Paul, I…I…

Paul, I…I…

I thought this was a Deus Ex thread.

Other urls found in this thread:


Are you desperate for a deus ex thread?


Desperate, your turn.



Was he infected?

Hi, I exist

Solid shooter, along side such masterpieces like Chrome Specforce and Pariah.

I don't get why they thought a generic FPS belonged in the Deus Ex universe to begin with, but it doesn't look particularly bad on its own.

…this is sarcasm right? I never played specforce but I did play Chrome and it was pretty shit.



Remember Page goes in all fields

How come no game can replicate the action RPG gameplay or the storytelling of the original Deus Ex successfully? The levels in Deus Ex are stupidly well laid out taking into account lots of scenarios that can occur at any one moment, though I didnt like the melee combat I liked how your character felt vulnerable during combat and how you needed to level up your character to become more efficient at aiming, and the game handles the conspiracies and characters in the game so well it honestly feels real despite the dated visuals. So with all that in mind, how come despite the better technology, huge dev teams, and huge budgets we have now no studio can do it?

You're a complete jackass.

This is literally the only right ending to choose.


Laziness and fear of failure. Deus Ex didn't do AMAZINGLY well, so no publisher wants to take risks making a better Deus Ex (even though it'd sell really well).

If this were easy to answer there would perhaps be a game that stands up to Deus Ex, the closest thing to it is Invisible War and that game is shallow as fuck compared to the original.

I think the politics of DX are very good, they don't settle on the inanities of contemporary politics, or the usual bullshit, it's about the dangers of indiscriminate mass surveilance, the dangers of large governments, and the growing gap between the haves and have nots, but not just showing these, explaining how they work, explaining how conosolidation weakens individuals and strengthens corporations, or how taxes can slowly erode the small man.

The gameplay is pretty good yet simple, I don't really get how that hasn't been surpassed, laziness, not taking into account player agency, or systems that are far far too forgiving which is the current state of video games.

Definitely the most class-conscious game out there. It even showcases the dangers of capitalism.

Can someone put the Deus Ex music over this?

why is a non-lethal, no-guns, no-skill-leveling, no-transfer-eqipement-between-chapters run so hard?
Especially on realistic in revision mod.
oh wait I'm just a masochist

So any anons that tried Mankind Divided: how shit was it/ is it worth a pirate?

The fact that something like the European Union trying to turn all of Europe into one homogenous state is predicted and forewarned in a game almost 15 years ago is particularly impressive and terrifying.

That just sounds silly, my man. I feel like part of the fun is gone if you can't level skills at least.

This, that particular prediction blows my mind, and Deus Ex was full of stuff like that. The following games didn't come close to the conspiracy and real-world stuff in the first game, let alone any other series.

Is that mod any good? I've only ever played the game vanilla, but I might mod my next playthrough.

Hard to say. At times, I felt the magic of the original because the exploration, level design and hub world is top tier.

But the story plateus (never elevates) and 'conspiratorial' side of it is millenial tier writing. tfw new writers will never capture the paranoia and depth of the 90's conspiracy mind.

It has a few bugs but there's a new release coming out with those bugs fixed.

I haven't played it in years, but I'm thinking of installing it again. Any recommended quality of life/hardware/graphical mods, or is it best to play it completely vanilla?



How do I defeat Simons without using any of my big dick weapons? Isn't there some killswitch he has that you can use?

It's a genre called immersive simulation, user, although it's really less a genre and more just what happens when you get smart enough people in charge of a game's development.

tfw you'll never get to play another game like deus ex

Unfortunetly, most of it is true though. Except that it doesn't spell out jews.

Run away from him like a big faggot

nice try leftypol pretending to be pol pretending to be leftypol

I don't know but it might be that in the past smart people read books then made video games. where as now, retards play games then try and make games. so instead of writing a good story that's in a game they try and write a game story. Just think how shitty games will be in 5 years when the people making them source material is social media, tv and this generation of games.


You could at least try to be less obvious, faggot

just pick one

this is bait, so you get one sentence and one sentence only.

The conspiracy parts were government-oriented, and had to do with lawmakers changing the laws in favor of consolidation to decrease the power of the individual and empower corporations; while this system is technically capitalist, the fact that the individual has so little power can be considered coercion, which is against the spirit of capitalism.

