This is the state of the modern AAA industry, this is what normalfags buy.
Jesus fucking Christ, what happened to this hobby?
This is the state of the modern AAA industry, this is what normalfags buy.
Jesus fucking Christ, what happened to this hobby?
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh fuck, I was considering buying this piece of shit in a lapse of judgement due to brain damage.
Thanks for reminding me the whole nigger pandering was a thing, gonna stick with emulators.
What chromosomes does it have?
wait, so on top of a nog on the cover of the base game, they have a nigress on the cover of DLC?
wow, we really wuz world war wun n shiet
Normalfags hate the diversity quotas and shit, why do you think halfchan Holla Forums is so big right now? Hell just look at the last USA presidential election. The only people promoting this shit are either in bed with the ESA, SJWs, or just plain out of touch.
Is it male or female I can't tell?
I can't wait for them to wave this away with the >but muh night witches and female sniper units
Now the SJW's are going to bitch when the female models get stabbed and shot at multiple times.
Its absolute fucking cancer, you think Fallout 4/FIFA/Cowadoody is normalfag SJW pandering sewage?
Think again
Nope, thats a slav, because apparently a whooping 5000 womyn served in WWI on the Russian side after the Revolution, and even though only 500 saw frontline combat and barely fought, having been
in service for 4 months, they need to be represented.
It's a joke right?
I mean nigger Germans, US and French was already reaching (yes they did have some… a trickle in an ocean of white people unless if actually situated in african, and I mean SUB-SAHARIAN AFRICAN, theater).
But nigger Russian in 1914!
Mongols, Manchu, Chinese (look up where the fuck is Port Arthur today), all the Tatars you want but last time I checked Russia never had any African colonies…
You wanna hear the best part, my nigglet? It's a Russian DLC. i mean, the russians are basically slavic niggers, but, still, this shit ain't right
There's some basic justification for putting colonial troops in the base game but black women is just bullshit
Do you people need your eye's checked she's clearly white
She's basically Tumblr artstyle ambiguous brown.
More like they don't care and still support this shit.
Battlefield Juan sold a shitton of copies and made more profit than past Battlefield games.
Shes obviously white you retards, actually open the image, the dirt and shit tier lighting is making her look like a nigger.
Burger mystery meat detected.
I wonder if there's gonna be out of place female/minority/LGBTQ characters for the multiplayer. That'll make me tempted to buy used or something, so I can try to teabag the Kotaku/Polygon/mainstream media gaming "reporters."
Hello Juan, How's Bunos Aires this time of the year?
hey guys did you know there were some black people in england in like 1850 so that’s proof that any form of media set anywhere in europe from 1000BC to today needs to be comprised of at least 50% black people maybe stop whitewashing history there bud we wuz celts and we wuz important in europe but apparently not 3500 miles within africa
You're saying it like there still isn't something worth complaining about.
they had to shave their heads when going to the "frontline"
user, the slavic women meme is just that. A meme. Don't fall for it.
I think at some point when Nationalism becomes mainstream among normalfags again most of Holla Forums will become contrarian leftists.
I did and the computer agrees with me there is not a single pixel in that model that is remotely what could be considered white (she's has a few grayish marks and that's it the rest is brown).
So either "obviously" has changed meaning while I wasn't looking or you're not fooling anyone Tyrone.
Kill yourselves please
Considering they already threw out any actual realism just in the weapons selection/gear selection/combat alone, why would they keep that of all things?
Shes not a nigger, how do you faggots cannot comprehend something so simple?
Look at the fucking image, holy shit.
Because having a variety of weird and different guns brings some, well, variety to the gameplay. Having random niggers adds absolutely nothing.
Day of Infamy kind of does this
My mother fought in Afghanistan for the soviet union and saw some shit that made her anti-war, I wasn't even allowed to play FPS when growing up. I think she had to remove kebab a little too much. But yeah, women on the frontline are a bad idea exactly for this reason.
Okay, fuck it, they had the thinnest excuse for the Americans and West European empires, but this shit is straight up fantasy the likes of which not even Tolkien could have come up with.
