Losing control?
Whats your favorite game thats setting/story involves demons and/or the occult? Hard mode: no SMT/persona
Losing control?
Whats your favorite game thats setting/story involves demons and/or the occult? Hard mode: no SMT/persona
Other urls found in this thread:
I guess the goto is doom.
Nigger, that's easy, even without SMT/Persona. DMC.
Obviously Genesistale by Toby "banks" Fox.
Pic related, the most vile fucking demon of them all.
dam ole muntee's island monica
Morning everyone
2 more months of work. Can't fucking wait to quit. Need more japan trip ideas if you guys have any.
Still playing Harmony of Dissonance, barely. Ended up ordering a cheap knockoff of one of these things. I'm starting to think that my constant urge to do something with my hands is the only reason I even play video games. Like if I was a little less weird about needing to be using my hands, I could maybe be normal instead of the loser I am now. Oh well.
Castlevania, duh.
shieet fam wuz poppin 2 monfs monica tho dat sound ruff mah dude
i forgot about dem castlevanias n ur boi was just shitpostin on summa dat ole shit monica
Hopefully it feels shorter.
Im gonna pick up wood carving soon, maybe that'll replace gaming.
Doom, maybe Devil May Cry. Does CoC or Vampire count as Occult?
Overwatch ;^)
Fuck. Still I bet there would have been a dozen persona ones considering how often people are talking about it lately.
How goes guys?
You memein?
I've been really wanting one of those things. Bet its so damn satisfying. Hows your day going user?
Did math with my budget based on last check and can quit way early. Going to work a month for sure. Maybe a little longer if I can stand it like 2 weeks longer. Then go to nippon in august.
still not as good as my fingerbox
pic related, it's the same model
How do you cope with failure in life, 4 AM?
ye dat nigga guybrush threepwood is mah dam ole nigga monica i b tellin mofos all da time i b sellin deez fine leather coats monica balee dat
ikr das a scary lookin nigga ch'yea famiglia
i ain't stickin mah finger in dat fam feel me?
no bruh, dem finga boxes tha tru reallest shit dawg
Since i got my meds, ive been feeling so much fucking better. I can actually think now. Feels good.
Holy shit the 2nd area in EO4 is fucking brutal. It doesnt help that the 3 floors they give you are fucking tiny too. No room for leveling without grinding. The 3rd area is childs play compared to the 2nd area.
Morning folks
Day 1 at con went well. Grabbed some weebshit, watched a shitload of anime and got drunk as fuck.
There's also some gunpla related competition going on, as we found a room full of gorgeous builds on our way out.
Diablo ii
I've already been working almost 3 months so.
I wouldn't count vampires as the occult no. No rituals or anything are typically used to become one.
How goes user
I've been wanting one of those nice leather coats based off like wwii fighter shit. Look comfy.
That's only because one came out recently.
Old people look weird when they're young.
And p5 is the best smt game in a while. It actually has challenge instead of whatever the fuck smt4 was. Who shought smirk was a good idea?
Can't see shit!
How much you drop on all that user?
Nice fam, glad to hear.
I forgot what eo4 is already
I know.
Read the bible and pray.
Etrian odyseey 4. Dungeon crawler on ds where you draw the map.
Doom of course. Evilution is a wild ride so far.
drugs n determination
mah penis goin in it monica balee daaaat
i let yusuke call me dat 1 time
pic related wut u should b rockin monica it'd make u b lookin str8 fierce monica
I liked plutionia better. Evilution had some awful maps.
did you read chapter 125 of tokyo ghoul: re yet?
.My life is shit and I want it to end. I have no job and I hate everything. I sleep and play video games to keep the bad thoughts away. I was going to wake up at 9am, but here I am at 4am. I couldn't sleep and I was thinking about how much I hate my life.
Bloodlines is somewhat Occult like. Not even counting that ghost hotel.
still another uncomfy and shit thread as usual
I like them a lot. Pretty hype for Bloodstained, too.
I'm too clumsy for something like that, but it was something I wanted to do when I was younger.
You can get one for $2 on AliExpress, but it's a chinese knockoff and takes 1-2 months to arrive. But when the real ones are $30, that looks like a good deal.
Spoiler that you sick fuck.
Liquor, masturbation, and escapism.
like fiddy fuckin times monica ha
fuck spiders tbh
Im good with my hands very good, so i dont have to worry about cutting myself. It also helps i like to play with my knives alot.
I concur. benis.
Morning all. Co-worker was late to work, had to go in 2 hours earlier than I was supposed to, but I got to leave about 4 hours earlier than my original shift intended, so hell yeah. I only work 6 hours tomorrow too.
I'm gonna cheese this and say Disgaea: Hour of Darkness
nice soritsu.
can't say I got any idea though
that's a pretty nice haul user!
Been a long time since I last went to a con, how was Day 1 for you?
Ohhhhh right. I need a game to play but need something that you can play for 10 mins a session. Work sucks and makes it hard to want to play games all night.
