Haven't had one in a while, and MetaDoom just updated with new shit, so let's have a Classic FPS thread. Post anything Doom or Doom Clone; vanilla, wad, or mod; etc.
Doom/Classic FPS Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Here's the usual infographs for Doom and Douk. The link to the Doom iwads are broken, so use this instead:
Space Pirate is a cute, what are some mods with female protagonists.
Whenever I try to use EDuke32 it doesn't load up the mod for me, it boots me into the game but when I select a level and difficulty it just loops to the main menu.
Doom Delta, Demonsteele, and Aetherius are mods I could think of at the top of my head where you can play as a girl. I don't know how to solve that EDuke issue, though.
Also, here's a big list of mods to check out, I guess.
There should be similar graphs for Thief Gold and Thief 2.
My kind of thread.
Halo is good in every aspect except gameplay, regardless of that contribute or fuck off.
What are some underrated obscure FPS preferably ones that did something different.
Here's the latest Thief 2 mission for those who own it. It's pretty good, but you'll need a decent computer to run it. thiefmissions.com
The guy is still working on it with NightDive hes handling Turok first though.
Halo was supposed to be a TPS with platforming before Bungie was bought by Microsoft.
Thats why it turned out to be a slow as shit FPS.
Wasn't it supposed to be an RTS for OSX?
If anyone cares - "Do You Know Gaming" YouTube channel in their Doom video made a false implication that Doom idTech engine at some point of development had support for sloped floors that later got removed. I couldn't find any more information about it, so I asked Romero. This is his answer:
First of all, I disagree with the idTech numbering system because it’s not correct. It assumes that all the engines we wrote were 3D and they weren’t. Here’s my numbering:
1990 2D idTech 1: Commander Keen 1-3
1991 2D idTech 2: Dangerous Dave 2 (new animation system)
1991 2D idTech 3: Commander Keen 4-6 (completely different)
1991 2.5D idTech 4: Hovertank One
1991 2.5D idTech 5: Catacomb 3D
1992 2.5D idTech 6: Wolfenstein 3D
1992 2.5D idTech 7: Shadowcaster
1993 2.5D idTech 8: DOOM
1995 2.5D idTech 9.5: Hexen
1996 3D idTech 10: Quake
The Shadowcaster engine was an advanced Wolf3D engine with fog and sloping floors. This is probably what you read about.
Hexen was an advanced DOOM engine with rotating BSP pieces so doors could rotate open and closed, as well as a lot of other stuff.
At no time during DOOM’s development did we have sloping floors. The data structure never supported it.
Did you know that SgtMarkIV is the lord and saviour of Doom and did you know that the only people who shit on him and Brutal Doom are (((Doomworld))) shills? Now you know. Praise SgtMarkIV!
Brutal Doom is pretty fucking great but SgtMarkIV seems like a giant fucking cunt.
That was the OG plan before being scrapped.
Halo was to be a TPS for OSX
Sprite work is a bit too poor / inconsistent for my tastes, but I generally don't have anything against the mod itself.
It also explains why the crosshairs are off center
Brutal Doom was fun, but the base game was already fun, so I really don't know how much Brutal Doom actually added to the experience.
Well the Brutal Doom level pack is pretty good but other than that, not much just made everything gorier. Also it's a way better new Doom than nuDoom
Are there any NEW doom .wads out lately? I've played most every one on
Brutal Doom is not a good base experience, Brutal Doom being fun has nothing with OG Doom being fun.
Brutal Doom is more if twitch shooter while Doom is a crowd control shooter.
This released just a few hours ago.
dig through cacowards
and play realm667 ones if you haven't
It changes a lot
For those who want to try Russian Overkill out.
Forgot the link. forum.zdoom.org
Doom 3 is a better Doom than nuDoom. That's a fucking low bar to clear.
True but Doom 3 tried to be something completely different while nuDoom wanted to be a remaster of the original Doom but completely forgot that the original Doom didn't just solely consist of pure violence but actually had other redeeming qualities that made it good.
What pisses me off is how much wasted potencial there is on the game thats completely shat on by retardes game design and console limitations.
Daily reminder that we had a slim chance to play this prototype.
What did he mean by this?
Blue Shift > Opposing Force > HL1 > HL2: E2 > HL2 > HL2: E1
Fucking reddit.
Dude, put that at the very end of that fucking list and it's correct.
Do the Portal games count as part of the Half-Life series?
They take place in the same universe but no. Also what's wrong with Blue Shift, it was short and sweet where you play as a nobody in a comfy trainyard and short Xen segment.
First off, that's a bad thing, you moron.
Second the trainyard area was boring and shit.
Third there were no new weapons.
Fourth there were no new enemies.
Fifth it came out AFTER Opposing Force, meaning there's no excuse for any of the above.
The only good part was the Xen segment, as you said, but you have shit taste.
This is the dumbest shit ever, I hate this so fucking much. I'm so glad it never really caught on outside of Half Life.
I doubt that mods could have fixed nuDOOM.
Isn't there an option in all source games to enable quick switching?
Goddammit that was meant for
Those are the reasons I like it, it's mediocre and unremarkable like a Colombia jacket or the color brown. In retrospect it's a decent little game but if all of those points you listed plus it being $20-$50 on launch make the complaints valid.
They would have to release substantial development kits and mod tools in order for that to happen which it will never.
Not mods lad, NPC count
A higher mob count can't fix the shitty level design or the atrocious gory kills that you HAVE to do though.
Then I'll say it again, you have awful taste.
I wonder if Guard Duty will make it better. I doubt it, though.
True, but it could help alleviate the pain
it would make the enemies be less bullet sponges and actually make the shotgun have medium range at the very least instead of over reliance on fucking upgrade garbage wankery
I recommend anyone to play Temple of the Lizardmen, its really fucking comfy, and the guy who makes it is mentally ill so you know its good.
