Fighting Game General: Crimson Knight Edition

UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late[st] is confirmed for PS4, PS3 and PSVita. The game will be released on July 20 in Japan in physical and digital media on PS4. Digital only for PS3 and Vita.
Erika Wagner has been confirmed as Under Night In-Birth Exe: Late [st]'s second new character for the console release.
Ed confirmed as SFV's next DLC character. He uses simplified inputs compared to the rest of the roster.
Starfire, Red Hood and Subzero confirmed as the first 3 DLC characters:
Microtransaction model confirmed to only affects colors and fast unlock stuff that can be normally unlocked by playing the game.
Darkseid is preorder exclusive at release. PowerGirl, Zoom and John Stewart are special skins available on some pre-order bundles.
Two guest characters from other franchises confirmed as DLC and Season Pass users. Harada is asking who the fans wants to be in the game.
Costumes and modes were also confirmed as DLC. The game will be released on June, 1st. Eliza confirmed as a preorder exclusive character. She will be put as a regular DLC a month later.
Gameplay and characters available detailed:
Game will be released on September 19th. Deluxe version includes Sigma, other 5 DLC characters and 6 costumes, skins for Ryu, Thor, X and Hulk.
The console version will be released in Japan on May 25th, May 26th in North America. June 1st on Steam.
There'll be a retail version of the game compatible with the ones who update their normal game with the DLC.
KoF XIV is up for pre-order on steam. Pre-ordering the game gives you instant access to the closed beta. The game is also 20% off if you pre-order. Unlike KoFXIII Steam Edition, however, you still have to purchase the DLC characters seperately from the main game.
Arcade version coming to the new NESiCAxLive2 system. KOFXIII, 98UMFE and 2002UM on Steam are all based on their arcade versions
Tohru Sakurai, series creator of Arcana Heart, has passed away eariler this month.
SEGA plans to revive older IPs:
Mr Wizard has released a rankings list based on the number of entrants for each game at EVO on twitter:
EVO 2017 will feature 9 games: Blazblue CF, GuiltyGear Xrd Rev2, Injustice2, KOFXIV, SFV, Melee, Smash Bros. WiiU, Tekken7 and UMvC3.
EVO Japan will happen between January 26th and January 28th.
Punch Planet new video featuring combos:
Cerebrawl new character:
Trajes Fatais(TRAF) will be released outside of Brazil under the name TRAF: Suits of Fate
Fightin' Herds latest stream:
Download and register for Fightcade here:
Get the full rompack over here:!EoJjwSLB!Tukuk9bZAa7YXXxKNVHorw
Website with mods:
Steam Group:
Discord Group:
For most fightan in general:
For fundamentals in ST (still applies to other games):
Maj's footsie guide:
The Beginner's Incomplete guide to KOF (please watch this if you want to get into KOFXIV):
KOF Shortcuts/Sequential Buffering:
KOF XIV Combo & Tech:
Guilty Gear Crash Course:
Airdash Academy:
The Complete Killer Instinct Guide by Infil:
DOA5LR - Full Character Guide & Frame Data - Created By Arcade Sensei:

Other urls found in this thread:!ccRylLbZ!-E9AZDSd_pm6PgVQ35z6QA




Judging by the look of the main character and the final boss plus the nazi stuff is really giving me a riki-oh vibe.

How do i git gud at fighters

by starting at one part of the genre you're not gud at and gittin' gud at that

Don't be that guy.

Thinking about rolling with fresh team of characters I never used on the PS4 ver. Right now it's between Mui Mui/Meitenkun/Kukri or Vice/Whip/Bandeiras


Having fun

This is why people fightanfags. Don't be that guy.

Easy. Just create your own fighting game ;^)


I can tell I'm really going to enjoy this character.

that artist has been looking at to many horses.



I need a good fightan stick for PC. Anyone got any recommendations?

I've had good experiences with HORI's Real Arcade Pro. series. Most of them have a switch to let you use it on a PS4, PS3 or PC.
Pic related is the model I have.

Not just him
Chunners is "extra thicc" -Aku

More Combos.




Was SFIV good?

In light SFV's multitude of failings, there has been what I can only describe as a resurgence of SFIV. Anything would look good compared to V, but given that USFIV will be at Canada Cup in an official capacity, and probably one or two other tournaments I'm missing, I would like to know what you guys thought of the game.

Obviously it was the default SF game - and the default fighting game for many people, as much as we might not like to think about it - for eight years, which is quite a long time. I was watching some of Aris's videos (I know, I know) and he brought up the point that, while SFIV may not have been the most fun to play due to an overall lack of damage barring certain characters, it was very interesting to spectate and he loved commentating it because the community was so enthusiastic. You quite literally could not run a train on your opponent and get more than %30 off any given combo; you always had the chance to adapt, recover, and interact with your opponent. The game's visual language was very clear, which made it obvious to anyone observing what the players were trying to do.

However, it was far from perfect, as we all know:

Capcom will never let SFV not be the dominant game in their marketing, at least until MvCi launches, but would a community-driven resurgence in SFIV be interesting on its own merits or is the game just too boring after all this time?

Goddamnit, why are they coming out at the same time? I'm interested in all of those games and want to play them as soon as possible but buying them all at launch is going to kill my wallet.

have you ever considered piracy?

Brief update regarding GigaMaidens, we had a setback this week because the characters' rigs got messed up and now we have to re-rig them. Apparently UE4 doesn't like rigs that swapped between 3DS Max and Maya during animation due to the different animators we've had.

So yeah, that's gonna cost us and now we have to redo a bunch of shit. It was an unforeseeable mistake.

I know some of the Canada Cup organizers personally, they really have a hard-on for USF4 even though I didn't think it wasn't that great. But compared to SF5, USF4 is fucking incredible.

Huge roster of characters, lots of different modes, and grapplers weren't total ass.

Capcom artificially killed USF4 by not supporting it in tournaments anymore to hype up SF5, but in reality it still has a scene.

Also, Zangief ate AE Yun for breakfast, I find it funny since I main Zangief and never had a problem with any Yuns.

Yes. But I also want to be able to play online.

fair call but there is always fightcade
buy rev2 but im biased because i want more people playing

SAI top eight Xrd has been ridiculous

Thanks for the link, watching FAB is always a good way to spend time



Push buttons and juke the stick around.

What a tournament

SF IV was more genuine I guess. Capcom wanted to return to fighting games after almost a decade. And they did made a substantial update between the arcade and console/pc launch and the Super version. I think Ultra is a genuine good fighter, even if it was showing that Crapcom would surely fuck up next time.

That's unfortunate GigaDev, but that's game development, I guess.
Anyway, have you found a new modeller? I remember you were searching for one.

Yeah, my rigger seems to be able to handle making anime-style models, but we don't really need that yet.

My biggest problem with SFIV was that it was the most sterile fighting game on the planet. The new characters were all boring excluding Hakan, the gameplay put returning characters on crutches, the gameplay made all the fights super safe and also threw all the chances of fun bullshit out the window. It was a playable game but there was no fun allowed; the game, the only time I ever enjoyed it was with the USF4 Remix mod

Thank god the "dark age" meme bullshit doesn't exist because playing modern SF games puts me into a coma.

