ponies are gay
Ponies are gay
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm pretty sure he's actually on the spectrum so its good that you don't remember him.
I'm pretty sure a ton of old pony people are.
boi he bout to do it
Whats that ?
Just like SOMEONE I know.
if you are implying me, I sincerely doubt I am.
I can confirm that Cupcake has the 'tisms.
Give me a head pat and our ninis.
I don't actually think you are.
oh ya sue me
thank goodness. if you did I'd probably go into a fit of rage.
told you that in confidence you asshole.
quick internet search reveals a blog on this topic... huh, strange
to store water... people do this?
soldiers use them to wrap their rifle or knife during wet combat
kids allegedly use them in sprting events as a substitute for balls
as a fishing float
as a sand filled stress ball
blood pack in hollywood
... the list goes on
im impressed
S {s s s ]
A [a a a ]
F [f f f]
E [e e e]
T [t t t]
Y {y y y}
Dance [dance dance dance dance dance dance dance]
I'm sure you have the strength of like 6 men so I'll try not to make you mad.
that is kind of insane. what a useful little dick coat they are. maybe I should start getting some.
up for a game of ro sham bo?
more like ten. and I have a bunch of knives and I know how to use ninjitsu so you better fucking watch it.
Can I go first
Mix it in a potion like a science
That liquid G diet got a nigga so quiet
Cause the shit so strong, got me feeling like I'm dying
The shit so raw, nothing else can get me higher
1,2,3 shoot
*teleports behind you and stabs*
*teleeports be hind U an breth on ur neck*
well. goodbye cruel world.
I-I just need a little......something from you.....senpai......
yeah you always need something from me. you are a user and an abuser.
then you won't mind if i take a little more
*chomps on ur neck and sucks*
no actually I would mind quite a lot.
This is really gay.
What the fuck!?!?! NANI!?!?!
too much pink!
You're lucky berry was here to save you.....for now.....
thank goodness.
He won't be able to save you from this though.
My strongest minion! snes
why do you have all this shit
Why does he look like a Teletubby moonlighting as a gay stripper?
make et stop
Oh no burypink !
What? What manner of rudeness is this!?!
this is now desu level of shitposting.
suddenly ses
Fine. I won't post the other half.
thank goodness.
Its very well made.
Pink haired loli vampire was the only one that didn't seem like a self serving asshole.
I think you are rusing me
Desu isnt
it looked to be extremely low quality.
I cant beleive desu san is one of
Well I guess you'll never really know.
I'll be gone for a few hours. Farewell.
I'm nearly pissing myself with joy
goodbye goggles.
Were you even posting to begin with?
Tell me bye first.
brb going for a jog
i'm sure you're always nearly pissing yourself.
Later, BC.
I do drink a lot of water.
I wonder if he got kicked out and that's why he stop posting.
aaand im out....
sleep, nite folks
BC said they don't find the threads fun anymore. you guys are all such bullies.
also apparently has decided to kill themselves. haven't heard out of them since a few hours ago.
HOw true is that though?
sleep tight, user.
i'm so glad blood chan hasnt been around
Genuine happiness
sweet dreams old bean
I haven't regularly pissed myself in weeks, I will have you know.
I thought you should know since you care so much about them.
Another for good measure.
you're such an ass. no wonder they left.
just fapped lads
did you use left or right hand?
I'm pretty sure the only reason he left is there's no one left that thinks he's a 15 year old girl/serial killer/surgeon.
In a community of complete and utter autists, he really took the cake as most autistic.
When was the last time?
but why would they lie about these things tsuchi. you're being unfair.
just now. I got nervous when you asked that question.
i am king autist thank you very much
Cupcake probably wears adult diapers.
He has you beat by a large margin, even during your spice and blueberries days.
I'm leaving forever too. congrats on pushing another quality poster out forever.
Did you at least have your diaper on?
What, because of his loose asshole?
gotta stop telling you shit in private
my autism levels are not approachable
You r arong
It's completely destroyed and he couldn't even keep a grapefruit from falling out at this point.
I ran out the other day. need to get to the store.
oh hey, you can pick up on sarcasm when you want to. neat.
[supertramp plays in the background]
Yeah, you're autistic.
It's just this place has way more autistic of people.
goodbye stranger. it's been niiiice
i have decided to be more nice
im a leftie
Why don't you just get a poop bag?
Impressively disgusting.
its actually a real shame because shiro said i can only see his YUGE dick if bloodchan says so
and now he just disappears
left is my "getting a handjob from a stranger" hand. ever do it with your right? it's totally different.
because that's gross tsuchi. diapers are a perfectly respectable thing to wear.
