Kickstarter game with a ton of money backing it

I don't get it anons, I mean I won't sit here and say the friday the 13th game is some masterpiece but its actually fucking out, unpozzed to, how does this shit happen? Is it because the big directors have massive egos about it?

Like of all the games you could toss kickstarter success label, I never expected fucking the friday the 13 to be one.

Directors don't make games, they direct other people making them. If the people they direct are shit, the game will be shit.

Because the game set out to be youtube e-celeb letsgay bait and succeeded wildly in that regard because that's literally all it was supposed to be.
With just a modicum of effort they took an okay concept with a sizeable audience and just fucking ran with it by just making some functional multiplayer walking simulator; and the fact that the game isn't using dev assets or crashing every match puts it leagues beyond its competitors.
All you have to do to succeed at crowdfunding is to just deliver a finished fucking product. That's the gold standard, and so many people fail it intentionally and not.

Even if it's not my cup of tea, I still like to see some success in the industry.

Bravo I suppose

It was my one exception to never backing Kikestarters, I'll never pay for an unfinished game ever again. Fuck you for charming me with your banjo and kazoo, Kirkhope.

if they actually ever cared about making games they wouldn't have become hasbeens and resort to e-begging.

This, used to bees make no honey.

Wait for that one guy from Holla Forums to come in and go for (80) defending how it's still the best game to come out in the last decade.
Haven't seen him make a thread recently, so I guess he gave up.

It's not a bad game, but it's shallow and can become not fun after maybe a few hours. So the asking price of forty americanbux is too much.
ALSO IT'S OPTIMIZED LIKE SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIT when it doesn't even look good

Has that game been released already?