Waifu Wednesday

Waifu Wednesday
So, let's start with a question, do you believe in the many worlds theory? If so, do you realize that there's a world where you and your waifu are together and are happy due to the law of large fucking numbers or whatever it's called? How does that make you feel?


Other urls found in this thread:


I don't care if it's not as bad as Skylanders. Your waifu a shit and you need to get the fuck out.

That also means that there's also a world where your waifu is real, and your waifu hates you, in fact, there are an infinite series of both worlds, and when dealing with infinity, it doesn't matter, as the chances of that reality ever existing are 0.

I'm with this user, the original will always be the best design, they only fucked it up from then on.

Am I missing something here?

He's a newfag fag and doesn't realize the proper term is hasubando.

i hate NIGGERS

>not understanding quantum physics on a BASIC FUCKING FUNDAMENTAL LEVEL
As per strings creating most of what the universe is as is theorized, the many worlds theory can be described as an infinite series of "frequencies" each of which resonates with every other string in the universe, allowing for a harmonious existence without having shit go into another dimension. There is absolutely no evidence for this, though, but it's theory, just like your muh many worlds interpretation. However, the Mandela effect could be instances of persons switching the dial to anther station, however, this discounts the occam's razor.

hey, it's at least better than having an empty jpeg as a waifu

could be that fag that refuses to use the term waifu for his husbando

Youre right this is the WAIFU thread
Make a different one husbands

Jesus Christ, you're fucking retarded, that's fucking string theory.
Quantum physics deals with subatomic particles, not strings. Stop drinking the cum of kikes, none of that matters you retard.

why would anyone do that? they dealt with it being combined with a lol thread before, they can handle it

Subway. Eat Fresh.
Also does anyone want to play Serious Sam 3?

These threads just keep getting worse and worse.

As for your question OP.
The very concept of waifuism relies on the concept of many worlds in order for people to believe that in some universe, they could be happy. This is to provide the poster with a feeling of belonging or satisfaction in a world where that satisfaction will never be achieved, thus the user posting in these threads seriously must 1. Believe that their waifu exists in some right
2. Must believe that in some world it must be reality
This takes into account of the theory of many worlds and large numbers as you say, however, in order to be a waifuist, one must believe in these principals, else he is not a legitimate waifuist. Am I wrong?

you're right, doesn't change the fact that OP is a faggot though, and we won't be in a universe where he isn't one :^)

why would OP, points out that it's been fucked in the past

Oh fuck, would I ever. Server name?

waifu claim't

Didn't name it but just look for the one in the level The Silent Riddler. Straya serber with Just Tundra.



Legend of Spyro was a weird series. I liked it. It was a serviceable cheesy GodOfWar style game..
Basically Spyro crossfused with Lord of the Rings. Plus it has the autistic appeal of Spyro x Cynder, spawning much fanfiction and fan shipping.

Then came Shitlanders.

i liked LOS. specially the third game where it had collectibles instead of being a linear hallway to the end. the combat was kinda fun too.

its one of those games that i had to pirate years after release because only then i found out they existed.

That game was fun with a friend. Glitchy with frame drops everywhere, but ambitious. I liked putting armor on my dragon and messing with all the different abilities. And holy fuck was that final boss hard. Great ending to a decent series. A bittersweet send-off for Spyro.

I need to go back and play the original trilogy.

the final boss was hard? i dont remember that

Yeah, Malefor kicked my ass about twenty times. I could never predict his attacks or tell how to hit him effectively. Struggled replenishing my magic bar too.

thinking back on it thats a pretty stupid name wasn't it?

its like being called Evil McBad, man it was cheesy.

i figure this is the best thread to ask. what do i do when characters i like are suffering in their story?


i tried but theres no drive to. i cant even get hard

just keep playing the story then, geez. thats a dumb question. they always get better later on unless you're playing a yoko taro game, in which case fuck you everything goes sour

the game doesnt come out for 2 months. in the meantime all i can think about is how sad they are. i didnt even know how much they meant to me until the game had an actual waifu war as an ingame event, that just felt so wrong to me and i couldnt bring myself to participate.

thats in the first game.

what game?

squideo game 2

There's really not much you can do, suffering builds strength, hence why Guts is so powerful. Guess you can take comfort in stuff away from the main plotline, take Danganronpa for instance. It has the school mode where you can interact with the class while they're not busy killing each other.

who the fuck suffers in a shovelware nintendo game? they're squidkids shooting inoffensive goo at each other, i really dont know what you're on about user.

