Burning, looting, and murdering all of Milwaukee to get back at the white man seems like a right retribution for an African American cop shooting another African American after he pulled a gun on him.
Burning, looting...
Other urls found in this thread:
Disgusting fucking animals.
I can't believe it's a new thread
high school drama club was for the winners
what I enjoyed most was no over glorification and such, it was just real with strengths and weaknesses in the characters.
Only if I can literally set you -and- the spider on fire.
I dropped out before the drama festival, but it was fun while I stuck around.
Yeah, I love that tip of biopic where it's not deification or reverence. Just a dramatic telling of events.
But isn't that Miami Hotline
Aint nobody got time for that when they are begininning a fledgling drinking problem
I remember when I went to check out the anime club in HS and it was so autistic I almost ran out before getting two slices of pizza (since it was free)
It was so bad
These fucking entry level faggots don't know shit
Dont harm the spider
It did nothing wrong ;~;
Russians, Whiteys, Dark Bois, it is all the same really.
was the pizza at least good
Oh, okay.
I can imagine it was, did you do a play though? I wish I went even further though, if there's a club in college i'd go.
exactly, and it didn't focus on literally everything like vietnam and such.
just one subject to stay on track.
That gorilla did nothing wrong, Homura did nothing wrong, and Bern did nothing wong!
I think I was still salty over them thinking Fairy Tail was the best anime ever
Even ruined the pizza for me
fuck off with your racism you asshole. if any cop shoots a black man it is the fault of all white people as a collective group and any rioting or looting that follows is absolutely justified, and in fact should be encouraged. and while you're at it, you should pay at least half your earnings as reparations to various charities that support black lives matter.
We had no clubs in HS.
What the shit
Lexi please.
Is that a mainstream normie anime?
Personal accountability is dead.
shoulda created one and be prez
I am the well fed glorious tokai, do not mistake me
I built a solar powered boat in highschool
I also think I was a part of some club where the best of the best competed nation wide and I did the science contest, don't remember how that turned out
First of all, how dare you...
I just had more fun doing constructive things with my time than partying.
See. I'm fine with spiders.
As long as they stay the fuck away from me, or are travelling in a direction that is decidedly not towards me.
One or two.
Nothing with an audience, but I did do some stuff.
I was usually offstage in the light booth though.
I'm not one for leading.
Tell me more tho, I'm curious!
Jesus christ, is this amateur hour?
Where is my senpai
I built a solar powered fan in high school
Get fucked, freeman
It never amazes me how "bigoted" it is to speak in broad strokes about anything but fuck whites, men, heterosexuals, and Christians. Because they're all collective groups with no independence but everyone else are statistical outliers of their groups and how dare you be a "bigot" and ever speak of them as a group, despite them always referring to whatever majority as one.
But what if one bumps into you by accident?
Dont kill it
Why did they take him Squash?
Why would anyone do that? :(
what'd ya play?
like tech stuff?
mine was mostly practicing moves, so improv but also how to show certain emotions and move like them etc. actually most was improv cause our play had to be like that.
bottoms up
I built a solar powered vibrator in high school. :^)
Jk, I was too busy doing cool things like Archery.
Spider lives don't matter.
I don't remember anymore, lol.
Yeah, I was one of the techies.
Should've slapped each one of those normies.
Oh, toneel shit.
There were no after-school activities in HS here, or was it a non-school club stuff thing
That sounds hella gay
Do I have to find old pics of this shit?
I won an award for my solar array design
I'm about to break down
And Cry
has been for a long time. probably shot by a cop.
while not doing anything.
yup. fuck you if you are any of those things, particularly white or heterosexual, because as we know these are things completely in your control and you should be punished and shamed at all times for these crimes. not only that, but your voice should not ever be heard, because it is your fault personally and the fault of every cracker like you that certain groups were oppressed at any given time. and if you try and point out that while that is true, white people are also the reason much of that bullshit is over and done with entirely, that is also racist and you should probably just kill yourself right now.
everyone knows you can't be a bigot unless you are white. only white people can be racist, and not only that, every last one of them is. whether they mean to be or not. since that's how racism works.
*Beep beep*
Holy shit Soto calm down, that's too oddly specific of a thing to say
Don't do this unless you want your car set on fire.
