City building

Can we have a comfy city building thread? Anyone played Cities skylines? Any essential mods? Is it better than Sim city 4?

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Nice city tho

that city looks disgusting
at least the roads and the huge amount of trees look nice.

There's literally nothing wrong with city blocks


Look how Rome, Barcelona, and Copenhagen and maybe London and Paris look completely different while the rest is completely the same. There is no fucking difference.

You making a city by selecting straight roads everywhere has no merit, and is aesthetic and comfy.

It looks like the massification of humanity with no personal spirit nor adaptation to the terrain. Its completely like Communism, doing all the same with no fucking identity, in Europe, Australia, USA, Asia, etc


And is not aesthetic nor comfy*

sage for bad writting

caesar and banished. Modern cities have no confiness

It's not a matter of creativity or or adaptation to the terrain. People dont know how to make straight roads and it ends up looking like shit, far worse than real cities. It only looks nice when the architecture is medieval and the old, small, unorganized buildings are fitting and justified, not when the buildings are cheap awful looking 70s apartment blocks that cant follow a straight line

t. euro. England and most of europe's big cities are semi organized but spain is a mess. In fact they show barcelona on that pic because everyone would laugh if they put madrid's streets

I live in a really, really old city built back when people didn't give a shit about urban planning, and in extremely uneven terrain. I constantly wish the roads here were straight and the blocks square.
It's really fucking shitty when things are unorganized like this.
It's fine to talk about idealistic shit like "massification of humanity" or "lack of personal spirit" all you want, but at the end of the day the people living in these clusterfuck cities that look like spider webs have to deal with a lot of inconvenient shit that planned cities don't have.

Same thing fam.

My point is people making ultra organised maps with square blocks everywhere, and that gives the city no identity.
I agree that it works best when the architecture is medieval, or even from 1800s and not when they are 70s square apartaments looking all the same.

Spain is not a mess, but its not the best I would say.
Madrid looks like if they tried to do both but failed somewhere.
And Barcelona looks nice in some part but the rest is exactly what I hate (second pic)

To live in a city block that looks straight from a dystopian world or something looking more like a factory of humans, for me at least, is depressing as fuck and doesnt have anything to do with good planification.
Spiderweb like city maps are a mess and now impractical, but I dont think there are only 2 options

What a mess.

I think Barcelona has plenty of identity. It's the only city in the world that looks like that.

Of course it looks that bad from birds eye view, but it's not nearly that bad on the streets. Also, you dont want to be driving a car in a city like madrid, ever

You should look up Brisbane, Australia


Barcelona's little blocks with courtyards look very similar to many blocks in Paris.

I have seen pictures of Paris blocks that look just like Barcelona blocks, but I don't have them handy, so enjoy a semi-related picture.

I'm trying to identify what part of Toronto that is, but drawing blanks.

I want to make a low-density residential surrounding a park. But I don't know whether the park will need to be roadside. If the park is not roadside, and if I surround it with houses, will it get cut off from traffic? Can pedestrians walk past houses without a road or bikepath?

The only things that don't need road access seem to be wind turbines and pumping stations.

Like a functioning soul. Not a positive adaptation in anno domini 2017.


from pic related looks shitty but the rest on google maps doesnt look all that bad tbh.
At least with the skyscrapers it seems decent

There is several sections of one-way roads in a square

Ped-paths count as roads, and if they don't; there is a mod called "Network Extensions 2" that definitely makes it work.

Now I just need to block out time in my schedule to make elite suburban homes with bike-path and pedestrian access to parks.

Which means I will have to tear myself away from Victoria 2.

Get out barbarian.
The Greek style of grid based urban planning was a revolution, as it made your city streets well lit all day when oriented east/west, allowed the wind to blow through your city and people in the center could still see the horizon.
All of your modern european cities you posted look like hell to live in and look worse from the air.

What you can't see from that is how hilly Brisbane is around the city centre. It's hell to walk. So anyway how about those simulated cities?

Agree, I live in a grid city went to Montreal and I found while it's not Rome, or Copanhagen, it's not purely grid and the architecture and nice neighborhoods make up for the gridded parts.



