
the most absolute madmen of our times

Could not get into this game. Seemed average to me and could not hold my interest for nothing.


Madmen are men user, Japanese aren't even people.

Omg you can see titties move in a game now? Sign me the fuck up! wow this is great! thanks CDPR!

Waiting for feminists to find about this and get triggered.


Since when do bulldykes and like ugh like literally raped sluts trigger them?

Hitler did everything wrong.

It checks out

Didn't really have a choice after Stalin betrayed him. If anything, Hitler saved Britain and France.

Sounds like another mistake to me.

Honestly I think the biggest one was allying with the Japs. For a racialist, you'd think he'd see the inherent contradiction in it.

If japs opened a front in syberia instead of bombing US then who knows what would have happened, after all, the Axis was supposed to be anit-COMMITER.

Japan didn't have the troops to pacify China, they definitely didn't have enough to feed the meat grinder. Their light tanks and artillery would have been a major liability too.

Stalin would have let them freeze.

Didn't PPD come to a Gwent event and slam all the Gwent pros? Kinda funny to be honest.

Meanwhile in the West…


Ves is best girl tbh.

you also forgot

Hitler was a meme, Mosley is best fascist leader who actually did shit in WW1, and tried to prevent WW2

We Slavs aren't part of the gay party you've got going over there.

Still west. Soon to be the only west.

I'll remember that the next time you faggots pretend to be white then.

The Eternal Anglo strikes again.

You better start learning how pronounce Allahu Snackbar really fast.


USA butthurt over being spicfags and nigfags now

Yeah, America is about to fall to Radical Islam.

Is the game out yet?

You're about to fall to spics. Even mudshits are preferable.

Open beta stars on the 24th IIRC.

You realize they're mostly in uninhabited desert and we've had to do this before, right? This happens after every period of continuous democratic administration.

I am pretty pumped to get them rewards. But I don't know about some of the changes, especially the weather ones. I like how CDPR is willing to change shit though, and I do think the weather is a step in a better direction either way if possibly a bit funky. Also glad they got rid of the faction passives.

The new player friendly sort of changes are pretty dope though. All the leaders for free, making better starter decks, etc. And a LOT of card changes and, from what I've seen, some pretty dope ones. CDPR are being some true pals.

Go hang yourself leftypol.

Hitler took a severely broken country and made it so powerful it took the world controlled by the Jews to stop it. There's a leader like that every thousand years and we killed ours.

I think you just know nothing of National Socialism if you think there is an inherent contradiction in allying with japs.

The USA and Britbong declared war.

Jews saying that white men needs to stop doing shit against jews is what you mean.

He had too, every jew owned country was attacking them. He didn't want war if that's what you're implying. Also keep in mind that 60 to 80% of the American people didn't want to fight Germany because they where done with waging wars.


The commies got about an infinity supply of shit from the Allies because jew cried about muh Germany.

Hitler fled to Argentina, they never found his corpse. The corpse they found was that of a women.

You have no idea what National Socialism means. Good job.

I have the feeling leftypol is raiding or that we have freshbatch of 4chan/reddit cucks.

I'm fairly well versed on the subject and you're an idiot for seeing it as anything other than a strictly practical alliance. That being said, there's an inherent disconnect when you ally with completely genetically distinct groups to fight against genetically related groups, especially when your ideology valorizes blood.

Oh good, here's nu/pol/ to pretend it's actually read Feder.

Still you prove to know nothing.

Not an argument.

at least Holla Forums and Holla Forums are good at remind everyone they're the cancer of Holla Forums.

Wew fucking lad. Back to reddit with you.

Memes aside you only come with nothing, it's a non-argument.

user, you started chimping out at the most mild possible criticism of national socialism. You should seriously reread the discussion and get your head in order.

how will they ever recover


Don't let me stop you from giving us further displays of your ignorance.

Right, because Hitler wouldn't have rather allied with other Europeans first.
You seriously fall for that PR bullshit? I respect the Japanese people and their religious and martial traditions but they are not of the Arya.


It would be interesting to see how history would have gone if the Japs attacked India directly, rather than follow the strict Axis policy of supporting proxies there. Of course, this would be an entirely different long term strategic picture than their Axis' intended one.

I like you

Video related, Hitler declared war on the USA 4 days after Pearl Harbour.

Yeah because breaking a bunch of treaties he agreed to was doing shit against the jews.

Because invading neutral countries was doing shit against the jews.

The UK tried to appease him for nearly 7 years before declaring war, he was told to stop trying to expand his borders and his army multiple times.