SF4 was a strict downgrade, but it was at least somewhat enjoyable, playable and interesting.

SFV is none of those things.

One guy I know says that we should absolve SF4 of all its flaws because without it we'd be in a "fighting game dark age" where we'd still be playing Tekken 6.

I'm not sure how I would describe the post-SF4 era? Maybe it's still a dark age but also a bit of a renaissance? Because we have lots of indie developers making their own fighting games now, and more are coming.

Ask him if it can't just be recognized as a good game with flaws. Instead of elevating it to the status of an infallible holy icon like he is suggesting.

You know in your heart that you should skip Xrd because it has such a low pop. Wait a few months with buying that specific game at least to see if it has consistent playerbase, then decide if you want it or if you want Rev3 (possibly) instead.

Within my own local scene I've observed people moving away to the other games. The local meetups once had all other games overshadowed by SFV but slowly the number of GG players became equal to and then overtook the SFV players. There was ever more SF4 setups then there was SFV at the last meet.

How do you play Blazblue without having a permanent boner?

Become homosexual

How indeed :>)

If you want to play online with friends and not ranked and shit you should still be able to do that with pirated version

By playing Blazblue.

fighting game girls best
no contest

tao x ragna OTP

She still loves Ragna, even when her memory of him is completely wiped out

most likely deviantart but link me the artist fam

My main issue with SF4, like a few anons have mentioned, is how sterile the game is. The focus system pretty much neutered zoning and made just about everything safe if you had meter. which is actually what I liked about SFV, it forces players to commit to what they're doing without a "safety net" so to speak. It just kills that by eliminating defensive options and dialing up the damage Not to say I didn't have fun with SF4, just it's flaws bothered me enough to where I really didn't enjoy the game enough to keep playing it.
Seeing an Omega SF4 tournament scene would be neat and it may even breathe new life into the game, but otherwise I've had my fill of SF4.

No arguments there

I don't have a problem with the rachel pairing but there are many problems with that kind of relationship, rachel is so much older and wiser and ragna is at heart just a 20-somethings dude, it would never work out.

also tao is much cuter imo. :^3

"artist" is yours truly

Shit yeah. But we all know the REAL version of USF4 is USF4 Remix which is totally balanced and fine.

Apparently Rev2 20$/€ upgrade doesn't contain Deluxe version DLCs, but 40+$ base version does. Nothing unexpected, good thing I bought Rev1 Deluxe in December. The bad thing is NO PLAYABLE ROBO-KY

the absolute madman

As much as I'd love to see a SF4 Remix tournament scene, there's no way it would happen because Capcom wouldn't be able to take credit for it, they can't have that.

Welp, guess I still won't be using Dizzy and whoever.

Fucking why didn't they do what they did for Sign and make the DLC characters free if you bought it week 1. I'm still pissed that I got the dlc free on PSN but I have to pay for it on Steam

As I said before, just buy the other fighting games that are coming out instead of supporting these practices by ArcSys. You have plenty to choose from.

You might even like Tekken 7 or KoFXIV more than Xrd.

That sucks, I only have the base version of Rev1. Guess I'll just stick with KoF XIV and see if the dlc goes on sale during the summer sale

I'll have to wait on KoF to see how the port is, and I don't know if I want to pay 60 dollars to have everything. At that point I might as well buy Rev2 and the missing dlc. My computers are too shit to run Tekken

So that means people who get the upgrade still need to buy Raven, Dizzy etc?
I don't have any Xrd title so this doesn't particularly affect me but I'm not all that surprised by this kikery. They wouldn't stop foisting disc only updates if they didn't find a better shekel shakedown. Even without that, if they do this model of regular digital updates of 2 characters + 2 stages, people will probably end up coughing up for money for the whole thing. Either that, or next update, they'll go back to the usual disc only bullshit.

I was actually planning on buying and trying out XIV to see how the port is today even though I'm not a huge fan of how they're going about this. I won't be playing T7 any time soon because my graphics card is holding me and my main for as long as I remember isn't in.

Can't be as bad as CF's port, although that's been improving.

At the same time you could also say that not buying the new version of rev doesn't mean you can't play the old one.

Also get better computers holy fuck.

I want to know if something like this can run the following:
I'm a poorfag and I play fighters on a laptop from 2013. I don't even have my own fightstick.

Dubs confirm you won't. Maybe at least they'll have a heavy launch DLC sale so you might get Dizzy.

Yeah, we didn't get treated too well with Rev PC which is strange as -SIGN- was a great deal. While deluxe version means I get everything, I still got jewed even more than the typical fellow as I knew I will see my main doing awesome shit in the story mode because I watched it the story on youtube already. Despite that, Arcsys cockblock me and leave me displeased as he isn't playable anyway. I still hope for them to pull him out of nowhere like they did Susanoo as Robo-Ky would probably be the simplest character to make, but I know it's fucking unlikely. Maybe he will at least be the first paid DLC for Rev2, they're obviously going to happen and might even be already prepared as shown here

Nah, I like Xrd and me buying Rev2 is set in stone. It plays mostly like #RELOAD which is my favourite as I've sunk tons of time on wingdreams Reload version in the past, even making lots of my own colour palletes.
Anyway, already got Tekken 7 deluxe at the price of regular version on that site a good user linked, and I have no big KoF experience but I might just get it anyway because it exists. IF I get KoF 14, are there any characters a guy who mains the following would like?

I'd post my full template box list thing but I can't find it anymore.

That is not a laptop. That's a botnet you can fry eggs on.

You don't deserve video games.

No wonder you can't run anything when you got FBI looking over your shoulding and using half your RAM just to keep you under surveillance.
Please tell me you put your laptop on your actual lap. The burn scars would be hilarious.

Seems like it won't work for any of those, but you never know unless you try. Being good a fightans dont means you will need a fightstick, it's a meme

The only thing holding me back is the 960, and I'm not upgrading that anytime soon.

I'm so sorry. Compare your processor/graphics with the minimum and recommended specs and see how they stack up.
You don't need one for fightin

Didn't you post here around Rev1 or CF (uncertain which) release? I remember someone with a laptop with similarly insane temperatures in this thread. I know it's a laptop but this is too high man, get something done about that.

Disregarding that, Rev runs on unreal, maybe you could apply shit from that makes toasters run it. Compare specs he mentions with yours. CF should theoretically run but it's a weird port that's about to get patches improving it, so maybe buy on steam, refund before 2 hours if it works badly. No clue about KOF

I'd say Sylvie (electricity-base attacks), Kukri (teleports and overall shifty shenanigans), Antonov (brawler), Love Heart (mid range poker) and Yamazaki (DLC - mid range poker / brawler).

You fucking madman you upload your stuff anywhere?

