Well, it is here.
Straight into the trash.
Yeah, we knew about two weeks ago.
4/10 made me reply
Shit, forgot to spoiler.
Not exactly news m8.
Post again once the 25th comes around.
Platinum gameplay being good is one of the worst memes around.
Its an instant classic coming to you soon. Game of the year material? Try game of the decade. This is beyond what you could picture. Anyone who isn't into this is a shill honestly.
At least he said that about a good game and not you-know-what.
The game is actually good. Best action shooter of this generation.
As opposed to all of those contemplative turn based shooters?
It definitely ain't turn based, it's pretty cuhrazy, actually.
It's actually pretty fun and novel, it plays like street luging with guns, or rather, what mass effect tried and failed to do with its mobility (vanguard?) focused class.
Trust me and look at the gameplay.
I wonder what the next port will be.
W101, Madworld or Bayo2 are the only options left, as Anarchy Reigns is a sequel to Madworld.
I really want a pc port for madworld. I never got to play it.
bayo2 on pc won't happen, it's nintendo licensed now.
I was thinking more, Shenmue 1 and 2 HD or Skies of arcadia.
This argument becomes less and less convincing every day. We'll just have to see.
Nigga, Nintendo straight up owns Bayo 2 and was the one that financed the game.
It's not gonna happen.
There's always resonance of fate.
It would be like if BOTW got a pc port. Won't happen.
Is it Sega doing the ports or is it Platinum specific? I'd be down for Resonance of Fate, as it's one of the few Tri-Ace games I haven't tried and the dudes look p. hot.
Call me when Anarchy Reigns is a thing.
So how long until we learn it has denuvo?
It probably won't, as Bayonetta did not.
Then I might need to pick this up if it's not retardedly priced.
Go on any trump protest.
It's already priced at 20 bucks my dude.
I think it's 19$.
If you owned bayonetta you got like a 5$ discount.
Well then I'll go get my wallet.
your joke is worthy
The best way to learn about this game is a gameplay of God Hard mode.
but it did
Cover shooters do feel turn-based at times.
Why would give away the rights like that? Was going with Nintendo and agreeing to those kinds of terms the only way it was going to be made?
Why would Platinum*
Also WiiU was a piece of shit with no gaems, so it needed something with a name to sell the console.
Elaborate on how these were shit.
Maybe compare to the port of Bayonetta released by the same developers?
Subjective and contrarian baiting. Vanquish has all of the qualities of a good game, and Sega's push to monopolize an older generation of ports, shows a committed stance for newer and better games.
Who knew pachinko packing japs would care more about releasing a good product than their western counterparts who only want to dupe customers with cheap, unfulfilling games.
They didn't work on his toaster.
False. Both EDF and Dragon's Dogma work on my 650ti toaster.
W101 and Bayo2 have nothing to do with Sega, who are the ones responsible for these ports of PG's games.
W101 is even a Nintendo first party IP, it especially is not coming to PC before Mario does.
Sega does it again! Now give me Miku dammit.
How does the licensing for Vocaloid songs work? Are they done in-house or do they use community ones?
Why is it so damn slow? Why does everything look like it has absolutely no mass?
What gameplay?
Not gonna lie fam I want nothing more than to enjoy that game but I don't think platinum can into shooters.
I think most are licenced, but some are produced specifically for the games, not in-house though. Licences shouldn't be a problem for the port since the console versions have been released in the west.
Which is why Vanquish is so great. You spend more time sliding around like a maniac and punching the fuck out of robots.
Did you pick a video with the slowest weapon and most chickenshit way of playing on purpose ?
That anime had a really underwhelming ending. Would still buy a game.
it's alright, everything up to the last 2/3 episodes lined the series up for classic status, and their next project has a lot of potential
Then why not play an actual spectacle fighter game instead? Seems a bit one trick pony to me.
Will we ever reach a point in time when this isn't wholly disappointing due to frequent crashes, framerate locks, resolution limits, graphics ON/OFF setting, etc. or must we miraculously jump to some alternate reality in which Japs are capable of competently releasing games on PC that aren't interactive DVD menus with waifus?
How's 2007 treating you? Only vitard trash gets shitty ports these days.
The nier port was pretty bad though
Yeah, but they're improving.
The Bayonetta port was more or less flawless.
Let's hope they keep on improving.
Because the others don't give me ROCKET KNEES.
You did good, user.
In a week.
Is it actually any good? I hear faggots talking about it all the time and all but that might just be desperately clinging to an exclusive.
Gendo winning for once was good enough for me. Confirmed lesbians was a bonus.
