Discuss anything rhythm game related, dont be a retard
practice dosent make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect
osu sucks dont play it
Discuss anything rhythm game related, dont be a retard
practice dosent make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect
osu sucks dont play it
bms is best music simulator please play it
We back again baby
daily fucking reminder that stupid fucks play osu! and they think they're hot shot, they cant play shooters they can't breathe in life, they can't eat noodles with chopsticks, they stink like shit, they think tapping a pen on a blank field is fun, these stupid morons play with their wrist down and slit themselves because they're edgy and obnoxious. These stupid fucks don't even play the main game mode and just steal other fucking games, because they're stupid and fucking retarded, they're so dimwitted and hold no fucking value and keep playing a shit fucking game that takes screenshots of your desktop like a fucking faggot.
osu! is a mistake
agree d
nice dude
Added DTXMania entry to the repository!
new cs taiko when
I'm around a 6 in IIDX and can't use chopsticks, what does that make me?
i'm was lazy fuck that was satisfied with osu! because it was free, looked nice, and seemed like it had a big beatmap database, turns out most of them are badly made, but still stuck with it, because as i said, i was a lazy fuck
so user(s) what would be the rhythm game you recommend for someone i started out on love live, don't hate me for it, i'm trying to find better than mobileshit
i'm already installing them, i'm just asking for advice from more experienced players
I wanna fuck that drum.
do not sexualise the taikos
ehh depends, also osu is acceptable for some shit, Just the main gamemode is a fucking abortion. What kinda stuff do you wanna play?
something with a keyboard or some kind of taiko, anything really, i'd just love to play a decent rhythm games, or at least one with a nice choice of beatmaps
Dont use the term beatmaps outside of osu or everyone will publically castrate you.
Also uh, taiko has some good sims, you have to jump through some hoops initially I believe but theres better people to ask in the thread other than me. If you have a 3DS or a Vita you can get taiko on there which is fucking excellent. If you wanna get into VSRGs then play osu!mania or BMS [lunatic rave 2 chances are].
and thank you for the recommendations user
So I just started to play the very first beatmania game a few months ago on the most recent MAME version of its time(although I didn`t clear all songs). What does that make me?
I'm gonna fuck that drum and you can't stop me.
If you want some handholding join the discord, people will be willing to help you with more or less anything you need to know.
It means you should play THE FINAL on MAME instead. The original 5key beatmania has a super barren tracklist and The Final has 192 songs, plus quality of life improvements like high-speed, and hidden/sudden mods.
That`s neat.
dude nice sanwas
thanks I fitted them myself
Can someone explain to me why osu! is so bad? I played it for a bit, but got bored of it until they launched osu!mania a long time ago, and I've mainly been playing that. Is standard that bad? I don't understand, I just found it mind numblingly boring.
Fundamentally flawed due to shit combo based scoring system.
Rest of the problems are situational, (shitty community full of xD memers and webaoos as well as retarded ungerages but then again what do you expect from any free game).
So people hate it for the scoring only?
I suppose that's fair, although I didn't really pay attention to how scoring worked. Sometimes I'd beat my own, but I just assumed it was due to better accuracy. I read up a little on it and it does sound pretty punishing for no reason. I just thought people hated it for the shitty maps or something. (I still can't make any sense out of sliders)
Shitty charting is its own issue but mostly its just the godawful combo based scoring. Complete bullshit.
i think people dislike o!m because it brings almost nothing new to the table, as basically every popular keymode already has a well developed game for it (stepmania for 4k, bms/o2jam for 7k, etc) the community even plays converts from these games, which defeats the point imo. ranked maps are also a shitshow because of the terrible ranking process, which leads to only shitty sdvx/tv size maps to be ranked. other complaints include: shitty customization, shitty scoring, shitty community, shitty pp system, shitty diff calc, shitty community, and shitty software (dude screenshots lmao)
Until SM sorts outs it's shitty holds, and to a lesser extent, has mappers mapping advanced long note patterns, it'll be o!m for a good long while.
I imagine that's the primary incentive for some 4k players, as it is for me. I see no other reason to main o!m for a lot of other keymodes, as the games it tries to emulate simply do it better mechanically.
Why is combo scoring still a thing though.
osu!mania is ez to set up, unlike all of the alternatives. Finding beatmaps is also really simple
Okay, I see that. Simplicity to use is a good incentive.
For the most part yes, but it also has its own problems. The algorithm for finding files near your skill level isn't well tuned for osu!mania. It goes off of your total rank, which in the case of o!m, encompasses many modes which are all bunched together on the rankings. This gives people who main lower key modes, or even higher key modes, disproportionately difficult files as recommendations, making entry into other modes more tedious.
they arent shitty theyre just kind of there
i just see them as a gimmick with ln centered charts in o!m
That's just it. They are in the game but provide no challenge or even any different approach in how to play it. They're an artifact of being a DDR emulator to be played with your feet.
The SM mapping meta just uses them for discerning a specific instrument. The DividebyZero skin, which is mighty popular nowadays, almost makes the bodies of the holds invisible so it wouldn't get in the way of reading, instead of making holds actually requiring a skill to hit. Also, how Wife scoring now just removes the "finished hold" points towards scoring.
