You never hear about LoL, HoN, Dota or that recent abortion that Blizzard has been trying to rework.
Is it safe to say that this genre has peaked, and is on the way out?
You never hear about LoL, HoN, Dota or that recent abortion that Blizzard has been trying to rework.
Is it safe to say that this genre has peaked, and is on the way out?
Overwatch is the new assfaggots
Nope, I have normalfag friends and they are still playing this crap although most of them seem to be showing more interest on Overcuck and that chinese knockoff by hirez.
This, also HearthStone
Assfaggots is sort of dead, but the players have moved on to overwatch.
Dead as in it's not pushed down everyone's throats and it's not the popular thing anymore, yes. But they're still played by millions
and that is for the games you listed. Overwatch clones are the new fad
I never got the hate for assfags
It's just a timekiller game you play when you have nothing to do for an hour or two
They're good solely if you play them in very short bursts. An hour every three days or so.
Anything more and you're setting yourself up for some shit.
A lot of the hate for it came from the fact they bring out the worst dunning-krugger out of the largest amount of people available.
This or alternatively if you don't really give a fuck if you win or lose anymore like I am. Mostly playing league because I got nothing better to do during that timeslot of the day.
Isn't that just TF2 clone cloning then?
Yes but overwatch is only half tf2 at best, any clones of it have nothing to do with tf2
You're wrong and retarded. ASSFAGGOTS are not even close to dead.
Sorry, bruv. I live in a first world country, not China.
Kill yourselves.
It's still popular.
Fuck off shitposter
Oh yeah, the game's fucking dead
Let this be your daily reminder that Holla Forums is still an echo chamber where all discussion, no matter how positive or negative, about certain games is impossible to have.
Game's shit btw, I don't want to trigger the same 10 retards that can't help themselves from shitposting and saging as soon as a moba is mentioned because someone might have a different opinion.
why not
it is declining according to your own chart
I dunno, maybe we could have… DISCUSSION about games?
Are we looking at the same picture
It'll go up again once an update or hat is released.
You don't hear about them because you're using Holla Forums as your primary vidya-news outlet, and this board has a pretty heavy disconnect from the rest of games media.
inb4 "back to cuckchan" for calling Holla Forums an echo chamber
This. I play Dota and I like Dota but it just can't be discussed here without threads descending into unhealthy shitposting (always lol p2w hats jews gaben etc). Dota is widely played and so is League and HotS, and even Smite has an audience. This genre is far from dead.
Yeah, but what about assfaggots?
Still can't fucking believe people are playing Hots and Smite
There's like 15 different options, I've seen better chinese mobas, what brings a man to play that shit over something else?
If you want to make a thread about shit games you can, but don't expect everyone to not call you a faggot.
Comparing to year 1 and 2 of the current year era. It seems to be on the decline.
That said, just playing MOBAs, yeah why not. Forcing it as the best thing that could ever happen to vidya: No.
I've tried HotS and it's not bad. It's just a form of Warcraft 3 custom map, really, it doesn't try to be the same as Dota. It's highly monetized, but at least it can be fresh, it's fun casual games, just like with WC3 custom maps.
It's an echochamber.
Go to reddit if you wanna talk about assfaggots, no one here wants to talk about it.
Except of course the people that do…
And shit like this is why Holla Forums is an echo chamber
Enjoy being underage user, I won't tell the mods, I swear
Fuck you're cancerous though
Except the people that do want to talk about it.
I don't use Holla Forums for anything but talking shop and talking shit. If I want news about games, I'll read the fucking news about games.
Rather, I've only noticed because I don't see much talk about the genre in many other places either. Even my normalfag friends don't play it anymore. Which is what made me curious.
Not dead, but definitely experiencing a dip in player counts, as you can see in the steam charts posted in and
Prize pool for The International is probably just a desperate grasping at relevance, if not from Valve then from Dota 2's whales.
I wish I was a whale, that new map skin is fucking gorgeous.
The problem is most of the time there's nothing to talk about
There's the international, if it's good this year, and not much else. People that try to discuss it on imageboards turn it into a little /vg/
Long story short the game shot itself on the feet and lost a major part of its players
LoL is dead and only seems relevant because of bots. Valve is trying really fucking hard to kill DOTA 2 and turn it into a soul less shekel farm. Blizzard is funneling Overcuck into hots with skin memes. Hon has been dead since forever.
There's as much to talk about Dota as any other game, like complaining about matchmaking, icefraud and discussing builds.
This user speaks the truth.
mate there's as much to discuss as it's always been. Matchmaking is shit, builds are always the same except for shit meme builds. Turning this into
is just a waste of time and catalog space
Ya' don't say
I hate Dota2, but I'll always love the porn that this genre shits out.
The last Dota thread someone made had to be heavily moderated, and the only discussion that was had in the entire week it was up was someone talking about a new cosmetic and someone else posting a screencap of a stat change. In the last year, i've only seen one person try to talk about League of Legends, and that guy ended up having his threads shut down an hour after creation because nobody was talking about the game. Saying people here should accept ASSFAGGOTS is like trannies trying to get "equal rights", a small minority bitching about others not accepting them and their degeneracy.
Isn't Saitama the ultimate casual?
Dlet this right now please.
Got exactly the same experience. Assfaggots aren't dead though. They are just not that popular with the normalfags anymore who rather play stuff like overcuck.
Its the same with all arcady games where you generally replay the same thing.
Good, it's called self moderation. You cancerous faggots aren't welcome here.
I reckon the last major update had a lot of discussion, but it only lasts for one thread. The threads made after the first one were just shitpost and porn. It really saddens me when someone makes a dota thread because I know it's just retards shitposting and giving everyone else a bad reputation
Steamcharts my dude.
Dota 2 is still the most played game.
I may of not liked Dota 2 but Spectre will always have a place in my heart
The steam chart is consistent with the observation that Dota 2 is starting to lose it, though, considering it now struggles to break past 1 million players where previously 1 million was a slow day.
See, this is why you're cancerous.
I don't play the game. I don't like the game. I don't even want to talk about the game.
I just think a community that prides itself in being "master of taste" shouldn't get horribly triggered and shut down discussions exclusively for the reason that a few people dislike the game. Especially with functions like hide thread available.
People like you are what makes this place so bad to talk about games.
Why do you fucking faggots insist on trying to change the place so it caters to your retarded tastes? If you wnt to talk about ASSFAGGOTS without being told 30 times that you're a retarded faggot with shit taste, you can simply go to reddit. Reddit loves sucking the cock of people with the shame shit tastes as theirs.
I guarantee that if they reverse everything until we reach Pre-Monkey King / Pitlord era DotA that number will skyrocket.
Nu-Dota is the most cancerous of its ilk, even more-so than S2/S3 League
Whatever you say, m8.
