Pretty salty at this point.
Pretty salty at this point
don't worry test I'll carry you around so you'll be tall.
If you're under 5'8 you should consider transition
if you're considering transition you should consider suicide
im suffering from crippling depression since we havent been talking
youre so cute
Test short
Fine I'll be on my knees to make you feel taller.
I bet you're on your knees a lot
aww thats cute in a sad kinda of way
when you cybering test and have to lay down to suck his dick
fine fine I'll stop
how else am I gonna clean stuff??!
Guys be nice
Is that what they're calling it these days?
when test asks you to get a cup down from the shelf from him and you put him on your shoulder and let him grab it himself so he doesn't feel emasculated
is this gay to wear
it says men on categories
gotta scrub it you know
when you pick up test to give him a hug and he gets lost in your sweater
i bet you get that a lot
Putting a dick in your mouth isn't really cleaning it
some people refuse to let me forget
what if my mouth is really clean
But its not polite to complain if you like it
this way is more fun :3
I have such a shitty craving for this right now
but it's also kinda cute, wouldn't you agree
People are bullying Test of all people?
Nothing new there.
I do my best to not retaliate because I'll just be shat on for it.
A mouth is statistically the dirtiest place to put a penis.
when you in school and test won't stop peeking out of your backpack
Wanna game?
just go full tribal and go wear a sarong and a peci
when you on a date with test and someone asks "is that your little brother?"
I had some this Friday holy shit it's so good
bully us test~
citation needed
I would totally on the indo market b
Come on.
Is it because they keep making fun of you?
I think you're a great guy. Don't cut yourself short.
do it tomorrow !
I'm sorry, Test.
kyle tell me im cute
If you had the charisma your lack of art skills would have turned you into Hitler, and we are thankful you fucking don't.
Your e-gf isn't as attractive as his fucking washing machine.
I'm curious if you fap to Erin's self-inflicted gore.
*sell yourself
when you reach into your breast pocket for a pen and test already has one ready for you
tomorrow is the Netherlands Indies memorial day, that'd be insensitive.
but now im not interested in you anymore
would i be still talking to you if i didnt think it was cute fam
This is the sort of thing I do to you sometimes, but then you get angry.
v-very true
when it's the third date and you put test in your butt
I need to take a break from being lazy and go get a bag for watching movie with Erin
But I have to clean my place up some first, there's trash everywhere...
u cute
Yes, but Test is not unstable like I am.
Yeah, no catharsis.
Lower center of gravity.
I want to delete that one.
I've been doing squats.
now your target, not civie fire.
I'm curious what the weather is like down there Test
Is it a mild and salty climate down there?
Perfect day to claim independent Molucca.
wait am i going too far if so soz
I'm not 6 feets
The fuck is this shit you are posting?
when you two hours into netflix and chill and test gets lost between the sofa cushions
Nah Moluccas aren't my kind.
I know what it's from
Honestly it has something for everyone.
What is tomorrow?
I guess I prefer it over the other crap.
Hey mods, can we remove the CP links on the banner thread.
tomorrow we remember the liberation of the Netherlands East Indies from the Japs.
Why do this?
i guess im the one complaining then
Other crap?
You tossing shade?
it's a creative writing exercise
I like you though so I won't bully you
Glad I could help
I like loco...
when Test wakes up next to you and starts singing "Everything is Awesome"
i forgive you, sweetie, it's okay
Seems legit
Who wants to play Overwatch ?
oh right I'd watch that lyndon johnson movie from tsuchi
I'm down if we get a group.
it would be
This is my last test post. Sorry test. you know i love you.
can you even bully?
ah neat
okay but i get to call you honey
you can have sweetie
i could invite you to my group jack but theyre from another community
my sides
oh I love being sweetie
can i call you honey boo boo
If I really want to probably, but I wouldn't bully you
Well, you can begin by giving me your ID and letting me add you
That's fine, just invite Squash and he'll invite me
I know nothing and I feel like if I just don't say anything you're going to keep doing this to me
But then I feel like you'll do it no matter what
I don't get it.
Would you a defenseless Megumin?
nevermind i read that compLETELY wrong
i still think that was a good joke though
Gunna pass, bruh.
Maybe another time.
Would you not?
Sorry Test
heh, nothin' personnel, kid
I think the lack of comparing you to Dr. Frankenfurter proves my lack of malicious intent.
Also, it implies that you are so short that you are a Lego person.
Well...I don't know. Is it that bad ?
yeah you missed some drama
go play with squash
pathetic, eisan-chan...
We aren't really talking.
