Last webm thread is reaching page 13
post your webms/mp4s and have fun
Webm Thread: Something Edition
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what the fuck is happening in that 3rd webm?
Anyone got a source for this?
do anyone have the vr stuff or the persona 4 dancing all night one?
Lookin real jacked baby
ending livestream from ff7
Seems to be military guys fucking with another military guy, the guy driving is also in uniform.
Hey webm fags did you get an increase in 4chan compliant webms? just asking
nah haven't seen a soundless webm in a while
Booker T likes BIG SWEATY MEN?
Every time what is with libtartds and infantilzing things?
They’re neurological toddlers. You absolutely must realize this before you attempt to reason (you can’t) with them.
Seen the first webm a few times now. The show only has implied lewd shit I'm guessing?
You mean these?
I decided to encode this because I liked this mashup. Any feedback as to how I could improve it?
What is that music? I know I've heard it before.
anyone got the dancing catgirl one?
Literally the gayest shit a teacher has ever said. The only time you should have to understand what you're doing, is when you're writing a proof, so you know, not until fucking Calc 1.
It's time to reveal my eternal shame.
Shit, not even abbos can do that.
moonsetter from homosuck
How old is this recording? I'm gonna bet 08-09.
Link to youtube channel?
surprise surprise
Gotta love camwhores. I mean "legitimate streamers."
That sounds about right. I don't have the original timestamp and my memory of that period is thankfully fuzzy. I'm just about to turn 20 now
I don't think it was actually posted. I'm surprised I even still had it.
nice fucking videogames guys
Sup vidya autist, how's your day going?
playing video games
Sup cuckchan cancer, how's your summer break going?
pic related
What's the story about the Starcraft disc?
Except I'm the vidya autist, not him.
Some retard spic found the source code for Starcraft, then proceeded to post it on reddit (he couldn't even read what it said because he's a spic), then he got contacted by Blizzard's legal team telling him to return it or they would presumably sue the balls off him.
And all he got in exchange was a $200 gift card to the Blizzard store and some overgoy merch.
Are you serious? It was all we talked about for a whole day.
ive only been on Holla Forums and occasionally cuckchan, is there even other sites other than reddit for vidya?
go back
shitty forums only normalfags fanboys use.
video games are shit.
Its clockwork man, it's the same guy most of the time too
Video Games
These are the things we do
Lullaby for baby
Holy shit can I have the song please, made me harder than the webm.
And you're the same autist who always shits up the webm threads.
But the unique IDs, user!
Why is furshit associated with this broken base?
okay, after years and years of seeing these I'm finally going to ask the question: why?
why would you make something like this? why would you save it? why would you share it? are these things actually funny to some people?
I wonder how Holla Forums has been taking all this shit. Must be a real sight to see.
That specific one was awful, but I love MADs. It's some sort of autistic humor like YTPs that both are genuinely enjoyable versions of the song and funny remixes.
I like it and other people like otoMADs. Its not for everybody that's for sure
People enjoy it so they take part into making the content of it. But the one I posted in particular is pretty bad than others.
I just like having a collection of otoMADs
Bored pretty much
It really is dependent on the otoMAD in particular, some are but most of the time people like listening to some of them.
They'll deny it.
But this pic might hurt them
theyre entertaining little video, whats not to like?
What the fuck are you talking about?
What's the sauce on the music?
sorry buddy, no idea on the sauce
Damn, thanks anyway I guess
Every president since JFK has shilled out to Israel, Trump is no different. Holla Forums needs to swallow the real redpill, which is that no politician will achieve their goals for them.
who makes this shit
Shill harder, moishe.
Hi, leftypol
2ch probably
Forgot my webm
Ok user don't worry I'm sure Trumpenstein will suddenly let us all know the ruse is up and gas the kikes and make america white again and do all that other shit he promised to do but won't anyday now
I don't remember anyone but retarded SJWs and very desperate stormfags claiming he will go full one man klan. Odd how trump has had so much shit ascribed to his policies that he himself never claimed. Like the conflict is going on entirely around him, while he himself does not participate.
It's apparently a music jingle for a sex store.
Exaggeration. I was making fun of the fact that Holla Forums sold Trump as the god emperor meme/hitler reincarte candidate.
The right projected their hopes of the anti-establishment, freedom loving and isolationist candidate, while the left projected all their fears about muh minorities and muh hitler onto him. And in the end no one got what they wanted.
Need some tits
This is what everyone is getting their shit flipped over?
that one was made by a westerner (italian)
I rip shit from youtube because im a bored nigger
Nobody clicks youtube videos anyways
Speak for yourself.
you're right
Majority people in these threads already do that.
Does anyone have that video that summarize TF2?
This one?
Yes, that one. Thanks.
Song from the second webm?
what the fuck is this cancerous fidget spinner meme
Nobody writes proofs in Calc 1 unless they're a masochist.
Why do I keep getting errors when I try to post more than 1 webm.
file size limits
Both files were 5mb I think.
I know the fucking gondola is there but I can't find it anymore
Okay. But really, that looks fun as fuck if they applied that concept to a regular game.
It's not nice to tell lies, user.
They're overjoyed mate.
where is this photo from, it seems incredibly familiar, like a street in a town i live in. its gotta be new england area right?
I have no fucking clue man, try reverse image searching it or something like that
Colonel Campbell?