The shotgun is overused enough as is, giving even more utility would be fucking stupid. The whole point of FPS that let you carry all the weapons at once is that all of them have a specific purpose for existing instead of just a bunch of machineguns with slightly different spray patterns.
Meanwhile, in Doom 2…
That's hilariously depressing.
Wasn't there an mp server at some point we were messing around with? It was like an invasion mode, it was pretty fun.
Jesus Christ this is sad.
At least now we have a reverse-engineered port, it still has some bugs but for the most part it's pretty accurate to the original DOS game.
May I bother you with a MEGA link? Mediafire doesn't work at all for me. Not even with JDownloader. And what do you think about the 1.0.2 unofficial patch?
Blue Shift started development as extra content for the Dreamcast port of Half-Life which was cancelled, in light of that it makes more sense that there wouldn't be any new weapons or enemies due to space limitations on the GD-ROM.
Hypothetically, if you were playing Half-Life for the first time on the Dreamcast then you would most likely play the Blue Shift expansion immediately after finishing the main game. So even if Opposing Force was already released, for newbies playing the game on Dreamcast they would still most likely end up playing OpFor after Blue Shift.
Besides, OpFor ends with the nuking of Black Mesa, so it's pretty fucking obvious which one is supposed to come last chronologically, never mind the release dates.
Never mind. I found it. Posting it here.
1.0.1 Patch
Powerslave is also an excellent iron maiden album. Highly recommended for any metal fan.
Fuck yeah dude. Rime of The Ancient Mariner is my favorite track. Don't skip it because of the length.
Rime is absolutely the best of the best. The ending is so bombastic and conclusive, it really pulls the album to a close.
I like Seventh Son more as an album, but hey, Powerslave is hard to beat.
Here's a shitty partial conversion I was making. You were to play as a Dwarfish rogue or sneak who travels through Goblin infested forests and into Elfish strongholds, doing battle with grim ghouls, steel-clad Elves of the deep, hideous Goblin chieftains and all manner of generic fantasy creatures like giant rats. It's designed to be played with infinite heights on, because otherwise the player just walks over the giant rats. Don't think I'm going to finish it.
Are there some good wads where it doesn't feel like I'm expected to be using the super shotgun 90 percent of the time? It seems like most levels throw tons of shotgun shells at you, but not as many power cells. I'd like to use the plasma gun more often.
The Painkiller games are on sale on Steam, do you know if I could buy them from elsewhere with the same price?
I can't afford all of them anyways, which ones are the best?
Thank god MetaDoom V4 is finally out.
Not a fan of Mark of his mods, but i heard he can be a great mapper.
Powerslave is a fun fucking game.
None of them, seriously. It's an inferior copy of Serious Sam which forgot to realize you could fight more than three enemy types at once.
But if you insist, you should go for the original. Everything else in the series outside of the first expansion pack was made by other shovelware studios with a linear decrease in quality with each sequel.
You remind me of the Extraction Point hating F.E.A.R 2 shitters.
Just get Black Edition and ignore the existence of all other games in the series.
Pretty much this. I like the first one and Battle Out of Hell is okay, but the quality of the Painkiller games is a straight slope downhill. Each subsequent iteration is just worse and worse in mindboggling ways.
oh boy can't wait to pay twenty dollars for a re-release with steam workshop shit and no source code release
So is Powerslave EX dead? I really want to play it since I never played the Powerslave Saturn version (superior one)
nvm, i'm retarded
Race X fit in just fine in Half-Life's cosmology and it's really interesting getting more glimpses at different kinds of alien lifeforms and societies
I really don't know what to think of Half-Life since HL2 ruined the feeling and atmosphere of 1 making it essentially a prologue game but they felt shoe-horned in the game.
200- ~ the planet Earth is about to E.X.P.L.O.D.E. 😊
Wait a second are you buying into the meme of the story we get out of Half-Life being supposed to be this meme about the Universal Union's occupation of Earth to be concluded with the destruction of the Citadel or the destruction of the Borealis or some shit? Read Breengrub, man. Listen to the All-Knowing Vortigaunt.
Half-Life's story is fucked to the point where we'd probably need more than just a third game to explain that shit.
We'll probably never get one, though.
All I have in mind in regard to that is that Portal 2 is fucked. Portal 2 is non-canon, r-right?
It's canon but the only thing that fucks that game is the time period it takes place. Honestly I doubt it really takes place 50 gazillion years in the future.
Portal 1 takes place during the seven hour war, so I'd place Portal 2 as taking place during HL2 Episode 2.
Apparently Jimmy (dude who made the Jenesis megawad) and a few other midi artists finished a midi pack for TVR!.wad
Kinda neat stuff all around. It even has an extra level added to it.
Jimmy's a fucking great musician, so more music by him is always good.
using his Plutonia MIDI pack makes me glad I waited this long to tackle Plutonia, so I can enjoy some sweet original tunes while I die repeatedly.
This image enrages me. It doesn't even cover quakeinjector for easy map grabbing or using console commands to disable texture filtering and interpolation for the classic look and feel. People need to stop making "how to" charts if they don't know what the fuck they are talking about.
new Holla Forums.wad?
feminists now have trannie shit
new desert part for muslims
niggs now have blm signs and throw molotov cocktails
jews are jews but they have (((trump))) behind them now
final boss - cucked moot
One day I will own a computer powerful enough to run Sunder with mods.
Fuck, that's the God Mode powerup sound from Rise of the Triad.
Just place the .grp file in the same directory as eduke32.exe and select it from the drop down list in the launcher. Always worked fine for me.
Isn't there some kind of guide for getting Doom Roguelike Arsenal running?
better final boss - the church of scientology
I had a feeling this was the case given the weirdly out of place segment where you find all the women who were tortured and sacrificed.
