4 AM

Losing control?

Whats your favorite puzzle game?

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Hoo boy. There are alot of puzzle games i likke anf i cant choose just one. Im going to go with the generic tetris or maybe puzzle boy.


Work sucked. Might contact some guy on Craigstlist tomorrow about this PS2 game bundle he has.

Dr. Mario 64. Dumped so many hours into that with my family.


Whats in the bundle? Anything good?



Morning everyone.

God I'm tired again already. Did some math and if I earn 700 towards nippon each month I can quit in just 2.5 months.

How much do you have to sacrifice for that extra 200?

How goes user?

ay yo hol up
Theres a dr mario on the 64?

Several more hours of my life working. I just have longer hours now. We'll see with this next paycheck.

Also sorry for missing yesterday. Was sick and all. I guess Morgana's sleep aid works.

Morning all.
Payday is tomorrow. Can't wait to save the majority of my money like a responsible human being instead of blowing it all on dumb shit.
Also, i've been dying to play vidya all night but nothing's sounded good. Just end me.

Tough to say. Would probably be a tie between 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors or Virtue's Last Reward.

sounds like you got it all worked out.
Now you just have to actually save the money :^)

Leg still hurts. I might be able to get private heath care so i might be ok soonish. Dont overwork yourself to death. Your health is worth more than a trip to anime land.

Come to the board.

Can 999 be counted as a puzzle game? Arent they more VNs with puzzles instead?

You were gone yesterday?

I haven't bought an onahole in weeks!
How much money you got saved fam? You been working forever

I have to go to nippon so I can quit my job and be NEET again.

I just finished up a quest. It took me awhile to do. I'm considering getting back into drawing at some point so I can do more interesting things during quests.

Ico, Okami, ZoE 1 and 2, SMT Nocturne, DQ8, Rez, Rygar, some other games, some PSU demo discs, some strat guides, a CIB Yangus fig from DQ8, one of the Street Fighter 15th Anniversary controllers, a Namco fight stick, and a PS2 Slim with component cables and 2 controllers. He's asking about 100 for it, but after I sell all the shit from it that I already have, it's looking to be about 60.

Yeah. It has 4 player co-op.

Good taste.

What are you talking about?

Thats a decent collection, go for it user.
And thats just weird. It 3d or what?

Goin back to the neet life, huh. Tbh i find it kinda boring. I need somthing to do, and i dont have the capital to do it. Should i sell a couple of those dreamcast games so i can buy wood?


and Dragons Dildos


Sounds fucking awesome. Grab it while you can. I would do it just for the fight stick tbh.


Holy shit I love my state so much.

NEET life is amazing. Having nothing to do is so perfect.
Yeeee. What you gonna make with it?

it's about 50/50. A puzzle game with VN segments more like imo. Some of the puzzles are pretty interesting too.

I haven't bought one in months. I try not to let my dick spend my money.

about $400.
would be more, but I can't stop spending it on dumb shit by the time i get about $600 saved up. That's okay though. I'm gonna chuck $200 into savings when I put my paycheck in, first thing.

Thanks user. I have a hard time picking a favorite between 999 and VLR, because they're both so damned good in their own rights. I haven't played any of ZTD, and I'm scared to. I've heard it's pretty awful. Clover a best

You know, quests? You draw a character in a certain setting, and posters decide what happens next depending on if they get dubs or something else.

First im gonna practice carving eggs out of wood. Then when im good enough im gonna make a chess set. Maybe if i get good enough i can sell it for mad money. Those hand carved chess sets go for hundreds.

Nah, it's 2D. Was released in 2001, so probably not a lot of people played it.

I'll probably go for it. Been trying to save up for a con I'm going to next Friday where games are gonna be cheap, but I guess I should get this while I can.

One step closer to a normal sleep schedule.

Resident evil series.

So I see you took my math into consideration on your pay.

Fuck that, spend it. Spend it all on figs and doujins.


Kek, way to hit a guy when he's down.

Do you ever post more than once?


Oh, that thread. I remember those. I was the only one trying to play it right and not get the character raped.

favorite puzzle game is any picross game
picross is the shit

Nigga what
You been working at least a year at this point. I've already got like 3x that an I've not even worked 2 months.

Ahhhh ok, been a while since I've seen one of those. Should do a 4am one some time.

Nice. Might be a good way to pay for your medical shit.

Wasn't GC around in 2001?

Oh, i was also thinking of taking commissions for hand carved figurines of whatever. But that might take a while. Im gonna have to get a few more tools, one of the chisels has been used so much the wooden handle split.

wait, who was trying to get them raped?

Nah I just used a calculator to see how much I will be making. Though dunno how much taxes are going to get withheld.

Ay yo montana, better hook me up with a free Ritsu one.

Hows your day going user?

I haven't gotten around to playing VLR due to wanting to replay 999 before moving ahead on it. Unfortunately my pirated copy of 999 is fucked and I cannot achieve any ending without the game crashing.
>Clover the best
>The girl who murdered you with an axe

This was released in April 2001. GameCube was released in November 2001. Last N64 game was released in August 2002. If you know what it is without looking it up, you get a cookie. It was a port of a GameCube launch title.

