pocket tank
Pocket tank
Other urls found in this thread:
huh. weird.
that's one example yes. also many many many examples one could think of involving consenting adults and a bedroom.
draw anythign cute recently?
I guess working as the second hand man to a bedroom painting contractor might be alright.
nothing finished
it's better than alright, it's nearly euphoric. that and re-varnishing faded furniture.
doing other things fun that distract you froim drawings?
Varnishing won't bring the color back, unless you're just trying to protect the surface and get a shine.
shitpost, masturbate, harass various cockteases, youtube/other video media, hang with hubby
sent you what im working on. obviously the text bubble at the bottom is incomplete. but i also intend to add more background in the setting she is in as well as maybe figure out how to better illustrate motion
no. just the voice chat and game on rare occasions. why would I leave the entire server?
plus read back to understand.
don't ask me man, I'm just the underling on these jobs. who am I to question the boss?
Sometimes bosses like to be vigorously questioned by their underlings.
I make sure to find bosses who demand total control.
It is more peaceful that way without being exposed to certain painful remarks.
I will not read back.
Back from McDonalds.
you never put ice in it
sounds relatable~
one sec looking at it now!
I can just be done buying you drinks if you want.
i didnt know you were so naughty
thats your right
Eh. I like getting drinks.
It makes me feel useful.
Just take the trash out. Your father is a busy man.
my body has ben drained of it's soul and is ready to be filled with MEMES
they don't give me shit for it. I've only done it like twice and both times everyone was really nice. they like me for some weird reason.
well done.
I miss my Inugami folder.
well thank you
I'll try to remember the ice next time.
The fuck do you think I did
I wasn't aware I got paid to do it but as long as my money is being threatened I'll get the goddamn trash out
I just had to go back to bed because I haven't slept properly in like a week and almost not at all for a few days
I've dreamed about you icing Mugen every night for months now.
i just meant the post/youtube and games stuff
cute drawings, i like them! are they soldering the outside of a projecter box? ._.;;
The meme life.
And he doesn't need the attitude next time.
are you interested in getting your hair dyed
just curious
its a camera
Depends on the color.
Low standards and desperation.
I'll give any fucking body some goddamn attitude when I've been awake over 24 hours
I'm dead inside but my meme's are live
Why is there an apostrophe there though
i can sort of see it now yes
old english rule which still applies sometimes, used incorrectly here.
an example of when it should be used: CD's
Great, I'm sure you'll have all the luck in the world giving people attitude from the streets when he kicks you out of the house he so graciously has allowed you to live in after raising you up from a baby.
yeah its a retro future dystopia. that was embarrassing to say
both seem like reasonable options. but can I really afford to be choosy when I'm in the same boat?
I guess I'll put up with them for now.
going to try and get a little sleep before work.
goodbye thread.
Hi, bye and good night!
ah, those buildings in the distance!
Mmm, it's your art, you are doing it good. i wouldn't mind seeing more in the future when you decide to continue~
Bye underlingcake
nini *pets*
I don't know if I want to play Overwatch or N64.
Blah blah blah daddy never loved me etc etc etc
He certainly made good money while he was busy being a mediocre father but I haven't had a meaningful interaction with him since I was seven
And that's not even a good memory
Money doesn't solve everything but it sure makes it easy to grow up on adderall and antidepressants
Holy shit, just pick something to talk about and stick with it.
This blogging is ridiculous.
man dont be a douche
dunno how long it'll take. i can send you it again when it's done but im going at my own pace at this point so i cant say when ill have something new
I apologize for my delirium
2 blog posts in a row is the acceptable amount.
It was directed at Fish, but the sting of your words arouses me.
Maybe next time you should have a dad that's emotionally present and also rich. Just a thought.
i dont see the issue
Blog posters rarely see any issues with their own kind.
It is how it is and has always been.
Honestly most people seem to dislike it because even if you start a conversation with them about it you just hit a wall after 2 or 3 posts. Most times they don't want to actually talk about it. They just want the attention. How do you have an actual conversation with that?
That doesn't even make sense
Fish is just an idiot complaining about god knows what with vague passive aggressive statements about music piracy or something
That's hardly blogposting
Of course, the reasonable solution is to link your posts and not be a passive aggressive faggot about not being clear who you're talking to
Berate me more.
