How the fuck are there more people playing No Man's Sky than Battleborn?

How the fuck are there more people playing No Man's Sky than Battleborn?

Well, lots of idiots were taken in by NMS' lies so they have an interest in pretending they like it. For battleborn it's pretty much just randy.

Why did Battleborn fail anyway? I don't like Borderlands but I know they're very popular games, I'd think an online FPS made by these guys would be popular

Battleborn is a multiplayer game. If nobody else is playing it then nobody can play it outside of some shitty bot matches.

NMS is a shitty singleplayer game. It can still be played to its fullest (as empty as that fullness may be) without others.

Doesn't explain the all-time peak though.

Those 69 people are Gearbox employees. I am willing to bet money on it

What peak are you talking about? The release peak from people believing the hype or the update peaks from people believing that it might actually be a good game now?

It was a very contrived cash-in of Overwatch. That and Randy Pitchford himself are the main reasons it failed

No Man's Sky put all it's budget into advertising and aesthetics. It's very easy to be fooled into thinking it might be good by the quality of the art design. Battle born is ugly as sin.

Oh yeah, and also

Jesus, talk about a race to the bottom.

No Man's Lie told them the game has multiplayer so they're all trying to find each other in the game.

Blizzard also pulled it's trusty old competition killer and released free Overwatch beta the same day Battleborn was released.

Update 1.1 brought a lot of players back into No Man's Sky, before it there was only ~100 players.

all-time peak as seen in the OP, as of today. It's all time, meaning before/after shitty updates.
212k vs 12k

I don't think I've every truly appreciated just how much of a monumental failure Stillborn was. Can The House of Pitchford ever hope to recover from this?

in no particular order:
bad timing
60 bucks for a fucking aos clone
not lewd enough

Because with multiplayer shooters you need a community in order to attract people.
NMS is a single player game. The multiplayer aspect was a lie remember?

Once the game gets abandoned, then nobody is going to play on empty servers.

Also maybe… just maybe FEMINISM ISNT AWESOME


Deja vu? I swear I've seen your post like 3 times.

The thing with "feminism is awesome" quote is that everyone is missing the context of that phrase, it occurs after you kill a certain female character a number of times. It is the same as "equal right, equal lefts", or someone who has no problem kicking a girls teeth down her throat and calling himself a feminist, because he is doing exactly what feminism wants, which is to treat womyn as equally as men.
And no, I am not Randy.

Kill yourself Randy.



NMS had more marketing and doesn't need other players online to actually play it.

Plus the character roster isn't cohesive. Overwatch is shit but all the characters look good and look like they've been designed by the same team for the same game.

Literally all they need to do is make the game Free to Play to get their audience back, but Pitchford is such an arrogant piece of shit that this will never happen.

It's too bad the joke is complete trash.

Too late.

paladins isnt a super monday night combat clone though, its a tf2 clone.

All this tells me is pandering to furries brings in money.

Fucking Evolve! One of the worst games of all time is more popular than Battleborn.

I don't think you've played many games

Fuck off mate. It's absolute shit but if you combine that with the massive paid hype, shilling, fake awards, budget and butthurt level of its fanboys, it's right up there in the biggest failures of all time. All of those factors have to be taken into account when deciding the overall worst games of all time, of which Evolve is certainly one.

Go play some actual shovelware and get back to me. There are far worse games out there than Evolve.

He's talking about the game you fucking idiot, not the external hype/shilling. The game itself is not that bad, why can't you get that through your thick skull?