What can other developers learn from Nintendo when it comes to open world design? What you hope to see in the next Zelda? What did you like and dislike?
I think this is honestly amazing.
What can other developers learn from Nintendo when it comes to open world design? What you hope to see in the next Zelda? What did you like and dislike?
I think this is honestly amazing.
It would look better in 60FPS and a lower resolution.
Also Nintendo should've had a system like MGSV where the horse spawns off camera.
Surely not from most of the side quests, I tell you what.
The textures for this game are fuckawful though, I really don't know why people praise this game when roughly 75%~ of it is grass and rocks.
Also here, cheat on the game, it gets a lot more fun when you run faster and don't have to hold "Up" for 30 fucking minutes.
I'm talking about field design.
And I don't see what's wrong with the side quests anyway.
Fuckoff Cody
Nothing, other games have their own vibe going. Nintendo took from them when it came to open world gameplay. This game really isn't anything new, unless you've never played any other open world games, then I can understand why you see this as something "revolutionary" and "fresh". When you limit yourself to a small pool of something, something unknown from the outside made to cater to your small pool will look exciting, because it is, to you.
To me it sounds like you are the one who hasn't played many open world games. You also sound passive-aggressive.
okay, now show an entire gameplay video without cutting to different frames.
I have, which is why this game isn't very impressive, especially from the company it is coming from. It is moderately entertaining for me though. Killing those huge guardians is so fucking satisfying. Now I'm farming for their parts and such so I can get equipment from Akkala's lab.
Also, I get a kick from activating those huge towers. I activated nearly all of them, save for the one on the upper-left when I was given the hand glider.
It just feels so fucking good, especially when you have 3 hearts and if you make one false move, you're dead and have to walk back to said tower. The risk really does get the dopamine flowing, then you have to become strategic because you are so weak. Though, I feel like I'm about to become OP after fighting the gerudo guardian. It's nice how you can go wherever you god damn please, even Zelda's castle WITHOUT defeating the 4 guardians. Though, some are inaccessible because of equipment.
Nothing, the game is just another open world wasteland traveling sim with piss-poor combat, bad writing and a forgettable soundtrack. Try playing good games for once.
Nothing. BotW is a copy and paste example of a ubishit brand empty sandbox.
The only difference is that it looks even more like ass compared to ubishit(could've used lesser resolution in exchange for better texturing and higher FPS) and the not-towers-totally-original-shrines actually require some effort in rare cases.
The survival mechanics can suck a dick though. Those should go and stay go, especially the weapon degradation.
This, if you don't use the speed hack, you will have to play with game for about 6 hours to find some enjoyment, because you won't get shit done in 30 minutes.
Dodge, hit, protect, shoot arrows, rinse, repeat. It's formulatic.
The combat really needed more tweaking. I love the many weapon choices, but you only have about 3 ways to use different weapons.
1. Spear Stabs
2. Arrows
3. Sword
4. Heavy Weapons
5. Magical Rods
6. Clubs
That's it, you use the same command when using them, link only has about one or two new animations for each class of weapon, and it gets very samey. No new moves, no combos, even twilight princess tried have some sort of chain-link hit moves, BOTW doesn't.
I liked it for the most part. I fucking hated how the fighting theme was some shitty tropical theme though, different kinds of enemies should get different themes. Only bosses have different themes, and stone stalus has the worst song. Hinox is pretty catchy doe, it's a weird disney vibe.
Overall, this game is very incomplete, it's pretty when you edit it together in a video, but when you're traveling, you don't pay full attention to the view unless it's a stark difference like Zora's domain, or Goron City. The people who edit these videos together to try to make the game seem like it's diverse as fuck, are deluded as shit, because the only way you only can see a complete, sudden change of scenery often if you warp or if you cheat.
Anyways, I have more criticisms, even if I'm personally having a comfy time in it. If you wanna hear them, lemme know.
LMAO I bumped the thread, sorry.
I just remember I had the camera unlocked now in the game, I made a backup, and the pictures transferred with the save data. So let me take a few pics of random shit and show you guys how it is.
What the people making the video edits don't show you is the empty, barren lands with almost nothing on them. They don't show you the fogged areas, the extremely rainy areas, because the draw distance is non-existent and everything is gray, which goes against what they're trying to accomplish. This game DOES have some beautiful areas (Zora's Domain really stood out for me), but it also has areas you don't want to give a fuck about, like the stretch of empty land in central hyrule and close to Hitome, all you do there is kill the guardians and look for shrines.