I would still call it a genre. Trying to coherrently balance action, stealth, exploration, story, rpg, puzzler, survival etc all in one package. Not many will attempt it though given the difficulty, and risks. Even Bioshock devs through it all out the window for a standard shooter.

pull the lever to electrify the tracks then have him follow you so he walks into them, easier to lure him before his dialogue starts

I pirated the thing, but I ultimately dropped it about half-way out of boredom. The story irritated me, as did the dialogue. Level design-wise it was alright, but the game just becomes too easy much too quickly. If you do play it I would recommend limiting the amount of praxis kits you use.

The GEP gun is the most silent way to eliminate Manderley.

I just ran away. He loses track of you quite easily it seems. I was able to slip by without taking too much damage. Incidentally, if you sneak away and wait for him to drop his guard, you can sneak up behind him and use the light saber or whatever the fuck to instantly kill him.


Fucking trash, the philosophical question the game asks is
All areas are unnatural galleries

I hate faggots like you who pretend Deus Ex predicted everything. All they did was go to conspiracy theory sites, throw a whole lot of them in there and called it a day. I love the game but people need to stop pretending Deus Ex and even MGS2 somehow predicted these things from no prior studying or knowledge.

The EU was always meant to be a multicultural, multiracial superstate. It was created by a mixed Jew.

They don't even play games.
Usually it's college "game design" graduates, which is the most worthless degree you can get.
What do they even do there? Because I sure as don't think they play classic games that are considered the pinnacle of their respective genre and learn to consciously pick game mechanics that are suited for the genre.

Nobody who's competent and doesn't have autism doesn't want to make games because the pay is shit compared to the stress it takes.

when a games marketing budget is an order of magnitude bigger than its development budget you know its going to be shit but sell well.
next video game crash when..

Not gonna happen. It's like saying there'll be a movie industry crash. It's too big now. You'll get bombs, but no real decrease in the market.

the only way we could get a video game crash would be if it was caused by a bigger, more important crash. like a global market crash. if people are struggling to afford food they're probably not going to want games.
gobblegaytors win again

Gotta augment the whole body

This is perfect, got the flash?

how was called the youtube account that maded those videos?

But there will be
The first signs were already beibg shown in 2012 and its even more obvious now, as soon as millenials start getting older or something happens on the Chinese market, they're fucked.
Most companies have started decreasing their movie budgets as well.

You're right on one thing though, until the 6 stagnant and decadent kike conglomerates are dead we will never see some truly good shit ever again.

Best JC one-liners?



A bomb is a-
Fuck you Satan, don't quotecuck me

Why can't I play as a qt android named Kaycee Benton, who has a turret inside her vagina?


he never scored




Because then we would have to comprehend just how far the evils of modern transsexual shemale technology would have spread.

We're talking real life futanari, with artificial wombs, hyper cock, no erectile dysfunction because of estrogen and by-choice inflatable tits next to easier cleaner intestinal tracts, hell, one could actually replace their guts for custom built ones that are more efficient even.

Getting good shit seems like a demographic problem. The more a market grows (and also crosses cultural, social lines), the more lowercomdenom takes hold. That's why every big movie is capeshit now. It's the most plebian formula anyone from china to africa to the usa can understand.
Then of course you got souless kikecorps refining the formula so both movie/game industry will know how to maximize profit and never die. So without some bigger global crash, we stuck with this shit.

Forced my way through it with FPS varying from 10-30 and usually it was at 20. Played it for 20 hours or so. Not a fan. Felt too empty, all the "choices" didn't feel natural and I just had an opinion one way or the other in dialogue options, in DX1 the options were how I played and reacted to different situations naturally, not dialogue options. Combat was also too easy and stealth was fucking stupidly easy due to the new experimental augs (there's an overheat mechanic to stop you from using too many of them but if you activate them all, all you feel is just some visual effects). In combat I can just shoot an exploding nanoblade at someone and kill them in one shot, it was the only weapon I used towards the end in combat, in stealth I could use a Tesla ranged shocker to zap everyone to sleep. I was playing on the hardest difficulty. Worth a pirate? Sure, why not, Fitgirl repack of it is only 30 something gigs, give it a shot. Don't expect anything amazing though, game was rushed out the door (and series will probably be put to sleep for a while) since it sold like shit)
Vid related is a worthwhile watch.