See anything cool?
Long coats are pretty comf but make you look pretty faggy
Just embrace the NEET life and you'll be a lot happier.
Probably only costs 1$ for the real ones to be produced anyway.
do not fuck the spiders tbh
u could rock it fam trips
What system? 3ds in particular or a phobne game?
I don't want to be NEET. I want a life. I'm just too much of a fuck up.
You people need jesus.
I atleast had a reason to be a neet, because going outside phyically hurt. It sucked being sick.
I agree
I seriously don't see how Ritsu thought this genre was hard to find without SMT/Persona.
Tbh i had a hard time thinking of a game that wasnt smt. I completely forget alot of games exist.
jesus needs me to show him a good time tbh
Didn't know you were into loli fam
Old timey clothes would be pretty comf if you didn't stand out like a faggot or hipster tbh
Anything really.
Then want the NEET life.
Theres only room for one messiah in my life and thats my waifu.
I endure a process of continuous frustration where I plan for the last minute, swear I'll change, then fall back into old habits. I fear failure as much as I fear success, and even though I know I can succeed, I'm scared how much I will change and my life will change if it actually happens.
I saw a burger and a blooming onion today. I also ate them. They were good.
DMC and Doom hell even Vampire The Masquerade.
I've had interventions because people thought I was self-harming over the number of cuts I get. Sometimes I'll go to the deli and buy one of those really big sausages you can get (I think they're sausages, at least). Anyway, I'll go buy that and just lop a chunk off and eat it while I do other stuff. Keep a knife handy while I do so I can chop pieces off of it. Every time I do that I end up with little cuts and nicks all over my hands.
Probably, yeah. I'd like a real one eventually but $2 is a good deal.
trying to gain control, this week i drove around trying to force myself to go eat somewhere alone to get used to being around people AGAIN even though i used to be fine. its like i reverted to hermitude after i quit smoking. i barely go out for drinks with the lads anymore because i know it was mostly just me smoking boagies. anyway i failed and got take-out so i'm not closer to having the balls to signing up for that BJJ place
got a match with a cute girl on tinder but i'm having trouble getting the conversation rolling, whatever, drinking lots of beer tonight, played lots of video games including the new GG which has my favorite character back
does F.EA.R count? i mean i ignore its superantural elements but alma is pretty occult
didn't you only just get a job you horrific neeter
I'm just sick of hearing about persona tbh
I've never had a bloomin onion before. What toppings on the burger?
It'd help me have something to do with my hands now that I quit smoking.
Same as all religions really.
I'm glad they finally got together and it was before the end of the series. I was surprised that Touka was still a virgin. I really hope Kaneki gets a happy ending. I'm not sure how much suffering and loneliness one guy can handle.
There is this fucking car alarm that goes off everydsy around this time and its fucking loud as shit.
On android there is this really nice picross game called graphilogic, no ads at all.
On 3ds, most games are good in 10 min chunks except for actiony shit like monster hunter. Dunno what genre you want though.
I completely forgot about DMC even though i played all of them like 2 times to complettion
same. Demons and/or Occult in games is way too easy of a topic.
I've been a fuck up my whole life though.
The fig was about 190, nendos were ~$60 each, the senran book was $60 probably could have gotten it cheaper if I looked around but didn't want to risk them selling their only copy of it and the gunpla were pocket change in comparison
this is also my first figurine and I'm extremely happy with it. Thank you vanillaware
Rain has kinda been mvp. Has kept lines to get in real short, but no one has busted out the intricate or fancy cosplays due to the weatherunsurprisingly there are loads of phantom thieves this year. Tomorrow should be nice so there will be some good cosplays to hunt down if I can be bothered, but there's a lot of shit going on in interested in participating in which is a first
everyone should worship me tbh
I've been working 3 months. Time flies user.
Blow job J? Whats the J stand for?
Me either and thats the problem.
You should practice more. Or focus on not cutting yourself so you start doing it subconciously.
I know who I'm gonna trigger now.
that's some grade A fap material right there fam
cheeky. 'means brazillian jiujitsu which is the only martial arts place in my area that isn't a mcdojo or a daycare
I'll have a coworker walk up to me and give some shpiel about whatever the fuck, and I'll have no idea how to come up with a proper witty response or throw back some banter. FUCK THIS IS FRUSTRATING ME. How the fuck do you interact with people because I'm this close to beating my skull into a fucking dust cloud at this rate.
I think smoking is another thing I only do to occupy my hands. The more I think about it, the more I'm realizing that almost everything I do started as a way to keep my hands busy. I get this real bad ache in them, almost, if I'm not doing anything with them. I wish I'd had a fidgety thing like that available to me as a kid.
I think it's just how I am. I've got no coordination at all.