I'm so close.
it's got that unique art style to it.
hopefully i'll be around to see it someday~
youre not but like getting mad at someone with social issues is like...you see where im going with this?
oh ill never finish
I do, but I'm not exactly keeping on with it.
Yeah maybe next time I won't be a needy faggot who needs faggot things like emotional role models
Or I'll be a real girl and not want to kill myself every day
In approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes, the next episode starts.
Also thread something post.
i want to see you create more of anything though.
Do you really? Because from where I'm standing you haven't got pupils.
Let's stick to something a bit more realistic maybe. You could find some soap that smells nice today. Who knows? That's something to look forward to. So much to live for. It might even be fairly inexpensive soap.
I see through echolocation.
welp suppose i can do that
dont think i can do motion blur on paint sai will have to suck it up and figure out photoshops horrible ui
/end blog
I said ":3"
I've gotten lazy with capping and am not doing it as frequently but then again I'm bnot even halfway through the first season
pick 2
Or I get to operate a vehicle and a lawn mower for several hours today with nothing to keep me from fucking up horrendously
Today could be the day
Why did you want anzu so bad?
And I said ""
I guess you do have the ability to simply follow the screams of despair that are let off by those around you upon your arrival.
Try to nod off at the wheel in the direction of someone unattractive. Leave the world a little bit better than when you came in.
I always scream upon entering a room.
Anzu a cute
And a bitch
I didn't know you were here tbh.
past tense: overwhelmed; past participle: overwhelmed
bury or drown beneath a huge mass.
"the water flowed through to overwhelm the whole dam and the village beneath"
synonyms: swamp, submerge, engulf, bury, deluge, flood, inundate
"advancing sand dunes could overwhelm the village"
defeat completely.
"his teams overwhelmed their opponents"
synonyms: defeat (utterly/heavily), trounce, rout, beat (hollow), conquer, vanquish, be victorious over, triumph over, worst, overcome, overthrow, crush; More
give too much of a thing to (someone); inundate.
"they were overwhelmed by farewell messages"
Point of no return what?
Sure thing fam where are you
doesn't that gimp program also do all the stuff photoshop does?
kaybe's a bit premature and finishes instantly upon penetration
i keep staring
gimp is also cluttered
And I don't even care who you are so we're even
You are bad at being honest Revy.
Did you ever watch Cinderella girls?
everything falls appart
no sleeping pills
no sleep
isn't photoshop cluttered too? (from what i remember over a decade ago..)
yes but i already use it for the text function so i may as well expand on that
everything is victim to circumstance
nothing is destined
there is no such thing as fate
there are an infinite number of timelines where an infinite number of things could happen, but we merely experience one
life is a mathematical equation
humanity is fake
makes sense.
i'm just tinkering with NMS right now to get more than 15 fps...
deep man
pass the smartweed
oh yeah heard pc was bad
we think of this as deep but it's like the way we think of earth, when we are "deep" we've barely made a scratch.
if I know my reality, why can I not change it? why can I not control myself to put myself intoa catatonic state and live reality the way I wish to experience it. for what purpose is our mind limited, and how do we remove such limitations.
Read about it.
waow lewd
hmmm... when i run it without steam overlay and in 1280x720 windowed all low settings it runs smooth like it should!
Probably won't be as good as the original
Only reason to watch it is to cap anzu and Anastasia
Yeah there's no point other than capping Anzu.
it could get so much worse
1280x720 is disgusting though
I'd like to get at existence's core programming someday, tinker with it, see what makes it work. if I refuse to believe in gods because nothing has made them, than how can I believe in the concept of existence. nothing made this all, yet it's here. did it just pop out of nowhere? but how? and for what reason? a reason incomprehensible with the mere human mind? a purpose with more than just meaning, but dimensions, above which we cannot fathom, such as a fifth, sixth, or seventh dimension abstraction.
Get a GTX 1080 in quad SLI.
Alternatively turn off GSync in /Binaries/SETTINGS/TKGRAPHICSSETTINGS.MXML by setting it to False.
Nah you wouldn't do that to me
You love me too much to violate me with dog/rabbit/horse anus.
Just like with the one im posting now. They may as well have just made it about her from the start.
Just like with the one im posting now. They may as well have just made it about her from the start.
i know... so since it ran okay on that when i lowered everything
i'm thinking if i run it again with out steam overlay again back at my tolerable 1680 it should be great~
i have such sights to show you
Choi is life.
humanity has so many places to go, assuming we aren't genocided by an alien race or ourselves or disease somehow.
