Losing control?
Who is your favorite character from any video game?
Losing control?
Who is your favorite character from any video game?
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Evenin' folks.
Might add some Southpaw Wrestling tonight…or not.
Oh you know who.
Got off work early tonight. No work tomorrow. Yay.
Idk Travis Touchdown can't think rn.
Techraptor-user around tonight by any chance? Got a quick question about something.
Bit hard to choose just one.
what's some good porn
i need to beat the meat
no 3dpd
How are you gonna celebrate muchacho?
Morning everyone
Bought some energy drinks after work and stayed up all night. Played some mgs3, was comfy.
Found where they have these fancy initial d things in tokyo. Have to do this for sure while there.
M-Maybe tomorrow I'll go to sleep early.e
I am addicted to sims like hell. Fully lost control and sleep to this shit. But not to the game itself, to downloading tons of mods and making shitty houses.
I find the romance of MGS3 to be cheesy. Eva is too much of a slut to me.
Lucky. Not even sure when I get my next day off. Hows life user?
Me too user. Might crash out the thread early so I can get 4 hours tonight.
Hows your day otherwise user?
Consensual sex in the missionary position by newly weds consummating their marriage with the lights of while holding hands and kissing on the lips.
What's good niggers
Sleep. And vidya maybe.
A guy who writes for Technoraptor.
I hate how there's barely anything of that.
tbh tbh tbh
I remember seeing him here in 4AM threads in the past, I just want to ask a question.
You done did good kid, you done did good.
i mean links or something not vague suggestions
i'd fuck this tbh
I haven't played the sims since 2 was out. Was fun fucking with the subjects in the houses I controlled though.
Well its mostly based off super cheesy spy movies so it fits.
What's keeping you up? I just don't sleep I'm broken. Day could have gone better I suppose, once again accomplished nothing. I'm back from the trip I mentioned a few threads ago and it was fucking wicked though, got a taste of the normalfag life. I got a bit drunk and had a blast although I stuck to myserlf most of the time and didn;t mingle with the group because I'm an autist and am out of touch with everyone.
Depriving yourself of some sleep is a good way to regulate. This might help.
Not much. Got a free dinner earlier, so I'm reasonably content.
Fine I guess. Probably gonna hang with some m8s on the weekend.
Yes but they sometimes had decent girls for the mc to bang. Like License to Kill.
Hello, I was an hour late to work so that happened
Also probably Senator Armstrong
robot spiders are not for lewding
Not much, just chillin', hbu?
At this point i believe i am insane for continuing fucking with it.
I can neither have fun nor quit trying out mods for this shit.
I know he's pretty decent but come on. I'm sure there are deeper characters out there.
Favorite vidya character is the Narrator from Bastion. That's all i can think of rn.
I got Vanquish for PC, and if the gameplay feels anything like the trailers look, it'll be fucking amazing.
Oooooh. Haven't seen him in a couple of weeks.
Its driving me a little crazy because I don't want to miss any items or weapons because I doubt I'll do NG+ shit
Glad you had fun. You want to do that sorta thing again any time soon?
And 4am mostly. After a certain point at night I just might as well stay up and shitpost some.
What you all gonna do?
Eva is pretty hot at least. That zip up suit is nice.
Did you get in trouble? Why were you late?
The regimen of champions.
She has STDs btw.
to be fair only a sick fuck would ever get off to something so lewd
You'd fuck an arachnid?
I've got the stuff for you, then.
The STD of communism
Whats the best mods you found?
ngl onii-fam how's it hangin?
I didn't get in too much trouble, just Co-workers hanging shit on me and having to finish at 5 rather than 4
And was late because my Phone is my Alarm but I accidentally left it in the car
I don't know how I could've been any more specific fam. Don't have any links though, wish I could help.
I've been trying to right up a description for something with a longass introduction while it's still fresh in my mind, and just wanted to ask in his opinion how long is TOO long to spend on such a thing. Not that I write for anywhere, but just if it seemed like it would lose people by this point.