Thanks for advice, I've watched their gameplay and Kukri, Love Heart and Yamazaki seem okay at a glance, but Sylvie and Antonov are far away from what I like. Basically what I like is not tier list placement, but more the character being fun, more-or-less straightforward and preferably cool-looking. I've also watched vids about Rock when folks here discussed about his inclusion as he came out on consoles and I'll give him a try too, the guy seemed fine in my book.

How is Melty Blood on steam?

Don't bother with the steam release. Just use the caster. Make sure you get the most recent version.!ccRylLbZ!-E9AZDSd_pm6PgVQ35z6QA

Trust me, tier placement had no bearing on my suggestions. As much as I like the game, the tier whoring is real. The patches alleviated that so I think the PC scene will probably have a lot more fun than the early PS4 days of Kyo, Iori, Kim, Nakoruru, K' and Robert fest.

Incidentally, I haven't seen where the DLC characters place.

Why everything in Injustice 2 looks so ugly? Holy shit.

It's an NRS game

They've made a million games since MK9 and they still don't understand how to animate anything.

Couldn't resist capping this one. I'm not an animator, but even I wouldn't tolerate crap like this.

Bruh do you even squat? Show me your gains bruh.
What the fuck Netherrealm?

Typical NRS animation + nu-DC overdone art direction with every character set to no-fun-allowed mode.
That said, I admit I like what they did with Brainiac and Jeffrey Combs' top notch voice work hits the ball out of the park.

NRS characters move like entry-level marionettes. There's no motion coming from the core or just about anything besides the attacking limb.
All the parts that don't involve the actual fighting are well animated, which makes this even dumber.

I think this is what bothers me so much, all the costumes that I had seen suck and looks like the ones in Batman vs Superman

I think Kenshi has an even worse low kick where he winds back one of his arms for a high five.

KOF XIV is your answer.

Add Nyotengu! Seriously.


Rachel is the best girl but Litchi x Arakune is the best pairing in the game.

Should I import UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late[st] now or wait for the localization?

If it's for PS4 sure.

Breakers is getting a port for the dreamcast at the end of the month. It's real.

Yeah, I'm not gonna dick around with overpriced PSN cards for the other versions.

I was interested in that but I'll just pirate it then because pic related

I don't think I'm ever going to attempt this in a real match, goddamn. How's the grind?

jesus christ, this is making me want to just get KoF.

It's pretty similar to the combo she goes for after hoop oki. With May you need to learn how to do dash rejump combos, but that's not too hard to learn. Remember to dash after you land the first j.SH or else you won't go far enough. You could also do j.KH land dash jump j.HDHD which might be more consistent. The only real hard stuff she has are lame loops (which are character specific) and inertia cancels (which become braindead in Rev2).

I'm absolutely new to fighting games and looking to get into them. What games are good to start with and what's a good fightstick to buy?

I'm eyeing KoFXIV and Rev2

Avoid while you still can.

But i'd say KOF XIV if you must choose one of those

Check out the stick thread in >>>/fighters/catalog

I'm pretty new to fgs too but I had a nice time learning GGXrd. It's simple to pick up but it has a lot of deeper stuff to learn. Ask other anons for their opinions though, since I'm just a shitter who hasn't played enough games. You can play just fine on pad if you're used to it/cheap, but if you're deadset on a fightstick I'd say just shell out the initial 150-200$ on an actual good product. Madcatz is dead so get a Hori stick, something from their RAP series. You can buy a cheap stick, but those are either tiny, terribly made, or both. If you're really cheap you could buy a cheap stick and mod good parts in there, but that might put you in the same pricerange of the more expensive sticks anyway. If you can, definitely try playing on someone else's stick to make sure you really want to make that investment.

The thing about those two games is that they're pretty niche. Guilty Gear seems to be gaining popularity recently but for both games you'll probably find yourself needing to join discords and taking a more active approach to finding matches online, which have pros and cons imo. I wouldn't let playerbase discourage from playing the game you want either way.

As much as people shit on it, Street Fighter V is a good game for a beginner and is by far the most active fighting game online. I'm not saying that means you need to start, but maybe keep it in your options. Also keep Tekken 7 in mind because that game is going to be fucking sick.

As far as arcade sticks go, it's worth investing in a good one because cheaper ones are just not going to be worth it.

If you're willing to drop $150, I'd say the Hori RAP 4 Kai is a great stick to start with:

Whichever ones you're interested in the most. So, Rev2 and KoFXIV in this case. Don't fall for the SF meme, any game can be suitable for beginners and will teach you fundamentals.

If you're serious about getting a stick: Either get a Venom arcade stick and mod it with sanwa parts, or get a HORI RAPv4/v5 series stick. Generally HORI and Qanba sticks with seimitsu/sanwa parts are all really good. Don't skimp on an arcade stick, or you'll regret it. Just keep in mind arcade sticks are not a mandatory input method for fighting games at all. Many great players simply use a pad.

I managed to pull that off finally and decided maybe trying to do these when tired is a bad idea. I'll have to look into what's up with her Rev2 changes along with Jam since for some reason I don't mind her anymore.

Jam went back to being a fucking gorilla in Rev2, the damage she can shit is amazing.

The biggest change is her ensenga which will not knockdown midscreen anymore. The first hit basically blows them back hella far away now. You get a kd but no oki if you don't land the second hit. You'll have to do trade damage for knockdown now, unless you can carry them far enough into the corner (which isn't too hard with May) or if you can do lame loops. The rest are just QoL changes: 6H/IK doesn't have the deadzone in the hitbox anymore. Inertia cancels are much easier to do now. You recover earlier from OHK so you can actually get a combo when your back is facing the corner now. The invuln on 6P stays when you charge it.


Any SoCal KOF XIV players on here?



Thanks for advice as it was correct in many parts, I've got KOF14 PC beta and so far of the small part of the roster I tried I've enjoyed Love Heart, Meitenkun and the guy with hands. Kukri is okay too. Yamazaki simply didn't click.

Is it just me or are charge moves in KOF much easier than in other games like GG/BB? Meitenkun actually seems tolerable unlike May and I usually fucking hate charge moves and charge characters. It's either that KOF is simpler or I got better over time somehow

Charge time is shorter in KoF. A competent Leona will look like a motion character.

Charge time in KOF is the same as GG as far as I know it. 30frames for both while in Street Fighter is 60.

I've meant headphones, Shin'el or something.

So maybe I got better? Or maybe I didn't. Probably the latter.

I'd love to fight DSP but he only plays the shittiest games frequently

7m in and I can't stomach this any longer. He's just completely insufferable to listen to.

We can only hope he runs into Cerulean again.
Post results.

I agree with DSP but for some reason I could listen to LTG bitch all damn day.

Ok then.



No thanks.


Good thing I can't pull off 360s to save my life.

Is there any PC version of BB that isn't hopelessly broken? I wanted to play with friends but the version I have on Steam crashes if you connect another controller.

I play neither games so what does this say about me as a person?



sorry I don't get what you're saying


You only count the letters with stars on them.

damn, you got me with that

Here's the uncropped photo, just for reference. I get why that guy didn't post it, but all the same, context matters.

