Why don't developers hire literal autists to playtest their games so they can plan for every possible contingency and elevate their game from "enjoyable" to "a fucking masterpiece"
Why don't developers hire literal autists to playtest their games so they can plan for every possible contingency and...
Because autists are not a significant market. Why should they spend money on something not many people will see? Better to have a larger marketing budget instead.
nah, the (((prudent))) thing to do is to datamine with achievements, find out that dropping half the content would only piss off a single digit percentage of players, and following the money.
He's using the nanomachines in his cyborg brain to Remain conscious while unconscious.
Because literal autists probably couldn't give good feedback.
Autism isn't a superpower, user.
quick someone post that one level from HL2 fucked up by the playtesters for the bajillionth time, we get it anons, games would be a lot better of mega autistic people like ourselves playtested games, there's nothing else to discuss here, this whole topic has been done to death
What would YOU like to discuss?
I know it's a rhetorical question, but can we talk about why Open World games have become such a big meme for AAA titles across the board, even in Japan? What's with the sudden obsession and cynical marketing goldmine associated with these, poorly designed, unfun sandboxes?
I'd like to talk about cute girls, but too much of Holla Forums cross-browses /r9k/ to give a shit about the opposite sex
You mean you just want to talk about your favorite overused topic?
Where is the discussion about Open World games on Holla Forums? People calling them shit without talking about what makes the few good sandbox games good, or pointing out what the bad ones do wrong is not discussion, it's just shitposting, though admittedly not unjustified shitposting since there hasn't been a single good open world game in quite some time.
Dispоsable weebshit? Cuntboys? THICC? Floor Tiles? I don't know. Hilariously, the only games today that have any chance of being "a fucking masterpiece" by autist standards are being made by autists themselves, yet are universally shit on by the one subset of the market that would actually be interested in them for being "early access indieshit".
You answered your own question. Vidya used to be all about passion projects and building a better mousetrap. Today it's all about creating a product that will bring in the most profit.
I'm probably gunna make my own thread at this point, but I want to talk in depth with anons who are into this kinda shit what makes a "good" game fun and a bad game unberable, acknowledging the obvious doesn't really get us anywhere.
If you're wanting to talk I'm bored tonight fuck it let's do it live
Okay open world started with GTA where it gave you a whole city to fuck up and around in. It was awesome and the entire thing was one gigantic level full of hidden secrets, powerups, and you took a rip roaring ride through it via the nonsensical plot which let you murder huge swaths of assholes wanting to cap your ass. It was a fun time and well made. Freedom of choice loose enough to enjoy but tightly controlled enough you'd keep following the game somewhat.
Naturally everyone and their flea ridden dog copies it wanting to cash in on people's love of freedom of choice. Throw in board execs and you know how it kikes up. Alongside that people have gotten it into their heads that somehow more space=better which is patently untrue. When was the last time you enjoyed hiking through nothing and more fucking nothing in san andreas or did you ever wanna just take the scenic route in skyrim/oblivion? Fuck no you just wanted to get to the next event. But they still keep adding even more empty space. Some how this is justified by immersion. Crock a shit but thems the breaks.
You'll need to narrow it down to a specific genre if you want to get anywhere in that discussion since so many factors are genre specific, before you even get into player tastes.
Threads pop up every few months. A topic is good if it doesn't keep appearing every week. The last thread I remember was about a hypothetical open-world game that has the enitre world in it. I saw that at least some anons were talking about what they thought made a good sandbox game.
if i were scouting out Holla Forums for some vidya company one of the things i would take back were there players want open ended games. people complain a lot about being forced onto a path and not having anything to explore.
remember a while back we would always have threads about how much user wants some collectathon platformers because he really really misses rarewares stuff? after a couple years of that, yooka laylee and others were announced.
Given the success rate on those it wasn't that good a move. Wasn't yooka the only remotely non shit game in that bundle? As for open ended the problem with that is they typically fall into the pit of the PC is either hitler or jesus. Really get's tacked on unless they considering it part of the game's core design and plan around it along with other key parts of the gameplay.
Japan has become westernized in many ways.
