Rainbow Six Siege: Tired of Waiting Sorry if I Suck Cock Edition

>best girl?

No need to answer all questions. You guys still having fun?

Operation Health when?!

Guess I can go first.

I try to balance with what we need. But I do like to play Buck or Thatcher while attacking and Echo or Rook while defending . I try to complement my friend's choice.
I'm fairly partial to clubhouse and coastline.
Probably combining Echo and Cav. I will scout out stragglers on my Yokai, point them out to Cav, then disorient them so Cav can go for the interrogation.

I want to say plane since I feel you have to avoid an entire side of the plane so Glaz doesn't shoot you in the face. All those long corridors kinda suck for sub machine guns.
Pulse. I swear that bald fuck kills me 80% of the time.
I honestly wouldn't mind a slight Blackbeard buff. I remember when his shield was too strong, but now it's just too flimsy. Blitz's shield feels a little flimsy as well.
I'm honestly not creative enough to think of a good fit. Someone with a grappling hook to get from different floor quickly kinda sounds cool but also doesn't sound realistic.

she's also a tier whore because of how latency works.
Also >Blackbeard

Haven't played in a while, but I clocked around 400 hours. When are the new updates going up?


Is that what he is reduced to? Some kind of twitch shooter? I had a Cav down me from cover and I was kinda pissed about that. He was supposed to be the peek king.

He is though, he outpeeks every defender in the game provided you can aim.

Slow and steady
Hibana is best wifu
Jegar….that bastard always gets me
Need a buff echo rifle, I empty a mag on the attacker and get shot as soon as he turn
Not a new one but be able to use sledge on the right side with a left swing would change a bit of strategy with him

Bandit for personality, FBI shield recruit for gameplay and personality.
What strategy.
Mira, Caveira, or Ash if her dad's Jewish. Worsts girls are Frost, IQ, and Ash if her mother's Jewish.
Glaz needs a fucking nerf.

Jaeger is my nemesis nevermind, I haven't played in two months and the memories are coming back.

Rainbow Six had such great fucking music.

R.I.P Rainbow Six, you died with Raven Shield.

I will call you a faggot

Dude, finally it's useful against spawn killers, before the thermal he was just average in the hand of a good player

I don't play shitty games, I only play good games.

Stopped playing for a fair while really. I like the game but not to the point of needing to play it year round. Also I was looking forward to hong kong to get back into it. I'm happy with the general idea of Health though

Siege is a good game
just not a Rainbow Six game

Siege is shit kill yourselves faggots. You're playing CoD with a destructible environment gimmick.

Still mad that you are shit at the game?

That's a better one than "cinematic experience". Keep improving, one day you will successfully make someone mildly annoyed.

Yeah, if your standards are really low and have never played the RSE tactical shooters.

Holy shit this is the next step for me

Wasting trips makes you look like even more of a nigger

Since when was there ever an Armenian in any video game besides GTA V.

Very late. Honestly Ubisoft should have put Operation Health out sooner than this, but atleast the Siege team is doing more to keep this game going than shit like The Divison or For Honor.

Sledge is fun, flanking unsuspecting roamers is very satisfying.

Chalet is so fucking comfy.

Shield team Six.

Fuze's cluster charges needs to be brought back to pre-buff and Kapkan would get more use if he was 2 armor/2 speed.

Does this shit happens a lot?

The main theme for Vegas 2 was pretty good.

Yeah, lots of people seem to be mad at TH and want to ruin it for people. There's less problems, but also less players, on hard.

Glaz fucking over spawn killers is fine, but he didn't fucking need to gain a free Predator mode with smoke grenades, that shit's ridiculous.

I feel so fucking cheap popping those smokes, but it clinches the game.

Play on hard.

Well okay then.

I think removing the smokes on him and relying on his teammates for smokes might bring him down a little. I think he's pretty fine right now just a little dominant due to everyone wanting those sick kills for their shitty MLG montages.

They could give him back breach charges instead so it's easier to lone wolf TH with him again.

i fucking suck at this game
holy shit

You'll eventually learn to suck less or counter the enemy teams bullshit.

Dont forget a message that promises the new update will help with bug fixes when you boot it up.

