♥ Official Scootalooo Thread ♥
Why the fuck you scc'in? Why you always succ'in? Edition
♥ Official Scootalooo Thread ♥
Why the fuck you scc'in? Why you always succ'in? Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
NGNL is like all 2014 memes
Filesharing is literally worse than murder.
Is this EARLY???
The references are nice
You're just salty Rem got cucked by E M T
I dont respect relationships :^)
That's the only thing I honestly dont give two shits about
Age is just a number
One of these days Scoots
I'll be a good upstanding citizen
One of these days
Wow well I saw you going to town with those caps so I figured
Like when you see someone doing the dishes and you leave them your dish and your cup
Why do I always finish my posts right after the new thread is posted
God dammit
Why would you not just have your dish and your cup already with the other dishes anyway?
Yuzu is main character bitch of Citrus, so I kind of had it easy.
I don't know if you got the request because steam mobile a shit.
Also it's because Scoots is just full of Hate.
You exist within the one universe of the multiverse where you as your current self will always finish posts right after the new thread is posted.
You are nice.
I just hate cropping and unstopping constantly to get everything
if you dont respect relationships then you dont respect the people in them
so you arent respectful
age isnt only a number but also the maturity of the person involved. which means the lower the maturity the increased likelihood youre taking advantage of someone incapable of making these kinds of decisions
so you dont really give a shit about that either it seems
I have a program.
I hit ctrl+j and it locks my monitor and lets me region, then caps the region for me.
So, really, Manga is easy as shit for me to cap while going through.
I haven't checked steam yet
Take me to another one that doesn't make me do that then.
What program is that
E M T?
I would if I could although unfortunately moving between realities seems to be a task that is either impossible or unachievable at our current time.
i just died
My phones going to die
Say your goodbyes
Will you fade away or go out with a bang?
This is no bueno
No charger
Goodbye Ikt
I've always loved you
Let's bang >:3
tyty ttyl
Normally I'm the guy who picks up all the dishes/glasses and washes them and my imouto is a really slow eater and usually still has food left so I start doing the dishes and she drops off her dish and cup when she finishes
Well you are kinda right lol
Well then I guess my respect is limited then
Cause I still treat the guy who's gf I'm banging very respectfully but in reality I guess I dont respect him after all since I'm banging his chick
At least I am still respectful while being extremely disrespectful
The trick on how to pull it off is dont let him find out lmao
Also I draw the line at like 16
No younger than that
lol you're so dumb
If it were possible I would have already had a mental break down over the moral choice to go kill and replace your happier self.
No younger than 16?
Is that surprising?
so what are your redeeming qualities
If there's a happier me then he must be killed because that means he's got it better. I won't mind
oh right you havent gone past statutory rape
Okay wait no scratch that
15 years old
Final answer
Why on earth would you need to specify that? Any younger and you're basically a pedophile if not already.
Then what's wrong with a unhappier version of yourself coming to kill you? or a happier version of yourself putting you out of your misery.
I can draw Chinese cartoons
Both of those outcomes would be welcome as well.
thought you gave up on drawing
fuck chinese cartoons doe yo
Oh, well, that's different.
Dont act like you dont play a part in this shit
Nigga you were getting fucked by a dude that is way older than me and you're underaged too
Its the same shit
I got drunk and found some post its and a pen
Must've been a sign
Who are you again?
Sounds like you know me
Having a little sister is a pain in the ass sometimes
She recently started nagging me and bluntly commenting on me
Yo what's up dags
I wish I was an imootu-chan so Soto-kun would rape me.
Oh okay
You usually post as that edgy tatted up rabbit throwing up in the toilet
The bird thing threw me off
it was a gift
Bully her womb with your cock.
I'd fuck you but I'd charge you 100 dollars
But I don't think I'm your body type tbh
I know you like your men husky
Oh? From who?
Not even close, love.
Only good sluts get treats.
It's from mlp
100% hate
He's asking who it is a gift from.
100% masturbate.
That's gross dude
What's wrong with you
not much dude, going to bed now doe
What, is your sister ugly?
I hope you choke on whatever you're eating.
Oh shit nice
Is it a large folder?