Really wish I had a recorder.
Let's see, they can learn to have barren landscapes that impress the masses with how "beautiful" they look. They can stuff the game with noncontent to pad the game out. They can do jack shit on expanding the combat and leave it be the same exact formula from all of the other games they make.
Such as?
Every single fucking botw thread is the exact same piece of crap piece of shit I am sick of this piece of japan garbage game being discussed over and fucking over until your fucking membrame finally gets that "it's a shit game, if you like it you're a fucking moron and fuck off, play a better zelda game you stupid retard, i will run you over with these wheels the next time I see your shit-eating grin of your super dead console and dead on arrival portable console that doesn't even hold a freakin candle to the gba or psp", not that i have anything against the japanese, but i hate this stupid trash for multiple reasons. you say it's deep, i point the shallow ends, you back away saying it's this and that while I fuck you in the ass and say "it's a fucking flaw you moron" and the next thing you're going to say "it's not it's a design choice" more like "you just want to keep talking about this piece of shit game".
I am sick of open world design because it's fucking gay
'''I fucking hate this design, it's a piece of shit and makes me wonder "what a load of crap".
seriously when will this fucking discussion of zelda this and zelda that fucking stop.'''
I don't care if you can freeze someone and blow them off the earth because you need to be elevated area with pitfalls in the first place which im not going to do because climbing is fucking tedious and takes forever, i hate it and i hate fucking rain, rain more like gay. why the fuck is everything so expensive these stupid fucks think it's funny to make me go bowling for hours do you think i'm a stupid fuck I hate bowling they thought it was funny making the final game of game & watch a shitty bowling game, they fucking loved gay shit so much they put bowling in there and stupid gay shit like weapon durability breaking, but i don't give a shit about durability because it's more like meme-ability when my fucking bows are superior whenever i have more air time than my jump because what the fuck. why is the fucking horse such a piece of shit, what the fuck is this stupid tether bullcrap. i hate the stupid pause menu and eat food to get free hp more like fucking retarded, "just don't do it, just limit yourself and play retarded" fucking epic amigo, do you even know why the enemies deal big damage, because you're a stupid fuck, you're always invincible the only way you can die like a fucking retard is by getting hit twice consecutively which you are fucking stupid because i can press down b/x like a fucking moron, (note: it works better IF I PRESS EARLY) you think this is a fun shit game, buy armor + upgrades, you're fucking invincible, but it's so fucking gay why do i have shoot dragons what the fuck, why the hell are these stupid fucking retard everything exists. oh yeah i forgot to mention yellow 20s and stacking fairies for days, like what the fuck. you essentially have 30+5+5(recurring) because inventory limits? lol what are you fucking retarded?
Why the fuck is parrying so fucking bad, it's only good if you're parrying fire to grass to burn so you can x20x5x50damage in the air or parrying stupid fucking lasers.
It's stupid fucking everything, shield surfing isn't as good and it makes me mad.
I hate this stupid game, why the fuck is hard mode dlc, frame drops more like my asshole ropping a huge shit on this game because i cannot stand this retard triple asshole vsync that fucking targets the framerate to 20, holy shit kill yourself nintendo and everyone else for thinking this is a good idea.
I missed you user.
this x10000
Running the fuck away from everything that can kick your ass. LOL
BOTW was a definitive step down in terms of combat, while customization was nearly non existent in older games. Then again, the sword you started with in the earlier games could finish the job, while even the strongest swords in botw can break.
tl;dr, cool car though. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you are 100% correct.
Knowing it's the last thread.
I'm about 50 hours in and thoroughly enjoying the game, but it's not perfect, and it's not amazing. It is better than any Zelda that we've had for a long time, though.
