If you like either Zoo Tycoon 1 or 2, you're in for a treat.
For Zoo Tycoon 1, a method has just been released to easily render high quality sprites fitting to the game. This basically means people can now make modded animals that are very high quality very easily. If a person wanted to they could easily port an animal from Zoo Tycoon 2 to 1. Pic related are some examples of the level of quality you can get quickly.
For Zoo Tycoon 2, Aurora Designs (The group working on Radical Remake, which remodels and retextures all the vanilla game Animals and added the more realistic Biomes) has just released a massive pack of brand new high quality animals, which contains a massive 41 brand new animals, and loads of new foliage and objects. Some new animals include Platypus, Green Iguana, American Mustang, Leafy Seadragon, Great Barracuda, and Three-toed Sloth.
Looks great, but I wish they would port the original UI. I'm not a fan of plain black and white UIs, it gives the game no character.
How is it performance wise?
Leo Johnson
Not terribly taxing at all, unless you're using a toaster you should be completely fine. And even so the Radical Remake models should all support lower graphics modes as well.
Is Zoo Tycoon 2 any good? I loved the first one as a kid but I didn't even know that a second game existed until like 2013.
Isaiah Reyes
Depends on what you want. If you want gameplay the first is better. However, for creative stuff like designing exhibits, you can do an incredible amount of stuff in 2, especially with the vast amount of mods for the game. The 3D adds a lot to the game, first person view, smaller animals, it's incredible.
Vid related is a small example for what you can build.
Ian Fisher
Where do you even find ZT1 mods anymore? Remember when people told you what you put on the internet last forever? They lied.
Angel Johnson
I was always disappointed in the lack of sauropod variety. Any mods to fix this?
Matthew Perry
A lot of the old Zoo Tycoon 1 sites have died off, but there are still some persistent areas. I'd check here first. Honestly though, a decent chunk has so far been really subpar stuff, so I'm really hoping this new technique will change that and encourage ZT2 modders to port some animals over.
Apparrently ZT2:Extinct Animals had a really rushed dev cycle, which is why there are some subpar animals such as Giant Warthog and Giant Camel. I know there's a Jurassic Park style Brachiosaurus, and I know I've seen some other long necks, I'd suggest looking here
I was there a few months back, just about everything that interested me had a dead download link. Thanks though.
I'd be pissed too.
Easton Miller
I remember making a koolasuchus for Zoo Tycoon when I was 12 or 13 or something, and putting it on some place called Zoo Keeper's Lounge 15 years ago.
It didn't look nearly as good as the koolasuchus in the screenshot, and it couldn't swim in a tank. Either someone took my idea and improved the fuck out of it, or simply had the same idea as 12 year old me.
Neat as fuck either way.
Henry Watson
Atlantean was the best tank theme
Carter Roberts
Another bump
Cooper Young
What's the bridge mod? Are those waterfalls vanilla? I always tend to flatten everything.
Austin Martinez
Place where I can get the complete collection?
Julian Roberts
I'm dreaming, this is too good to be true.
Also does anyone have all of the Zoo Tycoon 1 dlc and additional content that was released? It's rather hard to track down and usually you won't find everything.
Christopher Hill
I never cared much for Zoo Tycoon. The animals were capricious fuckers, and I never got the same satisfaction as I did managing a park in RTC.
Elijah King
Unfortunately the guy who made it hasn't released it yet. The guy has made a lot of great Zoo Tycoon 1 stuff but only a handful of it he's actually released. He did release an Aldabra Tortoise, and soon a Red Panda.
I'll upload my copy now. For the record, the Complete Collection should include everything except the Sable Antelope and US Flag, which were official items but not included for bizarre legal reasons (They were preorder bonuses from Sam's Club)
Daniel Martin
Can I get a source? I found a zootekphoenix link that seems like what you're talking about, but it redirects to a file storing site claiming the file was deleted.
Matthew Wilson
I can never build things that pretty.
Jaxon Russell
Even Rollercoaster Tycoon got a spiritual successor.
Note that the mods are in a separate folder, and two of which are official content (The US Flag and Sable Antelope). I only included really high quality mods I know of, but I'm sure you can get other stuff out there.