You like bears?
Is that like an actual term?
She's my sister for Christ sake
I don't know if it ate my post or if it's just not updating.
100% anti harambe
I guess I'm desperate enough to look for help here I need someone to talk to about why I should stop holding back and just commit suicide already please refer me to somewhere else if I am just a burden that plagues your thread
That answers that.
Personally, I have no qualms with incest.
Drink bleach
whats wrong
Listen Ghostie I didn't mean to cuck you dude
Like I didn't know you two were going out
What are the odds?
Not even going to be a part of that.
Why should I continue living a boring life?
everyone does
Who's ghostie and what are you talking about
Its only boring cause you make it boring
If you want a better, more exciting life then work for it
Dont be another Luka and expect to be spoonfed
Do something about it
How's Grim sound?
Do you have any siblings?
Sisters to be specific
Grim is my desert bear.
I would a Grim.
I've been looking for this image lol
Cracks me up every time
Drown in it.
I have an older brother who isn't my type.
I say it's boring because it's not how I want to live I'm also weighed down by all the expectations of those around me and I don't know if I can do much about
As for the person you mentioned I'm oblivious to the situation
Not the pudding Cup I want to drown in.
link was for you
Oh okay, I thought you were some trap I knew irl who I accidentally got my dick sucked by his gf and he hates me now
He's all depressed or mad or whatever
I feel bad for user because being bored with life was why I tried to off myself.
He looks so done with it.
Thats interesting what led you to make the connection?
Good reason.
I had no real reason to live.
No one does.
I have you.
That is your curse.
I'll manage.
What about Fool?
Lmao so lulz
You dont have a sister tho
When you grew up with an older sis who would kind of bully you then 2 younger sisters who are drama queens and a younger brother you'll know
Are you happy with the expectations you have to live up to?
If not then ditch em
Reminded me of him for some reason
Also dude is super depressed
No u
No I don't want to go to college and I'm too anxious to get a job otherwise I have no reason to live besides those two shitty things I have to deal with it don't want to go to college because I was forced to when the semester nearly started and I was rushed and as for the job thing I can't get one because I can't interview well
While I agree that growing up with a sister would probably make me less of a siscon, it's not as is sis/brocon is the only form of incest.
I dunno, I think people just blow it up.
Take the right steps and it isn't as if there'll be any damage for it.
just have to keep trying
I don't want to put effort into things I see no harvest from
Just master something you love doing and then get paid for it.
We will always have the procure isle.
surely you enjoy some things
I am the best
Finding occupation is hard especially when you require experience and you are just a teenager out of highschool
the things I enjoy are coping mechanisms that aren't working out for me right now
Well if it makes you feel better I sorta messed around with my cousin that isn't actually my cousin
My grandma and her friend lied to us as kids and told us we were cousins since they would always come over to drink and she is actually 2 years younger than me
thats often enough for people. find more outlets and hobbies or something.
or kill yourself if you want up to you
dont drink bleach it burns really bad
Ice cold bleach
Why would it make me feel better? Lol.
Hobbies probably require money that I don't have and I don't intend to drink bleach I'm still searching for a good painless way
Firstly, no that's not what I meant. Just figure out what it is you love doing during the day and then just get good at that and people will come to you.
As for requiring experience, no. I found that you don't need experience at all as number of different jobs teach you how to perform the role as if they just pulled you out of a box.
Any processing/industrial sweatwork position shouldn't require you to have an interview. They will just say 'okay come in on this day with these things' and then they just start telling you and a group of recruits how to do the job. Even if it's something you don't like doing eventually it will become second nature and it will just be a source of income for you.
I just watched The Suicide Shop if you need suggestions.
regardless boredom is a really really dumb reason. you're in a rut. you'll eventually be out of it. and in the future you'll probably be in another one
it happens
I think they require you to be older to do the dangerous sweat work but I'll look into it in the future as for a passion how would I get discovereed?
Sure I'll take some suggestions
It happens yeah but I've had no direction. In life for as long as I lived
you dont need one
it'll come to you
Could OD on hallucinogens and Rx.
Don't suicide though.
