Quick thread just to ask about it if any anons still play / know the status of the game now. Used to play this shit a few years back but I stopped because of how fucking jewy the game was and how you basically were expected to spend money to get anything done in it, did it get fixed eventually? Did shit get worse? Did they ever implement any of the classes they promised back in 2010
Bump for opinions
Why is 4th ed D&D supposedly so bad?
I remember playing paladin and getting bored after the first questline.
It's unbelivably fucking shit.
I've played maybe 3-4 MMO's till this day. Guild Wars 2? It's better than this pile of shit.
Wait until you see how jewey this gets on the shop.
There's only one thing the game has done well: the Foundry. You know, those quests designed by other players. That thing was never expanded upon. In fact, it had content removed from it.
And every fucking thing I tried in that was 10x better than any mission they gave me.
The icing on the cake that made me drop that game:
And to add insult to injury:
Now had in the jewery of the cashop (15$ for a freaking cape, 30$ for a decent horse) with the bland combat.
I you got to level 20, you've seen all the game is gonna offer you when it comes to combat. All later skill are reskins of the first one's with shinnier FX.
Oh, and least I forget: do you know what is the "endgame"?
You got this gems you gotta slot on your equipment. I think it was 30 pieces of equipment, with 3 slots each.
So get ready to farm 90 gems, right?
Except the gems have a level. You safrice other gems to increase it.
But at certain thresholds, you gotta "improve the gem" with some cash-op fueled ritual. By that I mean that you gotta roll a dice, and if you fail, the progress you made to the new level is lost. Something like:
Honestly, I don't even care about the specifics, I care that this shit had odds falling the more you leveled, to the point that the last step had a 0.5% chance of failure.
Can you ward yourself against it?
Yep, with "SPESHUL WARDS" from the cashop. No, they don't improve your chances. You just don't lose the progress, you lose one ward per attempt. 5 wards go for 10$, good luck rolling that 0.5% and spending 2$ everytime you fail.
If you can't tell, this will mean an average spending off 36.000$ on gems alone. Plus a ridiculous ammount of time farming gems, unless you straight up buy them with even more money.
And we haven't even discussed how expensive the cosmetics are.
Thanks for the complete answer fam, I was thinking of getting back into that hell and now I got reasons not to do so. Cheers
Oh wait, IO only calculated for the last step of enchantment.
The one that takes your gems from lvl 115 to lvl 120 (IIRC, the highest level gems get to).
Remember that the odds start at 95% when you're levelling gems from 10 to 15. But when you hit the lvl 50 gem threshold, you'll KNOW DESPAIR.
Hey, if you really hate yourself that much, go back to Warframe.
At least it's funner.
Bump for visibility
Bump for visibility. This is all true and even more, the idiots that made the game nerfed all the classes while increasing the difficulty of the mobs so they can push cash shop items to make your character stronger.
And deleted a number of foundry quests and have made it harder for people to use the foundry.
Also, they nerfed a method/profession for getting in-game income due to gold/astral diamond sellers but that did little to actually stop the problem, killed the online portal that let you manage shit away from the game due to gold/astral diamond sellers though that did little to solve the actual problem (they still fucking exist and the economy is still fucked), and the foundry is often entirely offline due to one reason or the other with many of these reasons being entirely bullshit so the foundry community is dying a slow and painful death with each "update". The community itself is pretty unfriendly and finally, though I try to ignore this, I'm fucking certain the devs are sjws since they like to virtue signal here and there and even hit some of the characters (only women) with the ugly stick.
The game is decent as a time waster but will grow annoying a few levels in. Not hard but one will find themselves annoyed and even disgusted by all the arbitrary bullshit they throw about and all the jewry shit they do. I honestly regret a lot of the time I spent playing it.
The only thing i remember from an hour of this game was my friend playing as a "techno mage" that shoot bullets out of his fingertips with a little satellite flying around him and the game running at 2.5 frames per second in the first city we were in after the tutorial shit.
I think D&D 4th ed transitioned seamlessly in to being an MMO
holy fuck we need to revive hitler ASAP, the jews can't keep getting away with this shit
I played it at launch. It was really fun but only because stupid exploits. It had no longevity.
The entire end-game consisted of stacking wizards and clerics and just pushing mobs of ledges to kill them. Your party was also invincible with two clerics.
Pretty fun during the initial hype but a shitty game in general.
the fuck? is this something that even exists in Forgotten Realms? not really much of a DnD buff myself.
Play neverwinter nights 2 if you want cool D&D multiplayer vidya
Play neverwinter nights 1 if you want snowflake players and erp servers
by "snowflake players" he means people actually have characters instead of just meta classes. and I've never seen an instance of erp with 2500+ hours in nwn so unless you're the one doin it…
And the biggest library of RPG modules in existence.
This is just denial. The biggest server (sinfar) is basically second life in terms of smut shit and random garbage being mixed together. Now the runner up servers ERP is banned, but you can't pretend that shit doesn't exist.
I mean I even recall someone getting banned from one server because they went to sinfar to do this egg rape fetish shit, then came back to the server ERP is banned on and tried to act like it was still part of their story.
"ERP Tool" is basically the last level before getting shut down as far as MMOs go, so…
He ran around holding his fingers like Revolver Ocelot shooting magical bullets out of them.
Not even joking.
Reminded me on how i installed Neverwinter Nights 2, played until the party meets that gnome. The fact you are forced to get that obnoxious thing made me drop the game. Also, it's too clumky, the controls.
user, you're saying NWN1 is shit because some tards run a ERP server, that's spurious reasoning. It's like saying MUDs are shit because FurryMUCK exists. It's just a tool to run servers.
Neverwinter the modern F2P monstrosity is not worth touching, of course. Sucks what they've done to Foundry.
I even made this post