I love a big empty world with tons of nothing to explore. I honestly do. I loved Wind Waker's ocean, and I love this for the same reason. I do wish there was more to find, though, than peppered shrines everywhere. A true full-sized ghost-town or two would be awesome. I'd like to see full temple ruins, too. there are some ruins, but they're all tiny. The biggest one I've found after exploring about 50% of the world is only slightly bigger than the Temple of Time (the desert ruin north of the Gerudo city). I'd like to see something the size of one of the dungeons/temples from Ocarina of Time or something, but completely in ruins. Something swarmed with monsters and some treasures, and maybe a giant monster living inside, but nothing important and not part of the quest. Just a giant destroyed ruin that could take hours to fully explore, just as a fun side thing. I loved the exploration, but I really would much more love if there was more shit to find while exploring than just koroks and shrines. I want to see evidence that Hyrule has been destroyed, rather than just exploring a wilderness and finding an occasional ruin or destroyed house.
The whole "you can get one-shotted so easily! The game actually feels dangerous and wild!" is kind of bullshit. It feels that way at first, especially when you find your first guardian runners and fliers, and your first Lynel, but they get easier as your weapons upgrade and as your armor improves. The Ancient Arrows are particularly fucking cheap, one-shotting pretty much everything. Lynels are damage sponges and take forever, but are otherwise easy enough to kill. I'm only at 5 hearts too, and I've been putting all my upgrades into stamina, and I have no trouble on anything at all, really. You find retarded-powerful weapons all over the fucking place without any trouble at all, especially when you start running through the Guardian combat shrines.
I like the shrines, but I'm not really much liking the Titans being as small as they are. None of them feel anywhere near any of the dungeons from Ocarina of Time in scope or scale. They're cool and all, but each one has pretty much one dedicated puzzle that would be a single room in any older Zelda. I haven't finished the game, but it's kind of stupid to have this massive open world, and not put any giant undeground dungeons in it that feel like they're part of the world. Instead we get these shrines which just feel like waypoints that teleport you to a puzzle-room. No puzzle-laden hovels in the ground, no ruined temples full of traps, and almost no cool complex citadels and temples that are anything more than a few dusty walls with a few lizalfos or moblins.
Again, I'm enjoying the game a great deal, and it's the first Zelda game in fucking decades to feel like it's actually about exploration (retards are still worshiping aLttP like it wasn't the beginning of the end with Zelda games, locking them into the story-driven bullshit they've become). That said, it's not amazing, it's not revolutionary, and it's not really breaking new ground. It's a good exploration-oriented open-world game that is a few small steps from being really fucking great. I'm sick of people sucking its dick, and I'm sick of contrarian retards shitting on it like it's worthless. I'm sick of people shitting on Zelda using a open-world design in general, like Zelda wasn't built for it from the first game on the NES, which was essentially open-world. Zelda is better suited to an open-world game than it ever was to a shit hand-holding on rails visual novel wit a couple puzzles and boring combat. It's a fucking video game.
Also, nobody is going to read this and this thread is shit.
I just read it, and I just capped. You're fucking awesome.
Although it's funny how those frustrated people always play the "let's ignore no other open world has actual dungeons, is this handcrafted, interactive and varied" game. See:
You clearly don't know anything about game design. This alone is probably more innovative, artistically pleasing (of course that's subjective), satisfying, complex and better than everything I've seen in every other open world besides BotW the last 10 years. Dungeons in Witcher 3 are literally linear caves. In Tales of dungeons are generic, long corridors withou tany interactivity. In Bethesda games dungeons are procedurally generated rooms and the only depth lies within the "hacking" mini game or the snake/fish/bird puzzles. This is a fact.
Cross-area puzzles that have an effect on all rooms, Interactivity, verticality, absolute freedom and optional ways to solve puzzles.
Damn, you are a delusional, and clearly the bad kind of autist.
The first Zelda is a better open world Zelda game than BotW. I'd like to see it remade in BotW's engine if they ever get it to stop sucking massive cocks in the frame-rate department.
Other combat systems aren't much deeper. Actually, this already sounds deeper than Dark Souls PvE where switching weapons mid-fight or switching to bow is not even advisable. Let alone taking advantage of the vertical environments. In Dark Souls you're literally doing nothing but "dodge enemy attack with your 30 iframes, attack enemy twice, repeat". Whether it's a random mob or a boss. And this combat is praised by everyone. Why do we suddenly have such crazy standards for a Zelda game which is a huge open world game with puzzle-solving?
Pretty weird.
Because after 50-100 hours this isn't the case anymore since you eventually find more fairies in this huge world and upgrade your armor? That's a stupid argument. Even random mobs can take six or more hearts with random arrows, shooting you in the back from behind. I wish there was a death count in the game or NIntendo adds one later so "hurr, it's piss easy" people finally shut up.
