Mods are deleting threads based on personal preference. You're vermin for tolerating this. Watch this thread get deleted as well. What happened to automoderation, user?
This place has become Reddit
Other urls found in this thread:
I just want some transparency from the mods.
Having some actual accountability was nice, seeing as how a lack of it killed 4chan for us.
I admit I don't see any reason why this thread would be deleted. Not exclusive to Holla Forums though.
If that thread was deleted Im glad it was. "hurf durf lets not play videogames" shouldn't be posted on the videogames board. Post it on Holla Forums.
Post Baby Pacifier.png
I think its a new vol being retarded; he'll learn in time but good on ya for making anons aware
Wherever the hell you came from, go back there. No matter how bad it is, it's better than here.
It's not about what you think of it, if it doesnt belong here it will be saged and vanish. The bad thing is mods/vols doing the removing for you.
No it won't.
That's literally what they exist to do.
if anything they aren't doing enough moderation seeing as LOL threads still exist.
Generals have becomd hugboxes with any dissent being deleted so the kids can have their circlejerk untainted.
How is this a reddit thing? Reddit talks about all the cancer games. If anything mods need to delete more. They let obvious shills run rampage
I wouldn't have deleted it if I were a mod, but I can understand why it would be deleted. This is nowhere near the level of /a/, where even on topic threads and posts are deleted because a mod was triggered.
Generals should also be against the rules.
I find it hilarious when anons bitch about Holla Forums being shit, but are not willing to leave. Do you faggots even know that is place isn't special at all? and the owner is fucking moron? Let alone Mark being a kike or Holla Forums owners being shitskins and or half bred cock roaches.
According to the defined rules of the community, not according to their own personal whim, except in extreme contingency.
Care to explain this obviously retarded reasoning ?
How is that thread about videogames? It's just some fag blogposting and not even asking for vidya suggestions for when you're burnt out. I mean I'd have preferred if it were bumplocked instead of being deleted but whatever.
get fucked
Mods exist to delete literal spam, flooding and illegal content, nothing else.
Serves you right.
They've always done this. "Case-by-case". No, we don't like it.
This board doesn't even have the mentality to self-moderate. Too many self-appointed "shit thread sage" board-guardians, too many shitposters, too much mouthbreathing about thread and post quality while not actually doing anything on that front, that last one being something Holla Forums has been doing since fucking 2009 and earlier. Believe you me, I'd love for Mark to put his money where his fucking mouth is and actually adhere to the "hands-off moderation" he loves to talk about, but it's hard to do that when the board needs to be hotpocketed by necessity. Do I think he and the rest of the moderation team are going about it the right way? Fuck no I don't, but I'm also aware they're not going to please everybody. And don't mistake that for excusing stupid things they do, I'm not excusing the shit like panic-deleting everything and only realizing it was stupid after the fact.
Why is that the people that bitch the most about Reddit are the ones that want Reddti type rules for this place?
That's reddit speak, the entire point of self moderation is sage it into oblivion or just shitpost it, not let the hot pockets do it for you.
I implore you to realize you're fucking retarded considering other boards (ie /tg/) consider self-moderation to be turning the thread around into something interesting, rather than intentionally being a shithead. I love that board, it can have the fifty billionth "elf slave wat do?" thread that week and still manage to produce something original out of it.
Since this is your first day on Holla Forums:
There are people on this board who thinks that any shitposting topic should exist because it has the miniscule possibility of, at some point through 300 posts, could create interesting discussion. Disregarding the fact that they're rewarding the OP by supporting his shitposting, disregarding that this literally never fucking happens and even when they claim to have generated such "interesting discussion" it is never about fucking videogames.
Shitposting and banning/deleting anything the admin and moderators feel like "just because", often for humourous reasons. That's the history of imageboards. You aren't going to rewrite history you retarded piece of shit. Your fabled idea of a paradise of unmoderated shitposting has never existed outside of Holla Forums and extremely late cuckchan, which you should consider going back to if you want unmoderated shitposting.
Anons, be serious with yourself for one fucking second. Nothing is going to change here and the BO doesn't give a shit about you are anyone else. Either stay or fucking leave. If you are able to leave, good on you. This place is pure shit.