This has transcended retarded and entered a whole new realm.
They're not faction specific, thats whats fucking disgusting about it.
Other than more options for character customization for those who want it, and that's about as valid of a reason for throwing out realism as the stupid bullshit they did with the guns. If you want modern style combat where everyone gets full auto guns then play a modern styled game.
Except that there is no character customization in Battlekangz uno.
Jesus fuck you're just like an SJW.
If you don't like the story behind a game than make your own fucking game. We told that to SJWs and I have no problem telling it to you, Holla Forums. Fuck off.
Reported for admitting to it.
Reported for sucking kike cock. No one wants you here.
Nothing was ever fixed by adding niggers to it. The only people that want to play as niggers are niggers themselves or leftist cucks.
Are you telling me you want to share a server with either?
The issue isn't that leftists are making games, but that they won't allow anyone else to make the games they like. Everything has to adhere to their demented ideology.
Also, fuck you Holla Forums.
You first.
Actually, that's just typical EA.
Problem solved.
The only feasible time you would want to play as a nigger is Fallout 1, doing a 1INT run.
I wonder if it really sells or they are paying a kind of "protection money" to journos and the industry as a whole. It is clearly a retarded idea but something push them to do it.
And Activision, and Ubisoft and the whole indie scene. Pic related is why you should be scared. These fucks do have a plan.
nigger, sjw's hate all fucking video games. literally nothing is stopping you from making your own.
The most you'll see become mainstream in a multiculttural shithole like America is civcuck nationalism, not ethnonationalism. Unless it splits into racial lines and somehow the federal govt can't stop this from happening, that is.
Ooh I'm shaking I'm shaking!
This is why Gamergate is still a thing.
How is EA/DICE making this game preventing you from making yours? I don't get it.
Gamergate has jack shit to do with diversity nonsense.
That may be so, but I don't think much better of the people who insist that raping realism of a WWI game by giving everyone machine guns is a good thing.
I honestly don't give a shit so long as they can actually play the game, can be understood if they're using a mic, and don't start going on about their politics.
GGers loved to parade around their pet niggers so the leftists wouldn't call the racists.
It will descend into racial war as soon as the spics have enough numbers to flex their voting muscles. It's already happening in California and the same will happen in Europe with the Muslim vote.
Of course Holla Forums. After all, true communism has never been tried before.
GG has everything to do with this shit because every corrupt journalist calling gamers sexist, racist, ect. is in the same circles as the people pretending a black guy was likely to serve in the Russian army at that time. Big publishers like EA are in a symbiotic relationship with these corrupt journalists, again connecting to GG.
What has one to do with the other? One is clearly politically motivated while the other is a product of shallow game mechanics where publishers demand any multiplayer shooter play like a Call of Duty clone.
Why are you saying the two are the same?
Okay, so you wouldn't want to share a server with them. A 'yes' would have sufficed.
At this point I'm convinced EA is just shitting out horrible games to destroy any legacy of successful franchises they bought out and to launder money some way. Basically doing what kikes have been doing with Hollywood for the past 50 years.
Except because of niggers as I like to call them using GG as their own personal idpol whacking stick gave nearly every journalists a shield from criticism and drug it all on for years.
Wtf are you talking about? Are you insinuating there's some grand conspiracy involving DICE/EA?
No. No there isn't. The conspiracy is with tech journos/hypocrite civil liberties activist/hacker/Venture Capitalist/politician/feminist/legal clique. But DICE/EA isn't part of it.
So I reiterate - how the fuck does DICE/EA making a leftist game prevent you from making your own?
It's twofold really. Some people at EA are generally clueless, soulless, empty husks of people that have no understanding of the market or what people actually want. They will grind everything they have into dust pushing for what they think is popular, and when the company crashes and burns they simply collect their multi million bonus, go on a vacation and then get hired by a new company to repeat the process.
The other sort is ideologues that get shat out from ivy league universities on a regular basis that have drank a whole barrel of Kool-Aid and firmly believe that if they keep doing this for long enough eventually people will like it, just like if you keep raping an animu girl enough times you eventually break her.
