Flip flop flippity floppity flap flop.
How appropriate.
Flip flop flippity floppity flap flop.
How appropriate.
Here is better resource. steamspy.com
Was being a cashgrab part of it's plan?
And here's a game released 4 days ago, with 500k owners:
Portal Knight were here long ass time ago in EA.
Compared to other DoW's that's a really horrid amount of purchasers. Concurrent users are at a "mighty" 3k whereas Retribution's were at a steady 10k for about a year. 3 races only with the game not looking 40k shit didn't pay off. Hope they take their sky-high jumping terminators and shove them up their asses
I realised after I posted, but I just want to bully Sega for this fuck up.
It won't matter in the end. Sega is recouping all their lost money from Dow3 with their myriad of PC ports. They seem to be releasing one a month, and they have a huge library of console only games. Porting costs nothing compared to full development.
Damn that is right. I need Square next game to flop so I will be able to play Nier.
Well considering they are sinking money into a high budget WW2 game nobody has heard of that isn't named Call of Booty or Shekelfield, that might happen.
DoW 3 is probably unsalvageable at this point with no one really liking it. I wonder if a "redo everything" expansion would help, but fuck ups of this sort are rarely forgiven.
Skies of Arcadia when
Good fucking luck with that.
It could but certain parts are already fucked. Believing Devs will do 180 is also retarded.
Best it will get is second Reaper of Souls. Step in a good direction but not enough to get out of cesspit.
I wonder if relic with their new female devs will finally get the axe.
All they had to do was make a traditional RTS.
Dow wasn't a success because it was traditional. Everything people loved about it was new and nto done before. So I guess you can understand the logic behind the whole "let's push the envelope" thing but here they just copied a shitty genre nobody really likes.
Them turning the game into gookclick wouldn't have made me happy to be honest.
Really nigga?
Name one time where Sega interfered with the development of one of their published titles. That's right you can't. This is not Sega's fault until we hear that Sega changed it you retard, stop spouting this bullshit.
I didn't even know it had released.
Dawn of War III never released :^)
SEGA puts in family friendly wordfilters.
They force their awful servers.
They love microtransactions.
This doesn't sound like proof of meddling with gameplay in Dawn of War 3 (or any game) to me at all. Also I would prefer actual examples and proof rather than statements.
If you want anything backing up my statements: Every single game developed by Platinum and published by Sega. Madworld, Bayonetta, Vanquish, Anarchy Reigns… all devoid of any censorship or obvious meddling from Sega as a publisher. Not only are there no signs of meddling, but Sega also has every reason to meddle if they had any plans to do so since Platinum's games always tend to barely scrape by in sales. If Sega was a publisher that fucked around and ruined the development of games then clearly Platinum would have been a prime victim of this publisher meddling.
In short, Sega has a history of NOT MEDDLING with what the contracted developers want to create. Therefore blaming Sega for meddling with game development BEFORE we have evidence of Sega meddling in game development is stupid and against everything Sega has previously shown to behave like.
The failure of DoW3 is entirely in the hands of Relic entertainment and I am certain that if you compare the credits of DoW1, DoW2 and DoW3 you will see exactly why DoW3 is such a garbage shitshow. That DoW3's gameplay has nothing to do with Sega meddling in it as a publisher.
At this current stage, it makes absolutely no sense to blame Sega.
200k isn't a bad figure.
The old studio I worked at never even sold that many of a single game but we did fine
Platinum's games for Sega were the first ones they released so they didn't yet have their reputation for low sales figures.
Also wasn't Bayonetta 2 originally cancelled becasue of arguments over Sega trying to get them to add some soldier as the main character? This was after Bayonetta 1 pulled in good sales.
Can't find anything about that, can find info about it featuring a new character (nothing about a main character) that was part of the US army. Sega was going through tough times back when it was cancelled (and kind of still are) and the cancellation seems to have been because Sega was restructuring.
Also I'm using Platinum as an example exactly because we have a consistent attitude on Sega's part over a number of games. After the first game didn't sell, Sega didn't intervene. After the 4th (really 5th but I don't know how much about Infinite Space) meaning that even though Platinum made a lot of games that didn't sell well and Sega wasn't in the best position, the worst thing Sega did was to say that they couldn't fund Bayonetta 2 because they were restructuring.
please use archive.is/articles/2012-05-01-sega-cancels-bayonetta-2-report
So yeah, Bayo2 was cancelled. Because of restructuring. But there's nothing about meddling or that Sega was responsible for the US soldier as far as I can find.
Meme games that are completely fed by YouTube click bait sell better than that.
dow3 is a AAA game, there's no way 200k is enough to feed the beast that is AAA development.
I have a feeling even if it was good it would bomb.
inb4 rts is a dead genre
from the development side of things it pretty much is. Blizzard went out of their way to hire lead designers of competing strategy games and then fired them after their old company went bankrupt to kill any competition.
Its not though. If they had just made a dawn of war game with better graphics and more features instead of this half sc2 half moba abomination i for one would have bought it and i know 5 people personaly who would have. I dont think we are the exception. people are starving for good rts games, but for some fucking reason they all want to be the next starcraft 2 clone instead of doing something unique.
Good. Fuck them for making this abomination.
Tbh I haven't even bothered looking for another RTS since I bought W:RD and Supreme Commander:FA there's nothing out there. And I don't want to buy the new stuff from Eugene because Paradox is the publisher and that's made me very weary.
88% decline
Not even one month and it has already lost 88% from the peak player count
(1 - (3148 / 25587)) * 100 ≈ 88
What I want to know is why. There are usually two explanations. The first is the real reason why a game is shit, the second is whatever it is that turns off normalfags. I haven't player the game but I would like to know either or both.