Resonance of Fate. There was a picture floating around at the time the SEGA PC ports were initially announced years ago but they didn't have anything to show until recently. On the picture was Vanquish, Bayo, Valkyria Chronicles and Resonance of Fate.
It's a genuinely good game if you don't play it like a traditional cover based TPS. You CAN play it like that but you'll be punished.
(What a waste of perfectly good trips)
It was completely unplayable for half it's buyers up until yesterday's patch, what the hell are you smoking?
You're easy to spot you kikes.
I bit the bullet and played through RoF on pstriple because PC port seemed like it could never happen.
Not sure if I can go through the painful early-game again.
He's playing on "One hit kill no sliding God Hard" difficulty. It can basicall be beaten only by extreme luck or chickenshit gameplay.
I fell for the Dragon's Dogma meme after the constant fellating it gets from Holla Forums. I think it's a decent game, but not worth playing if you have high standards.
Never played EDF.
I think Vanquish is slightly over-hyped, but I think it almost earns it. It's a very good game. Go in expecting that, rather than the second coming of Christ, and you won't be disappointed.
In fact, now that I think of it, it actually took me two tries to get into Vanquish. The first time I played it, something didn't click. Maybe I was trying to play it like a regular TPS or something.
EDF I knew from the get go it was going to be good having played the PS2 one and I have no issues with it.
I just don't get Dragon's Dogma. I must have uninstalled and reinstalled it like three times already and I still haven't gotten past the 1 hour mark because the beginning of it is so boring.
Has the franchise finally did away with 15 frames per second being a norm and actually running at something acceptable? PS2 game was horrendous because they tried having dozens of moving and shooting shit on the screen at the same time, causing the ps2 to shit itself.
Yes, it runs fine on pc
That was the whole reason why the PC port was so hyped, it finally runs at a decent frame.
To be fair I heard 4.1 ran fine on a PS4.
If you like Platinum game with shooter mechanics focus, I liked it
noice, but is it 60+fps?
So is this the modern day "Dude morrowind sucks I can't even hit anything"?
I think the start where you play a different character and fight a chimera is a nice introduction but after that it starts as a pretty standard fantasy setting. Guess we need more cinematic explosions and other rollercoaster events to keep some peoples attention.
It is does vary a bit in intensity at the beginning.
I just didn't get the appeal. You had me going into this sweet ass dungeon raid and then you're stucking me as fag mcfag whose village gets burned and then you're sending me on fetch quests and shit. I liked the cyclops fight at the very least, so I guess that's reason enough to want to get deeper into it.
I still want to get into it.
Cassardis is fine all the way to the end of the game, what are you talking about?
Yeah you're right, I guess any character you create would end up as fag mcfag
Doesn't the dragon fuck the village up and take your heart, and then you're told to go do whatever until you meet the mage pawn?
one of the big marketing things for it was "unlimited framerate and resolution" so I reckon probly so
Nah, it takes your heart but the village is fine.
Or just play until the Cyclops and then go back to the starting town docks at night and attempt Bitterblack Isle, if you want exciting dungeon raid. That's endgame content, mind, but the game doesn't lock you out of it.
cassardis suffers some damage but that's literally before the actual game starts (you don't even pick a class at that point.) after that the town is unaffected for the rest of the game, even when bad shit happens toward the end. if you're not retarded you meet the mage pawn in like literally 2 minutes, and then the cyclops fight is 15 minutes later at the most. I could see it being an hour if you fuck around on the shore or whatever but there's little reason to do that (or much of anything really) before you create your main pawn which happens immediately after the cyclops fight.
I'm playing it for the first time and thought that was the next required plotpoint. Glad I didn't go there yet.
I like it.
I guess it's worth another shot. It took me like 6 reinstalls to finally get into Felghana and then I ended up marathoning the series.
The game "starts" when you reach Gran soren
Origin is probably the best one to start with of all of them.
Go back to town and find out your waifu has disappeared, and then for the love of GOD go to the forest. Make a left after the fort, up the ravine, then another left in the giant field to reach the mysterious forest. That's a missable the quest the game is really bad about telling you even exists and it disappears as soon as you get to the main city.
God, Felghana is so good. I have marathoned that entire game in one sitting before. PSP version is actually better than PC, though - you can actually skip the fucking dialog. If you recommend it to anyone, I suggest having them get an ISO of the PSP version and then emulating it, rather than buying it initially.
I didn't start with Origin, but it is the only other Ys game I've actually managed to finish. Definitely the most similar to Origin in core gameplay.
Lacrimosa of Dana is also really fucking good and can be easily completed with no jap knowledge.
I'd agree with you. Origin ended up being my favorite of all.