I think giving his rifle less damage or a slower rate of fire could also work. Seriously the strategy is


Are blitz and chanka still trash

I've been looking for that Frost art forever, thank you.

sadly i get bored too easily and get back playing DaS which I actually found less frustating
I got invited an hour ago into a private match with friends of friends and had fun and did kinda decent, but it was just luck and good teammates

Always cluster bomb the hostage room for guaranteed round victories.

Smart! It's the defenders duty to protect them. They should have used Mute or Jager.

I want to drink with Tatchanka

I was surprised how frustrating this game can be. I heard a buddy swear in a different language a couple times, which I had never heard before during any other games.

isn't it currently in process? i know the test server opened up but i'm not gonna play in it. this better pay off because i was excited for the next set of ops and a new map

the ADS can only stop 2-3 pucks on a good day, usually being destroyed in the process. mute/castle combo is good for stopping fuze but if the enemy has thatcher or just finds a way to break the jammer then you have a castle wall that fuze can freely charge the shit out of

Yeah, the only real counter to fuze is muting windows and reinforcing hatches. That and just getting an objective room that's not too fuzable.

This game is the best game to gitgud. Around the 100h you will find yourself naturally ace the match without any effort. Check always the kill cam to learn what you have done wrong to improve, listen to chat audio if he actually talks strategy, learn the map and especially, when you die watch other players top score is better to learn their mistake and nice tips

Damage is fine imo. Maybe the rate can be made to single bolt action so he is obligate to snipe rather then assault

It would be cool if they added; GIS (Italy), Shayatet 13 (Israel), GROM (Poland).

I just bought the game on sale, so I'm still having fun indeed.
Would be cool if I had friends to play with, I'm tired of playing pubs for everything.

How can this game be even semi-playable when it has fucking females on the police elite force? Same with fucking BF 1 if–en muse—people just REFUSED TO BUY IT, the Jews would have been fucked. You motherfuckers are signing your own death warrants.

Remember hoe fucking good waiting for the new CODs was with Delta and SAS and the fucking board based on the scene from HB's "Generation Kill?"

'Muh Generation Z will take the country back!' from what I see they're the biggest faggots yet…

You seem to have wandered onto the wrong board, Hymie…

I don't really care about Israel, it would just be interesting to see what they would have for gadgets in. I'm thinking one of them could specialize in krav ma ga and do close-range takedowns or something.

video games are a work of fiction

i don't need another 3speed jew rushing at me

Galil, TAR, MAG, Desert Eagle, Uzi, M1 Carbine.

although they aren't as famous or noteworthy, i would like ARW ops just for their banter


Dude. How about you play the game rather than relying on political shitflinging and have fun?

So according to random assholes the new hong kong defender is a man wearing shorts and sandals. That's interesting

Doubt it. They may put female ops and some advanced gadgets, but there is no way an operator is wearing sandals. Maybe shorts, but definitely not sandals.

If he's wearing sandals my life would be complete, I would main him no matter how bad he is.

It would shatter my suspension of disbelief.

if he's got shorts/sandals i hope he has a tac vest over a hawaiin shirt to finish the ensemble

also socks

I'm still amazed at the amount of shit that can happen in this fucking game.


Speaking of that, what are some strategies that net you a kill every time? For example defense on favela, peaking on enemies from the other side of the map, or on house attack peaking through the window on the second floor hallway near guarantees me a kill every time.

Hookah Lounge on coastline. I'll usually play Buck and blast a hole in the wall leading to the second story hallway. It's a clear shot for roamers. Then if the objective is in the bar, I can Skeleton Key the floor and shoot down.

Speaking of strategies, what are some strategies you see right through?

not sledge
sledge needs to be more op ty
sledge 2 and 3

Most spawn peekers using the "designated spawn peeking places" like the scaffolds on plane.



sledge is the best operator you dumb fucking nigger

House, with the objective in the living room. I stay on the stairs leading down next to the room and when someone starts securing, I start shooting the wall to my left. Most people at least enter the room through one of the two windows facing west and I find this is the best way to shoot them.
Can easily go wrong if an enemy decides to hide on the other side instead, but if they do come through those windows it's pretty guaranteed.

Peaking the front entrance of clubhouse almost always nets you a kill. It just leave you in a terrible position afterwards.

fuck off.


You failed at the first hurdle.

