Factorio thread? Post those factories, and let's bully shitty ones.
Factorio thread? Post those factories, and let's bully shitty ones
look at my clean and organized factory nerds
Here, have this girl as a reward.
been waiting for the 'nuke' update to get around to this game, but looks like there's unending patches since
wat do
Looks like there's a bulge.
a girl for your clean factory.
I just recently got back into it.
I always end up fucking around with the initial chewing gum and duct tape approach for longer than I should, and get to the point where I pretty much need to tear everything down and start from scratch to fix it.
tfw no one to play all these mods with
You're trying to replicate that factory from the trailer, aren't you?
I always do this. There is simply no way to spread things out enough to make a good endgame-worthy factory with your initial resources. Either you have to tear it apart and rebuild all at once, or you have to tear apart and rebuild pieces of it at a time. I always start making a shitty factory that does nothing but produce fucktons of belts, inserters, assembly machines, ammo, turrets, walls, and grenades, while it finishes researching all the red and red/green science. Then when it's time to get some oil, I go scorched-Earth on all biters in a wide enough radius to wall off a decently-sized area, and start building a new factory from scratch that can handle the throughput I want from it.
I might have to change this strategy around a bit now that they've changed the resources needed for the science packs. The push from green to blue science was also so FUCKING MASSIVE that it seemed a good time to do the old remove-and-replace.
It still is, really. You still need an entire oil setup and red circuit production. You don't need the chemical plants for batteries anymore, but instead now you need an engine production. In general the new science takes up a crapton of space thanks to all the different science packs and their requirements.
That's good, I always get lazy with not automating engines until when I start needing electric engines for robots in the late mid-game, and then it's usually a spaghetti mess somewhere between my belt and inserter assembly areas to get all the resources for it. If I'm forced to build a dedicated area to pump out lots of engines, I'll be sure to make a decent one.
Just waiting for a good stable patch before I start playing with the new stuff.
I didn't even notice that they'd changed the blue pack recipe. I just got to the point where I ran out of red/green research and called it a day. Fucking around with the flamethrower has been fun, but I haven't noticed much else of the new stuff yet otherwise.
Update to a more recent version if you're going to.
the best factories are built with consideration for expansion but no planning. planning is super gay
You can't consider the possibility of expanding without planning, because that is planning.
its not planning its being considerate for myself in the future
Tips on how to orgazine my factory better? I want to make a tidy factory but I'm getting closer and closer at the point in where I've conquered a good chunk of land but space niggers keep trying to take down my walls (trying to make a lazer turret factory in between invasions)
I don't have the words
It'll eventually be gone, besides its quicker to walk over
say them faggot, what use are observations without criticism
Build more furnaces, preferably in rows spaced apart so you have room to put rows of beacons between them later. Build your green circuit production right next to the furnaces since 90% of your copper is going to become copper cables anyway (also don't bother dumping the cables onto belts, just insert directly into a circuit assembler. 3 cable assemblers can feed 2 circuit assemblers.)
Put more boilers on your steam engine. Each engine takes about 1.3-1.4 boilers, otherwise they wont heat fast enough and the system will underperform under heavy load.
Also holy shit how many filter inserters do you need? 1 inserter assembler can keep up with 24 blue science assemblers if you use blue inserters to feed it.
A common enough symptom of autism. This thread is for you.
Oh lord, I didn't even notice that.
You're focusing your efforts in the wrong places.
For the amount of concrete and research you have obtained and area you have walled off, your factory should be significantly bigger and at this point. You're practically doing the absolute minimum required to progress, it's going to take you way too long to do anything that way, I mean I'm surprised you've gotten that far without more production.
That's the criticism I was hoping for! I'll get right on it, but after work. I'll post my progress back to this thread once its done. See you in a bit my dudes.
15.12 or whatever the new update is changed to optimal ratio for steam engines to boilers to 1 boiler to 2 engines
Yeah but he's not playing that.
Also 15.13 is out, which apparently breaks a bunch of interface shit.
Does anyone else actually use the labels for their maps?
Also I found out you can plant blueprints for your construction bots from the map screen so you can expand without even going to that side of the map.
Im really waiting to play this game till its 1.0 release. I played about 5 hours on a build late last year, it feels very ready. But as is it feels like it'll be perfect if they keep adding. So frustrated that this damn thing isn't done. It's been in development a long time. And it's perfect, it even runs on toaster pcs. But holy shit why isn't it done yet?
Endgame soon. They've doubled the number of science packs and added another science pack you get from launching rockets but there aren't any unique technologies that require it.
Just play it now. Like Minecraft, it might be better before it is 'finished'. 0.15's science and nuclear mess weren't improvements.
Main bus master race reporting in
You must be a contractor IRL.
Clean as fuck. I like it.
For what purpose
What the fuck?
Were you high when you built this?
fucking wew
Nah just got converted into the Religion of the Holy Bus
4 belts are for a reason, let me get the picture…
So here, when you draw from either side of the bus, you need to rebalance the bus again
I should note that atm, I vastly overproduce and rebalancing isn't much of an issue, also my Main Bus is extremely short.
how fun is this game? does it require a degree in autism? shill it to me pls
Overhyped Autism Bait: The Game
If you've enjoyed playing Minecraft with various industrial mods like Logistics Pipes, Buildcraft, IC2, etc. you'll like it. It's not anywhere near as deep but you can build big without it all collapsing in a pile of Java.
No I mean what the hell are you building that needs that much copper?
Are you high? Iron and Copper are in fucking everything.
No I'm not, I'm just really fucking lazy and can't be assed to reorganize the whole thing
I don't need that much atm. It's all buffer, besides it's not going to stay like this. As I expand the Bus will extend further north.
Blanketing the world in solar panels takes a lot of copper, user.
What are you, some kind of hippie faggot?
I never played Minecraft
The hippie faggots were all replaced by robots in my world some time ago, but I'm sure they'd appreciate that I'm tearing down forests and genociding all life for land necessary to glass the world so I can afford to move mined ore from remote outposts by bot rather than train.