Oh fuck, i completely forgot about picross. Picross is the shit. I completed like 500~ picross puzzles on this android app. I spent way too much time on it.

Wait, am i thinking of the wrong thread. Shit. My bad.

Maybe that can be my test figure :^)

i think i got the most milage out of either kirbys star stacker or the tetris worlds on gba. i liked cascade mode. but im not much of a puzzle guy

oh, and user showed me this. ive been playing it from time to time. hojamaka.com/game/mamosui_list.html
if you select a difficulty there will be english instructions.

Yes. But I don't tripfag so you didn't notice.

I don't know some sports shit or something probably so that shitskins could afford it like every other last game on consoles.

Ayyyy I'll take it

How goes user?

das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite das rite

Thats the part i like about image boards, you can be missing and noone knows.

You're close. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3.

fucking beautiful.

this is the exact oppposite of what I need to do. My student loans are only on forbearance until next year. I gotta get as much saved up as I can so I can at least pay off a sizable chunk of it when that forbearance is up, then I'll have to start paying it monthly. Good thing about that is, i'll be making even more money by the end of July, so if I put at least $200 of each of those paychecks from now on (ie 400 a month, since I get paid bi-weekly), including the $400 i already have, i'll have aboout $3600 saved up when February rolls around. That's pretty much an entire third of my student loans debt. And that's with only $200 put into savings each paycheck, god forbid I get crazy and put a full paycheck into savings every now and then.

I've been working about 2 and a half years now. I spent two of those years at my shitty old gig though where I made minimum wage for the first 4 or 5 months, then bumped to $8/hr for the rest of the while. I was/am terrible at not spending my money. Game releases, a nendoroid here, a figure there, eating out several times a month about $10 or $15 each time, etc etc.

but that's not the true end.
Besides you haven't played VLR yet. I have famalam.


Pro skater 3 was on n64? Damn.

i dont really have any legitimate complaints. i am well, thank you. i recently got a memory foam mattress egg carton thingie and ive been having the most restful sleeps ive had in years. i feel great.

How expensive are those?

So here I am

Yeah. PS2, PS1, GameCube, N64, GBC, GBA, Xbox, Windows, and Mac.

Man, they put that shit on everything.

Got pics?

That 7 in the 85-7 are probably shitskins from fucking memphis too.
Also damn fam. if I could work for 2.5 years I'd have so much money saved. Can barely manage a few months at a time before I break down though.

Used to have one of those myself years ago. They pretty tight.

wew lad.

I forgot that Clover's in VLR.
By the way; don't play ZTD. It's not worth it.

I don't want a killer. If I wanted to go that route I rather have a straight up yandere that won't kill me.

You're wrong. I always notice when you're gone.

Sounds boring. That 3600 can go towards a new motorcycle.

Im wondering if i should sell my dreamcast shit and get around a hundred. If i did i think i would have enough to start the carving. But daytona and zombie revenge is too good.

Then whats the point?

Am i the only one who likes normal women?

sorry i dont know. im just a neet ass mooch


Nigga they put Pro Skater 4 on the fucking Tapwave Zodiac. Raise your hand if you've ever heard of the Tapwave Zodiac. Put your fucking hand down liar.

Are you stressed for money? If not don't fucking sell anything you retard.

Because I actually want to live.


Going from NEET to working makes you feel so rich. I've got enough money to buy all the stupid shit I could ever want really.

In game baka

your will to not-spend money is a bit better than mine. I'm a weak man
But i'm determined. Besides, I'll never get to move out of my parents' place if I can't get my student loans paid off.

well, i'd rather not be working off that debt for the next 10 years of my life. It's gonna fucking suck, but this will take a huge chunk out of my debt. I won't put ALL $3600 in on the student loans; i'll keep $1000 of it as an emergency fund thanks Dave Ramsay

Besides, I can't even ride a bike, I couldn't ride a motorcycle if I wanted to. On top of that, riding a motorcycle compared to a care has too many disadvantages to me. Weather, being a big one.

yee, she's great in VLR. I won't say anything else though.

thanks for reconfirming for me.

I need to get a tapwave zodiac now.

I have 1 dollar i can spend.

I just want to play turok 2. The remastered one.


You're probably the crazy one in the relationship then. Every relationship needs a crazy one.

Try.TRY! You won't die! You're supposed to overpower them and prove your worth.

Well, you should at least get a fig or some vidya to celebrate. . . .

I just buy one thing a paycheck. Though now I'm going down to none things a paycheck
Wew fam just wew

Can't you just emulate it?

Can conservative be called a mental illness? in 2017: yes

Dreamcast emulation is kinda bad right now. I guess i can burn disks, but i dont want to hurt my dreamcasts lazer.

Seems like we're both idiots.
All I remember from what little I played of VLR is that she looked like a whore.
There are good parts of ZTD but the bad really outweighs to good. Especially if you're invested into this fucking story.

Well shit man.