Pulse for defense. Thatcher for attack. But I like to use everyone except blackbeard
either house, or plane
Fuze and breech
They need to un-nerf the m104
Someone that can use their sidearm when down.

Nah. His reduced ADS time has him fucked. He can't outpeak you mom's ballsack.

That sounds so damn useless.

All that vever happens when people do that is they blind their teammates and get them killed. Happens all the fucking time.

I can think of at least a dozen different times when I could have killed someone while down. Plus it would counter cav.

I don't see how. You are now on the ground, with reduced mobility, outgunned by virtually every op, and will die if they just wait you out. Not to mention getting downed doesn't really happen enough to make it worth it.


Don't forget a straw fedora and a shark tooth necklace.


This vault is so shit, I should not have to perform trigonometry to figure the precise angle I need to vault over a deployable cover and get through the door it's in front of. I'm actually amazed that any game designer could think that removing movement options from the player in favor of contextual prompts could possibly be better. Secondly, does anyone else find Hibana's pellets to be just as finicky, or is it just because I just started using her? I've attempted to create a crawl-hole, only to find that there's an inch high barrier that remains and blocks the path.

Crawl hole for hibana is quite known for being unreliable yeah. I never really saw it working, save for it just being a murder hole at an unconventional angle.

Does IQ's scanner let your teammates know of electronics or are you supposed to communicate?

You're supposed to communicate. Marking an electronic signature could be a possible buff in IQ's future though.

Hibana in general is super unreliable for breaking walls, but good for hatches and killholes.
If you want to break down a reinforced wall bring fuze, if you want a killhole bring hibana

Thermite not fuze. I have no idea why I typed fuze

with the exception of black eyes, all forms of electronics have a audio que that kinda kill the reason for her scanner

the only use for it I found is that you can see when someone's checking cams by the ping off their phone

My nigga.

you can hear people opening and closing their phones if your close enough though, same for pulses gadget. sound design is pretty good in that game so if you listen carefully and make sure your headphones are on the right ears you can perform pretty well

yeah but that's only opening and closing, if they have it out say an echo or valk, or a retarded ass pulse, you can get a blip with IQ even if they aren't pulling it out/putting is away.

She already has a counter, Jackel. Having someone who uses their pistol when down is over powered. Cav would be completely unable to interrogate that person. Not to mention that a single pistol round to the head equals a kill, meaning that if you get downed you are still able to do a lot of damage. Maybe something like a taser, similar to twitch, would be possible. And with a 3 second draw time or something. But I'd say there should be a downside to using it, such as faster bleed out time since you aren't focusing on holding your wounds.
That would be pretty much the only way to make it balanced in some way.

A "pistol-while-down" operator would be useless if that was the only thing that made them unique, because the only person who would care at all would be Cav, everyone else is going to shoot you right away without even giving it a second thought.
oh boy I can't wait to spend 25k renown on this operator, move over Thermite, Thatcher, Montage, Ash and Hibana, a new top-tier operator is in town.
Not really. If Cav uses her ability right, Jackal can't do shit. Jackal is more of a general roamer counter, who's still topped by Cav.

Fav Op
Glaz Almaz
Fav Map
Suburban mansion/chalet
Best Girl
I am not a faggot. No girls in war allowed
Buff Blackbirb back to release levels

I don't know man, there's been lots of times that I've been down where if I had a pistol, I'd have enough time to save myself.

Another complaint here, when I'm Cav and I'm going in/out of Silent Step while aiming down sight, why do I have to momentarily stop aiming? Did nobody catch this in QA?

Right, but you're considering an operator who's defining trait, the entire reason he would be picked is based upon the possibility that you would get downed and then MIGHT be able to salvage the situation. I don't disagree that being able to fire your sidearm while down could be useful, but not as the entire point of an operator.

Cancerous casual.

I agree that my suggestions are not the best, but having your pistol out when downed is still a rather strong ability. If the person is a good enough shot they can take out their opponent or more. Of course, as you mentioned, getting downed is usually a rare occurrence. So having an ability like that would be pretty OP.
Lets say you were downed, then you dragged yourself over to a different location and then pulled out your pistol. Your enemies can't attempt to kill you since they won't know where you are and you will have the advantage, being able to pop off several rounds before they even bring their sights up.
I'd think it would be better to have a suicide bomb operator that gets access to extra grenades or a variety of grenades. And if they get downed they can just pull the pin out and it would have a large explosion, perhaps even randomly generating shrapnel to hit the vicinity.
A middle east operator.