I'm ready for the impending race war.
wanna do plays together?
we players always called those the smart guys, well. they demanded that if we wanted help.
but it was like a funny thing.
nah nah it was school, there was also the debate club, but they were too awkward for me.
bottom of the glass up so you drink it all dummy
Getting shit done
Thank christ my case worker is so nice she managed to get me out today.
Fuck McCree
Shit that would've been neat.
I would've probably joined the computer club or something nerdish.
enjoy it while it lasts, cracker.
at this point I don't think that's even a joke anymore. it's going to happen. the real question is which one will it be first?; mudslimes versus everyone or blacks versus whites?
Daddy long legs aren't even bad.
You guys lack any kind of balls when it comes to things.
Did you doubt I was not?
I've mostly shifted out of that, unfortunately.
I didn't make demands like that.
People just called me smart anyway.
They fucking float so menacingly though
Nerd is a term of endearment with me
I wouldn't mind either be eradicated.
But sadly, Trump has ruined his own chances of winning the election.
I don't enjoy it.
It's ignorance when people shout white oppression and think that movements like BLM are legitimate.
The movement has been known to actively push parties out that show fellowship in all races and just use it as a way to be ignorant black asshats.
Daddy long legs don't float.
What are you on about?
Is Shirobako worth watching if all I know about it is that Yano looks like Rin and I kind of find her cute?
Reaching close to the 200K mark for this folder
They fucking do, you fucking liar. Spreading propaganda like it was gravy.
Crane Flies are also called Daddy Long-legs.
That would've worked were it not for the quality of school computers.
we can train again!
earning it is better than demanding it indeed smarty
When americans say Daddy Long-Legs we usually mean Carpenter Spiders.
yeah I've noticed. apparently hilldog might be suffering from some pretty intense issues though, something to do with a possible blood clot in her brain or something because of a fall she took back in 2012. she's been having little seizures and stuff in high stress situations. if and when she becomes president I don't see it lasting very long one way or another. either this medical thing will get her, some NRA member will shoot her for trying to trash the second amendment, or she'll just get impeached for trying to push too many SJW laws through with executive order.
you're preaching to the choir here, squash. it's retarded as fuck.
hello to you too.
They were better than what we had at home at the time. Probably.
Bastardizing my glorious language.
I know ;3
I'm going to lick the frosting off you
And leave the rest of the cupcake sitting in the wrapper and not finish it.
hi Kyle
that's a pretty horrible thing to do. someone else will come along and be pretty upset most likely.
Btw, harvestmen are also known as Daddy Long-Legs.
I meant my interests aren't really there anymore.
But I'll visit and watch every one you're in.
What the fuck is that...
See this on the floor. What do?
put it in the trash
A bastard is somone born out of wedlock or extra marital affairs.
Noting. It is a 2d picture
Daddylonglegs are kawaii
Hi, user.
I don't think we call them that here.
In the mid west we call Opiliones daddy long legs.
See above.
yeah I guess you probably would be proud of yourself for that.
but I had windows 7 at home and they had xp
owh okai
I'd love that ^ ^
im eh away from tomorrow to friday btw.
not sure how the internet will be but I can just text.
call 112
Wait, do you call crane flies daddy long legs?
We call those mosquito hawks.
you ever pull off their legs? They still wiggle and stuff :p
wow rude
Core 2 Duos at 3.2GHz with 2GB RAM tho.
but yes. when I was way younger.
Can anyone get ahold off waving user?
Please treat insects with respect.
I am going to hurl, you fuckers.
what the fuck you twat
triggered as fuck
You say that like schadenfreude is a bad thing
I was a disturbed child.
Like seriously, what are daddy long legs to you?
>you'll never be the token loli in your raid party
Winter 2017 is too far away for life
The wrong blanket though.
Soy sauce and sugar aren't half bad on rice together.
First result
Horrible beasty little mosquito-y type things that cant bite and FUCKING float like the insect version of zombies. Fuckign zeekbug keep away. DISGUSTING
I'm quite a fan of it, actually.
I think every kid ends up doing some mean stuff to animals, at least a little. not just the future serial killers.
the blanket term for them is arachnid you uneducated mongrel.