I get free food though. Its kinda like living in a commie's perfect world, except im not a commie.

I feel a bit of irony in this where im in a commies position and commies are in capitalists positions.

They're rarely on eBay, and when they are, they average about 200 bucks.

Doubt it. Unless a sane man in an insane world is now the insane one.

He's probably scared he'd wipe out. Completely natural. Not everyone can be brave and reckless.

Oh right, you're like a ladyboy right?

Gimme (You)s

Why would burned discs hurt the lazer?

What the hell is it anyway. Its some kind of handheld, but how poweful is it? Competitor to the gba?

that was one big thing. I felt like the richest man in the world.

i probably will at least do that.

O-oh. I usually do "one amazon order a paycheck."
I never cared enough to learn how, even as a kid. I couldn't have given two shits about it, so I just never learned.

I was an absolute fool. I took the university meme hook, line, and sinker. Didn't help my parents were pressuring me, on top of knowing a lot of my classmates were going as well.

that's Alice you're thinking about user

that's the only reason to even play the damned games. How the HELL did they fuck it up after all this?

I heard that burned disks the cheap disks are harder to read and hurt the lazer. My lazer is already having problems so im just going to stick to offical disks.



Why not buy a new disc reader?

What kinda fig or game are you gonna get?

Not like bikes go fast enough to hurt you really

So far since I got this job I've made 3 booze runs, 2 onahole orders, plus uhhh lots of tobacco. Regret wasting the 150$ on booze. Not buying it anymore.

That seems silly. If that were true I doubt it'd work at all.
And how hard is it to just replace a lazer?

it's going fine, I found a new picross game to play and did some stuff in runescape

I might as well just buy a new dreamcast, the disk drives are probably as much as a console.

Have to replace the drive. Im just going to preserve what i can. Maybe i'll play it until it breaks then sell what works.

Motorcycles don't go fast?

I'm in a similar position. Right now I'm sitting on my ass waiting for a response on this job I applied for while I'm sapping away shekels from the government. Hate it but it's either that or living without anything. At least I have a good bit of spare cash left in case everything goes to shit.

Don't make me beat your shit with a baseball bat.
Here's a low quality (You).

I was forced into it because it was either get kicked out of the house or find some way to keep myself going. So I am now in debt. If I could have chosen at the time I would have not bothered.

Oh, I thought you meant for your pc. That's bad if its for the dreamcast. You could always open it up and try to repair it. It's what I used to do for my ps2 when it started breaking down.

Picross? That weird sports game with sticks?

Ahhhhh. How much dreamcasts worth anyway?

Hes talking about bicycles montana

pls gud boi dindu nuffin

Im determined to not go to college. I just want to learn a trade or somthing. I might just go self taught and make some wooden figures. would it be a viable strat to advertise here when im able to make them?

Around 50-60 bucks for a new one + controller. They might have plain dreamcasts on ebay for cheaper but idk.

no idea yet this idea hadn't really occurred to me until just minutes ago, i must admit.

isn't the tobacco more expensive than the booze? Sounds like you've done better than me still though, i've spent money on plenty of dumb shit, though I did also build my PC last December, and that was a good $900 when it was all said and done.

that was more or less how it was for me, just not as….well, direct. It's more like "all right, you're either gonna be a student or a worker, but not a bum." Dropped out of college after my first year, turned into a NEET bum, got a job a year and a half later.

Don't make me overpower you and put you in a dress!

We were talking about motorcycles not bikes.
No one is scared of riding a bicycle.

Can always check what the newest jrpg releases are or upcoming nippon releases. There might be a new senran kagura coming out soon.

Thats not so bad. You should get a shitty job and work for a week or two. You'll get a few hundred bucks.

Yeah but I need nicotine to function. Plus I'm saving a lot of money switching to snus.
I'm really holding out on temptation of buying a new graphics card. Having my desktop being crippled fucking sucks but 200$ is two whole days in nippon.

He can't ride a bike either though!

You got that shit uncropped nigga?

Im gonna need luck to even get a job when i dont have a high school diploma. I need to get my ged, but to do that i need to have my meds. So overall im fucked.

nah, it's kinda like sudoku. you have two rows of numbers and a bunch of square tiles. you have to shade certain squares to make a picture. say you have a 10x10 board. if number on the left column is a seven then you fill out seven of the squares, but you have to be mindful of the other columns. If one of the top columns is a 1 but one of the left columns is a 10, then you can't fill the 7 row past the 1. hanjie-star.com/picross/rules/hanjie-puzzle-picross-game-rules-1.html link to better explain it. If you're interested in it, Mario's Picross and any of the Picross e games on DS are good starters since they tell you when you have something wrong

I'm sure he can ride a bike at least. Not everyone has a motorcycle license, but almost everyone can ride a bicycle.

What kinda meds?

Just work at mcdonalds. Do a shitty job. Doesn't matter if they want to fire you, you'll quit after a paycheck anyway.

Thats way too complex for me. Eyes glazed over just reading your summary tbh

He can't!