Literally the only thing Skylines has over SC4 is that you don't have to do everything in a grid, and then people do everything in a grid, anyway.

Using grids are fine, so long as they're not all aligned to the same one!

No thanks.

Now you show your true colors. Back to the stone age with you, filthy aboriginal. Your opinions will matter when you can figure out copper.


you gotta go back

This literally happens in an apartment building

The stomping around does, but the layout of an apartment building is fundamentally different - city humans essentially live in hives.

It's a good game, OP.


Fucking Las Vegas.

Satan's own land.

Yeah I remember driving around there. Easy to get around but as far as land goes, there is a lot of waste. It is truly a city designed for cars.

They think that's a cool idea now, but later on public transit is going to be expensive as fuck, trying to deal with this cancer.

oh god

I think it'd be fun to live there. But then I realize what a shitpit the southwest is.

Yeah, sure. Buy it for the big backyard, and ten years later another subdivision goes up next door removing that backyard.

I feel your pain fellow brisbanon


I wish Skylines wasn't so derpy, so I could make pretty cities like this in it. Curved roads are nice, but you lose so much.

Depends on what part you look at, obviously that part is the modernized part of barcelona, also fuck barcelona, fucking commies. Make spain great again pls! Spaniards are white!

That's sim city 4 yeah? I've been itching to reinstall it lately. Plus I enjoy making shit neat, but at the same time I like to try to incorporate curved roads and rural areas if I can.

A-Train is another game that's pretty cool by the way.

2nd would be comfy in an all white paradise.

Das raciss.

SC4 is the best for rural areas. Though, to be fair, I've installed a couple dozen mods to add all the pretty bits and vary up the farm buildings. You can KINDA do "curved" by just making squiggly roads, and while it looks funky up close, it gives a fantastic impression from far zooms or region view.

Barely more complex than an termite hill.

The 1st one should be outlawed

Also ban this. And burn it.

Reminds me of a book I read like 20 years ago. Adventures of Homer I-forget-his-last-name. It was a series of short stories written back in like the 60's or something, about a kid in a small town.

Anyway, one day this rich bitch proposes a new subdivision to be built around her family manor becauseā€¦ well because subdivisions need to be built or whatever. All the houses are all "pre-fabricated" and made in pieces and essentially just have to be shipped to the lot and nailed together. Every house is perfectly identical down to the paint and the roof and the goddamn bushes in the front yard, and laid out around the manor house in a flat grid. Because street signs and numbers haven't been put in yet, the only way anyone can tell which house is theirs is to count from the manor, like "two houses down and four to the right". Well, of course shit goes wrong because in the middle of a festival the manor is removed and replaced with another identical house, and the dumbass who was supposed to be putting up the street signs got drunk and fell asleep. When everyone goes home they can't figure out which house is theirs, so chaos ensues; and of course out young hero figures it out and saves the day and shit.

I assume it was supposed to be a kind of cautionary tale against the cookie-cutter suburban boom of the time, because the idea of LITERALLY identical houses like they're putting up in Vegas was still fiction. Unfortunately, it did not remain fiction.

Have some more farms.

Disorganized city planning is autistic as fuck, just like your little rant :^)

This does not work for modern cities. These cities had to be heavily planned because they had to be built inside of walls. They were also not built for automobiles. Foot traffic works on a grid just fine, as does the occasional low speed, animal powered cart, but not cars.

A chaotic mess is what gives the city character. An orderly grid is not only a traffic nightmare but also cookie cutter as shit. Keep in mind extreme repetition is one of the symptoms of autism.

I just started playing C:S. Anyone has some good videos to recommend? I've never really played city building games before and traffic is fucking my shit up.


That's a beauty, all these aesthetics faggots should take to landscaping.

Even that doesn't mean they had to be fucking SQUARE.

Also, as anyone who plays Factorio will tell you, square corners are massive weak spots in a defensive line.

Never been to the sunbelt? Everything there is long, wide, flat and straight.

further north

I never realized star forts were so big.

Yeah, that actually happens with new subsidivisions. It's even better when the developer goes cheap and hires an illiterate day laborer who can't even read spanish, which results in streets having their names spray painted on by the jew/realator until it's fixed.

I remember that book.