Take your best shot, Flatlander Woman.

And by doing that, they actually predicted where our civilization was headed. Makes you think about what would happen if we were to collect all the conspiracy theories popular now and combine them.

It's Human Revolution 2. If you liked HR, you'll like MD. The only big change to gameplay was that the levels are much, much more intricate–more paths, more secrets, etc. The addition of ammo types and other powers makes things more interesting, but isn't a drastic game-changer overall.
The story was blatantly unfinished, and while there were more callbacks to the original Deus Ex, the game as a whole still focuses way too hard on the "transhumanism/prejudice" angle.
It's absolutely worth playing if you liked Human Revolution.

This game did not age well at all.

What does that even mean?

Why wouldn't it sell like shit? Not only did the preorder shenanigans drive a lot of normalfags off, but the blatant pandering toward BLM pissed half the playerbase and replacing a cute brown tomboy with a rancid, ugly sheape couldn't have helped in any way. There's also the fact both it and HR play like a themepark ride inspired by Deus Ex, instead of like it.

It's a reference to MJ12 troops in Paris being scared of the greasels in the sewers. He's saying that simply having a lot of weaponry at their disposal doesn't make them brave.


i loved the shit out of Human Revolution
Mankind Divided is somehow the same game yet it is not; its kind of hard to explain
the gameplay is almost identical
they added some complete unnecessary element like crafting which i never used during my 40 hours run
also they added some new augmentations but decided to put it behind sort of lock till half of the game (to use one of the new augmentation you have to permanently disable one or two of the old one)
UI and controls were kind of weird on PC
music was shit and that one of the greatest sins since HR had so fucking great soundtrack…
the game starts ok then is boring as fuck and when some familiar old men start to appear the game ends just as it started to be good again

Blow it out your ass - JC Denton

Shit I've played this game plenty of times and I've ever only encountered him in the tunnels.
I guess it's time to reinstall Deus Ex.

Mechanics wise it was pretty similar to HR, plus a few goodies with the augments. Story-wise it was utter shit, even compared to HR. The level design was pretty nice at some points, but ultimately felt similar because it was too centered around Prague.

Well since you're my new boss, take a good long look at Manderley's body, and consider that my resignation. I don't have time to right a letter.

what did he mean by that? seriously


The first Deus Ex is a great example of the illusion of choice. It's no better than a Telltale game or Beyond: Two Souls because none of the choices you make during the game matter; they all lead to the same one or three color-coded endings.

Is that a new pasta ?
Why don't "people" like you don't understand that the endings are only a small fraction of the game ?

There's more to a game than its endings. There are loads of choices (and not the Mass Effect-style ones that are shoved in your face) whose consequences play out during the course of the game.

You mean a retarded made up genre name by a kike hack who didn't design shit.

No, I don't think that's what he means. Filtered.


Runner up

the first deus ex isn't really a good game

Guarenteed replies

You are right, it is an amazing game

not with shooting, ai, and level design that bad

I never got this meme, then again I always aimed down my shots with guns I was proficient in.


Install GMDX and stop being a faggot.

You're not welcome here.

JC was such a cool character. Also, I find the enemy voice lines hilarious

The fwip gets me every time.


No need to get defensive about your stupid term, Warren.

Nice b8


You know what really pains my ass about Deus Ex, is that human rev and mankind divided would be so much better as Ghost in the Shell games. They are so much more aesthetically similar, and jensen's augs are much more akin to the major's than JC's. except we wouldn't get jensen and his voice, which would be a shame.

look for "jc tenton"

Yeah. While I think some of the gameplay is there, the sequels are far from Deus Ex in writing and atmosphere. I'd appreciate them more as spiritual sequels or their own thing entirely.

Eat, shit, and die - Jc denton

Jensen's voice is cool (because it's a clint eastwood clone), but they made him way too talky. Every convo choice, this guy wouldn't stop or know how to be brief.

Didn't help that the standard 'skip dialogue' button would actually skip parts that hadn't appeared on screen (as subtiitles) yet.