Whatever anyone thinks of the game the fact remains that the rate of player loss is incredible. Those players abandoned the game for a reason. I guess one problem is no one here is stupid enough to have bought it. Despite that, I would appreciate any insight.
It's a diet MOBA.
They already have MOBAs, and don't like Warhammer 40k.
So the reason is it was an attempt at gaining a foothold in an already saturated niche, and failed?
That's my personal guess. I mean, why bother learning a new game when you're already an idiot playing Dota or LoL or HotS? The people who play those games are stuck in them because it's their comfort zone, they're dedicated to it, they picked it and they're going to stick to it. Why bother trying something new in a setting they don't care about that pretends to be an RTS?
there's also the fact they've blown hundreds if not thousands of bucks into it and aren't willing to let that "investment" go to waste.
It's not the product that was advertised. All the buyers probably finished the main campaign, decided that that's about enough of that game, and fucked off, since the game scratched neither one of their niches. Meanwhile, the few inbreds who like ASSFAGGOTS that bought it despite it not being marketed as an ASSFAGGOT realised that they're wasting time playing a shit gaym when they could be playing a shit gaym like LoL and gain all sorts of points and shit.
I saw the gameplay for it and was turned off by the fact that saving up for your big hero unit was the best way to sway the game in your favor alongside just spamming basic units as SM.
Just an old rts faggot but my points are mainly the hero class feels like warcraft 3-light.
the resources are kinda confusing, they don't explain it in the tutorial or even the SP. you can't just go into a skirmish battle easily like other older rts's.
The only other game I kinda felt I got my moneys worth was cossacks 3.
The old 40k games even 2 with its expansions where better, with just letting you have some ground-combat fun. taking points was fun and the units creation where easy and simple.
Relic fucked up when they wanted to try and make the hero-lite and making the UI feeling confusing rather than easy like their old games.
Those are the top of my head, also its not stable fps it can go from 40-60, and sometimes its locked 30.
The games industry has become just like Hollywood. They are desperate for fresh ideas, can't come up with any or are afraid to experiment though. So they take old IPs, ignore everything that made those IPs good or what the fans wanted for a new game, release some sort of "appeal to as many people as possible" turd and then act surprised when nobody gives a fuck.
ASSFAGGOTS kids don't want DoW.
DoW players don't want ASSFAGGOTS gameplay.
This isn't rocket science, but apparently to the devs it comes as a surprise.
It was top seller for a month.
Keep trying sega hater.
Any gameplay I saw appeared to be mostly infantry units but without the cover system that DoW 2 had. Just bizarre to take out an important feature of the game (I only played DoW 2 single player). That's what put me off even checking if it's been cracked. I was trying to find videos of "good" players but even then there appeared to be no depth to the game and like you say, I didn't see any interesting macro or micro management.
Can you go into more detail about why the UI is bad?
The individual developers who do the actual work must know. It must be awful to think you are going to be creating good games only to end up putting together something that is basically guaranteed to be a DEAD_GAME. If they get orders from above what can they do apart from quit? Mind you I think they do deserve to suffer for it.
Someone higher up must have said ASSFAGGOTS are popular with the kids so let's make one, and then it would have been impossible to talk them out of it.
This. C&C4 was done only because EA wanted a Starcraft/Moba game, and used the C&C name to try to sale it. It killed the ENTIRE C&C saga.
coming from an old rtsfag so the UI has this slick design so it does not even scale to 4k its best to be in the lesser region.
you can customize the UI but the problem is that you want the huge boxes with information, they have a small one on the left and it does not give allot of information, instead the unit builds comes into the right of the leftbox since the right box is the map. so you see 3-5 units build at max at this point in the first phase game.
resources are on the top as they should be but since the text don't scale to the usual 4k thing you get kinda fucked, it sometimes don't even scale to other than the native resolution.
I messed around with the UI and came into conflict that made the game unplayable, I bet there where probably allot of old rtsfags that tried to custom the UI to give more information, so you can hotkey easily but at the same time micro the units and macro the bigger build of the base and attack when you have a larger unit to control.
What happen to me was that there is no UI almost and the detailed information I want from just resources is not showing up. the simple micro unit per unit is showing up but I still can't put places into keys and go from the base with a key to the attack place with another so just taking a unit to a hotkey.
Instead you have a builder at the base and hotkey those faggots and hotkey the units and another hotkey to the hero.
Also the hero unit has its own UIbox. that is on the left-side topping the left base/unit control box
This problem could have been solved if they had the regular boxed UI that every rts game has had. But since its a DOW game you want to make the UI into that design and they managed to fuck that one up. with little detail and trying to make it into warcraft3-light.
I hope this helps a little with my problems to the game and the UI and why I don't play the game.
what happenend? its not an RTS anymore?
Some people have made the wrong generalization that, because there's an heavier focus on the Hero units than previous games and the few maps are more streamlined with easy to follow routes to the enemy base that it's now ASSFAGGOTS.
Oh and because the objectives you fight for now do more than just give you resources or unlocking the latest units.
It does not feature the "grind economy", the slow and inneficient snowballing that leads to "dead man walking syndrome", it actually has a large amount of units both in variety and number instead of the standard "creep platoon" and doesn't even have the usual cash-op fuckery with new heroes being released every week forcing you to spend cash on the game.
By all accounts, it does not play like ASSFAGGOTS at all any more than Warcraft 3 for instance, but fags gonna fag.
Sounds good, tbh.