What are you doing right this very exact moment?
Yeah, but at this point, there's no way she'll lose the election.
this is art
What's happeneing in Milwaukee or something now
agreed. but I always knew she was vastly more likely to win. the need to check the "first women president" box in our history checklist is too strong for the fence sitters.
that's really bad
Mein Schwarzer ♥
Contemplating my life as I attempt to ascend into a plane of metaphysical existence and enlightenment through pain and understanding of the common man's strife as he lists through this world of hellish torment and agony.
Also eating cold rice.
I'm aware.
If memory serves, my brother and half my cousins are bastards.
All I know is that all three are called Daddy Long-Legs, and that if Soto locks me in a car with any of them, that car is being set on fire and I don't care if I get burned.
I'll keep that in mind and hit you up if I get lonely.
And also respond instead of just messaging you on Skype in response, lol.
I was so happy when they got to meet him
It was amazing
I had feels
You're afraid of crane flies?
Holy shit, Scoots. No wonder the British are puss pusses.
Is the next one going to be "first gay president" or "first agender president" or "first Apache Attack Helicopter president"?
Chimpout earlier, not sure if it's still going on
Sounds fun, I could use some lunch soon.
How close are you to your transcendence?
I, also, am a bastard.
One massive nigger moment.
My lord you people are scardy cats.
We had a Pentium 4 with 1 ram back then tho This was before 2008. somewhere in between 2004 and 2008 prolly.
It's an EU mandate that they be pussies.
I was whooping at my monitor, dorito also was happy.
I made dorito a H3 fan
converted him
He went from "who is this dumb fuck" to "Yo dude is there a new Ethan and hila up?"
Take me with you.
Oh man, Cuppers. I nostalgia hard last night. I saw a youtube video of a toy version of Ash's original Pokedex, and the memories....
at the rate this political correctness is getting out of hand I'd say it's more likely we'll just skip right to first trans black MtF pansexual wolfkin president.
A shame.
We will go to Harambe together.
Dude. They are horrible. Like moths. Creepy little shits. Coming around and just floating. At you. Menacing. Ew
Like the insect version of Sci.
I will get my dick out posthaste
Wanna make a bastard?
I was just playing up my reaction to the crane fly.
But I do have a strong aversion to arachnids, as people found out yesterday.
I'd hesitate to call it a phobia anymore, but it was when I was younger.
my brother had one of those. dope as fuck.
FUCK craneflies
Lets be honest, 2/3 posters here are thinking of cupcakes dick.
Isn't sci largely regarded as an insect anyway?
I really hate anytime I see a MtF talking about how they know how hard it is being a woman.
It's just borders on straight up, actual misogyny.
this isn't the pony thread. the number has to be at least a little lower than that.
That is hella lewd
Its HILA Lewd
I use to take pictures of the moths at work.
This one is about as wide as my hand.
So who are you?
I personally like all bugs save for grubs.
Do you know how hard it is to be a woman?
Is that a... no?
please do, watcha gonna do this week?
heheh, and maybe after we can do some stuff.
I forget there's a huge tech difference between pre 2010 and post 2010
Arachnids aren't insects.
Fuck, physically shuddered there. Nasty.
on this I agree with you entirely. it's so fucking annoying watching someone who's been a woman for like, a year or whatever act like they've been through all the bullshit women really do have to go through, as much as they over-dramatize it. not to mention it's almost always some ugly mother fucker who's like "I'm so sick of getting street harassed and almostraped it's so hard being a woman QQ" and you're just thinking there isn't a chance in hell anyone is desperate enough to harass their disgusting mistake of a body.
I didnt' say insects.
Make a character.
I'm thinking a Tiefling Dervish.
Am I soto?
~ ~ ~
I love going into town and looking at girls.
I'm thinking I shoudl go now
I feel old.
oh cool.
..what's that?
Do that many people walk their dogs?
don't make the youngest regular poster of this board make you feel old.
When do you start your new job thing?
I'm not sure.
I don't really notice the people.
Speaking of which, I was watching a stream of the riot in Milwaukee last night being filmed on a Tranny's phone. She very ugly.
Arachnids aren't bugs either.
... Yes then...?