Dis, rarely you get 2 see mofuckas bangin 2 monica. It's either on sum implied shit or they got a kid in da epilogue. Somehow dat nigga made it artful 2 despite all das circumstances.
niggas fappin 2 figs? c'mon nao b srs
don't lie dmx you know you do it too
is that a barbatos under it? a newer one i assume. i did the initial HG barbatos and didn't really end up liking it, but i've been meaning to go touch it up. issue is those non-UG things are so small that 1/144 is babby sized
You've given me the only thing I want in life user
Dunno what that fig is from but it looks nice
Welcome to the world of figs, next thing you know you'll end up like me with 20+ figs on your desk.
If by trigger you mean bore to death sure
Theres some dorky place an hour or so away from me that does fencing and kendo. Really tempted to go.
A blooming onion is just onion rings without the ring. I think it was BBQ sauce, mushrooms, cheese, lettuce and something else.
I got a ritsu fig on da shelf, but i just tell mah kids dat who's gonna come getchu if u bad on xmas.
I think it's because he added all the awkward bits in there for the both of them. It worked because it's their first times. Do you ever feel sad for the characters in the story? Sometimes this story really fucks me up emotionally.
how much did it run you?
I would've been surprised if there hadn't been user.
for photo-taking i assume?
i always did that at cons. It felts pretty uncomfortable asking someone for their photo even after doing it all day.
I hate this picture. I want to burn it with a candlestick.
see thats what kills, theres a judo place but its like an hour+ drive from where i live and i work full time in a physical labor job, i'd crash my damn car from exhaustion if their training is good. also i'm a lowkey pussy about classroom environments and meeting new people
for starters, you need to stop caring tbh next you need to go over these conversations in your head and consider your options, then you need to see what works and what doesn't work
Is there a genre of video games you'd like to get better at, 4 AM? I'd like to get better at fighting games. My favorite fighting game franchises are Guilty Gear and KoF.
Well, looking at my 3ds games i have
Xenoblade 3d
Kirby robobot
Story of seasons
Rune factory 4
Persona q
All of these are good in chunks.
The one near me has 5 stars on google. When i start hitting the gym im gonna check it out.
I guess some people are just shit at some things. Im kinda shit at remebering things. I just sorta forget.
You've crossed the line
What kind of shit they talk about user?
Should take up whittling user
Sounds like a good burg.
What else you do today user?
is it the picture or is it the man behind the imagine?
Saw a copy of the entire first season of One Punch Man earlier for $15 at a local store. Thinking about going back and picking it up. On a related note, that store is fucking bipolar; that copy was right next to one on the shelf, pretty much the same condition, for twice as much. I have no clue how they handle their prices.
Probably either game of Yuri's saga. Hell, how about both?
I want to get gud at shmups, but not like touhou shmups, more like donpachi and raiden.
Yes. I'm worthless.
yea I feel bad fo everyone pretty much. eybody come from fucked up circumstances, always tryna muster up da strength to go on just to git fucked with again and either become da shit they hate or git killed themselves. like arata, dat dude just tryna protect n feed his kids but kinda went a lil too homocidal n lost his shit. now he's prolly in ccg lab somewhere shittin out armor or however that shit work.
RTS but only if it stops being dead
Me too. I've gotta write things down now or I forget completely.
I'd end up slashing my hands open.
Everything here is over an hour away cause rural life.
Could always just grab food or something afterwards and rest some if you really want to go there.
Scrolling shooters because I suck at them and theres lots of vintage shit I miss out on cause of it.
Theres a zelda on 3ds?
Probably scratched up discs
Why would you do that user
Sometimes i even forget to read what ive written down. Sometimes when im playing vidya i forget what im trying to do or even what i just did in the last turn.
There are 3.
All of them are pretty good, and i think people say that MM 3d is better than n64 MM. I havent played it yet though.
Because I'm a klutz
I read the translators messed up on this page. Kaneki's actually saying "you're beautiful" and Touka's saying "really?" What got you hooked on TG anyway?
I never can play those remade versions of them. Feel wrong.
Now hes just fat
You're jewish?
I invaded a boardgame online stream with my internet buddy, but the two of us got ganged up on so we only won once. It was pretty neat though.
Fair enough. I would play them just so i dont have to play it at 20 fucking fps.
It's one of the kitsune from Muramasa. I forget which character she follows exactly, but she'll show up with information at save shrines, and occasionally shows up in the hot springs.
I still remember it being pretty funny playing as Okoi Miike, the nekomata, and finding one of the kitsune in the spring. Okoi gets slightly miffed at just how big her bath partner's breasts are, while she's flat as a board.
Yeah, I don't know. Mostly because they charge inane prices on just about anything; if it's expensive elsewhere, there's a slim chance they've got it ridiculously cheap, and if it's cheap elsewhere, chances are they'll have it for two or three times the normal cost. It's just odd to see two copies side by side and one being half the price of the other.
They're also rather good about buffing discs if needed, and if something's really scratched up they won't even take it in.
Honestly, it's not enough the content of what they talk about it. It's just the fact that I don't know how to be in the moment and just along with whatever it is they're talking about. sometimes it feels like I'm on a completely different wavelength.
that's the joke
Whatever, let's go with that.