Thanks friendo neat guide. I actually have red glasses that filter out the blue light on the monitor, but otherwise I'm doing everything else wrong. I've fixed my sleep countless of times but I awlays end up staying up past my bedtime and ruining my schedule.
Yeah I do, I really enjoyed the club and these 2 girls approached me and I spilled my spaghetti and they immediately walked away I shit you not.
You're dedication doesn't go unappreciated, remember that.
decent smokes, how're you?
Get drunk and play vidya. New arcade in town. Might visit that.
Are you in trouble?
yes they are
nice but this isn't enough
i wanna see somebody making gooey love to a spider vagoo
Anyone have any other videos like this? I don't even know what kind of genre this would fall under. Is 80s vaporsynthwaveism a thing? Fuck it, just post something good. This is like Valium to me.
Look up guides or something if you're really worried. Also play with the cigar equipped the whole game, like a real man.
I just said the first character that was good that came into my head
Probably I'll pick Ben Garrison from Far Cry 5 instead
you whore
sleep soon, played my fill of vidya for night and stayed up past reasonable time usual. Thought I'd stop by to say hi to you fags
not really, just meant I finished work later and had to work harder
I remember how smug shillary fags were before the election
This is why I use both my phone and my laptop. Though I've been oversleeping more and more each day and its getting kinda scary.
How long we talking?
Maybe you'll even get better at wooing the 3dpd with practice.
And a year and a half with only a couple of missed threads. My autism knows no bounds.
Nice. Know if the arcade has mostly newer stuff or some old goodies?
What are you gay?
You still have an arcade where you live?
Reminds me
I wonder if it used to be bigger.
Nah, I'm just a regular at that place and there's a worker policy there that each person working the register can give out one free meal a day to whomever they want to.
I just downloading fucking everything in specific themes.First tried all japanese themes and made japanese houses, bored me to death building them. Next tried grunge theme, it wasn't satisfying enough too. Now collection maxis match shit that fits game's artstyle, and i don't believe i'l be happy either.
Just slowly killing my sanity for half a month already.
The trick is to force yourself to wake up even if you stay up, you'll be sleep deprived enough to go to sleep at the DESIGNATED bed time of your choosing that way.
Snake; poor guys were dealt shit hands in life, and just wanted to do good/ be known for something other than being a clone.
I have Linux so no special alarm laptops for me
Here's something similiar. I guess I'm asking for chill synthesizer music?
I'm alright, same old same old. How's life treating you across the pond?
Wheres the anime theme. Wheres the waifus
Which is your favorite though?
Theres not a single program you can download for that?
But user, that would ruin your future-self's day. Wouldn't want that, would we? Also hi.
probably is but downloading shit confuses me on Linux
Not anymore, a lot of people got pissed though when it was revealed this was just a cult and not ebil Christians.
Multiple paragraphs. First explains backstory for the game's universe, the second has changes as it's a chronology. Having to spend the next five (albeit somewhat short) paragraphs setting up the actual plot premise, because aside from like a quick 10 minute tutorial, the game's introduction is like 45 minutes of straight up cutscene before it lets you do what you want. And I'm not even covering its prequel in the same space, aside from a mention about the game time skipping around it.
Mostly old stuff I think.
Brutal, but I'm sure your boss' will appreciate the added effort to make up for lost time, unless they're cunts.
Do you have any friends Ritsu? How did you get into your situation so I can avoid becoming you?
getting there tbh
The game by itself is cartoonish as fuck. Anime styled mods look awful, because they don't blend with the rest of the game.
Was just a suggestion since Mr. Bigshot Normalfag like you doesn't have time to dillydally with work and all :^)
It's like you're not even trying.
How do you even use it then
Wheres the gameplay
Shiiiiiiiet should be fun. Let us know if they have anything cool
I've got online friends and a best bud.
I hate this timeline.