Would be nice but also a problem….
>get achmed Boom

I still think a way to switch sledge movement also to the left, and a corner shot pistol would be best

Buck does everything sledge does arguably better

And Ash, to a lesser extent

My first main was sledge until I realized this

A suicide OP sound fucking awful. Not only in a gameplay sense, but the fact that Rainbow 6 is supposed to be an elite police unit, not a bunch of rag heads.

more like
which is probably what Holla Forums should be doing in a real streetfight anyway. you sure as shit don't want to be trying mma shit on a random floor with multiple people around.

So, how could you build a good SP game with Siege? Can you see it operating well enough in that environment?

Every mission is a 4 man team of mixed operators(the writer picks which ones work best together), you pick one of them to play

various missions of terrorist hunt to explain the story of the white masks.

just need a good writer for the banter between the operators and you're golden.

This, realistically a full fledged R6 game with tactical plans and shit isn't something we can expect, but they definitely could do something with the model of the gas attack on Bartlett, with more dialogue and set ops.

update this list nerds


I fail to see your reasoning here.

Sadly if the original maker doesn't make it, it's just going to look disjointed.


would pretty much need bigger maps built from the ground up with destruction and better functioning AI, also you'd have to make it so like in the multiplayer different walls and points of entry are blocked off every time so there isn't always one optimal route

Still needs mira, jackal, and nuglaz.


Isn't there going to be a gadget that can look around corners eventually? Seems like a given.

And to fix the Montage description.

you have one already, it's called a drone. It's pretty busted. See attackers get it but defenders don't. Only downside is when you're looking around corners the enemy can see you doing it and round it and pop you in the face.

joke's on you I played them all, and I mean all. I just have accepted that Rainbow Six is a dead series back when Lockdown was released and treated every subsequent game as something completely different, something that will never reach those standards or scratch that tactical itch.
Hell, I even shill that Black Ops mod for Rogue Spear over these threads.
Red storm is dead and not coming back, anyway. Only hope left is READY OR NOT
Or that DeusEx/Rainbow/Splintercell inspired game I will work on


More like how the fuck did you know this ?

Watching teammate. I was scrolling through cameras and this fucker was looking down into the top part. This is going to make cluster charging much easier.

Uh, you realize you can charge through any breakable surface right? You don't need to charge through a specific hatch, anywhere on the floor will work.

Wow, really guys?

The hatch is always open, nothing to put the cluster on.
But you can put it almost everywhere in that top floor of the plane. Most of the floor there is actually destructible.

I'm saying that whole top part of the plane can be clustered. There are usually a couple roamers waiting for you. That hatch will make it easier to guard fuze as he does his thing.


>check videos online to learn since I can't spectate games and can't even look at the replay of the match and don't want to fuck the team over
>all click bait, I'm so gud guys"le funny thumbnail", check why I'm a prowhile playing custom game or only quick videos of one kill in a random match
>some have good ideas that mightwith shit tons of luck work on casual but will never work in rank

Any help?

want to get gud with thermite? don't take point because your gadget is valuable, hope that your team has thatcher or theirs doesn't have mute/bandit. hope the guy watching your back doesn't decide to diddle himself while you plant charge

There are videos about where to put cameras that seem sort of useful at least.

For Thermite, I don't know if there's even much of a trick to it. I guess knowing which walls are best to breach?

Caveira I'd argue just straight up needs experience. Good knowledge of maps and being able to predict what the enemies might do based on experience.

its more about living long enough to breach the wall, and sticking to your team

along with patience, i sorta would like if you could tell when you've been identified because when playing cav sometimes i try to leave setup room as fast as i can before drones show up in the area and hide. so maybe the enemy team won't know we even have a cav


on one hand, at least its something to do with the massive amount of renown you will accumulate once you have all the operators and have nothing to spend it on, but on the other hand its a fucking loot box and 90% of what you get will be the games ass-ugly weapon skins

At least you can't actually pay money for it no matter what.

Do Capitao's bolts do any physical damage? If I were to fire a smoke bolt directly into someone would they take damage?