Tiefling is a human who at some point in their ancestry has a fiend, and the fiendish blood just pronounces itself a little more in them.
A Dervish, well..
think of someone dancing around with scimitars and you aren't far off.
Yeah, pretty much that is the part of it all that just annoys the hell of me.
I remember some guy that was like 40 something and just now transitioning and him on a high horse about how hard it was being a mother of three and supporting his kids as their "mother" when he was still married to their biological mother who was the one actually raising the kids. Then going on and on about how hard it is being a working "mother".
It was some opinion piece on a news site.
Eh, gamu time, probably.
Squash. That was the joke.
Oh shit are there pets being given?
I guess technically they fit under land invertebrate, but they aren't true bugs.
I usually can't see arachnids generally as bugs, personally, because there's too many that just don't fit.
I'm not using it as a literal term.
Bug is commonly used to refer to all creepy crawlies.
I know how to play this game.
ohhh that's cool, like a fancy swordsman with moves.
Fits you.
good luck!
I know.
That's why I played into it.
John Tron is so cute.
He looks perpetually 16.
I was thinking specifically of a similar thing. some british tv show where milo yiannopoulos was debating some feminists and this 50ish trans woman spoke up about how she is constantly getting harassed and how hard it is to be a woman and milo just told her that if it's such a problem being a woman then why the hell did they switch teams in the first place.
Vape Nayshe y'all
I'd franku before Jtron like fam
the riots are the really ugly thing though.
frank is legit ripped qt and obviously a genius
would make a wonderful bf
That's what that second one loosely implies, but see
I'm probably gonna 4 levels of rogue, and 2 of fighter as a gate into Dervish.
I'll lose an attack bonus, but it'll give a slight boost to my damage since sneak attack dice, and survivability since uncanny dodge, and evasion.
I promise not to masturbate for a week if there's no terror attack in france when I'm there, here me lord?
so more like assassin stuff.
that's all cool until you get caught.
It was hard enough watching her stream while she rambled on about "how police are shooting first and asking questions second." At what point does justified self defense kick in for an officer?
I'm gonna steal this image, k?
Not quite.
I can't do assassiny stuff while dancing, and my usual go to in combat would probably be to do attacky things.
TBH only reason to franku is that theyre a cuter loco tbh
East is safe we hate those fucks
this bullshit with the police is getting out of hand. I'm just so sick of sjws.
I need to stop talking about this stuff, it's getting me in a dark mood. I spend enough time listening to the news about this stuff while I'm at work anyway.
oh wow i'm really wet you guys
France is a horrible place to travel to/through.
Niggers be rude, smelly and French.
safe for now. but for how long?
You're just being a bigot.
Someone that's spent a year as a "girl" obviously knows the innate struggles of women.
I just wanna see napoleon's grave
I live there and nothing happend.
It's just the Great Powers that get shit, and Belgium but that's cause they host the EU.
ohh ok, would it help if a heavier kind is close to you?
yeah. probably.
Forever. The hate is strong. We'd sooner die
Its a shame if you think about it, they sure deserve to burn
You're right, I'm sorry. Lets change the subject.
I was in France way before the mudslime invasion and terrorist attacks. It was a terrible place before then, Cuppers. Those gypsies will just do ANYTHING for a quick Euro.
I hope for your sake that you're right.
yeah basically everywhere is the worst all the time. I hate this world.
Francis of the Filth is obviously a millionaire after the Harlem Shake.
The EU is falling anyway, the sooner the better.
but after that's happend we gotta make moves.
Hero of Europe
It's just one of those things that just baffles me beyond all belief. Just from the things I've mentioned to you about the group I sometimes associate with, I've seen MtF's (passably so) still try to lecture actual women on what it "means to be a woman".
this scotch makes me do the alcohol shudder thing way too much.
Rum stays superior
If loco mad emusic like francis of the filth... I am not sure what I would do.
Nationalism is actually on the decline in Europe after Brexit
But okay Retard
Well, a decently built dervish should be suitable for both tanking and melee dps.
But we'll probably have some heavier people around that I can duck behind if I need to.
And we'll probably have at least one Cleric.
I wouldn't be surprised if we have, like, three.
Since people be knowin' there'll be a lot of UD around, 'cause of the setting.
(UD meaning undead.)