Sometimes they are one and the same too.
Back to >>>/cuckchan/ you faggot
Shit like CNN and the like are getting discredited thanks to the Gamergate faggots.
Every time.
Because of that's what I was discussing with another poster when you decided to join in.
If they hit those points I listed, then why would it matter?
Get out, Zöe
But goy, if you ignore it and only talk about GAMEPLAY it will eventually stop. Remember, VIDEO GAMES.
Please, spare me your plebeian opinions and don't show me all the evidence accumulated over decades that prove that ignoring leftists will only make their job easier for them, a fence shitter such as myself knows best. Apathy is the key to victory. If you don't give a shit then you win by default!
I said two words.
I was trying to preempt the usual "muh gameplay ignore politics" crypto leftist that come to these threads and tell everyone to keep silent because apparently shit will magically fix itself if we pretend it's not happening.
Ayy lmao
Well we already knew it wasn't historically correct but now it reached full fantasy mode.
Other than this liberal shit being showed down our throats, is the game any good?
I see a lot of people went back to BF4. So i'm guessing gameplaywise it's not so great eihter.
I only watched streams and there were shit that seemed ridiculous.
Like self-repairing vehicles and regenerating health.
>>>/back/ to >>>/cuckchan/
Looks like you assumed a whole lot of shit based off two words and an image of a dog.
Not much has changed since the last time I made fun of GGers.
Ever wonder why both Holla Forums and Holla Forums make fun of you?
Is this really a big deal?
It's just a death of another franchise that was good back in the day.
It happens so much nowdays that i'm not even surprised.
Kill yourself
Follow him
Are you seriously ok with the franchise being raped?
And like this to boot?
Nah, just like if I made a game about Zulus and made sure the cover was a blue eyed, blonde haired white guy. No one would be mad about that.
Is it bad that I kind of agree with him?
The real issue here is why so many franchises die a humiliating death and why gaming in general has turned into a mutated abortion of cookie cutter, retard proof gameplay and agenda pushing bullshit.
I'm just saying, there is a reason all your boards are dead and your main hub of activity is reddit.
You've never been out of Holla Forums have you you goddamn newfag?
Shouldn't you be crossposting on cuck/pol/ or something.
You are free to leave this site you know.
Shouldn't you stop being so mad you eroded all the support you had by trying to make the leftists like you? Guess all that goodwill you tried to create with ethics and PR didn't do jackshit.
GG fell flat on its face and became a joke to Holla Forums mlostly because instead of going after the real underlying cause of gaming being used as psyops (remember the DiGRA connections and how all the SJW bullshit tied-in to the US DoD is some ways?), GG decided to cuck itself and go after something as mundane as "ethics of video game journalism" instead. Then it doubled down on its idiocy by trying to go the cuckservative route of "look, we're not racist/sexist, we have niggers and women among us" Truly pathetic for something that tries to claim that it can change how the industry works. That is why GG became a laughing stock to political boards.
I'm not part of the GG cunts but I know its history along with Holla Forums history very well.
I know your dynamic, I know your still mad, I know they have no self awareness, I know you do good even though you're both self centered obnoxious faggots who think they do all the heavy work when both communities overlap.
I've always been superior faggot, I was here before Jewt desecrated your shitty board.
Watch out people, this guy here is hardcore!
Watch out, we got some pinochet larpers
Yeah because Holla Forums and /leftycuck/ have never used useful idiots to help spread their rethoric.
You're no better
… I was about to bitch about a nigger being in Russia, let alone Tsar Russia, but now that I look at the cover I can't tell WHAT it is.
Is it a feminine nigger?
Is it a bald white woman?
Is it a bald black woman?
Is it a pre-soviet transgender zoophilia rights activist with a metallic left leg?
I have no idea either.
It really became a pathetic circus to watch.
And then there was Acidman going all over to other boards and begging them to come to his little gulag to boost UID and the fact they couldn't spend two weeks without some major drama splintering the community apart. The lot of them are fuckwits, just like any "civic nationalist" shithole tends to be.