Well it doesn't really matter when I work as long as all my prep is done by lunch time
But who had the hardest life?
I'm reaching wizardhood soon enough, I never renounced 3dpd to be quite honest, I've always yearned for the scent of a woman maybe someday I'll get out of my hole and accomplish my life goals. I will never truly be a normalfag, I'll forever be NEET at heart.
God bless. 4am wouldn't be the same without you famalam.
I've done that I set an alarm at 12pm after falling asleep around 7 am but wew it's hard to get up. I have to try my best.
They're a good investment, this is what helps produce melatonin and get you to sleep but I'm just broken, but I do start to feel tired when wearing them. I'm not sure if orange or red are better, but both filter out the blue light. ALso get redshift, supposedly Flux is botnet.
Was playing SimCity Societies all yesterday trying to build my perfect utopia but the fucking proles of course make it difficult.
I use it as a shitpost machine
I'm going to have another computer that's a kinda gaming one and not even connect it to the internet
Groovy, good to hear.
No I mean real friends.
How's it? I heard its total trash when compared to SimCity 4.
I'm really fucking tempted to look for a k-on mod and have babies with Ritsu now tbh
I do use the cigar after I get caught and have to kill a guy at least.
If some 3dpd approached you then all isn't lost yet. Keep trying user, maybe you'll at least fool one long enough to get laid once.
I'd disconnect my desktop from the internet if it weren't such a hassle to move shit over to it.
I'd never meet other autists with the same interests irl though.
Still playing Harmony of Dissonance. Must be nearly done because I got the high jump. Still need something to watch. Going to just cruise Youtube and see what I find.
Fuck that's sick but would cost so much I think
thanks smokes
Seems like people hate being married more than anything.
Well at least you can be proud of the fact that you were able to squeeze it in on a time crunch.
I wish it was the 40s and 50s again.
it's too late
i have all i need
the meat will now be beaten
To own? Yeah 10s of thousands for sure. The whole thing moves around. Only costs 5$ to get in to the building and 6$ per play though. Or 40$ if I want to stay the whole day doing other VR games and shit.
Having something nearby to do as soon as you wake up helps, I'm guessing you don't smoke so I won't suggest a cigarette, but having some water to drink helps a tad.
Why not just turn off your monitor?
Why would I want to watch untranslated nip girls?
You in the chicagoland area or anywhere near florida? I need a third man for a fishing trip. Dead serious if you happen to be on the way there.
They are fun and kawaii and its neat picking up nip words and phrases the more you watch them.
I'm planning to cover that in some other paragraphs. But honestly, that's kind of what I thought when I was first starting G.U.
Part of the issue was them covering overlapping events from Roots in there (for people that couldn't be arsed to watch it, but I need to double check if the episodes pertaining to it had even aired by that time), and I'll admit some of those ingame renditions of stuff like Haseo's fight with Azure Kite in the cathedral were really well done (much more intimidating in the game compared to the animu), but it was still a LOT of cutscene.
It's not like SimCity as you know. It's les about city management and more about playing with different cultural and political schemes. The graphics and sound change if you're more authoritiarian, more productive, more spiritual, more sciency, etc. All you really have to do is make sure you aren't going broke and that your citizens are kept from open revolt. There are conditioning centers to aid with this if you don't trust them to have their own emotions.
The only untranslated nip girls I watch are ones getting dicked.
It's something I guess. Not the same as having the thrill of cancer slowly erode your health into nothingness forcing you to actively hunt for things to eat.
you cannot stop me
Well why didn't you just say so?
I fucking will
You're welcome friend-o
Nah I'm up in TN. Plus work and all that.
What you writing it all up for anyway?
Theres so many fucking animals in this to eat though. I don't remember it being like that back in the day.
why do you not want me to lewd the spiders
spiders lewd each other
it is natural
Whats got your funy bone going user?
I don't care what they're saying. I don't want to hear about their childhood dreams or their dog Mr. Pickles or their favourite band.