What is Moonman.wad?
a mod that changes the characters, sounds, sprites, and enemies
we need a new pol wad that changes the level
I'm sick of the default hud. Drop your pants and whip out your custom huds for me to inspect, babe.
Is there a recommended list of shooters that allow you to carry all your weapons at once?
With or without Doom RPG? Cause if it's without RPG, then just I load these files in order:
any megawad of your choosing
You probably need to run it on ZDoom 2.8.1 or GZDoom 2.1.1. I randomly get crashes when running it on the 2.3 and 2.4 versions of GZDoom.
Please tell me this cancerous "massive room flooding with teleporting in hitscan enemies from all sides" shit stops soon.
Can you make a Quake infograph or post one, I'd like to get into it but there's so much made by the community that I don't know where to begin.
I haven't dabbled with mods much but this video explains how to set it up absolutely perfectly.
Hholy shit this looks awesome. I haven't been keeping up on new Thief missions in a long time, but I just recently did a play through of Gold and 2. This is good because I need something to distract me from getting trapped playing Darklands for 20 hours straight each weekend.
This might make me sound like Plebeius: King of the Plebs but are there any Wads for doom that are closer to being a corridor shooter than the sprawling mazes with keys and switches?
Temple of the Lizardmen until it opens up
Proof that Holla Forums is a front for the sequel of 2007's bubble bursting catastrophe?
What the fuck are you talking about, why are you waiting for that java game?
Can I gush a bit more about Half-Life's setting…? One thing that tends to get understated about Half-Life among the communities behind it, actually, is its… Falloutness. Besides the Earth being shunted across the cosmos (or something like that), besides the drained resources and the scattering of humanity, besides that the Earth is being colonized by who-knows-how-many different kinds of invasive species, just what did the seven hour war involve? Just how much of the Earth has been turned into glass? It's pretty neat thinking about the state of the Earth in the setting, particularly given that even with people talking about the tone of the setting being much "lighter" than all of these different visions of it that were discarded during Half-Life 2's development, the planet Earth really is well and truly fucked in it.
Sage since this doesn't really relate to the general topic of the thread.
Lemme throw in a quick embed while I'm at it.
It really sucks that they abandoned the whole game and started over again just because the development assets got leaked, though.
That probably sounds too retarded to be true even stating it now, and that's because it is. The big drama of the leak was that after Valve had missed their deadline for Half-Life 2's release date, the leak exposed that not only was the game simply not in any state to be released at that point, it wasn't in any real state as a game at all; Valve didn't actually have any idea what they were going to do with the game (like how things are with Half-Life 3 now) and didn't really have any concrete plan of what a finished version of it would even be like. The "development assets" were, as the leaker blithely stated in announcing his leak, "[the entirety of] Half-Life 2" as it was at that point; it really was only those "development assets" (cool as the rough concepts behind them were) that were being abandoned.
Why not transfusion?
weird, 8ch glitch didn't show my other post.
I don't have anything against models, mind, but the ones currently implemented look horrendous and low quality
It looks like it was made by someone who doesn't exactly understand aesthetics, and currently doesn't seem to mirror Blood's behavior too accurately. Visually, it kinda reminds me of MDickie games.
I'll wait for it to have something to show; at the moment it looks like we're getting "that java game" sooner. And this one looks promising, being a port that just loads up original maps and assets and looks like it's trying to emulate the enemy and weapon behaviors 1:1.
I'm making a new wad but I'd love some criticism on my previous ones.
I'm fucking sold
How the hell do I fix this?
Options > Hud options > Scaling options > Status bar.
Try that.
Huh, I swear I tried that. Thanks.
Do you think Metroid Dreadnought only has one weapon, too?
Played the first level of Alice, it was pretty good medium difficulty stage. The bit on the second floor with the night vision and the room on the right of the strobe hallway leading to the yellow key door both felt pointless, though they were fun. I maybe would have given them shortcuts to other sections of the map with an elevator or window/ledge you could fall off of to make the map flow even better. I never got lost, it wasn't a boring linear shitfest and there wasn't alot of tedious backtracking so it was put together pretty well. Encounter design felt good, never really felt outclassed with the current arsenal (having to fight like 6 cacodemons at the same time with a pistol or something stupid like that for example).
Ammo distribution felt okay, I personally like to have it kind of low/tight as it makes it more tense, though some people prefer to be loaded at all times, it's just a personal preference. Ambushing the player with hell knights and barons after getting the plasma rifle was a good way of teaching the player that weapon is good against this enemy type. The climax to the stage was pretty nice as well. No real major complaints aside from those two rooms and that I would like to see more height variance, steps and such, fighting enemies on a sloped surface, more verticality, enemies on catwalks and stuff like that. Also uniquely shaped rooms instead of squares too.
Hope you enjoy it! Trust me when I say it's one of the better Thief FMs, even if it involves some backtracking.
I recently got Super 3-D Noah's Ark in a bundle. Anyone else played it before?
It was surprisingly fun. Levels are made well enough that it's easy to navigate/not get lost in despite the limitations of the Wolf3D engine. Gameplay is literally just reskinned Wolfenstein so if you like that game you will like this one.
I've played most of the game: it's just Wolfenstein 3D with rubber ducks on the wall and Bible trivia that restores your health.
watch out for save bug on the latest version, I think if you use the beta option in Steam it downloads the previous version minus save bug. probably only on windows so if you are linux masterrace you should be fine.
solid game, if you enjoy Wolf3D S3DNA doesn't do anything to mess with that formula gameplay-wise.
*the bug is probably only present on the windows version
I just played it and used "give all". You have the one main gun, missile and a bomb throw button, so it's basically a primary/secondary modern military shooter style mod.
Did you miss "inspired by the NES Metroid" part? What you're doing is the equivalent of complaining that a classicvania mod has only a whip and a few subweapons.
You get more through upgrades that you can't get via give all and idkfa, and both weapons go through multiple upgrade phases.