You really need to fix that.
an insight into the mind of tsuchi
I'll just get some from amazon prime now. they'll deliver diapers right to my door!
Gaze into the abyss.
I keep getting uncomfortable because it gazes back at me.
This is fucking weird.
They're right you know
ive tried but i could never get off
have a hard time imagining any cute girl i like with as hands as big as mine
theyre soft because i didnt do sports as a kid but thats not good enough
i predict this is my boy bardo
you started it, man.
you should get an onahole or something. I bet that would help.
Also if anyone wants to talk to me non-inebriated I suggest they do so quickly
I'll be non-inebriated for quite a while, though.
i dont wanna risk anyone finding it
ive found my mom and dad's vibrating dildo on accident lmao
also i really dont need it
i still have a few girls i know who havent gone off to college yet
so jacking off is fine inbetween
Simon n Garfunle Sucks . jpg
waddup today my man
why does your dad have a vibrating dildo
yeah but do those girls have dicks? if they don't what the hell is even the point?
It's kind of weird.
Anytime I let someone borrow something personal, be it my phone, laptop(s)/computer or whatever I've taken notes on, they generally just make comments of my questionable sanity on the fact of how utterly disorganized or otherwise incomprehensible how I sort things.
I've yet to figure out if this is supposed to be a good or bad thing.
how am i supposed to know that dude
i dont know my parents sex life
so you are bard right?
my folders are not very well organized either, but I tend to know where things are, or have enough versions of what I want to post to find one easy enough. I think you should stop letting people touch your shit.
I'm actually upset I can't really remember the full context of it's meaning, but I do remember of it.
vaginas feel a lot better than buttholes
ive only banged one trap and it wasnt as good
You've got bigger balls than I DO bro
I would die before letting someone into my computer
Ah yeah man one and only
dude my best fucking friend got sent to jail today for bbeating the fuck out of his little brother
500 bucks bail for serious assault
I wouldn't know so I'll take your word for it.
see how on point your boo is dude?
i got you in like 2 points my nigga
i KNOW you
we gonna go?
more than I know myself
I think
I think it might be your fault I'm not poplar
I never meant for it to go this far though.
tbh fam i think it might be that whole depression manifesto you had
should have thought of that before getting it going then. I'm not one to back down.
idk man, I'm kind of feeling Overwatch right now, and it was 3 years ago around this time some Skullgirls drama happened so I don't enjoy it around this time of year.
It doesn't really bother me. The only bad thing that's ever happened is someone using my phone for a map while I was driving got to see some texts that were questionable. Then me accidentally hitting them too hard from the driver's seat that I bloodied their nose.
I need some attention
haha yeah I do kinda wanna die
What's your day looking like brother
Sure why not
Tell me of your day or how you feel or something about you
this was an amusing anecdote.
I have noticed that my chances of getting a text or message that gets a push notification that is something a normal person, ie: my family, might find weird are much more likely to happen when one of them is looking at my phone for any reason.
and only
thats odd and im sure doesnt make sense to a normal person
here ya go, sport.
nothing i guess dude
ive just been playing games and watching ti all day
headaches gone
Buckle up son, you're about to get schooled on some undocumented Skullgirls history.
It all started when I wanted to meet the voice actresses of Skullgirls at Frootsii back in the Salty Cupcakes days
They said I had gotten a text so I asked who it was from and they just clicked to view the message instead of just saying the name. Granted it wasn't intentionally trying to go through messages but just say whatever the message said.
I was still pissed and backhanded them.
My day was pretty chill. Had a disgusting experience with changing a light bulb though.
Also, I can't really feel things, so there is that.
Not even first
Thanks hun
yeah I hate when people invade my privacy too. I'd rather the real life people I interact with not realize what a fucking weirdo I am.
you betcha.
How many Murders does it take to screw in a light bulb?
None, they're all fucking retarded
and i'm not one to pull out.
i honestly didnt even think asking you to play skullgirls would lead to a story that brings up annual ptsd in you
i am first (for you)
s a v a g e
I would hope not.
Sounds good headaches fuckin suck bro
that makes me feel envious
how gross can a lighbulb get then? sounds a bit far out there
No, no worries, but I've been meaning to vent this for a while. And I feel now is the time.
So ya boi was down to meet people who worked on Skullgirls because I met Alex Ahad at cons and had a real interest in the game for some time.
Skullgirls was doing it's Evo Donation drive to compete against Melee for top 8 at Evo, and it was the final night of the drive.
Doesn't that just make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?
How I act in person and how I act here are mostly the same so I don't see how it'd change someone I know in person's view of me.
