Here's the best games of each year since 1979. Next to it is a template if you'd like to make your own.

If that's too much, feel free to list any corrections you would personally make to the list and why.

Make them all undertale

The campaign was average and only the multiplayer redeemed it. I don't feel like such an unmemorable game should be held on a bastion of game of the year just because it was hugely successful. Most of the games in this list are standouts
From my understanding the game wasn't anything special. It was more of the same. But I didn't play it and 2016 was a pretty shit year for videogames.
I could see an argument for it. But I'd have to see what other games came out that year.
1998 is such a contentious year. You had something for pretty much everyone. Metal Gear for PSX, Ocarina of Time for N64, Starcraft for PC, and a lot of other great titles in there. I miss the times when each year I was spoiled for choice on good games instead of struggling to find any good ones.

I'm curious, what have you played that was released in 2016

What was even released last year?

t. some faggot

Those lists are always bad and you should perform extreme suicide.

Well, at least you didn't try to fuck over anons like the last thread and claim that Dark Souls came out in 2004 or something like that.

Overwatch and Doom.

The reason why I'm asking is I want to know if you're truly saying that or if you didn't even bother looking for games during the year.


2016 was a pretty bad year for games. You can release a fuck ton of games at once but if nothing's good, why even bother.

Oh, and Stardew Valley came out last year too, I played that.


No, i legit cannot remember any games that came out last year. Doesnt help that i didnt buy any games release day either or even pirated any. The only release day game i bought in 2014 was dungeon travelers 2, and the 2 games i bought this year were persona 5 and zelda. Literally nothing pandered to me in the slightest last year.

Blood & Wine came out last year if expansions count, that's the only thing I can think of that I played.

This year also has Nioh and Nier. I recommend playing those.

Civilization VI
The Last Guardian
Stardew Valley
Dark Souls III
Final Fantasy XV

This list does not constitute a comment on the quality of the games.

So you didn't look for games in 2016 in the first place. I asked so I could recommend.

I recommend you play

Im gonna get neir when i get the money. I just had zelda and persona at higher priorites. So far 2017 is shaping up to be the best year for vidya in about a decade.

Civ6 released last year? Damn, what the fuck is my deal with time. I swear it released in 2015.


Persona 5
Zelda admittedly not the best, but still better than SS
ace combat 7 was supposed to be this year
But the really big one was persona 5's translation not being cucked. That is a huge win and makes this an amazing year.

I played Civs 6 and it was awful. See I like strategy games, games I can pick up and play immediately and learn more over the course of playing, games with variety and depth without being so heavily reliant on RNG. Beyond that, I don't like grinding and I don't like lots of dialogue, both of those being immediately something that will make me quit out of boredom. Also Fantasy > Sci-Fi.
But that being said I still play a lot of good games just because they're good, regardless of genre. Last year did not have any of these games worth trying.
You see this shit this right here? None of that sounds appealing on a name level to me, and I'm sure anime graphics would be the first step to me rolling my eyes.

Odd-numbered years are when good or at least decent vidya gets released.

that game is boring trash dude. people only like it cause it was "meta" like stanley parable.

I don't know what to tell you if you decide to play a game based on what it's called.

I liked the beat em up parts of it.

Some best-sellers and critically acclaimed games from that year include, in no particular order:
-Planescape Torment
-System Shock 2
-Donkey Kong 64
-Final Fantasy VIII
-Quake III Arena
-Silent Hill
-Crash Team Racing
-Pokémon Snap
-Ape Escape
-Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
-Super Smash Bros.
-R4: Ridge Racer Type 4
-Um Jammer Lammy
-Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
-Chrono Cross
-Pokémon Gold and Silver Versions
-SimCity 3000

The Sims was made available on multiple platforms upon its release, featuring accessible yet open-ended gameplay, an intuitive user interface, and one of the greatest original soundtracks ever composed for a computer game in the CD-ROM era.

You could say 'gee user, that's a pretty dumb argument, basing your liking a game off name and graphics'.

Holy shit that year is disgusting for good games.

Every game on that list is shit. No wonder i dont remember anything last year.

I kinda want to put system shock 2 as GOTY but there are just too many good games i cant just have one.

Oh look it's this thread again

Holy shit, please go back to >>>/cuckchan/ then lynch yourself.

1999 was a prime year in that generation for the more talented developers. They were taking good advantage of the capabilities N64 and PlayStation had to offer. In the meantime, Sega released Dreamcast, Nintendo bundled its Expansion Pak with copies of Donkey Kong 64, and Nvidia sparked another home computer graphics arms race with ATI.

It was quite a time to be alive.

So were you born a giant self indulgent faggot or did your dad molest you into one

also check em

That was Civ Beyond Earth, which people were incorrectly calling Civ6 for a while.

sage shit threads

That may be so for now, but the years 1982, 1986, 1990, 1992, 1994, and 1998 were tough decisions.
1981, '83, '85, '89, '95, '97, 2000, '01, '05, '09, '12, and '13 were all easy picks, on the other hand.

From the top:
Are you illiterate?

That was a strange list, the OP there had a bunch of britbong C64/Spectrum shit in place of obvious picks like Tetris and Super Mario Bros.