Some weebs don't realize they've been slow boiled, just like the few people who used to have taste but didn't get the memo that western AAA games are dogshit now.
All your discussion would achieve is giving those lazy fucks a template for the next marketing campaign, see
I'm willing to believe they crawl forums to see what people want, then make something that closely resembles that but at the lowest cost and effort possible.
We really need more games without a good boy/bad boy morality point system. This is one of the things that always annoyed me about Fallout, despite being my favorite series. It was already annoying that I could kill a kid in 1 or 2 with zero witnesses and still get the 'Childkiller' perk which causes fucking level scaled bounty hunters to come gape your shitpussy in random encounters, yet they amped it up to 11 in both 3 and NV. There I can "steal" from cannibals/raiders, dead cannibals/raiders even, and lose karma. In what world did devs think that was a good idea?
Found your problem there.
Kike run companies don't like to "hire" anyone, so if they can eliminate an entire department, they will.
Why QC when your product is bought exclusively by goyim?
Karma didn't do anything in F:NV.
The way I see it, as it is now, there's three types of open world games:
This is where the majority of modern AAA "Open World" titles fall into, usually blatant GTA clones with some minor "twist" that sets them apart, but generally they all do the same thing. The biggest problem with a lot of these games is the uselessness of the open world, with the only real activity being fetchquests, minigames, or God forbid the Ubisoft content treadmill. There nothing to do in these "open world" settings outside of being setpieces for the scripted missions to take place, and more than that, they're way too big for their own good, there's huge amounts of dead space in these maps that either don't need to be there, aren't fun to go through, or have nothing there at all.
I think the pinnacle of this genre is Just Cause 2, it gets the most basic aspect of what a GTA style sandbox should be, and cranks it up to 11, it drops all pretense of story and urgency early on, and the game is much better for it. The map is huge but it's also easy and fun to traverse and pretty much all the locations in the game have something for you to fuck up or fuck with. A close second would be Red Faction Guerilla, which has a similar approach to the world having something for you to do/fuck around in, but the story and combat focus in some parts bogs it down somewhat.
One of the less common, but also more egregious subgenres of open world games, the open world aspect is less of a main point of the game and more of a way to expand on the RPG part of the game, but if you fuck the open world part up, the RPG part is going to suffer too. I don't think I even have to say which games are the worst offenders of this, Skyrim and Fallout 3/4's open worlds have little to nothing in them, the vast emptiness of their overworlds is not conducive to the type of game they are desperately trying to be.
I'd say what the best of this subgenre is rests mostly on personal opinion. I like New Vegas myself, its exploration is rewarding and fits into the lore of the Mojave, there is some dead space here and there, but no where near as much as most Bethesda games.
Only three of these so far, as far as I know, MGSV, BOTW and FFXV. These games are the aborted fetus of japanese devs foolishly trying to implement a sandbox gameplay style into a game that does not fit with it at all. All 3 were directly influenced by successful open world games at the time like GTA V and Skyrim, ignoring the issues of the open world of both, opting instead to focus on the "YOU CAN GO ANYWHERE" focus both games tout. The end result is an incoherent mess that can't decide whether it wants to be the type of game it's previous iterations were, or if it want's to be a half assed bastard child of the two conflicting games.
I'd say the "best" (read: least bad) of the three is MGSV, for no reason other than the fact that it's a decent TPS, they all exemplify the dangers of trying to mix two things you like without any real idea about what made both great to begin with. MGSV is at least serviceable in some regard, it's a pretty shitty stealth game, but you can still play as a tacticool notBig-Boss living out your 80s Geo-political action thriller fantasy.
Thats all I've got for now, if I think of something better I'll probably make my own thread.
I was console growing up alright so please enlighten me if that stuff came up sooner in the DOS era of games. Seriously I'd love to know here I missed pretty much the whole thing so if I missed something awesome tell me
I had a friend who playtested EA sports a few years a ago and did exactly that and found about twice as many bugs as other testers. EA being EA of course ignored most of his reports and left the gamebreaking bugs in place as they were on a tight release schedule
I've thought the same thing, but the reality is they believe that shitty hip-hop song that advertises for their pablum will do the trick.
and they are right
Daggerfall, for one–the grand daddy of pointless open worlds.
fucking nufallout
This shit is fucking cool user, got anymore?