My bad I didn't get to finish and accidentally hit post
We grew up feeling like cousins but she apparently found out we weren't related so she started asking me to show her my peepee and she would show me her vagina (this was when I was like 12)
Things progressed as years went by
We still talk and see each other every now and then, she's barely turning 21 this Dec
She wants to get married and have like 4 kids MINIMUM
I was like Jesus Christ do you want to ruin your life that quickly?
Weirdest part of it is that I got drunk with her dad and he like told me he has a feeling we're gonna end up getting married
But yeah so I had that weird kinda feels like incest vibes as a 12 - 15 yrs old cause my grandma and her friend decided to troll us and say we were related
If you do, stream it.
I don't want to wait forever to find one
How would I go about acquiring these drugs?
this tbh fam
Oh no. I know what happens here.
If I say too much the blood is on my hands.
you wont. forever is impossible
youre gonna die anyway no need to rush it
How do you think? To be discovered, you need to be found so the more you're able to put yourself out there for a large audience to see, the higher the probability that someone will find you. Think about the artists, gamers, musicians, craftsmen that had been discovered and paid to do what they love doing just by youtube videos alone.
Do it.
Just do a bunch of drugs till you almost die then you'll learn to appreciate your life again
It worked for me
you dont want to OD on percocet breh
To be fair you're kind of a lightweight.
Yeah, but, I'm comfortable in having this view, and it's not like I got offended, so I dunno why I would have to feel better, lol.
No blood on your hands just the satisfaction of helping someone end their suffering
By forever I mean I don't want to wait long how would I fill the rest of my time meanwhile
Stuff like that is blind luck there are millions of youtube channels that don't get discovered
What the fuck?
develop a skill, waste your time here, become a fan of media, etc.
How did that one work out for you?
Well there are so many options to obtain a future by doing what you love but that's up to your willpower to get you there. Otherwise you can just kill yourself and nothing of value was lost.
Kinda ironic I fap to doujins that are like incest related (Oreimo, Yosuga no Sora, etc)
But actual incest is something I would never do
That's just gross dude
I can only into incest in fur shit because all the foxes look the same anyway.
Love is a bourgeois construct
It's a blatant fallacy
You won't see me with a bunch of roses
Promising fidelity
Love doesn't mean a thing to me
Im too indecisive to develop a skill and I lack interest to dip my toes into anything
what do you do in your spare time
Then stop wasting precious oxygen.
Force feed her birth control and then wear a condom!
Then the only thing to worry about are the normal effects of rape. :^)
Oh. Alright I guess.
I get food stuck in the sockets now and then, but it's all healed up now.
Got my Charger.
Did I miss anything?
Goggles is posting smug anime bitches at me on Discord. I don't have to be their friend anymore, do I>?
Animu and vidya
I'm still trying to figure out a good way to do that
I showed gooch.
sounds just fine
What's gooch?
So much for those morals you claimed to have lol
Brb, becoming an hero
what the fuck
i could show you
I wouldn't be the one force feeding my sister birth control, and then raping her senseless, now would I?
It's not fine it's the last thread I'm clinging to and it's slowly turning to filament
Dog's bitch.
Is it a puppy? A handbag?
Okay, show me Squash's gooch.
Why even live
Bitch dog.
George has no photos of my gooch.
Nah, cheating on Tokai sound way easier and less stressful tbh
I don't even know what that's supposed to mean.
I feel like Tokai would be fun to cheat on.
Ah, that pesky McDonald's food.
he would be so hurt
What's a gooch
It sounds magical if it's such a secret
Marry me.
What animu is that gif from
There's something really wrong with you, old timer.
Wakfu no Pico: An American Tale
i think if you actually bit the bullet and reached into something you might not necessarily have the drive to do you might actually discover something more engaging.
because sticking with the same things are clearly not working for you and not extending your horizons is only allowing yourself to suffer in boredom.
like you cant fix your problems if you dont ~do~ anything about them
oh i meant mine
Cory sekkai no House
but squash is younger than me...
This tbh fam
Is this a new thing to you?
Okay, show me your gooch.
What's a gooch btw?
Squash is soldier76 in my mind.
I am reiterating so I don't have to blatantly turn you down.