It's obviously not a few.
Then why don't you fuck off? You clearly don't like it here if you get triggered by shitposting in a fucking ASSFAGGOTS thread.
THey're popular and profitable.
Therefore every other fucking gerne will and does already try to implement their characteristics, sacrificing gameplay for profit more then it would've been otherwise.
And overwatch and probably the new quake will prove the model to work.
How the fuck do you not have an ulcer?
Fuck man, grow up
Missing the point completely, as any good shitpoister would.
7.00 sure did them in. I'm glad, the update was beyond terrible. it turned the game into an abomination that feels like some shitty mmo.
But gamergate generals are ok I guess?
You are missing the point retard, people in here just don't want to waste time talking about a game that they don't like. Besides, people are pretty suspicious of shills because we had them before
So whats bugging you? There is no mandatory post required. Its not like it leaks into other threads.
And yet they will waste time saging and shitposting threads about the same game for hours and hours.
Do you see the fallacy here?
Do you realise how fucking stupid you are?
Please tell me you do, I don't really have many more ways of saying this.
The genre reached its peak with Warcraft 3, when people were creating new and interesting maps that really pushed the boundaries of mechanics instead of 3-lane, 3-turret, 5v5. It's been downhill since.
What's that? Steam killed their game with monetized hats? Wow. What a surprise.
I'm glad Overwatch is contributing to the death of the genre. And I hate Overwatch.
Yes because that's how you stop shity threads, this is exactly what happened to the Fallout4 and Undertale threads
Is this sarcasm?
stick around, cuckchan
It opens up the gates for more cancer to seep in. You start with an ASSFAGGOT thread here, then a few days later some retarded summerfag decides to make a thread to praise the shit out of Fallout 4, eventually the cancer takes over and legit good games become more rarely talked about, until all the oldfags and people with non-shit tastes end up leaving. Then, you end up with reddit instead of Holla Forums. The cancer is already critical as is.
Fallout 4 is still memed constantly everywhere on this fucking board. Undertale stopped because people stopped caring.
Any more retarded shit to say?
We're talking about DOTA clones here, not class shooters.
oldfags dont leave because of things like that, thats just you
Read the last sentence. It is already goddamn near reddit as is without the fucking ASSFAGGOT lovers.
Explain what you mean by this, I havent seen a fallout 4 thread in a long time. In fact I have only seen some at release, are you telling lies again? You shouldnt tell lies
Just spam gore and the reddit will go away
How the fuck have you not left yet?
Fuck man, get a brain.
You are talking about how you don't like it here because people are vocal about their dislike for certain games, yet for fuck knows what reason you continue to visit this site.
Hell, if you think people shitting on others for their taste in games is cancerous then you never should have touched imageboards in the first place.
You talk about people shutting down discussion but if you weren't completely braindead you would notice that most anons shitting on ASSFAGGOTS make a single post and then move on, while the people that actually want to talk about the game are doing so without engaging the obvious shitposters. You can continue to whine and moan about shitposting but in the end you'll be damaging the thread much more than any other
poster with your soon to come (81) post tirade about "the cancer killing Holla Forums!".
TL;DR Kill yourself.
Oh wait I can see what you faggots are doing
Fuck off niggers
They share the same casual, low-skill, meta-oriented player base.
There was a thread last week about how to fix it with mods. This happens constantly, user.
oh the irony
Well then those thread die quick enough for me to not see them, was it filled with discussion about the game or just "its shit, mods cant fix it".
Maybe with LoL. You have to actually get into most DOTA clones, well at least DOTA itself.
That's why I try not to accept the "Holla Forums is already reddit" meme, it just makes others think they can shit it up even more.
Hey, at least i'm not trying to bring about a change that will never occur.
it was shitposted to death, as it should be.
Yes, shitposting, the way to make a board good
Guess what it was filled with?
Half of people discussing the flaws of the game and what would make it better, and half retards sperging out because someone mentioned Fallout 4.
Pretty much this thread
Well no, of course you aren't, your only goal is make this place even worse.
Even when I was a stupid teenager playing Dota on Warcraft 3 I understood basic premises like how you were meant to lane and had 'mains'. And the main things that have changed since then is only one person farms the lane and there's more passive gold generation.
Is talking about League of Legends supposed to make this place better? Because it's just introducing discussions that he average mouthbreathing normalfag will be drawn to, sinking this board even further into the ground.
You forget how far gone video game difficulty is. Even the Oddworld remake only has instant death on hard mode.
agreed. current dota is shit. i stopped playing after pitlord, tried it again during that talent patch garbage and uninstalled it after a single game.
In my opinion, shitposting is a double-edged sword.
Nice deflection though.
If you want to get rid of reddit cancer just spam gore you fucking newfag
I also knew how to move my mouse and click in Counter-Strike. I don't get your definition of skill. After 2000 hours I still can't play Invoker.
Well do so, see if it works.
It's worked since 2006
Only cuckchan mods banned gore
I don't know if it's banned here too
Careful what you wish for. The industry, like civilization, is in terminal decline. The same laziness and retardation with which the masses favored MOBAs over RTS will only drive them into the embrace of an even greater evil.
And get your own ass banned in the process for taking "Holla Forums with video games" seriously by posting gore.
You mean like the current situation?
Let's check the catalogue, shall we?
Wow, I have NEVER seen any of these games discussed here before. You must be right, by letting Dota and LoL not have threads here, the quality and originality of all the other threads goes right up!
How could I not see the error in my ways? Will god ever forgive me?
I have no idea why anybody would not want to discuss bad or flawed games. Those are, every time, the best threads, because people are actually discussing rather than circlejerking.
I remember one Dota thread that managed to actually stay up, I possibly had the longest and most in depth discussion about game design and flawed mechanics I have ever had in real life or on the internet.
Newfags be gone
Well okey. You won't be getting rid of me that way though.
Because there's nothing to discuss, these games have been talked about a lot and people are tired of talking about them so much, the only reason why they are brought up is because people from Reddit and 4chan come here to reevaluate their opinions
That might just be your limit user.
Again, when college age me picked up War3 Dota I learned Invoker's hotkeys and spells in one game. Dota isn't some mysterious puzzle that requires 2000 hours to learn how to play. If you have ever played an RTS game or Diablo style RPG, you can figure out how to play pretty much straight away, and then you can learn most of the meta-rules (where people go) in an hour. But it could take you 50-100 hours to learn what every hero does and what items they do, not that its a skill. The rest is execution, team play and knowing specific nuance. Places to hide to safely teleport, knowing when to engage, who counters who and why, specific ability interactions.
thats most of our threads.
You do realize almost all of 8ch's pop is from reddit and/or 4chan
The game is constantly updated, changed and new shit is added.
