?
I'm talking about what I think is the final dungeon.
For what fucking major
What month?
Oh hey, tried asking in general the other night, but didn't see any response by the time I left. Are you playing P5 on the PS3 or PS4, and when you first started to play it, did you notice the initial bootup after running required install to get stuck in an endless load cycle?
You're the user that was stuck having trouble getting treatment, right? I've got Chrons' too, so there's at least the two of us in this thread alone.
I mean while mowing them lawns fam, do you drink beer and tell people what about how that boy ain't right?
Bonsoir niggie, how hangs it?
Whats that supposed to mean bud?
But 3-6 all had that sliding. And most the bosses just had a weakness that killed them in 5 hits.
Computer sciences. And I hate computers. Found that out fast. Was doing general classes for a while then dropped out eventually.
this was fairly entertaining tbh
play something else then, it'll decompress you from P5 too.
same. The weeb part doesn't really bother me as much as the autistic, lonely, shut-in part though.
heh, you're probably right Smokes i'm pretty weak to the power of suggestion tbh
possibly so. I haven't given that a try yet tbh.
Out of curiosity, where does SMT3 stand in difficulty compared to the likes of SMT1, SMT2, and KMT?
Late November to December.
I'm playing on PS4.
You should go back part time at a community college. Only gotta go like 2 hours a day and you'd get to sit at home all the time and your parents probably would be totally for it since you're pursuing "an education". Failing that you could just take online courses. It's like being a NEET 22 hours a day, and the other 2 hours you're just taking notes.
I got it 3 weeks ago. I felt better 3 hours after getting the infusion. Its a miracle medicine. But, yeah, 7 months it took for me to get it.
I like the little anonymity i have left.
Ive never played SMT1 or 2, and ive never heard of KMT. But SMT 3 is brutal all the way through.
Yep, you're at the ship. It only gets harder from there. Im assuming you havent stolen the treasure yet.
Good to know ;^)
Good luck with the bath/shower fam.
Haven't tried that yet. Maybe I should.
A lot of the time at work I feel weird around all the normalfags. They have all these plans and work so hard and have real lives and shit.
Can't ever imagine that for myself even when I'm a lot older. Hell half the people I'm talking about are fresh out of highschool.
For what reason.
TN did just start free community college for people actually. But still why.
But we know who you are every single night butt problem user.
Failing that you could mow lawns while doing drugs, if you're some kind of sick barbarian.
Sometimes i can hide it though.
In the case of bowling, what's not to love is getting up early every Sunday.
I don't think so user. At least not from me but I'm here every night and know everybody though so.
On the plus side I've lost a bunch of weight and my body not being used to breaking down fats now due to missing the gallbladder means I can't eat too much crap even if I want to. It's the perfect scenario for me to actually improve myself now since I don't have a choice.
Thats true. Im just not the kinda guy who uses trip codes.
I've found a few worthwhile fanfics out there. That one's great for not taking itself seriously, rolling with the ridiculousness, and not wearing out its welcome. Other good ones are "Unlucky Star" (a TAMNI fanfic written by an /a/non years back, which drawfags back then made art of), and "Metroid High School" (which has to either be "so shit it's great" tier, or an intentional dig at shitty fanfics by an author portraying a bog standard shitty fanfic author).
Indeed, I've been on it for over a decade now.
Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei, a SFC remake of Megami Tensei I and II. It's been fan-translated a few years back, I think.
And did you have any issue with the initial bootup of the game getting stuck loading? I did on my PS3; quitting out of the game and restarting from the XMB, it worked just fine, but it's not the only recent game I noticed with that issue.
I like the way you think user.
Use positive reinforcement by buying ice cream every time you go so that you trick yourself into wanting to wake up early on sundays.
I didn't have any problems, hell it didn't even have to install. Sorry.
I heard.
You should have went immediatly. I made the mistake of waiting a week before i went to the hospital for my colitis. technically 2 because the first hospital was fucking incompitent
ur gay user
No amount of ice cream would make me want to give up a few more hours of sleep.
That sounds terrible user.
What was wrong with it?
My tripfag army was never meant to be.
Work is providing me with nippon and I can always go back NEET for a while afterwards.