Accurate on both accounts and even elegantly joined into two, though I do not really play Sol, prefer I-No to him and it would've definitely been a straight Robo-Ky if he was on the damn list.

I claim that you are a man who prefers intimate company of other men, and it was confirmed by numbers. You're just like everyone else here, in other words. That pic I've saved because it was shitty and made me laugh

Is this chart correct?

I play Sin in Xrd and I got Kokonoe. I've never played BlazBlue before, so what does that say about me?

I got Millia (from the demo, I fancied myself more of a Raven player and even that was a surprise for me; that or continue playing Faust)

Ditto. Watching LTG rage is actually entertaining; I'd say it's because of his arrogance. DSP constantly whines and already expects things to blow up in his face.

Now there's a classic.

Personally, I wouldn't recommend Sylvie, Hein, KoD or Maxima to a beginner.
I started with Luong and fared relatively decent (though I never took advantage of MAX mode cancels and I feel that's her strong suit).

The only thing I agree with is red ones being bad for beginners since they're very unconventional compared to the rest of the roster

Man he must have been sorely disappointed.

Is there any KOF character that doesn't rely on huge combos? I'm terrible at those. Also GG appears to be like that to.

Why not just practice combos?

There's GG characters that convert a lot of damage off of single hits or short strings rather than long combos, but optimal damage for everyone will still be learning their combos.

I don't know how short you're talking about but you can do some pretty damaging one meter combos with Sylvie, Maxima and Geese
Ralf, Tung, K' and Meitenkun too but you gotta put in a bit more work.

GG has gatlings, which allow you to cancel lighter attacks into heavier ones. This inherently makes a lot of combos pretty easy, but there are characters like Faust or Ky who have very simple combos.

But why would you let that affect you? Combos are fun, dude.

Grapplers. In fact, every guy in KoF that is HUGE, probably doesn't rely on combos.

None of those games are SF so all of them will have "low pop" after two weeks. What a bullshit argument against getting a fighting game, fuck right off with that.

"We want the Capcom battered housewife audience."

I chockled.

fock off m8

It's turning into a real clusterfuck :^)

I want whatever site you upload these to rn
Hey guys, I heard you like damage control!

Watching SFV slowly cave in on itself and die is extremely gratifying. I hope Capcom announces SFV6 within a year just as an extra insult to the fanboys that claim this was supposed to be the last one forever.

I told ya these niggers were gonna double down. E-celebs are probably getting paid to shill SFV and hold the fort until MvCI is out and the battered housewives do it for free.

No way. We're talking about nips here, so the designated sacrifice is gonna give their stockholder overlords the whole spiel about most dishonaraburu failure,
taking all the blame without actually looking into what they fucked up. Then it's another 5 years of fucking nothing and Capeshit VS Capcom: Indifferent.

Man, these release names are getting weird.

didn't Poongko say fuck it and switch to Tekken 7 and KoF?

Its just like DmC all over again.

Nah, they'll launch a SFV Free to play edition and then push MvCI super hard before making a Super SFV or SF6

I didn't even notice.
Still not as wacky as AIRDASHER 17rd. theta aleph Null Ph4ntasmag0ria R7verse Edicióne.


After SF4, I've learned not to listen to the faggots who tell me that the expansion actually fixed anything.


All they had to do for SFV was take out focus and add parry. How was it so fucking difficult?

At this point in time, I'm expecting one button supers and QTEs to avoid dying.

I look forward to the next "dark age" like pre-SFIV.


I studied journalism for two years at college. I have a diploma in honest reporting. Watching people eat up this sludge, and that's the only word for it, and then ask for seconds is fucking disgusting. The sad thing is, he's probably too fucking stupid to realize what he's doing - people are so addicted to their phones and social media accounts that these 20-word non-arguments are what they think human conversation sounds like. He likely truly believes what he's writing: that's the real sickening shit here.

Most people don't even consider the idea of the media not telling you the whole truth all the time, and they act insulted when you so much as imply otherwise. This behaviour is understandable, given the alternative is admitting all your worldly information may be full of shit, but no less contemptible. I don't like having to admit the lunatics at the Toronto Sun may have done more honest investigation than the Globe and Mail on a given subject, but it's uncanny how otherwise smart people will hiss when you imply the media got something wrong.

Fuck video games.

"We want the Wario Ware audience."


user pls don't make me beg.

If a Super SFV comes out the damage control from capcomdrones will be off the charts.
All that time they defended the game saying "at least they never did a Super/Ultra version!" would be for nothing

>mfw if you buy Super SFV you get all the DLC characters and costumes for free with it.
And the best part is the game will still be shit. I want it to happen so fucking bad.

Don't know. Last I saw of him, he played Kolin.


Pretty Accurate. If I played GG more I probably would play Elphelt, just for the unblockables with the rife and grenade. BB was on point, apart from Nine I've played all those characters at some point and Rachel is my main.


here on Holla Forums, user. There's also an XPS thread on >>>/vp/ where I post some (and lewder) things, but I neglect my duties there. Inspiration comes sporadically.

Do you take requests?

yeah, but I'm a terribly unreliable deliverer. Best take the off topic discussion elsewhere >>>/vp/2858

Oh it's on topic. Angel and Mai getting flirty with it in front of Andy because he's a huge fag who keeps turning Mai down. Think you could deliver?

i want one of angel growing a huge donkey dick and assfucking andy in front of mai

Fuck you I was first.

my taste in porn is superior, therefor he should do my request first

So how's everyone's training going? I've been meaning to improve at Xrd, but I haven't touched in weeks because Steam fucking hates my IP and apparently the only solution involves repeatedly temporarily opening my modem to everything on the internet in order to connect to a room, which still probably wouldn't give me a decent connection.

Anyway, I'll know how bad I am tomorrow when I go to the local university club. What about you guys? Any breakthroughs or setbacks?

No one cares faggot.
I wish I could get better at GG, but I spent some time in the lab with Mai in KoF ad I think I'm getting somewhere.

After years years of ignoring her, I've decided to learn how to play Vice. God damn she feels a lot weirder than the characters I usually roll with

SFV cant die fast enough.

I'll be patiently wait for the class-action lawsuit against Capcom

I'm having a dilemma with Xrd at the moment. I really like how Baiken looks in the game but much prefer her old guard cancels, doesn't help that she seems kinda bad at the moment too.

In general I feel like I need to play more people online, I only get to play people irl every fortnight or so at locals and even then only a couple guys play BB and I only have like two other guys to play AH3 with.

She's a reads-based character, I practically guarantee that Month 1 Baiken is going to be better than Week 1 Baiken, Month 3 Baiken is going to be better than Month 1 Baiken, etc. Not into infinity, but she'll be appreciably better as people settle in. I've already seen some vicious bullying with her and that was Mikado footage before the demo came out.

I'd rather it be F2P and have Chunners in the package. Even then, it would be a very big "if".

I'd rather have my package in Chunners for free, if it's very big.