I saw the other post but even after that I can't find it.
It's just burgers longing for actual old towns with actual history.
All I wanted from Trump was an improvement over Obongo and anything Shillary would have done, so you're wrong on at least one count.
I love Marie but what in the fuck.
im just gonna save this on my video game environment ideas
Stay True
They're backpeddling and damage controlling hard for him. I'm surprised how cucked Holla Forums is to still shill for trump after all the shit he pulled. Half of his policies are denied by senate, the wall won't be build, he appoints jews in corner and has finally touched wall. Pretty based if you ask me.
I knew at least one of you was from here.
Can't just watch controller autopsies.
keep your friends close and your enemies closer
You don't love her enough, user.
That's rough
holy shit what is this 'game'
Honestly I think the biggest mistake of 8/pol/ was when the leftyfags went and left to /leftyfur/ that shit was the first step towards the slow demise of 8/pol/. Here's to hoping /polk/ or another board comes along and takes it's place and remove ImKampfy from his digital throne of hotpockets wrappers.
Forgot my webm and my explanation to why I think the flight of the lefties began the slow decline of 8/pol/. One of the major things that helped with Holla Forumsacks was the constant debating that happened upon the board, yes there were actual commies on that board, hell I started out as a Commie when I went on there, but it had discussions between Gommies, lolbertarians, and Stormfags, it allowed us all to better our debating skills and allowed us all to strengthen our political convictions as well as show to any lurkers which political theory should be on top. It was a nice place at one point, maybe some day we can have another place like that.
oh jesus christ this is embarrassing
please stop posting this, the guy who made it became an SJW cuck.
zakata69 did?
Sorry about that anons, thought my keyboard was on when I was selecting a number of webms
always seperate the artist from his work you fag
i demand proofs, he hasn't posted anything for years.
The fact they fell for mid-tier confidence tactics should make it obvious that is never going to happen.
why you guys constantly post that trash?
You can't get a quicker death.
watch the whole thing
This isn't your safe space, reddit trash
It's summer.
Why do you post it? For the shock effect?
You people are fucking pussies!
He does it fast, he does it clean. It is what he does.
We are humans, we eat meat. Get fucking used to it, you beta black eating, muslim ass gobbling nu-males.
I was hoping you would say that. This is not >>>Holla Forums7054269 nor is this >>>Holla Forums9954146
Let me guess, you read somewhere that Holla Forums is this new dark place and decided to visit it.
Well by the looking at the way it reacts it seems to in shock to feel pain. Also the first chomped probably fucked its brain so its not even aware anymore. Honestly that was just a mistake, the rest go a clean death.
and the one after where he starts with its leg? I mean, this stuff has to be done but it just seemed like he was toying around at the end. seems unnecessary
Fuck my English.
Fuck off.
I was just trolling, you retard
the previous two replies were videos with misleading gorish filename but SFW videos
so I posted a real gore video for the lulz
besides, who the fuck besides chink trash eats rabbits?
redditfag spotted
back to your safe space
Well I can't excuse that but its well know chinks are subhumans.
Apparently rabbit stew is an alien concept to retards like you.
yeah you two need to fuck off. You make it pretty obvious that you are not from this place. Did your facebook friends tell you about this hatechan place?
Everyone but you Amerifats apparently.
I want Holla Forums to leave.
Susanne, Billy, Rodger and Hirotoshi are the best characters in this series.
Are you Bryan? or do you just enjoy his work?
I've been wanting to check this out, thanks for posting the whole thing.
No problem man
Nope, that was reddit. Thanks for outing yourself, kike.
Kill yourself.
I ought to make a better version of that.
his work isn't retroactively worse you fucking cuckold.
Honestly all these types of videos of so called "animal cruelty" just make me hungry for more meat. I am not even trying to be edgy, but how do people think their meat comes on the plate? Do they think that the rabbit just dies of old age in a warm bead, surrounded by his family, and after a heart-melting funereal in the oven it magically becomes a juicy rabbit stew?
Some idiots think rabbits are pet animals.
You reminded me about the embeded video.
man and I thought my job sucked
Every time.
Why do shills presume such simplistic views of a complex range of people. I think you would have to be retarded to think trump wouldn't shill for Israel and be good goy for the Jews. Most pol people understand that, in fact its part of the core beliefs that USA is the lapdog of Israel so attempting to run a campaign against the jews is political suicide. This whole strawman attack by the left is nothing but a pathetic attempt at "we were right all along" demoralization tactics.
t. Bootyblasted Holla Forumslacks
I believe it's called 'monster island'
before the thread dies anyone know the source for this webm?
ment for
100% Orange Juice
i ment the stream but ok
That's pretty spooky, user. That guy was probably bargaining with a demon, you know. Is 0 A presses really worth it?
Does anyone have the Shin Godzilla breath scene from a thread back? I forgot to grab it.
Spongebob knew what was up
Seems about right
is mouth rape video games?
Midi Desaster is my shit.
That's quite interesting I'm assuming he mapped specific noises the printer makes with specific patterns and wrote something that would become e1m1
The noise is coming from the stepper motor used to move the position of the print head.
Here is the same concept with floppy disk drives.
All you gotta admit is that your "savior" trump was just a stereotypical businessman that wants to keep his and his jewish overlord's pockets overflowing.
Wew ladders.
whats the music in this?
It's in boston I think.