>he didn't mention or find the magic wand you can get
What a shame, to be so wrong.
You're probably baiting. But you're still a fucking moron.
I thought that was impressive before I learned that this isn't in real time.
There's a lot of shit that doesn't make sense in the Half Life 2 universe:
If you take a look to the landscape shown at HL2, EP1 and EP2, you can see Xen wildlife and maybe other alien fauna all over the outskirst of what it looks like the CAPITAL of the combine on earth (City 17). The 7 hour war is never fully described, so maybe the combine just used recreative ultra-galatic nukes on the major cities and then colonized the ones that didn't got fucked over, really, you can come with anything to explain that shit. The cities that didn't got bombed, got steamrolled by the combines synths
Maybe there are places like deserts or jungles filled with xen and alien fauna totally overlooked by the combine.
This is fan-service at best, you have the HL1 generic NPCs personified in a single character, we don't know how the fuck they managed to escape black mesa (Well, if you played blue shift, then you know how Barney escaped) or how the fuck they managed to get ouf of New Mexico and end up in a hole somewhere in Romania/Serbia/Croaca/Czech Republic/Etc. Oh, and this shit also applies to Breen who i guess was in Black Mesa when the Resonance Cascade fucked everything up.
This shit is also retarded, and it's even more retarded to waste resources feeding the citizens, creating a secret police like groups (CP) to maintain order and let the human have a chance to form a rebellion. The combine is a empire that invades other planets for resouces and slaves to turn into synths, so unless they are milking humanity to get human synths for their army, this entire Orwellian shit is pointless. I guess the combine must have logistic problems in every planet their invade and try to keep control on them, they crippled themselves for doing this.
It's made a point that the combine don't have very good portal technology, which is why shutting down the forming portal in Ep 2 was so important. Given that, it would be a lot easier and cheaper for them to recruit from a planet's native population and use those troops to harvest its resources, rather than using a lot of time and resources warping their own shit to the planet.
Thanks for the criticism, keep in mind I made these wads while still experimenting with Doombuilder and using the vanilla Doom 2 format. I'll keep your words in mind while making my new wad.
Please tell me you're using GZDoom Builder and not Doom Builder 2 which didn't get any update since over 5 years ago.
Still using doombuilder 2, but I have gzdoom builder installed.
GZDoom builder isn't made just for GZDoom it's just a better version of Doombuilder. The original dev stopped development but someone else picked it up (searching for GZDB on Google might lead you to the version that doesn't get updated anymore so I'll link to the one that still gets updated).
No. If the next CoD game went with a DOOM 2.5D aesthetic it would still be the same shitty modern shooter nonsense. It being inspired by Metroid doesn't make it any less shit.
How am I wrong? Upgrade phases don't count as new weapons, you're still using the same damn gun. You spam the default gun until you find a bigger demon then spam missiles, the gameplay seems pretty braindead. Willingly dumbing down the game by stripping away the situational weapon system seems like a terrible idea to me. Hold down left click to win. Fun.
Nice nothing post.
That changes a fucking lot more than gore. I honestly wish we could get something like it though without the reloading. I feel it'd make it feel so much fucking better.And yes, you can use the classic weapons, but you can't force the enemies to use them too.
Thanks for the resource. Hopefully this will motivate me to learn GZDoom builder instead of relying on the simplicity of Doom 2 formatting.
exterror is one of the best maps I've ever played
Did someone ask for more arcadey mods?
There is a 2014 source code before he got snatched up by Night Dive Studios, nobody cares enough to want to use it to make their own. And the level editor is now available in full for GOG.
You're literally missing half the weapons, faggot. There's regular metroid arm cannon fire, there's the super-fast machine gun fire, there's the rockets, there's the beam fire. Four weapons, four very different means of operations, four ammo sources. Then the magic wand if you want to get funky. Then the shitwrecker lunge and the stun bombs, both of which are a constant part of your arsenal and kick ass. Then the per-level weapon modifiers that add in extra charge abilities and change weapons further. On top of all that, you have the regular arm cannon upgrade path.
Just admit you made a snap judgement based off little information and turned out to be wrong, you vomit fetishist.
Don't bother. He's clearly baiting, considering he deliberately ignored my point that a Metroid-inspired mod would have a Metroid-like weapon system, and instead shitposted about the art style.
Like I said, it's not just for GZDoom. You can still make maps in the original Doom 2 format in GZDoom Builder.
Have any games with old-style FPS gameplay come out in the past seven years?
There's been a big retro vidya revival in recent years, but I don't think I've seen classic FPS get the same treatment as other genres.
There's the new Wolfenstein games, The New Order and The Old Blood. Other than that, I don't know.
There have been attempts, but not a single one of them actually understood what made old school FPS actually work so they were all garbage. STRAFE is by far the best example of how to completely fuck up and miss the point of making an old school shooter, to call it a massive steaming pile of shit would be total understatement. Even if you were to view as just another FPS instead of a classic one it still sucks an obscene amount of penis. The ONLY thing they got right was the aesthetic, it's like it was made by people who never played FPS before, but watched gameplay of Quake once and got an extremely shallow idea of what it is.
Anyone got any maps that go well with Project MSX?
I raced through Episode 1 of Doom 1 with it in about an hour and it was great. Love using the charge-up punch to one-hit hell knights.
Playing through Hellbound now for the first time ever with it on "Hard", seems pretty good, though the mod makes monster closets fuckoff hard sine there's no way to wait for your shield to recharge.
As much as everyone on Holla Forums wants to deny it, the real closest to a old-school shooter that has been released in the last decade is nuDoom.
The New Order and The Old Blood.
Hey guys, I grabbed /doom/. I know it's dead but I plan on putting some basic resources in there. Anyone mind sharing some stuff I should put in?
the pain is only beginning my friend I haven't played it in awhile, but I don't remember hitscan being the issue, fucking archviles are the problem
Race X is the Combine.