Rum is a godly drink
But scotch is always better
you need to develop a tongue for it
like a real drinker
you arent a real drinker if you cant enjoy scotch
Have fun sorting that one out.
Not London, though. I had a great time walking around there. The people mostly keep to themselves, the tourist traps aren't as annoying, most of the people working are happy. I wouldn't mind having an apartment there at all.
Neapolitan is gross
nothing is fun.
yeah the brits are great for the most part.
Because I always say UD, and the very next thing is always "What's UD mean?"
So I'm cutting that step off.
Never had scotch before, only had rum and vodka
The shitty ice cream or the superior form of pizza?
I would say if you wanna scotch that you ought to drink more bastardised whiskeys. Bourbons and sour mashs to get a general feel before hand.
no taste ambush
Loli is gross, you fucking pedophiles.
Goood, do you even like discuss team composition stuff? that works really good I'd imagine
I'll practice more snepai
Shitty ice cream
this is distressing
Practice makes perfect. Practice makes perfect sense.
There's, like, nothing to eat though. I lost so much weight back then from all the walking combined with not eating much at some of the restaurants we went to. I need my chemically processed American slop!
blue maido
pink maido
oh well. it was good for a few episodes at least.
Beatrice is cool tho
I need to get past eps 1a and 1b
elsa is bae
loli is for cute.
*felt is bae
Literally kill yourself
Not normally.
At the very least, I'm only going to tell them I'm going after dervish this time, I'm not going to tell them I'm a Tiefling.
Because last time I told them I'm going to play a necromancer, and we got a Cleric built for anti-UD.
usa usa usa usa USA
What a terrible meme.
re: zero
Kill yourself, Test.
they're already so annoying holy shit
that's licky. I think.
If only I had the guts
Who is Licky?
it's how I learned to drink gin and wine, so I'll master this as well.
heheh better to plan for yourself then.
I don't really know them. I just think that's who that is. test seems to have figured out how to keep his name on these days anyway.
I just call whatever random Test in times like these to make him stop lurking like always.
I hope Al-Assad and Saif Qaddafi get their shit together and win, that'd clean up a lot of refugees.
You have my blessing youngling
if this doesn't end up being the canon pairing I'm going to be very upset.
ah. carry on.
something on your mind there, slut?
forgot image
Refugees are all terrorist scum
I just want to nuke the entire middle east and even the holy land to be tbh.
Puck is a dude.
How would they fuck, though?
Make mecca the main mark for mass murder?
Been wanting to do that for as long as I can remember.
first of all, why would you think I didn't know that.
second of all, do you even know me?
all the better
You sick fuck
Al clean up the square Sisi had the right idea.
instead you have to half invade everything.
finish what you started ffs
Just glass the whole damn region.
Fuck it.
Nuke Turkey too.
Don't be gay.
is this out of context
changed my mind.
I can appreciate delicious cross-breed yaoi without being gay.
Papa bless.
Isnt it a wonderful drink
Drinking whiskey makes me miss being a drunken mess harassing loco for.....things
it's just alcohol, I'd have no trouble with what you mean.
Tsar Bomba, or want something larger? Wouldn't want radiation risk getting anywhere people care about.
God, I havent been to the Yaoi board in so long.
sabrina says good kitties only let mommy have pictures
i want to be good kitten
Rem is a shit ! Rem is a cuck !
Rem will get off to watching them fuck !
Why even have you on steam anymore.
cupcake make a puck folder for me
idk grim
if I make one it'll be for me. but I will share if I do.
I'd rather make a felt folder though.
Rem is my spirit animal.
Pmuch what I'm doing.
Felt is also pretty great.
I support both of those
I'd be surprised if you could make either with the amount of screen time they've had.
hey mordin shut up don't dash my dreams
Ram > Rem
you are far less annoying.
felt a best.
I wouldn't make one until I finish watching anyway because I'd also find artwork and don't want to see spoilers by accident.
oh I think I know that lol
haha take that tatar scum
fun fun
I'm just wondering when to sleep and what to do before it.
This, tbh.
I fully agree Ram is the better sister.
I didn't really find her annoying.
After that.