He doesn't have the steel to match it though. I just thought it was an unusual lot of copper. I've never needed more than one or two myself. Most of it goes to circuits without ever hitting the bus.
I just thought you had some crazy shit in mind like blanketing the world in gun turrets or something.
You ever consider maybe he's still building up his steel production?
Anybody got a torrent for the latest build? My go to site got taken down recently.
Looks like 15.12 is on TPB
I mean he only has steel belts to match one copper belt.
I updated to the 0.15.12 beta after reading through this thread and realizing why I wasn't seeing any new shit.
I just got around to green packs and so far I like what I've seen.
In a way. I think it looks more autistic than it really is.
You build massive factories block by block, but the game scales up so gracefully that you'll never notice you got there. You go from staring at furnaces just to get another piece of iron and moving items around manually and crafting things on hand, to placing factory blocks and moving items into them with belts/trains, to designing blueprints and letting robots place the factories and belt balancers and train stops for you.
In the meantime aliens will try to attack you for creating so much pollution (unless you go super green hippie mode with solar panels and efficiency modifiers), so you must research and build defenses and weapons to fight back against them, and they'll evolve over time into bigger monsters the more you mess with them.
All the concepts are very simple to understand but can be used in very complicated and big things. And you can eventually automate almost everything, even the delivery of items in/out of your inventory via robots.
I find that the best way to build is by making a modular factory that consists of an expandable furnace area and a main bus that has has some of the resources branch off into modular assembler builds.
I'm still trying to figure out the best modular oil factory design to mass produce petroleum while leaving enough heavy and light oil for my flamethrower ammo.
Perhaps a circuit condition that pumps light oil reserves to light-lpg crackers when it reads that a chest for storing flamethrower ammo is full? So whenever you need more of it, it will pump as much light oil to those assemblers as it needs, prioritizing it over the cracking.
Currently running an angels/bobs mod setup with a couple dozen or so other mods. Have no other choice than to do outposts devoted to specific things and ship it all by train to any number of bus lines. Its equal parts heaven and hell… that must mean im retarded.
Why do you need that much light oil lying around not being used for anything? As oil is made from the remains of ancient dead biters, it should all immediately be made into instruments to produce additional dead biters.
It's the best thing to make solid fuel out of.
About that…
The science changes in 0.15 now involve components that require lubricant as their ingredients.
Oil refining got a bit more complicated than the "Just turn everything to gas once you have half a tank each of light and heavy"
0.15 also introduced vanilla omnibarrels- all fluids except steam (which is a fluid in current experimental 0.15s) can be stored in barrels without mods.
I still have mixed feelings on the nuclear reactor. Though it certainly is useful, I think the neighbor system is a bit flawed because it punishes the user for making any layout outside of 2*n. Making it fuel efficient is possible regardless, the one I've got running operates as a pulse reactor and only pulses when the factory must have more power.
And yes, autism the game. If you didnt like Kerbal Space Program, you probably won't like this either. Requires some degree of engineering and problem solving talents to actually be good at it.
I'm fine with nuclear reactors. They're already incredibly efficient without pulsing, heat bonus or knowing the exact ratios, so I view proper reactor design as more of a bonus.
Speaking of proper design, this piece of spaghetti is the oil refinery of my last factory. I tried out the rail world preset, but it wound up much too easy because of a peninsula start and biters not rebuilding their bases, so most of the pollution just dissipates somewhere. Was still interesting to play because I had to expand extremely early for more iron and I haven't actually launched a rocket before.
Why do you guys use so much concrete? It fucks you as those chunks won't absorb pollution, forcing it to spread.
Serb when
Last thread.
Partially for aesthetics, partially trying to up the challenge on this particular world (didn't work) and partly just because I like to go fast through my factory before exoskeletons/fusion reactors are a thing.
Concrete is good.
Waiting for a performance patch before I continue playing this. If I go to the south copper mine, my frame rate becomes a still image.
not pictured: south copper mine
I'm not sure how to feel about that. It will essentially allow you to do all your refining away from the main base and then bring in trainloads of the cracked components, which in a way is good because refining takes up an unholy large amount of space. But I feel it just makes managing oil way too easy. You don't even really need pipes anymore, and a proper refinery with pipe-spaghetti can be a beautiful thing.
It also makes fluid tanks pointless, because a steel chest can store many thousands of barrels.
How often do you use pumps?
I only use pumps to control fluid flow. Otherwise they restrict throughput when you don't want it to. Rarely will you have a point where you're piping a fluid over such a large distance that you NEED pumps, and now that you can barrel any liquid, it should be NEVER.
They're pretty fast in 0.15. They can drain a tank in 150 frames or so.
To load and unload fluid wagons.
Rate my (lack of) autism. Second base I've made, obviously not endgame but it's the one I'm playing right now.
You're still on 0.14? Probably explains why you are making processing units while still on basic cracking. Neatly organized but too tightly built, you'll run into trouble when you want to increase green circuit output for example.
Yup, apparently. I had to check. I might've turned accidentally turned Steam's auto-update off for it or something.
Yeah I've realized that a bit too late kek. I always try to leave a bit extra open for each factory type but I guess sometimes I overlook a few :^)
Looks breddy gud for being new.
Having 3 copper wire machines feeding directly into 2 green circuit machines will give you better efficiency and speed. Circuit machines go through copper wire too fast for belts to keep up once you start to get faster machines / speed modules.
Anything past 0.14 you have to opt into at the moment. It's under the beta section in Steam's properties for the game.
0.15 adds a whole shitload of shit. I'm really enjoying it so far, although you might find the amount of new stuff overwhelming.
Tempted to make a mining outpost that makes green circuits and delivers just the circuits by train to the main processing. It would save a lot of wagon space considering they can be stacked to 200 each like their raw components but use 2.5 plates worth of material per plate. Then again, I only consume about 700 circuits per minute which is hardly enough for a dedicated train.
i think you need more labs
Just go for it. You can always keep the trains in station if they are full.
Backlogs of resources are never a bad thing.
If you have a mining outpost with both a crapton of iron and copper, it's an excellent idea. Even if you don't need that level of circuit throughput right now, it's a virtual guarantee that you will in the future.