You can't convince me otherwise.
That one level you can't quite beat.
Question, how does infinite revenants fair as a multiplayer level? Does it even load, or does the doom multiplayer have a limit on how many things it can send over the network?
Sauce on music?
the entirety of Ancient Aliens almost
Terrible, since the lag to render everything would take a long long time.
but is there a limit to what type a map someone can host in a Doom multiplayer game as far as size or amount of objects inside of it is concerned? Just curious.
Wrack was the closest to being it.
FWHshit / DOOT / nuWolf aren't completely irredeemable trash but not exactly spectacular either
That isn't even playable in single player. Try the wad.
Also see
brutl bump
Am I the only one who fucking hates the "Unloved" wad?
How can you begin with such tense and interesting combat situations and atmospheric environments and then go into "Big as fuck room with a shitton of enemies everywhere".
Who thinks this is a good design decision? This is not fucking Serious Sam, DOOM doesn't work well with gigantic fucking hordes, no group of enemies in the originals were ever that big. Fuck me what strategy am I supposed to take if the hitscan enemies are impossible to shoot through the literal armies of enemies that charge at you? Add a shitton of projectile shooting enemies on top of that. The only thing I can do is run around the horde and hope that they will all murder each other, but that's terribly unfun.
Unloved 1 was ok imo. It was Unloved 2 that captured the true horror atmosphere of the series but feel short since it was never completed. I'm really not sure why the 1st got all the limelight, when it was the 2nd had superior map design (Faded City remains one of the best level designs for a DooM wad, imo), an awesome soundtrack, and some kind of planned story narrative with all the creepy notes you would find lying around in the levels. I'd wish Blue finished up the sequel of the series instead of jumping the gun into the unreal project with the little success it had.
sure is pleb in here
What about the standalone.
What WAD is this?
Thanks in advance.
I own the standalone on steam. It's not really good but it's not bad either. The project was a one man dev team (same guy from unloved 1 and 2 obviously) and it seemed like it was rather rushed. I had a few performance issues on a few levels but I haven't tried it out with my new graphics card. The game play is generic run and gun and it completely lost it's horror touch that the previous doom wads were known for.
There are a few positive aspects like coop and some sort of weapon progression system that tries to keep things fresh. I know the project didn't work out too well since the dev announced that he was going to move back with his mother due to financial reasons. Honestly, what did he expect with the stand alone project?
AA becomes just pure autism later on. You gotta trial and error the correct way to beat the levels. I am not a fan of such.
This includes DXRebirth
Good shit, thanks.
I've been meaning to re-grab Descent on this computer but I keep putting it off.
No problem, my man. Feel I gotta do my part since it seems no true sequel to the first two games will come out and Interplay had to be cocksuckers so you can't even get the originals legit anymore.
Brutal Doom 64.
hello rato
The delegates Dahnald
Does Wrack count?
BD64 on Project Remap
Does DXRebirth have multiplayer?
Thanks. Would you happen to have Descent 2 as well?
Huh, it does have multiplayer.
And there are no servers up, any fucking where
Also what DXX version is this using? Latest stable release (0.58.1) or BETA 1(0.60)?
Is Wrack worth buying?
They're not really much of a Universal Union.
no, it's not. get Immortal Redneck or that tron colorful game that's like Strafe but not shit, I can't remember the name.
The base game is really held back by hte levels but I'm not sure the community actually fixed that.
Would someone be kind enough to nicely package a 'Doom64 Ex Out-Of-The-Box' download for me?
I read the site and it tricks me into thinking it is a Doom2 WAD without ever telling me exactly what it is.
I don't have Doom2, I do have Doom3BFG Edition through Steam though, but I haven't played with modding or WAD's through that before and have literally no idea what I gotta go through to get to playing Doom64 Ex.
Thanks if anyone actually does it or gives me some advice. (pls don't give advice if it is telling me to figure it out for myself ;-;)
Quake 2 actually worth playing? Looks kinda fun, but kinda monotone.
It does, but I don't think you will find anyone playing it anymore.
It's decent for a single playthrought, thought you might want to turn on nightmare difficulty in the console
I dunno, sounds detrimental to the gameplay.
Sure why not.
This also is modded with D2X
0.58.1. Didn't even know they released a new version.
They changed some things to the multiplayer in 0.60 in-game it's displayed as 0.59.1 for some unknown reason. Namely better netplay and automatic UDP hole-punching so you don't even have to open ports when hosting. As well as a butt ton of new features and under-the-hood stuff including bugfixes.
I don't think they update it much anyways, the last update is dated for december 12 of 2016.
netplay sessions when?
I've never used Mega before. Is this animated download screen bullshit normal? SJWFox says I don't have any downloads going…
Just use Jdownloader you dunkass
Anyway, the download werked.
You're caching the file then "download" it instantly from that. It's to avoid shitty connections from stopping downloads in progress. And lurk more faggit.
Mega doesn't dump downloads traditionally into Temp like every other service. It sends all data to an encrypted html file which then converts it into the actual file when the download is finished, meaning your browser cannot track the file's download nor its progress.
Jdownloader lets you track it better without having to deal with the memory-hog animations of Mega's website, but i wouldn't recommend it anyways because
Haha holy shit, I started listening to Psykosonik's stuff recently because one of their members was Vox Day, the shitlordy blogger and former vidya designer. Never knew they made that kickass Marathon 2 track.
It's definitely worth playing, my favorite ID shooter, best soundtrack for a fast paced FPS as well IMO, it fits so goddamn well. Also I've yet to find a better chaingun in any game, it absolutely wrecks the shit out of goddamn everything, it is so fucking satisfying to use. You need to have it on Hard+ difficulty though, unless you've never played an FPS before it will feel way too easy and you won't get what makes it so good since you will just be bored. The lack of stun actually makes the lower tier enemies a legit threat and makes enemies like the Gunner scary as shit. It forces you to have an excellent understanding of what weapon is best for what enemy type, how to deal with their attacks and how to prioritize them in a mixed battle or you will die like a bitch.