The gameplay when it came out in 2012 is completely different to what it is now.
There's always something to talk about with this shit.
And even if there wasn't, why do a few autistic people have to be chancellors of what should and shouldn't be talked about here? If nobody wants to talk about it then the thread will just die, it certainly wouldn't need people "killing" it if nobody wanted to talk about it.
It's just a very flawed argument to make.
And why do you seem to dismiss these?
Nah, hadn't bothered to learn him when he does even seem all that fun. And probably won't be picking him up considering I'll probably be dropping soon seeing as ShekelPipe likes to ruin everything.
Yeah you could say it's been discussed to death, but it gets like 2 threads a year, nigger.
It has a good amount of content and the amount of threads we've had isn't the highest.
Titanfall 2 was released not too long ago though.
Mostly sharing and discussion about various porn mods, it's fine as long as it doesn't turn into a general
New content is coming soon, faggot.
Same as Terraria.
The general is gone and now it's just people waiting for the dlc and posting porn, it'll die eventually.
Now that's cancerous as fuck, it's just a bunch of circlejerking faggots.
In any case, i don't want the mods to come here and delete the thread just because it's an ASSFAGGOTS thread, if anything they should come here to delete all the off-topic posts which would allow this thread to simply die with a couple dozen posts by the total of 5 anons that actually want to talk about the game.
My point is that the people that whine and moan about the shitposting on certain kinds of threads are fucking retarded and should learn to use the hide function they so desperately want others to use.
Nigger fuck off.
All these games have been discussed to death and your whole point is absolutely retarded.
I mean shit you even mention
Guess when was the last time Dota 2 had an update with more content?
May 9th. And yet you're still gonna tell me that there's nothing to talk about.
Just stop. Take a step back. Rethink your life. And maybe actively try to make this board better rather than shitposting two games you dislike.
Are you saying ASSFAGGOTS get many threads?
Because those things aren't things that can be practiced, they can only be learned. Knowing where to TP isn't the same as executng a hadoken. Knowing when to fight isn't the same as making a drop in the enemy base while attacking their front.
Nigger if you think not taking kindly to random gore dumps makes you a newfag then >>>Holla Forums is more your style.
Shh, don't pop that bubble. We don't like to be reminded that we're not as far away from the enemy-sites as we like to think.
There's nothing random about spamming gore in reddit threads you fucking retard, it's shitposting with an actual fucking reason instead of just shitposting to drive up the post count
Timing a well placed ult and executing an hadouken could not be more similar user.
Both require situational awareness, knowledge of the character, and good timing.
Yeah besides the fact you're spamming fucking gore, something nobody wants to see and can be counteracted as easily as hiding your thread ID and reporting your stupid ass for spamming. Fun fact, Holla Forums has been thought of as fedora-tipping katana-sheathing levels of edgelord for doing that shit for a decade or more.
Ok, fag.
We get 2-3 threads a month and they always devolve into shitposting/meta threads.
There are plenty of such shit, like attack canceling, blocking, vision abuse, skillshot lands and dodges, predicting and baiting spells
Executing a spell combo. Most notably Invoker, pretty sure shitting out all your spells in the right spot and order considering the way you invoke and then doing it again in reverse because of Refresher takes some effort.
Literally map rotations.
You're not even trying anymore are you
At least you've outed yourself as a low level shitposter. Maybe one day you'll change.
LMAO maybe you should let it slide for once.
I think you're missing the comparison. It wasn't the timing I was referring to. It was the actual physical execution of the ability.
That's because it's not a fighting game.
The difficulty in the execution doesn't come from pushing a combination of buttons but from coordination and understanding what is going on around you.
Reducing it to "durr you just have to press a button and you win" is just like saying that all you need to do to win in a fighting game is spam attacks.
I only play league with friends, and if it wasn't for friends I wouldn't play league.
Though, I'll admit that the playerbase has decreased substantially as of recent, which is no surprise.
Do you still even have fun playing with friends?
I stopped once I realised that after every match, even if we won, everybody was pissed at each other
Again, you've misunderstood the point.
In a fighting game, you can practice your techniques and improve the actual skill you have at the game and your ability to play.
In Dota, and pretty much every ASSFAGGOTS, you learn how to play in the first hour, then you have 50-100 hours more to go before you know everything. Your growth as a player has nothing to do with your skill, but your knowledge and judgement. Your individual player skill is additionally downplayed by having 4 teammates who can be better than you and carry or be worse than you and feed. Skill is a negligible factor in Dota and other ASSFAGGOTS.
Nah. They're all my weeb friends I've met at anime cons in the past. We all get along
Also there's one I really want to fuck so yeah
They aren't.
Again, I think that's a very reductive way of putting it.
Skill is just different from fighting games to mobas.
I mean shit you could make the argument that you learn how to play a fighting game in 20 minutes and have to spend 100 hours learning combos.
I was playing Heroes of the Storm today to get overwatch skins
Bully me.
You are grasping at straws here but i'll give you the new event and the fantasy team shit.
You can have the last word on this argument about why we should let cancer run free, i'm out.
Here's some advice, newfag. Build a rection image folder before posting or alternatively, just lurk for a couple years before doing so.
Eating shit will poison you so I don't have to do anything.
Again, that is very shitposty of you, not that I am in any way surprised.
Don't hear about people playing any of the assfaggot stuff anymore, most switched to either overwatch and heartstone or some form of card game.
I seriously don't get any of these games. also it seems that arenashooters will be the next craze.
Is it the same shitty horde mode they've done twice already?
Don't get sucked in too far, that's how I ended up with 2,000 hours in Dota.
Bet I should never post "kek" or any of the sort then.
No, I think it's like challenges, special game modes and some kind of progression to unlock cosmetic goodies of some kind
Not quite dead, but they've definitely fallen off. Right now it's shit like Overwatch that's raking in mad money, and seeing as Quack Champions is getting insane praise from jewtubers, my guess for the next FOTM genre is extremely dumbed down, casualised arena shooters.
I know i said you could have the last word, but i'm sure you can do better than this.
There are so many points to hit here so I'll just list them.
The core skills of a fighting game is executing the abilities and combos.
The core skills of a moba is timing and knowledge.
You can practice a fighting game.
You cannot practice a moba outside of playing a full game.
ASSFAGGOTS have plenty of games that play just like them, such as RTS and Diablo ARPG's. But RTS requires more skill on basically every level, and ARPG's are about grinding and still have complexity and execution in PvP.
ASSFAGGOTS are the lowest bar for a competitive game.
Dota doesn't play like it did in Warcraft 3.
You should maybe do some research before saying that a game has had no updates.
You know, to not look like a complete retard.
What's even the point of discussing something if you can just throw around random accusations and then get mad if people tell you you're wrong?