I haven't played C:S in a while. Can you give certain roads the right-of-way yet?

Why are you niggers so triggered? Its just another housing development on the outskirts of Las Vegas, not like its new or anything. And housing is cheap because you're in a fucking desert. Suburbs like that are fill of old retire guy who are just getting over mid-life crisis but still want a big house and a nice car in their driveway and travel 4 hours to the coast every other weekend to meet up with family.

actually they're filled with californians

i stopped playing city skylines when one of the updates broke my game and the milestones don't work any more . wasted 90+ hours

Ok this is getting to a point where Fallout 4 is getting comfy.
Lets name all the things I needed:

From original mod it is still missing:

Ok you want small post-apo / futuristic city building, it is the best. Bethesda made system that is objectively worse than a mod, but after 10 mods it is getting good. Will add more mods later. Thankfully because thing is in base game there are mods for it.


Man, farms look comfy as fuck. It's weird seeing the Farming grids replaced with city blocks like that. In a good way?

I'll give a certain cock (mine) right of way to your boypussy, user

How do you make a city layout that's both maximally aesthetically pleasing and maximally efficient in terms of traffic flow and population per square meter?
Symmetry and order tend to have the best aesthetic value, but lots of people in these threads often argue that chaos is more aesthetically pleasing.
In any case, whether you're using a grid or a tangled knot of curly roads, or some kind of hybrid, traffic becomes a problem when the number of people reaches a critical level.
So, how do you cram more people than can physically travel at once down a city's streets into said city without the traffic ever getting clogged?

Double decker streets, tunnels, and roundabouts.

And elevated trains/monorails if you have the expansion.

Can you explain how to do this, in practical terms? I use over and underpasses effectively, but can you actually layer a grid of roads directly over another grid without conflicts? I would assume some mods are absolutely required?

I use this primarily for pedestrians for some reason. I build elaborate tunnel systems for my population to traverse the entire city with, and they're generally super packed. I wish I could turn off street-level sidewalks entirely without losing the ability to zone housing, though.
Alternatively, a way to turn off cross-walks entirely would be fantastic. A lot of the traffic in my inner cities actually comes from hoards of metro-users flooding out of a station like roaches and jamming traffic up for hours as they mindless cross the street in every direction.
Yeah, those are pretty good. Outside of my city centers, my traffic flow is generally clean and fast. I have a bitch of a time dealing with maximum-density areas far away from highways, though.

I haven't tried them yet. They're just above-ground subways, mechanically speaking, right? I'll play around with them and see how they do.
Trams are pretty good, though, and I prefer them so far as an alternative to busses.
Aren't these solely used to transport tourists/commuters from outside your city? I've typically only put a single train station near my city center and called it a day. I suspect I've missed something major here.

did i have a fucking stroke while formatting that post? good lord

oh user

This has got to be a joke. You're literally asking for a thing to be round and square at the same time. Unless you find Magnasanti-level fractals "aesthetically pleasing", you'll never find a solution that is both.

And if you're playing Skylines, traffic will go to shit eventually because that's just the way the game is.

I worded it poorly.
I'm not looking for the point with 100% aesthetics and 100% population and 100% traffic efficiency.
I'm looking for the point where they all meet at their highest feasible level. The highest aesthetics before efficiency drops, and the highest efficiency before aesthetics drops. I'm sure there's some maths term for that concept.

Efficient use of space is better than sprawl. I'd rather walk blocks to preserve green and wild then worry about muh asthetic

Ah, well I see what you mean. I suppose it still depends highly on what you personally find nice to look at. For me, I don't even understand why population is important; it's just a number that has zero importance in a simulated game. Even as a "score", it's meaningless because it's a sandbox game. That's why almost everything I do is rural or suburban sprawl; I just like the look of it and screw the population number.

As a general rule, though, you can do whatever you want with the road network (which along with the terrain is the biggest factor determining city layout) so long as the mass-transit system is good. The more squirrely the roads, the better the mass-transit needs to be to compensate.

Fuck cities tbh.

As a Dorf Fort player I can confirm this.

How come despite having an extensive transportation network set up, I still have issues with sims bitching about no road access? I can't get my town to grow any larger without sprawling.

