So what does Holla Forums think of the Zero Escape / Nonary Games?
I don't usually play jap shit but 999 was great.
Any recommendations for similar games?
So what does Holla Forums think of the Zero Escape / Nonary Games?
I don't usually play jap shit but 999 was great.
Any recommendations for similar games?
9/10 it's alright except ZTD
How was the 999 pc port ? Specifically, how did it handle the dual screen narrative twist ?
It just switched between the two POVs on PC.
Way too expensive to justify a purchase. I can get the games separately for cheaper. The voice work for 999 was not needed. 50 dollars for the PS4 version, the Vita version is at 40, and the PC version is at 45. I think they were trying to be cute since you take the digital root of each number and add them together through the whole process and the number you get is 9. I'm waiting for a very heavy sale before I buy them.
Infinity series (Never7, Ever17, Remember11), they were written by Uchikoshi before he went to Chunsoft.
Played the first one, pretentious poorly-written garbage.
999 and VLR are ok, but fuck ZD, fuck whoever thought that crap was a good idea, while 999 and VLR plot twists was plain retarded at times you could sorta guess, but ZD? the game pulls some of the worst Bullshit i have ever seem at every level, aliens? you got it! the villain was always there but we hide it from you! His motives are…..very complex….so we will never explain it to you or even try because….it's complex and we just plain can't.
999 was great except for the last puzzle, VLR was better than average but became tedious time-hopping at some point, ZTD is one of the most disappointing things I've "played" in my life and I wish it never happened.
ZTD was good in comparison to other games but it was a weak Zero Escape game
I don't get the footlong I'm that picture
I couldn't get through ZTD simply because of the way it was presented. The artstyle was okay but the animations looked like they needed way more work to them. For the life of me I don't know why they decided to make it the way they did.
Oh, wait, I remember. An interview with Uchikoshi had him saying he wanted the game to be more like TellTale's the walking dead game or something along those lines.
They should've kept the games Nintendo Exclusive honestly.
I think Uchikoshi realized he wrote himself into too many corners with the setting being after 999 and he couldn't come up with something that took place after VLR Even though a nonary game in some place on a desolated Earth where people can't trust each other would have worked fine
10/10 GOTY, my recommended VN
Hours of pointless piss, forced myself to play until the twist and regretted throwing my time away.
Worth it, Holla Forums?
Also OP, play Ghost Trick. Really good story and actually decent puzzling.
So how come literally EVERYTHING about ZTD is so bad? The fuck happened?
I think ZTD was fine until the end. The part when you start SHIFTING is great then… Deltla and Aaayyyylmaos happen
This seriously deserves some elucidation because I shit a brick the first time this was revealed to me, and it was not in a good way.
The entire fucking game the badguy apparently LAUGHING MANS you by pretending to b a deafmute in a wheelchair, but unlike, say, Saw where the 'dead' body is in plain view all the time they fucking hide this guy behind the camera and never allude to him. So not only does the deaf mute make no sense from a narrative sense since he could just be hiding in a safe somewhere or something but the characters never even refer to him, so we're wheeling this asshole around and no one ever says anything, and while VLRs reveal of OLDMAN was dumb, at least there were references about it that makes sense on repeat viewing.
Not to mention how the plot with Brother and the Myrmidons is never touched on, or expanded in any way. Zeros power breaks all precedents set for espers (directly being able to MINDJACK people and make them do actions he wants them to), but again his COMPLEX motivations are never gone into detail too much other than that. This along with so many other minor and major complaints just completely made it unenjoyable, since its less game and more VN, and if the story doesn't make internal sense then its just fucking shit.
Everything after Circle of Fate 2 was pure trash but the game already had plenty of problems at that point.
It wasn't perfect or as good as 999. The whole game suffered from the super shitty animation and the meh voice acting. It had its moments but it couldn't live up to previous installments let alone to the hype. Hey, At least we got [MEMES]
Not everything. It set up a lot of things that seemed really promising, it's just that all the answers were Delta. The point where things really go tits up is the force quit box.
D-team successfully did everything it had to do, from Sigma and Phi's banter to Luna callbacks. C-team was a mixed bag and you kinda have to buy into edgy Junpei in the first place. Q-team was fucked from the outset though.
One day I'll play through it again to fully appreciate how many hooks were wasted on that bullshit third arc.
There was actually a part where Eric directly talks to him, referring to him as Old man. We presume he's talking to Gab as the camera cuts to Gab, which is deliberately misleading.
Keep the Blick Winkel plot point and make it so that the identity of Zero is the player itself and it would've been a much better twist imo
The character designs really bugged me to, like when I saw the designs first revealed I didn't recognize most of them. Also wasn't Left supposed to be in this game?
Attempting to play it now, but I find myself cringing at most of the cinematics.
Probably gon finish it just to see what happens to Junpei and Akane the fucking cunt.
I wish they looked like this. Left has being dead the 19~something, this happened when delta was a young man.
Tenmyouji was right
It was ok until ancient aliums machine
Reminder that Akane belongs in a gas chamber.
