Everybody needs to start picking Adams or Chads and beating the shit out of any nigger you're forced to work with in...

Everybody needs to start picking Adams or Chads and beating the shit out of any nigger you're forced to work with in this game. People need to be deterred from picking these stat boosted propaganda pieces. The sheboon and the flat-top must die. People will stop selecting these characters if they are "betrayed" enough by whites, and the kvetchening would be too funny if media got wind of a large number of players doing this. Bait the SJWs into looking even more retarded.
Do it for her.

But dont just beat them up and kill directly/run over with the car, be creative too.
Get them caught by Jason.
Snatch their ape feet up in a bear trap.
Things like that.
sage for doublepost.


what the fuck is the name of the game and why should I care

oh you


0/10 bait.

>>>Holla Forums

but you are right, I'm retarded

Get a life, you leftist wacko.

Back to Holla Forums you retarded racist.

Being a racist is fine and dandy, and sometimes good.
Be a Holla Forumsack is always bad.

I'm not going buy a game because "muh misrepresented races". Go farm shekels somewhere else.

fucking hell its a dragon dildo

This, until the difference is properly made Holla Forums will always have that old "hur librul" excuse to defend its retardation.

top lel nu/pol/ joins the party

Hey Rabbi, whatcha doin?

I would let her council my cox


Then don't make excuses and go be stupid elsewhere.

what the fuck does this even have to do with the left

The game needs more content to justify its hefty price tag.

Reaching a high score should unlock the movies. It's not like anyone is going to pay for those anyway.

You're not fooling anyone, /leftypoo/

So the whites characters in the said game have low intelligence and low strength? Is that the gist I am suppose to be getting?

Dropped the fucking ball.

Did the devs actually give a shit and is the community good because if not, lad…

Modern devs are nothing but sleazy cars sales trannies now.

Twitch bait, ignore it

Deter people from playing as token nigger characters who were only put in the game as leftist propaganda pieces by attacking them instead of helping them in-game.
What is so wrong with that?
and its Friday the 13th

the game is shit though

Or I don't know, how about just not fucking buy these kind of fucking games? You're even more goddamn retarded than a fucking sjw if you keep falling for this shit every. single. time.

Were they trying to hook you up with one of these?

Good plan user, but you forget one fatal flaw: Why the fuck would I pay money for this piece of shit game? I'm not a sad pathetic twitch streamer grasping at some sort of relevence or self worth by becoming the focus point of a bunch of pathetic children, nor am i a pathetic child buying games because some pathetic twitch streamer told me it was cool.

I don't know what's worse, that you would buy this game yourself and devote that much thought and time to a shitty game or that you think any one else on here would too.


When I was a kid the phrase "popping a tranny" meant something else.

Literally everything Holla Forums doesn't like is now leftism.

Either way you feel about it user, you payed $40 dollary-doos for a game that's not really worth $40.


Muh leftism is as Holla Forums as you can get. The board's users aren't exactly inconspicuous in general, so "y-you just brought Holla Forums out of nowhere!!!" never fucking flies. Everyone can spot you obnoxious niggers from a mile away. Bump to showcase your retardation.

If you're gonna shitpost, at least make sure your info is correct and current, faggot. Check em'

Somebody needs to post the nude models of the girls

hehe, she has a moustache :^{)