Interesting start to the thread, probably to get nuked when everyone wakes up Didn't care about the Legend trilogy, but the original was great. Maybe I'll play through it again after I beat Nioh, go for all of the out-of-bounds glitches and the like.

Great start
Sour Cola Bottles
>To Love-Ru Darkness 2 because the manga's finally over

That's not suffering enough. How about this also means there's a world where your waifu is posting your pictures in these threads

the singleplayer mode has a lot of not so cheery lore to it and the sequel will continue that trend.
for now, one of those squid kids is missing and its implied shes turned into an enemy in one way or another. so i have to wonder whether or not the story thus far has been a red herring or if its being played straight. as well as whether or not nintendo is going to pull another "masked man" from mother 3. i doubt it, but until theyre both safe and sound it tears me apart


Hi Xion. I hope you're doing well.

Not surprised. Gee, I wonder who didn't see this coming. Ahem, mark, ahem.

Hey Lyndisfag!
I am except work today

why are you talking to yourself?

How would a spyro game made by Bethesda be like…


see this egg?
you cant catch me NA NANA NA NA

Hiya Juribro.

ITT: Another One Takes the Bait

this is now a LOL thread


Two Best Friends play LA Noire
Tekken 7 ost

Hey JuriFag
Well getting ready for Tekken 7 in two weeks.

Hey LyndisFag
What's good?

i want to fuck spyro so bad tho


Im honestly pretty hyped for Tekken 7, but the possibility of a flop is always present. Just remember Tekken Revolution. But really, nothing can disappoint me like SFV so Im not too worried.



It's always sunny in Philadelphia

Various Ys soundtracks

A nice cup of tea

Morning everyone. Hope you are all feeling well. BTW, what happened in the last thread where UndyneAnon and AsrielAnon got their posts deleted & why did that happened? Where the mods/vols being shit again?

Doom mods, Gravity Rush 2, Serious Sam games, The Talos Principle
The final Episode of Samurai Jack

Then I or someone else can start a new on if that happens.

How the mighty have fallen so far from its glory days. I'm still hoping that the "Two Metroid games being made" rumor is true then I would forgive the Mario X Rabbids game.

Hi LucinaAnon, how do you feel about your country going full 1984 by make a new internet were there's no fun allowed?

Terrifying, but still somehow better than Corbyn.

You've just got a dragon fetish like the rest of Holla Forums.

I don't forget about TR.
It bugs me how they remove the bound mechanic. Yet the invincibility move is easily spammable..

You're right about the looming threat of a flop tho.

Hey LucinaBro
How was FEAR?

Yeah it fell pretty hard, hoping for a Metroid game.
Is someone making a internet that is no fun allowed?


To answer your question OP; it certainly sounds interesting but I'm not going to pretend I am well informed on the subject.


It won't last hopefully

Conservative party in Britain is going to rulecuck the crumpet internet.

After lurking these threads and being a former waifuist, I can't help but think these threads would be better suited being FFFFFRIDAY NIGHT MOTHERFUCKER threads than being Waifu threads, being a place where anons/friends meet up and blogpost about themselves than being an actual waifu thread (and there are better places for that than on an imageboard, which threads like these just become a magnet for shitposting and the shitposters are right). That's not even touching on how bad the form of waifuism in these threads and /mai/ (since it was mentioned so much) is, being on the edge of becoming a tulpa problem and/or to a lesser extent, people giving up on reality and escaping it when it needs people who are aware of how shit it is to fix it so it is less shitty for the future generations to come. It varies by person, but this kind of mentality/"relationship" eventually leaves you hollow, making you aware of how alone you really are and how much of your life you wasted on a fictional character that can easily have what makes you love them copied on a different character and you will never get that time back. From what I've seen on these threads and /mai/, it scares me how deluded anons are on here and how much I used to be, that they could or have already run into someone in real life, that gives you more of a sense of fulfillment and happiness in life than your waifu can ever give, and have brushed it off because she wasn't your waifu to a T. Another thing I've noticed is that questions and posts like this are either ignored or retorted with either smugposting or denial, as if the usual posters here actively try to stay in denial of the harsh reality and stay in blissful ignorance. Word to the wise; that will eventually fuck up your life, once you can't run away from reality anymore. Better to face it now than later when it's too late. From what people have mentioned, it seems that waifuists have been leaving more than joining these threads. Perhaps they either got wise, realizing how reality in time makes us all face it and stopped believing in the illusion, or they couldn't handle the truth the "shitposters" and those calling and questioning this kind of waifuism out and tried to escape from it (that or even those in waifuism saw how deluded the usual posters are on here and jumped ship.)