[sad trombone]
what would a mobius strip of time be like tho
Only America can make humans great again.
mania thoughts with depressive feels oh boy
Hifumi accidentally sits on your lap.
What do?
Choi is me
Spin off series when?
who you callin pinhead
I don't know but Choi desperately needs her own show. I've wanted a spin-off forever.
folding our third dimensional selves through the fourth dimension results in teleportation. folding our fourth dimensional selves through the fifth dimension results in time travel. folding our fifth dimensional selves through the sixth dimension takes us to parallel realities. the sixth dimension is everything possible in our universe. the seventh dimension is the multiverse, on which our universe is a single point. folding our sixth dimensional selves through the eighth dimension takes us to a parallel universe in the seventh dimension.
Hands off Choi she's my waifu.
Cum inside her till she smiles
if given the opportunity, having a nice long conversation with Neil Degrasse Tyson would be nice.
on LSD of course.
Maybe if we sterilize our younglings we might be able to move to upper Zimbabwe with the promised people and finally achieve the equilibrium foretold by the ancient sages of the fifth conglomerate.
This thread is a fucking travesty.
about being a NEET
Now is the perfect time with caner animes about NEET and Vidya grils.
questions to ask on the first date
What do you know of multiverse theory?
why is our consciousness limited to the confines of this reality?
where's the bathroom?
all VERY important
Shush scoots.
But, senpai...I...
Don't feed into it.
That sounds pretty shit yan I wouldn't even cap that
Loose hair Kuro > Twintail Kuro
The fuck are you talking about
Like 90% of the images in here are just Anzu lazing about or being pedo bait
Okay. Sorry. How are you today, senpai bought Texas yet?
I'm tapped out
I've reached the limit of limits
I can't think beyond thinking about what I can't think beyond
I am nothing. a body with a brain. the brain is devoid of personality and riddled with illness, while the body is mundane and operates on consumption.
this mind wishes to sleep but has no means to do so. this mind begs for death but its base instincts prevent it from doing so.
fish is a great addition to these threads imo
The best.
You can't ignore my reports forever, George.
That last one was a legitimate one.
Nice cap :C
♥ kuro
Actively waiting for next episode
after all this thought tonight I've come to one conclusion:
moe anime is shit, kys
I can't afford all of Texas, love.
What are you up to?
I wish the other board would take them back.
That Kuro folder is nice
Gimme a rundown of the first episode theb
I'm glad you agree :3c
got it from someone long ago
Good evening.
anti matter is just matter that is moving backwards in time.
what the fuck
Deleting and reinstalling Skyrim mods, trying to streamline and make my load cycle more neat and less inclined to crashes. I have been terribly ad hoc until recently. Other than that, just relaxing after a long as 8 day work schedule.
So, just Houston?
Your week getting of to a reasonable start? Nice weekend?
why even live
*grabby hands*
You can has my new game folder but it's a bit of a mess.
Anti Matter
black holes don't actually exist
Kawaii OP
Anzu playing PS Vita/3DS
Flying insect of some kind, housefly or mosquito, buzzes by multiple times
Anzu annoyed, can't relax properly
attempts to kill the insect, antics ensue
after several failed attempts she calls the police and tells them there's an intruder
police come
she tells them it's an insect
police tells her "little girl, you shouldn't call the police unless it's an emergency"
"I'm 18"
she gets raped in the pooper and has to take the police man to court
the rest of the series is a rape/law drama about her case.
why is it a mess?
Does this mean I need to watch that [email protected]/* */ thing
Wtf man
I definitely wouldn't cap that
Yeah, wasn't feeling well, so I called in.
Just working on my folder.
Kuusou mixed with HorribleSubs caps, throw in a few 8ch/4ch images and reddit/imgur/gfycat/whatever pics, gifs and weebms which don't all work on 8ch
Get out of here you tight asian pussy
I wasn't being serious.
I ought to do similar, work on some folders. Might do that this evening.
And feeling under the weather? I mean, more so than usual?
Better to rest up than drag yourself through work. Nothing worse.
That's mean.
Don't sit on me u fag
I'm not sitting on you I'm pouting faggot
zuigen mijn pik
That's a horrible ramshackle sentence.
Pouting is also gay.
What are you five?
You could have sit on me and it would have been less shameful.
I-if you insist.
