Gamepad thread

which one is better.




DS considering even the Dpad is pressure sensitive.

also the Xbone controller on the side

Of those two I prefer the Xbox one, but they're both a bit shit in their own ways.

Whats wrong with the OG Dualshock?

The GC controller IS the best controller ever created. Nothing else even comes close to comparing to it.

I found it uncomfortable. No idea why people love it so much, honestly.
Pic related is the most comfy one I've ever used. It'd be perfect if the d-pad wasn't shit, but I don't use it much so it doesn't matter.

not to mention its super responsive and great for fast inputs as shown by melee players. There's never been another console game that was made for a game pad with fast inputs

If you fuse this one and the 360 controller. You would get the perfect controller.

The 360 is sloppy and slippery
Possibly the worst controller on the market at the moment

Not to mention, what is up with the colors of it, fucking disgusting

That's not a gamepad

the dpad is awful

Good luck trying to play anything made after analog sticks

Oh, so you're just a fanboy. Got it.

I'd say Dualshock 4 > Xbox 360 pad > Dualshock 3

KB/M is literally only good for online games and/or RTS'. A lot of games even on PC are made with a gamepad in mind, especially single player games. A Keyboard does not have haptic feedback OR analog/pressure sensitive triggers. This actually makes a big fucking difference nigger. Especially with games with casual driving mechanics like GTA, its better to have more control over your acceleration than not

Analog stick and trigger placement are uncomfortable

Watever you say microshill

I'm an idort dude. Keep milking that udder though.

So am I, but I just thought to tell you the same stupid shit that you typed out to me so that you could respond to your own message yourself and MAYBE realise just how fucking stupid you sound


Naw man you just have shit opinions, the 360 pad is a solid controller

So you actually think all those JRPG menu navigating and combos on spectacle fighters would be better on a gamepad?
Surely you jest

How so?

The only issues with the 360 are the awful Dpad and the shitty round buttons.
You are a fanboy

Now he's gonna double down. You ready for another (215)?

if you're a fat american

I find navigating RPG menus easier with a gamepad in all honesty specifically because of the fact gamepad cursors are more restrictive than mouse cursors so its harder to lose it if that makes sense. But yeah fighters are usually better on KB

Nigger please, if we're really going to talk about fat controllers, you're forgetting the Duke. And the Duke did nothing wrong


You forgot to call him a dudebro buzzword man.

Menu navigating on RPGs is painfully slow and cumbering, just looking at Destiny footage is enough to make me sick.

Arcade sticks are the only way to play fightan properly.

I find the triggers uncomfortable because I need to have my thumbs completely straight to properly use them, whereas the triggers are too low down for my liking.
I do have quite small hands though so I don't claim this to be a normal experience with DS controllers.

Fair enough, that shit was pretty bad until the DS3 fixed it.
Analogs are ok though, I don't see the issue with them.

If anything, it fucked them up.

What are you trying to do here

Aside from playing Tekken exclusively on pad, I agree with you, user.
But if you're going to post sticks, stay away from the Alpha, its build quality isn't worth the pricetag.


this highly respected outlet says the Duke was garbage

Move aside, here's the king.


The one used to play games not watch movies and update social media.

Personally the only problem is that it has a lack of second shoulder bottoms and no true dual analog nor is the d-pad really usable. The lower d-pad and analog stick are basically bottoms.


unfortunately, its analog sticks are not at the same height on the controller

PS2 controller is the best for games that use analog sticks or have enough controls that it can handle them all(and has no hotbar), otherwise KB+M

I bet you niggers think wasd is better than glorious D-pads.

I've got a bunch of old console controllers with USB adapters, so I use whichever matches the control scheme/console I'm emulating the closest. Best general purpose controller is the Playstation 1-3 controller because the d-pad isn't that bad. So far my favorite D-pad is still the NES's, but I hear the Sega Saturn had a really good one. Keyboard and mouse don't really count, but they're best for everything that has a cursor or mouselook. Keyboard-only is fine for doom clones, space shooters, and roguelikes, but I use a controller for pretty much everything else.