Oh come on, Murder knows I actually love him
lol jk he's fucking terrible honestly
yeah dude
oh you werent around for last nights tc were you
shame dude it was lit
lmao tell me what happened nigger
We both know you're just wanting to be the man he needs in his life.
how I act isn't very different but there's a lot of shit I don't mind sharing with internet people that I'd rather real life ones not know about.
You are literally worthless Colbs. The more I find out about you, the worse I feel for you
Basically I had not changed my lightbulb in like a year cause it never went out.
So it goes out today and I go to change it and hear some weird noise as I am unscrewing it. I assume the thing exploded in there and glass would come out as I took off the base. Instead well over 50 charred bugs streamed out onto the group narrowly missing my mouth/head.
I have a serious bug issue with my apartment for how much I pay for the fucking place. I don't know where those fuckers are coming from either.
Fuckinn sucks man
I had some irl guests so its all good
Loookin to the next one those e are all a good time
heard you got trashed what was your drink?
Kind of odd. I would think it'd be the other way around.
What do you want for me?!
Go ahead and ask fsdxvc and see what he says.
your attention retard
That is pretty terrible man
You're in some kind of heavier populated city yah? Always hear about those bug problems in places like that
at least you arent stuck with roaches or bedbugs yah?
in real life I'm an extremely private person. my general way of acting, my personality and whatnot, is generally the same though.
how suspicious.
*licks you*
I am on the ground floor and by a bunch of bars and shit too. I alwasy keep my doors closed. One of my windows must have a slit in the lining or something like that because I have no idea what else it could be. Maybe the air vents. Either way, it was gross as fuck.
I guess I'm just surrounded by different types of people.
I'm a private person but people generally just will annoy the fuck out of me until I tell them stuff about myself so it happens eventually.
I lewded the fuck out of redacted in voice last night.
tell me about your day
who told you that?
its a dirty lie
Your own
I have only the closest of friends who I interact with regularly in real life. they respect my privacy. even when I was living with my parents for a while after the car accident they were really cool about giving me space and knocking before entering the room I was using.
when I have to be around people I don't know well I keep things like my phone very well guarded. often I just tell people I don't have one.
sounds like fun. although your voice would probably just have me laughing if you tried that with me.
It was a different time. I lost them all.
The Melee people somehow got Mike's mobile bandwidth to cap, so the stream was cut off, or so I believe, either way, there was no longer any way to broadcast to to twitch... but I was using my company's cell phone for internet because no one needed it that night and I got permission for unlimited bandwidth. So I was already tethered to it from my computer I just let him tap into it, and voila, stream was back up.
We lost to Melee that night, but on the stream, Mike had something to show off on his PS3. Lo and behold, Mike quickly threw together parts of Squigly he had and showed the world for the first time. Yes, I literally got to play Squigly before anyone else.
I literally have a signature from Mike Z saying "You saved us!!!".
I am a liar too its good you can admit it 2 urself
See bug story earlier in thread. Also, currently drinking tea. What are you doing?
Yeah well you're like 10 years older than more old man.
I am actually more misanthropic in person than I am here and it always weirds me out that I make and keep friends fairly easily.
than me*
you aren't 16.
He's more than that. Like 15.
people are strange. that's about all there is to it.
I'm 17
How do you make friends
I doubt this very much.
hey I never noticed how cute u r before but uh
yeah ;)
bug story? i didnt find it
could you give me the recap
also i was watching impractical jokers but i went for a game of overwatch
you wanna play overwatch sometime soon?
i never lie to myself
i just lie to other people
I am pretty sure I heard from you nigga
werent you like mad hungover
yesterday or the day before or something
my days all run together and Idk where I am
So what is he like 40?
how old are you? 28?
You;re a good pet bort.
Bard-kun, why u no say hi?
same dude
but i dont think ive talked to you in a long while
People are strange when you're a stranger.
He turns 43 next month.
Still old.
Hes old enough to be my dad.
sorry my Man I am getting high and playing no mans sky and sitting here on my bed and my computer mouse is broken
whats are you up to today freshman i hear you're getting turnt wats the poison
Yeah i am down to play overwatch any time. Just shoot me a message on steam or something.
Also, I unscrewed my light fixture and 50+ dead bug carcasses streamed out of it
wow thanks I had no idea
well uh
don't tell anybody b-but uh I kinda
read everybody's post even if it isn't directed at me unless I have someone filtered
b-but I dont read the ones that come before I enter the thread ever
t-that's for real losers
they were sodeep.
Thats what i'm here for, constantly reminding you of your flaws is a good thing.