Are there any Indian themed city building games?

Meh, railways being like that are fine. I hate clonedivisions.

That last pic is why the SouthWestern and Midwestern states are going to run out of water.

Its fucking disgusting.
Thats not true.

At all.


Indians were hunter-gatherers and seldom had any permanent settlements

Right when new structures build, sometimes they'll just randomly get those "no road access" icons for a short while. If the buildings don't abandon, there's no problem, and the icons will disappear after a time. It's some kind of glitch with the pathfinding, I suppose; it probably has to do with the roads not having registered to the game yet. Anyway, it's benign.

A better question is: why on earth do you have three small hospitals in the middle of this town?

Fairly certain that isn't the kind of "Indian" he was talking about.

Did the transit update finally fix the fucking base game traffic?

About as white ashkenazi jews

Those are piles of shipping containers, right?

Nope. That's how you get a population density of ten thousand people per square mile.

I also thought those were containers for a few seconds.


You could try looking at the rest of the thread.

Was that city built by Lorgar?

From the looks of it it was actually built on top of the old fortress.


how do citybuilding games vary?
i've only played a few

The town in the second pic is pretty, but seems pretty useless.

Is that banished?

You forgot the most important thing

The patch that came out alongside cities skylines let you put up stop signs on intersections among other things.

You still can't restrict lane behavior or restrict individual roads/intersections by vehicle type, though.
That's a particularly frustrating aspect of how they programmed the traffic.

I've tried multiple times to build "island cities" - basically self-contained city centers that aren't connected to each other by roads, but rather only by public transit: one is the residential, one is the commercial, and the other is the industrial. Each would have its own relevant local utilities on its own isolated road grid, so there should be no problem, right?
Turns out that if a utility can't reach enough buildings, then all utilities across the city glitch out and freeze, showing their vehicles-in-use number as flashing constantly between 0 and 1.

I just want to build ridiculous walled and isolated megacities that require registered and massively expensive public transit to even go out and buy some lunch. Dystopian City-Builder / Cyberpunk City-Builder fucking when?


I wish all major cities were raised to have a maintenance level like what DIsney land has.

Imagine 24/7 access to underground utilities without needing to rip up the ground when work is needed to be done.

Imagine vast storage areas for cars for when they're not needed.

I tried having one clinic, but they got pissed and started to strike. Even with two max funded clinics they still kept striking, so it wasn't until I added three that they finally stopped.

NYC has one. Actually it has several.
The entire city is stacked on several hollow layers of subway tunnel, maintenance tunnel, sewer, and most importantly the drainage pumps that are pumping 24/7 because the city was built on a swamp and if the pumps ever stop the city will flood and all of that tunnel infrastructure will destabilize.

In other words, what you propose would be nice, but all major modern cities are built on stacked retardation instead.

I don't know, but I've been wanting something like this for a long while now.

At least it was free

It is, with the Colonial Charter mod. I did like the vanilla game, but due to the lack of depth it's barely worth the full price of 19 eurocucks if you're really craving a medieval town building game. CC adds a shitton of variety and depth.

I'd shoot me ol' granny for a 40k hive city building and management game.

There ARE larger hospitals available if you have too much population for them to serve; or you could put one on either side so each only has to serve roughly half the town.

At least it's not COMMUNISM!!!!

I know, but space wise those are where I could fit them without losing major real estate. I'll take a look at them again once I finish up playing multiplayer mode.

Communism is shit but if you think about it, liberals are actually WORSE than nazis because at least nazis are national SOCIALISTS


I drop $20,000/week on shit that rots my teeth

Try harder, shlomo.

What if the UK is teaching kids to pray to Allah because they know the future is fucked and this at least gives the kids to assimilate to Islam so they don't get beheaded for being an infidel at age 6?

The government has no place in healthcare and intigrating government eliminates compettition and creatres human rights abuses. Modern medicine is a fucking scam.

Or they could just sack up and remove islam from the UK. I'm afraid they'd rather put on a non-"racist" public image, than stave off extermination however.

Yeah, because they've been built up over centuries or millenia, in Rome's case. Meanwhile, the majority of those cities in the US are less than three centuries old and have only ever been under one or two central administrations.