I probably won't even pick Persona 5 back up for another 4 months, last thing I need to do is start another JRPG. I love them, but they're the bane of my backlog.

there is. It comes out this summer. Peach Beach Splash. Basically Tiddy-Ninja Splatoon.

fair enough. I need my caffeine to function, though coffee is considerably cheaper tbh
But I know coffee can't replace nicotine in any sort of capacity.


glad to see you have your end goal in mind over the now. I need an "end goal" beyond just paying off student loans.

Sadly, no.

There was this one android app that had color picross. That shit jad puzzles that took me days. I think they got up to 40x40. Shit was rediculous. In the end i finished every fuccking one of the insane amount of puzzles plus dlc.

Infusion to help me not shit blood.

I have self respect

It's a numbers game for huge nerds
funny thing is that I've never played sudoku though

what was it called? did it control good or was it like trying to play minesweeper with a small touchscreen?

No. Look at your (You)s. They're degrading.

Might be for practice I suppose.

Well at least you did eventually get yourself a job. I'm still stuck here with jack shit. I really need to move out but I do not want to leave my family. It's pretty bad that I'm forcing myself to stay here for them even when they tell me I should go.

Now dats fucking gay.


I can tell you dropped it right at the wrong moment to drop it imo.

Once I hit that big 2.5k I'm free so the sooner the better at all costs. Might try to sell my drums soon.
Snus is a kind of oral tobacco. You don't spit out nasty shit, no cancer risk, tastes good. Actually haven't had a cigarette in 5 whole days already. Only took 2 weeks of snus to get me off the junk and I've been smoking like 8 years.

Montana its just quick bux

Used to play sudoku when I took shits, was comfy

Is there any room for cuts to the onahole budget or is that considered non-discretionary spending?

Cant remember the name, but it controlled really well. And it was free, the only paid stuff was like 5 dlc packs for a dollar each and a no ads thing which was 3 dollars. And it had a bunch of free dlc.

I think my sanity is worth more than minimum wage, and i cant even work until i can leave the house for a day and be fine.

Yes he can!

I heard Persona 5 is really long.
At least you have so many games to play still you feel overwhelmed. Most normalfags have nothing to play because they stick to AAA games.
Will there ever be a winter themed senran kagura? I'm tired of summer.

That sounds painful. The blood poop and the big needle.

No it's not. I wasn't gonna do anything or anything. Just put you in it and post a picture on the internet.

JRPGs tend to do that.

(You)s are all I got

I'm spending literally no money until I go besides on nicotine and gas.

That last bit is true but really the fun part about working a job like that is you can give 0 shits. Do a terrible job, call your boss a cocksucker, whatever. If you get fired you still get a couple days pay and thats 100+ easy.


Hey picross user. I found it. Its called GraphiLogic.

Yeah good point. Even if they're corridor rpgs a lot, they usually take a long time to get all through. It's good though, you get more invested into the game.

You're the fake news!
You have to go back!

for the love of god do not work at a mcdonald's or any other fast food chain if you can help it. Food service in general is just asking for punishment i'm a glutton for punishment though, and I enjoy food.

I'm still not buying Fallout 4 btw

just go dig through gelbooru nigga
"tifa_lockheart 1girl solo" for the tags and just dig from there.

Well, when you do go to japan, you better take plenty of pictures for us! plz

Oh I see, sounds like it really is a big money saver then, good on ya Soritsu.

somehow I don't believe this
But it's still gotta be better than smoking, regardless.

It is. Apparently the average clear time for one run through of the game is about 85-100 hours, from what I hear. Though I've heard of some other people putting in as many as 120 or more. I'm about 55-ish hours in myself, last I played, iirc. I just started the fifth palace.

but they're usually content with the AAA shit that always gets churned out yearly as well.

same honestly. Hopefully the next game after this not the Switch one will have some sort of non-seasonal theme or will be winter-themed.

Hi I just upgraded from integrated graphics whilst building my pc. What should i play?

I find JRPGs to be my fav genre since they give me the illusion of having friends.

Trust me, the needle is worth the relief of the crimson shits.

I also have respect for other people and try to do a good job regardless of what happens. Maybe im too honorable for my own good. I dont even swear outloud.

Im at 140 hours on ng+ trying to fuse all the demons. Right now im working on all the max slink demons and satanael.

First: That is really gay.
Second: I'll never have a picture of myself up on the internet as long as I can.

Dos games from the 80's and 90's.

I don't really understand how twitter works tbh

I'm probably going to sit down for dinner at around 4am time so I can post here maybe. I'll be in the IRC the whole trip at least.
And yeah seriously, no research has shown any real risk of it. Because they pasteurize the tobacco instead of fermenting or smoke curing it or some shit.

Whats swearing got to fucking do with it?

I hope my snus shilling played some small part in that.

In Sweden, snus is very popular among men, whereas basically all female tobacco consumers smokes cigarettes. The difference in cancer rates is yuge. Swedish snus (like the General white portion ritsu had a pic of) basically doubles your risk of pancreatic cancer and that's about it. Far better than smoking, esp. because Swedish snus can't have weird-ass additives like formaldehyde and acetone as per Swedish law, while cigarettes are basically 1800s-tier quality control.