Autists want games like Dwarf Fortress
How much procedurally generated land is in Medeival 2 Total War? It might actually be more than daggerfall
You can add Dragon's Dogma and Nier: Automata to the list.
No, sorry. I don't think a game has ever been made that's larger than Daggerfall–it's actually about the size of Britain.
I agree on DD but I think Nier doesn't overdo it like the others do, all the areas have a purpose, and don't outstay their welcome, there's a little bit of backtracking in the 3rd part, but other than that the game stays fresh IMO, It also clearly has some sort of vision of what type of game it wants to be. It's an open world cuhrayzee but it actually works because enemies respawn and you can do your sick combos again and again and again
Only part of the game that felt forced in there was the leveling system.
Didn't know that at all thanks. Ain't gonna lie that does seem stupidly huge. Did you really have to hoof it from point A to B in it? Man it goes farther back then I thought it did. Also,
Fucking wow that is indeed pointlessly huge.
Oh man I forgot about that kind of bullshit. Still get mad my friend bought me that one since it more or less shit all over the originals, thing was a full price total conversion mod that didn't even work right half the time.
Course the leveling felt forced Nier was an action game at heart but everything HAS to have a level system because it's been found that morons love it when they get DING level up rewards, new breed are like dogs who want din dins and level ups are a low effort way to enable it.
Which category would something like Wild Arms 2 fall into? You can explore almost the entire planet by the time you pass the 10th hour marker, but specific areas don't appear until it's relevant to the plot. And, nearly all previous explored areas can be revisited as well.
No, Nier shouldn't get away with it, it's very repetitive with tons of pointless content. Leveling is just one of the many things that don't fit.
You mind going into it a little bit more? The Webm doesn't really show much, I'm assuming it's a JRPG, but I don't really know what sets it apart from other JRPGs with an overworld
I can't really disagree with that You literally have to play through the same exact game twice to advance I still dispute it's not part of the subgenre I mentioned though, Yoko's use of open world in OG Nier predates Kojima, Miyamoto and Nomura's fascination with Skyrim and GTA V
Remember in school when you had to write an essay for homework, and you didn't really care what you turned in as long as you got a decent grade, and your teacher didn't really care what your point was or if your arguments made sense as long as you had enough words and you followed the approved paragraph structure, and in fact you had points docked the one time you tried to make a point that was different from the one the teacher wanted you to make, so you turned your brain off and banged out the same essay that everyone else was writing? That's what video game development is like.
They'll spend the whole time trying to beat the game by not pressing a and hold the release up.
That's typical JRPG. when we're talking open world we mean shit like fallout 3. Wildarms 2 are the more traditional jrpg thing with big huge overworld map that you walk into goofy landmarks and enter the actual game.
I don't know the finer details since I haven't played many JRPGs, but the game just keeps on adding more and more to the world where you not only explore new areas (Relevant to the plot), but to also explore previously visited ones and give you a reason to keep revisiting them again. Most of what I've seen with other JRPGs is that you visit one area about two times, and then you're done and move onto the next area.
thats what I thought, not really related to the topic at hand
I'm talking about quests, but the makaimura makes it even worse.
Stop calling it cuhrayzee, it's just an RPG with flashy animations.
fixed ;_;
I'm sure this guy would've greatly improved and refined Dark Souls with his autism powered feedback if he were given the position of a tester.
No problem. I think you're partially right in that, as far as I remember, "open world" was first touted as a feature by GTA.
I hope you're talking about Fallout 3, and not New Vegas.
In the world where it would cost a bunch of extra money to program in a fuck-ton of extra conditions to make a more robust morality system that everyone will still ignore and would be dropped from later games.
If you want bigger games, play space sims placed in a representation of a whole galaxy (Frontier or its continuations like the X series), or maybe EVE Online.
The galaxy you can explore in Noctis has a radius of 90 thousand light-years.