Pretty much this. A great deal of large cities in America were completely planned, at least in respect to their city centers. Whereas European cities grew naturally over many centuries, in America, as soon as new territory was acquired, surveyors would go out into the wilderness and decide where and how a capital city was to be built.

I liked visiting New York as a tourist. It was easy to navigate around in the city since everything was logically planned out.

In some cities in Europe, you have to be a master map-reader and have some luck to find some places.

Any one here ever play Simcity 4 multiplayer? I've already set up the basics for multiplayer, but not many people have logged into the server to make cities yet. It's not true multiplayer, but it's multiplayer nonetheless. Would anyone on Holla Forums be interested in trying to make a region?

The thing about simcity 4 regions is that its meaningless because nothing passes between them or the roads that connect them, its like building separate towns with nothing in common

I would be down for that if we can agree on a version of NAM to use.

I'm up if anyone zips a complete simcity 4 install with the required mods and fixes. A few mods require modification of simcity_1.dat and that it's not synched with shared userdata folder.

Citizens can't have jobs in another city? This kills my dream of an industry-free city.

They're supposed to, in addition commercial is supposed to be largely affected by region size. It's still a neophyte region, but there are slowly commercial and high tech cities creeping in along with bigger buildings. In order to do the multi region thing successfully, you'll need a good transit system. You're going to need highways and mass transit between cities in order to not end up with the dreaded lack of jobs.

Do you plan on splitting it up by region or do you want to try passing the entire thing around and each person gets a turn for a day?

I've not decided yet on how I'm going to do the region dividing, but in my private test it's been first come first serve. There is an extreme amount of space available, it's 104km x 64km or 26 x 16 large cities. That means there is area for 416 cities on this map before running out of room.

Sims do travel between cities for jobs, but it's EXTREMELY broken. It only updates when you save the city and exit back to the region and then saves all that data until you go back to the city. So you can build a bazillion factories in one city and each adjacent city will see those jobs and send sims to fill them, but none of them will know those jobs should have already been filled by some other city unless you go back to that first city. It also leads to horrible traffic nightmares like a road going through a city from one side to the another at a 90-degree angle at the corner suddenly carrying 2000 cars.

The only thing it's good for is that it also keeps track of global demand. This means that you can control where certain things get built. If you want to "save" all the high-wealth demand from a variety of high population cities, and then fill a different city with a bunch of mansions (supposing you can get jobs for them nearby) you can do so.

Multiplayer is completely pointless unless you start with some kind of region-wide "plan" for how everything is going to be. Without that, it will just be a patchwork clusterfuck of disassociated cities that don't match up on region view. Nobody will work together.

Think about those pictures that are divided up into a grid of squares, and then everyone draws one square. That's what you've done here, except instead of showing people the picture they're supposed to be drawing, it's a blank white space with a caption (draw a cat here). Do you think, when everyone's drawn their squares, it will look like a cat? Of course not; it'll be a patchwork clusterfuck or small cats or pieces of cats in disarray.

So what YOU need to do is a lot of beginning legwork, or drawing out that "plan", and putting in a system of highways across the region and maybe some basic train networks, too. That will give everyone else a master plan to build off of, and they can pick what kind of city part they will build: whether it's the rural area, farming, suburbs, skyscraper forest, industrial, mostly open-space nature, etc.

Except that was sort of the charm with it was people trying to patch work their way through it to a successful region. I could lay down basic webbing for the region, but that would also count as me making cities on the map. There doesn't seem to be a way to predefine a highway system other than drawing what they should be on a doodle.

What I would guess in theory which would be a simpler way to resolve the transportation issue is create a rule of X number of interchanged cities to make areas of large development followed by rural connections just like reality. This way people have discretion over how to connect up their mini region rather than be forced into absolutely highway, subway, etc.

Well, it's your region, so manage it the way you like; it's just a suggestion. Though, while we're on the topic, another suggestion would be to reduce the size of the region. You're biting off way more than you can chew, and expecting to actually need 416 large city tiles is at best overly ambitious, at worst absurdly presumptuous or even conceited. I'd imagine more people would be scared off by the potential huge filesize than will be attracted by the wide open space.