I already played a ton of that

i get super guilty if i do anything wrong. I always do the best i can, even if its a shit job working at mcdonalds would destroy my spirits

Play some more. There is nothing worth playing that needs a graphics card.

Nah been wanting it for a while but didn't know I could get general locally.
I really want to order some shit online. Want to try some siberia shit.

Feels good to not feel guilty about anything tbh

My guilt keeps me in check.

Why the hell does cigs have formaldehyde?

picross faggot
spoonfeed me some number games that aren't picross, sudoku or minesweeper

You some kind of pedo or something?

No, im a moralfag.

what palace are you on right now, in your NG+?

I meant more just post the photos after you get back instead of during the trip. In fact, I'd encourage you to not come to 4am during your Japan trip that way you'll have even more to tell us and show us when you get back from the trip.

Huh, neat.

fuckin wew lad

I dont think there are many besides those 3. Maybe that picross variant thats a combo between minesweeper and picross.

T-thats a lot of hours, even for a jrpg.
I dunno, apparently they're selling a lot worse than usual. Maybe even normalfags are getting tired? I couldn't say for sure tho, since I never checked.
I hope so too. It's always summer. I guess its so they can show more titties, but fuck it, they can show titties anyway in winter, just make them get a bit red over time, showing theyre getting cold. Maybe a mission or two when some of the girls have colds.

They do have the small circle of friends stories a lot. Even in games like the suikoden games, you always have those 4 people who are your friends before it all gets really big. That's still kinda sad tho, I hope you make a lot of friends in the future!

It sounds horrible. Like you have the butt version of a girls period. I understand why you'd want the needle.

But how is it gay? Its not like i'm gonna bend you over a computer desk or anything.
You don't have a facebook?

Everything goes really fast, theres a trending list, and hashtags are like threads, except instead of being a thread it's like a link to all the other people using the hashtag in their posts. It's shallow and overly censored too.

The biggest cancer risk in tobacco is the retarded phosphate-based fertilizer they use. It has radioactive radon as part of its composition, hence lung cancer. In Europe they have laws against using it in oral tobacco, that's why snus is safer.

wait that exists? That sounds so dumb yet interesting

Yeah maybe. Depends on the timezones really. I'm not going out of my way to come here at all. Going to enjoy my trip to the max.

Sounds annoying. I've tried to read trending tags during happenings and never understand whats going on.

The final strech before the final boss. How do i make large amounts of money there?

Its my immune system making ulcers in my intestines. Not fun. Its so painful you have no idea.

Its definitly interesting. Its kinda like reverse minesweeper where you want to paint all the mines, and you dont get numbers everywhere, so you have to build around it. Its super fun and in that GraphiLogic android app. I dont think ive encountered it anywhere else.


I have everyone in my family trying to get me on it. Never fucking ever.

How young do you like them, faggot?

Helps it burn more evenly or something, I think.

But isn't pancreatic cancer one of the rarer types of cancer? Double a tiny risk is still a small risk.

Someone tell the potheads who smoke non-organic weed about this, I'm sure they'll throw a fit.

Good to know though, I knew snus was safer but it's nice to know why. Organic-fertilized cigarettes with independent non-FDA non-ATF safety certificates when?

I'll look into it, thanks user

But formaldehyde though? Isnt there anything else?

What can I say, sometimes the shitlibs have a point.

formaldehyde is a byproduct of combustion, not in big enough quantities to truly harm you. Not to mention some food products do end up producing formaldehyde, which you swallow, as they age.

Finally got that (You)

Moralfag pls go

Does american spirits use that shit you think?

Its kinda a shame. Smoking looks badass too. I would never willingly smoke one though.

I thought formaldehyde was that stuff they inject into dead bodies to suppliment blood so they look not so dead when veiwed.

Fuck (You)

no kidding. I only put 75 into a single run of Persona 4 Golden, just for comparison.

eh, they'll find something new and just as vapid to move on to if they ever do. Besides, there's still Splatoon and Overwatch and such now. Nintendo's really turning the hype gears, I can hear them churning.

probably so. Which makes a lot of sense, but still.

that's what I'd do tbh. If I went on a trip, I wouldn't even come to the cytube or the 4am thread.

no idea. I'm only on the fifth palace myself, in my first run of the game.

No, Fuck you leatherhead.

It gets easier when you get used to it. Twitter isnt very useful other than knowing whats happening when shit hits the fan. Shallow as a puddle.

Do you take other medication to deal with the pain?

Relax, relax, it's not like I was gonna stick it in there or anything.
You're putting too much thought into it and making it gay yourself.
They probably have pics of you on their facebooks already so you're already there, just don't have your own account. Inst it considered wierd not having an account nowadays? I know a lot of people who just make the account like a linkedin account and leave it professional.

They make a lot of promises about being additive-free and I haven't heard anything contradicting that, but since they're sort of voluntarily pledging to exceed the safety standards the ATF sets, there's no real regulatory agency to hold them to account.