You just want me to cause you're a fag yan
Get out
Just like I've been having lung issues, and I'm not fully recovered. I'm just trying to make sure I'm not exerting myself, and the doctors agree.
I still have a lot of work to do with my Touko folder.
Yeah that's why I told you not to sit on me right?
Get rejected, faggot
ik sta erop
guess I'll just wait until dark energy dies out and the universe becomes one big black hole and collapses in on itself
Ky yourself pls
every number is true infinity missing the negative of the number
Could you please stop spamming?
You know the 'y' in 'ky' already stands for 'yourself'
suck my dick?
I asked politely.
Drop the hostility.
suck my dick, please?
ky yourself to be tbh
Do it twice bitch ass nigga
Less mouthing off more sucking my dick in cute girl clothes.
I'm not going to kill myself just because you had a crush and I hurt your gay little feelings you queermo
I asked nicely...
It's little wonder the other trannies didn't like you.
Yeah, you wont do or others any justice if you sideline yourself through over exertion.
Is your lung issues been diagnosed? Or is it a mystery, I forget if you've said.
Great folders are those that have had love poured into them. Same with everything in life I suppose.
you're a dog
catfights don't suit you
Scoots, make me a folder.
What are you even talking about
Should I bite them instead?
What are you even talking about
What's going on?
Nice doubles
Twice in one thread too.
I'm talking about you're made that u can't sit in my lap.
Only if you draw blood and rip a piece of them off.
The meme is spamming.
I asked them not to.
I am too old to get in real fights.
Take a screenshot RIGHT NOW
You're younger than me and I fight for exercise.
No I'm not
I work old people jobs for the last 5 years.
I'm allowed to feel old.
Bacterial infection that took advantage of my weakened immune system.
I'm much better now, and haven't coughed blood in a while, but any sort of air particles irritate my breathing to no end, and I'm estimated a while longer before a full recovery.
I had to cut back my exercising also. I used to go to the gym 4-5 days a week, and did cardio almost everyday.
I can't muster anymore than twice a week now for both.
You are bad at being honest.
And very likely a tsundere.
All the jobs are old people jobs.
Wow Luka's cybering Shiro..
Both of these are true
Sounds terribly debilitating. Hella shitty how multiple illnesess take advantage of each other.
Are you on steroids and other powerful meds?
Fault recovery will be a blessing!
And being so active would make it 10x worse :/
Itching to do your usual routine.
I suppose an interesting dynamic would be, upon recovery, re-immersing yourself in your old routine.
Has this illness given you new perspective?
I know
Indirectly admitting I'm right about everything doesn't mean I'll let you sit in my lap though.
Good I don't want to sit in your lap
I'm trembling with disgust at the thought of such a thing
I know what that's code for tsundere, you thirsty bitch.
I already didn't want to kill myself anymore, so it only reaffirmed the want to live. I got scared at first, and realized that I don't have my will in order in the event that I do pass, so that's in the process of getting finalized.
Everything else is normal.
You would not be able to tell if I was really being tsundere
Its made you a stronger senpai and enabled/forced you to put some unforeseen things in place.
I guess its a bittersweet situation.
Unless I am reading this incorrectly I would say you are doing great to push the situation in such a positive manner. Seeing the good and not wallowing.
Life is, indeed, strange.
You're not very cute.
So what?
What about you? Anything that put your life into perspective?
Don't be like that.
I'm being me
An existential crisis is a moment at which an individual questions the very foundations of their life: whether this life has any meaning, purpose, or value. This issue of the meaning and purpose of existence is the topic of the philosophical school of existentialism.
I suppose maybe only things that have given me a differing perspective would be death of family/busting my knee.
I suppose there are other stresses and things I have faced, but I guess its like everyone. We are all a patchwork collage of the things we experience.
The only thing I am certain of is I can be/get better than I am now.
-sets you in my lap-
So I guess the main question is: what are you doing to get better? What are your goals? Are they measurable?
Don't touch me you repugnant faggot
I need to take a shower now to wash off all the gay
Jokes on me though, I should have left an hour ago.
I don't see you hopping out of my lap to do it.
My main goal atm is related to my health, trying to get fitter. mainly associated with me curbing/stopping smoking and getting a grip. Just getting sick of thinking "what if", that is easily measurable.
While I know gunning for vanity isnt the route to happiness, but a more healthy lifestyle, i think, will make a world of difference.
