Dragon Age

New Dragon Age is coming, archive.is/VBY2U. Why didn't you faggots create a thread for this?

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because there's enough shit threads going for now

is EA legitimately retarded?

Is this a joke?


Does it have an autistic main character?

Pretty sure dragon age inquisition was the best selling game in the franchise. EA/Bioware are pretty much half of the AAA WRPG market so it only makes sense for them to continue dipping in with proven successful IPs. Andromeda put them on the defensive and was far from a hit. It'll be interesting listening to investor calls, EA has a tendency to use meek language regarding underperforming sales.


It's not by the Andromeda team since they got "sacked" right? A shame since now it will just be shit, while it could've been entertaining shit at least.

So the guy who created Fallen London and Sunless Sea is working on it? Those were legitimately well-written with an interesting and well-developed universe. Unfortunately I'm not convinced his creative influence will save the game from being a pozzed piece of shit with boring gameplay.

I have hope still for BioWare. Each new game reaches new heights of idiocy. The new DA might be a new low for them.

That guy is a leftist cuck, which is why he got the job.

if anything, they'll reject his writing a la Chris Avellone.

Wait what? It got released and in this year?

I know nothing about him personally, but that doesn't really surprise me at all. I feel like he's done a decent job of keeping that out of his work but I could be misremembering.

The faggot's only other article on Eurogaymer is about punching Nazis and screeching autistically about muh fascism

I take back everything I said. Fuck this guy.

archive.is/wy1k2 claims it sold about 2,5 million which is still pretty good. I don't know if is this source trustworthy or not though, I asked about this an ME:A thread but no one answered

Why are you even surprised? Do you think BioWare actually hires people based on their talent?

Shit sold, for the record, is shit they sold to the game stores. That's always what it is, it doesn't actually account for shit sold to customers. Gamestop and the like may have an arrangement, but they're still separate companies, which is why they can abuse that statistic.

That's why the numbers always seem so high despite everyone shitting on it, that's why it seems like it's too big to fail, because it's a money racket.

Never forget the dumpster filled with copies and the discounts not even a week after release.

Unless we get an autistic sister to have an incestuous relationship with, it'll be completely worthless.
We already know the gamplay and story will be pants on head retarded.

Dragon Age: Origins- mediocre tactical RPG
Dragon Age 2- stinking pile of shit
Dragon Age: Inquisition- stinking pile of SJW shit

Mass Effect- mediocre tactical RPG
Mass Effect 2- stinking pile of shit (albeit less so than DA2)
Mass Effect: Andromeda- stinking pile of SJW shit

They are all stinking leftist turds.

What about ME3?

Stinking pile of shit with the added bonus of a "FUCK YOU" in the end

So forgettable I forgot to mention that it is a stinking pile of shit.

And what about anything they`ve made before Mass Effect?

The Second World War wasn't something we did to the Nazis. It was something the Nazis did to us. It was a war of aggression waged against democracies. The democracies fought in self-defence, and that self-defence was horribly ineffective in preventing genocide. Two-thirds of the Jews in Europe had already been murdered by the time the Allies liberated the camps, and most of the rest had fled. I'm bloody glad the democracies won, but the war was a desperate last measure and the star catastrophe of the twentieth century.

Wow. I sure would love to read his writing. How can you so blatantly ignore the fact that history is written by the victors?

I like how the only people he gives a shit about are the Jews. A real insight into how the mind of a leftist traitor works.

He literally quoted someone doing "holocaust studies" lol:

"Video game solutions don't work in the real world. Boring solutions work in the real world. This is literally why we have video games: if we could easily make bad things go away in the real world by punching them, we'd all be out there doing that, right now."

He doesn't even pretend to care about not hurting people, he just advocates against violence because he thinks it would cause him to lose.

Honestly I'm actually a proponent of socialism in its original sense, so I don't know if that's what you mean by "leftist", nothing he says has anything to do with the ownership of capital. He's a revisionist, pandering to what he perceives to be the dominant culture while LITERALLY being a fascist (agree with the ruling ideology or get punched) which he accuses peaceful citizens exercising their freedom of speech of being.

I wish I didn't know anything behind the creation of vidya, more knowledge hasn't improved my enjoyment at all tbh.

You're the proponent of an ideology with a 100% failure rate invented by an white hating yid?

You should have stayed in Holla Forums.


Solas was the only interesting character to come out of the last one. But you gotta make the guy trying to restore his people the bad guy

They'd wind a way to fuck it up.

We don't want him either.

National Socialism objectively failed too.

Probably because you're the only retard interested in this shitty series.

The cyclical thread made me feel like a degenerate piece of shit and i miss it

Oh boy, are you all ready to #RidetheTransBull soon?

Someone should do a "Freedom ain't free" amerispurdo edit of this

Because we dont give a shit?

now consider and you realize they lost millions on something their (admittedly skeleton crew of starving graduates) dev teams worked on for 5 years

I made sure Iron Bull died. Fuck him, he's a faggot and will have no impact on future events.

The same way Leliana died and never appeared again?

It sold less than 2 million copies based on EA's report to their investors.
Franchises have died after more.

some random user from a russian image board made better designs than Nintendo


The asari on the right looks like she knows she made a mistake. Now she's surrounded by childish retards and there's no way for her to get back home

Also, never forget Bioware idpol'd the asari because their lore was problematic

You keep forgetting, your choices don't mean shit in Bioware games. They'll give you the story -they- want.

When did the choices ever matter in any of their games? Sure, they give you the evil choice but it's not like they expect anyone to do a serious playthrough RPing as an evil character. The evil routes are deliberately written to be trash and only exist so BioWare can put "choices and consequences" on the cover.

Yes. Fascism falls under authoritarianism, but not the other way around.

That's because Socialism is for losers.

i cant erase the hate i feel when i remember that god awful ending

I don't think they've ever talked about Cisquisition's sales number.
Whatever the numbers are, they could be false if they have included the number of people who have downloaded the game via the Vault in EA Access.

ending was the least bad part of the ME:homo feels game

It's just the left trying to manipulate everyone into automatically associating any display of authoritarianism with the right.

IIRC they had failed to make a million sales months after launch. I don't imagine this number has changed all that much. The game sold like shit.

You can usually gauge how well a game is selling by how much DLC gets made for it. If there is no demand for more content then they won't be making any more DLC.

Hey who knows it could be good :^)

Part 2 made Anders gay when he was straight in the previous game and had him constantly lusting after male Hawk's boypussy. That's pretty SJW to me.

That Jewess hambeast hamburger helper was responsible, if I recall correctly.

There was a third Mass Effect game?

That really fucking got to me how they basically forced Hawke x Anders at every opportunity. You could tell him to fuck off countless times and yet you'd still get the option to flirt with him. You simply pick the "Not Heart" option with other characters and they'd never want to flirt with you again.

To be fair Male Hawk is the last attractive character Bioware ever made.

hoe please :^)

I don't know what that is, it looks like some sort of discount David Tennant

They were aiming for 9 million sales in it's life time for a year out, the lull in sales after the first month and critical reception made them scramble to salvage the game with fixes by the main Bioware studio at Edmonton, and now the decision to "retire" the Mass Effect IP for "awhile"

Is there reason why there is no sfm of these 2 because the game had denuvo?

Is this butthole surfers calling people faggots for not talking about another gay age?