I think they do a decent chunk like 20? But not a ton. But really his gas does a really high amount, great for flushing people out, or defending a doorway on bomb or capture point

a direct hit doesn't do a lot of damage and i don't think it even gets headshot kills, but its still amusing to stick a guy with it and see him flee

Speaking of skins, how come there is no lightish red weapon skin?

because the guys making the cosmetics are fucking incompetent, next question

Why I don't have qtgf like hibana yet?

Yeah it does, something like 10….his bolt is best to lock people out of the room or flush them out

because you're a tier fucking 8 operator who doesn't even make big fucking holes

B-but I will make her hole bigger

don't forget area denial though short lived it can force the enemy to have to wait for the fire to fade, or find an alternate route, so it can be good for preventing the roamers from making back into objective zones

unfortunately cap had his frags taken away so he has almost no wall-breaking options save for wasting rounds to make a hole

theres no way your dick is bigger than thermites, thermites dick is fucking huge

Also that, although I got him without the nadesthey already got them out when I've unlock him and I find them less useful, place a claymore somewhere to check your 6….or blind the objective, smoke it, clear it then bust fire in the door till you win

wow do you have a glaz on your team, or do you really just want to announce your presence to the enemy that badly

of course he has glaz on his team, some one always picks glaz now


ooga booga, where the white wymyn at

castle is unintentionally hilarious in all aspects

>Echo shotgun is as powerful as cav pistol make only injure
Fuck me

echos guns don't shoot bullets they shoot hot farts at people

Nope, it just make chaos and capitao velocity allows me to rush inside

This is nu/v/ guys, point and laught at him

Yeah tell me about it….I just unlocked him and I'm pretty good with him but can't flank or do whit because in a 1v1 I will either lose or just injure himand lose for his teammates

to be good as echo you gotta be on mic a lot and know how to guide your teammates to stunned enemies

Yeah I'm good for it, but sometimes playing on casual they either don't care or don't listen so i have to do the job too
If you don't have a mic or don't listen, you don't deserve a good echo

so you mean you smoked an empty room then?
Because there's no good offensive situation to use smoke in as a nonglaz.

Well, kinda….ive throw the smoke bolts in the objective room kids bedroom in house bandit was on the floor next to the wall reinforced he got concentrated in my smoke at the door and one window, breached from the other window and I've rushed in killing him. Dropped the first fire bolt at the door and put myself in a secure position….dropped the second almost when the fire was gone and then just waited while winning the match

Even without glaz creates a good little chaos or a distraction

I find that throwing smokes at the objective rooms to be effective. It's really easy to catch someone coming out of the smoke as opposed to them seeing through it. Speaking of smoke, can you mitigate the gas grenades just by laying down? I swear I've seen it done.

Depends on where he throws the damn things. They only cover a radius around the nest, so if he throws it at the ceiling or something it can miss the floor

Also yeah, that's the whole reason smoke nades aren't good offensively, not to mention it's also client side so it's super unreliable.

Where is the best place to put claymores?

Anywhere behind you or on common flanking routes.

in front of you so you get the offensive claymore kill, works 9/10 times if you have your flank covered anyways

Agreed Buck is great but his rifle comes with a slight learning curve having more recoil than most guns, unless you're good with the semi auto. I just want Sledge's hammer to have more reach than a knife. It's a goddamn boner killer when you try to smash a window and only hit the glass.

Isn't Buck's FAL literally just a lazer still with the muzzle break?

Anyone here who's gotten gud with Jackal?

Yeah, what's up with him?

I get too focused on trying to find foot prints and have trouble seeing people in the distance when I use the gadget. It's mostly my eyes being shit so there's no help for that, I was just wondering if anyone has some actual success stories with him.

I can give you a tip and story time
learn from the distance with him, you are a roamer counter so move slowly and check topical roamed spots and take the long road for the objective….if you want to scan do it from a corner or some place that will let you not be in the middle of the hallwaywhen you got gud you don't need to, you can follow the heat for the footprints to get to them but it's risky and you need to trust your skills….check and then remove the camerathe scan also fucks with your vision, I have problem with distance too but it's the scan I guess, that's why I keep it on and off
Round won
From then I've learned to play more jackal and git gud

You can play him as a methodical anti-roamer, but he can also be a regular attacker with a serious edge on the last confrontation in the objective room. Scanning the last guys hiding in the room is basically a free win.

