Games that ruined genres for you by setting the bar too high

FPS - Stalker
RTS - Perimeter
RPG - Yakuza (Gothic 1 and 2 for world building)
Action - Metal Gear Revengeance
Grand Strategy - Victoria 2
Simulators - DCS
Platformer - Super Mario 64
Online Games - City of Heroes

Bump because Holla Forums is full of retarded faggots who genuinely don't want to discus games and genres

How high are you right now?


Neo-Holla Forums, everyone.

I don't have games ruined for me because I know what a 10/10 means and not every game is perfect, the fact you just made this thread and are complaining about people not replying shows that you're here from cuckchan.

Rip in peace Xeno series. You will be missed.

I was on Holla Forums before you were born fuckboi.
Enjoy your summer while it lasts.

Maybe I'm not trying to see the same shill threads on the front page.

Okay oldfag you really showed me your cred.


It's not.

Nicely meme'd fellow channer.

You are stupid, lol.

Pick MGR over DMC 3/4

Armstrong is meme worthy but nothing beats Uncle Dante.

Reveangenace is a fun DMC without a shitty character story. And that's with Raiden's clusterfuck of a story.

There are loads of better 3D platformers out there. Not to mention all the 2D platformers that absolutely shit on SM64.

Dark Souls ruined every (((soulslike))) game.
Diablo 2 ruined every ARPG that came after.


Nethack for roguelikes, after playing this I can't really enjoy others

Go fucking play Demon's Souls.

SM64 isn't really that great, though. It's good, but it's certainly not near the best. I don't see how it ruined the genre for you unless you only played generic platformers since.

Stop being so butthurt, lad.

Your post was still on the first page, there was no reason to bump it. How fast do you think this board is?

RPG - Gothic 1, 2, 3
FPS - Metro 2033
Zelda - Zelda Wind Waker
Beat'em'up - Super Smash Bros. Melee
Strategy - Advance Wars and FF Tactics
Adventure - the Blackwell games
Simulation - Harvest Moon FOMT

Adventure - Myst/Riven/Myst: Exile

Now we will never have the otherworldly sublime scenery and puzzles anymore. We are left to the Skyrim level of 'puzzules' and blatant real world culture plagiarism world design gaems.

lmao, nothing in that game is above mediocre.

Name a better game with similar mechanics

Sengoku Rance for turn based strategy. Combat is fun, difficult and has a decent depth to it. There's also no obnoxious elements to the combat like there are in so many other turn based strategy games: there's no overly long periods of time spent moving or managing armies, there's no "grinding down" enemies over a period of hours, there's no blatantly overpowered except for Omachi or underpowered bullshit, etc. AKA there's no flaws in the combat and only positives, which is a HELL OF A LOT MORE than can be said for pretty much every other game in the genre. Oh ya, the characters, story, story telling and music are all top notch; the writing and aesthetics are decent, too.

A lesser example would be Dragon's Dogma as a open world exploration/RPG. Other games have it beat in some aspects - Morrowind for exploration as an example - but it delivers an overall great package that is tons of fun to play. DD's greatness becomes even more apparent when you compare it to Skyrim: Skyrim's dragon fights and story are a fucking joke compared to DD's large creatures and story.

name anything good it does first, stalker is a game where the devs were clearly tossing in as many features as they could and not finishing any of them.


drink bleach

DMC, Joe, Bayo, and W101 are all better than Revengeance, so I don't know what you mean.

It's good, but it sets the bar beneath entire franchises by even the same developer.


if anything I'm improving the thread, you can't even name one thing stalker does well. how pathetic.

your shitposting does not become you user