Man, sometimes I see art of her that just makes me sit back and thing to myself about how good it is. This is one of those.



i think i know exactly what this says about me

moonmen seem to think she's solidly mid-tier. you just have to do certain things differently and be a bit more predictive

i've been practicing king's wavedash out of pure autism i probably wont even play him in 7
once my ps4 shows up im gonna start putting more time into xrd. kinda tempted to get back into tvc and relearn all the doronjo gimmicks while the tournament series is still happening. there are too many games all of a sudden.

akiman understands the thicc

Jesus fuck



>tfw I actually do like Lambda-11

I'm trying to get into KoF and have the beta. Checking out some trials. I wanna play some dudes online, but either the netcode is straight ass and I can't play a game without disconnecting/the match playing at slideshow pace, or it just doesn't werk on my machine.

As for fightans in general, It's crazy just how decent I've gotten in such a short span of time. I picked them up a year or two ago and I've always thought fighting games were just one of those genres that I won't enjoy or would never have any proficiency with. My execution definitely needs work and I have a tendency to mash the buttons I need for a combo several times. I'm glad I picked them up, this genre has some fucking rad games with cool characters, styles, and allows for some of the hypest moments out of any other genre.

I save all kinds of webms if they're interesting. There was a Venom player here a while ago who posted some cool stuff.

I'm glad I stopped paying so much attention to Melee since it was warping my perception of fighting games. Learning Xrd has been a blast even if I barely have anyone to play it with.


The Crusades were justified? Get that ass banned!

I don't get it.

Shotos are meant to be graduated from, so don't join my room if you're gonna play a shoto.

Low Tier Ackbar?

Yeah, that list is full of shit.

Sylvie is one of the more straightforward character you can get. Simple execution, moves that has clear purposes, great air CD, good antiairs commands, an invincible Super that can be comboed into itself next to the corner and other that can work on any juggle with great range.
Her problem is that she has stubby normals but her moves fills the gauge pretty fast.
Rock is pretty straightforward too but his garou cancels and counter might be counter intuitive at beggining. Shun'ei is a begginer friendly too and the new MC. He's still good even with all the nerfs since the Demo version.

Nakoruru, Mian, Choi and Chang are more poke-heavy characters than focused on combos. But even zoners like Athena and King are also able to do a lot of damage up close doing a MAX cancel combo.
On the other hand, combos in XIV are pretty simple compared to the likes of 2002(UM), XI and XIII. You just usually follow the (jump C/D ->) C/D -> command move -> special move and super. With MAX cancel, you press do the MAX activation during the normal or the command move and loop back the previous motion so you can do EX versions of special moves with different properties like juggles or more hitstun.

user, do you even know what Clark, Vice, Goro Daimon and Antonov are capable of?

Well, fightans are more execution friendly now than in the 90's/early 2000's. After you get more better in execution, try some older gems like 3rdStrike, Real Bout series, Last Blade and ArcSys games.

This guy is retarded(from the last thread) but KOFXIV on Steam IS expensive depending on the region you are. In Brazil it costs 50% more than SFV and MKXL and only hardcore players will get the game while others will pirate and play online their pirated versions while casual and new players will be put off until a good sale (myself included). It's not a SNK thing since price varies a lot here. For example, Tekken 7 will be released at almost triple the price of SFV, the same as their console price that is fucking retarded for the people here but this is just regular bandai namco stuff.

I started playing Xrd after some anons recommended it last thread, and I'm enjoying it. I immediately started playing Faust, and the comedy and simple combos gels with my tastes pretty well. Disappointed by the lack of Bridget, though.

I've also been trying to learn some combos for Superman in the first Injustice, but the timing on them seems pretty awkward. I'm pretty new at this shit, so that's probably just the inexperience talking, though.



Think like a 3D game not a 2D one


These are spot on and have every character I'm interested in (except Faust), but I haven't played Revelator so I don't know if I'd like Jam and Haehyun yet.

Just fuck my shit up fam

The thing is, something happen between MK 9 and 10 inside NetherRealm. I think WB got a real hold between the development of the two games, and maybe, they forced nether do deliver MK X before SF V. When you see the differences between the two games in menus and animations, you know something was fucked up in the development of 10. They did much better in 9, probably,because the game was developed with much more freedom.
What happened here also hints to that. Nether wanted to show that ass. They did it and made sure it's in the past trailers and videos, but, when the game was launched, something changed. That wasn't Nether, that was WB. They are doing to Nether what EA did to Visceral. We will see how long they last.

The fuck is wrong with that blazblue one? I hate Izayoi and Kokonoe is too gimmicky for me.

I wish this had happened because I have a morbid curiosity for what new depths of degeneracy SF4 could have reached with parries to work into the eight layer deep OS metagame.

Well that just means you gotta keep on practicing until you get the muscle memory needed to git gud.

It's been a year since I learned how to play fgs for real and I feel I'm ready to graduate from Ky. Should I play Dizzy or Venom, I can't decide which one will let me pretend like I'm playing Hisoutensoku

Love everything about the character, but I still can't seam to work my mind around her playstyle

Sounds about right
The hell?

I'm still struggling on whether or not to focus on either Jam or May, or go back to El. I'd also like to give Baiken a try pure to spite a friend but that's still a week and then some away. I think I've settled on who I want to use in CF but that's probably going to die for sure by then and I'll have to join some group for that. Normally I'd say it sucks that the scene here pretty much left, but all they did was play SFV and Marvel.

Just downloaded KoF14 beta.
Is there a way to turn off this autocombo horseshit?

Nah that's just in the game, it's never optimal though so you'll never use it.

this is missing something but I think I got the essential part


Playing KOF14 is so nostlagic. When's Shermie?

Has a wrestler ever been top tier in any game?

Does Angel count? If so, 2002.

Go on.

No, use it as a way to finish off opponents with less than 10%~20%. The only problem is characters with mashable punch moves like Chang but you can alternate A and C to get the move to come out faster anyway.

King's been top tier before, hasn't he?

A. King was high/top tier (depending on who you ask) in the first TTT

SFV Zangief

Not until KoF XV, she doesn't get resurrected until after Verse's defeat

Make them kiss.

two girls kissing? but that's super lew- oh…

Those trips compel me, so stay tuned.

Fuckin based.

Well hot damn

Well, fug. Now you got me tempted to bother you for a Luong. Something simple, doesn't have to be lewd. If you feel inclined, no biggie if not.

Polite sage.

Good one m8

This is why smash isn't a fighting game.

Good job, user. Keep going.

hahaha no

I need this in my life right now.

So this is how SNK is saving gaming hu?

What? ARMS or smash?


Eh. I'm a vanilla kinda guy. Also interesting that when the subject is smut, there's Luong fans all of a sudden.

t. the Luongfag

The Twintelle thirst is real.

Get used to it mang, it happens with any female fightan character. and some male ones too

The autists "analysis", of courshe.

It's an analysis regardless of what the title says
And then I stopped watching because a character like that is obviously meant to bait throws, and you tech by attacking back. He also has the highest damage throw in the game according to jap tournament footage, so he's more or less the grappler with both things in consideration.