At my local goodwill they price things so fucking strangely. They wanted like 6 dollars for a shit rubber dome hp heyboard but will only charge 2 dollars for a nice mechanical off brand keyboard. it had a ps/2 connector so i cant use it. Oh well
what the fuck is with you and hating real girls? getting burned by one girl and giving up on all of them is just shooting yourself in the foot and swearing you'll never use guns ever again. are you just going to love your cardboard cutout and body pillow forever? do you never want to start a family and have kids of your own someday? I honestly perplexed by this whole waifu complex.
What boardgame?
Ohhh yeah. That game always looked cute. Hows it play?
You just need to practice your reaction time and think quicker really.
How should I invest my money shekelstein?
pretty much just hear a nigga bring it up thought I'd check it out. I had heard :re was shit and wasn't gonna read it till I found out it was literally a direct sequel.
I just found out niggas left out a page or page and a half or sum shit on TG proper's ending with Kaneki saying the old ainu shit again and showin his fuckin kagune off
tg's dark and industrial vibe grabbed me hard, and re did have me skeptical for a minute but dat nigga really know's how to flip the tables on his readers constantly, every week that dude makes you say wtf?!
wrong picture
here's the real demon or as i like to call him the real NIGGER
I go to mine for book deals. Buy 3 and one's free, and they're $5 a pop in brand new condition.
foreskin regeneration
Suuuuuure. I've seen the pics you post! You like that!
You'll learn the truths of 2d one day user
Unless shit is seriously stuttering I never notice fps because I only care about gameplay.
If i actually read, i would pick up cheap books all over the place, but im an uncultured swine.
I barely read anymore. No focus.
Thats a myth.
Thats why books are so cheap
In a lot of NES games, slow motion in heavy action is a feature tbh
have any of you degenerates got any tinder experience? i gotta figure out how to make conversations move along better, maybe not even tinder but with new people in general. i'm realizing i haven't made a new friend in like 5+ years and i do not trust the real life friends i have anymore
Barbatos Lupus. I picked it up since I heard this kit is exceptionally good from the IBO line. I only like the Barbatos because of its tiny waist. Gives it a lot of posing options gundams don't regularly have though I think the line is generally great for its pricepoint, the show itself was kinda shit
190 leafbux
Yeah. I'm usually too much of a sperg to go out and talk to other people and half the time I end up regretting talking to congoers anyways
Chances are I'll be checking out the gunpla build contest though as I eyed a neo zeong when I took a peek
I'm going to be quite picky with my figs. I only have maybe one or two in mind if I happen to come across it as these things sure aren't cheap
Also she's from a game called muramasa. Definitely worth checking it out
tinder is a shit place tbh
Those pages seem really important. It shows a pretty pivotal reason for why Arima didn't kill Kaneki. I felt iffy about :re at first since it took away more focus from Kaneki, but now that I can see where the story went it makes more sense. The first part was Kaneki seeing the world from the ghoul side. Then the sequel is his view from the CCG side. The best part is how currently previous diehard CCG members, like Mado and Amon, are now forced to join the Ghoul side. I really want to see how it changes them.
I prefer fluidity in gameplay. It ruins my rhythym if things slow down.
trust me goyim
Boardgame online. It's a browser game that was shilled a lot on halfchan before Holla Forums existed, but there were a lot of fun times regardless. It's kind of a redditor memefest with a terrible song selection and a terrible fanbase too, which sucks because it's a good game with mild technical depth at it's core. At the end of the day the best way to have fun in the game is by using the power of autism to ruin other people's fun.
why's that? And have you tried meeting new people? what troubles have you been having so far?
Im assuming that boardgame online is like tabletop sim, but in browser.
What other figs you wanting?
Never ever
Wait its literally just boardgame?
It's it's own thing. You roll a dice and events happen.
Might also say that store had individual volumes of another show for $12 each (seven volume series = $84 total), while I got a complete set (albeit from a different print) earlier this week for $7 at a store in the same chain.
They're pretty fun, if somewhat repetitive action scrolling RPGs. Main game has you playing through the stories of Kisuke or Momohime (Jinkuro), swordsman that can create and wield the demon blades, which you forge from souls of your enemies. The Wii version has a pretty bad translation courtesy of Ignition, while the Vita version has a much better translation by Aksys, as well as actually worthwhile DLC characters with their own stories, bosses, and music (and the souls they collect are put towards strengthening the weaponry and abilities they have, as they don't use the demon blades). Might also mention that the game is really fucking pretty (though that's to be expected from Vanillaware), and the music is really damn good.