Kill yourself you fucking [trigger warning]
Its supposed to be a bald white russian woman but the model they used looks like as spic and not a slav.
True, but so is Holla Forums
Shouldn't you be watching Murdoch Murdoch and complaining about niggers and spics in the US while having precisely those kinds of shitskins as your vols and userbase?
I was looking for a somewhat recent russian movie about an all-female squad wit ha man in charge, but stumbled into KINO instead
Just watch the Siege of Jadotville. Great war movie that isn't cucked to shit and back and shows the UN for the useless, slimy kikes they are.
Found something else AGAIN:
Batalon (Battalion, duh), first all-female battalion of the Great War
Found the movie I was talking about, "A zori zdes tikhie…" (translates to kinda "Our dawns are silent" or if you want a literal translation "Y'know, the dawns are quite around here…"):
Which is a remake of a 1972 film:
Is the industry dead folks? Will we never get a proper high-quality story-focused world war game with great multiplayer and no micro-transactions? Is Kojima the only relevant game designer left in the planet?
it's not racist if they aren't people
dubs confirm
Aside from you sucking Kojima's dick for no reason, you are aware that MGS5 has a fuckton of microtransaction bullshit, yes? Why the fuck would you single Kojima out in the first place? That he worked on some decent games in the past doesn't mean you should treat him like a god.
Well there is this but it's dead because too hard for the casuals.
But yeah western gaming industry is 99% dead.
The only games I really still buy are japanese.
we wuz tsars n shieeet but den dey bolsheviks come oudda dey synagogues
no thanks
Vote with your wallet if you don't like it. :^)
Metal Gear is unarguably one of the best franchise we have ever known. He is god-tier when it comes to merging both great gameplay and a story together.
Implying Kojima had anything to do with that. Blame Cucknami for fucking up the game.
I have played lots of Verdun but it's an overall shit game. Shit lighting, shit sounds, shit animations and feels clunky. The only reason it has players is because it has no competition.
is this a gay black women? who happens to be transgender? Are we going to hear xe yelling everytime "For the Glory of gender diversity" when xe is killing someone?
I could see her as being black is the lighting was fucky enough but I suspect she's not supposed to be.
So like WW1 then?
See this is the main problem with you fucks.
You don't WANT realistic games because they aren't """"""""fun""""""""
You want unrealistic playable action movies with braindead easy to learn mechanics.
This is what all casuals want. This is what sells in the west.
The problem is for bigger projects you need a publisher.
And most publishers are gonna force their agendas on the devs since they're the ones with the shekels.
Alright, so you're a delusional fanboy. There's no point in trying to have a rational discussion with you then. That some of the MGS games have been good does not mean you should worship the guy, or that you should conveniently pretend that all the flaws are completely irrelevant.
MGS5 is still better than anything the west released in the last 5 years.
And the game isn't even finished.
Are you sure about this game? This one makes me want to play the damn thing already.
Kill yourself. If I can't "worship" a developer like Kojima then who the fuck am I supposed to? He is pretty much the best at this point when it comes to a solid singleplayer experience. I also never claimed that he has no flaws, that's something you pulled out of your ass.
Fucking casual niggers
Are you going to buy Metal Gear Survive as well?
Also reminder that Thief was the superior game.
The issue here is that WW1, or at the very least the Western Front, is very difficult to successfully translate into a proper FPS game. Now, if you were to make a game set on the Eastern Front or the Middle East, which were far less static, that would be a different matter altogether.
Still, I wish more games were set in the 1960s, or in a Cold War gone hot, that setting is severely underutilized.
Of course the flagfag has shit taste in games. Filtered like the trash attention seeker you are.
Are you the autist who still thinks making a WWI FPS translates into being in a muddy trench for 7 months and doesn't realize that every other war game only depicts the full scale battles?
Certainly better WW1 game than KANGZfield 1.
And the game isn't even AAA.
Go back to paying EA your good goy shekels.
That's a woman, right?
It's a shit game that only has players thanks to no other WW1 game to compete with it. Just like War Thunder has players thanks to the lack of proper multiplayer tank sims to compete against.
Looks like you have an abhorrent taste in vidya.