I actually played Noel
before i gave up on fighting games

T-this is too lewd, p-please stop.

Well, so you can amplify or reduce damage if you press buttons at the right time in Injustice 2. That's not bad.

the fuck? this isn't Mario RPG

So is InJUSTice 2 any good?

Thanks for sharing this gem.

I think that's kinda cool actually.

I'm surprised this is a thing. Only other fighting game I think has a thing like this, for the defender anyway, is Melty.


It really infuriates me people like these can't have their tongues cut out for being fucking retards.

It's good, but you better wait a sale, get used, or better yet, wait the GOTY next year.

It's the best NRS fighting game although that isn't saying much, just pirate it and play casually with friends or wait for the eventual "GOTY" edition

I doubt its better than Mortal Kombat X with the Kombat Pack 3 expansion pack

Besides the fact that it's another NRS turd, no game is worth that price tag.

I read on Kotaku that it's better than Mortal Kombat X with the Kombat Pack 3 expansion pack

There's no stopping the retarded masses.

You've seen lewd, but are you ready for

That's next and last for this evening. But first a sauna sprölölö break. So there's time to give more details if you wish.


I want your mämmi on my perkele.

Make them cuck Alice.

You got any Guilty Gear models in your program or is it just SFV, MK, and KoF?

I can't imagine any Xrd character looking decent without the custom shaders and lighting that Xrd has.


It's a very wide variety of games and not just fighting games. New and popular ones tend to get more models ported, so games Overcuck have loads (I'm not complaining, the models are nice). I don't think there's any Guilty Gear models though.

Can't make Alice not look like a potato.
I'm done for today. Maybe I'll be back another day.
Polite sage.


I'd go with Leona instead of Alice but I'm not one to look a gifted horse in the mouth. Thanks.

Maybe Leona tomorrow?


That anime was a simple disappointment. But when's VF5FS for PC/PS4?

If that user isn't lying; After Vanquish the next sega port will be Shenmue and then VF5:FS after that

They're not terrible, I guess.

why is virtua better then tekken?

and by that I mean why is the best virtua game which I assume is 4 better then the best tekken game which i assume is 5. because I know tekken has had some bad games

I know Tekken 4 was bad, but I remember hearing that Tekken 6 was bad also. Why was that?

don't you change the subject
its about my question not yours


Fuck it no Zappa no buy

I got my copy of Central Fiction in the mail last week. Been doing tutorials since the last BlazBlue I played was Continuum Shift Extend. I had a list of 5 characters a friend suggested I should look at for mains and I think I'm going to go with my heart on this one and focus on Tsubaki. This little internet survey has sealed that.

I like Bang but I think I liked old bang more where getting seals led to FRKZ and not his new Overdrive mode which shortens the duration unless I wait until I'm almost dead. I will revisit him when I get more comfortable with the game. I'll admit I wanted to play him more for the hype of his moves than any particular interest.

Litchi looks fun but I can't into Staff-off at the moment and it just feels like her reach is too short. She's someone I will revisit as well.

Hazama, and Terumi are equally interesting. I like the ideas behind both of them.

Celica and Tao are solid, I'll look into them later. But nothing really wowed me about them.

Basically I have a lot of lab time and soul searching before I start trying to get online and play matches.

never ever but ps3 emulation is actually getting almost usable

tekken and vf do different things well honestly



Has BB:CF on PC unfucked itself yet? Or is Arcsys too lazy to fix it still?

I prefer the descriptions from the original

Laban dominated Northwest Majors 9. Used Xanadu for the lulz.

It's still in the process of getting unfucked.

Virtua Fighter is more technical and a deeper fighter with a more robust system (you'll rarely see unpredictable crazy shit happening in VF), the characters in the roster are more distinct, that is to say that each character really does play differently and there are no clones like in Tekken (Jacky and Sarah are a bit similar, but not to the extent of f,N,d,d/f+2 characters) and ultimately, VF is more balanced and their games overall are more balanced, even if you compare them with Tekken 5:DR which was the most balanced Tekken and even if you factor in Akira, but he is balanced by the fact of how demanding of a character he is to learn and play, I remember I took a break from VF for just a week and when I went back I was already dropping easy shit with Akira. If you wanna look at stuff that's a bit unrelated, customization is better in VF4:EVO than in T5 (5's is even better than any Tekken's customization) and Quest mode is basically the BEST singleplayer mode in any fighting game, a lot of the times you won't believe you're actually playing the AI and not actual players.

6 wasn't really bad, it was just mediocre, I think a lot of it has to do with the bound system and the fact that the game was unbalanced as fuck, Bob himself was both broken and easy as fuck to play, making about half the roster completely obsolete.

I just pre-ordered Tekken 7. How much did I fuck up?

Also did the same with KoF 14 and will buy Rev2 when available on PC.

Like the earlier drawings for Drarin, I drew some expressions for Sachi. This is so that our rigger can use blendshapes to make her model more expressive.

Yeah sure you're totally a fighting game player bro. Didn't just hastily google research this to make a joke or anything, no sir

I know that Whip's whip but it looks like a tentacle…

It depends. How much did you spend on it? If you didn't get it on sale at then I'd say you fucked up. But no worries, steam has a refund ability. Unless you got it on console

Goddamn, that's the worst display of taste I've seen in a good while.

Amazing summary of the game in a series of pics. Expecially the last one.

OK, so, you have a character that have a with Stimulating Fists of Annihilation?

*Ape Escape. Heh.***

webm or no watch

Xrd in my DoA?


Don't want to. No webm, no watch.

well now you're just being lazy.


Why did Valle have to go full retard during the Chun-li fiasco in SFV and jst go full damage control?

Express your support for Hugo in MVCI. Maybe he'll appear there if Capcom listens.

Also, what did Valle do regarding SF5? I didn't hear anything.

Almost as bad as Hugo in SFV. Hugo doesn't deserve this, you heartless cunts.

Nah. Regarding Valle with SFV though, there was a time when Chun-Li was just fucking broken, and people were demanding a patch because her standing HP managed to outreach Juri's cr.HK and it was fucking retarded.
So instead of being reasonable and agreeing that Chun should be fixed, Valle jumped right on the boat with LIJoe and all the other faggot pro players and went full blown damage control. He was saying that Chun is fine, and basically was just shy of calling everyone who complained a retard.

On the one hand I really think Hugo would be fucking amazing in a Marvel game, considering all the crazy stuff he had in USF4 and Omega SF4. On the other hand it's MVCI.

Well, he's getting up there in years. Maybe he's turning senile.

Crap, forgot the vid.

This is getting sad

I think he was joking about this but, yeah, I know how you feel.



Just noticed I completely went over this. Sorry.
Would have asked for something simple like those Mileena or Samus ones but never mind.

It's just like one of my chinese girl cartoons!

Deluxe pack comes with a digital artbook that includes the new characters. Just want to say I hope some kind soul is wiling to share. (I'm a total leech when it comes to these things, yeah.)