EO4. Just killed the 3rd boss. I think i prepared too much, cause he was too easy.
I don't know. With IMOQ I kind of wanted to see what doing an indepth write up for a game/subseries was like, and figured I might as well continue with one for G.U.
no I'm wolfspider
you're not a spider
Well, chicago to Florida has Tennessee somewhere along the way. Could have sworn you were a neet, somebody actually hired you?
I don't, no computers, shit mpg in cars, the best movies/music/shows haven't been made yet, no widespread air conditioning, shit tv's, no vidja, etc. etc.
Those decades with our tech I mean.
It's the forest fam, what did you expect?
I know
But the plot is the best part of porn
I hate when that happens. Nothing better than crippling yourself pre boss
Could be fun. Make sure you post some when your autism is done.
I've had a job for like 3 months famalam. I'm saving for a trip to tokyo.
I have a forest in my backyard. They aren't snakes and rats and other shit every 5 feet.
Man, i wish i didnt move away from the forest. It was so quiet in the mornings.
it's only $6 a play
That's pretty good
And it would have to be $80K+ Easy as the 86 and the FD are probably 60k as they're cult classics
I maybe kinda spent about 10 hours too long grinding and doing side quests. Tbf i had my ass handed to me by the 2nd boss so i kinda needed to prepare alot.
I try to get it done by 10am anyways at the absolute latest, did anyways but rushed and forgot somethings at least they noticed before service or else I'd have this one chef in particular yell on why don't I have X
The plot is "this tiny asian girl is taking a freakishly big dick" though
I guaran-fucking-tee it's going to be TL;DR tier as far as posting on an imageboard goes.
I won't say that it gives me a respect for reviewers (fuck most of them), but I do get now how much of a time investment such a thing is.
Shame that urs is so small
86s and rx7s aren't all that expensive stateside. I can't imagine they are that much more expensive in nipland. I mean those are some really clean looking ones but I doubt they even have engines. Probably just bought some nice shells and repainted them.
I wish I had a good game to grind in. I need to buy some ps3 games or something.
I don't, greasers, rockabilly swagfags, everyone has to be clean shaven and have the same haircut, everyone being anal about "muh redscare", no interstate, shit wages for entry level work unless you work in a factory which is just soulless work, malt shop bullies stealing my milkshake and rustling my jimmies, etc. etc.
You live in the tamed and populated forest of appalachia, not bumfuck nowhere russia where no one lives and all the animals and trees and shit are still all over the place.
Greasers aren't that bad.
Most of them don't really even play the games though.
I've been pretty deep into the national park though where no one lives. Same thing.
To each his own, forests aren't my thing. Where you live now fam? Suburbs or the big city?
They're called actors, not characters.
Makes it easier to get up in there. They can't tell you to stop if they don't know you started.
You work at a restaurant? What job? Is the food good?
You have a 3ds? There are some amazing grindan games on it. Ps4 has disgaea 5, vita has disgaea 1-4.
Combo of both. On the outskirts of the city in an apartment. In the desert no less.
But actors play characters on screen. Check m8
I've got a 3ds but I'm too cheap and lazy to set it up to pirate shit on it.
It's only been a little over 2 months Ritsu
They were like fucking niggers tbh. Most won't bother you but they're annoying as shit.
I'm not jacking it to the characters, though. Jacking it to the actresses.
How would you know?
Which is why they aren't that bad.
Yeah, I'm an apprentice and very good
I've feed people who are semi famous in the past
Nice, very nice.
Probably true. I don't see how G.U. got such middling reviews, aside from the release format preventing various volumes from having a proper beginning, ending, or both. Granted, it's not like the games were perfect by any means, but I found them good. Just not "$150+ good".
Thats fine, 3ds games are cheap now. For dungeon crawlers you have EO4, EOU1, persona q, EO 2-3 on ds, and a plethora of other dungeon crawlers i havent played yet. Seriously, just load up a podcast and relax, theyre the comfiest games.