And casual shit taste isn't allowed here. We also JUST HAD this thread a week ago. Are you illiterate?

1998 might have been better.

Is 'self indulgent' the new 'entitled', schlomo? Either way I'm not interested in your shitty Triple A properties. I hate cel shaded graphics too. :^)

I think Dead Rising is a pretty good contender for 2006. Just look at all that TECHNOLOGY

if I was going to play Human Revolution after I beat the original Deus Ex should I play the original version or Directors Cut?

also, is it really a decent follow up?

that's where you're wrong kiddo.

No zelda can top ooa/oos

Minish Cap

Not enough dungeons, but almost as good.

2016's best game was Lacrimosa of Dana.

No that's 2017.
The game better be as good as you faggots keep hyping it up. Seven and Celceta burned me out of the series.

Rate me, Holla Forums.

Curious about Witcher 3. Is it better than 2? Gameplaywise, not storywise.

It would be nice if someone could update the "Brief History of PC Gaming" list.

The latest version I saw only went up to 2014.

The combat is better, and the world is absurdly vast, there is so much to find and to do, it's crazy. If you like to explore and complete sidequests, expect to sink over 200 hours on it.

Nier's mediocre as fuck, though.

Good taste, though I liked the Master System version of Ghouls and Ghosts.

-t. Pc cuck

We're reaching levels of contrarianism that shouldn't be possible.

Kill your fucking self holy shit.

When Nier came out it was considered pretty average. It's reputation has grown more in time.

One user's list of goty is useless. I doubt you played every game from every year. It is more realistic to do best of genre.

Here is my list, adjusted for technology inflation. They might not be the best if released today, but brought me the most enjoyment at their time

FPS: Unreal Tournament
Sports: NFL 2k5
RPG: Morrowind
RTS: Age of Empires 2
Platformer: Yoshis island
Racing: Gran Turismo 3

Fighting: Soul Calibur




You're all fags

Lmao, good start, faggit.

If this isn't your go to game for 2006, you're a fag

Objectively the best Total WaWa.
I just wish some mod fixed the AI.

These are my "shit I still care about, enjoy. and can play whenever" titles. I could have filled out every year, but it would been pointless.

Honorable mentions
Halo: CE (South American bootleg Gamespy murder sim edition)
Gran Turismo 4
Army Men: Air Attack
Crazy Taxi

It came out last year.

b-but i wasn't born in the 20th century

I hope to god this is bait

Beyond Good and Evil really isn't that good tbh
Thing's repetitive as fuck

lol yes it is, i am the bait king and you just took it x)

wink wink

Cuck to the chan


Forgot 2003.


Pretty meh

Please go and stay go

Still better than Halo 3

go away generic weebshit

I guess


Were there any games you enjoyed in 1991?:
-Super Mario World
-Street Fighter II
-Sid Meier's Civilization
-Road Rash
-TMNT: Turtles in Time
-Super Castlevania IV
-Sunset Riders

Halo 3 beat the others with the improved multiplayer, the Forge gamemode, and the ODST expansion. 2007 was a bit of an off-year if it was topped by Crysis, Episode 2, Portal, or Bioshock.

What did Flashback add onto the genre that Prince of Persia established?

The MGS3 in 2005 is technically accurate, he listed the Subsistence version, which released that year.

Director's Cut and yeah, it's a decent follow up, but nowhere near as good as the original (significant improvement over Invisible War however).

The better camera, the addition of progressive scan, and the inclusion of the MSX2 games alone improve it and change the game.

Time to die

I like these threads because theyre okay rec threads. Bump.

sage shit threads

I just could never get much into PoP, but I LOVED Flashback back then. It had those excellent vector cutscenes, a cool sci-fi plot, locations that felt real-ish, and is just much more fun to play.

But a list like this will always be unsatisfactory. Especially from the late 80s to mid-90s, you can check a list of whatever was released in any given year and find several games that are equally worthy of being called the GOTY.

To give just one example, 95 could be a four-way tie with Mechwarrior 2, Marathon 2, Descent, and Chrono Trigger. And that's just my taste/nostalgia. But the same year also had Dark Forces, Full Throttle, Comix Zone, Maui Mallard, Fury3, Ginga Fukei Densetsu Sapphire, Jumping Flash, Panzer Dragoon, Rayman, Pulstar, Terranigma, Yoshi's Island… I mean, holy shit. That's a lot of good stuff.

Recent years were nothing like that, sure there were some fantastic games but not nearly as many.

Speed is customizable in online multiplayer.
Forge is not a map editor, it goes hand in hand with custom game types.
Slashed almost immediately to 40 within the first month. I can tell with your apparent ADHD that you'd drop the campaign within the first stage, though, so it probably isn't worth it for you.

Making this really showed a spotlight on how much games have declined since the turn of the century. 1992, '94, '98, and '99 in particular have as many GOTY contenders as there have been worthwhile games released or coming up this year.

I'm tentatively going with NieR: Automata for this year, but there's still a chance that Mario Odyssey or RDR2 (if released) could really be something special.

I count the original release, SMB4 came out in '90 and I enjoyed MG2 better.