I've liked watching some high level NRS stuff over the last few years but I've noticed the animations are always a little wonky or floaty, can't quite put my finger on it, but blocks and stray hits look really weird. Injustice 2 seems to suffer from this more although I haven't seen much of anything that could be called higher level play at this point yet.

Will new uniel have ps3/4 cross play?
Looks like Examu is hiring people to get ready for for Six Star's PC port and AH4

I'll probably do it if you don't mind it being uploaded to mediafire or sadpanda

Yeah it has ps3/4 cross play, it's just the vita versions can only play with other vita copies

USFII: The Final Challengers confirmed shit.
please use
wew lad

There are some scans of the physical artbook but they're still not the ideal quality. Understandable since I guess nobody wanted to take one for the team and dismantle the book for scanning.

Meanwhile, Falcoon seems to be drawing all the characters like in the old days when he was just a fan artist and everybody liked him.

It's not fucking hard to archive

You might call me an autistic retard and you wouldn't be wrong but there's something that's really bothering me. I'm planning on buying silent buttons for my arcade stick and thought that it would be a neat idea to have buttons in the same colors that Guilty Gear uses since that's the fightan game I play the most. However, I realized that GG's color scheme doesn't correspond to the button layout on my stick (see image) and so I'd have to decide whether to use that one anyways or rather the technically correct Playstation button colors. Which one do you think would look better?

The GG scheme. Also, exchange P and K, you fucking savage.

You shouldn't even be looking at the buttons on the arcade stick, so it doesn't even matter. Besides the correct button layout for GG is obviously
P - S - D - []
K - H - [] - T

This really reminded me of the great redesigns he used to do. And I always liked his art, hell, KOF MI2 and MIA are some damn fun games. It's funny how Midway/Nether and SNKPlaymore were willing to risk more with their fighters in the PS1/2 era, while Capcom kind of abandoned the genre during the 128bit years. One whole generatiin without a new SF, RS, Vs. DS, PS…

But he was in an X game already! Frankly, I like more when Capcom bring weird, unknown characters to those games. Hell, even new ones were great. But, not this time. Hugo could be a good Final Fight representative, even better if he really tagged with Poison, and you could also have Poison tagging with Hugo.

The control scheme I'm using feels the most natural when doing gatling combos and it fits the display in training mode.

I don't know how you're even supposed to play without knowing where the buttons are. It's just for looking nicely, I wasn't going to use it as reference.

I dunno nigger just buy some coloured stickers of similar size and leave the actual buttons blank so you can change that shit as you wish.

Use the force Luke. See with your mind's eye. Seriously, I mean it.

T7 practically beats the shit out of this in terms of content. But Japanese don't let a gorillian rapefugees in so screw that, let's praise man-jaw: the game that has a bunch of try-hard cutscenes and shitty costume options.

Hell, even Blazblue games and Xrd have a lot of content with those crazy challenges.

But yeah, for that price, no one can recommend the game. At least you can turn off Udon's sprites for the characters AND for the stages.
I chuckled.

Oh boy, get ready for KOFXIV levels of backlash

The weird part? Midway MKs on PS2/XBOX Era were one of the most content full fighters at the time. Very close to VF4 or Tekken 5. But it went downhill with MKvsDC. And they never recovered. But they still delivered more than Capcom, both in SF4 or 5.

Honestly I wouldn't mind AH4 being 3D if it looked like that pic but more polished.

Rev2 is already there as an upgrade, base price of Rev is also significantly lowered. Still, there's also 5 other new DLCs.

On another note tried Sylvie out and she really is fun.

Nothing like setting the bar low to make turds shine

I fucking hated Sylvie when she was first reveal, but then she ended up being my favorite new character,

That's true, but I would not call SFIV turd. It was made by a company that were kind of starting again in the genre. And MK9 was a really complete package. But it could be better. But tthings went weird after that. TK6, MKX, SFV, SCV, MvsC3…

Another character for Rev2 is almost confirmed, hopefully soon or immediately. I've found the pic on steamforums, seems legit to me. If it was a normal company it'd certainly be Robo-Ky, Zappa, Gabriel or Ariels, but after Answer and Kum Haehyun I wouldn't be surprised by highly demanded characters like Randy or Ramlethal's dog.

The fact SNK gives a shit combined with how hype KoF can be compared to SFV gives me hope it'll kill it.

I'd be kind of worried if a beta test for a game didn't receive any patches, user.



Can you really call it a beta when the "beta" was better than the actual release?

My dude, that shit didn't just stay in beta, it went back to alpha.

People honestly believed ArcSys was going to tone down the kikery.

Gotta save what people actually want to sell the next expansions.

Doubtful. Look at . Shills put out a damage control piece and the battered housewives double down on the mantra.


This will always be the case, but you have to consider the ratio of battered housewives to reasonable individuals. When I was at Absolute Battle last year, USF4 only had one console, and one TV, but it was the most crowded of all the TVs in the bonus room. Everyone lowkey agreed that SFV was boring, and when the KI tourney ended and it was time for SFV, have the audience went home for the night.

Ironically, the game probably would have been way better if it'd taken inspiration from Alpha.

I meant half, fuck me.

The SFV Beta received patching too, though.

RIP in pie, Keijo.

Please Lien for second DLC pack

More people need to be aware of things like that because if only the FGC shills get to speak on the matter, they'll keep foisting the idea that the game is successful and stronger than ever. Like msm reporting on poll results as a demoralizing tactic.

High level Dorothy play.

Even on twitter I've seen people making a mockery out of SFV, the incompetence behind the server team, and every time people defend it now, it's the in thing to mock them. At this stage, I think it's a meme to make fun of SFV and anyone who defends it, which ultimately is a good thing.

Maryfags forever BTFO

Thing is, even with all the mockery, the FGC seems hesitant to take the next step and migrate en masse to another title. There always seems to be some excuse to stay with SFV (not wanting to play NRS games because of furfag cancer is perfectly valid though).
Honestly, I just want SNK to catch a break. I think they've handled things really well so far though I might agree that the DLC characters are pricey and burgers got fucked extra hard but I think that's on Fatlus.

Give it time. Right now, the FGC is basically being run by boomers (Valle, the chink, etc), and boomers are well known for being completely unable to move on from old ways, even if moving to new ways would keep tradition in place. I say give it time, let SNK and Harada keep it up with Tekken and KoF, while less popular titles like GG come out into the limelight, and soon SFV will just be "that game".

Capcom gives out those sweet ass $$$

Wishful thinking. It's a Capcom fighter and SF at that. The FGC is too cucked by Capcom to actually move on. Not to mention there's people out there that actually enjoy the game, crazy I know.

I would main Ariels in a heartbeat.

I'm not even sure if other companies meeting those cash prizes would change anything. People are so set in their ways but the few people that do speak don't do anything about it. Didn't Infiltration or someone actually talk about issues SFV had and ask them to step up their game?

He did voice most honoraburu and humble criticism. Didn't stop him from taking e-sport dick. I bet his wife nagged him for more gook shekels.

That's the key phrase. They're competing with Kakuto Chojin.