Green circuits are one of those things it may be a good idea to bring into your base rather than crafting in the middle of other things. It's almost as common to require them than copper and iron.
if you dont do it, thats gonna be your bottleneck
Copper and Iron go in the top. The clear Bottleneck is the amount of Fe/Cu I am able to transport via onesided belts, but I can always add a separation in my smelter assembly and have a secion smelt only for a specific line if required.
All "lines" are easily expandable, all you need to do is "unplug" the lower connection ports (transporting goods that are not Iron/Copper of one production line to the other) expand the line and replug the connector.
Only difficulty I can see would be adding fluids to the system, but I can always feed those from the bottom too. I also could move the labs to the right a little and make room for more belts to feed into them.
F-, See me after class
What? Do you want my assemblers to do direct ass to ass production? They are not that kind of girl! They are pure! PURE!
Oh, this setup also allows me to keep the design looking tidy, and keep every line with INPUT on the left and OUTPUT on the right. Makes it easier to get your head around after some time.
Eh, never thought much of upgrading all my assemblers.
Assemblers 1 require 90kW at 0.5 speed, while assemblers 2 require 150kW at 0.75 speed.
X=150/90=5/3 and 0.5xX=Y
Using more grey assemblers is literally faster than using blue ones. Using two grey ones would consume 160kW, which is only slightly more costly than 150kW of using 1 blue one, while giving 0.25 more speed. Even if you add the inserters into this I doubt blue would be more efficient. Correct me if I am wrong though.
That's definately an option. Considering it for the next great rebuild.
Currently building more and more labs/science assemblers anyways. The design is 100% expandable.
As I said, I can move the labs further to the right and make room for more science belts.
The main issue with copper cables on belts is that later in the game, assemblers consume them so fast that not even max upgraded belts can keep up with them. Having 3 wire assemblers feeding directly into 2 circuit assemblers is the best way I've seen to do it, plus I think it looks nice.
As for using grey assemblers, it might technically be more efficient, but caring about energy efficiency is for gays. In the early game, electric drills seem to always be my main energy concern. I only ever really care about assembler energy usage when I get into the late game and start pumping them full of speed modules, which uses up shitloads of energy.
Well, up to the limit of yellow belts. The copper cables are already choked, producing 50% more than one side of a yellow belt can move.
If energy cost bugs you, you might be better off using blue assemblers since they can take a pair of efficiency modules, to drop the energy use to 20%.
Change that belt that goes around the assemblers to the south and reverse it so it goes around the north. Then you don't need to erase that part across the bottom to expand.
Solid critique. Will do.
Guess I will do what pleases user. Assembler to Assembler it is.
I think the break is, that while you can move more fluid [25K more units] with a barrel set up, using fluid tanks is faster because you can pump fluid from them, to storage tanks or processing facilities much more quickly and with less clutter than you'd be able to do going FULL BARREL. Full barrel lets you use conveyor belts and regular transportation so it might be a little easier to set up that way, but having the equipment to load and unload that many hundreds of barrels [400 a cart, 800 for the two cart thing shown there, I think would take up as much space as a regular refinery, or would be quite a bit slower than it.
I don't know though, I'm not very good at the game, wonk wonk
Hey, I'm going to start an 'official Holla Forums server' as a Train world, with all of the Train world default settings. Is that something any of you guys would want to do? If not I won't bother, I'm just curious if it's something you guys might be interested in.
That's only an issue if you're using maximum-sped-up yellow assemblers. Really, it's a total waste to use speed modules when you can just make A BIGGER FACTORY. Yes, in some areas it can be helpful (you painted yourself into a corner with spaghetti and can only fit a couple assemblers for a certain product, and so need them going as fast as possible to get the best throughput) but for a sector as critical as CIRCUITS, you should have set it up in such a way as to be infinitely expandable. Why use a handful of directly-inserted and very fast circuit assemblers when you can use several endless hundreds of grey ones? Instead of everything being all cute and efficient and other such nonsense, you get thousands of whirring assemblers and millions of items whipping by on belts that are carpeting the landscape as far as the eye can see?
When I take a stack of Level 3 modules, I don't want a dozen assemblers to quietly fill up that backlog all neat and tidy like; I want enough assemblers to suddenly come to life, so as to produce a deafening roar that can be heard from miles away, shaking the ground and making the biters hide in their nests in quivering terror at the monster of horrifying inefficiency I have unleashed upon their world.
Small factories. Efficient factories. Ha! A Factorio Master craves not these things!
I'd agree with you there. I'd rather have efficiency modules to get free resources every so often in the later ends of my factories. Having a speed module with them offsets the speed deficit of productivity modules so they still have their use.
Sounds good. Make sure you turn off authentication in the options so pirates can play and let us know what version too.
Why not just have a fuckhuge factory AND faster assemblers?
Personally I like to have semi-neat / compact factories, but I guess I can see the appeal in your sort of style.
is there a way to update the standalone version without needing to download the whole game again?
Gonna be running it on steam, so unless anyone has a problem with it, it'll be 15.x, which I think is .13 right now. I had to reset my sleep cycle, along with it wanting to wait. Authentication will be off cause rats are great. See ya soon.
Game's up, or should be. listed in the browser as Official Holla Forums Factory, or if I suck with naming things Reckless One's game. Tagged as Holla Forums on the server browser as well. If I can get it, I'll have a headless server so I don't have to sit around, but I'm a little wary about that because I don't know how well it works.
Pirates can't use the server browser but can direct connect.
Torrent for 0.15.13 here anyway [633.1MiB] 766b83931b0f092fdfdc13366cf5963503fe9169
You want big? Play angles with bobs, then talk about big. 10k lane main bus is hell incarnate.
Wait, this was still a thing??
poor natives have a suicide instinct, one of them keeps wandering too far and gets #triggered by my wall and turrets, and now so many individuals have run to their death they've formed a nice carpet.
anyone have a linux version mega or something?
linux torrent is dead
train server when
Holla Forums does need a ttd server
It is out
How's mine?
Don't bully me about my train.