Add me if you want.
explain it to me so i feel better about it
Well that's pretty roundabout.
i have a gross mole on my face
Kiss me so I can have one too.
Is she not good enough for you?
You'd probably go for Darkness or something.
Also I need that doujin title.
Nobody actually thinks the mole is fucking ugly.
Catchya later
that's a beauty mark and it accentuates your classically handsome features perfectly.
id prefer to leave you in mystery. its called edging
yeah ive seen pics
it really ruins your appearance
You know how to push my buttons already
Aaaand I'm already off. Bye guys !
I feel like I just drank a pint of soy sauce. I'm pretty sure the sodium is going to kill me before "later".
Megumin is best girl
Well along with that blonde haired big titty bitch (not Darkness, the other chick)
The quips seemed pretty good-natured.
They fucking sting.
mine were all adorable
i just dont know which buttons you like the most yet
There, there.
Ah, here's where I left it.
If New Game actually had some plot then it might actually be good
Last episode had ok plot
A bit of experimentation may do the trick
Honestly out of all the remarks today I think this one was best and it was from the enemy team.
Yeah test at least you're not nezi
we can all take to that in our times of need.
porcupine bitch is so autistic but honestly is best girl
Im talking about exhentai levels of plot
Do not try to grasp the intention.
Presumably mockery.
I've secretly been Nezi the whole time. That cap is me playing a game with Squash.
Now I feel even worse.
its not nezi actually ever did anything wrong lmao
experimentation is the key to success eisen
we might have to do extensive research
Go watch KissXSis or Prillya.
The blogs can be pretty bad sometimes.
we have to make sure our results are accurate
i'm talking repeated trials, persistence, funny lab coats
Here's a doujin of Aoba getting raped by a group of old men btw
Or heck, even Ichigo Mashimaro
I've already seen this.
wow what a slut
almost everyone here blogs walls of text though
Can we wear only lab coats?
Whatever produces the most satisfying results
Lol fucking ching chong chinamen
Who else /dead inside and can't get out of bed/
I am drunk an whiskey.
I love how hanging out with me has desensitized you to loli
Remember when you used to get triggered by that shit?
Oh yeah it's still fucking gross
But now I can appreciate the humor
so im thinking probably our best bet is threesome with soto
I wanna go to the store but I don't want to get out of bed ugh
i have no immediate reservations about this idea
That's good
How is you?
BUT I NEED IT NOW!!!!!!!!1
I hate niggers
I am pretty good.
Redoing my Retro Pi.
Same day shipping.
happy sunday
praise jebus
well ok then
what the shit ziggo
just add a few dabs of thermal paste
i do
i want you all for myself
it worked thanks bruh
bandwidth throttling... the battle is real
why'd you offer it up then sweetie
Holy shit
In the original Pete's Dragon there was a song where these hillbillies are singing about how they're literally going to violently murder him.
I don't understand.
It's a Rasp Pi with an emulator mounted on it.
I can play old games ROMs on it on my TV.
Do you think Kogasa would be surprised that so many people on the internet love her so much ?
Isn't the purple haired one like in her 20s?
It's ok if she looks 10.
The cannon says she's 20.
i never considered the consequences if you actually said yes
She's 18 or 19.
Def legal.
Yeah, it's totally fine
i just assumed you were in a sharing kinda mood
and i like to be open minded
Ah nice. Sounds cool.
Age is just a number.
You people are fuckin' weird.
Sexual maturity is not.
I'm excited. I can't get audio out of the TV though. Have to use headphones.
im a little jealous when it comes to relationship stuff
Age of consent in Japan is 14 anyways.
There's nothing weird about it.
Anzu is older than Yuno.
That is the best way to watch porn anyway.
I insulted you earlier because I was angry and wanted to hurt Tokai. I'm sorry.
Last I checked, the federal age of consent in Japan was actually 13, Yan.
And every prefecture has regional rulings that effectively raise that to 18.
Maybe one has 16 at the absolute lowest, I don't recall.
Why did you want to hurt Tokai?
Why do I need porn when I have you?
In the UK it's 16
don't worry, it'll be just the two of us
i'll keep your mind at ease
Everyone was making fun of me for being short. When it's one or two jokes I can take it but three people being persistent about it can wear me a bit thin.
Porn is better.
you proud of me Holla Forums?
Test has a short temper when it comes to his height
My point was that the statement "Age of consent in Japan is 14", as of the last time I updated my knowledge on the matter, is objectively wrong.
Granted, that was, like, 3-4 years ago.