That game needed a difficulty select so goddamn bad, it was ridiculously easy. The level design was also shit, especially in the later half of the game when it was literally just a series of copypasted linear corridors. It always pisses me off thinking about how badly they dropped the ball with that game and how good it could have been. I would absolutely love a Deus Ex style game but with proper combat on par with say FEAR 1 for example. At least the cinematics were pretty cool.

What a shame.

Would the game really be improved if you could decide to abandon the main quest and shack up with the crazy cat lady in the abandoned building in Paris?

does that exist somewhere?

I think if you don't arm her dad and kill her pimp when he hassles her in the hotel she bitches at her dad before running away. Later you spot her when you're rescuing the kidnapped daughter of the scientist bloke with some other bums.

ya i knew that part, i just never knew you saw sarah renton anywhere else again, i didn't know she was in that rescue mission area

Deepest lore in embed related.

no shit, something new with deus ex everytime


There was actually a route planned where you could choose to stay with UNATCO but they ran into budget constraints unfortunately.

Copy that.


If ever there were a good reason to mod DE (aside from all the GMDX stuff), it was this.

I know it would be hell to get the original voice actors to work on it, but even if the dialog were text-only for that storyline (which I guess might replace the MJ12 jail/research facility and Hong Kong levels before forcing you back into the main plotline), I would play the shit out of it.

Sure, user, and yet several of those "conspiracies" ended up true.

Now who's the faggot? :^)

I've read the original but now I want the whole thing redone like this

Reminds me how much I preferred the old days of voice acting. People shit on it but that's how most people sound in real life. Now, every character has that 'actor' voice and their delivery is perfect.


it was cut because it was a throwaway idea that would cost several more months of dev time.

Agree with this. Funny how a lot of people complain about the Hong Kong segment's voice acting when it is actually flawless engrish diction.

That's also pretty good one
t. slav

No, the Hong Kong accents were shit. Hong Kongers have no problem making the "L" sound. Nobody would go around saying, "da rucky money casino :::DDDD"

Point taken, though at least Deus Ex devs had the balls to be honest and just go for:

While perhaps technically inaccurate for the Kong Honk levels, it's convincingly real enough for the western audience to remember they are fucking far away from UNATCO in New York and they are somewhere foreign and different, not just in chinatown.

Yeah, I'd rather have the shitty accents than a fantasy land where everyone in China speaks perfect English.
Human Revolution's Chinese accents were decent. Some journos still complained about them, but the reality is that Chinese speakers' accents just make them sound fucking terrible, probably because Chinese languages are tonal.

They fucked up the chinese troops aboard the submarine though since they all speak english with an american accent.

I bet they can carry a tune really well if you play karaoke games with them.

Ha! I forgot about that. Maybe they were some elite gommunist subversion unit, though. Some group trained in english?

In general, it's hard/impossible for most words in tonal languages to retain their tonal quality when they're sung. You just have to rely on context to understand which word they mean. The same loss of tonality occurs when whispering, too, hence the term Chinese whispers.

Oh, I meant in terms of a native chinese speaker (who is also a proficient english-as-a-second-language speaker) singing an english song.

But thanks for answering my unasked question of how the fuck you sing in a tonal language, that always puzzled me. I guess you have to go by context to determine that a verse says "lovely to see you ;3c" instead of "your mother was a demon slut" or whatever.

No problem.



mark, you're better than that


No, Savage.


Poor Gunther
>not even your only friend Anna believes that the maintenance guy is fucking with you (even though you later find out he is

Best I could do

Anything for my boy Frank.

Dark ages is only a short term solution. The grid would be put back up within a year at most in the major urban centers and within five for everywhere else, at which point the Illuminati would be right back in control. As Mary Sueish as Helios ending is, becoming The God Emperor is the only way to ensure that humanity is not lead astray by people guided by their selfish desires and a thirst for power and control.

I'm gonna shitpost…!


I think there is a problem in the writing when it comes to the Dark Age ending. Tracer's claim that blowing up the internet would cause anything but short term set back, even if you admit blowing up the hub would destroy the internet in any meaningful way, isn't particularly justified. Even if the net took global electric grid with it, society wouldn't become even pre-industrial because shit like combustion engines and simple firearms would still work everywhere.

What impressed me about the game is they wrote characters like they are real people and adults. All of the characters you have a debate with have good points just as JC does. They don't treat JC like he is 100% right and everyone else is dumb and they also don't comment on the politics outside of character. It's up to you to decide.