What waifuism should be is liking characters that have traits and features you'd like in a real girlfriend/wife/partner (which I will agree is hard to find in this day and age, but possible), not mistaking your love for a fictional character as being actual real love.

FEAR is actually pretty good. Excellent shotgun, enemies are fun to fight and slowing down time while kicking someone in the head never gets old. Won't be playing the sequel though. I've been warned that they're shit.

It won't. Remember when Cameron tried to censor all the porn?

Someday I'll be able to post in these threads. Just wanted to post now because relevant waifu art.


Hey TifaFag. Yeah I should've been wiser when looking forward to Nintendon't.

How you doing tho?

I do played some of the demos, it was fun. Yet you're right that the sequels were shit.

top qt

Hey YangFag been pretty well, looking forward to RS2 after playing the beta

You're not thinking right!

Juri's SF5 outfit always looks weird. I know it's because of the censoring, even though they kept Laura's Bonita outfit, but it never looks right. Under a skin tight outfit, there is another skintight outfit? At least change the clothes model where it's slightly zipped up covering the original exposed cleavage instead of the lazy black texture skin model they just did.

These threads are shit circlejerks and my waifu is superior to everybody else's.

Didn't we pay you to go away

How was the beta?

A lot of fun, shooting from long distance was satisfying and close quarters engagements felt fast and brutal. Only real complaints I had was the invisible napalm bug and the frames drop in the beginning of every map- which thankfully ends quickly.

I'm sure it's PC only, but this sounds fun. It's good do have some long range combat in games.

I guess the good out weighted the flaws, this would be a good experience.

Morning, everyone!

Darksiders II.
Married with Children.
Breakbeat mix.
Made pancakes for breakfast.
Sweet tea.

Hey AgriasFag, how was Darksiders 2 so far?

Don't mind me, here's a Dva for you.

Fun as hell so far. Just beat the Guardian boss. Hyped as fuck for 3.

ID Change, heading to work.

Well I'm off to work, I'll be back soon. So far Nioh's DLC levels are tough, especially the new enemies.

Guro-chan here posting my waifu!

Guro to be posted later so I'll play friendly for now :^)
Lots of cute waifus here! But I like my waifu more~




Believe me, I agree. It makes no sense at all, but this is censorship from Capcom we're talking about, a company I'm fairly certain is run by literal children and the mentally disabled. this is also why I have it uncensored with a mod.

Did your mod fix how shit the game is?

Shit called black shit shit


No, but seeing as I'm a fucking faggot and own the game anyway, I might as well make it better wherever I can for the few and far-between moments that I do actually play it.




*teleports his dick inside your waifu*


god i need to get on a better schedule, fell asleep at 6 last night.
God Hand and Bloodborne
Assass Classroom
Prison school and Steel Ball Run

gas fags

at break, will be back at evening.

Hey SonicFag, how is Godhand?
I played it, and it was really fun.


Yes, because you're still posting here and this thread still exists

how can you say that when every single one of them is on your side by default since Mark is the BO?

Because if their posts got deleted they also probably got banned. And others specifically didn't? What a weird Wednesday.

Posts can be deleted without dishing out bans

The whole thread was nuked wasn't it

People were still able to post in it. I don't know, why do you think the fishfucker and muhammad haven't posted yet?

they've never been on time
like most waifufags

this is where the thread got nuked for me

Surprisingly wasn't, think the constant spam was just deleted and the thread was bumplocked early. Either way been feeling like the thread is on it's way out, kind of odd waifu threads are the one thing Mark doesn't seem to flip-flop about unless he's just trying to avoid another 4AM shitstorm.