Tbh i have trouble trusting anything now. I cant trust anything online, not even programs. I cant trust anyone.
u read tower of god too fam or was that someone else? why does every ranker seem retarded?
yea, da parallels are sorta heavy handed but it's gonna put kaneki in sum tough spots fo'really tho. mutsuki almost got em, urie and suzuya are probably gonna b feelin real conflicted. saiko tit huggin urie was one of da greatest moments in japanese history tbh
also knowin wut we know now about arima, v, the washus et all, he probably would've recognized rize kagune and been like, this poor kid wtf is going on
i use squal'ah
eh, as long as she's not some landwhale and she's a cute asian, I'd hit it.
is that kongiku a goodsmile or something? I'm gonna see if I can get my hands on one. If it was $190 for you, it'll probably be more like $160 for me.
same here user, i don't do well talking to strangers irl
yeah, it's even worse when you accidentally talk to one of those weirdos who thinks you're their best friend just because you were a decent human being to them
take plenty of photos!
i'd love to see all the pictures if you'd feel like sharing
Is there a point to it? A scoring system or a goal? Or its it just random events?
There's a goal and you have to reach it to win. There's different modes like teams, "boss" mode where one guy is really powerful and it's that one guy versus everybody else, etc.
Forth ones body is just weird. Wide with no tits
Sounds fun
Wait you don't play as a cute girl? Dropped
Sounds like a shit game tbh. But anything reddit clings to is probably shit.
sounds like the first place you need to start is learning to trust people again. And I'm not saying to toss all your eggs in one basket, but invest at least a small bit of trust into people. You can probably go off your intuition most of the time.
Yeah being an autist does that.
i dropped it completely near the end of season 1 but i still like some suits from it
I KNOW ITS SHIT, I KNOW ONLINE DATING IS SHIT. but i have no other way to meet new people anymore, my job is just me and my old man building houses, my hobbies are all solo, if i go out its just going out with the 4-5 people i already know tops and doing the same thing we always do, which is have some brews and go home.so i fell for the tinder meme even though i've only met one girl IRL from it and that was a wash
lots of behind-the-back shit talking and armchair psychologist going on in my social circle right now, i'm trying to keep out of it so if they all kill each other i can either break it up, or not get dragged into it
googling this didn't help me understand at all
that one's probably my favorite body type for a girl tbh. I don't care much about tits. She's fairly short too though
Hey don't feel bad I'm one too.
it was nice talking to you about TG. It feels good to finally talk about it since this has been stewing in my brain for years.
Fists > magic tbh fam
Maybe i just got freaked out over the huge ransomware wave. I dont even use my computer anymore in fear of catching malware.
You can continue with the whole online dating thing, but dont expect to meet anybody who will want to stay after you fuck them.
Short and thick thighs is god tier. But the weird boxy chest/hips is just bleh
It's okay with the right crowd. But I became way too good at this game - out of all the damn games in the world I could have become good at - and the only fun I can get out of this game anymore is by ruining other people's fun.
I'm specifically looking for pics related or a nice fig of one of the senrans I like
Google says she was made by amakuni and I certainly will be sharing pics. Gonna have to figure out why all my pics are uploading upside down or sideways though
Pic related is done by good smile though
It free though right? Might play it with my m8s sometime.
probably because you're not remotely used to doing it. you could get used to it, but you'd just have to do it more frequently and consistently.
There's multiple cute girls to play as: Momohime, Okoi Miike the nekomata, and Rayjaki the demon girl. The last one even shifts between ages to change her combat style (as well as tease the fuck out of the teenager she's trying to get to marry her).
Momohime does spent much of the game as a disembodied soul, as Jinkuro, a swordsman, screwed up a body possession spell and stole her body instead of the one he wanted. So the player character there is effectively a grown man in a teenage girl's body (with her soul getting dragged along for the ride since if her soul gets devoured by demons or something, it'll kill Jinkuro too).
getting laid would be nice too but learning how to meet new people would actually be helpful. i dunno if its like just in my area or what but me nor anyone else seems to make new friends or meet new people at all now that we're in our mid 20s
i wish i had the fucking balls to do some Kino's Journey shit. but i'm not smart enough to do that and i would be crushed from guilty if i went to far away from my folks who i actually want to be able to help out when they need me
I hate this meme. A woman should be graceful and thin, not a fucking landwhale.
How do you get gud at an rng game?
oh shit. yeah they're self-destructing. it's just a sinking ship now.
i try not to, but it doesn't usually work. At least I have videogames.
her hips are pretty good by me, and once again, i don't much care for tits as long as they aren't disgustingly oversized. In fact, knowing that tits only ever continue to sag and get wrinklier and nastier-looking as time goes on, i think i'd prefer a girl with B or C cup tiddies tbh
thanks user i'll look into it then.
wish I knew how to fix that
I'll admit I get tired of seeing THICC crop up in posts so much. For all I know it's the same damn guy each time.
"thick" should be synonymous with "curvy", but chubby chasing faggots have once again co-opted a term meant for a sexy, curvy body turned it into meaning a girl who is just a fatass with no sense of self-control.