Have you started working out with that to get that great dopamine rush?
when it comes to some things*
yeah, i hope it actually does something. gonna suck if this arm keeps up like this.
same. Not that I don't work hard, but they always seem to have some sort of thing planned for themselves, more times than not. I guess that's what having a social life is like though.
normalfags tend to stay normalfags
eh, i don't care enough about fanfics to go hunting for any, but i enjoyed that one since, like you said, it didn't take itself seriously or wear out its welcome.
Wait, the PS4 version plays right off the disc? Ps3 has to run a forced 4+GB install, as apparently games can't run properly off blu-ray discs at this point.
I aim to please.
It's the later part of the gen, don't be surprised.
Im gonna have to try it out, never knew they made a remake of MT 1 and 2.
Yep. P5 is the first game ive played in a while where i can just stick the disk in and play.
I'm honestly considering going innawoods or something once I get back from nippon. Get /fit/, train in the woods, take a 22 with me and practice shooting all day everyday. Wait for the race war to start. Or whatever comes next.
Doesn't have to be ice cream, just something nice to reward yourself for getting up in the morning will eventually make you like getting up that early that day.
I don't either. Those were ones I'd seen brought up by fellow anons before. The Metroid one is really hilarious in both content and how badly written it is. Excerpt:
I think the apocalypse will happen before the race war. hopefully i get to go to heaven
When you get back, I mean.
But user this IS heaven
But then I can be NEET for at least 6 months while I "look for another job"
You'll be fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine.
I really can't think of anything that would make me actually like getting up early on a Sunday. I really hate being awake during the day. When I was bowling I would put up with the hours but I didn't like it.
I need to read that now. Its fucking hilarious.
If misery is heaven i dont want to be here anymore.
Doctor's found polyps on the walls of it which were probably irritating it and opted to remove it since unlike stones those can potentially become cancerous. Thankfully they weren't though which was quite the relief.
I've been going for walks more just to get used to moving. It was pretty awful for the first week out of the hospital since I was moving at a snails pace and couldn't get very far but I'm back to full speed now.
After the six months. Nigga it should go something like this
Then they maybe probably will be like "aight" prolly.
Maybe you could go bowling later in the day?
Sojiro > Dojima
but most of that requires having a job to get enough money to buy a guy, equipment for getting /fit/, and buying the materials and tools etc you need to be innawoods :3c
that hurt to read.
Dojima > sojiro
buy a gun** not a guy
I'd be joining my old league again if I was going to go bowling, and they only run in the mornings.
My nigga, shit's great. What's the trek like fam?
I think the only recent PS3 game I experienced not needing an install, or much of one anyhow, was Odin Sphere Leifthrasir. Fucking Tales of Zestiria requires 10GB of space.
Yeah, the game's a bundled release. Kingcom's site is hosting the patch for DDS Translations.
Yeah, I know, but I had assumed it might be the same with the PS4. Speaking of which, what kind of discs does the PS4 use anyhow? Bluray still, or do they have better now?
False. Sojiro trusts you, and doesn't reprimand you for anything.
make a gun* not a gay
It only gets worse from here bud
Thats good user. There any specific foods you can't eat at all now or anything?
Problem with that plan is then I'd have to actually do it. With the job hunt I can put it off for months or years even.
Hamburgers > Macaroni
I think its still bluray.
I'm pretty sure if there was a new disc you'd of heard about it.
Make your own league, teach those losers what they lost when they refused to bowl at normal hours.
That's why you make Hamburger Helper.
Put off the job hunt for as long as possible, then pitch the idea nigga.
It's eight chapters that were released over the course of three or so years (with the author claiming to be utilizing stuff they learned in school, like not saying "said" as much, hence "Adam Malkovitched"). And as says, it does hurt to read. It's pretty fucking hilarious and retarded at the same time though.
I don't have a PS4. I was just wondering, as I know some systems have opted to not use DVD or Blueray in the past in favor of their own choice of medium.