No vita and there's no way I'm getting imports from Japan in Kebabland. I'm looking forward to it though.
Fuck it, I guess I'm reinstalling Dragon's Dogma.
And make sure to prepare your anus for the bandits
Those random faggots are somehow one of the biggest difficulty spikes in the game outside of all the endgame stuff
It's pre 3.60, so if you ever got a cheap vita and added the CFW, you could pirate it. Granted the PS4/PC version has a bunch of cool looking shit like more musou battles.
Dragon's Dogma's main appeal is in combat, atmosphere, an to a lesser degree equipment. Plot is nothing more but an excuse to fight and explore the world.
Combat in the beginning is nothing special, since initial skills for each vocations are pretty limited. It really picks up once you get your vocation to 4 or 5, and game gets better when you make it to the capitol or witch wood. That's also where you first start getting some nice equipment.
I strongly suggest against starting up as mage, since the class is pretty boring. If you want a magic user, start off as Strider and switch to sorcerer once you reach capitol (you should be level 10 by then). Some sorcerer and mage skills overlap, so if you decide to come back to Mage later, combat will be more involved than just starting up with it.
I'm a faggot who loves musou battles. I'm serious I think if a decent developer took on the musou genre they'd make a really good game. Omega force is okay but you can really tell they sometimes have no idea what they're doing. Like how Xtreme Mode from DW5 did not make it into any other Warriors game. I guess I'm waiting anyways.
have you played the sengoku basara series? and what did you think of them
I had the shitty US version called devil kings back on the PS2 and always wanted to get into the original series but never have gotten around to it
I haven't, but I've seen the /cgg/ videos a few years ago. I'd love to try them but again I'm a poorfag.
Ahaha, no
You sure you're talking about the right game user?
Also you have to give it credit for a needlessly robust chucking mechanic. I take my main husbando everywhere with me by carrying him over the shoulder.
Same here. Pic related: it's me and my waifu
If you have 3 paws and some crowd control in your party, you should be fine. Comestion and Miasma are should be good enough. Just don't travel there at night on your first try.
One more thing: you only get to make one pawn (one you get in the encampment), and they can't be hybrid vocations. Rook won't level beyond 6, so gifting him valuable items is not the best idea.
It's good, but not really that good.
Visuals are the same throughout the whole game, meaning that it's not really that enjoyable to replay and there aren't any fun gamemodes to immerse yourself completely in it's unique mechanics to the whole potential. I believe the only gamemode is a TA wave survival - bland as fuck.
potential wasted out of platinumgame.
I just remembered this speedrun exists.
Yeah I have zero hope for this port
I think you can also kinda walk around them just fine, but I'm not 100% certain.
Please go and stay out.
Never ever.
above 60fps is amazing, fuck you. if japs can't manage that, then they're still dumbasses who can't make games properly.
Port is shit and you're a retard
Fuck off, that shit was considered bad practice in the fucking late 80s. The only genre where it is in any way even remotely acceptable is fighting games, and even that's pushing it.
But that makes for a shitty video
There is no technical difference between a game at 60 fps and 150.
The port is fine but could be better, its above average.
Both of you need to kill yourselves though.
Maybe you should take your own advice, faggot.
2/10 got me to reply.
Prove me wrong, i dare you, show me difference between 60 fps and 100+.
I'll be waiting.
twice the bitrate
Do you even know what the fuck you are walking about right now?
What the fuck does bitrate, related to sound, have to do with fps?
top kek
At first I thought you were baiting but now I see you're just legit retarded. Thanks for the laugh.
Damn nigger, is it so hard to read a Wikipedia article about it before you start blabbering your ignorant know-it-all ass?
this game just makes me want to play MDK3
at least not made by Bioware
I'm sold.
First bayonetta and now this? Hell yes
It doesn`t look that good, it`s full of "stop, aim and shoot" moments that break the flow, weird for a game that market itself as having SPEED gameplay
What else are you going to do when you're magnetically stuck to chest-high bit of cover waiting for the enemy to reload… play with your dick?
Yeah, they're contemplative shooters. Usually you're contemplating why the fuck you're even playing it in the first place.
Yakuza WHEN?
Dream on.
I will.
That user gave no indication that he was a Reddit mustard, what the fuck are you on about.
Probably sooner than expected, Sega said that its bringing their existing IPs to PC along with old IP revival.
fuck me this looks bad
cc90e3 pls go
A cuckchan reject school kid on summer break? Prease go.
Among the best TPSs where would this game rank?
I fucking love TPS games but I haven't played many good ones.
it's unique and it's good, just not very long
So like Max Payne, basically?
It's better than Max Payne.
Woah, hol up
fite me