Also nice is that, at the end when each character tries to convince JC to choose their ending, JC provides counterpoints and finishes with "I'll think about it," showing that it's a hard choice for him same as it probably is for the player.

I am not a machine.

Francis E. Dec has such wonderful rambles.

why is adam jensen such a cuck?


Probably going to play them again at some point. Never actually touched IW though.


there are no well written or acted characters in deus ex



It was a joke recording he made, pretending to be the kind of justifiably paranoid person that exists in the Deus Ex world.
Corporate retards that he was serious, and that he had lost his mind. It ended his voice acting career. That's why he didn't return as Sarif in Mankind Divided.
Pretty sad story, really. He took it pretty well, though.

*Corporate retards thought that he was serious

You're forgetting that this is 3 years after Hong Kong became apart of China again which led to massive Chinese hordes permanently residing there.

Deus Ex was a game that was made by a dying studio as a pet project after John Romero fucked everything up. Ion Storm has some of the most talented people in the industry working for it and this crack team did Deus Ex just for fun. That's why it's so good.

Both Mandarin and Yue/Cantonese contain the "L" sound.
He actually does conspiracy videos nowadays.

Also, Deus Ex takes place in 2052, which is five years after Hong Kong's planned reintegration, not three.

Wait, I thought "three years after" was referring to when the british gave up control of Hong Kong in the 90s?

The Brits gave up control in 1997 (when their 99-year lease expired). But the mainland Chinese government guaranteed Hong Kong autonomy, political freedom, and capitalism for 50 years, so that will expire in 2047.

Anyone else having the issue that when you save the file it won't play?

How about this?

I looked at his IMDB page, and damn you weren't exaggerating. He hasn't had any work since HR, and all over that one fucking stupid comedy short?

His videos are pretty based, at least.


That sucks, guy has an amazing voice and can do his job superbly. If I was Eidos I would still hire him because all publicity = good publicity.

Why is Deus Ex 1 still so fucking good.

Because you find something new on each playthrough.

I don't think that's true and I've only played it through completely about three times.

Are you saying that it's not true that you find something new each time or that that's why you keep replaying it, because it's obviously not true that that's the only reason but I always find it interesting when I do something different and get different dialogue, I don't remember what I did though.

The game is just good, it's well paced, it hooks you when side characters and generic NPCs start dumping serious polititcs, the visuals have this really fucking strange sense of charm and the soundtrack is great, the levels are great, it's fun to find secrets because of how well hidden they tend to be.

I really want to see an engine remake built on the base of Idtech 4.

he was also targeted by hollywood goons for speaking against the pedophile ring.

You aren't one of those guys who always choose the same thing in different playthroughs, rights?


Doesn't work either no matter what program I use.


He got too close to the truth, the NSA were forced to scrap their "Fruit spy" program and had to make him pay somehow.

Seems you're being held from enlightenment.

I asked fow owange, it gawe me lemon wime.

Imagine how incredible masturbation is going to be for that little girl.


nigga no
imagine how great her handjobs would be

Played it for the first time a couple of months ago and fucking loved it.

The moment I realised it was one of the greatest games ever was when I accidentally threw an explosive and blew open the elevator in Maggie Cheng's apartment building, which lead me up to an area with MJ12 troops… I knew not to trust Maggie after that.

Also the fact that I started of doing a non-lethal play through as that's my go to style but ended up getting mad about being betrayed and people being dicks so stopped caring about not killing people. No other game has made me feel like that.

I just bought human revolution for the third time on xbox original. I can't wait to get back in to it all! Xbox Magazine's Editor's Choice gave it a 9.1!

*invisible war

I either enhanced my own shitpost or fucked it up. No idea but I do like dem reflective dubs.

what a shit vid m8
gamergate was right

You had doubts because?

Is the US infected?

I hated reading that. Good job.



I tried playing deus ex but while I thought the cyberpunk stuff was all really really cool, I couldn't really get into the actual gameplay.

Before you give up on it, mod it with the latest version of GMDX, it really polishes the gameplay especially if you're the kinda guy who sometimes says "fuck it" and just shoots all the terrorists.


neh noh ma


I'd fuck the Earth.