How do you know this?
Then why does it matter if they have, in your words "freakishly big dick"s?
Every time.
Man, i dont want to live in tumble weeds and sand, i want to be surrounded by wood and streams.
Wait why are they so expensive?
Can't spend any money because nippon.
Speaking of deserts, I found a big Curve-Billed Thresher in my backyard today. Was pretty neat.
And shitty kid mc probably.
Every time you jack it to 3DPD you are encouraging evil in the world and making worse the suffering it brings. That girl needs help. She needs to get her life together. And there you are on the other side of the world in your dark room treating her like toilet paper. How can you live with yourself?
Right. You could emulate EO 1-3. Its not the same without the bottom screen though.
Neither will most niggers, unless you walk into niggerville or walk around at night with niggers around. Same back then.
Then they shank you with their switchblade haircombs.
Because I started work 3 and a bit months ago and was having arguments about Ritsu not wanting to work a couple weeks after I started work
Righteous, hopefully you won't be just an apprentice for much longer and get to bully apprentices just like the head chef can.
You like bird watching?
I need to check these jackpot digets.
This is hilariously accurate.
Because I get distracted easily by stupid shit and if a girl's acting like a micropenis is huge then I get angry.
She needs to stop squealing like a pig and take the d
checked tbh
No one else does, apparently. Different strokes for different blokes. With any luck you can find better work at a more suitable place, fambalam.
I have another 3 years user
But I'm hoping by the end I have enough cash to start up my own resteraunt
Don't the emulators let you have two screens?
dont play dis game montana
At least you're not in a city
remind yourself that everyday
It's something like this: With IMOQ, Infection sold well, while Mutation and Outbreak didn't sell as well, as people wisened up to the format being a fucking scam. From what I've heard, Quarantine was a Walmart exclusive out here, and didn't get many copies shipped anyhow. As for G.U., while none of them are nearly as stupidly pricy as Quarantine, they each average like $50-60, and aren't too available to actually find. I saw a copy of Quarantine while in my Dad's town for a whopping $90. More reason I'm glad mine only cost me $10.
Basically, each subseries is expensive as fuck (here in NA for both anyhow, and in PAL for the first series; I wager in Japan they're quite a bit cheaper) on average, and are the sort of games scalpers LOVE to hock at high prices.
In a way, I suppose. Speaking with a friend's family (we all live off the same east-west road; they swear by the notion that this strip of land is some sort of birding trail, as we get a lot of birdlife here that isn't seen too much just shortly north or south of here.
Been hearing Gila woodpeckers quite a bit in outside lately too.
On 2 monitors? I dont know. But they do emulate both screens on top of eachother.
Im gonna try to move to either the south or north asap. Somewhere like montana or new hamshire.
It drives me insane. Years ago I saw a video with a really cute girl but I couldn't enjoy it because they put so much focus on the dude's micropenis. Like, you're not trying to look at the dick but it's so tiny that it's distracting. It's like a man with a horribly burnt face, I guess. You're not trying to stare but you can't stop.
What will you specialize in?
Was it like genuine micropenis or just smaller than average?
Ah, the Texas of the North. Golden taste, patrician.
probably will run a takeaway shop
Idaho is the Texas of the North
Montana is the Kentucky of the North
If it wasn't a genuine one it was really close. And he's with this gorgeous blonde girl. Would've loved to have that video in higher quality, just for the parts where you can't see his baby dick. She was a real qt.
Nice, I wish you the best of luck user.
Night anons.
RIP Duke
>Completely deleted it from DA and his site stopped being hosted.
I will never not be disappointed by what happened there.
I honestly got a different vibe when I visited as a kid, cowboy hats and attitudes were very similar. Plus it's fucking huge.
Well it's about that time for me to go, see you guys around. Everybody take care.
Fenix from StarCraft 1
Coolest character in all of fiction ever