Ive only started small for now, but big plans small with small steps.
I suppose my immediate goals would be; Get healthier, travel more and appreciate what I have a little more.
Also, indulge in dankest of memes.
so tsun
Not for you faggot
Just for anyone who gives you affection, slut.
Which would be no one
-pets behind the ears-
Poor you.
All alone.
The dankest of dank meme's, am I right?
I'm going to sleep
-tucks in-
I can't wait to quench my THIRST
They make life bearable senpai,
When life gets me down, I just think of the memes.
too big?
plus hundreds of layers
merge similar layers?
Sometimes, love. Sometimes.
ded thred
ded world
One for line art,
One for both shading and highlights,
One for base colours
One for details
One for misc things that somehow don't fit the other four
Am I missing something?
Or am I really just a hobbyist at this shit?
I guess one for the background too.
meh im basically done. just gonna save it in sai, psd, and png and move on
a singular layer for each of those is asking for conflict
it's k cuz I love you tho
How so?
I guess I usually only draw a single thing, and usually not hyper detailed.
i hope it makes you happy!
i use a layer for literally each color so that if i fuck up i can safely remove the specific error without having to work extra to resolve it. literally any aspect of the work that can affect another part of the drawing needs to be separate for this reason.
linework can be grouped together outside of glass items which i give a more translucent lighter outline
backgrounds also are given the same treatment.
thats what i do anyway there is no right way to do it
yeah it turned out well
My Vengeance will be Terrible
Mark My Words
There will be a RECKONING
i never learned layer stuffs... i just... draw.
fuck you mr. shopkeep, stock some fucking keys
its a necessity with digital shit
Probably not.
i just scribble on my tablet and hope it turns out cute
I don't recall asking you.
So, with some time on your hands, what do you plan on doing?
Are you working from home and hanging with the gang?
You are cute.
post some
I miss when trains were actually used for things other than shipping
this is all i tried back in...
my first test with a brand new tablet back then...
first reply was for you
2016 tho
I mean I could just go a day early and get to visit both the grand canyon and las vegas before getting to a motel in LA
i haven't set it up tho...
Neither do I.
Didn't seem to stop me from responding though.
it can be hard to get used to not looking at the tablet
Posting, working on the folder, reading, posting things for sale, and watching star trek.
Minor text fixes
i don't know how to do that yet.
i don't have that hand eye coordination normal people have.
are they playing a game in fucking blender lmao
i have 1,500 new game caps now ^ ^
That seems like an enjoyable way to pass the time.
Star Trek as in TV or as in movies.
I hear good things about the original/other tv shows.
Blondie is inspecting a character twintails just modeled and textured.
I wanna see my Captain Kirk speak in tongues while outsmarting more robots.
yeah i kinda tried the tutorial and didn't beat it so i gave up.
You can become GOOD!
clicking the stuff with my mouse was boring...
i don't enjoy those rhythem games genre.
me neither
Fucking hell HorribleSubs is LATE REEEEE
^ ^
i like multiplayer games, and sandbox explore adventure builder type games management simulation
Let's see here
Assetto Corsa
DiRT Rally
Fallout 3 NV 4
...car games
your early tablet handwriting is better than my current real life handwriting.
I wrote this with data's voice in mind.
I liked DR and GTA 5 with a controller normally too.
dont worry NV > 3 > 4
fuckin hype
as it should be
the graphite when i draw on the fresh new tablet grates my ears, like nails on a chalk board.
.. ur strange~
Can I help you, lady?
tbh still waiting on mod that turns it into nv
I just like cars.
I just like clothing and customization in games.
I'm waitng a couple decades for when the series is started from scratch again or when NV is somehow remade into the glory it should have been
if obsidian had longer to make it
holy shit
Fallout 4 would look like a mobile game next to it.
Nothing really, just relaxing and cropping my folder.
gotta go fast tho
It's bethesda tho
"yeh but fuck lore here's a shooter with rpg elements also raiders > ncr now"
Good, so there's no problem.
gonna watch ep 7 and eat now bb
todays one of those days where I want to go to sleep and wake up at 5pm, but have to go get shit done and can't sleep till 5pm
How about you? Do you have a problem?
dem got derm rerberts
I'm going to be a Tiefling Dervish.
4 levels Rogue, 2 levels fighter, then Dervish for days.
Holy shit VIOLENCE
brb nom