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The next Psychonauts is VR only

I wish I was joking. I don't know if this is 2 or not, but I guarantee all that crowdfunding money went to this and not 2 as promised.
Archive: archive.is/AYHaL
Original source: amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0728JQ1T9/ref=nosim/cheapassgam08-20

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I've never used VR, how is the shota?

Sounds retarded. Reminder that Kotick was right about Mr. Shitface

Perfect choice for something that aims to bring you inside someone's mind.

There's a lot shittier things you could do for 10 million dimes

starting to really think VR is just some massive money laundering scheme.

Well technically. People say VR when they mean wide field stereoscopic view.

I thought Psychonauts VR was supposed to tie into 2 and they were separate games

Fantastic if you can find the porn

This was well-known for a long time