My shop skills are shit, but I feel a Cav/Glaz edit of this is entirely needed.


yeah i dunno if ubisoft saw that coming but you should always try to keep at least one scan charge for the last room

You may move one Offense operator to defense and vice versa, who do you swap?

castle on attack

Blitz on defense, because defense has no shield ops and he seems to do better when he's not the aggressor.

I'd be okay with that. You could seal off flank routes and keep your ass safe.

Pure suffering.

Easy, Jackal on defense. Jäger is now obsolete.

giving any defender a rifle would do that

What does the dlc do for the game? Can I play the game efficiently with the dlc or will I be cucked like the assfaggot riot game?

If you mean the cash shop, the only exclusive things are cosmetic or in game money (renown) boosters. Grinding for the newest operators takes a bit of time (the ones from the game's original release are cheap) but is far from impossible, especially with terrorist hunt and fairly frequent renown boost events.
Season passes are literally just getting the season's 8 operators one week early and with cosmetic stuff thrown in. Unless you really really want to play as a newer op, paying money is absolutely unnecessary.

Game is pretty balanced so dlc ops aren't an absolute must buy. You can also just purchase the dlc ops with the in game currency, but it takes a while to accumulate. DLC ops cost 25,000 renown and you will get about 150 for losing and 250 for winning.

Cool thanks buddys.

I forgot I had this webm.

This fucking game.

There are few other games that make you suffer as hard for having shit team mates than siege.

happens every fucking time i try that trick with mira these days. i've also seen miras place two windows next to each other one with reinforce and one not, but it seems like a waste of potential viewpoints

The only time I do that is when I get stuck in a really poor defense area, where there aren't much in the ways of good mirror spots, or when everything has been reinforced so there's no way to shoot at the attackers otherwise.


It's not so much that they never fucking learn as much as the retards seem to detect the mira trick from a mile away. At least they don't pop out the mirrors at the start.

If the mira trick wasn't a huge liability if you have a shit mira I'd agree. And as 90% of miras will die in 3 seconds leaving a massive hole in your defenses… I'm really with them on this one.
I'd rather have a slightly salty mira than have to deal with a non-reinforced wall in a prime spot.

There are bad and good mira trick placements and they are easy to spot. A firing range facing a corridor beats one reinforced portion of the wall hands down. Hell, reinforcing a wall facing a corridor is ill-advised black mirror or not, since it's prime murder hole material in the first place. Bunkerizing fucking everything isn't exactly grade A tactics.

I'd still rather take it than a retard usually with the shotgun trying to do epic mira trick. She's fucking useless if she's dead, and now the rest of us have an extra wall to watch.

Have they fixed the ability to block doors with mira windows and a shield wall?

Pulse to attack. Blitz to defend.


im pretty new so i only have like 20 hs of gameplay
montagne for attack, CANT STOP THE WALL. defense rook, i wish the p90 wouldn't suck
plane and the iraki customs map
valkery, blond/fit master race
the bank
the smgs. those fuckers are headshot machines only when i dont play them
the sidearms when using a shield are hilariously inaccurate, and that makes it extremely more infuriating when you are shooting to annoy someone and you suddenly get a headshoot kill. it never happened to me but it must suck.
also making the small caliber guns not be a headshot kill to heavy armored operators would make the game more bearable
an attacker operator that its centered about trowing grenades, or underbarrel grenades, i fell like the grenades are pretty underwhelming in this game

Using a shield and laugh at their now useless guns. Even better when I set a fuze charge on one side or above and then show up at their entrance.
Glaz, a bit too OP. New meta is pop smoke and kill everyone, would be better if they didn't let him see through smoke.
Something fun.

blitz stocks about to skyrocket

He might actually become a bitch to face.
So far, the amount of lucky bullshit headshots I've gotten against him while blinded didn't really make him an overall challenge.

So how are you guys liking the UI and server(?) changes? I think it's nice, and my autism is satisfied now that the ops are organized in order of CTU on the selection screen.

I'm writing this now as I'm stuck on a loading screen of which there is no escape because the menu is inaccessible because of the UI design.

For what fucking reason does a solo instance require internet connection?