I would be interested in some independent analysis of American Spirits sometime. It wouldn't guarantee they wouldn't change up their formula in the future, but it would be better than nothing.

Yes it is the same stuff. It's naturally occurring and really a simple molecule when you know the chemistry behind it.

Avoid persona discussions then. Everyone is talking about spoiler heavy shit. You're about halfway done.

Ive dealt with the pain, it only comes back when i dont have my meds or i eat high fructose corn syrup. **or apple juice. Fuck apple juice*j

Cigs are fucking weird. Im just going to avoid them and tobacco altogether.

Too late!

I'm mostly going to stick to IRC I think. Will be nice chatting with the lads when I'm riding subways and sitting around my hotel at night or standing in line to get into somewhere.

Thats true but I like to get the normalfags opinion on things. See what they think about stuff so you can get a better grasp on the publics reaction.

I still wouldn't trust it to be too much better for you anyway. Sticking to my snus. Tired of the shitty way smoking makes me feel.

Holy shit that's a high rez awoo.
Isn't splatoon dead? I know overwatch is apparently the new wow. I'm still wondering how long it will last before dying. It doesnt seem very interesting.
What hype gears?
Yeah. Need a change of pace. Too much summer already!

I'm guessing you read the ingredient on your foods a lot then? I wouldn't want to deal with it if apple juice makes me shit blood. Why havent you got the meds already?

Why not go to reddit if you want the normalfags opinion? It's practically their house and home.

Do you even know what the fuck you are saying? At least have some consistency faggot.

Don't you start this shit you fucking faggot. You're going to make it look like I am doing gay shit with you.
I don't even want to go to family gatherings because I know they will take pictures and upload them to kikebook. Kill me.
I'm taking back my (You).
Yeah no. Fuck that shit. I rather stay the fuck away from the internet while I am on a trip.

The goverment is fucking incompitent and doesnt take care of me in the slightest. Fuck obamacare. I can just avoid candy and soda and be generally fine. But apple juice is the big one. I ate one candy that had was made with apple juice concentrate and i had diharreah until the next morning.

Cigs are made with weird shit, but smoking looks cool.

I go read reddits retarded libtard boards every once in a while to see what retarded shit their shills are spewing. Know thy enemy and such.

Not like I'm going to be checking it constantly. Just pop in when I ain't got shit to do.

What are the shills shilling lately? More trump russia thing?

about what i figured, i'll be sure to steer clear of spoilers

doesn't sound too shabby

damn right it is.

Spla2oon soon user

it's not amazing. I like it enough to play a couple games a week, but that's about it. When there's events going on I'll play a little more frequently though.

E3 coming up, all their Switch games they're gonna show off at E3 and who-knows what else they'll announce. There's rumor of two metroid games in production.

yeah. I still haven't finished Estival Versus yet either.

Kek, do they at least have their narrative on Daddy's Comeys straight after that John Oliver shitshow?

Inb4 a sequel to federation force and other m 2 just to piss off the metroid fans.
"Im sorry we havent made a proper metroid game in x years, so have a sequel to the game that killed the series and a sequel to the shit on top of the grave"

Yee plus I can rub the trip in the face of my best bud who won't fucking go with me

Its so hard to follow at this point. Any time an (((anonymous source))) says something about Trump they just yell and scream about it plus constant bernstein dick sucking. Its disgusting.

Oh, and when you get to the last day you'll know when make sure to have about 6 hours to spare before going finishing it. Saving and continuining it ruins the flow.

probably so.

what a square

Tbh im hoping for sequels to those 2 just so they dont make a serious metroid game and fuck it up.

Great taste.
Are you going to be drinking this year for E3? I'll certainly will be. I'll more than likely be watching Broteam's stream since he's always a fun chuckle fuck to watch while drinking.

Night anons.

Hes a real fucking baka. Bet he could get his parents to pay for his trip and everything too.

Cya tomorrow user

Already you're overthinking it! Nothing gay is gonna happen. Stop thinking of gay shit happening between us. Besides, forcing a guy into a dress isn't even gay it's just real life shitposting.
Don't worry about that, normalfags will always upload pics to facebook and it'd look weirder if there were no pics on facebook of you. You should just make a facebook and put up like 3 pics of you in professional clothing and leave it like that with family added or some shit. Unless facebook dies out. I have no idea if it will tho, since I don't pay attention to it either.

Jesus. It's fructose alone that does this to you?
And do the shots make it go away temporarily and how long?

Probably whatever the corps want them to think. this elections insanity has really shown the divide between politically correct news and alternative news. Feels like two halves of america are living in different worlds with how the news is set up between lines right now.

Oh, a new one. Nice. I guess its gonna be all over Holla Forums like the first was.
what do you find interesting about it? I've always found it to be so dull. It seems boring compared to other multiplayer games already available.
I'm still wondering if kojima will pull something and the E3 event is gonna be famous or if it's gonna be the shit we laugh at every year. Hopefully bannerlord gets a release date finally.
you and me both. I finally got into the 4th day(?) I think and lost interest for now.

hasnt he gotten cancerous or something, now that he's got a patreon? I even heard he's playing minecraft now.


