Valkyria Chronicles thread.
Just finished it and it was pretty sweet. Are there any similar games?
Are 2 and 3 worth emulating? They look kinda bad.
Valkyria Chronicles thread.
Just finished it and it was pretty sweet. Are there any similar games?
Are 2 and 3 worth emulating? They look kinda bad.
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The story of 2 is retarded, but I liked the small compacted map and new classes, havent played 3.
Like the other user said, 2 has a shitty story but is mechanically sound (though the maps are very small). 3 has a much better story, equally small maps and most people seem to regard it as a pretty good entry into the franchise.
The only other game that is similar to it that I can think of is Hogs of War (the single player campaign allows you to upgrade units and unlock new abilities for them) and maybe that 3D Worms game.
Marina a best.
Come on now.
2 sucks, 3 is great, the PSP was not built for full 3D strategy games but they tried and did ok anyway
Kind… of? IIRC, it was made by the same team who worked on the Sakura Wars series, and the combat system is a direct evolution of later games in that series. Sakura Wars itself is more like Persona crossed with Valkyria Chronicles - where you spend 3/4s of your time wandering around trying to build social links with your female team-mates, and the remaining 1/4 of the time battle.
Decent games if you're into that sort of thing, but almost none of them came out in the US. You could try So Long, My Love for the PS2 or Wii.
2 suffered from being a psp game and using on-the-go game mentality so the missions suck complete dick, playing the same maps a million times over and the main cast are teenagers because i guess no one in gookland realized one of the good points of VC1 was that the cast were all over 18
I don't know about 2 and 3 but 1 is not really good as far as I'm concerned. The gameplay is bland, story is literally the holocaust, ost is forgettable save for the main theme, artstyle is decent although the colours look really washed out. 5/10 at best, a hit and miss really.
best waifu, best grill, second best unit
VC1 set the groundwork for what should have been really cool sequels, sega botched the fuck out of it
What the fuck?
Alicia with ZM Kar 8 = Rosie with Ruhm > Misc. Scouts with ZM Kar 8 >>>> Welkin >>>> Engineers with ZM Kar 8 >>>> Snipers >>>> Shocktroopers >>>> Lancers (except for the last mission)
VC1 is one of my favorite games so have a list of games with similar combat.
Out of these Codename Steam is closest but it's a 3DS exclusive and the artstyle is either hit or miss, but the gameplay delivers.
It was one of her lines, wasn't it?
Wait, how? Is it NG+ Only?
Come on mang, I'm not a full-blown weeb :^)
2 is the weakest game, but still decent if you can stomach the story.
Another point which I never saw brought up concerns reusing the same environments to the point of making you sick.
I played through it once and it was good, but I wouldn't do it again in the near future.
3 is great.
Most of the problems that 2 had have been fixed and new things were added.
It also has much greater diversity of environments.
The new potential system is shit, though and fencers/techs and gunners still exist.
Playing weebshit in English is the equivalent of watching hong kong cinema dubbed in English but without the hilarity.
Is the game even worth it? I've watched gameplay and it looks somewhat fun but the English voices are unbearable to listen to. Can we use the Japanese voices with English subs?
Gameplay is decent and unique but flawed if you abuse certain tactics. You should be able to play it with JP voice acting unless they removed that from the PC version. I don't think they did.
The game is fun until you learn the cheat strategy if you get it on PC I would use the mod that some people made.
ATs are a great class though
It marries the WW2 and fantasy themes really well
I was always pissed that the rocket lances were just rocket launchers that bore a passing resemblance to lances but otherwise were nothing like lances, seemed like a waste of a good concept
I honestly dont remember
They arent THAT bad
Mai waifu. I even forgive her for being worst class.
And best sniper, and best unit unless you are doing the scout rush.
Apart from the main cast, there were teenagers in the squad. The good part is that you can't tell because they're not actually acting like kids.
I think it'd be a better game if all the characters were/looked older. Even the 30+ characters don't look old because of the animu artstyle.