Needs more turrets (and more boilers).
I have plenty of power though. And I'll probably switch the turrets out with laser ones.
Tons of redundancy, but it sure looks nice.
Why aren't you playing the newest version?
The science isn't balanced. I don't remember the exact numbers (and of course it's all now different) but it was something like 5 red, 7 green, 12 blue can keep 12 labs going nonstop.
I do really like the idea for the outpost pretty for science only.
It's not like 2 furnaces making steel could keep up with the blue anyway.
I fucking love those death carpets. I wish the area around them would turn into some kind of Verdun esque noman's land to depending on how many dead enemies there are.
Which gives me an idea:
You could place artillery pieces on your map, have them supplied via belts and inserters, and basically tell them to shoot at a certain area once enemies are detected there, or on some other trigger condition, or just on your command. They leave craters, which slow everything down. You can load them with shrapnel (which does extra AOE damage, but leave little to no craters), explosive (which does little AEO but leave massive carters), and gas (which spreads like the smoke of burners and slowly kills everything it touches, including trees and the player). Mortars could function just like turrets, but they have a minimum range required.
It looks neat at first, but:
a) your solar panels are at constant risk of getting destroyed once your turrets begin to be even slightly overwhelmed.
b) why not build the steam engines where the coal is? These underground belts look ridiculous.
d) your train looks fun.
i just started playing this finally, first run after the tutorial and shit spagetti'd immediately. i take it the way to go here from looking at these pics is get a stream of copper and iron plates on the same belt to feed everything.
You usually need to tear everything down at some point, it's extremely difficult to get your early setup to last very late into your factory's progression.
A "main bus" setup is the most common and easy way to organize your factory; smelt as much iron/copper/steel as you can and put them into a long stretch of belts, and then craft things alongside them.
There's a lot of things I'm working on changing. It's definitely a work in progress.
I have it on Steam, so I should be.
I know, but I'm working on a bunch of other stuff. I started to get attacked a lot so I built the walls with the solar panels, and I'm in the middle of paving it all.
Then I need to secure some more oil from the north and reposition my mining operation.
I originally had 4 electric furnaces for steel bars, but it was eating up all of my iron and nothing was getting to the fabricators.
Get one stream of copper and iron, and two separate steams of them. Keep everything running parallel and diverge it where needed.
The problem with Factorio is that you can't really begin to understand it and fuck around with efficiency until you've unlocked everything and have a lot of resources.
You don't even understand the game fully until endgame. I'm just an idiot though.
Considering how I started off with this, I think it's an improvement.
jesus christ my dude
why the squiggly bits by the furnaces
I think you need to enable beta builds or something to get the latest version on steam.
It changes science and steam though if you do it.
I was having trouble understand how not to spaghetti
My base belts kinked and sweaty knees weak arms pasta faggotini
There's something wrong with my base it's lasagna
I'm going to put the panels inside the walls once I optimize space and move things around. It's just going to be the research area so it should be fine.
Steam engines will follow suit when that happens.
I'm trying to finish my concrete, but it's taking longer than I thought. :'c
That train is my crowning achievement.
That's a really comfy base all things considered.
Expand that train idea and have a death moat around your base of constantly driving trains. Complete with circuit-powered gates and signals so you can exit without fear of death.
Also considering the amount of solar you have you could use a few more accumulators. And make some more plastic, shit's not hard to supply and the entire reason your science is tanking. Why are you even teching lab speed if your labs aren't working anywhere close to capacity?
I don't know, I'm kind of just shooting blinding until things work properly. I need to expand that area a little bit more and get some more oil. I keep running out of petroleum and that's the main kink in the chain. Thanks though, I think it's pretty comfy too. I'll definitely make a death train though. Would be cool.
That's… that's just… not how it works.
Since the other user died, I'll probably set up a train world server later today. Does anyone want to have some simple enhancement mods like side inserters or resource spawner overhaul, or its better to keep it vanilla?
I'd suggest AutoFill, RSO and Squeak Through. I play with other mods but those 3 would make it decent at least.
You have advanced oil processing, are burning all your heavy and light oil into solid fuel, not even using that solid fuel, and then you're complaining about petroleum shortages.
You should turn heavy oil into light oil, and light oil into petroleum.
Also, light oil is better than heavy oil for solid fuel, even after you convert heavy into light, so you're wasting oil by converting heavy into solid fuel.
Got the server running, trainworld default settings
Version: 15.16
Mods: puu.sh
IP: fagtorio.dynu.net
Auth off, pirates should be able to connect.
It doesn't want to show up in the public games list even though I enabled it in the settings, maybe it has to do with auth off, no idea. Direct connect works either way.
Can anyone explain why my boilers aren't burning?
The steam is going from boiler to boiler, and water is going to the engines. Pay attention to the arrows and symbols.
I don't get it. My engines are connected to the boilers like it should be, I have a pump draining the water sending it directly to the boilers. It should be working fine.
You placed it wrong. Steam goes into the engines not water.
The steam and the water are different.
15.12 is the latest linux torrent i can find : (
how many boilers can 1 pump feed?
I have no idea how this game works.
What's so wrong about this picture?
I'll try your set-up, it looks easy enough. Also, how to place pipes underground?
Got it to work, it's all gucci. I got underground piping to work too.
20 and every boiler can feed two engines.
I've officially reached a point where my base does not have enough space for smelting all the copper I need. Completely straining 104 smelters, most of it is going to green circuits.
And that's why you should craft circuits separate from everything else.
Dunno, I moved to nuclear before it became a problem.
The main problem is that items are being mixed in the belts, it would jam up eventually.
Reminds me of a Tiberium Sun base all properly laid out. Pretty cool.
I accidentally took a dump all over this place, how do I clean it up?
F to pay respects and/or pick up items.
wall planner when
Bump, serb is a bully-free zone, you can join even if you suck shit
i thought i finally got my shit somewhat together and then this
At least in 0.15 and up you respawn instead of pissing yourself in fury as you reload a save from yesterday.
it was game over anyway at that point, i had nothing really to defend with.
next time i need to concentrate on defense more. finally made a car and wrecked some nests, thought 1 turret would handle a spawn atleast for a little while.