The game handles difficulty curve very well though, they always introduce new enemies in a way that you won't be overwhelmed and can expirement to figure out what weapons/strategy works best, it can be pretty obvious just by looking at them though (hurr I wonder if I should blast this big guy with rockets durr). I wish everyone who hated Quake 2 for being easy played on this mode. Also if that isn't hard enough then give the Ground Zero expansion a try, you will have nightmares about rocket turrets for weeks.
Well I'm already too lazy to work for it, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I don't know if people criticize Q2 for being easy, I thought a lot of people just felt it was "boring".
Personally, I loved it. My favorite ID single player shooter, at least. I probably spent more time playing Q3 in LANs though. To me that's sort of *the* arena shooter sorry, UT fans.
Also, Quake 4 is bretty gud, I don't care what anyone says. Interesting stroggification plot twist, neat-o weapon upgrades, long campaign that took me days to beat…
What's a quick and easy program to record a short Doom mp4?
Assuming windows, camstudio portable works fine, though there's no guarantee that the quality will be any good.
pirate bandicam easy as fuck to use
I hear good things about OBS, never used it.
Plays.TV werks for me, encodes on the GPU, I think it works with both AMD/nVidia cards from the last few years to hardware accelerate encodes. And the Intel iGPUs with the quicksync stuff, too.
I used to use FRAPS for just quick-and-easy bullshit.
What do.
It was almost good, the modern shooter elements really dragged it down though unfortunately, I can't tell you how many times I died because the dipshit partner AI decided to block my movement. I did like how the enemies took alot of punishment, even the basic grunts took a bit to take down unless you point blanked them with the shotgun, though that is standard for a Quake title I wish more games did this. The bit right after the Stroggification where your ammo was extremely tight for a long time was the best part IMO. It was an interesting mix of old and new FPS styles and I would much rather have had more shooters like it instead of two weapon limit regen health crap.
Thanks. FRAPS is working much more smootly than camstudio which had a very sketchy site and download button and tried to sneak a bunch of other shit in the installation proccess.
I wanted to emulate the effect from the xenos getting hit by automatic weapons fire from this scene:
So I ripped the bulletpuff (only the effects) from JohnnyDoom and made a:
so that when a xeno (and only a xeno) gets hit this shows along with the blood spurts. I was planning on giving this effect to HEAP firing guns only (M41A and M56) and finding a different one for the rest.
Should it stay or go?
Well, it was a Raven Software game, to be precise :^)
Random additional note: The wachunk…whooaorrrrRRRRR~ sound the hyperblaster makes when you reload it reallyactivates my almonds. I love good/strange sound in a vidya, like the square echoing THUNK the combine rifle in HL2 makes.
I must have an old version, because last time I tried to use it, it was herky-jerky as fuck because it couldn't into variable framerate bideo and my CPU could barely keep up with real-time encodes.
The effect. Should I remove, change it to something else or leave it as is? That's why I posted the videos.
I don't really know shit about the Ayylmaos TC for Doom, probably the wrong guy to ask. I didn't notice much of any difference in bullet poofs tbh.
I won't give you what you're asking but I will still spoonfeed to within an inch of that point. Faggot.
Download that, and download Doom64 EX. Find the readme in Doom64 EX, and fucking read it. It will tell you what files need to be copied over from the provided 7zip. Do that and you should be ready to go. If not, fuck you learn2google.
Did Smooth Doom ever get an update to add new looks for the plasma rifle and BFG?
Does anyone else find the lack of ambient sound in Doom 1&2 to be a let-down? Kind of makes the game feel hollow and empty tbh.
I really loved how the Marathon trilogy had ambient sound, whether it was the weird static-y hum of an alien spaceship or ripples moving through nearby pools of water. Not to mention it helped me gitgud at dodging dozens of projectiles at once.
Pic unrelated.
They're still much better than what the guy decided to replace them with later
Most sound cards at the time couldn't produce more than some beeps and boops on top of the music. I really liked Marathon's focus on ambient noise, but doing completely away with the soundtrack for 2 and Infinity was a bit too much when the first soundtrack fit the game like a glove atmospherically.
Some guy on /vr/ helped me get the shooting animation right. Bonus for the gun now having the correct RPM (900)
also bump to keep thread alive
Is there any way to hotkey the items in Heretic? Having to scroll through them and press use twice is fucking stupid, this is a PC game, just let me press a damn key.
need more wads
Are you using the current Doom port engines? You should be able to bind keys.
Which Aliens mod was this based on?
Aliens the Ultimate Doom 9.2
They went with Alien Trilogy sprites? Guess that's not too bad on the xenos. I just must say that the pulse rifle in your webms does look better.
It's from this mod, if you're wondering:
Problem is the Alien Trilogy sprites don't really fit in, I think. They kind of look out of place for me.
You guys ever get any stuttering issues with GZDoom and mods like PB or Brutal Doom (and some others)? My rig isn't exactly a potato and should be able to handle it but the stuttering can be annoying. I can't seem to figure out what's causing the issue.
Mods like those tend to pretty things up by throwing a lot of actors around. Even decorative actors require a bit of processing by the engine, so a lot of them eats things up like candy.
It's not your PC, it's GZDOOM most likely. Try playing it with prboom+, that sourceport runs on magic. For reference it can play NUTS.wad at a stable playable framerate.
I'm pretty sure I've seen footage of these running smoothly but I might be wrong. Saying that, it does tend to happen more on PB etc with me so you're probably right.
I haven't tried PRBoom but I've heard of it. I'll check it out.
If you wanted a Doom 2 wad, then there is Doom 64 Retribution, which is stated to be a "full re-make and 'port' of Doom 64 for the Nintendo 64 to the GZDoom engine".