While I'm not entirely sure and this is more of a guess on my part, I think Ubisoft might be a bunch of talentless hacks who couldn't design something well if their lives were at stake.

That's weird, I've done all my situation just because the server where down


Gotta mine that data
Gotta make those pirates pay
Gotta blend fast

Exactly what I thought. I sure hope this doesn't mean they think retarded hats are going to be A-Ok now.

Blitz has a samurai helmet, and it fixed his head hitbox.

Well if they make something as dumb as that, all the easier to see and shoot the retard wearing it. I'm not too worried about it.

considering the customization option they've made so far are like 90% shit i wouldn't be surprised if this ends up being the case, BUT hitboxes still needed tweaking

Nice try, kikes, you should all kill yourselves.

I want SJWs to fuck off

stop trying to prove to everyone that you don't like black people to fit in here

Action completed.

okay good so its not just me

also could they add a fucking marker alpha so that the markers won't be as much in the way of enemies

should really be in settings now that i think about it

On topic of UI/HUD features that the game should have; I think that it needs a static dot in exact center of the crosshair so you can still align your crosshair with the middle of it on the enemy gamer with some more ease when your gun is inaccurate up the wazoo (like when hipfiring with a shield) and to make said static dot visible when ADS-ing
t. dirty bomb player

Blitz needs a buff, don't think anyone needs a nerf.
I honestly can't think of many new abilities anymore.

That's the entire point of the laser sight, also do you really need a dot to tell you where the center of your damn screen is

The laser sight isn't visible at all times and I do actually lose the center of my screen when spamming shots with a pistol aimed down sights, can't hit shit with pistols because of that.
Sorry for being retarded

How are you that bad? Literally there's a giant line to the center of your aim when you're ADSing. You can even put a red dot sight for a literal dot.

Is Monty the most frusterating operator to play when your team won't communicate?

I'd say the most annoying operator with a team that doesn't communicate is echo.

not to mention echo drone can't even ping enemies so your teammates only have the little yokai marker to go off of, that's if its even within range

Naw monty is a good op by himself.

Yes. I main shield operators to scout because I have shit aim and hate getting killed instantly when I enter a room.
I'm constantly telling my team via mic where enemies are and pinging locations but for some reason they fuck off and split up leaving me with 2-3 enemies that eventually gang up on me and kill me.

Though the times we win via objective where I block the door with Montagne feels fucking great.

Nice shitposting faggot, here have a (you) to had to your collection…will fit right in


This pick is why Montagne can sometimes be effective by himself. A lot of people just expect a big dumb wall who's a nuisance at best, and go for the melee kill. That's your cue to lower your shield and empty your mag in the general direction of their stupid face. Good players won't fall for it though, but with experience you can start telling whether an enemy can be fought 1 on 1 or not.
Also, your additional protection means sometimes you're just going to find yourself at very advantageous angles where you can safely aim and pop a headshot. Montagne isn't primarily meant to be a killer, but he can definitely pull some shit off.

He's a killer through and through, like if the monty is good, in order to get a kill you have to rely on ubisoft's shit netcode (or a nitro cell) in order to beat him. And he's enough of a threat you can't just ignore him, which a lot of people fall into the trap of doing "oh he's just sitting there I'll throw my C4" then monty drops and pops you in the dome during the 30 second long throw animation

What i like most about Monty is the fact that he can effectively tease. For some reason 80% of players like to shoot him even though he's invulnerable to bullets. They'd prefer to shoot his giant steel slab than your buddy behind you. Just having him in the corner of the objective room is harrowing because he can drop his shield and pop you while you are trying to focus on some other attacker. He's as effective as a shock drone when it comes to distracting enemies.

More so because unlike the shock drone he poses an active threat and can mark your locations

Shock drone is really effective if there is communication. I think it's best when it's 2v1 and you don't want to risk anything. If some jackass is sitting in the objective you can just start zapping him and tell your buddy that the enemy is dealing with the drone so they can swoop in and blast him in the face.

pic related, Monty in a nutshell

shock drone is vulnerable, and isn't an active threat, even if you have good communication, the shock drone is less of a threat, especially if there's multiple people. Then again if you have a person on a twitch drone 2v1 you're probably going to lose anyways because they're being retarded and on a twitch drone when you could just double rush and win.