1 turret did not handle the 30 that came at it
You can rebuild that with all beacons and speed modules. You've got the ore throughput, just not the smelting speed. Could easily double the throughput of plates even though there will be fewer smelters going.
15.16 link for the linuxfags
fuck ya thanks
If you can pull the extra 50 MW out of your ass (and iirc you run nuclear so that's just trivial) you can space the furnace columns 2 further apart so you can jam in some beacons or make left/right furnaces output to separate belts so you can jam beacons in the middle, or both. Prod modules on top of that for extra power bills.
how do i connect to this?
I tried to "Connect to server" typed in the address then it hit me with a username and password. authentication failed.
It's asking for auth? Weird, I turned it off in the config. I'll look around, maybe they moved the setting or something.
I think I fixed it, should be possible to connect now.
I only have a tiny bit of stone next to my iron, gonna have to create a train line probably.
Rate my noob base.
Server updates
Auth confirmed off, piratefags can connect now
I added a server password for the time being: vidya
Might be a good idea to organize playtimes, otherwise we're eternally stuck with 0-2 players. I'm usually playing from around 1600GMT.
I still don't have a torrent for 0.15.16
I'm not buying early access even if I spend a thousand hours on the game.
linux version works great
i thought i'd be able to find one immediately for windows, i only looked for linux before, but your right i don't see 0.15.16 for windows either.
And then you wonder all day why it's just the two of us.
Holla Forums spending money on a video game, ever.
i'm thinking about buying this eventually, from what I've played it seems worth the $20.
I still buy games as long as they're really good, don't push some sjw agenda, and aren't in any form of early access. I don't buy games often.
Might wanna try the share thread, maybe someone has it on gog
Is it a good idea to build a bus for everything?
There's plenty of shit that you only need a few of, so there's no point putting EVERYTHING on a bus. Just the important things like copper and iron plates, steel, gears, basic circuits. Though, if you're interested in seeing what such a monstrosity is like, there's a guy doing an LP on youtube by the name of "Megabus".
Pic related.
Even putting gears on a bus is questionable since it's trivial to locally produce them locally, and each application usually doesn't need a ton of gears or needs iron and gears at the same time which tends to choke at one or the other unless you are greatly overproducing iron.
I find it difficult to keep enough iron plates on the bus when I get to the point where I'm using express belts and splitters, because they suck up so goddamn many gears. I grab a stack of them and suddenly there's either no more iron for other stuff like batteries and ammo (because by necessity belts are going to be early on the bus so they'll get priority) or they get in a trickle of iron and it takes forever to build up another stack. It's a lot easier to see where my shortfalls are if I have a dedicated area making gears right next to the iron and steel smelting areas, and filling up a couple of belts of them. That amount of product filling up those belts is usually enough to be quickly shoved into the assemblers to make up for what I take, without having to wait for more iron to come on down.
i'm trying a game now in the hardmode setting and I need to check but I'm pretty sure everything requires 10x as many gears and copper coils etc, i've been playing long but i'm pretty sure last game i didn't need 500 copper for 4 electric circuits
Wow. That's sure going to make the beginning third of the game really… fun…
Do you guys make loops at the ends of your tracks, or do you make trains with two locomotives?
I always use loops. The aesthetic of single-headed trains is just nicer to me, and signaling one-way tracks a hell of a lot easier.
I typically build double-tracked rails with loops at each end and every second station.
Loops. 2-way trains are gay.
Harder to manage, takes more space along the track, and has no advantage except not requiring a way to loop around on your track.
I could see myself using them if I was somehow very constrained in space, but I don't design anything that way.
Pic related is one of my stop designs, it doesn't use a "loop" either, instead it attaches directly to my long distance double track.
Why the abundance of chain signals?
In one of my old T intersections trains could block each other without actually crossing each other's paths.
I don't really understand the exact mechanics of what trains consider a blocked path, so I just try to split every spot that connects 2 tracks.
I'd say just give it a go. I kinda thought it was going to be a bitch to have to plan and organize stuff and learn how everything works but it kinda just happens naturally over time as you progress and get more tech. All these pics of the huge factories and stuff wont make much sense until you start playing and can get why it is set up the way it is. ignore some of the reviews on steam for this game because it has a lot of people who just wanna stroke there cocks and talk about how they are an engineer irl or something.
Latest windows build
link is good for 3 days 23 hours
Every time the tank got full I just added another, and in the end I've just resorted to storing everything in barrels. This was before I figured out how to use circuit networks.
Well this should be fun trying to expand to and clear the northern desert.
send help
this is what the hard mode looks like before i even started making green science
I don't see the problem. You're not even harvesting everything inside your perimeter
You do realize the map is infinite so not only is it pointless to clear every single biter, it's impossible.
What the hell is that monstrosity of symmetrical wiring in the bottom of that pic?
Also holy shit why do you have the ore size and frequency that high? You basically will never need to expand. I'd just take the desert to the west and wall off it off by connecting the lakes and be set.
It must be an experimental Arc Reactor.
Probably nuclear plant with the turbine rows wrapping around it.
i couldnt care less about percieved agendas if its fun. hell, the salt makes it more enjoyable. doesnt matter whos it is
Really you should only be bussing Iron/Copper Plates (good to double lane each), all 3 chips and Steel and possibly Plastic for high end shit. Then in between your bus lanes, bus all the liquids.
The rest of the shit you can make off to the side. Pack side producers and consumers together (Sulfur, Sulfuric Acid and Plastic, Batteries and Accumulators) etc.
but it keeps patching
i'm not gonna pirate it every time
Why would you have to?
They'll keep releasing patches of content after the final release anyway.
A "full release" is just an arbitrary checkpoint.
What a time to be alive
Well, presumably right now all these patches are bugfixes rather than new content. I would rather wait an extra week than spend a hundred hours building a new factory only for it to get corrupted because of some game-breaking bug.
I'm just waiting for a "stable" version. They DO still make those, right?
Well, enjoying a game and giving money to the devs are two different things.