I am high as well you nut. I want to play Overwatch while high.
you won't hear me complaining.
usually they have eggs there too
thats fucking disgusting though
i never invited you before because i thought you were one of those shyguys who didnt voice
i cant believe youd do that
there are posters here i wouldnt even consider reading if my life depended on it lmao
While I'm not quite into that style of game
for people who enjoy those I bet it's alot of fun
I have some irl friends who enjoy tthat
you play much?
No reply to the finale of my sg story?
Fling yourself off the nearest roof over three stories.
Its pretty disgusting that you like that.
why? I'll just wait for mudslimes to invade the country and do it for me.
and I love the doors, for the record.
I never said it wasn't.
I am sure I ruined that preconception yesterday night
I unno bro
Reading was always hella fast for me
When I was a little kid I got grounded alot for stealing food from the house and lying about it so I would get groundedd to my room and my dad would just make me read and so Id ust read alot
Tell me a story from your childhood
I dislike fps, but Overwatch is not an fps.
Overwatch is a multiple-waifu-shinanigans simulator.
and I never said you said that it wasn't
good because that would be ridiculous.
I do like Waifus
Bruh have you into no man sky yet?
This is already well past ridiculous.
I have no money bruh
isn't it usually?
I dunno.
Sandniggers have had control of Mordin's country for a few years now and he hasn't been killed for being such a faggot.
You got a few years at least.
No not normally.
SHIT i forgot this
one second
oh you replied to colbert not me
but how is that a bad thing?
that sounds like a very good story
i remember your voice a bit
i thought it sounded nice
so one time, it was a sunday afternoon, and my dad always made the 3 of us do yardwork
for some reason yardwork was like my least favorite thing in the world as a kid
so i would always bitch and moan and cry until they sent me to my room
one time my mom was angry at me so she threw me in my room and i was pissed off
so i started fucking yelling 'child abuse' lmao
how unfortunate. it's something to look forward to at least.
they probably haven't bothered to pay much attention yet to the gays over there, since they are too busy raping every female in sight and getting away with it because no one wants to be politically incorrect.
Shiiet nigga
hey dood how come i never added you on steam anwyays you got that shit? I dont log on or bother people much but it;s always good to staty in contact with friends
maybe you aren't paying enough attention.
You should really stick to your whole cutesy act, it's less grating
Or maybe more. Honestly everything you try fucking sucks
Good times will come again!
what's your deal with murder? the interactions between people here are fascinating.
That is a lie!
Don't be a bigot.
Rape is perfectly okay under Sharia Law.
You're just being a bigot by stripping them of their culture and history.
That made me embarassed irl
Damn dude where did you get that idea?
I gt that belt a few times but I mean I never rreally heard about that child violence stuff til I was a like a later teen and family guy or whatever was making fun of it
I can't even be sarcastic about this very much. it's something that legitimately pisses me off to no end.
Most of my conversations also don't take place in public.
He's just generally the type who just wants validation.
He's been posting here for like four years and has an ever increasing pile of bullshit.
those must be terrible.
It was a good thing, but as time grew on, it just became a sour bag of marbles. It was mostly my fault but I don't wan to get into that stuff.
Because no one ever IMs me on steam after I add them. =(
they're not coming any time soon
I genuinely want to glass the middle east and build a parking lot.
most people here seem to just want validation. colby is quite friendly with luka, for example. it's odd to me to see him acting this way, so I am curious.
if every person who practiced islam was wiped from the face of the earth the world would genuinely be a noticeably better place overnight.
He's just generally a very negative person, and a huge tryhard
I can stomach tryharding from nice people, but holy shit when you do it AND you talk down to people
You're not excited about the wall?
it reminded me of nezi's
i really like that kind of voice
where its a little masculine but still soft
its nice on my ears
i dunno dude i just heard the term on some tv show or whatever lmao
i was almost never physically punished as a child
can you imagine that :^)
gotcha. carry on.
Ikt straight up stole a post and the comment from a Facebook page and posted it here
I mean they aren't good unless I like the person.
tl;dr if you're not a dick or have no redeeming qualities, we're cool
Shiiit bruh
good point
I gotta admit I've beenn hella dissillusioned with steam since church dissapeared
Lucky boy
I still have some scars up on my back
even if you do like them they probably suck.
I have no redeeming qualities but you seem to like me well enough.
I steal posts and comments from Holla Forums and post them on facebook
whats the big deal
I'm trying to figure out where to even start here.
He says he's 22ish, been posting for four years, and since the beginning, he's already graduated top of his class on a full ride athletic scholarship while having a six figure job.