And your waifu.
ye idk no niggas that are into it neitha and, not that I use vB's anymore, but this is a series where I definitely would not look into a community for it because it's gotta b str8 tumblr considering
I rly wanna play jail and read da light novels too tho
it's sort of a pun on squalor
i've put it on the table many times to them now that if they want me to help them or any shit they just need to ask me, but they keep pulling stunts like this and its getting worse, i don't want to get dragged into their drama but at the same time if my friend circle implodes i don't know if i'll ever make an IRL friend again due to reasons i've mentioned above in this thread
Well I might just have to play these after all then. She got a cute loli form?
Thick ain't bad. Thin is good too.
Big nip tits seem to hold up pretty well. Nips got 10/10 tits in general really.
"the only fun I can get out of this game anymore is by ruining other people's fun." -8/v/
That is what highschool was for. i never went to highschool so im fucked. Im good at observing so i think i'll manage
No, i think its alot of people. Its just a meme. its hilarious to watch twitch chat blowup when somone mention the word thick though
But even curvy now means "a single curven in the shape of a circle". Is it so wrong to want a woman that has moderatly sized boobs with a slim body?
No idea, but I ended up accomplishing that anyway. I usually end up winning unless the RNG or the players decide to just completely fuck with me.
THICC is a gateway drug to fat bitches, never forget that, especially since the term is being co-opted by normalfags and tumblrfags
anime tomboys are the true gospel because liking them will make you feel constant guilt about your body and convince you to work out more
what's that?
I'd argue theres a difference between thick and curvy. Curvy implies a certain ratio of tits and hips. Thick could just be thick thighs and ass really.
And 3dpd fatties use curvy all the time too you know
Thanks fam
Tomboys are gods gift to true men.
Thats how it usually goes when you get into a game infested with redditors.
Somone who understands me. Short haired tomboys are the best.
I've made it, boys. Livin' the life.
I need one. It looks fucking sick.
How goes constantly late user?
homeschool? also highscool isn't "for" anything but weeding out the complete retards and making a quarantine zone for kids going through their hormonal phase, anyone who thinks highschool was for life lessons is a dummy
Kino's journey is a light novel/anime/manga about a girl named Kino (pic related) and her talking motorcycle named Hermes. they travel and nothing else. they travel until they find a place, and stay there for 3 days and for the most part observe and then leave to travel more. it seems so awesome in my head but i don't think i could do it because i like video games and internet to much and i don't have survival skills or even a motorcycle license yet
my niggas
i don't deserve her. I don't even into waifuism like soritsu or other waifufags. My own cynicism won't let me delude myself enough for waifuism. I live to suffer.
true enough. I don't think i've ever seen a nip girl with ugly tits.
maybe if you dive headlong into it, like most do, sure. I draw the line at "Chouzuki Maryou" for "thickness" though. Because she's actually just a bit past the line more than I'd prefer.
too bad they don't exist anymore
Yeah, homeschool.
no I need one
live your self a gun and shoot your self
you're right on the dot with that one. I only know from reading the comments from past chapters, but apparently tumlbr went into overloaded tard rage when chapter 125 came out because kaneki and touka became official. It's amazing how hard it is to just have a normal conversation about this kind of stuff without all the other drama getting dragged into it. I hope Mado reconciles with kaneki in later chapters and we get a deeper conversation between amon and kaneki. they haven't really gone into detail on what each other's deals are.
god don't remind me, i envy those "next door tomboy" stories deep
i'll be real it always seems like a bad idea to homesschool
Oh, and if memory serves the artist confirmed that Momohime runs around in nopan mode.
That one's the one on the lower left clinging to the idiot guy. She's really fast in the form, and fights with a giant (for her size anyhow) axe. Also the form that he accidentally proposes to her in, as Momohime had already finished her riceball and ran off to do something else without him noticing.
The playable cast is half and half: You've got Kisuke, Arashimaru, and Gonbe as the guys, and Momohime, Okoi, and Rayjaki as the girls. There's also a number of npcs, female ones namely being the two kitsune, Torahime, and some literal whores you can find in towns.
you and me both user
Life is suffering
You have no idea how bad normal high school is right now. I legit think highschool is a death sentence.
just remember meeting people and making new friends is still a social skill. you're going to suck hard at it for a long time (most likely). if you can be okay with sucking at it, you'll get the hang of it sooner or later if you actively practice meeting new people and trying to make friends.
It hurts that my fetish is being ruined by faggots just posting fatties whenever it's mentioned. I just want to enjoy some juicy thighs without being being associated with chubbychasers
I finished it as my autism demands I finish whatever I pick up except code geass but it was the first time I was legitimately glad a show was over
The graze may be one of my favorite mobile suits of all time next to ground gundams though
They also got this coming out next year
Not really a footfag but damn do I think it's a gorgeous fig.
Anyways bedtime for me. Got a long day coming up, hopefully I got some more pics to share for next thread
Seriously whats up with that. I mean maybe its cause we only see porn of them? But I see nasty 3dpd tits on western porn whores all the time so.