These versions are stable in practice, if you read the patchnotes, they're fixing really minor shit. I've played about 15-20 hours on "experimental" 15.xx builds and not once have I encountered a bug.
Well that'll teach me to clear the bloody trees properly
That's why I always keep some grenades on the toolbar. They're handy for putting out fires in forests and… not much else. Though seriously, with how cheap poison capsules are, there is no excuse to not be eliminating all the forests you see, safely and easily.
If you hover over a train signal, you can see which blocks it connects to. Normal signals turn red if the outgoing block contains a train or wagon, whereas chain signals will stop a train if he cannot reserve the full path up to and including the next normal signal.
It's breddy gud, but here are some minor improvements:
Red: These signals have no effect at all apart from the very unlikely scenario of a train manually parking or running out of fuel between the two, so they can safely be removed.
Yellow: I can't see whether there is a normal signal occluded by the forest in the lower circle, but you should have one at one of the marked locations. In any case, make sure your signals are visible.
Blue: You can save a signal without changing the effects by replacing the two chain signals with normal ones and removing the one on the right.
Purple: You can save a signal by placing one chain signal in the right circle and removing the others.
Pink: The trains could run minimally faster if you moved the singals directly up to the intersection.
Green: More interestingly, you could alternatively move them into your fort so that waiting trains are protected by walls if large biter waves strain your defenses.
Not exactly. 0.15.12 or something made different underground belts have different lengths and changed some science recipes a bit, and 0.15 itself was one of the biggest gamechanger updates in a long time. The "stable" version is 0.14.something.
I don't see much difference in the version numbers, the same kind of stuff changes whether you update from unstable to unstable, stable to stable, or stable to unstable.
anyone ever make a train moat as a method of thinning out attackers?
thats naughty
at least in the version im playing, 15.13, the tanks flamethrower doesnt seem to start fires. this makes it a terrible weapon, but its a pretty good way to mow the lawn. running them over in the tank is also okay if you want that authentic sit down mower experience. but watch out for power poles, the collision damage is craaazy.
heres something i never noticed until playing with tanku, using better fuel will provide acceleration bonuses to vehicles.
That's why you fuel every vehicle with rocket fuel.
You missed out. There was a bug with inserters that made them able to grab entire stacks at a time, and another one which caused previously inactive hives to spew biters non-stop.
How the fuck do you talk in the chat? jesus christ
I pressed literally every key on my keyboard, can not find the hotkey in the options, and google is giving me 0 answers
On my kraut keyboard it's Ö, which is at the same keyboard space (to the right of L) as colon/semicolon on burger keyboards, so maybe try that?
Turns out it wasn't any key that works on my keybeard, and the option was "Toggle LUA console"
Well, time to start making solid fuel instead of just loading up my trains with excess wood.
Get rocket fuel if you can, it gives 180% speed vs. 120% for solid fuel.
Is there a mod for artillery or killer robot factories? I don't want to go out to clear every nest on my own.
Rocket fuel is literally made from solid fuel and nothing else. It's kind of dumb actually, the only downside of rocket is that it loses 10% of the fuel value of it's ingredients, but if you're that concerned about cost then you ought to use coal or wood anyway.
There's a mod called robot army, might be a good place to start.
maybe before i continue here i should switch back to default settings, or that one with harder xeno's. does it normally take 7 coil factories to feed 2 circuit factories?
actually 9, and it still hungers for coil, i don't know if i have the super computing power to handle what this factory setup is going to require in hardmode.
Well, guess I'll still be waiting longer then. Those longer-underground-belts thing is ABSURDLY useful, so if it's stuff like that, I want it.
This game looks fun when it really gets going, however it is not my brand of 'tism. Glad you guys are having fun!
I haven't played since before 0.15.
Also, for those who wonder about whether they should pick up the game - watch this trailer.
That trailer is a bit outdated. It never uses stack inserters and still has green filter inserters.
Yes, I know, but it perfectly shows what exactly the game is about. That trailer sold me the game.
I am really not good at this game. and yet i am compelled to keep trying. I've gotten all the red/green research finished, But I always hit mental roadblocks when trains and the plastics become involved. I think my main problem really is over engineering everything and building too much of things when I don't need them. At least it looks pretty from up here. I'm gonna try and do most of the refining and mineral processing on that lower part of the base, and all the factoying and product construction in the upper section.
On the To Do list is build Mil Science and Science Pack Three production. I have to get robots up and running too, but I'm also always hesitant to have hoards of flying machines do the labor of man. I know that's the point, but I like hand placing things instead of going the blueprint-construction bot route, which maybe makes me an idiot, who knows. You do but keep it to yourself cunt.
I'm glad I got the mods that the Official server posted, they really are big improvements. I'm really liking the resource spawn overhall, it makes me hunger to go far from my base to reach those massive mineral deposits all around this Sea.
Can physical conflict in this be a legitimate risk and central issue to keep your eye on, or is it sidelined by factory autism? I do enjoy system-building and whatnot, but I need some challenging AI survival to go with it.
Mostly autism, since you can make a good enough base to defeat anything. You can change the difficulty though by making the monsters evolve quicker, and you can always choose NOT to make the best nuclear powered laser turret defense system. Later on has exosuits and power modules to put into your suits, and I always have fun trying to see how invincible I can make myself, and get into a little trouble when they actually do start to get through my armor.
i'm doing the deathworld at the moment and the xeno's are a legit problem, turrets barely hold them off everything costs so much to build ammo becomes an issue, research takes forever too.
there's pretty much no way to take out a spawn base at this point, there was one next to me, the only way i took it out was by walking turrets up to it and spamming grenades
forgot pic
normally it's 3 copper wire assemblers feeding directly into 2 green circuit assemblers
Expensive mode has different recipes.
When you make a world, you're given a bunch of options for how the game works, such as how many enemies there are and how fast they evolve and how frequent resources are. There's a "campaign" but the real game is something akin to a skirmish in an RTS game, where you customize what it's like.
There's two presets where enemies will be a constant threat, you'll have to obtain the weapons to mow down alien bases every time you want to expand your base, and your base won't survive without proper defenses.