Pizza > Hamburger Helper
I don't think it works that way, but eh. I'll probably join up anyway when they start in September. Been a while, and I never got the chance to get used to my new ball last time I bowled.
i don't know of many people with those sorts of skills. It's much easier to buy one
you don't NEED workout equipment, but at least having some dumbells and such makes it nice
grilled chicken > pizza
Don't worry fam, I'm sure once you get to work with your balls and your pals get a look at your craft, you'll be back in the groove of things.
Chicken is great.
Nah then I go innawoods. Or escape to canada.
Thats lost weight that could go towards food.
acquire skill, sell guns to your many peoples
Karma Khameleon > VY Canis Majoris
Hopefully. Everybody was really friendly, it's just been a while. I even got new shoes not long before the season ended because my feet were too wide for the old ones and it was giving me problems.
I wouldnt eat it if i were paid.
Grilled chicken is the best.
Only a pleb like you would want to be a cucknadian
I just have connections up there is all.
I'm still full and I last ate at like 5 PM local time. Almost 2 AM here now.
iktf, always a pain
Nigger, it's great.
Night anons.
Sleep hella, fella
The side ended up kind of tearing or something, so I was walking on the edge of the sole for a bit there. Hurt like a mother.
You know several too
ay yo
hol up
Night fam
Chicken is the best
As are eggs
fair enough
you've lost me now
it is objectively the best.
I just need to get off my ass and pre-make a lot of meals in tupperwares with some veggies n shit in them too. Grill a bunch of chicken breasts, steam some veggies, some rice, stash all that shit in the fridge and heat up it for a meal each day. I don't think mentally ready for that level of dedication yet though tbh
Northern wall when?
I hear you, buying shoes is always annoying, nothing is ever a good fit, let alone bowling shoes. We're being oppressed dammit.
final fantasy 6 on the snes no walkthrough no help just me pounding through it in the 5th grade.
Goddamn that was hard to beat. Literally spent hours a night to beat it.
I only really started grinding out levels in wor near the end cause everything was hitting so hard.. I did that thing low level cause i hated all the time on random battles. Damn young me was a masochist.
Exactly, I know first hand how awful it is.
Finding me > losing you
Pretty comfy, I live just up the road from this huge cemetery that has some pretty old nameless graves too. It's been around since the town was founded and it's quite relaxing to go through; get to appreciate the history of the location and also get an appreciation for being alive, especially after the cancer scare involved with the polyps.
Technically I'll be able to eat anything later down the line but at the moment since it's so soon after losing my gallbladder I have to avoid saturated fats primarily since the gallbladder would help break down the fatty acids. I basically have to avoid dairy products and meats for now.
Fuckin' this, that George R.R. Martin nigga had the right idea.
I got a pretty nice pair on sale a while back. The pair I had before that lasted me something like 7 years because I couldn't bring myself to toss them.
Hopefully not at night
Yeah I do the same thing, I grind my boots into nothing before I ever get them replaced. Hopefully your new shoes last a long while before needed to get tossed.
lol nah it's during the day. I aim for the morning but waking up is a bitch sometimes, that's just me being terrible at life though.
well, i'm pretty lost
I hope so too. I hate buying new shoes but I like this pair a lot.
waking up is a bitch tbh
24 > Lost
I have something HARD for you
But you'll have to find it first I left everything HARD I owned in my one pants
24 > Lost if Lost = 22
Quite so.
It's from porn, right? Please say it's from porn. I could go for some delicious brown right now.
Quiet > Quite
Time for me to bounce, see you guys later.
it's not from porn. It's from Danberu Nan Kiro Motteru. A series about cute girls getting /fit/. The MC being that delicious qt tan girl
indeed so.
Damn. Guess I'll have to dig into the brown I already have.
sorry user. For what it's worth, Danberu is a pretty great read if you're interested. It teaches you how to get /fit/ with the girls in the manga too.
Probably 2hu:Subterranean Animism, but only because I tried 1CCing it for a while. I should try again.
I should stop and start with the first one
Thanks, but I'm not really into manga with a lot of ecchi. It's rarely enough for me to actually get off to but it distracts me way too much. The only manga I actually bother with is Vinland Saga, and I only check it maybe 3 times a year.
to each their own then
RIP thread. Nice posting with you lads
one last tiny spider postans