And twice as cute.
Tbh, you're right.
Rape takes effort.
I wouldn't be able to rape someone anyway, lol.
I'm not going to cheat on Tokai.
the space between your boy pussy and balls
That one is flat out a lie.
You can only turn me down if I ask you something without sarcastic overtones.
And I have never not used sarcasm with you.
I had the drive for a good 3rd of my life but then chemicals in my head said fuck that and now I'm at this state and point of time
they have pills for this
youve seen my ass right
So you're actually a normal well-adjusted guy that doesn't like to get fucked by dogs?
You ever just go through old emails and cringe so hard at all the emotional content?
My mindset right now is questioning how my life will play out after the effects of the pills kick in
No, I havent, why?
I wouldn't know. I don't use email for much.
Erio pls
>remember he prefers to be the bitch get it?
Ah, right, I still need to give you my number.
what do you have to lose here youre already talking about killing yourself
curious. there was a peroid where id post it alll the time
im here
i don't know that feel squash bends me over and fucks me like a dog whenever i want him to
I mean, I can be your dog daddy.
I am sure you will.
Well hey there good lookin'. What's new?
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?
Do you still have the digits I provided?
Your lucky I'm not in that house or I'd smack that smug face right of you with a Bowie knoif
But when the pills wear off I fear I will experience true despair and emptiness due to its effects
hey slut. hows that ass doing
nothings new
This tbh
I don't jerk off to animals on a daily basis so that muse be why, we were probably just in different threads at that time.
I'm sure it's not that horrible or anything.
You gave me an area code.
thats what a prescription is for
it was here
Phat. Dat ass is phat.
Will you le sleep with le me?
No I didn't see it.
Lucky me.
There are no girls here.
What's the point of depending on pills to live
I gave you the area code and the first three numbers.
Just people with resting bitch face.
I'm a girl
can we cuddle?
" "
Can I have them again?
In the same way ikt is.
lemme see
it would have scared you
if it's not pills then it's people
people are dependent even if they think they're not
a lot of people need pills. it's the world we live in. there's no shame in that
That was the most information I have given someone, and you disregarded it.
Is that supposed to be an air quote?
If we must...
I lost it when I dropped my old phone in George's Coke 2 and a half years ago.
We must.
smooth move
Hang yourself, user! I'll even teach you how~! ♥
Wernt you supposed to drown?
I was joking.
Don't compare me to Ikt unless it's to say I'm cuter.
Probably not.
I've seen a dude who's butthole looked like Birdo's mouth from Super Mario Bros.
i want those ass pics amy fuck dammit
me too
Does it have a piercing or something?
I like those.
I would just ask you for your number so I can drown this phone too.
Hey. Slut.
I'll get to it eventually.
I dislike burdening others id rather be dead
How painful is it? Highly considering because it such a novel way to go
Your posts are so pathetic holy fuck
no but i want one real bad
so take the pills
I will have Kissy text it to you.
I've only seen one picture of ikts face and I don't know what to say.
Ass head.
Get one before Thanksgiving and I'll toss your salad.
want to finish my face first
Also do you know who that user is that is all over me lately?
Thanks for the extra push ;)
I don't want to feel equivalent to a handicapped member of society
You always take everything I post seriously.
Only if you manage to fuck it up. Follow my instructions carefully and even you should be able to get it right.
Post scary butt.
You're getting snake bites though, right?
Good oyasumi night!
if you follow that logic the majority of Americans are handicapped
Why what?
Why are they all over me?
want to get 4 more in my ears then maybe
gimme dat ass you shitter
ill dropbox it to you
Who is "they"? The government?
I wish Subtle would bully me like that
Or like at least step on my dick
Or spit on me
I like this gif because sans potato chips it's what I'm doing right now and getting paid $14 an hour.
How hard can it be
I prefer drugs only when I have allergies pain or for recreation
Add potato chips
Just give him what he wants and tell him he can be an hero if he really tries. Otherwise you're wasting your time.
Also no ass right now. Too busy being str8.
Oh, HIM. I suppose he likes you because I said really nice things about you.