It just looks to me that the meta is ignoring the point of a held note, as opposed to seeing to the note being meaningful to play.
Are you telling me different skills are gimmicks?
Any piano (like, MIDI-controlled) games that aren't Synthesia? I wanna play rhythmic chords and some melody (lead sheets and shit), not 100% exact notes.
Don't they behead people in Saudi Arabia for lesser transgressions?
Also, what's up with Diva F for the Vita? I dicked around with the editor long enough to realize that I'm not autistic enough to engage with it - but it kind of looked like you could use your own MP3s to make your own stages/games. Has anyone actually made videos/games to go along with certain MP3s - and then hosted the MP3's they were designed around online somewhere?
I kind of want to play G&R November Rain, but with a cute waifu at the piano instead of Axle.
just because they dont have a specific release timing dosent mean they cant be hard
have you ever seen a hard nvlm/kaiten holdstream file in sm?
also yeah they are gimmicky because only a few people care about ln scores much like minedodge stuff. you could become a top player and never play a hard ln file in your life and no one would give you shit. tho i noticed ln/sv bullshit is becoming a trend in ranked maps
Sure, but the difficult part is hitting the notes in the first place, and it's not difficult releasing.
It's gimmicky because the meta didn't evolve with them in mind. o2j had strict long notes from the start, it's not a gimmick there. I don't disagree about the mine dodging, as it's not something you hit, but something you don't hit.
In SM, yeah. Little more tricky in o!m because the meta is leans more towards high LN complexity.
…and I'm really happy to see that.
Yeah, the editor has been in the series since the beginning. There are loads of videos of custom songs on youtube and nico.
Hes saying they're just judged very leniently, o!m fucks up a few things but ln/hold judge in it is good.
Have you ear heard of varied skillsets? Theres a vid of staiain playing japanese transformation [the combinatorix one] and he gets more 100s on really simply lns than the rape runningmen section right afterwards.Your point is retarded its like saying someone could hit overjoy without playing noodle charts, well yeah because overjoy doesn't have noodles no shit.
Who gives a shit about ranked, also thats fine, ranked is where your supposed to show up doing well on particular files. Im not saying they're good but thats what ranked is there for.The fact that theres no seperate ladder for each keymode is its own issue.
CanMusic is KB.
Anyway, you can probably keymap most games or autohotkey them to midi.
help, I'm guessing I need to learn patterns and build up reflexes, but how?
Play more.
play more
play bms
I hope you're not using the stock theme.
That's just rhythm though. I want to play music.
play bms and rival me please
Heres the permanent invite link.
why do you think lns and normal skillsets have separate dans?
Butthurt kids who sucked dick for months to get an invite mad there is a popular rhythm game anyone can download for free.
Mostly I think it's also people buttmad their skills don't transfer to osu because osu is an aiming game as much as a rhythm game.
The usual complaints are:
The score doesn't matter, pp does. Higher pp lower score plays overwrite the old score too now. Accuracy based scorev2 is also used in tournaments and will replace the old system anyways. This complaint is literally outdated, it could make sense 5-6 years ago, but faggots keep saying the same thing over and over again.
Yeah, and?
Only idiots bring up copyrights for the sake of attacking, literally who gives a shit about pirating music?
Good thing you don't need to interact with people to play, #osu general chat is filled with faggots that circlejerk but they don't even matter if you just close the chat, community has no problems at all other than that. People usually hang aroung with others from their country.
No idea, Keyboardmania? There's hardly any fully keysounded games, CanMusic and BMS would be your best choices.
Literally my point
who are you quoting
BMS is keysounded. I don't know what else you want.
Please don't argue with yourself like this, it's scary and unbecoming of you. This ineptitude would be better spent improving your rhythm game repertoire. I know you can do it! がんばって!
if thats your channel ur rly good at bms
How do you even practice something like this? Slowed down, one section at a time?
throw yourself at it until either you or it dies
Hey Rabis, watcha doin?
Start on easy stuff, play harder stuff, eventually this becomes piss easy.
I've been playing osu taiko, is there a better alternative for playing taiko on pc?
play taikojiro or emulate the wii games with dolphin
Is there any Rhythm game that doesn't perminitly damage your eyes?
I used to play stepmania a lot but stopped because it'd damage my eyes
Don't use cyberia style
Damaged in what way?
Jammer Lammy a best.
I have just discovered the joys of Taiko drums. What drum masters game has the best song set?
all of the 3ds games, wiiu2, v version, wii4 and 5, portable dx
Are you a real Bro Gamer Holla Forums?
All of em, just get all of em.
One of those two has a secret
me irl on the right
DJ MAX master race reporting in.
Just kidding, I was a casual who only played on 4B mode because when you start throwing 5 or 6 or fucking 8 notes at me it makes my brain melt and I always hit the wrong things.
osumania gets more shit than it deserves but yes some things are bad. Some things are better than in most other places however.
Why does everyone play osumania
because easily accessible meme and Holla Forums is too casual to play anything which takes a little amount of jumping through hoops to set up.
I still need to order that Arcin' board for my old Ransai since the adapter setup isn't cutting it (random freezes due to cables). How hard it is to gut and attach that board?
recruiting (bms players only!)
good double