I guess we're gonna have to agree to disagree. You clearly don't know enough about mobas and I don't know enough about fighting games.
Hype is low for Quake: Champions, I doubt it. None of the high skill Quake vets seem to be very hyped for it, either.
And about the youtube shills, well, they're youtube shills. They'll say anything to get bread on the table and Bethesda obviously granted them favors.
I know more about mobas than fighting games and that's why I hate them. They are the epitome of the phrase 'easy to learn, hard to master', for all the wrong reasons. It's not because of a really deep skill depth, its because there's some hundred heroes with four abilities and another hundred items.
It has peaked but I don't think it's going to go away.
Half of the game is spend trying to last hit minions. Starcraft 2 isn't even that good, but look at how much more an SC2 player is doing compared to a LoL player.
MOBAs have some elements of RTS, they have some elements of fighting games. But MOBA takes both and dilutes them heavily.
From RTS, MOBA takes resources and leveling up units. But it waters them down by giving one place to get resources from via a repetitive action without much freedom
From fighting games, MOBA takes unique skills and abilities from a character. But the fights never last long, have limited abilities, and lack deeper gameplay mechanics of even simple fighting games like Smash Bros.
I have played a lot of RTS, MOBA, and fighting games. The best way to describe MOBA is choosing different parts from a few different games, watering them down, and then mixing them together.
The more "casual" they are, the more watered down they are. Which is why LoL usually stands out from games like DOTA.
What you stated was "Hard to learn, easy to master."
Remember that out of those 100 items, 85 are absolutely useless for a particular character, and that there's no skill involved with copying a build from the internet.
Ult drop
If you're trying to make a case for why your game is good, maybe you shouldn't be comparing it to better games.
heroes of the storm has more variety and ends up being more fun
My shit taste aside, I'd actually argue that this is true, because HOTS at the very least has some interesting heroes, and maps that aren't just "shoot creep, shoot tower, shoot barracks, shoot ancient, win", plus, it has five or six different maps in rotation constantly.
It only takes one, I'm not buying into the quake champions being the next slice of faggotry but one random one with low entry-level to compete and some form of xp shit could be it or the one.
Using an ult by itself doesn't win the game, you have to wait for the right situation, sometimes wait until your team has baited the enemy so that you can trap them. Then you have to make sure too coordinate yourslef with 4 other people to make sure that your ulti isn't completely pointless, maximising how many enemies you hit by having a lot of stuns all queued up to be launched at the right time.
Anybody can be retardedly dismissive of anything if they try hard enough.
I have the feeling you think this is a 1v1 game.
Purging isn't the counter to the ability, it's evading. If you feel threatened by the bloodseeker ultimate, don't play dirty and risky, instead consider buying a blink dagger so you can teleport to a treeline and be safe and wait for it to be over. Bloodseeker's ultimate punishes players that solo into uncharted territory and that's why it's great, those players need to be punished, extra information from wards also adds to it and that promotes teamwork.
If you mean the "do weird shit with this hero" challenges, then they're fucking terrible. People end up delaying the game or deliberately go out of their way to do something stupid so they can get points for the XP system.
None of the updates from this month list any new game modes.
You pay $10 for a pass, then you earn points/XP by doing what I listed earlier, then you get cosmetics. It's painfully slow to grind, unless you fork over ridiculous amounts of money for points/XP ($50+), which Valve is all too ready to remind you of. Even worse is that the cosmetic you get at the max level they're boasting about isn't even good. People wanted a cosmetic change for this character for years, and they make it into a fucking companion cube.
Positioning and timing is a fundamental skill of fighting games. The only thing missing is items, but in a fighting game you usually have a lot more possible moves than the 4 moves + auto attack + few items that have abilities you get in a MOBA.
Or are you trying to tell me that positioning and timing don't matter in fighting games?
I didn't say the update was good, I haven't even started the game in a year and a half
And you again forget your coordination with the rest of the team.
Not all fighting games are 1v1.
wew lad
I need you to remember to avoid breeding
great post
everybody is really impressed
I was very impressed by his post, but then again I don't have brain damage and dropped MOBAs years ago.
I realize that, i'm just pointing out it's the same old shit they've been doing for a while now. What's funny is that people who play the game treat you like you're some sort of retard because you don't have the good goy badge by your name.
Not impressed, but it's another sign that ASSFAGGOTS aren't welcome in these parts.
And? How deep doesn't go beside keeping some busy whiles the other keeps the other busy or ganging up on someone?
As I did too.
Congratulation user, we're both absolutely amazing for not playing a game
Feel free to give yourself a pat on the back on my behalf
Fuck I'm tired.
i remember keeping up with lol patchnotes for a year or two after i dropped it hoping it would change to my liking. or maybe that was porn.
if you look at the history of every widely enjoyed spectator sport, they've all had one thing in common, While upper level play may be deep and have complexity, the base rules and function of the game are simple to understand and explain to others.
So I'm not surprised that mobas are dying vs overwatch. Compare the rules of Dota2 and how you have to try to explain the roles of the lanes, the jungling, the shop, how to get higher tier items, snowballing, ect to someone else, now compare that to overwatch where its just "they need to capture the point, and each character has a unique ability."
I can't distinguish most of the girls. And I know the characters.
Comparing the mechanics required to play a moba to almost any fighting game is so fucking laughable. The reason mobas are so popular is because they are piss ass easy mechanically and you can always blame your team mates for losing, in a fighting game you have no one to blame but yourself.
Back to tumblr
This is what I meant by unhealthy shitposting earlier, just always comparing assfaggots to RTS like they're meant to compete or replace RTS games. Completely different kinds of games.
HotS heroes are almost universally just toned down versions of characters from Dota or LoL. The only ones I can think of who are mostly unique like Abathur, Murky and Ragnaros coincidentally see almost no play at all or their unique aspects are heavily deemphasized.
I do agree on the maps, though for half of them they either stuck too close to the standard format and their gimmicks feel pointless as a result or they veered too far away and instead invalidate huge swaths of the roster.
I just used to play the game. They're just generic.
Yeah, RTS are actually good games.
What is SC2.
I think dota 2 is a good game because it is fundamentally different from HotS, LoL and Smite. Mainly because dota is much more of a "thinking" strategy game than even Starcraft 2 is. You need to come up with a strategy to fit each game, tailor your playstyle, tailor your skill/item build each time or you will lose much more often. The hero drafting phase is also incredibly important unlike other ARTS games and is a test of your game knowledge. It makes you pre-plan a team composition around a strategy designed to counter the enemy team comp. Overall, the satisfaction I get from dota is the feeling of "outsmarting" the other team. Games like LoL have "optimal" builds eg. no thinking required same every time, "optimal" champions, "optimal" lane setup, you're basically a robot trying to carbon copy how the top LoL chinks play, so dumb.