I love Sylvie's jazz hands victory dance

KOFXIV won't kill SFV. Just play the shit out of it and have fun.

KOF will never kill any game as long as its mainly a 3v3 title. Most people don't want to bother learning 3 characters.

How does it feel knowing Western videogames are more cucked than comic books?

Sucks for the people that play them.

There's "capcom take notes" on eventscrubs

Makes me wish KoF XIV didn't cut taunts, just imagine what her's would be like based on all her other taunt-like animations

I'm cool with that. We can have a strong scene without killing other games. I hear we might get a load of chinks and hues with the PC release. I doubt it'll have a real impact on US/CAN/EU population.

Agreed. I feel like her Climax could be better too.

I don't know anything about KoF, but I want to try it out. No one I know plays it, do I just have to get bopped on Fightcade until it feels fun?

The only characters I want now are Robo, Ariels, and A.B.A. To be honest, I would probably play Ram's dog, he's already a better character than her, a shame he died

There's a guy at my local Magic store who's also into fightan, and he's been playing for ages. Quite good, too; made it into day 2 of Canada Cup for P4A back when that game was new, if that says anything. He's played many games, even really obscure meme ones, but somehow he loves SFV and refuses to play Revelator because "Slayer and Potemkin are low tier." He'll only start playing GG again when Rev 2 drops so he can play Baiken.

There are more SFV players (3 setups reliably) at the local university club than GG players (1 setup, maybe), and the only other games are Blazblue (2 setups reliably) and a couple guys who show up every full moon to play what I assume to be Melty Blood. People are weird.

>tfw krautcuck with shitty connection that's actually par for the course, in this shit hole
You burgers don't know suffering. I'm gonna buy it anyway, no matter how abysmal I am.

What if Baiken ends up being low tier as well?

Thank god that shitty Earth2 has finally ended. And if we can get Wally, Clark&Lois and motherfucking Jay back from the pre-new52, can we get old and fun PG back with Terra?
I'm glad she has the window and her personality is "thougher" than Supergirl. Of course I wish she could be taller and more muscular but she's just a skin so understandable. I just wish we could customize with gears like the regular characters because I rather have the one-sided cape and no leggings.

Well, the roms have training mode and arcade play to enjoy the stories yeah, I know to practice a little alone and create an emotional connection with the characters so you can hop online and be fucking destroyed by chinese, mexicans and hues. But good luck and have fun.

I think he may be interested in her for a couple other reasons.


Might be true. I asked him what he thought about SFIV, and he said that he felt SFV was better because in spite of all its flaws, combos actually did damage. I tried explaining that I felt SFIV was more interesting to watch and SFV's balance - and everything else, as you know - was pretty fucked, but he said he didn't really have a problem with it.

Is this chart accurate for helping newcomers get into UNIEL?

at that point you should just tell new players to choose anyone they like

The only black dot should be the nerd, and the red ones should be Hilda, notCarmine and maybe Jewpuncher, but only because he has it harder than everyone else.

I haven't played Xrd, but how is Kum haehyun as a character? He/She looks interesting. Is it a hard to use character?

It looks like it's coming earlier than they said it would.

I think she could be stronger, but she's definitely not weak. Her oki requires you to have proper spacing or you get blown up/it doesn't work as well. The only hard things to do execution wise is the kick loops, which are probably much easier in Rev2. No one really plays this character though, so I can't really judge her too much.

I forgot about arcade mode, I'll check it out I guess. What's the game to play, 2002?

Is this from that 3D mugen fighting engine? They're already creating elaborate replicas of girls from 2D games? I'm excited to see what else can be done.

what does Ivy smell like?

Her gatlings are weird (closer to street fighter than GG, apparently), and her projectile, along with the oki it enables, requires manual control while it's active. Very open-ended, but you'll be blown up if you mis-space anything. She also lacks meterless reversals, so you'll have a rough time with pressure.

you guys are starting to make it really hard to avoid comparing Xrd to SFV for their respective franchises. But Im trying to avoid it since it triggers people really hard.

user, nobody knows what she gets when she asks Faust for help.
Oh dear, however will I cope. Please spare me your typist's wrath, fair shitposter.

Well, '98 and 2002 are two different types of KOF. The first one is slower and hard hiting while the 2002 is full of crazy combos that requires execution depending on the character, Both are dreammatches without story. For team stories, '95~'97 is the first arc ('98 is a refined '97 in many ways) and '99~2001 if you're fine with the crazy assists/strikers but has super cancels and can do stronger supers. 2002 bring back meter burning but for special canceling and ditched the striker system.

2000 has a smaller following for the striker system and XI for the tag games. But XI doesn't have netplay.

Rev 2 Episode Mode cutscenes for the new characters are up.
>Happy Chaos?





rarely does someone in his position actually play games, they usually end up becoming movie aficionados like kojima


Thanks for proving me correct I guess.

If you're going to say something say it.

Literally said in that I wasn't. Stop being so triggered.


how thorough are the controller rebinding options on ps4? i've been trying some stuff with the psp versions of tekken and it plays so much better on pad if you use the shoulder buttons for movement. can you do that on ps4?

kum is the kind of character that slayer used to be where you do footsies into damage and then just run setplay and win. the projectile manipulation gives her some cool setups and situational shenanigans but you can be entirely successful just playing a a straightforward game. kum is very fun to watch at a high level imo.

are you comfortable with links?
your damage ceiling is highly reliant on your ability to do so

do you like playing honestly without heavy emphasis on big combos? play 98
do you like kusoge with weird gimmicky characters and 100% combos? play 2002
do you like waifus? play 2002

it's ef12 which is basically 3d mugen. the arcana heart girl is included when you buy it

Most likely her replacement in future installments after Rev/Rev 2, given how Rev's story ends

Try the PS4 demo

If you don't have people to play offline with then just wait dude. $60 for laggy online ain't worth it.

Antimony is prolific with these charts.


I'll try out both then. I assume '98 is closer to 14 then?

I don't have a PS4 sadly

Will Jack'o go full Ariels or something?

Classic Ky robes? I wonder how much they'll be.

Guilty Gear pricing on Steam. Rev2 upgrade 19$, Rev2 deluxe (contains Rev2 DLC) 25$, Rev2 base 45$, Rev2 with all DLC 60$. At least if I assume right because I can't into Nippon language.

Male characters in Skull Girls should power up whenever they see panties.

Who are considered the most brain dead characters in guilty gear?
I know Leo is for one.
I hope johnny isn't

XIV is somewhat of a fusion of XIII (as base) with '98 and 2002 mechanics and "feeling". Like, XIV is slower more like '98 but without its retarded hitboxes that are more in line with 2002 but not like XIII.
XIV also has cancels from normals and command normals by spending meter that create much bigger combos than '98 but not as hard as 2002/XIII or crazy like XIII.
'98 also has crazy damage output for normals during Advanced/Extra activation making characters like Chang and Ralf really scary and on the upper half of the tier list.

Reminder GG made it on Sportscenter.

Revelator Raven was notoriously braindead, to the point his unique mechanic didn't matter at all.