But I don't see why any prefecture would change their laws to lower it when that achieves nothing.
That said, their laws have really weird loopholes, like how, IIRC, it was legal to grab a girl's butt on a bus if she was pressed up against you because of crowding.
Ah, that's alright.
I can understanding having a bit of a short fuse to certain stimuli.
I would smash
p gay tbh
Yeah yeah
These do not convey anything interpretable.
You more than others.
But I never said I dislike weird.
Sorry, it felt obligatory to me.
Maybe I'm a bit of an ass.
Holla Forums pls ......................................
Good recovery
No problem.
I am not sure about his, but mine had something related to the topic.
Won my first scrub cup on Dota2!
Got a job in a gambling den!
Life is on the up, boys!
that is just fantastic
how do you even intend to do that? you got a degree in this stuff?
i forgot to reply
Just keep in mind whom no one would immediately consider if they committed murder, yeah?
I think that's global too.
In Canada, it's legal for your wife to give consent regardless of your age.
But the youngest someone can marry you without parental and/or judicial consent is, like, 16, or 18, or something, I don't remember.
her age is what I'd meant to say.
It's okay
If you say so.
All that sucks is that I've got to wake up at 8am and I'll be working on my birthday.
i'm the foremost expert in my field, boo
you're dealing with a real prodigy here
I am happy for you!
Oh my .///.
Wouldnt that be a slut in this context?
Mandy. You should come cuddle me.
birthdays are overrated and humans are meant to wake up with the sun
How's your day been?
Besides the teasing?
not really since I said it would just be the two of us
i'm lost. the point is you're my bb
This is the one I actually wanted to use.
are boo and eisen thread official?
But I really should work out...
Fuck. Sent my mom a meme instead of my brother.
They are both perfect!
You lost?
but you had like 10 gold medals, how could that happen?
Cuddle me instead.
Facebook. I thought I sent it to my brother, but I clicked her instead.
The second one's just more apt to what I was saying.
its a meme theres no way you couldve understood
i played you like a fiddle
Does it include exercise?
Tell me it wasn't furry porn.
Long. I've been up since I took a nap yesterday.
That depends on what you want to call "exercise", darling.
always bein taken for a fool in this damn place
This pic.
What did she think? Did she tell you it was a nice meme?
Same thing happened with me but I accidentally sent it to my grandma rather than my older sis
The good thing was that it wasn't really a meme just a kawaii anime picture
Oh. Did she think it was dank?
Elations, friend!
Reinforcement has arrived.
Mother does not know about memes and Overwatch.
See above.
Mother is truly blessed.
My head hurts.
I didn't even sort of think she would, I'm just jokin
That's your brain trying to comprehend its own stupidity.
Usually anything that consists of repetitive and rigorous action.
That is my scthick, love.
She knows a lot about games from just watching us play and listening to us talk about them.
i think youre actually pretty smart
Would you say we could work on your lower body?
You said you only harassed Luka.
you're so generous with your compliments
Tell that to Blizzard, they totally stole it.
Where are the Reaper memes
I demand Reaper memes
verb: harass; 3rd person present: harasses; past tense: harassed; past participle: harassed; gerund or present participle: harassing
subject to aggressive pressure or intimidation.
"a warning to men harassing women at work"
synonyms: persecute, intimidate, hound, harry, plague, torment, bully, bedevil; More
pester, bother, worry, disturb, trouble, provoke, stress;
informalhassle, bug, ride, give someone a hard time, get on someone's case
"tenants who harass their neighbors"
make repeated small-scale attacks on (an enemy).
"the squadron's task was to harass the retreating enemy forces"
synonyms: harry, attack, beleaguer, set upon, assail
"they were sent to harass the enemy flanks"
I only diss IKT every now and then.
And I am leaving Luka alone from now on after talking to George and Scoots.
"Every now and then" IS repeated.
What ep fam?
Would be the case normally but my family are bothering me to go out for a meal and stuff, so now I have to do all this silly birthday stuff the day before work... however, that'll mean I can have the real birthday to myself after!
I'm happy too, but now I got another interview for another job that has more hours/pay but no prospects of promotion or maybe not permanent.
*after Yan told me not to and said he wouldn't give me any cummies
I don't consistently treat them badly.
And I'm not exactly toxic like I am with Luka.
I could be if you'd like me to prove a point.
You are taken so I need not your cummies.
gotta finish the second half of that episode lmao
Maybe work on upper legs and core, maybe?
Blizzard steals everything.
Oh. There's this old thing. But you've probably seen it.
mine is better than test's
you can pay me back by watching jojo with me
Just looking out for you.