As someone who just finished Twilight Princess I couldn't disagree more. Dungeons in older Zeldas are mostly padding. Completely braindead enemies that can't hurt you anyway and require time-consuming tactics to kill them (wait until they stop blocking or remove their shell with a hookshot each time), even just opening gates takes ages with long sequences because older Zelda dungeons literally never streamed more than just one single room while BotW screams the whole things (similar to Okami), braindead puzzles like pushing blocks. In older Zelda games it usually was the case that puzzles were so easy, you could solve them immediately, but the actual execution of the "solving process" took way longer. In BotW (also Okami which I just finished simultaneously withTwilight Princess), you basically solve a puzzle in your head and you're done with it. They don't take long or there are clever workarounds and optional ways to solve puzzles. For instance, if you're good, you don't even have to turn the lizard even once to beat the whole thing. I just remember all those rooms in the sky dungeon in Twilight Princess where you hookshot onto floating things and then have to wait and wait and wait for something else. Another reason why BotW dungeons seem to be so short is that they're way more organic and you can sprint and climb. Dungeons in older Zeldas looked like huge Lego chambers which was horrible. Everthing was angular and tidy. This was the case because of the auto-climb system. BotW (and Okami again) of course have more organic worlds.
Stop posting on Holla Forums, please.
You do understand that that won't make people shut up, right? Especially when they can say that most of them are bullshit deaths which plays into what you wrote about the random mobs being able to take six+ hearts. It's not balanced with the heart system they have.
Yeah, the game is pretty alr–
You're significantly simplifying what Souls combat is like. For one thing, you don't have "30 iframes", and using iframes drains stamina which you also need to attack (or block). If you roll around randomly you will run out of stamina. Last time I played a Zelda game, it certainly had nothing like that.
Enemy design is completely different in the two games. Just look at your own webm. All the enemy's attacks are extremely slow (in particular the fireballs which, by the way, would damage you through most shields in Souls). Shoot the enemy in the face once to enter some sort of QTE sequence. Tons of slowed down time for no good reason. Enemy damage output is completely different in the two series; attacks can and will oneshot you in Souls if you go for glass cannon builds like I did. Enemies in Zelda games tend to be extremely weak to a certain item, often being shut down completely if you just use the right item on them and they aren't aggressive enough to punish you for it.
Simply put, Souls enemies are fast, punish mistakes very harshly and can do a lot of damage very quickly. Zelda enemies are slow, forgiving and most of them are "puzzle fights" where using the right item on them will remove any threat they pose.
There's a fucking reason Souls games are considered hard by the same people who want nerd cred and similar bullshit. Granted, Souls is more punishing than straight up hard; if you play carefully and smart they aren't hard, but when you make mistakes you tend to pay for them. They aren't anywhere close to the hardest games in the world or whatever shit people say, but they're a hell of a lot more challenging than any Zelda game in what, the last two decades?
That's not even bringing up much faster games such as DMC. Actually, very few games have as simple combat as Zelda, because modern Zelda games in particular are all about using the right item on something to shut it down entirely.
I'm sure it would help shutting them up, though. It did with Dark Souls 2. Can't think of actual "bullshit deaths". The game is extremely fair and has amazing hitboxes. You don't have any shit like this.
I even explained it for people like you who haven't played them.
But yeah, countless braindead shit enemies (like 14:00), mini cutscene every 20 seconds, always carrying things (braindead, slow puzzle you solve in one second but execute in a minute) which slow you down surely can't be described as padding.
I get where you're coming from, but you look pretty stupid when you assume hands-off that Breath of the Wild combat is just like other 3D Zeldas. Hardly anything you said in this post applies here.
I'm actually not. I literally said what you do. You wait for the telegraphing (in case it isn't bullshit for once), then press the dodge button, then press the attack button one or, if you're sure, two or three times. Repeat. This is the easiest and best tactic for almost every mob and even the final bonus bosses. Shields make it even easier but they are not worth the trial and error component (you never know how much stamina an enemy attack drains).
Truthful hyperbole. You still have a ridiculous amount of iframes.
In Souls you would just dodge through them and not give a shit. Here you actually have to avoid or parry them. If just blocked, they could oneshot you and destroy your shield immediately.