That had a chance to happen ever since they introduced map generation.
Is Bob's Config no longer necessary in 0.15? Also, does anyone know a good replacement for fluid void and what is it used for?
The mere suggestion of this concept triggers me
How can you possibly have more petroleum than lubricant?
Also just turn it into solid fuel if you have too much, you need that for rocket fuel anyway. Heavy and light oil can be cracked down into petroleum or also turned into solid fuel so there's no reason to ever destroy them either.
If you play with Bob's, there's plenty of fluid to destroy.
Never mind the fluids, that fucking sodium hydroxide or whatever it is. The one you get yuge amounts of and no use for.
Oh fuck that shit. I had warehouses full of the stuff.
First pic is my first factory, when I didn't know what the hell I was doing, I tried. You can see nearer the right I started to get individual feeds going as I figured it out. Below the pick is a steam plant, which was nice and neat.
Second pic, my next factory:
It actually was very clean and worked out great.
Not sure if it's good or bad, but I have a habit of CENTRAL If you haven't noticed. All auxiliary camps and mines have power lines coming from the main, and all lead back to the main eventually. All production and power is done in the one facility, I just make it longer or bigger as I need more of anything. It does make it easier to keep track of everything, though.
Somehow it cut off the second pic, here's a better one.
When you say Central, what do you mean?
Having a main base for everything rather than multiple ones specialised in specific things?
I really dont know honestly. I have played a lot of this gaem and dont usually look at the threads/guides and others, only for some mods and schematics
Yes, that exactly.
Anyway, r8 my factory.
To all, I'll have you know that construction robot managed minefields are the way to go. I have my entire second factory protected by them for the most part and I run it all off of a single productivity boosted assembler 3 and I still have an entire steel chest of landmines sitting around next to it.
Bumping thread because Factorio is a good video game.
people arent posting because they starved to death waiting on uranium 235. anyone have a good kovarex setup theyd like to show off?
Yeah, downgrade to 0.15.1 and use productivity modules.
been into this game 4 days and i literally had nightmares about fucked up belts and distribution etc 2 nights in a row
I dunno about good but this is what I use.
Chests fill up from top to bottom, if the bottom chest has 238, they start being crafted into 235. If both bottom chests have certain amount, they begin to be crafted into ammo. I'm doing that so I'll have plenty of uranium that can be turned into nuclear fuel, even if I'm not mining any.
Here's what I use. It's a closed loop, the chest on the right is limited to one stack and U-235 is only removed when it has 80 or more in it. You can probably get away with a lower number though but 80 guarantees neither centrifuge will ever get stuck waiting because the other hogged more than it needs. U-238 is sent in on the right belt (inner lane, so the filter inserters have room to dump the excess back out) as long as the storage has more than 19 times more U-238 than U-235.
I'll bite. This one is mine It's pretty swift and it doesn't require a big looping belt, though you can input 238 to the steel chest on the left and take out of the top right wooden box.
It's very fast as it always has enough 235 to get the job done but I don't recommend trying to use productivity modules, it might mess the numbers up and you get way more product from speed modules anyway.
The landmine buffs in 0.15 made them pretty ridiculous, their radius is so big that a biter tripping one basically blows up most of the wave for 300 explosive and a stun for your safety turrets to mop up, and they're still dirt cheap to produce. Don't put them close to your walls or other stuff though or you will snackbar yourself, two mines blow up and your wall is toast.
deathworld is fucking impossible if you don't start your base out with an oil spawn. just realized i'm fucked. no way to clear out a xeno base without oil related tech. either quit now or wait until i inevitably run out of resources.
Grenades my man.
explore with car to find oil spawn. once found, use turrets filled with tier 2 ammo to take out biter bases.
This works for me.
Yep. I don't even have any walls, and turrets only in some locations. Lasers, naturally.
Of course I'm playing normal worlds, I'm sure it would be vastly different on a harder world setting, except for the mines, that is. *:^)*
must hide from the xeno now
Do they set off adjacent mines or is piling them down all in the same spot fine?
Turret-creeping is your friend. I find it's the only thing that works at least until you get poison capsules.
I'm pretty surprised there hasn't been any screencaps of any larger factories.
Finally cleared the iron/copper plate bottleneck and have started the process of mass producing things off of the main line like circuitry.
The map I generated made it a pain in the ass for having one centralized main bus (More than 4 lanes of each plate) as there is no easy way to mass landfill quickly. So I'm doing the whole train transportation method. It's not as efficient, but I enjoy the dynamic of it.
r8 me.
It's my first ever attempt at kovarex processing.
As long as your patient in the beginning, the amount of Uranium 235 produced is linear expansive. Basically uranium ore is processed and some 238 is kept for recipes and the rest goes to kovarex processing.
238 loops on the outside (the chests allow for more 238 be held in a single loop) and the 235 loops in the inside.
The kovarex feeds all of the 235 produced right back into itself except that extra 1 produced goes through the loop into the chest.
A bunch of the inserters are rotated out of position fyi because I have too much 235 and needed to temporarily turn some of them off until I mine from a new uranium ore source.
This is probably the shittiest setup of the entire thread and I haven't touched at all after finally getting it to work. Was worried about it miscounting U-235 since it did that once in a test run, but it's happened only one more time during the entire runtime, and there's a safety chest with a few extra U-235 somewhere for that case.
They don't set off or blow up adjacent mines, and typically will avoid overkill so a lone big biter running over your minefield will set off exactly two mines.
Heavy Armor, 100~200 grenades per base, some gun turret creeping if necessary and a piercing rounds SMG as backup.
Jesus Christ, autists playing a shit brown managerial is truly the death of gaming.
Just get a job and play with Excel at this point. At least it's more colorful.
Socjus pls go
Forgot your downvote m8
I had the same problem. I set some circuits up to manage it that turn off the inserter that dumps U-238 onto the input belt when 19 * U-238 < U-235. Except I'm retarded and put the ratio the wrong way around so I still burned through most of my supply before I caught it.
Posted mine in previous thread, but here's what it looks like now.