So then was it nuked because it just happened to spiral into shittiness, not exactly the fault of the waifufags here?

If you ask me, the 4am shitstorms are deserved, it's a daily journal thread for a wannabe tripfag.


I am in favor of nuking waifu shit for good, but mods obviously aren't despite agreeing on them not belonging here

I'm aware you are, so am I. But this is a devil's advocate kind of situation. These threads shouldn't belong here and neither should the posters, but they're allowed. But some get the kick? It's just weird.

fags got btfo, that's what happened

4am was allowed and now it's bumplocked on creation
LOL threads Mark flip flopped on for a good while now
Filename threads I don't even remember his stance on

The moment he pushed rule 8 in 4am it should have been the death nail for waifu threads, but it wasn't because "m-muh they're not avatarfags!"
Give all the boot and the crying stops.
And hire vols that aren't fucking newfags like pewter.

of course, though, they were banned and now it's ban on sight for fish fucker and Muhammad

citation needed
All I ever heard was that King Kike would bring up this matter in the next Meta Thread
So basically he'd wait it out and hope it dies down without him doing fuck all as per usual

looks like we're never gonna have resolution to the matter

I love Lilly!

She has a nice bush down there. Probably as hairy as my waifu!


Gotta admit, I love the bush it fits with mine

Oh? Because a supposed witness in that archived thread states that the fishfucker didn't act any different than the other waifufags. What gives?
I can't believe I'm fucking defending some delusional

I remember that thread! Too bad they removed all of the gore and scat I posted. Probably around 200+ images and the poor sods got banned too by mistake when I changed IP.

Tumblrtale isn't allowed, that's why.

you're doing nothing of the sort
you're chasing your own tail right now trying to find logic in anything Mark does

It is allowed, we just can't have generals on it.

no, you can't
there have been several cases of threads that were not generals, but one offs that were discussing the game getting nuked after the general fiasco
If you don't believe me, try and make a thread right now, it won't fly.

These threads have been spiraling downhill for a while, user. So much, in fact, that all the "it's not vidya!" bitching actually came true. As of late, these threads have almost completely turned into Friday Night threads on Wednesday. Which is kind of sad, because at one point these were the comfiest threads on Holla Forums and were, regardless of what a handful of autists said, vidya related.

Don't know where you're getting that, they were banned either by mistake or because overzealous mods.

You are a special kind of retard to not see that those threads will automatically bring in shitposters no matter what. It's generally a header with no general post or topic, just "Undertale thread". And they say "thread" because "undertale" and "general" together bumplocks threads. It's not the fault of the game, but more so having to deal with the inevitable rush of poopy joe and music memes
I wish you fuckers would stop being history revisionists sometimes.
Go to any other thread that you can talk about undertale (because of similar subject matter) and it'll probably go over fine.

What's wrong with dundertales?

Why are you replying to me? Go on, make a shallow thread of something that has already been discussed to death. And no, don't start with "has enough time passed…" etc.

for waifufags obviously
I could say the same thing about pre avatarfag 4am and pull a "inb4 someone says it wasn't, then he's an autist" like you now
there's nobody here to appeal to other than Mark
Until we hear anything from the fat lard we can only swing punches at each other for so long

I'd actually get a nice chuckle out of it if you nigger get nuked now
and hopefully waifu threads forever with you

I never said they didn't, but you do get nuked if you even mention it. But there was that one one year anniversary thread that happened where the OP was talking about the game in the OP, and several anons were discussing things, but it got fucked over.