And stop talking shit about the Lynels anyway. They probably caused more deaths than half the Souls 1 bosses combined, especially first and second encounters. You would know this if you played the game. Parrying and dodging obviously looks easier than it is in a cherry-picked webm that shows someone who already plays the game for 50 or 100 hours.
Of course I still wouldn't pretend BotW is harder or more punishing (except for the first ~30 hours, maybe) than Souls. Souls has way too much bullshit going on for that, and of course also those checkpoints.
0:09 of the first webm also shows that the perfect dodge timing for the slow motion isn't that easy to figure out.
Anyway, maybe back to what the thread is about; open world design.
ITT: OP won't admit he's biased and wants to subvert the board even after told to fuck off, is now talking to himself, making the saddest type of circlejerk, a one man smack fap
Brace yourselves, the NIDF has arrived.
What's the point of the bloodmoon? It's got a lot of overblown presentation for something that lasts about three seconds.
Don't know what to tell you that you'll actually believe, but I've gotten maybe 5 deaths and haven't been collecting faeries. 3 of those deaths were from falling because I wasn't paying attention and didn't react quickly enough with the glider, one was from my first wrecked guardian, and one was from the Lynel because I wasn't paying attention to my hearts and didn't heal at the right time. Getting shot in the back with random arrows shouldn't happen if you're paying attention, as anybody who has ever played a video game before knows that you don't put ranged enemies behind you. You need to watch what happens around you. The only ranged enemies that occasionally get me from behind are the skeletons and they won't come close to one-shotting you.
And don't tell me to carry less food or intentionally use shit weapons or armor. Any game is hard if you intentionally make it hard for yourself.
And I don't even necessarily want the game to be that hard. I'm just criticizing the stupid shit that people say when they worship the game. I think the difficulty is fine, but it's far from being really hard. It's hard for Zelda standards, but that's about it.
Bullshit. The enemies might be shit, but the dungeons are well-designed most of the time. Twilight Princess is a horrible example. It's not a bad game, but it is one of the worst for dungeon design.
I can't decipher what this is supposed to mean.
I wasn't implying that the dungeons were easy, just that they were small. I like the titans, but they're very small and fast. The two I've done (the camel and the elephant) are little more than one large room each. I'd be fine with it if there were also large dungeons available, but there don't appear to be. Compare the size and layout of the shadow temple to the elephant, for instance.
I like the titans, too. They are fun puzzles and fun dungeons, but being the biggest the game has to offer so far has been a little bit of a let-down.
All enemies respawn, I thought it was gonna be hard mode for the whole night. I was disappointed too, don't worry.
He also made threads on other boards like Holla Forums using the exact same pictures and OP as he has been doing for the last weeks.
You can identify him by his walls of text and evading replies with "not an argument" or "this is just hyperbole"
I don't give a shit about the Zelda games and never will. The Zelda series are just the most OK game series ever IMHO. If you played one Zelda game then you played them all. Sorry to break it to you, OP.
Not that you died only five times in a 200 hours game where a lot of things can oneshot you, whether it's a random arrow from anywhere or trying to figure out the parrying frame windows, reversals etc. of Lynels. I don't really care, though. General consensus is that the difficulty is fine and I actually agree.
Well, that's an amazing argument, totally nullifies what I just wrote and the video I linked.
And a) Twilight Princess is praised for having by far the best Zelda dungeons and b) older 3D Zelda dungeons have even more padding, more loading times and slower animations.
That old Zelda dungeon are ass slow and BotW titans are not. They do not insult your intelligence, they offer you optional ways. This is one big reason why they are shorter and why it's a good thing they're shorter.
Perfect example of what I tried to explain to you. BotW doesn't do this. You see the puzzle, you solve the puzzle in your head and you're done with it. Similar to Okami. Sometimes you can even do one lizzle puzzle right after the next one and already start solving another puzzle cognitively while still executing the first puzzle, basically comboing the puzzle-solving. Webm related. Also check out BotW speedruns.
What a meanie.
Yeah, BotW and SS are so similar. And just look at Wind Waker and Majoras Mask. Literally the same.
I bet this is also why the Zelda fanbase is so homogeneous and why they're never fighting over whose favourite Zelda is the worst game ever made.
Let's hope future open world games learn from Horizon and Zelda, but especaily Zelda and its love for detail.
Your ass is not a valid source of public opinion.