Nip ones always have great shape and perfect nips tho
esprade is kinda occultish i guess. guwange has japanese demons, does that count?
my life always seems to be getting better and falling apart at the same time. i felt nauseous for days and barely ate at all this week, 1 meal a day at most and mostly garbage at that. i keep having nightmares unless i have a panic attack and end up with too much chest pain to sleep.
i got some good job opportunites that will cover the summer though & i'll finally have some time to play vidya again. my drawing is getting less shit in some regards the guy i like texted me and we're gonna hang out but just texting him caused another panic attack. he's too good for me but just being around him makes me so happy
how do you like rev baiken so far compared to ac baiken?
i thought thicc mostly constituted musclegirls?
Night user! Cya next time
hello everyone
You a chick, user?
What jobs?
How goes user?
you can do it, but don't expect it to be quite as glamorous in real life. might as well start saving for a motorcycle license. it could be fun to ride even if you decide no to travel.
ye new chap should b out within an hour. if readin one piece over da years has really taught me anything is dat if a mangaka really knows wtf he/she is doin ain't nothin 2 really stress out about. read it, enjoy it, fuck all these niggas gettin they panties in a twist n all dat.
Oh fuck, did that shit show start back up again yet, or is it still on hiatus? I want that user doing dialogue edits on /a/a to come back with more.
I never had a chance, even if I did make a move. I don't know how to describe this feeling, but I am feeling it.
but it doesn't have to be all suffering
if you give up like I have it hurts just a little less.
no idea, but i've noticed that too. White girls can either have nice tits or awful tits, but i've never seen an asian girl with bad tits.
you know he isn't.
If you had real skill that would have only led to a threesome user
If I ever did anything with 3dpd it'd be play with asian tiddies. Maybe I should look up nip strip clubs
you're going to end up being lead on for years on end you realize
peace out, dmx. have a good night.
Im givong myself a good 2 years, then i'll give up
its not even my fetizing of fucking tomboys necessarily either, its having a friend for literal life, my closest friends are online and i feel myself growing distant from them too
i'm scared to become more independent because once that happens i'll probably be truly alone save for the internet
i went to regular highschool and it was lame but necessary
this is the thing, like where do people, especially people in their mid 20s do this shit?
a good autism to have but fuck IBO, i couldn't stomach it
design wise i like her old look a lot more, gameplay wise i love it, anti air chair is great, her command dash is way faster, and her alpha counter isn't a complete bastard move anymore
chick or fag i hope it worked out for you
its not expensive, its just i've either been to busy or too gutless to go do the lessons
all my friends think i'm a tough fucker but jesus i am a pussy with social stuff more than ever
i hate reading tomo-chan now because its the same shit as every god damn romance manga, a million chapters of NOTHING
i know this pain. girl i spent time with in highschool turned out to be lesbian, but on top of that the tomboy charm that interested me was just a guise and really she was a fucking hoodrat
u 2 monica
if I did, I wouldn't be here on 8ch right now.
Thats what you get for reading manga with male characters.
I banged plenty of 3dpd sluts in my day and I'm still here.
>not getting comfy and listening to some podcasts or extremely bad fanfiction being read on youtube while playing vidya
Yeah, the user edits actually made it really entertaining instead of constant "will-they won't-they". Especially that one implying Tomo was going cut blondie's dick off since no one was using theirs' to plow her.
a man needs positive male and female characters to aspire to become and acquire in their life
i enjoy the peace and quiet because i go and get it when i want it and fuck off from my irl friends, but lately i feel like i'm taking the quiet because i feel more and more like i don't belong rather than just wanting alone time
I'm in the same boat here. I'm taking improv classes a couple towns over because it's fun and I get to meet some people while I do it. You can do bars or clubs, but I personally find it obnoxious to have to yell everything just to talk to some people. You could take cooking classes, dance classes, or whatever you're interested in trying out or learning. Or even go to meetup.com and find a group to join. The important part is to choose something and do it, otherwise you end up never deciding on anything you waste time. which is what I'm doing right now and wouldn't recommend it.
Getting tired. Night anons.
Cya next time fam
fucking. how. teach me something useful because I'm a 22 year old virgin with little experience dealing with girls and people.
i can tell you with confidence these don't work because people go to clubs with their pre-existing cliques, at least in my area
my "own man" is lazy and quiet, i know this too well and have been trying to break it for years. sure i may be comfortable but then i consume media of characters greater than myself and feel only more self loathing
90% of my fucking life is a bullshit act so no one irl knows who i really am deep down
This feels too relateable.
house sitting & taking care of doggos mostly
i'm also drawing some porn on the side
that's very possible, i'm trying to become better but maybe it'll all be for nothing. he motivates the hell out of me though & has already done so much that i couldn't hold it against him if things don't work out.
that's good to hear, i'll probably dick around with her for a week before going back to muh main. it's cool that baikenfags finally have their playstyle represented again, hopefully we get bridget & zappa soon
do you have a local fgc in any capacity?