I can only hope for that, both the ban and th thread ;^)

I'm pretty sure the fishfucker never posted cucklizard, but you're doing good asked for one

fuck, *asking for bans and for this thread

the fishfucker also had all the pictures named

Fair enough, but I can say the same for whatever thread you like as well. Taste is subjective, after all. The artist jab was more at the people who adamantly insist these threads aren't vidya related which, as of late, they haven't been, I'll admit. and never were. as someone who has been posting in these threads since the wraithfag days, I can say they weren't always this fucking bad.
With that said, I do agree something has to be done because these threads have been getting out of control with blogposting. I guess we just have to wait for Mark to actually do something instead of having is mods bumplock the thread like passive-aggressive cucks and ignoring it.

fucking phones

What's up YangFag, it's pretty fun so far, i'm only at stage 2 but i'm really enjoying the technique customization.

it's kinda hard to discuss vidya when the thread just turns into shitposting and meta discussion.

and selectively banning
shits the worst, I remember getting banned on cuckchan for simply making a thread about dragon's dogma

This is what happens when there isn't a meta thread to clear shit up, and the vols and BO don't fucking do shit.

I'd expect nothing less from a waifu fag :^)

was it actually this thread's wraithfag who came into the drawthread and shat them up?
God that was a cunt.

Ultimately these threads have outlived their purpose.
I can't say if they've drastically changed from their "comfy days", but if it's anything like what happened to 4am they gotta go. If they stay they will only nurture new faggot and leave themselves to be vulnerable to being co-opted once again and become even worse.

you dipshits already have a board for this stuff, use it

I have a strong belief that there are at least two people on Holla Forums that do shit like that just to get threads they don't like banned.
If you read enough posts, because we have IDs, you can tell exactly who is posting just by the way they post and the words they use. Easier if they have some image they have that they like to post.
It would be at least a little more difficult if the IDs were gone, but then there would be rampant samefagging, so chose your poison.

I suppose you mean /4am/ and not the draw threads
In which case you would be right.
Just to clarify though, the board was made around the time rule 8 was implemented to "deal" with avatarfags, which did jack shit.
But what happened was the avatarfags obviously remained, claimed 4am threads as theirs and proper anons left in disgust.

are you aware that there is at least 2-3 genesis posters?
if you can tell them apart, good on you
there's far more than 2 I'd say

Maybe I'm too perceptive, but I can tell the difference between them. One of them disappeared though, so there's just me and the illegal who are still at it. :^)


well I am of course in favor today's waifu fags fuck off to that board, but I don't see why you reply with this to me

of course you'd be one of them
you the one lurking the 4am cytube?

Very true. But I guess it's pointless now since the threads been bumplocked before even hitting 100 posts.

I'm pretty sure it was, though I'm not entirely convinced that it was just one person. Towards the end, wraithfag became somewhat of a meme. Regardless, he got what he deserved imo.
I think it's more just that these threads happen too often, leaving not much to post about outside of whatever new waifu pictures you've found. Maybe a waifu thread once a month would be better.

/mai/ is a good suggestion, honestly. But the only problem is that the board moves so slowly it may not see a new post in several days. Holla Forums, being much faster and more active, seems like a good place to post about video game specific waifus. Like /a/ would be a good place for posting about anime waifus.

You see, I'm not buying that, because these threads are inhabited by the same 8-12 people every single time.
It doesn't even matter how fast the thread moves, you either have the regulars or a bunch of (1)'s telling them to fuck off.
Moving to /mai/ would solve all the problems.
I just cannot wrap my head around why they are so desperate to stay here.

I brought up this example before, but imagine how fast I'd be shitcanned if I made a weekly thread about tires in video games.
Or substitute tires with anything you want as long as the pretense "b-but it's from a video game!" is there
Waifu threads simply use it as an excuse to stay here, for reasons they'll never tell you about. All you'll hear from them before being filtered is "my waifu is video games, check mate"

Doing good. New pictures of Lyn always pick me up.


That doesn't stop that from being a valid statement. Like I believe I told you in the last thread, your tire thread would have every right to be here just as waifus threads do. But let's go with your logic for a minute; not only do waifu threads not belong on Holla Forums because there's a board for it, neither do the fighting game general, the draw thread, and the amateur game dev thread because they all have boards already. It doesn't matter to what degree they are vidya related, they have their own boards, why don't the post there instead? For the same reason these threads are here, because Holla Forums is the fastest moving and most populated board.

more like shitting it up

user, my concern was not limited to belonging here, but to be here every fucking week.