Any thread that isn't strictly Holla Forums-propaganda gets deleted. Nearly every thread that isn't strictly about a video game, but about playing video games gets deleted. Any thread about a new video game gets deleted because it's hurr durr shilling.
even cuckchan is better at discussing video games than 8/v/ is
Sure is cuckchan in here. (The last one for being retarded and not realizing they're often containment threads that are better left to die on their own)
mods were always fags. Mark went a 15 banning and deletion spree late 2015/early2016
The only reason we're not having constant undertale general threads to this day is because discussion of it was banned.
15 hour*
Those people (like me!) are thinking along the lines of non-Holla Forums boards that quite handily manage to do something you claim to be impossible. This board just does not have the mentality necessary for that.
Lemme reward the people who think the board should be /vg/ by posting another general real quick by posting in their thread real quick here.
Oh, you're one of those autists who demands every single post on the board be about video games.
Fuck off and die redditurd.
That's a major issue honestly. There have been off shoots in the past and there may be another one coming due to how history works. The thing is people are attached ot the brandname.
And do you not remember the damage that was done to this place>
Holla Forums was unusable for 2 months and never fully recovered
No I don't remember that happening when Undertale threads were banned, maybe you're just in love with Undertale and couldn't handle it so you're making up a story.
Your thread was shit OP, but for the past week or two this place seems kinda off.
That being said when I've seen janies delete shit and get called out they do say sorry.
Eh, it doesn't really bother me. Holla Forums was a ruse, it got the best of most anons. Just look at it in awhole setting and you can see what it truly is. I just lurk once in awhile. I just love the inbred shill and all there boogymen names. Its pathetic.
I see you missed the degenerates being attracted and posting actual baby cp in the Unteralterbach thread, good for you.
I will drop this for laughs.
That's bullshit. They kept to their retarded stuff and only kept growing cancerous because they wanted to piss faggots like you off.
You could at least not out yourself as a mental defective who blames everything on Reddit and imaginary board goblins. By the by I recall Undertale generals being banned on account of /mtt/, not one-off threads where the actual subject is being discussed.
Problem with offshoot boards is as you describe and also that nobody will use them because they're not already fast. They're never going to be fast because nobody is willing to use them on account of their not already being fast. Catch-22.
That's the problem. Newfags dont and when the mod team for a board isn't cooperative or thinks it's funny shit gets out of hand fast. Then you have retards that believe behaving like redditors and homos "ironically" is good leads to actual homos and redditors coming here thinking their shit is tolerated here.
Fuck off and die redditurd.
I humbly disagree, sir.
'#EDIT: Thanks for the gold my kind sir!'
I honestly don't care.
After learning more and more about Mark, Holla Forums mods, and Jim. Hotwheels is gone, and we don't have the excuse to be here anymore. Hotwheels was silenced and now is kept in hard lock up and he doesn't care because as you know, he can't do anything about it.
dubs thread?
Where are the dubs Eggman?
Hotwheels stopped caring when he fell into the same trap as Moot, chiefly a massive disconnect from his own website from hanging out in IRC all day. Compound that with waning health and preferring to play Grand Theft Auto naked to moderating the website.
There's also another problem with offshoot boards: retarded owners. Every offshoot video game board I've seen has a huge list of banned games in its rules, and that's a huge red flag to me that says there's no telling if they're going to ban something I like.
Fuck off and die redditurd.
Yeah, whatever, lurking for life. The internet is shit now.
Never played the game and likely never will
Do you not remember those autists invading, spamming and derailing unrelated threads consistently?
Of course, if you want proof watch what will happen if Mark ever decides to ban overcuck general
That's a good point, every offshoot Holla Forums has its own vision which is near-exclusively in conflict with what the average Holla Forumsirgin actually wants. Hell, main Holla Forums is in conflict with what the average Holla Forumsirgin wants.
How would you know unless you browse reddit? Checkmate atheists.
That's not what you said and that's not what I said.
If Mark is going to do one thing right in his entire life then it will be to ban all general threads. If they invade other threads then it just proves that it was the right thing to do.
Fuck off and die redditurd.