If you're in a turd or second world shithole like me, MOBAs are still very alive. Is it for the better that high quality but relatively obscure genres like Stealth games and Shumps as a whole were never able to experience the mass popularity of ASSFAGGOTS?
Well you got me there. For the record I think dota is a good game, and the rest of the moba games are cancer.
I dont see many F2P stealth and shumps nor multiplayer ones, those are two large factors as to why its so popular with normalfags
I think in general RTSs can be much more complex. DOTA is better than the rest but as Valve continues to diddle it its turning bad itself.
What I'm saying is that somewhere, there's an alternate universe wherein millions of people across the world are fawning over Thief, Tenchu and Splinter Cell in the same way as how normalfags worship ASSFAGGOTS. Now I'm not sure if the quality of stealth games will either decrease or increase in that universe but I think it could have gone either way.
the 'bimbos' are a dime a dozen. i dont think ive ever fapped to fortune. it seems like the smaller the girl the more effort they put into making them cool.
Trash yourself.
What am even I talking about the only girl I still like from LoL is Kindred/Lamb
They're compared because ASSFAGGOTS are derivative of RTS (and ARPGs).
They have similar mechanics, but they've stripped them down to make a simpler, easier to digest game.
its at saturation point
keep telling yourself that kim woo
So the difficulty has nothing to do with player skill but your team mates? Good to know.
You fucks just jump from one extreme to another.
If he wants to use a hyperbole, then he can have one right back.
Now that the normans are leaving do you think we can crawl out from the shadows and finally fucking have some legit RTS games back?
What was then? Coordination with team is more difficult than micro-management?
How will you implement microtransactions to RTS? Multiplayer games from now on won't exist without microtransactions.
I hope so. If only real RTS would make a comeback. The whole starcraft 2 thing makes me hope Glorious Leader nukes the fuck out of South Korea
friendly reminder that blizzards major investor is a chinese company named tencent which also owns league, epic games (unreal engine), and the rest of riot games
Mobas aren't just teamplay and RTS isn't just spamming macro. That being said, RTS still requires more skill than mobas.
I want Rumble and Kennen and Fizz to take turns sitting on my face
Different skins and animations for every unit
Okay but who has better porn, lol or dota?
LoL easily
Not unless kikes think it'll sell. No indie studios are big enough to make it take off, and larger companies are too focused on profits to make anything with the care and passion something like that needs.
Depends on whether you like anime or western fantasy more.
I agree but why did you go to an extreme the first time around?
I can't believe I have this saved on my hard drive.
The last page has scat, and I maybe a shitposter, but I'm not a SHIT poster.
Because the guy I replied to did.
of course I don't play any of them anymore so doesn't fucking matter
Asymmetrical Hero choice > Symmetrical hero choice.
Pre-Allstars was best.
I should've said LoL has the most porn, therefore contains the most high quality porn
I posted an example showing that it also has the most shitty porn
Anyway time to start dumping porn?
No he fucking didn't, he only fucking said team play is harder than micro-management.
Wait, which is which? Also, it's definitely time.
Crossover porn is best porn.
Ok fuck if you view everything literally but i guess i did the same with you so i guess you win. Soak it up.
No that's a crapcunt or something.
Naw we're cool.
Just dump the short stacks.
If it's time then you like dota better. lol is the anime waifubaits
Also fuck dumping it's 3 am. Most of what I have is enchantress anyway
It's not a sin to love a deer
Class Role Action Player Coordinated something something Team
Fuck anyone know the meaning?
Really a matter of preference, LoL has more women but they're all pretty much copy pastes with different haircuts. I've always found the Dota women more attractive since they have more personality and are more like actual characters than just some deviantart template pictures. LoL does have the best doujin though and if you like shortstacks it's got the yordles too.
Cartoony Roster of Assorted Player Character Underpinned Network Team Shooter was the version that people, or more likely just one person, kept pushing. I don't think the guy who penned it had a great grasp of English.
not really, anons derive enjoyment from shittalking morons who want to talk about mobas. that's not a waste of time.
if you want to talk about mobas, why not go to a community who enjoys mobas? oh because those communities are full of mouthbreathing retards. i wonder if there's a correlation?
And here is a prime example of an idiot
They're probably being slowly forgotten to be replaced by the new FOTD. They might get a revival in the future with more funner mechanics now that tourneyfags/casuals are paying less attention to the genre. I wouldn't mind more multiplayer games with TD/base capture mechanics that used third person melee combat and featured combos.
You're right, you are a prime example
ASSFAGGOTS have the least variation of any genre, there's very little to discuss. Even CoD iterations are more thread worthy.
I used to play a lot of dota but that game got a lot less fun to play with 7.whatever patch that ruined the map.
Tried out Paragon because it's 3D but I don't think Epic knows how to make games. They remade the map because each game took like 2 hours to play but now with the smaller map the only strategy is to deathball. Towers attack so slowly and deal so little damage that the other team can totally ignore them to gank you relentlessly and anyone with a bit of armor can take shots forever. The item/card system is still retarded. And hardly any of the characters make use of 3D space beyond the most boring and generic "leap forward" skill.
HotS is probably the best one just because you spend all your time playing the game instead of fucking around doing PvE.
Can you respond to my comment then about differences?
Stopped reading there.
Nobody but the worst normalfags does things to "kill time".
You sound like someone who doesn't know much about these games and probably encountered LoL and think it's typical of the genre.
My co-workers are all LoL babies
Harold or you?
I have over 3,000 hours in that steaming pile of shit. He's not wrong.
I'm having a hard time imagining adults playing MOBAs
3k hours in what, LoL? LoL is shit
No, dumbass.
Somehow I get the feeling you're projecting your own shit onto a fucking game you've burnt out on. Seriously, I have less hours in all the MMOs I've played combined. What in the unholy fuck m8?
At least he doesn't 3000 games like I do.
All I can say is never go out with a MOBAfag.
But what about S4 League?
M8 there are people with around 6000 and over, not counting WC3 dota of course.
One of the artists posts on Holla Forums
Proof here
>>>Holla Forums9938706
Too fucking soon.
I've been playing semi-regularly since I got into the closed beta. I'm still at like 500-600 hours tops. How the fuck do people have the stamina for that shit?
Let me guess, you still play other games?
Yes, also I have a day job. But that wasn't my point. ASSFAGGOTS, especially Dota, are fucking exhausting. It's the kind of shit I play when I need to tire myself out to sleep.
For me being a 12th grader with enough intelligent to pass a eastern bloc school with almost no study but not enough to not play DOTA has its """benefits"". Also I just checked it turns out I have 2500 not 2000.