As for a Doom 2 iwad, you can get it over here in the "Doom II: Hell on Earth" link:
The mod requires GZDoom as the sourceport to play it, so get it here:
What wad is that? I dig the architecture.
I think that's the worst HUD I've ever seen.
Is this it?
are there any experienced modders here? i've been wanting to make a .WAD based off of dilbert 3 but i don't know where to start
I saw the filename and expected Divine Cybermancy references
if it has that music looping i don't think i could handle it, mind melting
Damn this Aliens:CM wad is incredible. Are there any other great total conversions like this? I've just played through Doom I&II and kind of want something that's a bit different from the vanilla experience.
Regards, newbie.
There was this one that I would recommend if I could remember the name. I'll describe it if anyone else remembers it. You play as this alien god who just got betrayed and extremely weakened. It's got a really surreal aesthetic, and there are multiple endings depending on certain choices you make through the game.
If you like aliens stuff I recommend some indieshit game called Space Beast. It's not doom, this is just a side tangent, but some user linked the file to it here yesterday and for a
I like the Doom engine, but thanks anyway.
That sounds bretty gud. You don't still have the .wad or anything, do you?
Sorry, if I knew where it was in my files, if it's still there, I would have given you the name and everything. It wasn't just a wad, though. It was completely standalone.
Are you combining Aliens:CM with Fractal Doom or are there really itty bitty HRGigerdemons in it?
Deadly Kiss release when?
They aren't small. In that pic I was in an air vent looking down on the horde of xenos outside. Kind of like looking down from a balcony but you can't see the air vent itself since I was like one pixel away from falling down.
The assets ended up leaked after years of teasing. One of the things I hate about the Duke4.net "higher ups" is how they love to hoard unreleased and beta stuff for themselves.
Makes me remember about the golden days of Duke modding where people used third party software to 'compress' the code in their mods so others couldn't copy it.
I am.
What've you got in mind for it?
I was thinking about making it a 1 map co-op WAD where dilbert and his coworker(s) shoot up the office building. maybe have a final boss or something surreal/trippy at the end. I was also thinking about replacing some of the stock weapons such as the pistol etc. sorry if its kinda vague right now
Brutalist Doom might be a good place to start, with some additional things tacked on like computer screens, office plants, etc.
Probably Zanzan.
Teach me how to play Quake and what the best engines to use are, here's Quake in return.
Quake: The Offering
Quake II: Quad Damage
Quake III: Gold
I like quakespasm, and arcane dimensions is a must play (after you finish the campaign)
That sounds like it'd be fairly easy to do.
Where would probably be best to start is on making the actual map. For that you want GZDoombuilder or GZDB Bugfix, and then start drawing out the layout of the map linedef by linedef.
Haha that sounds great, hope you do it user.
If you do, post a playthrough on youtube with a link to the .wad or something, I'd love to see it.
Do you plan on making new (helpless) office worker monsters? Will you replace the soulsphere with a dogbert sphere (dogbert being shaped like a furry egg)? When you pick up this sphere, will you hear dogbert say "I think you should kill yourself, Dilbert"? Is it possible to make a co-op level where one player is Dilbert and the other is Wally?
You'll definitely need to include a pyramid thing with dilbert textures on it like in the video. Maybe you have to hit switches to align it right and release the final boss or something.
Also, I hear that especially if you're new to mapping, it really really helps to draw out stuff on paper with pencil before even adding one BSP block in a level editor.
Also, if the first item you see in the level is NOT a health bonus with the blue potion bottle replaced with a similarly-sized cool ranch doritos bag, you need to start over and try again.
What the fuck.
It's only 4 days on certain rooms if the room owner sucked Lain's dick and got themselves volapro now. It sucks.
Same Lain from the New Bloods discord?
well, at least my backlog got shorter.
There are so many wads to play, and so little time. I just got done with the wad that columbine shooter made, myself.
No, we had Adlib, and Adlib could do some amazing shit in the right hands. I used to do demoscene stuff back then and had written my own Adlib player for screamtracker 3's fm synth mode. Scene musicians could do some amazing shit with it, but industry musicians never seemed to figure it out.
Thanks to Oblige we will all die with regrets and what ifs as far as WADs.
I don't know why these wads are seen as classics. They're all fucking awful. There's nothing worse than depending completely on a shitty shtick to add difficulty as a way to mask incompetent level design and enemy placement.
Are you playing recommended wads just under OP or are you playing the wad bundle that actually doesn't put in good wads but more historically relevant wads?
Haha, random level generators are tits. I remember Soldier of Fortune II had one for multiplayer maps. The best one for small LAN games had the seed "BENDERISGREAT".
Lol TNT is definitely not seen as a classic. I disagree with your assessment of Plutonia since it's my favorite WAD of all time, but I really don't care enough to point out every little detail about it. Somethings just aren't for everybody.
That's because TNT is straight up fucking awful and Plutonia often relies on stupid and cheap shit to ramp up the difficulty as well, nor are most of the maps anything to write home about. I really don't get why either of them are recommended so often. Also jesus christ, that texture filtering is making my eyes bleed. How can you play like that?
What? It looks pretty normal to me, what's it supposed to look like?
Crisp, and not all blurred out?
Can you take a screenshot? Do you have a high-res texture pack installed?
Chances are if you are using gzdoom, it has texture/sprite filtering on by default. It seems to be a thing with opengl, as I have noticed it with other games using opengl as well. Give me a second, as I am trying to recreate your second screenshot.
What sourceport are you using? Because if it's GZDoom there should be an option prior to launching the game to set it to software rendering, which doesn't run OpenGL as said.
Alternatively, if you still want or need to use OpenGL for whatever reason, then go to Display Options, then to the OpenGL renderer, then in Texture options set the texture filter mode to 'none'.