So what are some other games like this? Setting-wise I can't think of any Turn based game/RPG set in WW2, other than Silent Storm. Obviously excluding straight-up strategy games like Panzer General which have basically no story/characters of their own.
Anyone tried Tactics Ogre? Looks pretty neat.
user, there are blatant loli and shota serving under arms in the Galian militia. And I don't know whether you tried Across the Rhine.
Operation Darkness and VC is pretty much it unless you count not really WW2 but almost settings like Sakura Wars (mid war Japan but with mechas). It's a shame Operation Darkness is stuck on the 360, always wanted to try it but I don't want to buy a 360 for it.
Who? I remember all the shotas, but they didnt act like fucking kids.
I don't really care if it's WW2. Just anything that isn't overused, like Generic Jap/Euro Fantasy should be good.
I'm slightly surprised they didn't utilise the canvas engine more: surely a Shining Force IV with canvas would have yielded some nostalgia bucks with minimal effort if they reused VC's environment assets. I'm also just sick to death of grid-based SRPG's, they really don't interest me any more.
How about Aisha for one example? She's fucking 12, isn't she?
Considering that none of the kid characters are part of the main cast, they don't get any screen time at all, so the only way to discern their nature is from their appearance and the lines that they use in combat.
Truly. They spent a lot of time and effort on getting that waterpainting look and then proceeded to never use it again.
Aside from Jan, all the English voices were fucking awful. At least in Jap speak I can't tell.
I choose to have a red hot lover, myself.
I'm sure they love your mental gymnastics over at whatever shithole you leaked from.
Why do the nips have shit taste?
What the fuck are you on about? I know there are kids in the game. I'm just saying they're not explicitly childish.
DLC Challenge weapons aren't "cheat weapons" since you need to git gud to actually unlock them.
No, you can do Selvaria's campaign at any point, and it will immediately unlock the Ruhm.
Mobility is just too good in this game. There are very few missions where snipers can be very good.
They're genuinely useless without the DLC challenge rifle, and even with it they pale in comparison to what Scouts can do. Extremely low movement pulls them out of the running right off the bat, and their damage is trash and doesn't even remotely compensate for it. If you want to S-Rank every mission, you're going to need to stack Scouts who can just sprint ahead and rip everything up, tanks included.
Rosie with Ruhm is also of benefit (Rosie because she adds a command point, no other reason).
Definitely, she's also best girl.
The armor make them look older
You just need to kill the imp to get the weapon
That shit doesnt work on hard in the skirmish missions
Are the dark hairs supposed to be jews?
Obviously, yes.
The game wants you to think that, but the events of the first game show it is the Valkyria that were the real jews all along.
Darcsens are supposed to mirror the supposed persecution of the jews, but Valkyrians are the real sneaky backstabbers.
True words. I love the games, but "mobility" is so important that almost all else can be discarded. But the mechanics are so damn good that it just works. Random webm.
They are the nips fighting off the valks whites nuclear powers
No, the jews are the ones who rewrite history. Hint: it's not the Darcsens.
Surface level yes, background not really.
In my book, that's Aryan as fuck
I'm quite partial to Claudia myself. That voice.
Dont worry, he took out the trash
Is A-rank the highest you can get on a mission? Thought there were S-ranks too. Or are there special requirements other than just completing it on turn 1?
You might be thinking of the later games or VC1 for JP. The NA version's A in VC1 is JP's S rank.
Selvaria is a C-rank waifu compared to Alicia. Welkin is a lucky duck.
I'd say its alright.
The only thing I have against it is the PSP remake shitting the bed with the leveling system.
On one hand its nice that you level the classes rather than the individual characters. But on the other hand since each encounter is level scaled to your highest level deployed class, its a goddamn nightmare to try to level the late game classes and recruited monsters. Especially since the enemy AI will almost always target the shit they can oneshot.
I also kind of miss the training mode that was in the original game, where you pitted your own party against itself. It was kind of fun setting two priests to AI control and watch them throw rocks at each other and heal to max level.
Yeah, she truly is the best. Which makes it all the worse when they turned her into a tsundere in the animu.
That adaptation was shit.