You see those number of hours because for some reason most people that play them play it as their only game, its all they ever do. Sometimes they quit only to latch on to another game fulltime like ive seen with normalfags switching to overwatch from LoL.
Lots of good bara comes from it.
Big dudes in armor are my weakness I'm sorry
Refine your tastes for gods sake man.
It would honestly have just been another shit genre I ignored if not for them sucking in a large portion of my friends and turning them into completely insufferable bickering cunts that hated each other and brought drama everywhere. Bad enough they spent literally all their time playing them and our flavor of the month game group basically died over night, but they couldn't even pretend to be having fun with their new hotness.
They are dead in the sense that everyone has heard of them and everyone who is going to play those types of games already is playing it. In any case though shit like LoL is still making like a billion or more a year. So they aren't really dead, but people aren't constantly trying to introduce others to the genre.
The ASSFAGGOT genre is evolving into something like SocialJusticeWatch or dying like MMOs. How is Hearthstone doing? I heard it's starting to take a hit because people are sick of broken decks.
7.00 just ruined Dota, and most of the events are shit:
Fuck Dota, Fuck Gaben, Fuck Steam (Not even King of Fighters 14 can make me reinstall Steam), and fuck Valve.
I don't know anything about numbers for hearthstone because all Blizzard said in their financial reports was it was making them metric cock tons of money but I imagine the playerbase is only ever going to dwindle because it's just fucking awful for new players to try and get into with the power and presence creep of legendary cards on top of already being by far the most expensive digital card game on the market.
That's been an issue since the naxx expansion.
Enjoying some of the lesser known ASSFAGGOTS at the moment because they are seriously more fun than what I had in ages since Dota and LOL.
Test this in beta last month and I'm looking forward to playing more of this.This is what hero brawler should be like, not that casual shitfest HOTS.
Forget vid
I see people I know playing these games and they aren't even having fun. They always get angry and irritable. Yelling into their computers at people in other countries because they aren't playing the game right, or some other bullshit. You can tell these games raise their bloodpressure and stress them out, but they're addicted to playing nevertheless.
It's almost as bad as heroin addiction.
Back then the creep wasn't as bad as it is now, and it was friendly to f2p players. Naxx was accessible to f2ps too. Now it's almost impossible to get into the game without blowing money on it because I think the last few expansions force you to spend money.
Except heroin is supposed to make you feel good without putting you in an hour queue for that temporary kick. Dota and other Moba games will piss you off the minute you log on.
No, keep this shit alive. The more shit players they gather the farther away they stay from good multiplayer games.
The game is cancerous garbage where 90% of the effort involved in being good is memorizing stupid bullshit. You can like garbage but if your "game" requires hours of study just to even be able to play at a basic functional level because of a huge number of stupid archaic design decisions and unintentional side effects of coding it's a shit game.
All the heroin addicts I've known have always seemed miserable. But I guess they don't shoot up in front of me.
They are miserable, but unlike Dota fags that have to wait an hour to be in a shitty match for kick, Heroin users get their temporary kicks in seconds. That was my point. Heroin users can avoid Peruvians and Russians for that kick too, whereas you're fucked with those fags in Dota.
Many of the ASSFAGGOTS I've known have gay delusions of grandeur about making it "pro". It wasn't even a game they actually enjoyed playing, they would always get jealous someone actually had time to go and have fun doing something else they couldn't because they HAD to practice or whatever it is that ASSFAGGOTS do.
I used to defend Assfaggot chat on here; then Dota 7.00, HoTS, and awful faggots like SirActionSlacks and Arteezy showed me how horrible Mobas are (I knew Lol was dogshit since '14 when I saw Riot's sleazy tyranny with the meta).
Maybe I don't lurk these sort of threads often enough, but I don't understand this meme/reference. It seems strangely fitting though. Is it because they're prone to autisticly screeching such profanity while playing?
Aeon Strife Styled Fortress Assault Game Going On Two Sides aka ASSFAGGOTS
that chart looks like a dick
It's almost impossible to make it in these shitty games unless you're a webcam slut developers jerk off to, or suck andfuck a pro player or someone in esports (Sheever, Waga's attention-whore-slut girlfriend Keo, etc.). Even if you're actually good at these games, you'll have all kinds of weens and wannabe-Machinima-trolls snipe your matches to hurt your rank (Do you know how many kiddies try to troll Arteezy when he streams?). Gaming careers are so retarded nowadays.
That's another thing, there was a time browsing for matches was like browsing softcore pornhub or something because they were so full of horrible camwhores who had the game on in a small window with their tits front and center, and god damn they were making an obscene amount of money. ASSFAGGOTS are truly pathetic.
They're still around, but here's the kicker: At least Dota's community doesn't really feed into them (most of them are Russian girls that are hardly 18). Not even Sheever can get 500 views because experienced players know she's a joke. Others like Bubu only get attention when they play with Bulldog, Sing Sing, or a pro-player who doesn't suck.
You know Kaceytron is a troll, right?
Ironic shit posting is still shit posting
Just like your shit posting.
No, it isn't, you dumb fucking retarded redditfag
7.00 was the worst fucking update they ever fucking released. On top of ruining almost every hero I ever liked they ended up making almost all of it fucking easy as shit. All of that knowledge you knew about pulling, how players traveled from one end of the map to another, which camps to kill at what times while jungling and etc.? Gone.
Holy fuck these items are really bad. I still can't believe how they dropped the bomb with Jugg's arcana.
That's nothing
I more or less clocked 10k hours on racing sims mostly hotlapping
The question is, can I break people I know from these shitty games without actually having to spend several hundred hours to learn every in and out about the mechanics? I mention how the game doesn't let you actually be better but then he brings up Koreans and shit and the point is moot. What's an objectively and undoubted shit factor with LoL that nobody can defend? And a specific one to. About the gameplay. Not the horrible purchase practices. I mean the stuff that can only be reached by actually playing the game.
I hope you like battle royal games, cause they are the next ASSFAGGOTS.
I just remembered school's out now.
You're right. Holla Forums is an echochamber. Feel free to go back to reddit at anytime.
And here we can observe the Redditor in his natural environment; defending awful games because he has only ever played shit and has nothing good to compare games to.
The short answer is, honestly, you can't. From personal experience, you have to wait for them to realize that they're not having fun and stop playing on their own. If they never do, then you should drop them as a friend, because it's just not worth the effort to try and convince them that the entire genre is stupid.
