Mother 4 never ever

Mother 4 never ever.
Rebranded version will be shit and will cost lods emone.
Fuck the humanity, fuck the human being.

I expect either a patch from the devs or from fans to mod it back into Mother 4, since they claimed the engine would be free to use after it had been released. Nobody's interested in it besides asskissers now that it gave up its calling card of being the MOTHER fangame, and something genuinely worthy of picking up the title of Mother 4.

Regardless they tarded the fuck out and they fear a DMCA that isn't forthcoming. Not for a series like MOTHER that Nintendo barely cares about outside of Ness and Lucas in Super Smash Bros., not for a game that didn't have a set release date (despite their constant trying), and certainly not for a fangame with completely from-scratch assets for absolutely everything.

Cocksucking flags I forget to turn the thing off every time I post.

It's literally the same game with namechanges, user. Congratulations, you got what you wanted after years of shitposting.

Name changes, removal of any elements related to MOTHER properties (so final version will feature not-Mr. Saturns etc), removal of related music, and downgrading itself from a MOTHER fangame to yet another "quirky Earthbound-inspired RPG". Also the aforementioned monetary cost, likely the move wasn't in fear of DMCA at all and it was so they could turn a profit off of it. I can't begrudge them for wanting to sell their work but I can begrudge them for it (provided they're charging for it at all) for advertising it as a free game, then thinking a rebrand makes people forget you promised it for free.


Junko is the mom we all deserve.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Anyone who thought this is a massive faggot.

Do you think Nintendo really gives a fuck about any of that? It doesn't matter that it's not popular, it doesn't matter it's made form scratch, it doesn't matter if it didn't have a release date. Nintendo would have eventually had enough and swatted that shit out of the sky. The devs did what all fangame devs should do: fuck being a sequel, make it your own thing. Even if "own thing" in this case is just a name change on paper. It's better off not being Mother 4 because for some reason that got people's autism in an awful tizzy over "it doesn't deserve to be Mother 4." Why anyone gave a shit about what "deserves" what is beyond me, so hopefully now people will bitch less about that. A real Mother 4 will never exist so what does it matter?

And if that means they're going to sell it, whatever, good for them. The Freedom Planet people did the same thing, worked out fine. You can pirate it anyway, and probably will, won't you? Because I will.

A small question: all these people who make fangames which work pretty much the same way but don't have the rights to the characters in them…
Why don't they just use placeholder Original the Characters and lingo, release the basic game like that and provide a free mod for it on some other website that replaces the newcomers with the real deal?
Wouldn't that circumvent all the pain in making free fangames and having Nu-tendo fuck them in the asshole for being hobbyists instead of soulless consumers?

hey Junko

I will now proceed to post this video in every thread I see about a fangame from now on until you like it.

If you're going to post it so often, make a webm of it. Or the most relevant parts.

The most relevant part is just Woolie saying "shut the fuck up"
Because why generate interest in a game, everyone should just achieve things in silence and never talk about it.

Exactly, make a webm of that.

Exactly, because that way your shit doesn't get shut down until it's done.

"I'm going to steal someone else's work and try to pass it off as my own, why should I expect legal consequences?"


Oh god it's this faggot again.

I just saved his images, quit being autistic.

That makes you even more of a massive faggot. You don't have anything to add to the discussion.

Neither do you, since it sems like you're planning on spamming the video everywhere too.

You only achieve something if you actually manage to ship it out the door. I know fuck all about programming, but I guarantee you I could put out a dozen mock ups for games based on existing IPs and get C&Ded before ever having to write a single line of code. In fact, I half suspect that's how 90% of these fangames operate - scream about your project on every form of social media, build tons of hype & media coverage, get C&Ded then immediately take all the goodwill and e-fame you've built up by being the "savior of X franchise" to get a real job in the tech industry.

You can choose to ignore Woolie's advice, you know. Like he says, he's an irrelevant YouTuber and his opinion doesn't matter.
But then again, we're on Holla Forums. We're on the fucking Internet, where opinions in general don't matter at all.
It's just some friendly advice to take into consideration. Make a fangame? Shut up about it and it'll get released. Thank you.

Don't forget that people already in the mainstream games industry are starting to rely heavily on this strategy as well. Look at the rise of "auteur" of "official" fan games", usually funded on kick-starters like MN9 and Yuka Looli, or even stuff like Caligula.

Congratulations, you've discovered Sturgeon's Law.

Just play undertale, it's the better fangame.

Just today I was informed that a wannabe-Advance Wars was in development in spite of its Kickstarter failing months ago, and it apparently has some experienced Japanese devs on board it. It seems like a good number of developers have given up on major companies and focused on crowd-funding the games they want to make on their own. But of course examples like MN9 and Yuca-Loli are doing a good job wrecking people's hopes and trust in these independent projects.

Actually, it was originally an Earthbound hack, of which the guy who made it did several. They aren't good. That's how the guy who made it got into the whole hipster gaming/fandom clique and ended up working on Homestuck.

In regards to your first point, the only of these projects I've been interested in at all is SRPG Studio but that's stuck in japanese.

You play as a kid in a striped shirt in a game about the power of friendship in saving the world in an RPG with a battle gimmick.
Pretty transparently a Mother Fangame.