I mean, what?
and you'd be surprised how much I can get out of a short amount of time. when I used to cap episodes of pony I would get like 150 caps in about 5 minutes of episode.
I am trying to decide whom to make my victim. decisions decisions
I suspect we will differ in opinion on this, but perhaps the maidos will grow on me. they are cute at least.
Sadly all the fanart right now is of Rem
they get better as it goes on
bummer. I know some artists though. might be able to get some stuff.
although probably wouldn't post it. for reasons.
Tbh, I don't like Rem that much.
She's just my spirit animal.
'cause she's a depression child too.
Its all rem because anime fans are cucked fat neckbeards and they want that happy ending and want that perfect waifu because they are delusional mommy boys with tiny peens.
Fucking grow up
I'll do you as long as you want.
I guess that just kinda goes random in the thought bubble.
liz lemon is my spirit animal.
I'll draw some puck stuff eventually.
Its Monday.
Its naturally a lacklustre line up.
Figures My days off are Monday/Tuesday.
Kill me now.
das my tc pic
i miss TCs
Quit bringing more of your ilk here, Cuppers.
They seem to be more interesting than you
Really though, it's midnight and a half there innit?
Is this where I nod and pretend to know who that is/
But tsuchi
we need more gay posters
Emilia is a bitch! Emilia is a whore!
Emilia will continue to be a bore!
you can't blame me for every single one of them. especially not here. none of them even know I'm around except for gn who found out somehow.
I know you haven't seen 30 rock. you don't need to humor me.
I'll 30 rock you.
rip hang in there.
I'll feel your pains.
I still have the energy required!
b-but yeah it is..
you should work at getting on a more school friendly sleep schedule.
Before you have to do it because it's time for school.
Can you really call days off neet days?
Anyway, I should go lgiht on my drinking. The Bank Holiday weekend is going to be savage.
gamenerd. ace attorney gifs.
30 rock me amadeus.
Oh GN is here?
Damn son.
..I knoww..
how about neet like day, you feel like it and act like it but it's not there.
lol, slow down then
Don't make it harder on yourself then you have to, right?
cant go slow
only fast
might need to make more than just a felt folder.
i just realized a screwdriver means a tool that is literally driving a screw in
but when you pull it out wouldnt it be a screwreverser
Boo ben smoking the weed agen
you can drive something out fimidyfamalamaboo
I want a beatrice folder too
..no I suppose..
but I can still whine about it
get that punk theme
that is a neru tier comment. go sit in the corner
Is No Game No Life gud
I promised to fix all the pic sizes so here we go
I suppose you can.
No it would be a screwundriver
ug I need to go prune the shit pics from my rin folder
Sahnik meem is vintage
I believe you :3
It is so slow though
It has even better doujins
I'll message you more in daytime when I have the schedule.
instead of waking in the afternoon
I even watched sonic x on dvd
that was great
Sounds good.
You should, I wouldn't lie
Maybe later brah
I'm just pulling barely 500KiB/s while I should be able to get like 18MiB/s!
You have been posting a lot.
You went back to sleep and I was lonely
It's downloading
I know the feeling, I get like 300kbs here.. It took me over a half hour to download a 2hu game that's not even half a gig
I will stop
It doesn't look that slow to me, 50kb/s per episode is not bad
It's like being thrown back a decade.
I was meditating, trying to reach you via astral projection, or something.
Ikt you suck at being a weeb
..but I like staying up just to be a bit longer chatting with you
some commercial was being nostalgic over dvd's, like wtf. it's wrong to make me feel old, that's not allowed.
BBQ or Teryaki chicken tonight?
bbq or nothing
BBQ is always good but teryaki is also good. so both.
i ahm an antichrist
You're really sweet.
I enjoy it, but I don't want to be the reason for you to stay up too late during school.
Who is that qt btw?
It's Ban irl.
*pets the cup*
Every qt is ban irl, though.
crusade when
t-thank you
I'll try to mix responsible sleeping with sticking along. I heard college hour can be random anyway.
They can be, yeah.
When I was in college I only had morning courses.
One of my friends was there damn near until the end of the day on Thursdays.
well you know as they say lads
lefty loosey righty tighty
why even live
left handed women are sluts, got it.
im a qt anime grill irl and my life is in high school
New thread btw\\