It's basically the biggest sunk cost fallacy in video games, sometimes financially but mostly in terms of time. They hear all the memes about how they have to play for a thousand hours before they can be considered knowledgeable, and so they force themselves to play for that long even if they're not having fun. Once they've sunk that much time into it, they reason that they have to keep playing or else all that time is wasted. No matter how much you try to convince them that Dota and its ilk are awful games based on a cobbled-together custom RTS map made by a bunch of teenagers, they'll refuse to listen. It's the paradox of time played:
For a (very) long answer, you can always look over Learn to Counter's Dota book. I think he does a pretty good job breaking down the fundamental issues with the game and why a lot of the reasons for why it's "good" are bullshit. But again, don't try to show it to someone who's addicted, because they probably won't read it, and if they do they'll just use some excuse to blow it off.
Just wait until the TI,we'll be discussing and shitposting about it,with shitposting being drowned out by actual discussion and hype.
And maybe the post TI and campaign patch as well.
Having faggots making about 80 posts out of a fucking 150 ">ASSFAGGOTS"(most of them were probably spammed by a single sperg) is not just "more than average".If I remember correctly one of them was even acting like some sort of gatekeeper of discussion.
To be fair the last thread I remember had a fag on a high horse making it.The last major update had spergouts about the changes and such.Unless you're talking about the Solo-Ranked-phone thing,which was more complaining about it from fags who don't even play the game.
I barely care about it myself since ranked is tryhard central and I mostly play Solo que and have a decent ammount of fun.
Depends on the role,if you're a carry shitter it's your job is to rice or dunk kills for shekels because you scale with shekels and levels to buy items.
There is manacost and cooldown.
You don't have to lie user.
So it's shit because it changed too much
No matter how much they try to casualise QC it will always have the huge skill-ceiling that exists between the new people and the people have even the slightest amount of skill. The way that the beta is set up at the moment, it's hard for new people to even try to git gud, considering there is no way for them to practice without being reamed by someone that's been playing even a few months longer than them.
Is there actually a way, like a script, to block cosmetics in DOTA?
Just 5 seconds on google
It probably doesnt work but whatever. Dota cosmetics are not on tf2 levels of retardation yet
Hopefully the ti thread, and the matches, will be good
Your the one who is retarded, they are even worse.
Well those are the worst cosmetics no one uses
You cant get worse than tf2 cosmetics. They are on their way to match furry suits, banana heads and the like but it's impossible to get worse than that
Unless they go full lol and add beach suits and maiden costumes
They also made smurfing harder and banned a lot of bots and the "unique players this month" number didn't dip that much.
The drop happened/started before 7.00 strangely enough.
Yeah, they are getting worse every time, but they at least don't look that bad ingame.
I really hate how they removed the high skill and complex +2 all stats with 800+ passive effects.
Nobody watches competitive overwatch.
The problem with Dota is that Valve tries to casualize it. Dota in it's current form is still bad, but the latest patch moves into the right direction.
Raindrops nerfed, Shrines nerfed, and the new deny system is great too. For those that don't know, when you deny a creep now, you get some of the experience the enemy would have gotten. This opens the door for new ways to bully your enemy.
reminder that clq admitted he is tired of being edgy and shit talking
Well I got tired of his videos first so… I guess I am okay with that. Best clq is the one who fucks up the enemy, not the one who pretends to be retarded. That shit was funny for a short time.
Sniper's cosmetic is just flat our retarded, and I still can't figure out what the fuck Bristleback is supposed to be. While we're talking about designs, holy fuck do Pitlord, Viper, and Slardar look flat-out awful (Viper and Slardar look like gay dragons you see in gay furry porn or some shitty Fantasy movie).
Too little, too late. The damage was done with 7.00 and completely ruining heroes like Techies.
nigger dota was a already a rotten corpse by then. Valve ruined it a long time ago, with bullshit like comeback gold.
I don't whats wrong with Slardar, he is suppose to be ugly and the current model doesn't make him ugly even, the connection between the body and tail is weird though. Viper look fine, maybe fix the retarded lower jaw. Pitlord is full on terrible though. Also the new Monkey King is so extremely lazy done I can't even, and they won't bother fixing the lag you get when he casts his ult.
Reborn was the moment they started going maximum overjew. They had even previously promised they won't go fucking up the look of the game like they did with TF2. Everything started going to hell, it used to be just shit balance but now its down right terrible design. How I fucking wish there were legacy servers for games.
Your comment is incomprehensible gibberish and so is that webm.
DOTA has been out for a few years now. I put thousands of hours into that game when I was unemployed. Now that I'm employed, and they've changed so much of the game, I don't play.
I'm sorry you feel that way, son.
DotA 2 proved their brain damage by instating a new policy requiring everyone who wants to play ranked matchmaking to provide their phone numbers to Valve. They insist they did this to fix MMR issues by preventing people from smurfing or rolling alts in MMR. Except the real problem with MMR is that valve has an absolutely terrible matchmaking and mmr-updating formula which they just cannot bring themselves to fix.
Anyway, the new phone number requirement is bound to diminish the number of DotA 2 players immensely.
Reminder some redditor got his hands on the Starcraft 1 source code and traded it to Blizzard for Overwatch e-credits. No joke.
It's mostly because ASSFAGGOTS games are managed by shitters who suck at balance and matchmaking. DotA 2's main accomplishment was purging leavers. Everything else Valve did was shit. LoL is straight casualized fare and run by ridiculously greedy bastards who want you to spend all your money buying LoL points. Heroes of Newerth was shit at balancing and kept breaking the meta with every other patch. Game was more interesting than DotA 2 was though. Later on they switched to some weird LoL monetization scheme which made the game way the fuck worse. Overwatch is practically made by casuals and for casuals. Bad MMR systems also contribute to negative cycles of bad games and getting pissed off about losing to teammates and just chasing wins for high MMR. This is something that DotA also exacerbated by reducing the number of ways you can start snowballing in the earlygame.
I wouldn't have anything against a good ASSFAGGOTS game with a solid ranked matchmaking system but I don't think they exist.
We went against the Holla Forums with video games and guess what happened? Your kind thought they were welcome. Fuck I wish I had the "what Holla Forumsfags think rulecucks want and what rulecucks actually want" pic because we got what the Holla Forumsfags thought with a corrupt moderation and people like you being retarded.
Because we had ASSFAGGOTS threads since the first goddamn exodus,you post-second-exodus scum?
I've never played an ASSFAGGOTS game
I remember threads of redditors down right admitting where they were from and anons not minding as long as they had good taste. Those were interesting times.
They were good threads,with them only being shit on and dub-spanmed post-second exodus and beyond by autistic faggots.
Most of the discussion was about the actual game and was decent enough,thinking that ASSFAGGOTS 2 was a main inviter of redditors and outright ignoring the fact that people have been discussing since the first exodus,when most redditors came from 3rd-to-4th exodus AND when cripplekike outright advertised this board to them,when ASSFAGGOTS threads were shitposted at the most.
You can't have good discussion if you like the game
Nobody liked them then and they didn't now. I'm not reinterpreting anything. LoL threads were always full of autists who would discuss a terrible game and anons were always there to mention this.