Do you have any idea how long analog sticks have been around?

absolute trash tbh

Well, that's good to know… I actually use cheap SNES and PS1 sticks with USB adapters.

Great pic. Glorious natural manhood, and a gun to shoot any lying jew that tries to speak ill of it.


dualshock 4 is a pretty good pad, and if you're using it on your PC it actually works better than it does on its own console because you can map the share button into anything else. i would like it if it was just a little bit bigger though

the beauty of PC gaming is that you aren't stuck with the wrong tool for the job, boasting about a keyboard just makes you look like plebbit backwash trying to be part of muh master race big boys

For the price, prove me wrong

Just don't wrap the cord tight or it will last 1 year

Guilty Gear Xrd, Street Fighter 4?

That does look like a nice controller

poorfag please, controllers aren't even expensive.



Aside from rumble or wireless, which I don't care about, why should I buy anything else

Traditional fighters are made for fight sticks save for moron kombat

There's literally nothing wrong with using a controller for fightan

Nobody said you had to buy new.

You can find new ds4 controllers for under 30 pretty often. They hook to any pc using any usb mini adapter. The one it comes with is alittle short.

Keyboard + Mouse is supreme, but I really enjoyed the WiiU tablet.. The touchscreen was irrelevant to me, but it was really comfortable and not at all as bulky as it looks.

Shame the system was shit.

360 > PS

Joysticks on dual shock controllers always felt odd to me, the fact the 360's are hollowed a little makes for a more comfortable grip.

Who the fuck pays for video games anyway?


Fucking garbage compared to the MadCatz version, which SOMEHOW had superior triggers which didn't cripple you for playing Metroid Prime for hours.


I like the Dual Shock 4 for general purposes, and the only thing I really dislike about the DS2 and DS3 is that the deadzone for the sticks seems to be really small. Pain in the ass aiming in games like Mafia 2 and such. Move the stick a bit and WHOOSH.

$2 Dual Shock 2 at Goodwill, $2 USB adapter on eBay.

How do you use it on PC?
Can you use it as a substitute for the bottom screen in CITRA yet?

Fuck, I love the idiots who don't know how to use a keyboard and mic for every game ever.

Yeah I know. Launch DS4s had terribly faulty micro-USB sockets that got worn out from the base fairly easily. Supposedly Sony re-inforced that shit though I decided I'd just get a dedicated USB pad and got a 360 controller as my replacement after my DS4 battery started dying. I'd say if you have Bluetooth than the DS4 is ideal, otherwise just grab a 360 pad

I want this nightmare to end
even if the thing cost like $8 with no quality drop it didn't think it would be this much of a pain to set up.

i blame windows 10

you brought this fate upon yourself

good for fps, rts and rpgs. thats all



I unironically have one of these

I wanna fug that raccoon female.

ps dpad is better but it's also painful to use

what character do you play in tekken?

i unironically really loved the duke as a kid

It's a perfectly good entry level joy stick.

It's good for flying. If I wasnt so shit at flying.



You're joking right?

I 100%d La Mulana on hard with the keyboard

Keyboard is excellent for platformers what are you smoking? Being able to instantly switch between left and right without moving any fingers is excellent.

Play Dark Souls with the new mouse patch that gives it raw mouse input it plays like a dream.


You're joking right?


Even with that mod it's pretty far from raw input. And even if it was, analog movement is preferable.

Let's not forget the all-time classics.

this isn't a gamepad, it's a device for disabled people to type with one hand

Not sure I can agree about Dark Souls but I agree 100% that there is absolutely no cons about using a keyboard for games without analog controls. Fighting games fags even got a controller that pretty much says "We don't want to admit keyboards are good for fighting games but here's a controller that works pretty much like a keyboard".

Six button pads are masterrace


I still don't know what the Doug button does.

I wouldn't say that. It's more of an adaptation of the keyboard for natural comfort when playing fighting games. That and it's compatible with the consoles. Sure you can play KB on your computer at home, but good luck playing it out and about at local events or at tournaments which use the console versions almost all the time.

Hopeless hiki reject.

At least you can use two of these. Even with a basic legacy-mode gameport, you could make buttons 5 to 8 function as the hat switch.