What does this mean for future Yoko games, Holla Forums?
What does this mean for future Yoko games, Holla Forums?
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It probably means he will be retiring his persona in favor of face fagging.
Good riddance.
I hope he got that collage
Most likely he's just retiring. I mean it's hard to follow up on Automata considering Drakengard 1 and 3.
Hopefully he will make even more crazy bullshit as he takes more and more drugs
Looks more like he's past his prime.
Automata is a pretty good bookend to the series then, happy ending
Good thing the Sun never moves in the Nier universe as he will forever be in the sunset of his life.
I think it's hard to read too much into this tweet. Yoko doesn't know english that well, so it's pretty silly to assume he understands a somewhat intricate metaphor/idiom that some native speakers wouldn't understand. It's much more likely that Yoko Taro wanted to say "I'm in the prime of my life" or "my life is so beautiful right now, like a sunset" and used some engrishy translator to help him write the tweet, which accidentally made it seem like he just admitted he was dying.
Or it's his dramatic way of saying he's getting old considering it's his birthday today.
You can never tell with Japs. So many of them catch a cold and die at 34.
I think he means that its one of the happiest moments of his life
Oh god damn it.
You're not "old" until you enter your late 70's.
Is this the funny moon guy?
Shucks, I like him.
maybe he got the card?
So, did Caim and Angelus fugged or what?
Then say "fake happy ending".
I will never be at rest until i can MURDER the very "gods" that put everyone in this mess
Wait did we make a card? I missed that thread.
I bet you told yourself this when you realized you were still a virgin at 14.
No, but he sure wanted to at a certain point.
Good job revealing yourself to be a triggered old man user.
A man can dream.
Hopefully all the idols of Holla Forums in the japanese vidya industry will die so we can stop promoting xenophilia and multiculturalism on this shithole site.
ITT pig disgusting western trash not knowing what "sunset of one's life" means
Easy there, starved boy!
Do you need another bomb to show you whos in charge?
Nice clickbait OP.
nigger, I'm still a virgin today, where are you getting at?
No, getting fucked by your uncle does not count.
Angelus looks really cute in that pic
Good, he deserves to die for adding drm to his game. The true master race will never forgive him.
After finishing Drakengard and Nier 1 recently and getting several endings, which was a half-baked mishmash of poorly implemented ideas acommpanied by an interesting yet poorly written story, I don't think that he will be all that sorely missed.
oh the ironing
was, I meant to say were*
You do realize he continues the story and the only character with a happy ending is Pascal, right?
Goons be salty.
Maybe in hell he will meet actual good game devs.
No baneposting in a Taro thread, please
Apply yourself next time like these two did.
If I pull that off, will you die?
Which he is not, Taro is a director and scenario writer like Kojimmer
Another yellow hack?
Of coursh!
Those are some big numbers.
For you.
Yes, he also "makes" mobileshit
Japan is truly the last bastion of video games.
Kill him before he can hurt y'all?
You are the cancer killing Holla Forums right now.
No you dumb shits, it means he got the message Holla Forums sent him.
To try harder?
could it truly be?
did card nigger deliver?
He sent pictures of him sending it
Means thank you for the many messages.
This means he is happy.
Means thank you for the many messages.
He wants to kill himself.
directors are directly responsible for the quality of a game. there are no good western directors, so the only good western games are flukes.
That explains a lot.
he's independent of square, he essentially works on contract. you don't know very much about the game industry, do you?
Where are the good gook directors?
are there any vietnamese games?
Don't Starve
But that was the only good game
It probably means he's settling down or something, they always go all confucius with their quotes and shit.
depends on how fast their young fall for the suicide meme
it's quite popular in nippon
The fuck are you doing?
if there's no nips left they can't make new nips
Who wouldn't? They get to be reincarnated into their favorite mmo written by a 14 years old light novel author.
As a connoisseur of all forms of Japanese trash, I can say pretty definitively that they consider themselves "old" at what we might consider a pretty young age. Their acceptance of childish or adolescent behaviors certainly cuts off much earlier than ours does in the west.
His dick is like half an inch long.
He needs to an hero ASAP.
What are you, gay?
In anime everyone is a grizzled military veteran by the age of 13.
I got good news
I have a gift for you, user :3
Apparently it's his birthday
>I will never be at rest until i can MURDER the very "gods" that put everyone in this mess
But user, that's what you do in Ending E :^)
what's that thing in the .gif called? I need one of those.
Looks like a disposable plunger
"Disposable" anything is a meme made by jews to get you to buy more of the same shit
Right? Why not just wash the condom off when youre done using it? Lol!
Angelus is really cute in any picture.
We never got confirmation from the guy sending the card that it got to its final destination, did it?
I still have the PNG saved, so if all else fails, someone else can send it.
Nod really. That post is too Holla Forums for Holla Forums anyway. Those cucks love gooks.
t. Holla Forums
Leftypol wouldn't use cucks because they love da BBC
Why does everyone have to be a /board/? Why can't some people just be idiots? I see Holla Forums brought up here all the fucking time but honestly I couldn't give a shit about their existence and only know about them because of how much they are brought up.
fuck off back to >>>Holla Forums
I'm not sure what he means exactly, but it sure as fuck isn't anything actually serious. But I am looking forward to droves of cucks sending their idol worship into overdrive.
Why do people die, Holla Forums?
What are you, gay?
This isn't a bad thing.
that game was fine (if you use a controler, and crack it to unlock all the overpriced dlc)
Where's the proofs? Oh wait, (1) and done strikes again.
if anything is killing Holla Forums its you jackwagons with 0 reading comprehension. its like the people who dont know left from right, they just appeared out of the woodwork like 4 years ago. did some forgotten corner of the world start to use the internet in that time frame?
You are absolutely right, satan, and the corner that has zero cultural awareness is reddit. Where do you think most of these stormniggers come from?
Fuck weebs.
shame, it actually looks sort of fun
This comment deserves a reply.
SINoALICE should be live soon
Fuck, someone post the wallpaper of message we made for him.
No, we made a bigger one in March.
God gifts us death to free us from the torment of life.
To sadden you.
That maybe be true, but their love for parroting Holla Forums memes as a counter-signal of sorts is even greater. So they would probably use it hypocritically.
No, you don't, you kill a representation of them, at best, but not them.
No, you fools, can't you see?! He has evolved from the moon to become the sun.
oh man
Nah, he's Dayman now.
nigga you're old by like 27 because then you're a creep if you want to do anything fun anymore
Thank you for bumping this. I was wondering where my favorite eceleb thread went.
Where do those fucking goons come from?
Hey, that's the font from Soulcalibur.
Except that Accord (your pan-dimensional robot waifu army) made sure to have a timeline where every human being lives.
So there is a timeline where Androids and Robots are happy, and a timeline where humans are happy. The only sad guy would be Caim since, in the un-screwed timeline, he never gets to live through the Watcher Armageddon and slaughter countless people for fun.
Then again, his sister would never have been mind-melded and she would have kept her disgusting incest to herself as a dirty secret forever. Meh. Depends on how you look at it.
Though Caim may never meet Angelus… H-Happy ending?
They're attracted by the promise of replies.
Get out, weeb.