Mios Dios.
well then youre not really willing to solve your problems
be gay with me faggot
Soto pet me once
I didn't know you could bully
That seriously came out of nowhere
You're gonna need a bridge with bars or railings. If that won't work a tree/tall beam will also suffice but then you also need a ladder. Ideally you want a 6-7ft drop minimum (more leads to decapitation if that's your thing). Do not fuck this up. Less than 6 (and even then...) and you're just gonna dangle like a fucking idiot. You do NOT want to strangle to death with shit running down your leg.
Should do it somewhere public, too, just to scare some kids.
I'd say I just prefer a different approach of WIPING MYSELF OUT
He is nice enough. I am sure you will learn to like him.
How do I tie the noose
You don't understand how much work it would be to make myself pretty below the waist again.
Why do I have to befriend all your sluts?
People like that are annoying
I expected it to be hairier and less fuckable.
But your leg is weird in that pic.
You are not friends with any of them.
okay good luck
what did you do
I'm friends with Mordin and Clock.
yeah i need to work out
Only one of those could be loosely called one of my sluts.
Thanks I just wanted a talk to pass the time
Please degrade me more I'm slightly masochistic
This tbh
calling them flings would have been mean.
Sex is great exercise.
Personally I just go swimming and boxing a lot.
And masturbate.
subtle i want to do this to you
God damn you are fucking useless.
And oddly enough, he is the least slutty person I have met around here.
It is all for the sake of accuracy.
no problemeo
is that an offer
i haven't been swimming in years. i miss my pool
Fuck I still haven't slept
Dont do drugs kids
o i am laffin
Should it be secured snug or lose for the fall
Do not be like that.
What if it was?
Same. I go to a gym but I don't like to talk about.
Sounds too "Yp bro, I just hit the gym bruh, GAINS"
Looks like it'll hurt but, I'll try anything once
Tight within the knots themselves, and snug around your neck. The idea is that it quickly closes in on your neck at the same time you stop moving.
For what reason?
I want those damn numbers.
Wouldn't it need space to accelerate to snap my neck
id have to see what youre working with
you could be good friends with lenko
You are lucky I gave you the others after you lost them so carelessly.
I'm going to try and figure this shit out.
You're my friend and I like you as a person?
Fair enough.
I already can barely stand Shiro.
Perhaps I will start a scavenger hunt and have you find them.
nice cock
i wasnt aware he was into that sort've stuff. though i might not be paying too much attention tbh
How would that work?
Thx. Put it in.
He's a real boner tbh.
I am too God damned tired to ideate it now.
Brb actual 'work'
*puts it in*
how come
also why would you shave everything except your balls
The important part is the drop. When the rope goes taught you'll have a whole lot of Gs focused entirely on your neck. Just make sure you don't do the dangle strangle dance. That's messy, painful and gives you time to regret it.
Actually, "strangle dangle dance" sounds better.
-erotic roleplay-
He's the same kind of boner as Lenko, just a nice guy beta version.
I don't remember. Why were you still staring at my dick?
I dont know shut up shave your balls
That's a very cute Pikamon.
strangle dangle dance is what id do with amy if he'd put out
I normally just trim.
Yeah, alright, I could probably fuck a dangling body.
fair enough
stop it im the stop in this relationship
...You really like my dick but prefer smooth balls?
i like consistency
And my dick.
oh shut up
you act like thats an achievement
Yan dick
I don't make fun of people for the their achievements tho.
And I usually don't want to have dirty tsundere faggot sex with them for it either.
are you saying im the lucky exception
Shit, I wanna have a Shiro.
No. I'm saying I don't think it's an achievement, I'm just making fun of you for liking my dick and I want to fuck while you cuss at me and make sarcastic remarks.
Oh wow
fukken commies
As a communist.
I resent being called a communist.
That's just the nickname because of all the Vietnam veterans everywhere.
You like my dick so it should be fine.
Why aren't all MCs like this instead of wimpy Subarus or Shinjis
Maximum triggered
I want to press the blue buttons
Do it, pussy.
I am shitposting in public
you are fixated on that
Don't worry Moogi.
I'll be rough with you.
not gonna not lie?
life is death
"You guys are olympics?" - Wisdom