And we've always had redditors. Always. Hotwheels said himself this place is essentially a hybrid between traditional image boards and reddit.
Im mostly talking about Dotes but LeL even had discussion:about ASSFAGGOTS2 VS ASSFAGGOTS:The spiritual sequel(including Pendragon the funhater),mistakes from the Chinese Jews,nostalgia,Riot's jewerery and how the pro scene,champion design,good porn and meta is a rigged piece of shit with hopes of improving by recent examples(at the time).
ASSFAGGOTS 2 threads were mostly twice-a-year deal at the very least,one of which being the cyclical TI and whatever the new major patch and the fix to it was,they were always pleasant if not for the shitspamming faggots and that one nigger with his MMR high horse.
I'm pretty sure he meant it more in function and board management rather than userbase(not that reddit is or was completely nonexistant mind you).Then again the Holla Forums flood really fucked the board up in my opinion.with it hitting critical mass duting the election IMO.Then again there were the fags that reccomended shit like r/4chan and r/fatpeoplehate from 2nd or 3rd exodus and beyond so I'm not certain on the percentage.
Point still stands that the threads were mostly self-contained,with reddit having really low,if at any, presence.Bar that one autistic faggot with his "dota has the highest skill ceiling ever" schtick of course.
My point generally that the discussion was never needed. LoL has been a game centered around being a time sink of shit. And this was always known by Holla Forums as well as prior to the migration.
And both the management and the function were and still are pretty reddit. Hotwheels thought of it as "petty factionism" and Mark being Mark. But the threads being contained back then were only bearable for as long as they didn't start posting on other threads. Which was and still is impossible because we're on the same board. If you want vivid proof of cancer spreading once you leave it alone, the 4AM threads are a perfect example when namefags typically from there started going into the webm and LOL threads. When the mods started removing them they threw a bitch fit and eventually got over and went away, until he allowed them back for some reason and once again the cancer continues to grow. Currently we have some furfag who lives on disability, pointlessly blog posting on random threads and refusing to fuck off despite everybody telling him to. And now and I'm seeing more and more namefags who don't know how the site works. Which might be more indicative of summer though.
Was there anything that was needed on this board though?
If there's interest,I see no reason to deny discussion about a thread unless it seeps into other threads and gets cancerous,,it doesn't justify behavior displayed bu faggots that spam legit vidya threads justifying themselves like they're on a moral highground because "muh ASSFAGGOTS".
Then again, generally talking about the ASSFAGGOTS 2(Dota 2) threads mostly and they stayed there and the afformentioned autists eventuallly stopped posting entirely or stopped their faggotry.They never seeped is into other threads unless they were relevant in some manner,unlike the tripfags you mentioned.
The problem is that games like those are being fully discussed on other websites. There's no point in coming here if everybody here is going to be discussing the same games I see discussed everywhere else. It doesn't help that there's no actual substance to ASSFAGGOTS either. And there's definitely no reason to come here if said games hold shady practices which ASSFAGGOTS is great at doing. If LoL was made by some fuckoff company nobody cared about and it was generally just a time sink competitive game with minimal requests to make profit then it would probably be a lot less shit on around here. But if you're going to be a part of what's ruining the industry I see no reason to not shit on deserving threads.
Yeah,like Doom,Overwatch,many of the PS2 game posted around here,Final Fantasy,Pokemon,Nier,JoJo,arcade games ,Fire Emblem etc..That argument is so retarded I'm not going to point out why it is retarded any further.
LoL WAS made by a fuckoff company at the time(Riot),it grew into that cancerous bulb of a community because it struck with normalfags,was free-to-pay when it was rare AND ran with any piece of shit potato of a computer.I'm not saying to not shit on LeL,I'm saying to not be cancerous and shut down any discussion with what ammounts to vid related.
Also any competitive scene regarding LeL is very much set up and payed directly by Riot instead of organization,prize money and sponsors.It's a fucking sham set-up to sell the game to "over-ambitious" youngsters.All the tourneys are set by Riot or payed by Riot and they even shut down smaller tourneys for some retarded reason.
Again,remember ,specifically:
user I've seen lol threads, they're just full of furry porn scat and shitposting why do you defend them?
But seriously the last genuine LoL thread someone mad had 0 discussion. The op posted something about the patch, a dozen or so shitposters calling on assfaggots bullshit or rolling. No one tried to talk about the game itself
I'm not defending LoL threads,I'm just saying that rampant,contentless shitposting is not excused or to be lauded as a positive unless of good quality.">ASSFAGGOTS" or dubspamming non-stop like a newfag is not a quality or witty shitpost.
I remember the last LoL thread user,not that much time has passed,I even saged it to shit on the newsperg OP.By ASSFAGGOTS 2 threads I'm usually talking about Dota threads that newfags try to spam to oblivion,not the incredibly rare,unironic,non-shittin-on LoL threads that devolve into porn-posting.
I'm talking about the painfully obvious ones retard. Holla Forums liking games casuals also might like doesn't remove the quality of a game. But with LoL which is a game that's really based around the community you can't fucking think that anybody who engages with that community is worth the effort of being here. Also OW threads are cancer to. Literally. One user thinks that the community there is what pulled him out of suicide.
It's safe to assume however that by the time the migration came to occur that this wasn't the case.
Like I said. Discussion is pointless. It's like shooting a suffering horse because there's nothing to actually discuss about the game that isn't soaked in a shitty community with a company who's just as shitty.
We get LoL faggots to this day. A new breed likely but that doesn't negate what I said. If Namefags don't stay in their general you can absolutely assume that the anonymous posters don't either. And I don't think somebody who can support something like LoL being a good game or worth paying money on is worthy of holding an opinion about games. Call it bias but it's based in logic.
I'm not defending LoL threads,I'm just saying that rampant,contentless shitposting is not excused or to be lauded as a positive unless of good quality.">ASSFAGGOTS" or dubspamming non-stop like a newfag is not a quality or witty shitpost.
But when does this ever happen in amn actually good thread? If somebody is offtopic spamming then fine, ban them. But if something is posting dubs because OP is supporting literal jewish tricks, and the community can follow this logic I see nothing wrong with it. Less moderation is the best moderation. Let the community decide what works and whichever side is overwhelming or more based in fact then it's obvious who should stay. I don't know why the mods are so afraid of having a few shit threads to let people decide what needs to be done about a certain general. As long as there's a semblance of debate then it should be fine. The problems come when you have somebody who's willing to buy shitty things and not have an argument and just say "because it's fun lol". Which is much more common than the people who don't debate.
I'm off to bed, it's been fun
I'm mostly talking about dota 2 rather than LeL,but I see your point.
Hope you sleep well,faggot.