It's a fantastic feeling. On the topic of nitro cells, I find that almost everyone who throws one at me when I'm monty blows it immediately, so I can pivot to take the blast pretty much 80% of the time. I dread the day that people realize that they can just throw the cell and shoot me in the back when I turn to block it.


Any Tachanka tips? I try to only play him during hostage because u don't want to get blown up.

use tachanka as a suprise behind a door or window, it's useless for watching corners because they can see your armor before you can see them.

watch out for capitao he's your one true enemy.
also put your turret in stupid as fuck places, top of staircases and the like, because no one suspects something that stupid and it usually gives you a slight advantage while they go "which retard put this here"

This happens to me in too many games.

how can people be this fucking braindead?

I have a question
why the fuck is mouse aiming so fucked all the time


Why do you even play if you don't plan to have teamwork

I would answer that but i play with a controller

Ubisoft E3 panel might reveal the new DLC today

mfw it happens on every thread anytime a black character is referred to. Some shit went down on Holla Forums and now every refugee feels the need to shove their opinions down everyone's throat to seem "cool" on Holla Forums.

I noticed that they mention weapons in their future plans. What do you think they mean by this? I honestly wouldnt mind some semi autos for defenders. Shooting down a hallway with an acog is kind of a bitch.

I played in Open Beta but not sure if I want it or not.
Convince me to buy in. Give me your best shot.

UI has changed drastically, more maps, dlc characters are a grind, but if you play it enough it doesn't matter much. Hitboxes are about to be improved and the amount of meta shit you can do with holes in floors and walls makes for some interesting as fuck matches in terms of how they can play out.

double dubs checked. You have my attention, give me more.
The phase I participated in didn't have hostage, just bomb and secure area. Tell me about that.
It also didn't have a good chunk of the operators, so give me some of your favorites and why.
I'll actually spend money on this if I decide I want it.

Not much to it. Kill all enemies or rescue the hostage. The gameplay changes just a little because killing the hostage is a loss condition. That means you can't fuze or grenade the objective room.

What i like about this game is that the new ops don't make the old ones obsolete. What cool too is that you don't ha e to spend real money to get them though it takes a few weeks to build the renown.

The new ops you can get for free with the in-game currency but it can take a while, however they're not that much better than the vanilla ones except for maybe Valkyrie since she can place cameras anybody can look through wherever. Hostage is pretty fun if the enemy team's not paying attention since you can just sneak into the room and grab the hostage and run.
The destructibility is what makes the game special.

Is that a viable strategy? I think the noise and lack of mobility are a downside.

Every match is different because of the destructible environment, I've more than 300h on this game and still have to do a match like another
Each operator both atk and def have their own meta, and is always improving with new spots to breach or camp, every time a new operator arrive change the game somehow and makes all the game feel like a new one.
No money is needed apart of the game. Renown is grind but if you play doing the weekly mission you always have a new operator the base one at least. Season pass only get the new operator a week before everyone else which allows other to adapt and actually use them properly after
Hostage makes some operator uselessfuze and other basic choice castle but allows for a better situation between fast operator to snatch and run, or tanky ones to kill them all

Works on house in garage if they reinforce the garage doors and you're Hibana. Provided you can kill the guy behind the car from above.

A thousand times this. Ubi did a surprisingly good job making most of the dlc ops balanced and mostly just new spins on old ops. Buck is just ash with tweaks, hibana is just ash and thermite put together, caveira is just jaeger or bandit but specialized even more for roaming, etc.

Use useful if they aren't paying attention, or someone is distracting them
I've lost count how many times in house I've jumped from the living living room through the garage hole and fuck them from behind because they were checking the door

Valkyrie's really the only "must pick ones". Mira's really fucking strong, but she's not good on all maps, unlike Val.

It's like you don't like clearing rooms that could contain roamers

If you dont want iq to fuck your ass* with a strapon you probably have shit taste** :^)

You failed your spoilers much like you have failed in life.

Confirmed for shit taste


s h i t t a s t e ;^)

I've done too many times fuzing the room where could be a roamer and the 'nade bounce through a hole injuring the hostage or killing myself. Fuze in hostage is a no unless you have it as main and know tricks

I main fuze, just watch me.

Let's learn new tricks guys

The excitement is unbearable.