I'm aware of his Earthbound hack history. But the final product was really nothing like Earthbound at all, and more like a theme park as designed by overly-sentimental Tumblrites. It's obviously trying to be like Mother, but I think it failed hard. Tried too hard to be quirky, poorly emulated the style and charm of the originals, and its graphics were shit.

I think that was likely the original intent, but then he realized he could capture the mindless fervor of the homestuck audience so he just janked half of it from that.

I can't disagree with that. Chunks of the game did have Homestuck's schizophrenic style. The creepy horse mermaid, for example. It's like he took the flaws of Mother and Homestuck (itself derivative of Mother) and mushed them together.

I'm guessing neither of you actually played the game, and are just repeating what other people have said.

You guess wrong.

Alright, I'll bite, how is it tumblrite.
If you say what I think you're going to say I'm not even going to bother explaining why you are wrong.

Not to mention the fish chick who is totally not Vriska I swear guys.

**Meenah, whatever

Tumblr has a very immature sense of humor that usually consists of:

And aside from the humor, again, extreme emphasis on sentimentality that goes beyond reasonable, that "facts aren't as important as feelings" style of thinking. And you can say that the original Mother series had a lot of these things itself, and you wouldn't be wrong. But Undertale went much further with it than I appreciated.

There's also a big difference in that games like Mother were consciously aimed at children, while Undertale (and the rest of the Mother-likes) are made to stimulate nostalgia.

Well on the bright side, I don't have to list why you are wrong.

Yeah you didn't play Undertale, then.

I was referring to the humor. If you know any jokes in the game that had actual bite to them, feel free to list them off. And no, I wasn't impressed by the ass-backwards "moral message" the game had either.

Glad we came to an agreement.

At least you have the humility to admit you are wrong.


That's what I've wanted people to understand for so long, anyone who likes Mother is a proto-tumblrite and an SJW.

The genocide route does nothing but shows that without the music and characters, Undertale has literally nothing going for it. It's boring, unnecessarily preachy, and gave way to 2 of the worst characters in the game.

But user it's boring on purpose!

Literally what the fuck is the point of explaining why you are wrong when literally hundreds of times over your dumb shit that someone else said has been debunked because the same retarded shit is always mentioned when someone brings up undertale.

user I know you think Undertale is dark and edgy because you can kill people in it, but come the fuck on.

There's no shame in admitting that your vagina enjoyed Undertale's shitty forced humor, user.

Dude, if you have nothing to say fuck off already.

Why aren't fanart/rule34 and fanfics not C&Ded but fangames are?

Because the first two are too prevalent and outside of the medium itself. The fangame encroaches upon the original work's medium and becomes a concern as a result. There's probably entire legal books about it.

Sometimes they are. What was the moba or something that tried to get all the porn taken down?

Overwatch. Blizzard literally tried getting all the porn taken down.

Hey guys the sky is brown and not blue
if you don't have an argument with me that means the sky is brown
No I don't care that it's already been discussed and proven blue, I say it's brown and you have to argue with me why it's not brown or it is brown.


Are these fags stuck on development hell?

Rebranded to avoid the potential good ol' cease and desist. And I think it's very much in development hell. The rebranding is very helpful if so.

Good job, you proved e8d732 you're just some parrot parroting misinformation.


Mother fans don't actually want Mother games, they just want to bitch and moan about not ahving Mother games.

Undertale is a terrible game but it didn't start out as a hack.

They're doing it for the attention, it's not like someone is paying them for this stuff, you don't get attention with Original the Character.

that's just wrong
you're thinking of Toby's Halloween hack that was absolute garbage that he himself wants to be erased from the zeitgeist

No one cares about fan fiction.


How does any of this not apply to Mario RPG/Paper Mario, a series Holla Forums loves?

Y'know what? Good for them. The Mother trilogy is Itoi's baby, and taking it out of his hands was doomed to reek of glorified fanfiction. Now that it's broken from the chains of constraint, they can be free to do whatever they want with their ideas. This is what they should've done from the start.

they already confirmed it would still be free you fagmuffin


I'll have you know I masturbate to that every night before sleeping thank you very much


Wew this thrwad is stink.


I want to fuck the purple-haired magic girl

She's so cute.

Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time…long time. Stopped going around the time they started attracting Undertale people because they felt they needed to have a new game to talk about to stay alive (that, and it seemed all the people that mattered moved on to bigger and better things like EarthBound Central or Legends of Localization). Did it kill the site like I predicted?


No but the site's staff seems to be focusing more on fangamer these days.

I don't imagine many lawyers would be able to justify publicizing a game by calling it a fan project, and then rebranding it to something original once you've gained popularity.

Why would lawyers have to justify it? Do you seriously think Nintendo will go after some nobody for previously thinking of possibly violating copyright?

No, but it's certainly a possibility.

It's not Nintendo, it was some guys making a shitty fan game and naming it Mother 4 for some reason.

Wait, this is the Western vaporware self-insert fangame made by weeby millennials we're talking about, yes?
The one with the mother 3 rip-off art and the guy literally making this an Ode to Orange Kid to himself?

I'm sorry for your loss, OP.

You need to have a proper argument in the first place, dumbfuck.

They made the right decision. It was never going to be THE Mother 4, but it looks like a damned good fangame, and now I can appreciate it as one, without all that hubris screaming me in the face.