I'm going to start a new map soon. There's 2 different things I want to try; using primarily robots, or using trains to ship items and producing different things in different places.
This is my last build, after I hit endgame and launched a couple rockets. Didn't feel like continuing, because I'd bottlenecked myself with the width of the bus, and expanding outside the original perimeter was getting really ugly.
I helpfully labeled everything BEFORE labels were available in map mode. Nice of the devs to notice!
My next factory is (at least theoretically) going to end up two or three times larger.
Well well well, what have we here
Are there any mods which let trains shoot off the rails rollercoaster tycoon style? Kinda want to build a more literal bullet train to clear biters with.
Why would I want a worse rocket launcher?
It's 3 times faster though, and probably wouldn't blow your shit up too when biters run up to you.
Gonna be fun when the behemoths start showing up.
It's not three times faster, it's three times slower.
Oh shit you're right, I was thinking of the number as reload speed, not shooting speed
So, I haven't yet played around with the nuclear power in 0.15. What is this kovarex processing cycle? What are its specifics?
Takes 40 U-235 and 5 U-238, produces 41 U-235 and 2 U-238. You need both in a 1:19 ratio when making fuel cells, but they occur in a 1:150 ratio when you process the ore, so you're left with a ton of surplus U-238 if you don't use enrichment.
Worth noting that even without enrichment you can run 40~80 MW (~= one to two reactors) worth of nuclear power on your starting ore patch for a good while, especially if you go straight to multiple reactors and use a pulsing system. Enrichment is mainly necessary for long term large reactors or nukes.
I see, so the idea is that each 3 pieces of U-238 are turned into 1 piece of U-235, provided that there's already 40x U-235 and 2x U-238 in the centrifuge. Shouldn't be too hard to automate using a circuit network.
You can actually balance the ratio pretty easily with an arithmetic combinator if you want to, and it'll keep the ratio in balance regardless of how much uranium you have.
1. Read the contents of all your chests
2. Use arithmetic to multiply the amount of 235 by whatever ratio you want
3. Use a decider combinator to enable korvax processing if the signal has more 238 than 235
I wish there was a way to progress to a point where you can miniaturize your factory. Efficiency is partly about the perfect symphony of countless machines working in harmony, but it's also about using as little as possible to do as much as possible.
Cramming a Blue-Tech factory complex into the space of a Red-Tech factory complex would be orgasmic.
There's a mod that makes "internal spaces" inside little warehouses, which you can fill with factory buildings, but I haven't tried it. If it works as intended, that might be the only way to do what I propose.
You mean the Factory mod, I assume. I haven't tried it, it feels a bit cheaty. However, with the ridiculous production lines some of the mods add (Angel's mods refining, Bob's mods circuits) it might become a near necessity. You can also optionally enable or disable factory nesting (factory in a factory etc). I might use it on my future playthrough just to see how it feels. IIRC, it compresses the space by a factor of 6 in each dimension (36x36 inside, 6x6 outside).
i've discovered this is a terrible idea, the corner is a major weakpoint
I noticed this when playing the last campaign. Ended up making orthogonal bases now.
Nice numbers.
While we're at it, let me just grab the 300th reply.
Thank God some people are getting with the program. I posted this last thread and nobody seemed to take any notice. You even use FEWER turrets, AND it looks better.
Only thing I am not sure of is if I should first do a vanilla 0.15 game. The thing is, I am unsure if I'm able to go to the vanilla after the disgusting, infuriating, wonderful complexity of bob's and angel's.
Two questions:
a) 15.17 torrent where
b) can you multiplayer w/ pirated copy
Torrents usually take a few days, people can't be bothered when there's a new version every couple days.
15.16: dl6.volafile.org
You need the exact version the server's running and the server has to allow pirates to connect, it's a setting that can be changed easily.
You left the corners out, and I were bored :^)
Your corner angle isn't 45°
How many storage tanks do you folks generally set up for each oil?
25 is a good number, yeah?
Light oil is the best, anyway, it gets a damage bonus.
You can put every fluid in barrels now, so you should be keeping mostly chests of the stuff now. It's a lot more space-efficient.
For purely visual reasons, I prefer 3x3 or 4x4.
You don't need a lot of storage of anything other than crude oil.
It's like storing iron plates or something, there's no very good reason to do it, you should try to match your production with the consumption instead. It's good to have a little buffer though in case of crafting spikes, conveyor belts do that for items but pipes don't hold as much in terms of oil so you should have a couple tanks for that purpose.
I am wondering about something: is it possible to achieve Lazy Bastard with Bob's Mods?
Should I just put .15.X and expect bugs while trying to have fun?
Where did you get that from?
I think I've seen spitters rarely stop moving until I shoot them or something, but other than that I've never encountered a bug in this game.
What is your position on mods that provide inserters with additional, often wacky pick up and drop positions? I personally don't mind them and use them liberally when I want to make something compact.
i haven't tried any real mods at this point, it all seems like cheating. i want to get one solid playthrough on deathworld first atleast
nice meme
Personally I'd rather have it in liquid form ready to go than having un/can it every time I want to use or store it.
Breaks the puzzle element of learning efficient patterns for crafting shit.
I can't stand looking at them. I also don't like that it's gui-based. Too much fucking around with checkboxes etc. to configure stuff makes a game feel not gamey.
I like corner inserters and near inserters, but the furfag implementation with the GUI sucks. On the other hand, in older versions having to have corner inserters, near inserters, long near inserters, long corner inserters, fast corner inserters, fast near inserters, fast long near inserters, all separate, in your inventory was also pretty shit. Best would probably be to just have a button to turn any inserter to a 90deg corner and one more to switch near/far.
Literally what?
Bob's inserters
Looks kinda like
apparently i can request a steam key even though i didnt get the steam version.
that should make updating less of a hassle
If you buy Factorio through the website, you can get a Steam Key as well. Not sure if it works the other way around. Buying from the website allows you to download standalone versions if you don't want to play through Steam.
thats what i ended up doing, but im grateful for the steam key because updating the standalone (at least the experimental versions) is a chore