Guess what's on the horison.

Our save file is only 150MB, even with the space for 416 cities. How many cities should it be then, a 20 x 20 area for room for 25 large cities?

I don't know what city builder will be coming out of the pipeline next, but I hope there's some good commuter simulation there.
I'd love to build entirely non-residential cities - or 100% residential cities. You could sort of do this in SC4, but it was so fucked up that it really wasn't satisfying. Some kind of regional economy that's always tracked would be nice.

Few cities is a problem because the nature sc4 works, you can't have two people playing at the same time on neighbouring cities, because each time you save, it saves the neighbours that have connections with you, so you might have conflicts

A sequel nobody asked for?

I'd like a system by which you could define a city by drawing the boundaries yourself, not unlike what C:S does with districts. From there it generates stats on population, production, supply and demand, and so on.

It has a third-person mode where you can switch mayors and have full access to each city, all of which have their own municipal budgets and policies. Alternatively, you can play one mayor and face off with the other mayors for land access, with Civ-like dynamic boundaries dictated by demand for land and economic production. It would be like Transport Tycoon but focused on cities instead of infrastructure.

What do you guys think of the walker system Caesar games used

I think it was horrendous.

Depends on which Indians you are talking about.

That's because the cities are all empty. A large tile with nothing but terrain data on it is something like 200kb, but a large tile with even a medium-sized city on it has a filesize of 10-15mb. The file size will increase quickly as the cities are filled with stuff.

As for the size, I suppose 25 large cities is a reasonable amount. It depends on the region, really. Interesting terrain makes for interesting cities, after all.

I don't know what to do about this. Just having people play on a gigantic region in the hopes that they'll never play together, means throwing the "multiplayer" aspect out the window to begin with.

They can play together, just not at adjacent cities.

How can you stop them from playing in adjacent cities?

Tht s well. But hey, how many games let you play as a benevolent dictator nowadays?


chalk it up to autism or however you like, but it's so dense with side roads and off paths you can fuck yourself with just a few left and right turns. After awhile I thought I was gonna die of starvation until I came across a secret chocolate museum nestled in there and gorged myself to regain my energy. Found my way out eventually, but man.

Traveling to foreign countries is only enhanced by autism tbh

That's the really only issue right now is how to prevent adjacent cities. My guess so far is to give players that join a region of 5-10 cities they can designate as a phase 1, then for phase 2 grabbing remaining territory to connect areas with.

Something like pic related, which would help combat save corruption for the majority of the region growth.

This looks so much better than Cities Skylines. I really want to try it, but I am not going to support EA.

La Plata

Which Empire can call such a powerful city its capital?

If you want a fortified town make sure to go full autism.


Just pirate it then. The cracked versions work better than the actual CD, anyway.

Holy fuck, Magnasanti is real!

You can always grab it from the share thread. It might be up on the vola, check there first.

He just wants to fit in, guys.

Would Fallout 4 qualify as a city builder variant?

This shit makes me crack up like a madman every fucking time

I have no idea what I am doing.

meh, lot of work left to do

Even as a joke that doesn't work, faggot.

Did they suddenly make farms not look like ass?

no, I had to manually place all that.
Prop line tool helped a lot.

The reason for this is because the cities are old, and in the old days there was no planning when building new houses. Then the old houses are replaced by newer houses but only one at a time, which ends up preserving the chaotic layout.

Newer cities like New York were planned, hence why they're so squared and boring.



m8, your broken leg or your asscancer may be your own personal problem, but the moment you get something infectious is the moment it becomes society's problem.

Unless you want ebola on your doorstep, you'd better accept that government does have a place in healthcare.
I do however agree that it has grown way out of proportion : we need to stop letting the public sector ruin independant doctors and clinics, and the govt-granted monopolies on newly discovered tech and molecules need to get cut way the fuck down.

I live in the UK and everyone is forced to drive everywhere because only a few big cities have a working metro system. Good luck if you live outside a city as well where there's only one train link that barely runs, people go on strike every month and traffic is so bad that even driving is a hassle.

Fuck I hate this country.

You don't need government healthcare to enforce a quarantine.

(it's checking time)