Shit bait
I bet you think MilSims are boring as well
Well, you could be part of an assault, and get killed by artillery, or by machine guns, or by mortars, or by poison gas, etc.
Now, if you were to focus the game solely on the defensive aspect that would be fun. Attack is just asking for people to give up in frustration because the odds are so heavily stacked against them.
Too bad I can`t see a pirated release in sight.
Nice opinions there faggot, no doubt you were one of the cunts gospelling that MGSV would save vidya in 2015, just like the GOGshills did with the Witcher 3 at the time.
The other user is right. A fanboy blindly follows their idol regardless of how much said person shits on its followers. I love the MG series but MGS5 was a stab in the back. Yeah Konami fucked over the game but so did Kojima. He's going to fuck up future projects as well with his ego. It's time to let go.
because normalfags don't care, they shrug it off or don't see the weirdness diversity soldier shoehorning stuff. so then ea/dice still gets normalfag dollars and SJW praise. simple stuff, don't buy the game
So you're pretending like Verdun and WWI Source don't exist?
You're pretending like cover in No Mans Land didn't exist?
You're pretending like you only have one life in a vidya?
Please stop posting anytime
Normalfags will find a way to ruin even common sense.
If it ever gets to that point Holla Forums will claim their nationalism is different and better then normalfag's. Truth be told though it probably would be.
Drown yourself.
Reminder that you think a nigger is white.
MGS 4 was god-tier user. And in terms of gameplay, so was 5.
Shit bait. I've always been good in games like Verdun but the game is shit nevertheless. Clunky animations, shit level design, shit gun sounds, shit player models and shit lighting.
Both assumptions are wrong, nigger. Especially when it comes to the Witcher 3. That game is a pile of dogshit.
That's debatable. What exactly about the game felt like a stab in the back? Other than the fact that Konami fucked the whole project up, I don't know what else went wrong. Unless you're butthurt that you don't get to play as Big Boss and watch him cry like a desperate little bitch throughout the whole game for the sake of muh boss and muh beloved
If Death Stranding ends up good, will you commit suicide?
Anything else you faggots want to say?
Thats what they did with social liberalism.
Nah Holla Forums would just complain about casual nationalism.
Hey friend, you seem to be forgetting that sage goes in the name and subject fields as well.
You need to make your attention-grabbing idiocy as obvious as possible!
-Just a friendly tip from a passing redchanit user
You have to be 18 to post here.
Stopped reading right there
Go masturbate to Snake Ocelot/Liquid fistfight while ignoring literally everything else.
In your dreams, Holla Forums.
Most of us have some shreds of pride left.
So like today, only the bullest of dykes join the military.
Will you kill yourself if death stranding is shit? No, you'll eat it up and claim how good it is. You're beyond saving. Have fun playing broken promises and unfinished games. You know, you remind me of pic related.
Normalfags happened, and America went full America.
I'm refering to more individual freedom regarding social issues/norms which has lead the way for mentally ill retards and kike propaganda, not that Neoliberal welfare state tripe.
Unless it's improved massively since the beta, it's not worth paying for. I played it a bit during the beta and it just felt like yet another multiplayer deathmatch mod for Half Life 2/Battlefield 2 and didn't really bring anything new to the table.
Verdun devs hate Germans.
It's MGSV.5 with more yes-men around Kojima.
All right then, let's see a remake of GTA London.
I never said I wanted realistic games, you nigger.
If I wanted realism, I'd play fucking Euro Truck Simulator and be like the germans who go home from their real job just to play a virtual one.
Maybe they should pick a less shit setting for their games.
Fuck off with your conspiracy shit. Seriously faggots like you are so undisciplined and conspiracy prone that we can't do shit to get rid of SJWs. All that results is autistic screeching.
so niggers save Russia too?
good, I've been waiting to open fire
Yes, there are a lot of ethnic minorities to choose from in Russia, but they had to choose one that never existed. They are pushing niggers into every hole their own especially, soon it'll be black power and black supremacy and it wont be racist because "it's not white".