Slow watcher. Have you at least seen Re:Suffering 20?
I'm making a sex joke.
You get that, right?
that would be lovely
I'm waiting for my little brother so we can both watch it
Don't judge me
Want to call?
I am bored.
I am busy edging. I do not want you listening to my moans.
It was p neat.
Yeah. I am talking about thrusting into your ass....
Looks like we have a date then.
I Nietzsche so bad.
There was a pun in what I said, actually.
When are you free?
im not feeling like any animu today
me neither
i dunno, next time we're in thread together just hit me up
when school starts though my schedule won't be as free
I hope somebody explains it.
Nietzsche is said as,
N in No
E in Seed
Ch in China
A in About.
Then read it back aloud.
"I neecha so bad"
"I need'cha so bad"
When do you start?
also what are you majoring in?
i dont think youve told me
I move in august 27
media and information major
fuck my shit up fam
what the fuck
i thought it was a good joke
How did you not get it?
Is Rin drunk?
what kind of job does that net you?
I don't play overwatch but overwatch memes are my favorite things ever
... I got it.
Apparently Test didn't get the pun of
The moment passed.
It's more funny to me that you didn't get it.
Unfortunately, I can't take credit for it.
High on life, baby.
I guess I'm in one of my rare "good moods."
Is Soto sober?
Did you el oh el?
Because it's so out of context.
I was vaguely aware of it the first time I heard it, but because I didn't really think about it, I wound up having to be told that it was a pun to get it.
a joke exploiting the different possible meanings of a word or the fact that there are words that sound alike but have different meanings.
"the pigs were a squeal (if you'll forgive the pun)"
synonyms: play on words, wordplay, double entendre, innuendo, witticism, quip, bon mot
""you can make your own antifreeze by stealing her blanket" is a pun guaranteed to get some groans"
hopefully working on video for a company or something. my dad says there would be a place for me at his company.
working on potentially learning some audio engineering at the radio station i work at. good chance that i'll be (assistant) video director as well if i stay with them long enough.
I give up.
make your own antifreeze...
That's bad.
Is being in a good mood usually rare for you?
I thought that was just the default mood people are on
Sadly yes
Well Im still pretty buzzed/woozy from some super strong edible I ate yesterday and my smart ass decided to eat another huge chunk at like 4:30am then slept and woke up still high
Crazy world out there
Eat more.
oh so you are actually set up well, i wasnt sure how directed your life was
im gonna go fap brb
Thank you, I know what a pun is.
i guess i'm better off than the average person, but "communications major" still carries the usual stigma and anxiety.
I would say so.
I can usually laugh and smile and stuff, but I don't really feel it.
I just kinda feel good about myself for once, y'know?
That actually sounds nice
I also want some iced coffee too
The problem is just having to get up
There's a weepinbell somewhere nearby.
Have an imouto or something bring it to you.
Won't lie, because of you, I have issues remembering that character's name.
I always remember it as Soto.
As in, Soto, not Aria.
That's good!
It should always be like that tbh
Holy shit, that's actually a good idea
But then I dont wanna boss them around and tell them to make coffee for me
What kind of onii-chan would I be?
Oh Kinji?
Yeah man, I capped a few pics from the newest spinoff but Aria rarely comes out let alone Kinji
I was so triggered
No idea actually.
So I hear!
And it's a really nice feeling!
Y'know, I looked up his name before making that post.
It still feels so wrong to call him anything but Soto, lol.
tuck me in rin
Tell him he doesn't get tucked in till he makes up with Squash.
Wait what?
What happened between Boo and Squash?
I read that as "fucks squash"
Maybe that too
Me irl on the right.
literally waiting to be tucked in
tuck me into a fucking coffin
*makes you a warm bottle of milk, changes your diaper and rocks you to sleep in my arms
no, not you... you get to live
you get to suffer as I have suffered
may you live forever fish...
ill tell you if you tuck me in
Let's not overdo it.
why would someone post up a damn torrent of a movie dubbed in french and not fucking mention it...
I think everyone here should live until they day they die, and also kys. :^)
go big or go home son
______________________________________________________________ I LIED
Go to bed then bwaka, I don't really care 'slong as neither of you try to drag me into it.
too late
youre on my side now
im not that tired
i just wanted your attention
screw this... going to watch a movie or something
People would do that?
Just go onto the internet and beg for attention?
The fuck is going on in here?
if you're burnt out then give me your overwatch account
New thread.
I was talking about ARK
Squash never invites me to play Overwatch.