Fighting game generals discuss the fighting games' mechanics and whatever gay shit is happening at evo. Draw threads create OC for and with the board, usually based on video games but not limited to. Game Dev threads work on game development and the likes.
You've picked poorly with your reply choosing threads that give back to the board one way or another. Unlike for example the goober gaytor threads.

Waifu Threads only exist for one purpose, for the already mentioned regulars to have their little circlejerk in here.

You mistook my post user, I was just illustrating the scenario by using those threads. I'm not saying they don't belong here.
That's what I'm saying, these threads happen too often which drove them into this state of blogposting. Having the same people come back to a thread wouldn't be a bad thing if it didn't dissolve into talking about their days instead of their vidya related waifu.

If new ones would come by every now and then, of course not.
But this thread is a corpse that's dug up every week.
It's time to keep it 6 feet under where it belongs by now.

i'd discuss tires in vidya every week, i like when games allow me to select and customize different tires.
And can we please just discuss vidya while posting cute girls. i'm sick of this fucking meta discussion.

Does anyone have a good strategy for fucking up gehrman's third stage, i get him down to half-health with a parry/wheel combo, but that doesn't work too good once he starts teleporting around.

and I'd be in favor of deleting waifu threads permanently
which one of us is in the right here?

That ship sailed long ago. You only have yourselves to blame.

If it helps, I've never filtered you.
I've always been interested in conversation that isn't just "fuck off tumblr Wednesday," and that is something you've always provided. even if it's only been the two of us holding the same side, but one playing devil's advocate.

Things were going just fine until you niggers came along and got all meta. We were discussing vidya, the cute girls we love, and the cute girls we love from vidya. I don't see a problem.

I'm fairly certain even I have spent more time in these threads than your gay ass.
Do I have to even address your faggot husbando is not even video games?

Of course you don't.

So having these threads once a month is out of the question? I'm trying to compromise here because I see both sides of the issue and want everyone to be at least mildly pleased with the outcome.

Same here. I enjoy conversing with people of opposing view points, regardless of how irritating their views are. the only time I do filter is when someone starts spamming unpleasant images.

I'm okay with this, completely. Anything interesting happening with your waifus games, anons?

I'm sorry do i have to have a +10 post count to be credible in discussion, i just like to check in to discuss vidya while i'm doing more important things, like playing vidya.
and i know sonic's not vidya which is why i keep trying to discuss vidya. For the love of god i just wanted to talk about video games.
also two husbandos can't get married that's degenerate, if he's cute like a girl he counts as a waifu and it's not gay, trustmeiknowwhatimtalkingabout

Rather quiet with Lyn recently. She won that poll for FE: Heroes but I haven't heard any news of a new outfit for her or anything.

Though I would personally say no, this isn't up to me.

But does everyone deserve to be pleased?
I said it before, these threads are in no position to make demands of any kind.
You make compromises when both sides hold about an equal amount of something the other side wants, otherwise it's basically a one sided trade.
Maybe you can tell me, for once, why Holla Forums?
inb4 "M-my waifu is video games!" once again

in a waifu thread, while posting your gay little waifu with every post you make?
who the fuck are you kidding here, m8?

Nothing much besides some news on the VR game HDN's getting (which to my knowledge is literally a re-release of V-II with extra VR scenes). No info on the English Cyberdimension release yet, not even a date.

So anyone play any Bloodborne lately? What builds and weapons you guys using?

Hey JuriFag, i'm not a footfag more of a leg and assman, but juri is pretty cute, i like her eyepatch and cleavage.

i'm discussing vidya on Holla Forums while posting pictures of my notvidya waifu in a waifu thread, while it's not two birds with one stone it still meets criteria. i can't choose who i fall in love with.

Off from work, be back home soon

I am also sick of seeing meta discussions, I thought it waste everyone's time. Be wise and ignore them, they don't deserve attention.

As fr the First Hunter, keep your distance until you get a opening, You can also party his attacks too.

I do agree with the filtering.

Only two, can't decide if I go Holy Blade or Kirkhammer.

Fuck me I meant parry.

Tharja won the magic users contest in FE Heroes and at the final round of the magic users contest Tharja femdom the fuck outta Robin.