sounds like a good idea tbh
I don't know if they have many of those there like here in the US, but they've got plenty of hostess clubs.
well, i'll be 22 next week, and i've yet to even so much as get a girlfriend, let alone hold hands or kiss a girl, or lose my virginity. I'm beyond the point of having any hope left.
who's also really cute
same. I've pretty much already lost 1 of the 2 close online friends I have left. The other one is a socially-crippled autist like me though, so I don't see that friend drifting away like the former one. I certainly don't have any irl friends either of course. Not anymore.
i've been trying to not dwell on this, for whenever I finally get my own place
Like all interactions in life its just about playing a character. Know your audience and play the right one for her. Having a shtick helps like I'd mostly just wear ratty black shirts and had my long hair and beard so got lots of metalhead/gothy/emo girls.
No clue where to meet them these days though. Been out of the game a long while.
Why not open up with your IRL friends about who you are?
How the hell do you get a job house sitting?
pic related. It was the first fantasy horror game I ever played It wasn't really a horror game, but the pixels scared me as a kid and has a special place in my heart because of that. If my PS1 wasn't dead I would replay it.
That's because they don't have tits.
iktf monica fo'reall tho
I didn't do those until I was 21. I met a guy who didn't get laid until he was 24. I saw a guy on Holla Forums who's in his 50s and never had a relationship with a girl. You still got plenty of time to change things for the better. Don't let anyone here convince you otherwise.
Damn I haven't seen hexen in forever.
Theres some.
I found some fetish place the other day while looking up shit to do that was all lactating and pregnant girls. Would be all over that if it didn't cost 300$
cuz i don't' trust them, i built these friendships on a tough guy act and now that's all they see me for. they're all good people, or good enough but i doubt they want to know the "real" side of me
whenever I finally get my own place
yeah i moved in with buddies, its been annoying but when they were all out of town for a few weeks i realized how i operate alone and that scared the shit out of me
thanks dmx
exactly what I was thinking.
Just slowly leak it out over time. Make a seamless transition. They might just think you are changing naturally.
i sorta tried that a bit recently when drinking with them, but after all these years of hearing them out when they're off the shits or crying or any shit when it came time that i was in the suds and starting to let it leak they just started walking away from it physically
honestly i crushed the fuck out of me so maybe that's why i've been in such a funk lately
I bought booze a couple of time in the last few weeks and never end up being able to stomach it. So sick of the junk.
Wew you need some new friends.
call them out on that bullshit. that's not right.
Shut it, spidey.
it's hard to not to when you're the one convincing yourself.
i like being having ample time to myself, but i'm terrified of being alone all the time.
Having a job helps abate that, and i still live with my folks so I don't have to worry much. But when I finally move out…that'll be another story i guess.
oh Japan.
you know who I'm on about
go buy more, dummy
they're all i got man, even though all they fucking do is bicker and talk shit about each other now
at the time i did, i think the exact quote was "oh when its my turn to talk you just fucking walk away i see how it is" but only one of the 3 i was with at the time acknowledged their own shitiness
whatever though, i shouldn't act like a bitch, at least i know they don't worry about me lmao
okay i'll greentexted it
theres like a years worth of drama, but it ended with me learning that she had a girlfriend on theside the whole time and wouldn't tell me because i could do shit for her. i broke it off coldly and just ceased talking to her completely, years later i go into a 5guys to get a burger and she's working the register, her hair is now in cornrows and she sports neck tattoos, i laugh to myself as i order a cheeseburger, remembering the time she gave me shit for entering the trades to help my dad, and now she's serving me my fucking food.
Maybe have a more direct heart to heart with them? Like tell them straight up you ain't feeling it.
i don't think it will benefit the social circle if i try to air that shit out, i'll keep my act up
Nothing will ever get fixed if you keep hiding it though and you will stay miserable about the situation.
I was just wondering how you found out how she was a hoodrat is all.
i keep fixing their problems when i'm keeping my act up which makes me feel a little bit useful and appreciated, while i'm on a lease with em i think i'll just keep it up since it backfired the time i tried to ask for any help
also they're fucking idiots and my bullshit persona has pulled them out of the fire more than once now
it leaked out, first in the music and media she consumed and the people she hung out with, eventually it just became full bore so i dunno how she had the slight tomboy thing going in the first place
thanks for the chat lads, last beer can is empty and the fucking sun is up so i should probably just go to sleep, nice to be able to get that off my chest i guess
maybe i'll see you wankers tomorrow
nuffin wrong w/ smash a hoodrat jus so long you keep it wrapped up monica real talk
sleep tight bb
Very good, I came in 2nd in a blood bowl Tournament
I also came at a bb tourney bb.
How did you do
I finished :^)
shitsu of course
Why not both :^)
Who did you play as
a nigga jacking off at a blood bowl tournament
you tell me
I have a problem tbh monica
So I take it you were playing as High Elves
high kangz we wuz monica
bong bong
yee yee