It's just the level of how hard he tries to get even a single person to say "gj" to him is just innately unlikable.
Is this a trick question?
yeah. that makes sense to me.
That's just trickle down meme economics, this is different.
We'd lose a quarter of the population, too.
More resources for the rest of us.
fairly certain it isn't a question of any kind.
literally nothing but good could come of it.
I don't discuss politics
I won't even shitpost about politics. That last remark was on the verge of not being submitted.
If anything we could use it to exchange info to a more private social network?
like 'shitpost redistributor on facebook
wait how could that be your fault?
i think people could probably tell from our personalities that you were physically punished and i wasnt lmao
He's also the type that's buried miles deep in delusion and denial where anytime he's called out or someone dislikes him, he convinces himself it's because they're somehow jealous of whatever madeup metrics he's presenting this week.
It's baffling how detached from reality people can even get.
Well it seemed like a trick.
Well fuck yeah my man add me up if ya wiill
ayy, anybody else here dead inside and tired of life? hmu
I'll agree to mudslime annihilation as long as we can wipe the Jews out, too.
Otherwise they're just gonna hoard all the Middle East's resources and say they deserve while playing the usual victim complex routine.
been saying this for years.
illusions, michael.
That thing you said there reminded me of Erio
Idk man I would have thought you'd got whippped a few times but now that you mentioon it you're pretty free spirity and all that jazz
I mean come on though I dont like seem like I was whipped right come on
I have no real problem with the jews, but if it would mean wiping out islam entirely I'd be perfectly fine with it.
I love and cherish my life and every second of it is a gift from a benevolent God above
well you know i dont mean to offensive to my bff bard
but you do act way more restrained and submissive than someone like me, you know?
shame I'm too pussy to kill myself. oh well.
I absolutely loathe the Jews and especially Israel.
I live in a moderately high Jewish area and I constantly make antisemitic jokes.
I don't get it.
I suppose that would definitely explain it. I live around a bunch of mexicans and generally find them distasteful.
I will as soon as my computer finishes updating
i think most people wish this for you too honestly swedish
ur not exactly popular here
r i p.
Yeah so it seemed like a trick.
have they committed acts of terror? I have never really heard of a jewish terrorist.
I missed this post.
He's like Insider and Loco tier.
Yes. Don't make me sad.
im surprised that had a good outcome
i dont even see how thats possible
yeah I don't really get locos deal either. he went off on me hardcore that time I pointed out that it was stupid to give smiles shit for being religious because no matter what your beliefs you aren't better than anyone else.
sorry? I don't even know you, but moogs and squash both like you a lot so hi.
They straight up bomb schools in attendance with literally no intel to back up the strikes and claim "they shot mortars first".
You're the one playing tricks on me.
You're like a sun shining in the dark
I hope you've been well
That was kind of weird huh
Idk I like you more now
the sad part is I don't even have any friends to talk to right now.
as of recently this board is my only remaining social interaction and I'm too lazy and abrasive to make actual friends
this is the most relatable thing I have ever seen posted on the board
I'm sorry
that's how I am in real life, basically.
that's pretty fucked up.
He just wants someone to stroke his perpetually imploding ego and call him an artist or some shit.
Because no matter what opinions someone presents on literally anything, he will always try to say he's by far the most versed in it and the only one capable of having "right" opinions.
Pretty much, yeah.
And the average US citizen spends more on Israel's defense than a Israeli.
Cut off the Jewish leeches.
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
all this means is that yo udeserve it though, doesnt it?
Try having 400 friends but being too anxious or depressed to talk to any of them outside of a convention... its really painful.
I am not a fan of suicide. And granted, I am self deprecating, but I just don't so much like the suicide thing. I am a hypocrite.
Also, I have bribed squash with my dick, and moogs with my charm, and money.
No my friend, that is you. You are the optimist, taking the lantern into the dark catacombs of life and pain.
that brings up
something alot of people I enjoy listening to the music of talk about
Are those people really your friiends?
i'll quote alice in chains with ' what does friend mean to you? a word so wrongfully abused
And reference MF DOOM's track 'Deep Fried Friendz' in which he delivers veres upon vrse critisizing the ones who are his 'friends'
What is a friend to you, freeman?
I don't mean to sound offensive but that sounds like
that's a large large number of friends
Well now
I certainly dive into catacombs of life and it's pains but I'm far from an optimist
Maybe I should see an optomitrist
Your bike back in working order, whats new in your life?
pls. You have plenty of redeeming qualities.
I was being sarcastic, that wasn't really politics talk lol. I'm just sayin', you shouldn't get worked up about politics. It's beyond your control
There's a new thread, RETARDS.