I started a new one sometime ago but kinda forgot about it.
Going to go with a dex build and trying to get that dual wielding blades I forgot to get in my first playthough of BB.

for some reason specifically in the waifu thread, posting your waifu with every post
would you even be on Holla Forums if it weren't for these threads?
and if you say yes, why do you feel the need to seek out the waifu threads if you're so busy with video games?
apparently waifu fagging takes priority even before vidya to you

while you can't choose who you want to get fucked in the ass by, you can choose to not participate in the devolution of the waifu threads.
You are the very thing that killed 4am. People who did just one thing different than the regulars and kept falling back on their defense "I'm totally one of you, I just do this differently!" and now we're here where 4am is an avatarfag haven.

I'll only double down, don't you worry. Ignoring has never failed to make an issue go away, nuh uh.

Max arcane Kos Parasite+Auger or bust.

I don't like how it takes 30min to get anywhere in the city.

how I want to play video games but I am too tired to put any effort into it.

yeah i've been parrying, again i'll probably beat him eventually.
i should probably finish the old hunters first though.

no i'm on Holla Forums and Holla Forums every day, but every week i need to release all that pent up autism.

nice, i've been using wheel and augur with a str+arc build, i definitely want to use the parasite when i unlock it.

so you're that kind of cancer

for several days which this thread usually lasts?
must be one hell of an assburger case you got going for ya

did you not address the rest of my post since you got nothing or did your eyes fly by that?

Nothing ever new for KS, we did get that alpha route though, I have yet to play.

I was glad to help her win. Though I do like Julia a lot.

Hello! My waifu this week is bkub Chen and am I glad he's frozen in there and that we're out here and that he's the sheriff and that we're frozen out here and that we're in there and I just remembered: we're out here. What I wanna know is where's the video games?

Nothing interesting.
She did bring her prom dress, and school uniform to beat up Grimms. I do prefer a school uniform to my liking.

I started replaying DR2 and I've found some new things about her. Some stuff that needed to be read in context of what happens later as well as details I had forgotten.

What have you heard about that? Last news I got was years ago and amounted to, "There's not much of a difference between her alpha and release route." but I could never check myself.

few /32/ threads
old moby songs
How to like my art again

I want to go running with Emi.

No can do, I had a run today.
Nothing, I need a good adventure book. Took a look around the book shops in town and found diddly squat in the way of honest adventure unless it was for teens.
Samurai Jack marathon
Modest Mouse
How to deal with some emotionally abusive people online that are tearing apart the community they founded

back home

Right, some other advice. He can visceral attack you if you're not careful, and when he jumps up. Run, he'll slash the the ground covering the horizontal area.

Hey EmiBro
How's the Samurai Jack binge?
That thinkan is really accurate on what is happening.

Hey, I'm really glad you seemed to take my suggestion to write a waifu-related question in the OP like the /a/ threads.

There is no circumstance in which Eerie would love me, unless he lost some integral parts of himself and was no longer the real Eerie.
He views humans as non-living objects that are part of the scenery most of the time, and would have no moral objections to cooking and eating one alive.
Even if I were to entertain him enough to acknowledge my existence and not kill me, he would very quickly turn to rough housing and unwittingly kill me with his Superman strength and I would have no defense against it.
Lastly, he is heterosexual and extremely homophobic, to the point of vomiting at the sight of faggots. Pretty straightforward on this one.

Any Eerie that loved me isn't Eerie.

Thai barbecue chicken. I have surrendered my vegan diet pretty quickly because I had a rough bout of malaise.
One of the original Dracula novels. I'm indulging in exclusively horror as tribute to Eerie and his show's setting.
Space Battleship Yamato. Heavily influenced by Jules Vernes, I hear. Hideaki Anno referenced it as his favorite anime.
My usual kpop garbage. Red Velvet, BTOB, UP10TION, INFINITE.
Well, I wrote a really autistic email to my uncle last night, my only family member I've ever felt a connection to. I wanted to tell him about my waifu but I didn't have the balls to and just referred to my waifu as an unnamed religion, which he pretty much is. I am fearing what his response is going to be and wondering if he'll show it to my grandparents who already think I'm a freak.

rightfully so
kill yourself

Don't give up against the First Hunter, you can do it. Did you get the requirements to reach moon presence?