So with this texture/sprite filtering off, does it make the sprites and textures look blocky and pixellated instead of blurry?
Ultimate Doom without filtering looks something like this. Might be different depending on the mods you're using.
Here, besides resolution it should be as close as possible to yours. You can actually still get rid of it while keeping opengl. Go to Display > Opengl > Texture Options. And disable the
filtering and whatever else there.
Ah, I see it now.
lol, you didn't have to go to the commander keen secret level place, but thanks for going the extra mile.
What the fuck? Are you guys playing with controllers or something? Ambushes are no problem when using an input device that you can use to 180 in a split second. The encounter design of TNT and Plutonia was built from the ground up to punish people who relied on the super shotgun too much. The chaingun and rocket launcher are your best friends when you get ambushed. Thats what I liked about them, instead of having the super shotgun out 99% of the time I only used it in tight confined corridors LIKE HOW IT WAS ACTUALLY SUPPOSED TO BE USED and had the chaingun out as my default otherwise.
A big reason as to why DOOM 2 is so shit is because it doesn't really factor in the super shotgun at all, thus it seems really broken as shit, when in reality if you use it improperly in a well designed encounter you will get your shit pushed in. TNT and Plutonia are the games that DOOM 2 was supposed to be. The maps are really well laid out and had some very clever bits, especially for maps made back in 96. Your complaints really only boil down to "baaawww it's too hard ;_;" but if you actually understood how to play DOOM instead of using it as a sawed off shotgun simulator you would understand why Final DOOM is loved by so many.
I too enjoy chaingunners hitscanning me from across the map in every other TNT map, fellow hardcore doom player.
Just snipe the fucks with minigun burst fire. The first two shots are always 100 percent accurate, it's a weaker ghetto railgun essentially. That or you use the level layout to your advantage and get closer, you don't have to attack every enemy as soon as you see them.
The Plutonia Experiment was made because the creators sent a couple maps to American Mcgee, who then gave them to everyone else at ID and they were so impressed they greenlit a full game. Final DOOM would not be loved by both the DOOM community and ID themselves if they were the irredeemable shit you are trying to paint them as.
To be fair, The Plutonia Experiment had a few dirty tricks, such as hiding archviles behind chaingunners where you cannot see them, but it's hardly a problem past the first time if you just gib the fags.
Just started playing DOOM for the first time, vanilla. I'm already on inferno 3 or 4, I think, tons of fun.
Cyberdemon was a lot tankier than I thought, but all you really have to do is circle him around a pillar.
Also, speaking of doom, I really want this sick-ass statue.
Just look at this fucking thing.
I actually don't recall much of that, aside from some of the wide open maps and Administration Center. Like said, miniguns does wonders against them, though autoaiming in vanilla Doom can be a hit or miss.
That aside, I adore TNT for actually having a theme, and Plutonia for well, being Plutonia.
How long does it take to learn how to map properly? And can those skills be transferred to other games like Duke or Shadow Warrior?
Wait until you get to Thy Flesh Consumed. The difficulty curve is absolutely fucked in that one. The first few maps are hard as fuck, then everything is easy as piss with a few curveballs here and there. Felt like they just lumped a bunch of stuff together off the cutting room floor and called it a day.
The poster is rad. I should get the poster.
Agree 100%. The first level is hard but simple enough to feel manageable. You just have to get the hand/eye coordination right.
The second one is the hardest level in the whole goddamn franchise for me.
If it says Ribbiks or Danne in the credits you know what you're in for.
Looks like someone needs to make a v8 of this infograph.
Also, what's the difference between the various source ports and the stuff on Steam (Ultimate DOOM, DOOM II, Final DOOM, Master Levels)? Just old official renderers versus shiny new community updated ones?
Not quite, GZDoom, the source port I use adds a bunch of features that the newest gameplay mods use.
I'm not really interested in mods at the moment, just base game stuff. I was going to go ahead and get the WADs but since the link is dead I'm eyeballing Steam because whatever I have money to burn. I would just want to know if I'm getting a dramatically inferior experience in the base game if I get those instead.
Here, have my IWADs then.
Running the game via Steam's setup is pretty inferior.
Well OK it was a pretty cruddy editor in hindsight but I still liked it a lot when I used to try making levels. Doom Builder blew my mind when I learned about it.
Does anyone have that funny yet useful Doom guide where he referred to Pain Elementals as big meatball motherfuckers, there wasn't any audio commentary.
Original game, plus bonus episode made sometime after.
Second game in the series. Has a couple of bum maps, but introduces great new enemies such as the Mancubi, Revenant, Archvile, and others. Also adds the Super Shotgun.
2 megawads: TNT Evilution and The Plutonia Experiment. Plutonia being my favorite. Beware, both are incredibly hard.
I'll admit, I don't seem to know much about these. I think they are levels id commissioned from the community to combat the various shovelware releases of Doom levels that other companies were putting out.
As for the sourceports, I don't know enough about them to tell you what does what. I can only tell that I uses Chocolate Doom, Zdoom, and Gzdoom.
The fourth episode is a bonus episode, so they really did just throw in extra stuff they wanted to try out.
There is a whole bunch of guides in various community ran portals for beginners. And those skills are transferable to Duke or Shadow Warrior, provided the tools are the same but even then there is basic stuff experience will teach you that will carry over into anything else you map.
next time just ask for pordontae (also known as rottking).
Freedoom is pretty good. And you can easily run is on GZdoom.
I also feel obligated to say that sonic robo blast 2 runs on a heavily modified doom engine. But it sucks, don't play it.
i like the oldschool CTF for QuakeWorld… Threewave CTF. if you install ezQuake it comes with bots so you can get used to the engine.
What are some good, well-designed Japanese-made level packs that isn't JPCP? Or hell, any well-made Japanese mods in general?
I think a Boy and his Barrel is Japanese?