It getting pretty freaky honestly. Its a really obvious ploy of just spamming made up shit so that when he runs again if he does they have completely tainted these people minds. They won't remember that not a single one of these 6 million things never led fucking nowhere at all.
Why you posting so much azunyan user?

Yeah bro. Dressing up in girls clothing is just shitposting bro! It's not gay if I'm fapping to it bro! Bro, you're real cute bro! But don't worry, it's not gay because it's shitposting bro!
Well I've stuck without it so far. It would be even weirder for everyone that already knows me to sign up for one considering how much I've voiced my opinions about how much I dislike it without going into the whole data mining thing. I think most of my family thinks I'm scared of the big ebil internet trolls.
Patreon's legitimate I think and the minecraft videos I think are just a really bad attempt at harvesting jewtube shekels. I cannot take the fat fuck leaf seriously in any way.

jesus christ, for real? That would be okay if I was NEET still, but jesus christ…

thanks, i got plenty

Nah, i'll at least be able to watch E3 this year, unlike the last 2 years where I had to work during E3 though.

I didn't know Brote did a E3 stream, i'll have to tune into that, he's always good for a giggle


of course, and it already is.

The satisfaction of playing Zenyatta and single-handedly slaying a Reinhardt and his support by flanking them with Orb of Discord. If i'm not flanking with Zenyatta, then i'm sniping. He's a fucking murder machine man, it's so satisfying, because nobody really seems to get that he's basically a glass canon when he needs to be.
Also, I have some relatively shit taste. But I have fun, it's more fun if you got a few buds to play with though. I don't play competitive however, i'm not that into the game. I just play a few matches a week on average. I don't care enough about the game to go Competitive or anything.

eh, i dunno. We'll probably see more Death Stranding and that'll be about it from Kojimbo i imagine.

I think I just started the sixth day. I'm trying to tear through all the personal missions I can though, since leveling up outside of those is a pain. But at that point it just feels grindy.

They've offered before. But hes a baka ass fucking hikki who won't leave the house

I never said anything about fapping to pics of you in a minidress. that's pretty perverted fam-pai
>big ebil internet trolls
Do they think your a soft lad at heart or something? I don't think facebook is all that hardcore anyway.
Who knows, maybe thats the smarter decision actually. I heard most of gen z dont use facebook so it might be on its way out for the newer gens.
He should give up at this point. He's an official bad goy after gamergate.
Wait, hes a leaf!?

Bah. I hope it doesnt get 10 threads on the catalog like nier.
sounds like fun using counterclasses. Like a rogue beating on a warlock.
That explains it then. I havent talked to any of my online friends in forever.
Theres a competitive version of overwatch?
Maybe they're finally be gameplay :^) doubt it
felt grindy by day 1 but the tittied and missions were fun enough to ignore it. I wish you could just use the character you want whenever you want tho. I hate switching so much.

That's too bad. I figured huey would love to go to japan with you.


I'm nor hearing a no.

fukken wew lad

nah, they're pretty good about keeping it all to their Splatoon general thread
something like that. Zenyatta is pretty fucking squishy, but for a "Support" class he's pretty fucking offense-class material.
I only play with my online buds on OW every now and then, they usually play HOTS and I play with them sometimes
well yeah, they're really pushing the e-sports meme for OW. Basically ranked matches.
nah, it'll be an interactive movie probably
true enough, but I has having fun with it still
yeah, being able to do that in Shinovi Versus was one of it's stronger points.

My best friend has no name
Also thats the smuggest fucking konata jesus

Ay yo montana save up and go with me. Actually funny enough another 4am user might be headed that way and if our trips match up we might hang one day there.

I wouldn't have enough saved up by the time you go. Besides, like I said, I gotta knock out that student debt. I'm paying the price for buying into the University meme

I'll trust you, since i've never played overwatch.
Why? Are they that addicted? Why not get them to play Arma 3 or some other multiplayer games too?
Ever since they fell ass backwards into e-shit with wow and starcraft they want to make everything e-sport. I dont see overwatch succeeding tbh.
So like mgs4 then. Man, sucked mgs4 had such amazing gameplay but so little gameplay in it.
Hopefully the next installment lets you. It'd be nice to use miyabi whenever I want.

I will find out his name eventually!
Thats why I save her for special occasions only.

You ever going to do anything fun with your savings once your debt is payed?

If you haven't already, its already too late.
Jun is fucking cute as shit. I had to stop saving pics of her because I was feeling guilty tbh

He does one every year. Although I haven't been able to drink in any of the previous ones.
I really do not understand the appeal of Overwatch. Any other game does it better. Shit I think SMNC was a better game than Overwatch and that was a really shitty ASSFAGGOTS rip off.
Slipperly slope and all of that you faglord.
I believe they do. Doesn't help they believe everything in the news.
I really, really doubt that. I'm sure they're going to be the faggots who are going to be using it the most.
I think he just doesn't give a shit anymore. He knows he's a worthless sack of shit and likes to make fun of that fact.
Yep. He doxed himself on stream I think because he's a fat retard.