Okay characters, alright story that's a little too padded, fantastically executed endings and plot twists, only a VN though
Good characters, good story, good puzzles
Less good characters, puzzles were mostly good but some felt just shoehorned into rooms, story was a fat load of fucking nothing since its all just a prologue for ZTD with points cribbed straight from Ever17 with basically nothing changed
Fun but meandering and shows Uchikoshi really needs to come up with some new plot hooks and themes
Don't want to touch it with a ten foot pole since by all accounts everything about its story is a fucking mess and renders at least VLR fucking pointless.
There's at least one other part near the beginning of the game, team Q is talking about their situation, and Eric thinks it might just be another test as part of the Mars mission, "like the old man in the wheelchair." I thought he was talking about some ethics thought experiment I wasn't familiar with. It's still a terrible plot twist compared to the other games. At least in VLR there are a lot more references to old Sigma, and characters are a little wary of him. In ZTD everyone is suspicious of each other being the murderer or mastermind, except for the one fucking character that is easily the most suspicious.
I just like to think that this video is the actual ending.
Now guess which route Uchikoshi actually wrote himself.
It's a goddamn shame the way ZTD turned out, but I don't think it's horrible, I'm mostly just butthurt about VLR's (now non-canon apparently) "bonus" scene not being real. I expected BW RESETS EVERYTHING ULTIMATE HAPPY END and got nothing of the sort.
All in all, it could have turned out worse, especially since it got a limited development cycle and a shoestring budget, and almost got the Mega Man Legends 3 treatment.
Wait. Uchikoshi wrote the time-traveling alien bullshit?
Shit story, badly shoehorned down your throat.(Wanna talk about sublimation and this uncommon thing that no one would bring up in a normal conversation that will conveniently become a plot point later on while we're freezing to death?).
The characters were mostly absolute shit, and completely cliche in a bad way. 2 and 4 were awful all the way through. Mostly 4 because of how shit her personality was and 'lol I'm gonna axe everyone now'. 7 is generally useless, 8 is a leet hacker who only becomes useful in that one room.
The puzzles were nice. The whole premise was moronic and the final puzzle is an easy sudoku. I mean shit if that's the 'final boss' at least make it fucking difficult. Or long enough your time may actually run out. Since hex numbers were covered (in the habitual way, when nobody cared about hex numbers), they could have made a 16x16 sudoku. Alice actually being a thing at the end was ridiculous too.
Stopped reading there.
Well I didn't read anything about who wrote what myself, but let's look at the facts.
For a game that shat all over the plot of VLR, it sure did love its main three characters.
Oh yeah, you should probably play way better games, like Flower, Sun and Rain
Can anyone explain why people still like Akane.
I thought ZTD was okay
Even the ayy shit served as a plot device to bring in both the best puzzle room in the game and serve as a vehicle for some more interesting philosophical dilemmas though it pissed me the fuck off how nobody could ever understand the difference between copying and teleporting, and presented it as some sort of 50/50 chance that your consciousness would just magically jump to the new body for no reason
The twists relating to delta were mostly bullshit and the timeline that led into VLR had a super weak ending but everything else was fine
Oh and I didn't even recognize emo junpei or akane until their names were said, there was no reason to change their character designs that much
You know what really got me when I finished VLR?
The fucking dirty mirror in the sick bay or whatever it was.
Doing the puzzles in that area would give you not only a piece of cloth but also water and detergent but it wouldn't let you clean it.
I thought it was silly at the time, but if they did that deliberately, as I hope they did, it got a chuckle out of me since it's the only mirror you come across that's within your reach if I am not mistaken.
I'm probably interpreting more into it than there is, but it was a nice touch, just like letting only Sigma see Zero's hologram message.
Who are you trying to fool? The last puzzle is literally sudoku
But it was very emotionally striking sudoku
The whole time travel [SHIFT] is a morpho field power power. It is mentioned in VLR that the Ambidex Game was made so Phi and Zigma could learn to [SHIFT] whenever they wanted.
i just can't believe how shitty ZDT is, seriously at the OLDMAN reveal part i already didn't give a fuck mainly thanks to ALIEN CLONING AND TIME TRAVELING DEVICE FROM ANTARCTICA which killed the game and series to me, Bullshit theories and science i can accept but a FUCKING ALIENS TIME TRAVEL MACHINE? no fuck you that is laughable lazy and idiotic.
Play Killer7. It's an action/horror/puzzle political/psychological thriller about an assassin with 7 personalities.
Good luck trying to understand anything about the fucking plot.
a lot of other gook games have retarded stories with idiotic plot devices too, it shouldnt be hard to pick one
Are you braindead? It's not that difficult to follow if you are not retarded.
Foot long = 12in
< This scene
Welp, the ending really was 2complex4me.
At least we can all agree all women in the series are utter trash, except for Luna.
I understand if you hold the betray moment against her, but her banter and chemistry with Sigma is top notch.
Eh, the betrayal, while a bit poorly implemented was understandable and made sense if you played it in the right order. Still, Luna is great and I had a hard time choosing betray for that one ending.
Also what happened to 1904 Phi? Didn't seem to find shit in the ZTD post-completion files.
The best characters are Sigma and Luna, prove me wrong.
So I looked into these and they seem to be just straight VNs. I'm not a full-blown weeb, how are they better than the standard jap VN?
Where the serious discussions at.