They ignored every plot in the game and just focused on the forced love triangle with Alicia, Welkin, and Faldio.
She doesn't have mega milk tho
Oh boy you'll love the shit writing that passes for story in 3
So what games would recommend to someone who has played pretty much no Japanese games?
I don't like the generic JRPG-looking titles starring kids, and they look too bright/happy.
Is the Fire Emblem series any good?
Just play western games
Whats up with VC and killing the tittie monsters?
If you haven't gotten used to Jap games/ don't like them, the early ones are fine. The new ones might turn you off hard.
I haven't played 3, but it looks like it has a better tone than 2. What's wrong with it?
Fags like you are the reason American Kirby is always so angry.
Except she totally does in VC2.
There is not enough lewds of her in milf form
Still nowhere close to Selvaria.
Milf Alicia best Alicia.
Selvaria is a bit excessive imo
Best girl coming through
VC 2/3 pc release when?
There was one thing I had trouble taking seriously in Valkyria Chronicles.
I never thought of that but it gave me a giggle.
Wouldn't a remake of those be better? They were too limited by the PSP hardware.
Or just make a proper VC4, none of this Azure Revolution ARPG.
Good numbers. She is my go to trooper when storming something, the fact she have another action and full heal and if you're lucky to trigger both of those in the same turn you're golden.
Reminder that the design book for VC1 is on sad panda. All translated as well, 400 pages.
Nadine has double action as well, a skill that helps repair the tank faster and damage less from enemy suppression fire. Only downside is the pollen allergy but that's easy to manage if you move quickly.
Wavy is a teacher and a good scout, great bonuses from cover and double movement means he can move quickly.
All the above get the Darcsen Bond trait, which is +40% when they're close to each other. Honestly I always use them in my squad since they're so helpful.
VC is MGS3 and VC2 is peace walker.
Well they beat you to over the head with the darcsen nonsense as an actual important plot point,also who else thought that this WWII inspired series needs a generic jrpg evil religion because the dumbasses who wrote this have also got you covered on that point too.All in all its better than 2 but that ain't hard and the writing is almost as bad except no wacky high school high jinx this time,its almost too serious at times and the cast is full of walking character cliche's.
The only game in the series that balanced things properly was the first sadly
>tfw game kept crashing after Isara died
Fuck having a toaster.
Only a small group hate the darcsens, its the imps that fucking hate them with a passion, but not enough because the imp emperor was willing to marry one
did not give a single shit about that darkie scum
I'm more upset over the fact that I couldn't finish the campaign.
Missed potential.
Reverse traps are just like normal traps: a shit. Both categories have severely debilitating mental issues, both cater to degenerates.
Sucks to be you, dubsman
This guy gets it. They practically self-inserted nips into WWI/II Europe. We just assume it is an allusion to jews because cultural lenses work that way.
Use the japanese ones.
Found it for you.
I haven't played this game yet, I really should.
Alicia a best. If you think otherwise you're mentally ill.
The icon for the scout is not an inverted :3 for no reason.
What, why?
I have only played VC 1 and the only thing that bothered me was the forced death of Isara.
cheat strategy
so what is it? Im curious
>mfw Eleanor turned down joining the beach scene because she was too old
What the fuck?
She didn't look that old. She's pure Milf tier.
I guess they wanted to have more drama, but it was too forced and unnecessary.
But i got more angry at the adaptation was when they changed Alicia into a tsundere.
She was too out of character.
Wasn't Rosie suppose to be the tsundere?
I don't know about tsundere, but she did not like working with a dark hair and having a commander with no combat experience who only got his position for being the son of a general.
So I'd say she was pretty justified in the situation.
But you can only do that with her abilities unlocked, an imp weapon and a boost with welkin sexy voice.
Of course, that shit will not work in hard mode.
Nah, she only hated darkies, the tsundure was edy.
yeah thats what I thought
"Too old" in Japan is >25.
the best
I feel bad, I got totally bored with this around chapter 15
I guess nips only want to lewd young girls, milfs and christmas cakes dont get to much love