Here's some Sonic for motivation.

why wouldn't you want to do that
plague serves a purpose

Call me crazy, but I'd prefer to not get aids on purpose, user
The plague has been at a stalemate for months now. What we need is a vaccine or a chemo.

You want to save it, after all it's become?
Wouldn't you rather it be out of it's misery?

Making Jews lots of money isn't a very noble purpose


Because my waifu is vidya related :^)

Im not a footfag either, those are just memes

Nice, its always refreshing when you find something new after going back through your waifus game. Actually rewatched the SF4 anime recently.

I wish i could say the same

A vaccine kills the cancer, user.
And all that is left is the cancer. There is nothing to save. We clean out and bury the corpse.
And having a vaccine ready will keep us save in the future.

Yeah i got the 3 umbilical cords, right now i'm finishing up optional areas and playing the dlc so it'll be a while before i finish my first playthrough.
Thanks for the sonic, i'm surprised i missed that one since i have most of his pixiv tag on my hard drive.

well, it wouldn't be you either
unless somehow korean kids animation finds a way to worm it's way into reality, many worlds means that there's other yous and other Eries. You don't have a say in the matter, but that's what's so fucking stupid about many worlds, because of the nonsense that infinity provides when fucking around with, occam's razor can't be applied to hypothetical situations involving infinity. Therefor, infinity shouldn't exist, yet it does, the very concept of infinity can drive people mad.

But wouldn't you rather salt the ground so nothing can ever grow again? Diseased land can't grow crops, so nobody will grow crops there.

I got nothing - the post
as per usual

We don't grow, user, we build.
We even the ground, put plenty cement on top and create a foundation for something actually useful.

But why would you build on unstable ground, having a sinkhole ready to open up at any moment?

Which part of cement did you not catch?

Waifus in school uniforms is always cute.

I tried, makes me want to use Pixiv more often.
Putting waifu's name in kanji must've yield better results.

If I remember the Old Hunters DLC, there's a well that has two monsters. Beating them gives you a weapon.

what part of sinkhole don't you understand

Did you find anything new? I learned Peko had a finch when she was younger. I'm hoping that's a translation error since finches are totally miserable alone and I'm eventually going to see that as symbolism.

We fill the hole.
Worst case we get a thread of pisa.

Still on season 1, it's as great as I remember. A bit too slow sometimes, but its imagination and sense of style are never unwelcome.


It is, when you look at it that way. People getting mad over trivial things. And I don't mean mad like raging over vidya. I mean emotionally frustrated. Drained. Drained to the point of exhaustion. Pushing themselves at something to the point of misery. Over trivial things.
I have way more respect for anti-waifufags on Holla Forums than most others, though. At least with them, you can assume they're not actually as worked up as they act. When you see that kind of uncreative exasperation elsewhere? We don't get to be naive about it.

They can be, when they're not designed by incompetent fuckwits.

Not particularly, SF canon is left pretty vague in most parts. I have to believe they do it on purpose to give Udons writters more wiggle room. Its still enjoyable to go back and watch every so often, not to mention they really did Juri justice with the artstyle.
can confirm, worked in a pet store for a couple years in highschool, finches are annoying little pricks when they get loose.

This is all I got.
Some people are that incompetent over a simple design?

I should get back on watching more of this.

It is true how these people are that mad over a trivial thing.

If the Jack-O fag is still here, what's your opinion on Happy Chaos? 2:08

Hey Aquabro. Hope you're doing well.

Cutest scientist coming through.

Kurisu a cute

That's what makes her so much fun to tease.

As far as we know, only universes with our laws of physics can be real, so unless your waifu is from a game that has all the same physical laws as our universe, there's no way she can ever be real.

That said, there could easily be alternate timelines in which life doesn't suck so hard. The question is whether they're physically realizable or confined to a place where we can never interact with them.

Goodnight guys, it's been fun.
See you fags next week.

See ya. Pleasant dreams.

Well, might aswell play some Infamous Second Son.

Well, thread will be dead soon. Have a good weekend everyone.

see you next meta thread :^)

Will do…


guess that's our thread now