SJWs already believe blacks inherently can't be racist because racism is power + privilege + discrimination
And of course according to SJWs all blacks are ghetto tier dumbass niggers, so by their definition it is impossible for them to be racist. By this pseudo-logic they also conclude that sexism against men is impossible, and that whites are responsible for literally everything wrong in the world.
What is even going on here?
I take the Whites are the bad guys.
I wonder how much fun Typhus-tan had back then
I'd be mad but really Battlefield 1 is so far away from being anywhere close to a realistic depiction of WW1 with its use of guns that were only in prototyping, suspect races for each side, and inconsistency of fact that I cant really be surprised. They're taking something tiny and blowing it up to a larger scale to show it off, and really if its pandering or a legitimate attempt to show off an interesting part of history is up to how they display this in game. Not getting my hopes up that they'll actually handle it in the later way but i can dream
Did they only recruit bitches too ugly to fuck? Top wew; Norks have them beat in this department.
There's only one passable gook there and she's a 6/10 at most
Why should anyone care if they're called racist
So after Russia pulled out of the war?
the provisional government did have a last offensive, but this is Dice once again being fucking retarded
Because being racist could offend someone and hurt their feelings,and don't you know feelings are superior to any reality?
How the fuck does that look like a nigger to you guys
pick one
It doesn't, it looks like a shoehorned woman.
I'd just like to add that the movie has a nice full frontal nudity scene with beautiful women that was aired on Channel 1 in rooskieland.
No, it's not worth living there just for some tits on TV
I don't see why I should have a problem with this as long as they don't literally place woman all over the fucking battlefield like they did with the unga bungas. Representing a small minority in something because you find it interesting is one thing but over representing it to the point of it being completely unfactual is just pandering.
In that second image both of their left tits seem a bit… off.
they're natural?
I wouldn't have had a problem with any of these "underrepresented" battalions if they weren't the focus of the game. If it was just a bonus add-on or a proper expansion with multiple factions' unsung heroes, that'd be fucking dope.
But no.
We have to have this shit shoved down our throat and told to like it simply because it's "inclusive", as if it's some kind of highest virtue.
You´re full of shit. Because, the funny thing is, that the whole "muh pr" strategy actually started on 4chan Holla Forums back then. #GamerGate on Holla Forums itself was always kinda wary of muh pr fags on the other hand.
one on the left appears to have fake tits, 2nd one is natural, real ones sag a bit like that.
i thought that game was largely ignored and criticized
or maybe we wont give a shit, looking down on you from the sidelines as usual.
There was precisely one nigger serving in Imperial Russian Air Force as a pilot. Even though it changes nothing, I thought you should know.
Aren't you supposed to send the people who shouldn't reproduce into the frontlines?
Absolutely irrelevant. There have probably been germans fighting for the soviets, but no russian media would bother with those.
things that amost never were because people like you were calling for the devs and their families deaths
you're not serious now, are you?
Go back to your cancerous containment board and stay there.
Socialists are not welcome in Holla Forums
good try, faggot, but you still don't fit
I agree, commies are retarded and clueless.
Doesn't change the fact neo-nazis are as well.
Take your socialism identity politics and fuck off back to where you crawled from.
This is a Christian Libertarian, gun-owning, freedom-loving, anti-statist board.
Do you feel in charge?
If you want to portray them negatively, there's a reason why the skinhead is the go-to depiction.
The game was a very decent WWI shooter, emphasis on was. You see, instead of working on the game to fix a shitload of bugs and a terrible notcode, the developers seemed more keen on porting the game to the PS4 and Xbone, in order to reel in as much money as they can for the smallest amount of effort.
Now the horrible joke is that, instead of fixing the PC version, they add amounts of 'patches' that make the game even more broken than it was months ago.
An example of one of these fixes is the adjustment they made to carbines. Keep in mind that the developers wanted to make it 'authentic' as possible. Until a few months ago, every weapon, except the machine guns and pistols, killed a player in one hit. What did the developers do? They decided to fuck shit up as best they could and made the carbine randomly kill people in either one shot, or two shots. It doesn't matter at what distance you shoot a person, either it directly kills someone or you have to shoot twice. This pisses a lot of players, including me, the fuck of, since it is virtually impossible to kill people from longer distances or even closer distances, making a lot of rifles completely obsolete.
