Title says it all, Mike posted dick pics on Cinemassacre's (Angry Video Game Nerd's) Twitter and Reddit. It's hilarious.
Mike kills the Angry Video Game Nerd with his dick
Here it is for anyone deviant and curious enough
Here, now piss off
Did the nerd say anything back? Is mike going to be fired. Because i find this fucking funny as shit.
I am only interested if he cucked out about his cool ass comics he made before.
I wonder how many brown bricks he's stuck that thing into.
How can cuckolds be afraid of a picture of a dick, didn't they sucked many of them?
Ah yes, they are afraid because it ruins BBC meme.
James apparently just found out about it
What about his masterpiece Miney Crafta?
I just want to see more of his cock and ass tbh. Mike is a handsome guy and I'd fuck him stroking his cock.
Also. He's 7.5 inches, not 10. Rule trick.
We knew he was autistic, but not this autistic. Autism at critical mass.
nigga the jokes were about how big his dick is because of some images of folds in his pants making it look fucking huge.
At least understand why this shitfit happened before smugging it up.
Okay, so someone made jokes about his dick so he posted it? Still the same amount of smug over here. Now instead he's just doing it to prove it's not massive?
You already made this exact thread
Now call his ass big ha ha
Fucking bravo mike.
Why should anyone care what reddit has to say? James' AVGN show has been going downhill for a while his film review shorts are where its at. I'm just sad that Monster Madness is over :^(
Yeah I bet
That's 9.5. Dumbass faggot
How are any of these hacks still relevant?
the huge dick as a deal with the devil, he would be granted a powerful dong but he had to make the inspector gadget video to get it
Wasn't this place joking about Mike having huge dick a while ago?
Is that you Mike?
Brown Bricks was pure kino though. We should let his dick slide. Not down our throats though.
literally why is everyone so mad
the people kept asking so he delivered, literally why do people care so fucking much about seeing his dick? why is it something fucking leddit cant seem to grasp? why are they treating it like it's the absolute end of cinemassacre and he just killed james rolfe or some shit
it's fucking retarded, I could send any of my bros my dick and they wouldnt give a shit, I could send them a video of me whirlwinding my cock so fast I create a fucking typhoon that demolishes half of israel and they wouldnt bat an eye because they dont think cocks are all that big of a fucking deal
honestly im kinda fucking glad he did it, like you go mike nice ten inch dick you fucking madman
>>>Holla Forums
Go back and keep your shitty memes there
Mike was always shit tbh
jealous of his 9.5 incher I see
Holla Forums is top quality
I think Mike might just be legitimately autistic. The way he goes about these things make me think that. It would also explain his behavior and mannerisms over the years,
Literally reddit-tier.
It's funny how we had this exact same thread two days ago too.
That is 90% of Holla Forumseddit though.
I was expecting something a little more interesting with that thread title.
This forced meme needs to die.
Fuck off back to cuckchan (or the dozens of freech clones) if you think something this retarded. Anyways, have some BIG ASS BALLS.
Vintage Holla Forumsedditor right here
I think that fellow should see a doctor.
Wow, I would've never guessed Mike was packing such a monster.
So lets all be real here. Why the fuck hasn't James cut ties with Mike years ago? Could it be that Mike is secretly James' fuck buddy?
They've known each other their whole lives and they even bought houses next to each other. It'd be pretty awkward to cut ties with him at this point
Nigger, its obvious the dude is autistic. Its one thing to see him as awkward, but he is beyond awkward. Inspector Gadget alone should've tipped you off that the dude had some legit autism
I imagine that Mike is James wifes bull.
Now compare their dicks!
Given a series with lines like "I'd rather drink buffalo "shizz". It's a combination of shit and jizz" and "But how in the holy goddamn mother-shit-fucking Christ of cunt-fuck am I supposed to attack the enemy" and "That poor Genesis is just thinking, "Oh please God, take this shit off me." It's like getting gang raped. Both of its slots are getting fucked at the same time." I think it's probably not aimed at minors. Think about the rating AVGN would get in the movie theaters, and it's probably a rating that would also facilitate a dong or two.
If your series is vulgar and filled with violence, language, and other shit, why would you point out the community is full of minors that probably shouldn't be consuming it? It's like saying that the Saw film community needs to be sensitive to the little kids who love the movies.
You're telling me that kids who are laughing their asses off at the thought of giving a rim job to a skunk corpse can't handle seeing a single dong? Fucking grow up. Context is important.
Okay NOW compare their dicks.
Game grumps still salty
Fucking hell someone actually outdid B^U!
Is this carefully crafted bait?
No. People are fucking retarded and that's why James isn't funny anymore. The last video I got laughs on was paperboy, his sonic '06 was disappointing as hell.
Y'know, it never ceases to amaze me with the YouTube community. It feels like whenever somebody does some retarded shit that can't be topped in sheer fuckupery, somebody has to come alone and do something even stupider. Vid related.
To even ask what was he thinking is an absolute fucking understatement, I wonder what his conversation with James (The Nerd) is gonna go like.
Is YouTube the Florida Man of retarded internet communities?
Pornography and obscenity laws are as fucked as copyright laws
woa my dude last time I heard of that epic maymay was from my autistic cousin who saw it on Tumblr years ago
We've gone so far past full retard.
All I could think of when watching that was that the LP was a far better AVGN video, heck it even has uncannily similar complaints here and there.
The good news is that depending on the ruling it could set a precedent to allow loli or shota in canada
No fucking way this real. Right?
It's like you don't understand reddit's Pavlovian conditioning and strategic perception manipulation.
Post this here too.
I really disliked the Berenstain Bears episode because it's just something that the AVGN of 10 years ago would have NEVER done.
AVGN was always so unique compared to other review shows because James just put in his own style of humor with his own things to say with a couple of running gags confined to the AVGN character and some pop culture references maybe, usually only referring to whatever subject the review is touching as opposed to MEMES MEMES MEEEEEEEEEEMES every other reviewer is fond of. The Berenstain Bears episode will age like fucking milk because its whole premise is based on a stupid meme.
Shit thread
Fuck he's got a nice cock.
oh look, a free ipad
I'm jealous as fuck.