Forgot to reply to

You're going to replace me aren't you?

seriously. He has two main abilities: Orb of Harmony and Orb of Discord. The former will heal an ally over time, as long as they stay in your line of sight. The latter drastically increases the amount of damage the enemy takes, for as long as they stay in your line of sight. So you can either stay far away and sort of snipe, or play dangerously and flank the fuck out of the enemy team while your tank meets them head on. Thus, you're healing the tank still, while flanking them and wooping their asses. Flankyetta would be OP if he were any less squishy.
I don't think any of them play Arma 3. I don't really know what else they play though, i must admit. They don't ONLY play OW, they play HOTS too, but I don't know what else they play tbh.
well, it's already made a shit-load of money in just one year, so it's going pretty strong still, probably will for at least another two years I figure.
I guess. Never played it
Yeah, I'd like to use Yozakura for all my missions and get her maxed out.

eh, probably not. After I get that debt paid off, my next priority will be getting my own ride, or at least tuning up the one I've got so it'll ride another 100,000 miles hopefully, and i gotta be able to get ready to move out eventually too.

I missed my chance for doing fun shit Soritsu. I shouldn't have bought into the University meme. But even if I hadn't, I never had a lot of buddies to hang around with even back in highschool. so i never did a lot of fun things even when I was younger.

Nice, I'll have to try to catch it this year then.
what now?
I can't really explain more than I already have. I get some minor satisfaction out of playing it, but i don't play it often, so that's why I enjoy it as much as I do I guess.

don't be silly user, i'm just sharing what i've got in my folder tonight. No one can replace you.

It's never too late! Never!
I found her a bit boring tbh. All she does is read and nothing else.

Nah. It'll all be fine.
No way, i'm definitely a 100% straight.
Ah, so they're gullible. My parents are the same way. I've even tried to show them some shit from the internet, like alternative news on wikileaks and shit, but my dad just gets mad.
Nah, I doubt it. VR might change that if they fully get it going, or the chip in your brain shit that's been talked about. It'd be cool as fuck but i'd never use it.
Isn't he married and did pretty good money wise with patreon and his original ad money? I think it's an act he puts on tbh.
Day of the rake when?
Fucking normalfag.
You need to start posting foxgirls asap.

Thats pretty sad fam. Glad I never got into debt and went comfy NEET mode for 8 years instead.
You could at least use the car thing as a chance to get something fun. Get two birds stoned at once. Buy something a little sporty

Shes a spaz and a bit of a bitch which I like too much. Also food which is best fetish.

Probably get nerfed anyway in a bit then. Blizzard is terrible at balancing classes t.former warlock from way back in the day.
God, full blizzdrones. I mean, at least me and my buddies branched out to everything other than mmos. I hate that one game shit. It always leads to stagnation and boredom. You either branch out or break down.
Yeah, im curious who will last between it and tf2. It's interesting watching blizzard shift gears to hearthstone and now to overwatch. Wow has so little relevance now but I dont see overwatch having that staying power. Im curious where theyre gonna branch out next. Maybe into a new warcraft rts or starcraft clone.
Go play it. It's a movie, but its still fun
She is pretty good with her gloves. Fast and high power. I always change her hair though and her clothes

Isnt the food girl yuis sister and not her? She's yuis sisters friend.

Ui cooks. Jun eats. Big difference.

All right, I gotta get on to bed now.
Had a good time chatting with you guys tonight. Usually you all aren't this conversational it seems like or maybe it's me that's not usually conversational? Either way, i could get used to it.

nah, where I live? That's like asking to have the window smashed and the car rummaged through. I'm gonna get something that runs well but looks mediocre at best.

You could be onto something there though, doing something fun after getting a new car.

no kidding
mm one of them is for sure, but I'm pretty sure the others play other shit beyond those.
yeah, she really shines if you activate frantic mode with her too. I've noticed a lot of characters tend to LOSE some of their OOMPH in frantic mode, but Yoza just gets even more OOMPH.
eh no shame there. Sometimes i'll give her a hat or extra accessories or clothes, etc, i'm not some sort of "she must always look this way" purist or anything. Though I do like her regular hairstyle and color the best. Extra-pics-related im a big fan of that sailor uniform, in case you couldn't tell.

You're not into that inflation shit are you?
Personally I prefer ui to jun when it comes to Ui, Jun and Azusa. The other two are kinda boring, but Ui tries at least, and shes kinda maternal.

Still here? :^)

Night fam!








Yeah I know what you mean about the frantic mode, it's one of the reasons why I like miyabi. She kicks ass in frantic mode. Some lose their oomph when in their shinobi mode too tbh, it's weird.
I know that feel, I love the schoolgirl outfits that are short skirted. Theres something hawt about short skirts and kneehigh socks.
Also, nite!

Not really no. It must be a specific fetish, never saw the point. I do like laughing while eating pics tho, or the comfy gifs where you got someone relaxing in a max comfy place with a poured drink or steaming meal and just relaxing there.












if I was here things would be different