Another example is the attrocious netcode that this game has. You think Battlefield or Call of Duty are bad? Wait until you've played this game. Instead of fixing this, they made it progressively worse throughout the months and I swear that it has become even more random wether or not your shot will actually land on someone or not. Where in the past I sometimes had the issue that a bullet would fly right through someone (I could actually see the impact on the ground behind the person), today it seems the standard, rather than the exception.
I could go on for hours about these issues, but the bottomline is that the developers fucked the game up more than any cancerous community could hope to accomplish. In fact, a lot of the hardcore players, including myself, have simply stopped playing the game because of the sheer amount of issues and random buttfuckery. It's a shame, because a few months ago the game was pretty solid, but instead of fixing the issues that were already there, they implemented more issues, up until the point where the game has become complete random bullshit. Verdun is the prime example of a game that is being fucked over by the developers, who refuse to listen to feedback by the community and simply keep selling the game by calling it 'authentic.'
I mean, it self-identifies that way, but from a policy perspective it's so distinct that it would be like looking to modern American Republican congressmen for attitudes in the Roman Republic (ignoring obvious homologiziations due to the cyclic nature of empire).
I know you're baiting but I'll bite any way.
Good argument, thanks for the constructive criticism. You have shown me the errors of my ways. I now understand that I was wrong and you are right.
I shall now tip my fedora, throw away my Bible and join the alt-right movement. Let's spout green frog memes and worship the Jesuit-trained puppet in the White House together.
Remember guys, it's the Jews! Not the Freemasons, Illuminati, Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Luciferians, Satanists, New Agers, Occultists, Babylonian Brotherhood and the Vatican!
Even though years of study and research has shown the controllers to be them, it's the Jews because I say so! Look at this chart I made in ms paint, it conclusively proves that all Jews are a hivemind out to get to me.
I hate Jews now, thanks for enlightening me. I shall now post an image of an old greasy man rubbing his hands together every time someone disagrees with me, that'll show 'em!
Remember guys, freedom of speech is not allowed. You can bash libtards and lefties but you dare not speak a word about our precious Adolfy who did nothing wrong btw.
Thread hidden because I already know exactly what the replies to this post will be, you are painfully predictable.
Hmm, really activated my walnuts. Kill yourself my man
Natsoc, national socialism, is not marxist property socialism. It's an individualist socialism, and it's not socialism in the usual way of 'redisturbing money/property/etc.'.
Back to reddit, nigger
Here's the biggest problem
I didn't think Battlefield; We Waz Kangs edition did well enough to warrant a DLC.
Also that isn't a slav woman, i don't know what it is but i know what it isn't.
But user, one of the niggers was holding a Lee-Enfield! Ignore the fact that the light tank is a Char-B1, or the fact that the majority of weapons are half-melted abortions! The weapons have cool old sounding names, and look! The Lee-Enfield, the only weapon I know because of CoD, means it must be WW1!
Okay, seriously though. Bottom line, BF1 is a normalfag-friendly arcade game. normalfags don't give a shit about historical accuracy, most don't even know that WW1 was about or how it was fought, even vaguely. All they know is that their friends play it, it's cool different version of CoD, and there's big flashy boom explosions! It's a top-seller, and if you look at it objectively it's really not THAT bad for a triple-a arcade flick shooter, gameplay wise)
female. black. russian.
after some propaganda battalion, while the much bigger batallions of other nationalities are overlooked
I wonder how many people who own this game read this announcement and just uninstalled the game outright.
Are you that one spergmaster that always makes tl;dr about how ebul the freemasons are on Holla Forums, Holla Forums and /polk/? Do you actually believe the shit you spew, or is it some form of advanced shitposting?
Believe it or not, I've spoken with the descendant of one such German. The guy traced his lineage all the way back to Peter the Great times. Let me tell you this much - he won't be welcomed back in Germany right off the bat and he's getting awfully tired of people calling him "fashist".